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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, [Doremi].Hatsune.Miku.Live.Party.2012.03.08.Mikupa.[5pb].[1920x1080].[Blu-ray].[B008BDAB].mkv_snapshot_01.31.56_[2017.09.12_19.27.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21984775 No.21984775 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.21985441
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>> No.21985605

Happy birthday Miku

>> No.21986016
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Submitted for your consideration: over 100 flower songs.

>> No.21986036
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I fucked it a little too. I've tried new recipe with new techniques I never did and made some mistakes. Also my calendar started showing Sunday as the first day of week which confused me into thinking her birthday is on Sunday. I'm only now finishing this cake and I hope it will be ok.

>> No.21986093

what are those pills?

>> No.21986227

>I fucked it a little too.
/jp/ is for Touhou and Vocaloids, not American Pie.

>> No.21986237

1 day late but still not too late to do a run back. I especially like the last 3 mins.

>> No.21986420


>> No.21986425
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>> No.21986445


>> No.21986506

... well evidently, THEY were wrong weren’t THEY?

>> No.21986569

I remember that, people were making emergency reuploads and marking them as something something "Save Miku Campaign". It was pretty obvious who it was if you ask me. Probably nico nico douga fearing youtube and issuing claims on behalf of the uploaders. Only a corporation can pull off something of this scale with auto-reports and the weight needed to force the deletion.

>> No.21986705
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>> No.21986727
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>> No.21986936

What is wrong with her mouth?

>> No.21987001


>> No.21987153

I love that the oreimo guy is into vocaloid

>> No.21987174
File: 465 KB, 1300x735, 69984486_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ervy single one of these better be good Anon. Or else

>> No.21987547
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I guess this artist decided their thing is gonna be miku tummy and tits, which is good for me.

>> No.21987933
File: 1.72 MB, 2792x3576, zerogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came in right before the hurricane
Happy b-day

>> No.21988067
File: 79 KB, 750x823, image0-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday show is up on nyaa.
>https://nyaa .si/view/1172348

>> No.21988096

what the fuck is that

>> No.21988120

there's a miku inside all of us so lose some weight nerd

>> No.21988134

No I mean the album

>> No.21988143
File: 51 KB, 500x500, artworks-000231642953-6jbf9w-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero go by pinocchioP

>> No.21988231

This ain't YouTube comments. You can just post your link.

>> No.21988297
File: 243 KB, 1536x864, 3540954_2514ec90fef66154d5b7413d5dd8ed85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The band introduction was surprisingly nice.
I liked last years too but this one is on a different level.

>> No.21988514
File: 933 KB, 1080x1440, 20190831_155637_695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you celebrate yesterday?

>> No.21988582

By fapping to miku as much as possible.

>> No.21988634

I didn't

>> No.21988690
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I did my best, for her.

>> No.21988723
File: 544 KB, 961x1400, e0528fc87bb3c76278a7b6bc28df76c8051c8132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a shitty cake for her and played some future tone, that's about it

>> No.21988768
File: 1.71 MB, 4608x3456, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a cake and looked for new images.

>> No.21989046
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I never thought of Deep Sea City Underground as a concert song, but the choreography was awesome. It's great to see a Rin Rock classic at MM. There were a lot of great picks overall.
That new Miku model for the first few songs, though, is fucking horrible. The regular models are mostly perfect so I hope they just focus on them in the future. Also it must suck to be a Kaitofag right now, dude got shafted, but I'd argue he was the real star of Ohedo Julia Night.

>> No.21989472
File: 572 KB, 1920x1080, Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave her some snacks, played a quick round of patty cake.
Then I turned the game off and jacked off to her.

>> No.21989622

You're such a good dad

>> No.21989684

Watched a part of the Hitorie wowaka memorial show and cried

>> No.21989691
File: 1.12 MB, 1371x1013, LUVORATORY-vocaloids-37607986-1371-1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvoratory Rin is the hottest vesion of Rin. I think its because she doesn't look loli there.

>> No.21989778

Just SEGA quality

>> No.21989792

Fuck man I couldn't watch this thing. I had to skip around just to see whaat it was like but watching the whole thing would kill me.

>> No.21989862

>Just SEGA quality
Except this Mikupa 2012 didn't use the Project Diva 3d model from Sega.

>> No.21989874

If someone worked on an AI powered Hatsune Miku windows desktop "pet".

Would you guys be willing to spend your money on it?

>> No.21989956

I like loli rin but luvarory rin is insanely hot I agree. Sluts are always amazing. Slutty lolis are hard to come by though.

>> No.21990109

I'm a adult man and I just couldn't stop crying at the last few minutes. They did a Rolling Girl cover and yeah... seeing the other three members all emotional really got me.

>> No.21990159

Thans for sharing! Skipped through it and now I can't wait for Miku Expo Europe, definately going and it'll be my first one.

>> No.21990466

im so tired

>> No.21991097
File: 288 KB, 1280x720, V_Flower-Vocaloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cute Flower. She only needs to grow her hair a bit more and she will be perfect.

>> No.21991147

What's up anon?

>> No.21991770
File: 877 KB, 3000x2000, noob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around Mikus...

>> No.21991773
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...Nevers relax.

>> No.21991870

What's going on here

>> No.21991962

I listened to https://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/Classic_Miku_Song/

>> No.21992398

It's sad the community never got the proof to concretely prove who did it.

>> No.21992716

I just realized that the post I replied to said sometime starting 2 years ago. That could be just youtube. I do remember stuff like the original ievan polkka getting recently deleted. The one I was talking about happened more like 7 to 8 years ago and it was a real apocalypse. Videos getting deleted on a grand scale and if you search for (Save Miku), 【Save Miku】you can still find many of the emergency reuploads.


I think 2012 was when Vocaloid was at its prime and if you ask me it could have been 2 suspects:
1. Japanese fans not wanting it to spread to the west seeing as it was exploding at that time.
2. Nico fearing losing its monopoly on Vocaloid at a time when it was most lucrative.

I personally think it's suspect 2. At the time there wasn't the same "cultural war" type disparity between western weebs and otaku. Things were more chill and the whole thing looked like something only a large group of people or more likely a corporation could pull off.

>> No.21992852

It was neither of them, silly billies. This was common place back then. Whenever youtube adjusted its copyright detecting algorythm large swaths of shit always got wiped out of overnight. 2012 was right around the time when they started to crack down harder on Japanese stuff than other things, it took a lot of videos down and it's remained the same since (hence why my Hitorie videos are available anywhere except Japan)

>> No.21993102

i want to have sexual relations with Miku

>> No.21993125
File: 568 KB, 2264x2375, 76499301_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will these two ever get the attention they deserve?

