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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22082620 No.22082620 [Reply] [Original]

So, serious thought here. I recently got a friend of mine into Touhou. He had known about it for years, but never got involved because of how unapproachable it was. Now he loves it. I can kind of see where he's coming from, with most people's go-to idea to either google stuff or watch videos. And then you see the guide videos on youtube which don't give you any useful information(and are downright cringe) or just unhelpful. Point is, it's hard to get into.

Yeah, this is fine because it maintains quality in the community, but I think there should be a proper entryway for people willing to put an effort in? I dunno. I'm kind of drunk and I wanted your guys' input. I wrote up a script a bit ago for a comprehensive 2~ hour guide on Touhou. Plan is to later do videos analyzing different characters, lore, and religious inspirations. Mainly doing this for fun, and because I've read through most of the canon twice, some of it once (recent stuff). Also, I can talk a hell of a lot better than the garbage that's up now.

I dunno guys, is this stupid? I used to consider this board one of the better ones for discussion so I semi-trust your input. If this seems cringe, sorry. I'm just genuinely interested and wanted some opinions from people versed in the topic/would care about someone potentially putting something into the community you might not want being out there. Hope you see where I'm coming from anyways.

>> No.22083479
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>plan to do later videos analyzing different characters, lore and religious inspirations
That's my specialty. I guarantee you won't be as thorough as me or an average Japanese superfan. Anyway, do it if you have the motivation and time for it. If you know you're not gonna finish what I'm presuming is a video for each character/game/manga/book then don't even attempt it. Unfinished series' suck.

>> No.22083505
File: 35 KB, 800x500, DCC12DB3-12C6-4988-9635-F7E43EFE4D6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people not know how to read a wiki anymore? Fucking hell

>> No.22083533

>Point is, it's hard to get into
Wow, you play games and read stuff. So hard and unapproachable mate.

>> No.22083541

Do whatever the fuck you want: it's your time. Just don't be under the impression that you're doing anything necessary, requested, or even beneficial. Touhou is already incredibly easy to encounter and consume. Idiots spam memes about it all over social media, everything is translated into English within hours of being released, the games are neatly packaged and seeded to hell and back.

>> No.22083599

No people are stupid now

>> No.22083691

I see no harm in doing that, some people will probably appreciate it, especially if it gets them to try the games and like them, much like your buddy.

Just keep in mind shmups are a niche genre and if you have no prior experience with them (like 99% of people who heard about touhou at some point) you're going to suck dick. No guide or video will make dying over and over to Marisa/Aya/Yoshika, or any other boss that's heavy on micrododging you just lack the "skill" for, any less soul crushing.

>> No.22083749
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I wrote this, if you think it's any help
I feel like the most important thing isn't lore or even "where should I start?" (though I did answer that), what's important is genuinely explaining what the appeal is, because looking at fanworks you couldn't be blamed for assuming that Touhou is an absolutely generic, cutesy, lesbian-filled anime crapfest that was born from stupidly hard video games.

Touhou is goofy and awesome. It's VERY strange and that strangeness absolutely does NOT come through in the majority of fanworks. The main character of this series is a lazy shrine maiden who beats the shit out of monsters with fireworks just because they happened to be in her way, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I think so long as the true appeal comes across, the people who could like it will try it out.

>> No.22083917

>I guarantee you won't be as thorough as me or an average Japanese superfan.
Unless you're fluent in Japanese and are able to read a lot of the interview stuff with ZUN and have read the Kojiki/are very familiar with intricate concepts of buddhism and taoism, I respectfully doubt it.

It is not. There is an intimidating amount of source material and a large cast of characters. People tend to not know where to start. It's not an issue of people being dumb either. It's a time investment issue, where they think it'll be a large amount of time involved. You can read a wiki, sure. But is that how you tell someone to learn the series? 'You'll be ready after you read every article in here, and eventually you'll piece things together.' Why do that when some nicely organized videos do the job better?

