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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21969394 No.21969394 [Reply] [Original]

guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous thread >>21961544

>> No.21969415

ive lived in japan and average japanese people are generally much smarter than in the west, it's not really untrue. their average IQ is higher and their education system is generally more functional without any gaps like shitty urban schools etc.

anyway, regardless of this fact we're not talking about some insane degree of intelligence. simply the basic level of literacy required to have a typical salaryman job within society. you shouldn't try and make excuses for your own poor level of japanese ability by thinking 'japanese people can't read either' lol. they don't use texthookers bro

>> No.21969442

the education system doesn't matter there's plenty of western countries that spend more per pupil. it's just that their IQs are higher.

>> No.21969443

I don't like negroes and they don't belong in Japan. Why don't you delete this post and make another.

>> No.21969449

spending per pupil isn't a very good measure of the effectiveness of an education system

>> No.21969479

no one cares what you think

>> No.21969488

it's a lot better than ad hoc explanations for why any country with better pupils is made out to have a magically better educational system

>> No.21969501

i dont know why you think it has to be magic. do you think all education systems spend their money on the same things? america spends more per person on health care, but that money goes in very different directions to the UK and results in a generally worse system for most people. the same is true of education. there's no point educating people who put everything down to race though. that's the real 'magic' isnt it?

>> No.21969517

By West you probably mean America.
It's always a shock to me how stupid average Americans are compared to the average person in my country.

>> No.21969531

Despite your bias towards Japan, if you had the choice to live in any country you want forever, you would choose Switzerland.
It's objectively the best country in the world.
All other first countries have at least one area where they are weak, Switzerland is at the top in every aspect.

>> No.21969534

what's japan's weak area? switzerland's cost of living is extremely high. alcohol is fucking expensive etc. japan doesn't have that issue

>> No.21969541


>> No.21969555

>do you think all education systems spend their money on the same things?
the differences in how the money is spent doesn't matter.
>but that money goes in very different directions to the UK and results in a generally worse system for most people
internationally, healthcare spending closely tracks household median disposable income (more strongly than gdp per capita) indicating that that healthcare costs are driven by the amount people are willing to pay for them. americans have the highest disposable income in the world so they spend more on healthcare. the problem is that the higher quality care isn't going to fix anything because americans are inherently less healthy than other people on average. the US can enact universal healthcare if it wants but i guarantee its health measures relative to the rest of the world will remain roughly the same with maybe some very slight improvements.

>> No.21969567

japanese people only sound smart because you don't understand what smart constitutes in japan

japanese people can read everyday kanji as they're used everyday, but even a lot of the stuff you faggots read in games and shit, they'll fuck up trying to read it aloud, seriously, listen to them stutter and not be able to read all sorts of shit, especially dumb girls

i mean i find it amazing you guys don't realize this shit because you have all these weird preconceived notions like "japanese people are just smarter" which couldn't be more idiotic

people in proper society sure, people who managed to graduate college sure, and even some of these people are stupid. i was talking to a nurse who didn't realize basic shit about cells even though she was forced to study it and has the certifications. she knew the terms, but the understanding was lacking. would i call it stupid that someone who was forced to study this shit is messing up what we get for basic high school bio? yes, yes i would.

and then take the AVERAGE guy? the guy working some part time job, the dude at your local コンビニ, some chick that only cares about checking her makeup every 5 sec?

i mean 笑わせないでくれ

>> No.21969569

>the differences in how the money is spent doesn't matter.
>indicating that that healthcare costs are driven by the amount people are willing to pay for them.
i'm talking about government spending per person on healthcare.

>> No.21969573

>what's japan's weak area?
they're a bunch of bug people who will never accept you

>> No.21969584

>would i call it stupid that someone who was forced to study this shit is messing up what we get for basic high school bio?
knowledge isn't the same thing as intelligence

>> No.21969591

this isn't really true and you probably are just shit at japanese or american (aka fat, smelly, too loud) if you get ostracised in japan

>> No.21969592

>i'm talking about government spending per person on healthcare.
i am too. i'm referring to the programs people are willing to vote for.