>> No.21993156


>> No.21993327

Yukari > Akari
Don't >> me

>> No.21993352
File: 240 KB, 729x1000, 69923527_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slutty lolis and slutty shotas are great and that's why the Kagamines are the best

>> No.21993453

Vocaloid today too much like sand pit.
*chraack* "sip"
Ah Hachi... now that was a good producer.

>> No.21993969

Gimme good KAITO songs.

>> No.21994000


>> No.21994193

please consider miku butt

>> No.21994244
File: 306 KB, 707x1000, 70464464_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always do

>> No.21994273
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>> No.21994314

What do you guys think about this?


>> No.21994322


Isn't that -not- Kizuna Ai? Aren't they trying to replace her with a couple of other VA's and this is the abortion result?

Kinda makes you glad to be a Vocaloid fan. Less of the human drama involved and seeping into Vocaloids.

>> No.21994346

shitty human vocals. really nice pv though

>> No.21994705

those times when IA was good

>> No.21994740
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>> No.21994806

I don't know I haven't been following her lately.
I don't like it either. Sure it's a bad cover but my problem with it is a little different. Now you're going to have to excuse my autism because this is going to be a long post.

I think it's lazy and insincere. Kizuna Ai is a professionally produced corporate product and major attention whore. Some time ago she did some cover of some pewdiepie meme song and that got her featured on one of his videos. The reason why they had her do it is because it's a tried and true trick for views. If you make any video related to pewdiepie or just have pewdiepie mentioned in the video title that automatically means more views. After the feature she did some follow up thank you video basically begging for more attention and trying to milk it for all it's worth. If that wasn't disgusting enough along with begging for a collaboration she asks out of the blue about his opinion on some random Japanese girl band. My guess is that the producers behind her are also producing this girl band and thought to use the opportunity to put in a segment of one of their songs/videos, just the namedrop in a pewdiepie video is huge exposure on its own. Then in his response he completely cut out the PV segment and the part where she name drops the band. I think it was smart of him. Him being aware of some sleazy, yakuza infested Jap producer circle trying to use him for free advertisement.

So this time around those same sleazy bastards though "Okay so Hatsune Miku's birthday is coming. How do we use this to promote our own product?" Then they thought "Oh let's make a cover of that two fucking year old song that got 44 million views! Then we can put both Hachi and Sand Planet along with Miku in the tags and get that sweet max view potential!" "Oh and let's release it exactly on the birthday when these tags will be trending so that we get the most out of the youtube algorithm! It will get pushed on all her fans and that one autist who will post it on /jp/!" "Genius!"

No fuck them. If they wanted to do something they could have done an original song where both Miku and Kizuna sing. But they went cheap and safe. Sure it's a bad cover and sure the PV is nice except Miku is NOWHERE IN IT. Not only is Miku not in the song but she is not even in the PV. How does this abomination released on her birthday honor Miku in any shape or form? It's just Kizuna self promoting and leeching off the spotlight. What a fucking parasite.

>砂の惑星 feat.初音ミク
Featured the fuck where?

>> No.21994837
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Is this model the future of Mirai concerts?
Not sure how I feel about it.

>> No.21994922

im more of a loli miku man myself

>> No.21994985
File: 28 KB, 241x283, hmmmm mik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this miku from? I recognise her but at the same time not.

>> No.21995050


>> No.21995073

Isn't that the same artist who made a series of perverted PVs for some perverted songs but I can't seem to remember any exact names except Happy Fruit but I'm not sure if that was the same guy.

>> No.21995090


>> No.21995092
File: 1.28 MB, 1324x1200, 1f29a7cbc73c75cc461162461e7f0ff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you're new to Japanese culture? Even Miku's been whored out for corporate shilling several times (Honda, Pizza Hut, whatever gambling site Mitchie M advertised, several websites at Miku Expos (I remember one at the 2013 LA concert)).


There isn't much point in getting worked up over shilling and selfish self-promo, it's the nature of the (corporate) beast. Even the indies do it (and is how some of them got big). Just focus on the stuff you like and be glad that anything good came from it; better to enjoy it now before everything completely implodes.

TBF this isn't unique to the Japanese, it's just easier to recognize in a different culture.

>> No.21995116

Fuck YouTube for killing annotations. Thanks to it many rare translations are now lost.

>> No.21995177

Not that guy but it’s different when miku does it versus a YouTuber who’s company is so greedy that they replaced the VA, thus losing the soul of the actual character.

It would be the equivalent of CFM using some random 3DPD to voice a miku update bc Saki Fujita was too expensive/needed time off.

>> No.21995199

I think it's the guy who made the PV for glad you're a lolicon

>> No.21995309

I know what you're talking about but that was not my point. I'm pissed at how they are trying to maximize the self promotion of their product but also are minimizing any actual reference to the product they are trying to leech out of. I am well aware of their corporate culture but the examples you gave were also mutually beneficial in that they gave both products equal exposure. In this case Kizuna is trying to ride the event and promote to Miku's fans but apart from the name reference the people behind this stunt aren't concerned if the viewer knows who Miku is. To anyone who knows who Miku is this video is supposed to show how great Kizuna is how she can be just as good of a performer/singer as Miku since that is what they are trying to push recently but if the viewer is a Kizuna Ai fan and doesn't know anything about the original song or Miku they might just watch the video and get left with the impression that "Oh it's a good video, the song was also nice. Don't know who this Miku is but who cares anyway." And that is pretty disgusting since at least on first glance it's parading as something to honor Miku's day. it looks like they removed anything that could potentially give attention to Miku and are focusing solely on Kizuna.

All I'm trying to say is a group corporate sleazeballs are promoting their product by associating it with another product but at the same time don't want to help or promote the original product because it's a competitor. It's not about it being shameless promotion as much as it being too blatant in how cheap and fake it is. They could have put in proper effort.

Aside from all of that despite all the corporate shilling Miku has done she never had to stoop to such lows. Namely crypton never felt the need to exploit pewdiepie for exposure, but that's also because at the end of the day Kizuna and Miku are leagues apart. Kizuna should know her place.

>> No.21995443

I was looking for something unrelated and found this follow up video on the guy who married Miku. Maybe it's old news but man this guy is living the life.


He looks like a strapping young lad. There is something seriously wrong with society if he couldn't find a wife.

>> No.21995507

I remember this guy. I thought he was someone paid to be in an ad.

>> No.21995695
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>> No.21995735

Miku is also "featured" in the Hachi version, she's in the vocal loop at the start but idk where she is on this.
The original Kizuna AI only does the music stuff now, so that's still her.

>> No.21995741
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>> No.21995798
File: 198 KB, 923x750, 8549662_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make a good point

>> No.21996009

i like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XciWhe-sI-0

>> No.21996145

The video is impressive but I like this more.