Actually, I wanted to address a lot of things like you're saying. I can wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. It's a series with no real progressive 'plot.' Just everyday life in this neat setting. The characters act like regular people. I want to capture that and at least push it out to the people who see the memes, laugh a bit, and move on to maybe take a step further and get to know the world. It's always been annoying to me how many comments I see about 'fans' who just seem so utterly misinformed about the canon.

I wouldn't be doing this for any other reason than my own self-indulgence. I don't need anything personal out of this.

>> No.22083941

>People tend to not know where to start
If you google "Touhou where to start" the answer is EoSD. If you ask people where to start they will tell you EoSD or PCB. If you go on wiki and spend at least 5 minutes there you will deducate that the first windows games are the best starting point. No Touhou is not hard to approach, it's like you said time consuming but that's not hard.

>> No.22083953

>No Touhou is not hard to approach, it's like you said time consuming but that's not hard.
Not him, but that it's time consuming makes it difficult to approach. It can also sincerely be argued that "the latest one" is a good place to start at times.

>> No.22083962

I'm going to be addressing more than that. 'Start with EoSD' isn't enough. You will most likely not like this answer, but I believe that making the information provided to people 'more thorough' is a better approach. You may see it as spoonfeeding. I would give them more of a start than the games. The games are not for everyone. I would actually recommend alternative starts with PMiSS, SoPM, with followups into the manga or Bougetsushou. It would give people a more thorough primer than 'get the first game, go fucking nuts.' When I do projects like this, I prefer to be very thorough anyway.

>> No.22083966

>There is an intimidating amount of source material and a large cast of characters.
Touhou is wider than it is deep. The cast of characters for any newbie for all intents and purposes is just a name and two or three traits or they can otherwise learn in 2 minutes.

>> No.22083975
File: 197 KB, 636x900, 9af096f9-99e8-4c0e-9f76-3d4c54f13abd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see whats so hard about reading the wiki? i'm sure most people started by reading it and playing a game or two. just read the actual page for touhou project and it gives a good summary of what the series is all about.
yes theres a lot, but you can say that about any big franchise or media project. people get into shit like jojo or one piece just fine.
and even if op does the video it'll probably be outdated after some more games and lore is introduced + it takes more time to sit through a 2 hour video than to read at your pace and play any one of the games which are short.

>> No.22083989

>The games are not for everyone.
Well too bad. Touhou is a video game series. Good luck with champ.

>> No.22083999

>but you can say that about any big franchise or media project
no you cannot

I mean sure One Piece is huge at this point, but REALLY what it is, and what you need, is one manga series. The same is true of Jojo. They have supplementary materials but there isn't really a need for them and you don't see people referencing them. This is the opposite of Touhou, really. Every "thing" in it is relatively short all in all, but it's a LOT of things, and every single thing is in its own way important. There are:
Mainline games
Spinoff games
Several manga
A spinoff manga (Inaba)
Two novels, one of which is published right now only in magazines
For that matter there is a Touhou magazine
Two big databooks, two spell card databooks, and two newspaper type books, all in-universe and important
An entire series of stories that comes with music CDs.
A handful of short stories, like the Luna one or DiPP.

And this isn't to mention
A bunch of omake included in every game, which contain ZUN's thoughts on things such as the games themselves, or the music tracks. These also have character profiles in them, many of which are very important.
An entire series of dubious canon material on a console that can pretty much only be emulated.
Various interviews ZUN has had as well as emails that give more info.

The wiki compiles a lot, but not everything, and its translations are sometimes iffy if not outright incorrect.

Anyway the point is it's a fucking metric shit tonne. According to other Touhou fans I know I'm one of the most well-versed in Touhou lore and I haven't even touched the Secret Sealing Club stuff yet. I have admittedly consumed literally everything else, but it wasn't really a straightforward process at all.

>> No.22084010

I look forward to this!