>> No.21969602
File: 491 KB, 794x1710, 631458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matt was neither of those things and those bug retards forced him into a bathroom stall. they can go fuck themselves

>> No.21969604

matt is an american

>> No.21969608



>> No.21969610

you said fat smelly and loud but matt is slim and quiet and doesn't look like he smells

>> No.21969615

What's a step higher than Yotsubato?
Preferably manga or novel

>> No.21969617

americans don't have the ability to not be loud. you can hear americans speaking from 5 miles away in japan

>> No.21969618

absolutely this. Literally the only time ive seen japs accept and embrace american fundamental human rights like freedom of speech and the right to bear arms is in that one doujin where this brown girl gets raped by mexicans. They accept living in an authoritarian society way more than we do, and if americans are sheepdogs then japanese are goddamn bugs

>> No.21969626

that's exactly my point....
japanese people have a pretty firm grasp on their language, it doesn't make them smart, just like it doesn't make anyone else smart. thinking otherwise is stupid

case in point:

this song is on the top charts in japan RIGHT NOW, tons of people listen to this shit, do you really think the people who hit up the clubs and party all the time, drink copious amounts of alcohol are "supar smart"? walking around reading all the kanji? or maybe do they not give a fuck. maybe to normal educated japanese people, they sound... uneducated?


or maybe have you guys... not gone to any clubs in japan. or you know, even managed to pick up a girl who even parties. you act like this part of japan isn't the norm, but it is. why would these songs make the top charts. just like the west.

>> No.21969654

>not gone to any clubs in japan. or you know, even managed to pick up a girl who even parties.
i have and my point is that even these people are capable of reading completely fine and would not struggle with the most common 15-20k or so words. maybe they can't read dies irae and pronounce all the kanji correctly, but that's not really relevant to what we're talking about. also taste in music isn't related to intelligence either lol. jamal has the highest IQ in this thread and he likes shit you would probably disparage in the same way.

>> No.21969667

I hate to bring this up but previous research on IQ wrt race shows there’s less variance among Asians and more variance among Whites. So even assuming they had the same mean there would be far more simply average, slightly dumb, and slightly smart Japanese. This gives the impression that as a whole they are smarter because you run into 0-1 retards per day instead of 1-10.

>> No.21969672

Any furigana'd manga should work
I personally dropped yotsuba at 3rd or 4th volume and read boarding school juliet. It was a bit more difficult but helped me branch into eroge after binge reading 12 volumes. The fact that it had an actual interesting story also helped

>> No.21969673

>but previous research on IQ wrt race shows there’s less variance among Asians and more variance among Whites.
common misconception but this isn't true. it's true for women vs men though.

>> No.21969681

bunch of IQ scholars in this thread lol

>> No.21969689 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 400x580, 1567086292259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here has slayers raws
I don't know shit about nip piracy so all I could find is the tokyopop translated ones, book stores and shabby scam sites

>> No.21969695

again you're proving my point, they have no issues reading normal words, but they won't know "difficult" ones, ones that even you guys know.

also from a normal japanese standpoint, stuff that "smart/educated" japanese would know, it's painfully obvious that these people uh, can't. and you gotta realize no matter what your opinion on how things sound in japanese, it's pretty irrelevant to how japanese people think they sound on average

you know a common thing to say in japanese to someone (to other native speakers) is 日本語になってないよ
you should probably sit and think about that for a sec

>> No.21969713

you've gone off the rails here. the reason they can't read 'difficult' words is because they never bothered to learn. it says nothing about the inherent difficulty in remembering how to read kanji that you do know, which japanese people, and anyone who knows japanese, can do completely fine. there's no excuses for not being able to read kanji other than "i havent learned this word yet"

>> No.21969724

Those are just the most egregious traits, Americans are by definition revolting so it’s impossible to get them to fit in. You think everything is fine after they stop wearing their shoes inside but next thing you know they’re trying to boil water in the microwave or getting veneers.

>> No.21969731

are you saying there's more of a connection/path between simple and advanced words in english than japanese?

>> No.21969742

you're agreeing with me again, they don't care, or they're dumb or both. and whether or not they should care or not, they make logical fallacies with words they should know the meanings of, which is blatantly obvious to normal educated japanese people, but not so much to people like you apparently

educated japanese people call normal japanese people dumb all the time, and uneducated japanese people call themselves stupid all the time

btw 勉強できない means stupid, as in even if you do study and learn it still won't stick in your head, so if you see people saying they 勉強できない they're literally telling you they're stupid

nope, read above for what i'm trying to say

>> No.21969746

With anime cards you only add words you hear while watching compelling input. You add as much context as you think you'll need. You put the word on the front and you only listen to the audio if you feel like it or if you fail the card. They're simple so you spend little time in anki. It combines anki with the compelling input so your reps are more enjoyable. They're the perfect card, except

they're a waste of time because the time you spend making the cards adds up to hundreds of hours yet you won't be listening to the vast majority of the audio. Fuck anime cards.

>> No.21969768

Switzerlands cost of living is ok when you take the salary into account. Economic refugees are comming from germany and austria which should tell you a lot. Alcohol is super cheap, you can get 1l of beer for 1$ and you can drink from the age of 16. Only thing that really is a problem is real estate in urban region. Switzerland is small and if you dont want to drive 2h to work you will have a hard to buy a house. Renting is again fine if you consider the salary.