>> No.21996205
File: 629 KB, 1080x1080, 4499176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctrl Ult Delete's covers were always really good, it's sad that they quit making vocaloid stuff

>> No.21996297
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>> No.21996330

It looks a lot better than it did when they tried it for the first time last year. Even from B4 sometimes I couldn't even tell when it changed.

>> No.21996666

i'd like to say thank you not only to god but to jesus

>> No.21996887

So if the Cryptons aren't getting a V5 release and Crypton is planning on doing something else with Piapro, does that mean they're moving to the new service? Does that also mean they'll finally make CV04?

>> No.21997012
File: 64 KB, 250x250, 26535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got NOMAN by 煮ル果実?

>> No.21997023

Yeah. Crypton finally had a gutsfull of all the restrictive T&Cs of running on the vocaloid service.

Here's a twitter thread explaining everything for EOPs.


>> No.21997041

It's so weird to think about Crypton leaving Vocaloid. Like if England declared independence from the UK. Or if Mainland USA declared independence from Alaska and Hawaii. Or that one time Russia declared independence from the Soviet Union (I'm aware this particular example actually happened).

>> No.21997074

I am up almost every night wondering if Bowie knew about vocaloid or what he might have thought. To be brief, goodbye.

>> No.21997171

Wait what the fuck. Does this mean no more miku/luka/kagamines?

>> No.21997215
File: 12 KB, 860x540, card-miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LamazeP's new song

>> No.21997227

No more Vocaloid voicebanks.

From now on, they'll, be Piapro voicebanks.

The word "vocaloid" will probably be grandfather'd by the fandom.

>> No.21997252

>new lamaze
godamm it why. I love his songs but stop with the english

>> No.21997261

How are you able to function getting that mad at English in Japanese songs?

Almost every Japanese artist has used Engrish at least once because English==Kakkoi.

>> No.21997424


Let's be realistic here. No one is going to start calling them Piapro voicebanks or Piaproloids unless you're really deep into a sperg nuanced conversation on the topic.

99% of the rest of us will still call them Vocaloids. In the same way ONE is a "Vocaloid" Teto is a "Vocaloid" it's like a bigger genre where the name describes a lot of things. Like how hook and loop is always called Velcro even though Velcro is just a brand, no one calls it hook and loop it's just called Velcro by literally everyone.

The people who get all
> ACHTULLAY teto is a UTAU
are probably the same people will now correct people at every opportunity to feel superior I guess when you call Miku a Vocaloid. Like we know Teto is a Utau, we know CFM is now not technically "vocaloid" but for the sake of not killing ourselves in the minefield of correct pronoun culture we just call it Vocaloid.

>> No.21997440

No one fucking calls Teto a Vocaloid except for EOPs whose only exposure to Vocaloid is the Project Diva games.

>> No.21997450

Agreed. Though I do miss kinda Miku introducing them in 2013.

>> No.21997515

Hey look, we got our first one.

>> No.21997521

go back to your discord server

>> No.21997537
File: 332 KB, 1528x1800, D9VLQLrXkAAV66L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this assblasted over natural languages evolving and changing over time.
>still believing in Linguistic Prescriptivism in 2019.

>> No.21997538

who are you quoting?

>> No.21997554
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1567428863491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「Butter-Fly~初音ミクVersion~」 みきとP

>> No.21997565

Preach it, friend.
I'm annoyed by the term "Utauloid", but it's a lost cause.

>> No.21997580

Do you have a taller version of that pic?

>> No.21997586

Nope. Sorry.

>> No.21997589
File: 733 KB, 1528x2800, 83201915658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21997594

New phone (Note 9) and it has such a long screen. 18.5/9 and 2960*1440px. But I still want my Vocaloid art wallpaper.

>> No.21997608

You guys are so nice. I think this is the nicest general I've seen.

>> No.21997611


Did you know you can filter images on google search by image size? In your case 2960x1440==larger than 4MP

And Aspect Ratio==Tall

>> No.21997646

That search stuff did nothing, google just spit it all right back. Thanks for trying though.

>> No.21997658

My worry is that Yamaha won’t like when people call CFM VBs vocaloids, and so they’ll be the ones who end up forcing “Piapro characters” or whatever. I know CFM (and the fans) doesn’t care, but Yamaha might. They’d be incredibly stupid to, but that’s never stopped anyone before.

>> No.21997665

Someone pointed out that the Project Diva games intentionally went out of their way to avoid using the word "vocaloid" (unless that word was already in a song or something) specifically because of Yamaha's bullshit.

>> No.21997782

>Like we know Teto is a UTAU
There are people that literally don't. Isn't it better to use the right terms so that newbies don't get confused? Or is it instead that it's a lost cause anyway so no sense in trying?

I don't think anyone has an issue with categorizing UTAU and cevio and etc. under "vocaloid" (I've stopped saying I collect vocaloid and UTAU CDs and now just say I collect vocaloid CDs), but referring to the characters individually as "vocaloids" seems a step too far.

>> No.21997949

Yamaha can't really enfore how the public calls CFMloids. In the 80s and 90s people have justed Nintendo as a synonym for game console. As long as CFM doesn't use the term Vocaloid themselves, they're going to be fine.

>> No.21997960
File: 630 KB, 782x1090, 76043435_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this.

>> No.21997962

Why does it look like as if Yukari plans to snap the poor guy's neck?

>> No.21997975

You're too paranoid.

>> No.21998007
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>> No.21998044
File: 619 KB, 711x900, 7fa66c59aea5c691bfdfb5f781a336e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, LamazeP is alive?

Why aren't he uploading to his Youtube channel? I've been waiting for years for new release.

>> No.21998158

It’s not the public I’m thinking about, it’s things like music games (other than Diva) that sort CFMloids under vocaloid or on nico where CFMloids are in the vocaloid category. Yamaha could potentially try and stop that.

>> No.21998176
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fertile hips

>> No.21998345
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>> No.21998363
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Sounds nice!!
Good to know he's still alive.

>> No.21998671

>In the same way ONE is a "Vocaloid"
Okay maybe people don't make that distinction because IA has mostly Vocaloid versions apart from the CeVIO talk voicebank and CeVIO English song bank and that affects ONE by association.
>Teto is a "Vocaloid"
Oh now you did it buddy. Get ready for those (You)s

I think that if someone is casual enough to not know about Teto being UTAU then they probably wouldn't know about Teto existing in the first place. It doesn't take a lot to make the connection. You just need to know who she is and google her or see that it says UTAU in the song titles.