>> No.22084016

You could benefit from the video series then, if that's all you know. Hope you'll tune in!


OP here.This post isn't me, but I agree with it. I think a lot of people are really underestimating the idea of how much effort needs to be put in to even see if you like it.

'Here, read all these books, play these games, learn these characters, etc. and then you'll probably have an idea of if you'll like the series.'

Also, even ZUN says it's difficult to get into. He's aware of that. He's fine with it. I would just like to see a way to make it easier so that people who might really like it even give it the second look.

>> No.22084023

you are literally retarded. it doesn't take effort to fucking read. if the people who like longer series can tough it out, i'm sure people can just read through all those things.
the mangas are short. the databooks are short. games are short. it looks like a lot but like another anon said its wider than it is deep. it doesnt take more than at least two days to do some wiki surfing and then try a game or two.
if someone can't be assed to do that then touhou isn't for them.

>> No.22084027

>you are literally retarded
Calm down and actually read what I said.
Or don't and just be weirdly aggravated about shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.22084032

Will you cover some of the older fandom stuff too?

>> No.22084033

i read through it, sowwy my meanie words made you think i didn't read through shit
if it doesn't matter then why even talk about this at all

>> No.22084042

>You could benefit from the video series then, if that's all you know.
I'm saying that from the mind of something trying to dip their toes into the water but doesn't want to read the manga immediately. The type of person you're describing in your OP who needs to watch a video instead of reading. I've been deep into 2hu for 13 years so don't give me that, if you want to make your video series then go right ahead but don't fall into the trappings of making dumb in-jokes. The first anon was right; if you're going to do it then do it right or not at all.

>> No.22084044

Well not necessarily just older, just fan created aspects that have a large presence in the community

>> No.22084047

>read the manga immediately.
Read the mangas or play the games, specifically. A good chunk of characters in the mangas was my implication, enough that you can't just skim it like you could with the games back in the old days.

>> No.22084057

Two days of effort to decide if they'll even like something? Not many people have the time to do something like that. Consider everything they could become a fan of. Some things may only take 30 minutes, or an hour to get into. Cool. Two days? That's a time investment risk not a lot of people are willing to take.

I'd like to. I'd like to go over some of the really old fandom stuff, potentially do some videos focusing on older circles and their contributions. Like spotlight videos. I have a lot of favorite music circles and doujin circles that I'd like to talk in-depth about. But starting out, I'd like to focus on canon, which is where I think a lot of people don't have much knowledge on.

>I've been deep into 2hu for 13 years so don't give me that
Might want to take the floaties off then. But I'll take the warning to heart. I don't intend to halfass it. Part of this was spurred on by a lot of the cringe videos and panels I've seen done on the topic that barely go into anything then completely go into fandom.

>> No.22084059


There's a shift key over there, by the way. Perhaps you forgot about it? Anyway what I'm saying is that the task of a bevy of separated works is more daunting than one long work. You can see this in all sorts of people: we as a race prefer centralization. This is why sites like mangadex exist, it's why spotify is popular (despite it being completely unnecessary), it's why netflix was a success, it's why people are less intimidated by One Piece's nearly 1000 chapters than they are by Touhou's 20+ video games and large amount of supplementary material. Because you can just read One Piece, you can't "just" go through Touhou. In the first place, it's not even obvious where to start outside of the games, all of that is stuff you have to look into, which is why there are even charts that exist nowadays simplifying exactly that by telling you when what manga chapters happened in the grand scheme of things. Did you even think about that? Because the manga ran concurrently with games and other manga, sometimes time actually plays an important role in what exactly is going on.

So yes, retard, you can "just" go through it. What the fuck do you think I did? But it's not exactly an intriguing prospect just looking at it from the outset, and just saying "Touhou is not for X" because they, as ZUN has, recognize that the series has a steep barrier to entry, is quite stupid. The whole reason we have stuff like Touhou on steam now is that ZUN is trying to lower that barrier.