>> No.21969769

Man I want to like Americans but the fact that this is true really doesn’t make it easy

>> No.21969783

You have neither understood anime cards, nor do the conclusions you draw and the assumptions you make make sense
you are talking about something you do not understand

>> No.21969789

I have. You're defining "understand" as "agrees with me". Starting to sound like the MIA cult.

>> No.21969790

i was never arguing that there aren't some japanese people who are dumb. this only started because someone said "japanese people can't read kanji" essentially as a kind of cope for why it's okay to be shit at kanji. maybe some people who are uninterested in reading can't read some 表外字 (but can read everything else fine) but you only have to look at the size of japan's publishing industry to see that most people are actually intellectually curious enough to read.

>> No.21969804

holy sHIt i didnt read any of these posts but i wanna give a big warm okaeri to hayai guy wb dude we missed u

>> No.21969806

someone tell me how bad this is and what is bad?
is it still fixable or am I doomed forever.
Especially the 両親 fucked me up I think.

>> No.21969809

you're definitely that half-japanese guy who's pissed he didn't inherit full japanese blood, and therefore the intelligence boosts it would provide though, so you take it out on your superior 純日本人 lol

>> No.21969810

I just don’t have the will to correct you anymore because I have plenty of times before and you’ll just keep spewing dumb shit that is wrong due to enjoying being a retard
I’ll just tell you to stop talking about things you are clueless about, what is more embarrassing than a low IQ clown having strong opinions on things beyond his understanding

>> No.21969814

sounded like u said "yoshing" just put the r sound in there it doesnt matter how retarded it is ud prolly be understood

>> No.21969816

You have explained it before and I've basically regurgitated your reasoning. You're just a cult leader now. Sad.

>> No.21969824

u mean like u and learning japanese ? haha

>> No.21969826
File: 147 KB, 1900x1027, 433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?

>> No.21969840

this fucking R sound is so hard man. I don't know it sounds so silent when japs say it.

>> No.21969854

oh not at all, i'm not saying that, japanese people can't read ALL kanji, also when i say japanese people are shit at kanji...


>> No.21969869

dont even try to roll it just say like u would say it in "ride" or whatever

the reason its a lot more subtle is just cuz its more of a L sound in that word

>> No.21969876

It’s still not remotely as bad as in the west. I guess it’s a bit different because your song is produced by and for losers and not by a 5th column entity trying to undermine normal Japanese life.

>> No.21969888

>I guess it’s a bit different because your song is produced by and for losers
Exactly. I'm just saying there are also a fair bit of losers, as well as intelligent people. "As bad as the West" is a matter of opinion, that probably varies on where you want to call bad and what each person considers "bad".

>> No.21969897

Yeah it should kinda sound like "ride", but it's really hard to get that "r" sound with a よ afterwards.
Honestly I've just said some other words with "r"'s in front of me and I think they all sound fine. It's just that particular combination I guess.
Maybe I should just delay pronunciation even more.

>> No.21969910

lol @ you changing your posting style depending on who you're replying to. sad. you'll never be respected by either uppercasers or lowercasers.

>> No.21969918
File: 48 KB, 611x399, 4543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21969921

the key is to just say ryo as 1 syllable

a lot of ppl go reee-yo just eleminate the eee part of that and ur good to go mostly

ull figure out how to get the more subtle r/l sounds in there eventually but just settle for actually saying it understandably

>> No.21969920

>uppercase/lowecase autism
never change DJT

>> No.21969923

Nooooo you have to stick with a style it’s cheating if you change it

>> No.21969931

saying it as one syllable is what made me say it without the "r".
I'll try harder.

>> No.21969937

Put your tongue behind you front teeth
There are better explanations but that's roughly irl it's not a real r, it's just transcribed as one

>> No.21969942

maybe try elongating the r for a bit just to practice like go "rrrrrrrrryo" and then just shorten it

>> No.21969955

yea im not a fan of telling ppl to go crazy with the L sound tho cuz then ull have ppl runnign around going leoshin lol

>> No.21969995

Wew lad.
The quality of jamal copycats is getting lower and lower.

>> No.21970004

i have a confession to make. i make my most stupid posts with uppercase, just to shove extra shit on them

>> No.21970012

even if u dont type them just about all of u are uppercasers to me anyway

>> No.21970013

Jamal shitposts and inspires other shitposters. Quizmaster cheats at games and brags about how great he is at them and only inspires his alts. Fuck both of them.

>> No.21970018

i still cant believe hayai guy got vacced on stream cheating at the quiz

>> No.21970022
File: 296 KB, 578x267, firefox_c5ltX9VJC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this kind of stove called i cant find one like it on google

>> No.21970029
File: 20 KB, 350x350, 7579276591c57c6e7ca000c7652a2b8e3a554f4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm i found it, epic

>> No.21970030

weed stove

>> No.21970034

oh a kerosene stove huh cool come to think of it seeing a real pic it does remind me of a kerosene lantern haha

>> No.21970048
File: 540 KB, 1920x1080, aknu5RR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best result you can get with text hookers or is it even possible to hover over text in-game with yomichan?
This picture isn't mine, I just found it in some guide (which is probably kinda old).