>EOPs whose only exposure to Vocaloid is the Project Diva games.
Let me autistically correct you on this one. I don't agree because the easily accessed, western released Project Diva games only had Teto as a DLC model so anyone who would bother to get that would need to be a fan of Teto. While the original PSP games had her by default but anyone who played those needs to have at least some knowledge of Japanese sites and where to pirate them, so anyone that deep into Project Diva would likely not be casual enough to think of Teto as a Vocaloid. If they are, then they again wouldn't know about Teto at all and would completely ignore her presence in the games because she doesn't have songs and is buried behind moon menus. I'm trying to say that you are creating an unfair boogeyman out of Project Diva fans and a person of your description who would call Teto a Vocaloid is more likely someone who's only exposure to her are only duets with Vocaloids such as Triple Baka.
>inb4 someone autistically corrects me that Triple Baka is a trio not a duet
It is but Lily doesn't sing in that one, she only plays on her phone.
So to reiterate a harmless EOP Project Diva casual likely wouldn't care enough to discuss Vocaloid at all or wouldn't know about Teto to actually say something as stupid as her being a Vocaloid and Project Diva is an unlikely source for one to get exposed to Teto.

tl:dr - leave Project Diva EOPs alone!

>> No.21998679


>> No.21998695

Nice bait.

>> No.21998799

When will there be more details about Miku Expo 2020 EU? Does anyone know?

>> No.21998868
File: 21 KB, 975x450, ACHTULLAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELL ACHTUALLY if you want to do mental gymnastics Teto is indeed a Vocaloid albeit a fake one. But indeed historically she was a Vocaloid before she was a UTAU and indeed her troll voicebank was originally devised as a Vocaloid one. In view of that if someone calls her a Vocaloid then he is diachronically not wrong, although if you ignore her evolution and development then from a synchronic point of view of the present calling her a Vocaloid is not correct.

Check out pic related. Really makes you think, doesn't it.

>> No.21998908

If it was only a joke/fake/fraud, then technically Teto never was a Vocaloid.

>> No.21998944
File: 414 KB, 750x705, 1428296812332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teto and Neru tried to take down Vocaloid by being sneaky online but what did Haku do besides drink?

>> No.21998983
File: 24 KB, 969x620, Hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately your statement is incorrect or partially correct at best. If you say
>Teto never was a Vocaloid
That is false. At a point in time in the minds of people she was a Vocaloid and intentionally (albeit falsely and facetiously) presented as such. In order to be correct you need to say: Teto never was a "real" Vocaloid. Truly we're down to nitpicking.

Let's see what the non EOP search engine says. Getting that noggin jogging part 2.

>but what did Haku do
Have big JUGS.

>> No.21999025

>in the minds of people
So "technically" still not a Vocaloid, your logic is grasping at straws at best.
>Let's see what the non EOP search engine says
None of those looks like Vocaloid or ボーカロイド either.

>> No.21999136

She made me fap to her titties when I should have been fapping to Luka's

>> No.21999153

>your logic is grasping at straws at best.
No, this argument is important because following this same logic you will always be able to call the CFM characters Vocaloids even when they no longer are because at a significant point in time they were Vocaloids and you can never change that historical fact, only way you could be wrong is if you specifically refer to the future non Vocaloid CFMs as Vocaloids. Similarly Teto also was one. It's applying the same logic except to a lesser degree because whether you want to make a point of her being a real or fake Vocaloid is your personal choice. A fake Vocaloid is still a Vocaloid, it's just the opposite of a a real Vocaloid, they are the same semantic object but in opposition and in this case you don't have a better word to replace fake Vocaloid except 某CALOID but don't ask me where that came from. Think of it like this a fake ship is still a ship even though it's fake and -1 is still 1 although it's not 1, it's 1 with a -, so Teto is a Vocaloid but a fake Vocaloid.

>> No.21999229

Lake Oman.

>> No.21999345

>A fake Vocaloid is still a Vocaloid
Teto being a Vocaloid was a joke, no more, no less.
Have fun with your mental gymnastics.

>> No.21999507

lets call them robot idol waifus from now on

>> No.21999522
File: 247 KB, 1174x1062, d8df79aa1343e21689147933153c1a4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will be miku in 10 years

>> No.21999542
File: 333 KB, 900x1200, 1541540911912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a musical instrument has a better employment history and resume than you

>> No.21999546

Now that you two point it out, ten years is a long time for an idol to be culturally relevant and not forced into porn or even worse B-grade Soap Operas or Variety Shows

>> No.21999594

lets just skip that and call them cumdumpsters

>> No.21999695

>Tfw more people wanna fuck a musical instrument than wanna fuck you

>> No.21999734

There's a Future Tone sale but Snow Miku's sale isn't happening for some reason.

>> No.21999761
File: 200 KB, 967x907, 1384661797547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A /jp/sie and his Miku wife were on the news.


>> No.21999791

>doesn't sleep with a dakimakura

>> No.21999914
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If they're the type of person who doesn't genuinely know that Teto is a Utau than it's irrelevant. They'll eventually learn and in the end it's mostly a harmless mistake if they're just putting Teto in the Vocaloid umbrella for the sake of discussion of a broader topic. By the time they get into the nuances of things they'll eventually be forced to learn the difference. It'll happen naturally. But stopping someone mid conversation to correct them, especially when they might already know is just an annoying thing to do and a waste of time.

"Oh, dude you're into Vocaloid? What are your favorite banks?"
"I like Miku, IA, Gumi and Teto."
"ACHUTUALLY Teto is a Utau."
".. I know."

I've seen it before and it's just annoying more than anything. I'm just speaking from experience that when you have a group of folks talking about Vocaloid someone always has stop the flow of conversation dead in it's tracks to make these pointless corrections. Like the same way someone stopping you in real life to tell you it's "hook and loop" and not "velcro" "velcro is a brand" would just annoy you to no end after the sixth time. They usually only do it to further demonstrate their superior knowledge and power of observation vs. actually making the correction to contribute anything to the discussion.