>> No.22084060

This thread is brilliant satire.

>> No.22084062

That would be nice, thanks!

>> No.22084065

Wait was OP joking? I hope not.....

>> No.22084066

Good old contradiction here. I you can't just go through it, and you can.

I guess ultimately I would say that you can't. I didn't, I first had to actually see where to go after playing every game. The games are easy enough to understand since they're numbered. Nothing else is.

>> No.22084073

I'm not. I'm not sure what the satire is, but I'm glad he's enjoying the thread at least.

>> No.22084078

Outstanding OP. Never break character.

>> No.22084087

If this actually is satire I'd be devastated

>> No.22084094

you can "just" go through touhou though? i don't really understand whats so bad about looking shit up. even if op did make the video it would just be doing the same shit as skimreading a wiki but with the issue of it becoming outdated. they're still not playing the games or reading the mangas. so whats the point? op would be wasting their time and so would the curious newcomer.
it really does feel like a joke of a thread.

>> No.22084095

Revel in your time.

>> No.22084097

Getting into franchise and not knowing anything is a big part of the charm though. You're learning things on your own, forming your opinions, getting your impressions on characters etc etc. When I was getting into Touhou I was happy with every part I played or read and I simply can't imagine that somebody would tell me this stuff in a video. This reminds people that are playing games like let's say Dark Souls with constantly open walkthrough. Sure you can do that but you're missing big part of the game. But looks like that I'm too old fashioned for this mindset.

>> No.22084098
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Well, sorry to say, but don't expect a video too soon. I work full time, run a tabletop game, and have a few other things on my plate. But I think this thread convinced me this is something that needs doing. They people not liking this are making the arguments I expected them to. I can understand where they're coming from. 'Gatekeeping' is a double edged sword. It maintains quality. Too much can stifle out a lot of new people though. I'm by no means trying to stop gatekeeping. I just want there to be a gate in the first place instead of a wall.

>> No.22084100

I mean of course I can wait, I'd need to if I expect quality
So you said it's something that needs doing?

>> No.22084102

You can but not many people are going to want to, that's the point.

And the answer to "why" is that "Touhou seems like it's dumb anime bullshit" or "The games are supposedly incredibly hard". It isn't dumb anime bullshit, but the games are indeed very hard. That alone is basically a huge "well fuck this thing, I guess" wall, and even if you decide to open up your mind and give it a chance what you'll find is a lot of work that seems like it's all over the place. The plain and simple fact is that most people won't bother.

"Why bother with people who don't want to bother?" Mainly because more fans of Touhou can't actually be a bad thing, especially now with how much easier it is to get access to canon material. Trust me, it was a lot worse 10 years ago when Touhou, to most, was in fact JUST the memes. It's actually better now, and why not want to help the franchise see more success when you enjoy it? Again, the fandom isn't going to get worse. It was at worse in, like, 2007 or something. It's been bad, it has bad elements, and those won't go away. Better to try to make the fandom better through education then

>> No.22084104

You absolutely shouldn't recommend that people start with the supplementary stuff, they should play the games. They don't have to beat them, as they are difficult and not for everyone, but they should be played. They're the series' core. If they can't beat them, they can just watch playthroughs.

>> No.22084119

I actually have that listed in my notes. I don't think enough people know that the entire scripts are on the wiki (something that's been pointed out a lot in this thread). Personally, I think PMiSS is also a fine starting point though if followed by a couple of the early games, and then into SoPM. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is make another wave of secondaries.

>> No.22084120

it's not about gatekeeping, there's already enough people into touhou to the point where you can't gatekeep it. its just wasting your time making a video that isn't really needed.
nobody is arguing about the quality of the fandom or newcomers here. if people are interested in what touhou has to offer they'll go through the effort of learning about it and if they don't oh well. it's not life or death if it's too hard to get into a series or not and zun makes bank regardless of the barrier of entry. hell there's even more younger fans in japan now. so clearly it isn't an issue for the primary consumers of touhou, actual japanese people.