>> No.21970052

lol hope u like not looking at the game window ever lol that is ur fate as a text hooking scrub lmao

>> No.21970056

it's the best way to look up kanji or do you have a better solution?

>> No.21970061

no just get this instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBeiZKJ20aY&has_verified=1

>> No.21970085

I don't want everything translated, just something that lets me use yomichan on the the text.

>> No.21970095

Today I start learning Japanese, using the guide in the OP.

>> No.21970110

1. Finished はなひらっ, what should I do next?
2. I made a text file containing every word I had to look up with yomichan and it has 360 words (lines) in it, should I add them to Anki or just do nothing with it?

>> No.21970111

better solution to u means something totally different than better solution to me cuz ur already past the point of no return

u will not ever learn japanese mark my words

>> No.21970118

>Finished はなひらっ, what should I do next?
how many days did it take you

>> No.21970119

1 kill youre slef

2 if u completed step 1 none of this matters now

>> No.21970138

enlighten me, what's your method?

>> No.21970141

I'd suggest reading Negima.

>> No.21970143

just do what you want

>> No.21970154

3 days, 5 hours total (rough estimate from my save times)

>> No.21970156

paper back dictionaries no internet sometime in the mid 1990s

nowadays i just use https://kanji.jitenon.jp/

>> No.21970160

how old are you wtf

>> No.21970165

today is my 69th birthday funnily enough

>> No.21970169

made 30 anime cards from 舟を編む thank you based quizmaster!

>> No.21970184

huh and how do you type the kanji into the dictionary if you can't copy paste it?

>> No.21970194

wew lad
i also use the same tho

u srs?

>> No.21970234

close the texthooker's window, make the vn's window bigger, make the brower's window a lot smaller

>> No.21970264

look up by rad lad u know try usin that site thats what its for

>> No.21970265

How long does it take to get from n3 to n2/n1? I'm considering to take it next year in June or December to have a proof that I know (a bit) japanese
I know that jlpt sucks tho

>> No.21970282
File: 793 KB, 1225x649, slayers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a cartoon network japan stream

>> No.21970287

it's relative to your IQ. up to 20 years if your IQ is similar to someone like nuke marine

>> No.21970291

Full title? I know a few sites with shitty downloads but they usually have almost everything

>> No.21970298

(i know he's not talking about the anime, I just found it funny that cartoon network shows old anime in japan)

>> No.21970304

what's the difference between 覚える and 憶える

>> No.21970313

cuz the times have changed dude who would watch slayers when u could watch the latest shit garbage titty and ass anime about high school kids lol

dare i say cartoon network has good taste in japan

>> No.21970316


>> No.21970317

There is none

>> No.21970322

hurrr durr muh kanjis

>> No.21970351

nothin makes u feel older than realizign watching slayers in 2019 is like watching a show from 1969 in 1995 lmao

>> No.21970395


>> No.21970398

that's not really right, 覚える can be used to learn something, as in learning japanese, notice how it's the same kanji used in 覚める. this really doesn't have anything to do with 体.

憶える is used just as a memorize type of thing. you know like 記憶.

>> No.21970401

stop thinking you know japanese when you don't even know basic words dude

>> No.21970405

okay, let me google this. give me just a sec.

>> No.21970410

hmm... someone said the exact same thing as me. what a surprise.
how many years does it take to suck that much? please enlighten me

>> No.21970422
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, fuckingshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too retarded to get textractor to work?
Why are there so many drop downs? and none of them seems to be the right one.
I think the copying to clipboard doesn't seem to work, because that's the second drop down, but it only contains stuff that I manually copied.

Everything else works fine. Clipboard inserter, yomichan, etc..

>> No.21970426

actually that says the same as what i said. you can't read japanese
> ...(見る等)体感して(覚る)場合は、「覚える」になります。

>> No.21970427

oh, in case you didn't get the joke, which i assume you won't
enlighten can be 目覚める, so it's a pun

>> No.21970432

yes, as a result, you "experience" something to learn what it means, or you awaken to another way of thinking. it doesn't mean literally you have to feel it physically like working in the fields or some shit

>> No.21970438

i actually lost it at the dj part lmao that dude ftw

>> No.21970440


>> No.21970443

what the fuck is wrong with the vn's text?

>> No.21970452

more like what the fuck is wrong w. that vn

>> No.21970454
File: 21 KB, 1613x96, qolibri_RLKcffgWDh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems like you dont even know how the word is used?