>> No.21999944

Exactly! But let's not get into gender studies. To further expand on this idea I will use matter and antimatter as an example. As far as language is concerned they are both matter but with different properties. Usually in lexical semantic pairs of opposites there is a dominant word and subjugated word, not sure if that's how you explain it in English but in short one is the better known concept, wider used and sometimes held in higher regard and the other is defined as the opposite of that, or lesser used concept. For example more people are familiar with the notion of 1, but mostly mathematicians or specialist might need to use the concept of -1 in their daily work. Same with how we were first familiar with the idea of matter until we discovered anti-matter and needed to define a whole bunch of things like anti-quarks. Similarly Vocaloid and fake Vocaloid are the two concepts of the Vocaloid semantic pair. They are the same thing with different properties and the Vocaloid one being the dominant concept. It's the "real one that sings" and the one that "officially uses the Vocaloid software". In Teto's case her being a fake Vocaloid means she is a Vocaloid but with different properties. She had a fake voicebank and fake inclusion in the CFW family of Vocaloids. But still she was later included in piapro and even Project Diva. That made a lot of people think of her as almost adopted among the CFM Vocaloids. [citation needed]

At some point "anchoring bias" comes into play. That is the same phenomenon that causes the "is Pluto a planet?" debate. To quote an explanation on anchoring bias: It’s our tendency to recall the first piece of information we learned about a thing, whether that information is true or not, and it “anchors” our perceptions of later information that we are presented with. Just because we don’t classify Pluto as a planet any longer doesn’t mean Pluto doesn’t “feel” like a planet, for lack of a better phrase.[sic]

In Teto's case if someone first discovered her when she was an established UTAU they will have anchoring bias of her as an UTAU and will not want to have that notion challenged. Anchoring bias is also what will cause a lot of people to think of the CFM characters as Vocaloids no matter what happens but I digress. Coming back to Teto, she was first presented to her original audience as a Vocaloid. At that time the group's concept of her was what defined her. Like how Pluto was a planet until new information came and our definition of a planet changed. Teto was a Vocaloid until new information surfaced and defined her as a fake Vocaloid. To call her just an UTAU takes into view only her latter created Voicebank and ignores her original concept art first presented as a Vocaloid. You might have an anchoring bias towards her being UTAU, but if the people who first learned of her as a Vocaloid at the time of her creation were left with that idea long enough and if she were to be given a pitch changed Vocaloid voicebank like some community characters were then those people would just as easily develop a bias, thinking of her as a Vocaloid. Then it's just anchoring bias vs anchoring bias. The shortness of her life as a Vocaloid and then fake Vocaloid shouldn't be a reason to ignore the fact that it was a real occurrence that took place as part of her history.

At the end of the day it's not as simple as saying Miku is not CeVIO, Miku was never CeVIO or saying ONE is not UTAU, ONE was never UTAU. Teto is a complex character with a deeper history where just calling her an UTAU, Vocaloid, Fake Vocaloid, Fake DIVA etc is insufficient. I propose that a proper scientific term be adopted. One that will reference her rich history and origin with one word. Therefore let it be known that henceforth Kasane Teto is best defined as a UTAUloid.

>> No.21999957
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1530291579478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000032

I see what you mean but that can also be avoided if you say

"I like Miku, IA, Gumi but I also like Teto and some other UTAUs."

It takes two to tango and if you want to lead the dance you can.

>> No.22000083

>Most infamously, Yamaha doesn't actually allow VB devs to roll out patches for any VBs they release -- "updates" have to be separate products.
>This means that Crypton (and all other companies) were basically very limited in how they could push out updates, when they could do so, and in what way they could configure their DBs.
I understand the downsides, but this had its upsides, too. You can still use the exact version of Miku your favorite producers used in 2013. There are too many software products you can not revert to an old version now. A rolling-release Miku-as-a-service will be weird if it happens.

>> No.22000101

Just go Pokaloid

>> No.22000166

I think this is the same guy from here >>21995443

>you will never be the posterboy of waifuism.
>you will never have international media announce your marriage to Miku.

The guy paid 19K US for the wedding but he got his 15 minutes of fame. The death threats don't sound fun though.

>> No.22000223

>Then it's just anchoring bias vs anchoring bias
Wrong. It's truth/facts vs anchoring bias.

>> No.22000261

Who knows. They're never consistent with this shit. Might not announce dates or places until November.

>> No.22000331

I agree, the pitch changed Vocaloid voicebank would have to come first and it would be the first historical fact, therefore that precedent would be the truth/fact of her being a Voicaloid vs the anchoring bias of the secondaries who would only discover her as a UTAU later. In this hypothetical situation where she was given a pitch changed Vocaloid voicebank on April 1st and where the joke continues for more than a day that is.

>> No.22000341
File: 615 KB, 640x360, shitposting_intensifies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000396

Seems pretty logical to me. You have a fake Vocaloid who became an UTAU. fake Vocaloid + UTAU = UTAUloid.

Some wikis have it wrong though. They seem to refer to Defoko, Momo and Teto as UTAUloids but Momo and Defoko are UTAUs, unlike Teto who is an UTAUloid.


>Pronouns: She/Her

>> No.22000431
File: 2.21 MB, 1157x1750, af3dc1e1d9710be7fa832c6a53f41eac6d9492aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000532

https://youtu.be/rBhAjlEiifM is the original song, but there is actually a vocaloid version.

>> No.22000562

Use yandex.

>> No.22000699

Why is that article in pidgin English?
>Im say everything change wen e meet Miku ontop YouTube. E begin fall in love afta she heal am as e dey watch am dey hear am sing.
This is factually wrong. He said he met her on Nico Nico Douga. Journalists can't get anything right.

>> No.22000961

> Piapro announces plans to move the Crypton characters, some of the most popular voice banks on the system, to their own software
Happy 15th, Vocaloid

>> No.22000964

/jp/'s shitposting is closer to our brand (which is quite close to 2005 era /b/), while /a/'s is closer to the new age imagereddit shitposting common to the rest of the main imageboards.

What that basically means is that /a/ shitposts by having a deluge of completely worthless shit, but isn't interesting in the slightest, or simple garbage that gets repeated simply because it is annoying. Example: '>implying, image macros, and other shit that would have been funny in middle school. /prog/'s and, to a lesser much extent, /jp/'s, shitposting consist of having a few different shitpost methods with at least some thought put into their creation (for example, the `How are breasts attractive' thread, which is completely off topic and ridiculous, but is well written and somewhat interesting none-the-less). Ideas are formed on a questionable premise, then expanded upon until it reaches it's absurd logical conclusion. It may also take the form of making a huge deal over a minor detail, or assuming things that are false and writing a long critique based upon that, or making provably impossible demands. Contrary to Standard 4chan Shitpost Model (S4SM), where the intent is to annoy, the intent of our shitposting is to entertain, provoke discussion, or simply as an exercise in writing.

Since the fall of Usenet, w4c style shitposting is currently considered some of the best in the world. Even the great usenet trolls have migrated to /prog/ to bask in the glory of our shitposting. The UN is currently trying to classify /prog/ as a world heritage site, but their action may come too late. W4c shitposting is currently an endangered species, due to invasion by the imagereddits, a dwindling population caused by suicide and incarceration, and moderator action. Some have speculated that moot is trying to kill all forms of shitposting that do not conform to Project Canv.as. So far, the best defense available is to derail stupid imagereddit threads with kopipe and JEWS, as well as giving harmful advice to homework threads. It is considered rude to call a w4c style shitpost in conformance with board standards bad.