>> No.22084147

>its just wasting your time making a video that isn't really needed.
Feel free to let me waste my time then. But I still disagree regarding the gatekeeping bit.

>> No.22084153

It's not about having a wave of secondaries, it's about the series' tone. PMiSS and SoPM simply don't give you the right tone because they aren't trying to do that. They're supplements that give you character info about characters you met in the game, while also giving a lot of insight about Akyuu.

The games are weird and entertaining and perfectly get the impression of Touhou across. Without playing them you're just admiring characters without even knowing what they're about. For real, nothing solidified my love for Reimu more than just playing a bit of PCB and seeing just how fucking MEAN she was to her enemies. The back and forth banter, the silly premise, it all works much better than reading Reimu's profile or something.

>if people are interested in what touhou has to offer they'll go through the effort of learning about it and if they don't oh well.
If they have no real incentive then they will not, why is that difficult for you to grasp? As if every person who's into Touhou was like YES, THIS, immediately and went all in. They usually had a friend recommend it, or they read something they liked, or they saw a music video, or they just heard good music. The point is there was probably always something, and the other point is that after the initial point of interest most unfortunately Touhou is, objectively, difficult to get into.

>> No.22084159

Also about this
>primary consumers of touhou, actual japanese people.
in 2019 this doesn't even have to be true. Touhou is on steam and some manga are officially translated. Technically anyone can buy any thing from it, too, with digital releases being a thing

>> No.22084163

recommend the fairies manga before anything else

>> No.22084168

it's a good place to start, but you should probably skip Eastern and Little at first because it's WEIRD

>> No.22084175

>It's not about having a wave of secondaries, it's about the series' tone.
So, I've read what you're saying, and I can understand your points. I certainly do not want to steer people away from the games at all. EoSD will likely be my primary 'first stop.' But I think I'd offer alternatives to people that might just want to sit back and read something first. Of course, after offering that the games can also technically be read.

I'll reccomend the clownpiece swimsuit doujin by Hirasaka.

>> No.22084178

Well yes, yet no.

If you want to go in depth, when encountering a fighting game in the series. Like Immaterial and Missing Power. There's a certain order of fighters you should go in.
There's also several manga spin-offs that have varying levels of impact in the series. You can skip Aya's Archive and Alternative Facts and her games. You can skip Touhou Bougetsushou.
What shouldn't skip at minimal are the Touhou chronicle, and symposium.
Fairy Wars is another skippable game and the fairy spin-offs. Wild and Horned Hermit I'd recommend as Ibaraki appears in the main series. Boss medley games in general are skippable.

>> No.22084180

Also start with Super Marisa Land.

>> No.22084187

wasn't bringing up gatekeeping but if you're determined to do it despite backlash i don't know why you even made the thread asking for peoples input.
the fuck is wrong with being reccomended a series now? why do you care so much if theres "PROPER AND EASIER" ways to get into touhou? you just seem upset that touhou was annoying for you to consume. welcome to the concept of series where you have to actually look things up and read and play things to enjoy the series. every multimedia franchise is like this.
if you don't know where to start even the touhou wiki front page lists the games in order and i'm sure wikipedia has the same. sorry that this concept is so hard for you to grasp.

also if you fools don't start with megamari then there's no hope for you

>> No.22084193

>if you're determined to do it despite backlash i don't know why you even made the thread asking for peoples input.
Because I haven't gotten legitimate backlash. I've gotten some nice support and some good feedback on things. It was a very helpful thread and convinced me I should certainly pursue this.