>> No.21970466

look what you wrote, buddy
the japanese means you literally have to use your body
i'm saying the usage of "体で" doesn't align with what you even just posted. i mean what the fuck. did you forget what you wrote a second ago?

>> No.21970471


>> No.21970481

I got it to work, but still don't know why there are tons of drop downs.

>> No.21970483

the distinction is literally not between 体 and 頭
i mean...........................

look at this, please.

i mean it should be obvious you can 目覚める to things by thinking of them and not actually physically feeling them.

>> No.21970485

man you really need to stop pretending you know japanese in these threads.

>> No.21970497

the only thing i'm saying is that what you wrote in japanese is incorrect. there is no implication of a difference between 体 and 頭. we're talking about the difference between 憶える and 覚える.

why then would you look up 体で覚える???

lol so dumb. i like how arrogant you all get it's actually now entertaining.

>> No.21970506

you're arguing with a native japanese speaker. i just copied that answer from chiebukuro


who's arrogant now? btw i guess you think you can say 体で憶える too?

>> No.21970513

exactly because of this autism, you will never learn Japanese if you browse /djt/.
Leave now and actually learn Japanese.

>> No.21970521
File: 16 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

press this fukken button before its too late

>> No.21970526
File: 162 KB, 768x1024, ECzcsRMVAAA1oYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also 1 more for best girl

>> No.21970540

where'd he go

>> No.21970545

please take the time to read what i'm saying and use your brain, if you can't even do that, then you might as well stop while you're behind

the answer isn't INCORRECT, it's mostly incomplete or oversimplified.

yes, if you physically experience something to learn it, it's an experience, which means you use 覚える, but it doesn't mean the difference is about the "physical" at all. i mean, come on.

>> No.21970550

>what you wrote in japanese is incorrect.
>the answer isn't INCORRECT
why should i read what you say when you keep changing your tune

>> No.21970553

can u stop beign clowns over stupid shit

>> No.21970559

can you please put on a name or something so i can filter you. you've become by far the worst poster in the thread since you started posting here a few days ago

>> No.21970566

wait is that the guy from the making a steak fiasco lmfao

>> No.21970567

i'm sorry by literal definition it's not correct,
if you're oversimplifying it's "correct"
but just as much as it's correct to say the difference between ll cool j and donald trump is only that one dude is black

i wasn't here a few days ago so that probably wasn't me...

>> No.21970569

Can you please stop making such shitty OPs, Jamal?

>> No.21970571

it's definitely the half japanese dude im convinced

>> No.21970579

seriously though, wtf is that thing trying to say?

>> No.21970580

wow dude we sohuld be friends cuz im the only other person here who is old enough to know who ll cool james is

yah i see its a different guy now i havent been keeping up with the latest guys the past couplea days

>> No.21970584
File: 58 KB, 624x497, 1545149181069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold the power of anime cards

>> No.21970585

maybe you should make an account on chiebukuro and argue with the japanese guy who said it instead of me dumbass. i dont have enough hubris to think i know more than a native speaker unlike you

>> No.21970586

i didnt make the op i havent posted a op in a long time but if u want me to start posting the new threads i suppose we can go back to that time

im sure a couple of u remember that era

>> No.21970587

omg I understood that! I might get the yearned N5 !!!

>> No.21970596

how long till he just disappears forever and pretends like he never made a bet with me that he was gonna pass kanken 2 or face penalty of posting a picture of his ass with "jamal was right" written on it in the thread

if ur still out there hayai guy u can just get it over with now and prove u at least have honour to make good on ur bets

>> No.21970599

they're asking if they want to go skating

>> No.21970600

I come to djt for the arguing over minor shit.
Never disappoints me

>> No.21970605

does she like the チンチン?

>> No.21970613

hope youre having fun reading through weeks of boring discord chat lol

>> No.21970614


>> No.21970618

she says she does a lot on twitter but i think thats all bull shit and shes just goin thru that phase of bein a young adult

if shes not married when shes 30 ill look her up and see if she wants to be one of my wives lol

>> No.21970623

she nasty af wtf

>> No.21970631

lol @ this guy reading old chat logs probably hoping to find some kind of epic own material
really nothing else to do do have you

I'll still pass kanken 2

>> No.21970636

>one of my wives
why the fuck are you stealing all the bitches, no wonder i don't get any

>> No.21970642


umm shes mega adorable ??

im giving u like 10 years to marry her dude have at it

>> No.21970643

I mean, I probably won't pass Kanken 2

>> No.21970648

err i meant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaxIvfKcQX0#t=23 @ >>21970623

>> No.21970651

i feel like listening back to the same anime after ive watched it watch jp subs would be the best possible listening practice but that's very boring so i cant do it

>> No.21970653

why is her house so empty

>> No.21970659

Christ what an annoying bitch

>> No.21970668

i didnt ask for a autograph but thanks i guess ?