It is thought by leading scholars that the reason for the Shitposting Schism was the rapid growth of /b/ due to the media exposure of Chanology, when an influx of underage Digg users caused 4chan to explode. Others claim that the shift happened even before that, during the first influx newfags during 2006. This school of thought holds that the first influx gave rise to the loutish behavior of `raiding' and other bullshit, which was a direct cause of the second major wave. Once /b/ was populated almost completely with underage children, the shitposting culture changed to it's modern form, where it is a competition on who can be the most annoying. The cancerous population then colonized nearly every other board on 4chan that could possibly appeal to it's socially well-adjusted population. Mentifex, an expert in the field, built the Artificial Unintellegence ANDRU to model the thought process of the imageredditors. Despite a few setbacks, the project has largely been a major success.

Since world4ch was not linked to on most boards, and since the average imageredditor ignores anything that isn't a reaction image anyway, the area was left mostly unharmed by the change of shitposting. It remained much more subtle, and resembled machine generated spam less than the imageboard brand. Since /jp/ was at one point full of autistic sexually deviants (a natural pairing for /prog/riders) and were far more computer literate than boards such as /g/ or /b/, they were naturally drawn to programming; /prog/ and /lounge/ (which had a shitposting style slightly different than /prog/, until two retarded children took over the board) was an obvious destination. Since it still wasn't enough of a secret club, they moved off site to places like 4-ch for a few days before returning to /jp/ with a more cultured outlook on shitposting.

>> No.22001049
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>> No.22001269 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1280x1024, 1567549786803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear anon, I hope for your sake that this is some copy-pasta because I had to pause my Vocaloid/CeVIO/UTAU/UTAUloid (Teto) playlist just to read all that and try to comprehend how it has anything to do with anything I have said. After reading all that I realize that it is an essay on shitposting and has nothing to do with the topic of this thread or my post.

Furthermore I doubt you were around to remember the time before /jp/ was created.
>Some have speculated that moot is trying to kill all forms of shitposting
>What that basically means is that /a/ shitposts by having a deluge of completely worthless shit, but isn't interesting in the slightest, or simple garbage that gets repeated simply because it is annoying. Example: '>implying, image macros, and other shit that would have been funny in middle school.
Pic related. Have a nice day.


>> No.22001395
File: 476 KB, 2048x1370, 1472370252019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22001560


>> No.22002103

the new model is great though, they finally got the shaders right with it, the sega models are nice but its about time they moved on

>> No.22002200

I agree actually, dunno where all the hate is coming from. I really like the new module

>> No.22002220

What the fuck is this video, for real

>> No.22002293
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1000, 天马行空.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here is gonna buy this album? If yes please share here with your fellow anons xD

>> No.22003345

Is there any chance the upcoming not-vocaloid Miku will revert to actual teal hair? It seems like in almost every official depiction her hair keeps getting bluer, probably in part because KAITO is practically gone and in part because of the PD games, but I always thought her original dark gray and teal palette was a lot more distinctive

>> No.22003449

Go to Amazon.co.jp or Mandarake and buy it yourself.

>> No.22004123

Honestly one of my favourite things about this MM was getting the chance to chant CHURARIRA CHURARIRA DA DA DA as part of a crowd.

>> No.22004386
File: 452 KB, 1041x586, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand better writing.

>> No.22004493


>> No.22004621


>> No.22005024
File: 340 KB, 1500x1500, __kasane_teto_utau_drawn_by_caffein__550de7213a8ef26089586f8a66bcaab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teto ass

>> No.22005042
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

死にたい / 初音ミク

>> No.22005043

Always wondered how people who dont know japanese manage to enjoy vocaloid lol. Listening to a song where you understand fuck all, paying extra because you live overseas, english are rare asf, not being able to buy a good % of albums because you dont live here and generally not being their target audience? Listening to a music i dont understand is like watching a movie in a language i dont know without subs, just makes no sense. So anons, care to explain why or how?

>> No.22005079

Subs exists.
Also listening to heavy English vocals cringe me. Japanese doesn't have this problem.

>> No.22005140

you can enjoy the sound of something without understanding it
shocking i know

>> No.22005180

Mainstream radio stations blast English songs worldwide, but I don't see anyone complaining about not speaking the language.

>> No.22005223
File: 1.40 MB, 1182x1633, 48724803_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the synthetic vocals sound nice to me. Jap in general just sounds aesthetically pleasing too, even if I don't understand most of it. English is an ugly and harsh language imo.

>Also listening to heavy English vocals cringe me.
also this

>> No.22005264

do you think some japanese people find vocaloid vocals to be cringey too then?
i know when i hear another language, it sounds nice to be but since my native language is english i can point out what actually sounds bad.

>> No.22005308

People have enjoyed songs in languages they don't understand since the dawn of civilization. We have subtitles, but centuries ago Italian opera fans watched whole operas with printed translations in their hands. Even the singers themselves didn't always know the language they sang in. Nevertheless, they knew how to expression the right emotions in song. People say music is a universal language for a reason. You don't need to understand the lyrics to a piece of music in order to understand it.

That said, if you are seriously into anything /jp/, you should be learning Japanese for the extra content and interaction that it unlocks. I am.

>> No.22005315
File: 689 KB, 816x1158, 48947284_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cute so I like it.

>> No.22005350

I do not think Japanese have any concept of cringe.

>> No.22005506

Caring about lyrics in music is like peak normie thinking. In 99.9% of music words are completely meaningless.

>> No.22006088
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>> No.22006171

Depends on the music genre. 99.9% is certainly an exaggeration.

>> No.22006520

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.22007073
File: 121 KB, 800x1102, 1384977117766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they do. It's why anime like Watamote where the MC is painfully cringe-inducing exist, and why comedically cringey Chuuni characters are played for laughs.

>> No.22007107


>> No.22007142

Nah I really don't think it is. Speaking in terms of vocaloid music specifically it's probably higher than 99.9

>> No.22007151

What helps me sleep at night is a nice soft mattress and plush comforter.

>> No.22007194

I'd say you're ignoring all the story songs.

>> No.22007312

For every 1 of those there's like a thousand other songs with pointless bubblegum lyrics

>> No.22007820

>Listening to a music i dont understand is like watching a movie in a language i dont know without subs, just makes no sense.
Except when watching a movie, you want to know what the hell is going on, thus the subs.
Listening to music just requires one's mood and a good beat. It could be something stupid like a German singing in German Gas the Jews. As long as the beat is good, no one cares about the lyrics.

>> No.22007931
File: 108 KB, 835x957, l6pn5ik7dwl21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more cursed Miku

>> No.22008758

who is the worst vocaloid?

>> No.22008760

Japanese people literally call itashas itasha because they're painful to look at.