>> No.22084195

>the fuck is wrong with being reccomended a series now? why do you care so much if theres "PROPER AND EASIER" ways to get into touhou? you just seem upset that touhou was annoying for you to consume. welcome to the concept of series where you have to actually look things up and read and play things to enjoy the series. every multimedia franchise is like this.
>if you don't know where to start even the touhou wiki front page lists the games in order and i'm sure wikipedia has the same. sorry that this concept is so hard for you to grasp.
I never implied anything like that at all. I personally had a friend recommend it and went into it. I ate it all up and loved it. What do you think happened, idiot? If it was a pain in the ass, why would I have bothered? I don't care about proper and easier, I never said either of those words, but I don't think helping can hurt. Go figure. You seem upset that your brain is malfunctioning.
>also if you fools don't start with megamari then there's no hope for you
That's a vote in your favor, recommending some fan game

>> No.22084210

Since when /jp/ is your fucking blog you fucking normalfag?

>> No.22084212

great job, you went 100% hypocritical, changed your arguement AND you can't take jokes. i'm sure you did well in debate club.
what counts as legit backlash? people already brought up the wiki.

>> No.22084220

>you went 100% hypocritical, changed your arguement
I haven't, but I really wouldn't expect you to have any capability of comprehension so that's fine.

>> No.22084222

Tough guy

>> No.22084224

>people already brought up the wiki.
Yeah, what about it? I explained why that wasn't a valid argument.

>> No.22084226

How could this even be hard? Are 2D shooters that hard for some people?

>> No.22084232

ok retard
if you're going to pick and choose which criticism to take then don't ask for help and go make your shit video

>> No.22084236

You really seem out of touch.

>> No.22084239

>if you're going to pick and choose which criticism to take
So if someone asks for help fixing his car and then some rando suggests trying to deepthroat their own cock, that should be heeded? You have a strange sense of how advice should be taken. Also, relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I'll make my videos and I won't force you to watch them. Feel better?

>> No.22084243

don't see what that has to do with anything
no i'm having nightmares about watching kusovids help me...its so scawy

>> No.22084273
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An excellent thread. Would read again.

>> No.22084625

THIS. Just play/read through the games and written works in chronological order and form your own opinions. A video like the OP is talking about, aimed at new people, essentially just tells them how to feel and what to think when instead they can just enjoy the material for themselves. For example, you don't need anyone to tell you that the original windows trilogy is wacky and weird, you get that perfectly fine when you see things like Ran breaking the 4th wall and a freaking astronaut as one of Eirin's backgrounds. And when you get to things like that they have far more impact.

>> No.22084665

>I would give them more of a start than the games. The games are not for everyone.
The games are the core of the series. The characters, spellcards, and especially music do not have the same impact and meaning without experiencing them in their original iteration. If you don't play the games then you aren't even getting remotely the same experience. For example, compare the impact of something like the EoSD or PCB credit themes after struggling so long to get a 1CC, versus simply listening to them in a youtube video or a fan arrange.

>> No.22086273

>A video like the OP is talking about, aimed at new people, essentially just tells them how to feel and what to think when instead they can just enjoy the material for themselves
You mean like any recommendation or review aimed at exposing something to others?

It's one thing to say "obviously you'd get that from playing" it's another to sincerely assume people would bother when they have little incentive. And, well, they don't typically. They either don't get into Touhou at all or they just remain with fanworks and become jerkoffs who say the only good thing about Touihou is the fanwork.

>> No.22086368

It's amazing how many people here actually believe OP wants to make a video series of character studies and how to get into 2hu. Anyone who wants to "get into" something won't spend roughly 2 hours watching a video from some /jp/sie.

>> No.22087726

Thank you for informing us for the fifth time. Here's your (you).

>> No.22087727

make a video about Yuyuko's feet ok OP ?

>> No.22087789

Wow it's almost like people are right about something...makes you think...

>> No.22088161
File: 589 KB, 1400x1084, Kanako_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube videos that spoonfeed you stuff are stupid. Just get into the thing and look at the wiki's like a normal person would you dumb fuck

>> No.22088249

Don’t listen to this idiot, start with Eratohok

>> No.22088280

what's with the autistic samefagging ITT
imagine caring about what some rando does with their time

>> No.22088304

>is this stupid?