>> No.21970679

if you are trying to say signature then tell me where that works as a signature either semantically or syntactically Christ your post quality has really dropped

>> No.21970682

You really are. How about fucking off back to your little discord circlejerk with the other subhumans?

>> No.21970685

*stuffs u in a locker*

>> No.21970686

it's funny because every person that knows any Japanese here has been or is on the Discord
and nobody who knows Japanese has refused a quiz before

>> No.21970697

>hoping to find some kind of epic own material
if that's what i was after, there were worse things i could've screencapped

i just happened to spot that while skimming through and thought it was funny, especially the part where moments later some new guy joined the chat and you immediately started trying to shill your anime cards to him lmao

>> No.21970703

sorry i only play on vac enabled servers

>> No.21970708

give invite to the server

>> No.21970710

guys please stop fighting. i just want to live my best life with my bro jamal, and you are ruining the mood before our sex tourism trip to nipponland

>> No.21970711

it's funny you try to make it the fault of my cards when I say in that very screenshot it is my procrastination behaviour and I only considered turning off reviews so I could better deal with several days reviews not done but ultimately I didn't turn them off and I'm doing fine with that just being a temporary downer, what is it you even want to say

It's linked here under misc. chat
you got to follow the link on that Discord server

>> No.21970715 [DELETED] 

Kill all niggers

>> No.21970719

honestly i was straight up reading the subs like a book up until today but i'm trying to force myself to mostly listen while just glancing at the subs for a second after the characters say their lines, but it's tough because without the subs i miss 99% of the words.

but IDK if that still means i'm using the jap subs as a crutch or not.

>> No.21970734

sorry dude count me out of that but i know a guy whod love to go with u his name rhymes with anime godbother

>> No.21970741

speak of the devil


>> No.21970749

>what is it you even want to say
nothing. >>21970584 was nothing more than a shitpost and i think everyone but you could see that.

why do you get worked up so much over a little banter? i can't believe you've gone so far as to come back to the thread just a few days after supposedly quitting just to respond to something so inane.

>> No.21970758

but he's wack as fuck, he will drop even my changes by 150% if people see me around him.
honestly if that monkey gets laid in japan, any loser from here can do it too

>> No.21970766

>discord retards
Nothing unusual.

>> No.21970767

okay good so I guess we can agree anime cards are good fucking shit

>> No.21970769 [DELETED] 

oh u know he doesnt get laid anywhere unless he brings out the cash lol


view those tweets in that order to see what i mean

>> No.21970781

imagining animegodfather working at a warehouse and saving all of his money to go to japan to get laid once but then they just take his money and beat him up instead and he doesnt get laid at all haha

>> No.21970787
File: 215 KB, 600x122, anime_godfather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21970788

the best part is u can legally beat the shit out of any foreigner in japan cuz u can just say he started it and the police will agree with u cuz the other guy is anime godfather and in addition to being rekt also cant speak japanese haha

>> No.21970799

sounds like china to me, but i guess most of the asia is the same in cases like these

>> No.21970821

just スレイヤーズ!is the first one's title
the wiki only lists the subtitles for the rest but I'd imagine that they have the series' title as well

>> No.21970832 [DELETED] 


just imagine ur anime godfather walkin around some seedy back alleys tryin to find the entrance to the sex parlor and this happens

>> No.21970839 [DELETED] 

imagining anime godfather walkin around with his phone out in front of him and then he sees the djt boys


>> No.21970853
File: 643 KB, 1916x1033, opera_IocXT5g4ax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the biggest I can make this game apart from full-screen.
I don't see where you can change the resolution.
Am I blind, s my Japanese shit or is this game shit?

>> No.21970868

whats the point in changing the resolution when the art is low rez in the first place

my suggestion is to fullscreen in a vm : )

>> No.21970875

but why is the art so low rez? the game isn't thaat old.

>> No.21970878

VNs only come in one resolution bro its not a video game

>> No.21970881

install arch linux in japanese bros

>> No.21970882

that's stupid to be honest. babby's first VN I guess.