>do you think some japanese people find vocaloid vocals to be cringey too then?
Literally one of the major themes of ODDS&ENDS

>Also listening to heavy English vocals cringe me.
I enjoy Vocaloid English as well as Japanese, but I guess that's a personal preference.

>> No.22008769

Some pitchloid from DeviantART.

>> No.22008995
File: 168 KB, 1280x1693, 1536036695633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cute and looks cute, I don't need any more than that

>> No.22009259

Why is Kagamine Rin so hot?????

>> No.22009272

After processing the latest Crypton developments for a while I realized I was way too attached to Vocaloid the name more than Vocaloid the platform and that it actually doesn't matter what everyone uses as long as it sounds good.

Then I went on an UTAU binge after ignoring it for years due to stupid platform prejudice and holy shit Yamine Renri is like in my top 3 favorite female voices now

>> No.22009509

she reminds you of her brother

>> No.22009515

Did you really ignore UTAU for years because they weren't technically vocaloids?

How? Kasane Teto alone should've been enough to break that.

>> No.22009578


I've heard Teto before of course, but wasn't a fan of her. Turns out I just don't like Teto and most other Utau I've heard now are great.

>> No.22009583

Do you expect everyone to listen to every voice bank from every company on every program?

>> No.22009678

No. But Teto is a pretty big part of the fandom. She appears in a lot of duets with the Crypton 6 as well.

>> No.22009815

Tbh i never liked tetos voice....she sounds wayyyyyy too robotic. Only utau i actually like is yamine renri because she actually sounds good and is soooooo fuckable.

>> No.22009867
File: 114 KB, 640x480, TBR076D5FT651073-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As unofficial Quadimension ambassador to the west I always import their albums and post links in the threads. (Though at some point my wallet would appreciate a successor.) My copy is still en route and I'll post when it finally arrives. I did post an unofficial EP a while back (when I posted the Fairyland album) if you want to hunt for it to tide you over.

I'd like to point out that a lot of Chinaloid albums are only available on taobao and aren't easily accessible. This one included. And while I do understand that if no one bought anything, there'd be nothing to share... there's nothing wrong with seeing if someone else will step up. Even if one does post a lame emote doing it.

>> No.22010680
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, 20190902065949_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know when the train is supposed to get here

>> No.22010773
File: 254 KB, 650x882, __yowane_haku_vocaloid_drawn_by_minazuki_jo__ef471a5092fc52bc226e17d20a1d07e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haku is ~the worst~!

>> No.22010789

Yamine Renri sounds like a slut!

>> No.22010813
File: 739 KB, 3034x2948, skskjogio2444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22010827


yes utau is way better.

>> No.22011222
File: 255 KB, 756x756, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_mimengfeixue__48c9e6f9d6cfb5e90c48b10986fa0975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever commissioned anything Vocaloid-related, from artwork to daki to covers to maybe even whole new songs?

>> No.22011235

I asked /a/ draw threads for a drawing.
I also got multiple drawings randomly from other people too.

>> No.22011241

Post 'em.

>> No.22011268
File: 130 KB, 612x792, 1424558036545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No judge pls, I just wanted some cute pregnant Miku, because all the other art were either lewd or ugly.

>> No.22011275
File: 1.38 MB, 1082x2079, miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from my friend who practiced drawing.

>> No.22011286
File: 442 KB, 650x870, __hatsune_miku_konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_vocaloid_and_etc_drawn_by_turnip_kabura__32be673ec58ecc1da5c27fc486b3ce3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Miku's children be half-hologram?

>> No.22011287
File: 120 KB, 1325x642, 1418880663097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's not much.

Some random ones sent to me in waifu threads.

>> No.22011295
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>> No.22011300
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>> No.22011307
File: 113 KB, 1192x1052, 1421113135422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not 100% where all are of these from. But If they look like a work in progress, it was probably sent to me directly.

>> No.22011326
File: 62 KB, 512x662, Dec_09_11_23_25__548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus, first picture colored by an AI.

Miku is more of android than hologram I think.

>> No.22011345
File: 64 KB, 512x512, Dec_09_11_31_37__560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the AI did pretty good job at this one.
Not sure where did I got original line art for this. I can't find it on iqdb or google.

>> No.22011469
File: 104 KB, 1050x900, tomoko and gumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Gumi's songs involve unrequited love. So I got this drawn in a /v/ drawfag thread a long time a go.

>> No.22011562

All kinds of shit. Posters, keyboard caps, stickers, car wrap. Some people get elitist about nonofficial shit but I don't care.

>> No.22011578

>Some people get elitist about nonofficial shit but I don't care.
It's also impractical if your waifu isn't popular.

>> No.22011687

Thank bro! I really like the chinese vocaloids and quadimension! The fairyland album is one of my favorites ever!

>> No.22011730

Post your itasha.

>> No.22011857

She sounds more mature than she looks.

>> No.22012438
File: 443 KB, 965x965, __hatsune_miku_and_yowane_haku_vocaloid_drawn_by_caffein__8aa37fd6c2f77e8fef05c63867f268fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Piapro® voicebank character™ would you marry?

>> No.22013094
File: 440 KB, 1980x1020, a71737b4dee334c85a62ba2e38165604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22013592
File: 123 KB, 375x568, illust_28227242_20190727_064007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's MY angel.

>> No.22014024
File: 215 KB, 500x500, 01de2a6bc8e5039f669d399247cc0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22014207
File: 204 KB, 1000x1412, 5b99a804661dc49c12e6fe159c3aa07cssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka wants you to know that she appreciates you still finding her attractive even though she's a fat bitch.

>> No.22014221

>fat bitch.
Rute. She isn't a bitch.

>> No.22014259
File: 637 KB, 1200x1694, 75498654_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not fat she's just well fed

>> No.22014268
File: 280 KB, 564x800, 1526935239749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banana boi

>> No.22014290

I don't think he could carry you, anon.

>> No.22014376
File: 215 KB, 578x818, 35439532_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minimum age of marriage is 18 in Japan
there has to be a way around this

>> No.22014397
File: 1.24 MB, 1748x1181, __kagamine_len_and_kagamine_rin_vocaloid_drawn_by_uutan__a47d88d4d80f97222a0cb1ef1fe832f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always wait.

>> No.22014570
File: 378 KB, 1024x1024, 5c8af435ly1g44fnhzxkvj20u00u0hdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you've been enjoying them. Fairyland does indeed have some great tracks on it. I do wish we got more new tracks with the Fairytale album, but it is what it is. KIDE putting up two new tracks in one album is a very welcome surprise at any rate.