>> No.22089006

yeah endthread

>> No.22090758

>also if you fools don't start with megamari then there's no hope for you
I started with Touhoumon and i never regret everything.

>> No.22090916

Okay, so there are two ways of getting into Touhou.

One involves playing danmaku shmups, downloading some strange Japanese game and becoming weirdly fascinated. We called those people primaries and the last of them died in 2008, so I mention this purely for historical purposes.

The other one is encountering some weird cute characters and having an urge of seeing more of them. The key to becoming hooked is satisfying said urge with something fun and pleasurable. What that will be depends on a person, it can be a game, manga (official or doujinshi or pixiv 4koma), arrange albums, funny music videos, MMD movies, basically anything EXCEPT a fucking wiki or explanatory video.

Also, it cracks me up when people are trying to "explain" folklore, mythological and religious foundations of Touhou about which they only learned from Touhou. It's all there in the stories, you are neither being knowledgeable nor adding anything of value by restating them and adding crappy wikipedia quotes, you're just being self-indulgent. (The wiki is particularly awful at this.)

>> No.22094152

>We called those people primaries and the last of them died in 2008
I started in 2006 with TH1. Sorry about dying.

>Also, it cracks me up when people are trying to "explain" folklore, mythological and religious foundations of Touhou about which they only learned from Touhou.
I studied eastern religion for a while. The bits I wasn't familiar with involve some of the later stuff that delved into Chinese mythology and more fringe references that even practitioners would only encounter in passing or find in a single line referential text. I'm no Ph.D in cultural studies, but neither is ZUN or many other people that understand a lot of the cultural reference. (Ph.Ds are stupid anyway.)

> you are neither being knowledgeable nor adding anything of value by restating them and adding crappy wikipedia quotes, you're just being self-indulgent
Well, gee, if that's how you'd make a video, good thing you have no intention of it! But I mentioned very specifically that yes, I'm being self-indulgent. Or are you reading into this too much think I'm trying to get some outer benefit from this? If so, the answer is no.
But I think the fact that the people telling me no are giving really poor example of what they expect these videos to be like, I think they'll be surprised by the quality. Like it'll be beyond what they are capable of imagining.

>> No.22095489 [DELETED] 

cute dog

>> No.22095523

>I recently got a friend of mine into Touhou.
You corrupted another soul.
Shame on you.

>> No.22095739

>neither is ZUN
He's a member of an extant culture, though. He doesn't need to study it, he's lived it his entire life.

But, you know, if you're actually competent, props to you, and by all means go ahead. I'm just saying you'll be the first competent person to tackle Touhou this side of the Pacific pond, and the people who attempted it before you would invariably do better shutting up and letting ZUN's words speak for themselves. So you'll have to forgive me for not having much faith.

>> No.22096498

>So you'll have to forgive me for not having much faith.
I understand anon. No, really. I do. The sheer level of incompetence I see in similar formats are part of what drove me for this. The fact you have not completely written me off based on the premise alone is nice enough to hear.

>> No.22100077

More 2hubros the better

>> No.22101171

>He doesn't need to study it
He said he didn't know anything about Taoism before researching it for TD.

>> No.22101233

Ah yes, taoism. The very essential part of japanese culture and mythology that was totally not imported by some certain wicked lady.

>> No.22102015

If that is how you interpreted, that is not the case. I knew a bit beyond basics of both that and a fair amount of buddhism. Of course, in the event that the series ever introduced anything from Abrahamic religions, I would know it immediately.

>> No.22105405

The proper entryway is to play PCB.

>> No.22105446

Yeah I'm not sure what anon is on about. While sure there are a lot of things you absorb through cultural osmosis in Japan, it's not as if they've got you studying lore and religion in schools, right?

>> No.22105488


>> No.22105622


>> No.22110509

Too many characters, people don't care

>> No.22116647

>a friend of mine
riajuu should die in a fire