>> No.21970884

ur supposed to full screen anyway whats the point if ur not *snorts* immersing lol

>> No.21970917

i fullscreen my web browser with an html page that copies all the text from a texthooker instead :)

>> No.21970923

*gets aids while reeeeing loudly*

>> No.21970924

and i hover over every single unknown word with yomichan which requires multiple lookups per sentence

>> No.21970993

i had to look up two words in a sentence recently for the first time in like 2 years it was awful

>> No.21971031

if u hate it maybe its time to cut urself free willingly to stop just whats killing u

>> No.21971032

just give up and play some tf2 dude

>> No.21971033

>just スレイヤーズ!is the first one's title

>> No.21971038

its time to stop torturing urselves in vain

lets go home boys


>> No.21971065
File: 73 KB, 1180x104, 40CiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting fed up with this shitty ass add on

>> No.21971072

accurate and triggering

>> No.21971118

watch some seasonal trash like arifureta or maou-sama retry

they're both charmingly bad to the point where they've somehow become the highlights of my week

>> No.21971127


>> No.21971134

>"w-we are loved in japan!!! reeee"
I love how the butthurtness caused by the post you quoted still lingers on

>> No.21971140

idk that's just my impression they seem to love em

>> No.21971228


>> No.21971234

now go through every single character

>> No.21971237

Huh, so VNs really are as shit as I thought they were.
No thanks, I'll stick to Manga and Anime.

>> No.21971257

you could already do that with nazeka for ages lol

>> No.21971272

Why do you hate literature?

>> No.21971275

It's not literature, it's Manga with less pictures.

>> No.21971312
File: 198 KB, 1540x1540, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I understand the difference between デブ and ぽっちゃり。

>> No.21971315

ok but what did you read specifically that led you to that conclusion

>> No.21971421

oh its litbus guy lmao

wonder if he's the /pol/tard who seems to occasionally pop up here and derail the thread

>> No.21971448

it means she a ho' (just like your 母).

>> No.21971452

what's the difference between 集まる and 集る?

>> No.21971466
File: 66 KB, 720x405, jidf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holocaust denial

>> No.21971519

excuse me sir i was firmly opposed to such things

>> No.21971544

what's the difference between と and も

>> No.21971577

why does his lower lip drag so fUckign much its practically on the floor

>> No.21971587

u better believe i didnt read any of that

>> No.21971589


>> No.21971593

this really is the most unforgivable post in the thread

>> No.21971603

theres no way to make a not shit thread

the only thing we can do is have me make a discord and charge money to join it on my patreon

>> No.21971606

uh excuse me I am already charging money to join my Discord on my Patreon please don't steal my idea you can join it for free as well though

>> No.21971623

i dont wanna join it theres some retarded guy who uses weird chuuni japanese names on there all the time who wont shut up about anime cards and quizzes lol

>> No.21971644

been meaning to read this ever since i watched the anime when it aired and i still haven't gotten round to it

>> No.21971655

what would a not shit thread even be like to you

>> No.21971663

>Let me begin by telling you a little bit about myself, and what made me create this blog
>assembly-line style genocide
how is this related to nihongo you sick fuck

>> No.21971714
File: 79 KB, 550x700, 1536852435295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21971716

because you know it'd be immoral. good for you man.

>> No.21971726

Nah I got no problem with loli whatsoever
it's just part of my struggle trying to like VNs
it's like this, I hear all the weeb and Japanese learning people going crazy about them but all the VNs I tried (over 20 now) bored the fucking shit out of me and despite my failed attempts to like them in the past I want to see the good in them so I keep struggling, the biggest struggle being launching one

>> No.21971727


>> No.21971857

this. VNs are shit.
Nukige are alright I guess.

>> No.21971873

>the nukige you want to download only has one seeder at 20kbps.
Keep on keeping on based turkish footjob enthusiast.

>> No.21971906

imagining a dude in turkey jacking off to hentai feet lmao

>> No.21972003

what a cunt.

>> No.21972009

yea and she's ugly too

>> No.21972022

u know w. all the yandere fetish shit goin on these days im gonna say this is not the shit i do like

>> No.21972064

Guys this is a Christian site, please be nice and respect the retards like>>21969567

>> No.21972093

i assumed thats just some hungry boy wantin to be next in line for that mashiron chan slizz

>> No.21972123

I thought 4chan was a NuAtheist Randian hacker website full of autists who don't believe in spooks like "unconditional love" or "compassion".

>> No.21972157



>> No.21972162

why is this thread so slow at this time
is most of djt from the eu?

>> No.21972192

that's weird the same thing was happening to me when i was making that post

>> No.21972193

show me a better kanji than 冬
protip: you can't.

>> No.21972206

minna genki lol

>> No.21972209

still hurting from when jamal made that one comment on my post

>> No.21972233


魂 (書道)

>> No.21972262

i wonder if you can live truly happy life as a JAV star

>> No.21972282

I believe that motivation is the most important factor in language learning. The second one is comprehensible input. Both of them can vary along with a variety of other stuff, like whether or not you've had a good night's sleep, what other projects/assignments you might have to complete, how distracting your physical environment is, how compelling the content you're consuming is, amongst others.
Even having a fever or taking drugs can affect your ability to process information or your spirits on a certain day.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.21972306

honestly i thought this was a good post

>> No.21972309

matt said he got introduced to his housemates friends and tried eating lunch with them for a few days but he couldnt keep up with their conversations so he stopped and headed to the toilet
ur wrong cuz i went from lookin at the game window 5% of the time to 95% of the time : )
but i dont know japanese : (
if the engine isnt directly supported its hit or miss
im surprised u got it in ith cuz ithvnr didnt work so i just went without hookin when i read saya

>> No.21972311

nah it's samey gay bullshit

>> No.21972315

i have to agree with matt motivation is for retards

>> No.21972325

well the last lil while was pretty good

>> No.21972519

No posts for over two hours, what the fuck did he do?