>> No.22014955
File: 288 KB, 541x800, 43532570_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then by god he'll die trying

As much as I don't mind bishie Len or future Rin, the math is clear, they were released in 2007 at 14 years old so they're now a perfectly legal 26 years of age

>> No.22014993
File: 383 KB, 600x750, 026098f0de25d707ac7a3da43496b18e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go by those rules. He'll always be 14 to me. Bishie Len is still good tho

>> No.22015355
File: 633 KB, 707x1000, 168bdf622b69b8e5700a53fb62d244abluka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy draws the same girl every time but this time he drew her and siad she was Luka. Luckily, her one girl is insanely hot.

>> No.22015405

Shh don't ruin my loophole. Can't be a shotacon if he's 26.

>> No.22015415

bump of chicken and miku for olympics, what do you think?

>> No.22015435
File: 203 KB, 564x780, vflower 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What vflower panties look like?

>> No.22015483
File: 153 KB, 1200x2000, 74341832_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxers you mean

>> No.22016426
File: 54 KB, 1600x900, 18r40fl05pv3xjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22016636

cursing this thread

>> No.22016678
File: 178 KB, 527x505, 1565632902874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have crops or a folder for gyaris from the latest gyari vid?

>> No.22016893
File: 1.31 MB, 1249x1195, 75180971_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps similar to her swimwear.

>> No.22016970
File: 489 KB, 655x913, 69998986_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprisingly girly

>> No.22017863

People sometimes say that certain vocaloids tend to have sadder songs than others. Do think there is truth to this?

>> No.22017889
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, EDyRxL6U0AA2r3i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried about GYARI

>> No.22017953

Holy shit I forgot about Miku's birthday what should I do?

>> No.22018411

Sudoku and hope you'll be reincarnated back in time.

>> No.22018582

Len tends to die a lot. So yes.

>> No.22018622
File: 1.99 MB, 1654x1654, 76192553_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them, because best girl isn't leaving vocaloid yet.

>> No.22018734
File: 125 KB, 400x305, 505299_45bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommended iwara videos with this model?

>> No.22018804
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190906_180933768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these, made a nice meal, watched Miku Symphony 2018-2019 for the first time which was absolutely awesome, ended summer browsing new Miku art over Pixiv, cried a bit when Rella uploaded her latest.

>> No.22019072

UwU... I will do a late celebration tomorrow

>> No.22020348


I started working on it but the color palette in the new is really bad using them for reaction images or emotes and they don't transparent cleanly. So I gave up.

>> No.22020437

miku dd
$1000 worth of figures

>> No.22020646


dd is cool but not really worth it imo

>> No.22020667

It would depend on what you want out of your purchase. Scales are just decorations. You take them out of the box and put them behind glass and they look cool. But dolls are more of a hobby. There's more of a community, and a creative aspect of putting together outfits and having photo sessions and going to meetups.

>> No.22020722

did someone say VOCALOID? I LOVE vocaloid. My personal favorite is Gumi. What's yours?

>> No.22020768


>> No.22020773
File: 54 KB, 626x691, 49676471_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the green one. I prefer the yellow one

>> No.22020877

I don't know what that is man, I just listen to Hatsune Miku.

>> No.22020960
File: 483 KB, 600x900, Agon1567149981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't think I would really got into it. I don't even pose my firgmas.
Nice figures to look at and a daki to cuddle is all I really need.

Also this Miku looks so cute and sweet. I need this, I will put it on my desk at work.

>> No.22021460

Reminder that next OP should be PIAPROLOID THREAD.

>> No.22021762

>best girl
when was her last big concert?

>> No.22021847

In our hearts.

Yeah, she's great.

>> No.22022070

Well. I've always wanted to go to a Miku live show. I had always thought they were mostly a Japan only thing. So I went and looked up whether or not there had ever been any in North America and of course there was a tour back in 2016 and of course it came to my city. And it's probably never going to happen again. The sense of loss is unbearable.

Anyways sorry for bothering you guys but I had to get that off of my chest.

>> No.22022204

Just be glad you don't live in some tiny south pacific country.

No cool artists ever come here to perform (although Sora Tokui and Igarashi Hiromi visited us on two seperate occasions, which were both nice).

>> No.22022526
File: 39 KB, 480x480, 1532bb9fee81426f262887769510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vflower tongue taste

>> No.22023551


That's an IA pic.

>> No.22023573

Where will the next Europe show be? I can’t imagine it working in anywhere other than somewhere like London/Paris but those are already done

>> No.22023637

Obviously it's Luka can't you see the pink hair?

>> No.22023772

That's peach.

>> No.22024112
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

蛍 -firefly- / HarryP ft. 初音ミク

>> No.22024307

I don't know where you're from but in the rest of the world peaches are pink. Hell, the Japanese word for pink is momoiro which literally means peach-colored.

>> No.22024320

Where I'm from its literal equivalent is "rose-color". Which would fit Luka, but not IA.

>> No.22024440
File: 1.75 MB, 1500x2181, IA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... don't you recognize IA's braids and collar? And the hair color is much closer to IA's.

>> No.22024485 [SPOILER] 
File: 379 KB, 640x360, 1567862535499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22024661

That's another picture of Luka. I don't get this meme.

>> No.22025310

Why is her finger so itchy?

>> No.22026453

You have to be at least eighteen to post on 4chan, friend.

>> No.22027093

no, it was made by a 15 year old

>> No.22027434

Does anyone have the links to Kikuo's R-18 pedo stuff? I wanna see how bad it was...

Man, why do so many awesome producers turn out to be pieces of shit?

>> No.22027519

kill yourself

>> No.22027549


I don't think he's a pedo, though. He just made a really edgy story about child molestation and westerners flipped the fuck out. It's clearly not meant to be erotic...

>> No.22027571

I think it's not her finger that's itchy.

>> No.22027770


>> No.22027771

those vocaloid fans on twitter are faggots and the girls are typical sjw's who got triggered

>> No.22028306

What I don't get is who could possibly be familiar with kikuo's music and somehow be shocked/offended at his comic. I don't understand. What do they think Gomen ne Gomen ne is about anyway?

>> No.22030065

They are not familiar. They are just looking for a reason to screech and virtue signaling. Drawings are just so much easier to explain to bystander than lyrics.

>> No.22030633

I hope somewhere not too far from there

>> No.22030668
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know Miku was so lazy

>> No.22031173

I don't see you winning any women's professional wrestling matches.

>> No.22031181

Is it her thumb?

>> No.22031277

Those are really stylish and subtle. I think I'll buy Miku wallet and bag.

>> No.22031355
File: 170 KB, 1200x875, D76D709CDE9647E1B989713D1A193241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Kagamine wallet looks great

>> No.22031387 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1860, 1567954967313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IA's nipples!

>> No.22031462

Not even a Lenfag but I want to kiss Len all over. No homo.

>> No.22031550
File: 252 KB, 766x1024, もみじまんじう - 死神っ娘ゆかりん - 44798569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