>> No.21972562



>> No.21972673


>> No.21972746

really like this word 一挙手一投足

>> No.21972771

Yeah. But thanks to that, I actually read a lot more than usual

>> No.21972789

I'm watching anime in anki now. Thank you based britvsjapan for great tips.

>> No.21972799

someone you know is watching your 一挙手一投足

>> No.21972801

How are you practicing your jp today djt?
I recently found this guy
Kinda rare to find jp gameplay that isn't a kizuna-copycat and has decent audio, so I'm really enjoying having a narration of AA.

>> No.21972878

First time hearing about this. So whats the fate or steinsgate of nukige? Want to start with something entry level.

>> No.21972885


>> No.21972897

You think now 5 years later all the guys in that thread made it?

>> No.21972905

don't tell me you mined 輸贏 (because i have too lol)

>> No.21972909

Okay I won't

>> No.21972950

>Kill la Kill and 変態王子と笑わない猫 both aired 6 years ago.
I feel like an old man now in comparison to the 若い者 I was back then.

>> No.21972958

mining japanese words in minecraft right now

First word is : 利き手

>> No.21972970

First numbered thread, #15 (2012-02-14)
First thread (2012-01-22)

This is the 2242nd "Daily Japanese" thread, but it has been 2776 days since the first thread.

>> No.21972973

>Ender dragon, and Nether world portal
They're katakanafied versions of the English words for them.

>> No.21972978

Here, you're gonna need this: ツルハシ

>> No.21973039

Holy shit the first thread started by linking to kanjidamage I feel like I just learned about the dark past of my forebears, one that should not have been talked about

>> No.21973044
File: 49 KB, 731x244, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting works again, here check this out heh

>> No.21973045

Fuck off idiot.

>> No.21973051

What is the problem?

>> No.21973059

just like when we learned about your dark past as a cheating cunt

>> No.21973061

imagine believing this lol

>> No.21973111

作業台 dunno the rest

>> No.21973136 [DELETED] 

Why would you do this?

>> No.21973148



>> No.21973405



>> No.21973470

i love you /djt/ bros don't leave me

>> No.21973502

Quiz can go

>> No.21973504

back to using anki again alongside my reading and the gains are so obvious. reading is more fun when i can clearly tell i'm learning stuff

>> No.21973517

Turns out that there's a reason flashcards were invented.

>> No.21973593

what's a good way to track time spent in an application so i can autistically log the hours i spend reading any given vn?

>> No.21973627

implying you wont alt tab every 5 mins to check djt

>> No.21973633
File: 1.19 MB, 1222x625, kimetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i defeated an oni"
>"i've gotten strong"
oh i understood these basic as fuck and worthless lines that's pretty cool. hopefully i encounter more of these---

and then in the next sentence the only part i understood was じゃなかった and ちゃんと. it's not like hearing that sentence added 0.0000000001% to my japanese knowledge, and that if i keep at it i'll eventually be able to understand most things. it did nothing at all. the sentence was gibberish. people ENJOY this process over reading where you are guaranteed to understand even a tiny bit more after sentences like that? for real? what is wrong with you? yea the animation is nice but i don't watch shows just for animation. no wonder you guys made it. you are fucking freaks of nature.

>> No.21973642

time for some TF2 i think bro

>> No.21973647

i'm taking a break from tf2 because i'm gonna play the fuck out of eu4 when the manchu update drops and i wanna make sure i'm prepared.

>> No.21973649

is memrise good to learn japanese with or should I just stick with anki with VN core 1250?

>> No.21973691

start with VN core and tae kim right now, so you understand somewhat how sentences are structured. then begin reading soon as possible.
anki won't do shit if you don't see the words being used for real.

>> No.21973713

so no memrise? Just use VN core for vocabulary and tae kim for how to use said vocabulary, and watch, read and listen to japanese stuff

>> No.21973738

well you just skim tae kim not trying to memorize grammar, when you're reading you can always look up what you don't understand
after a while of understanding you will be able to speak/write naturally

>> No.21973751

ok thanks, do you have nay recommendations for a simple book to read?

>> No.21973753

memrise is waste of time

>> No.21973758

>he doesnt even realize how owned hes getting

>> No.21973762

Pretty sure it's serial in order of thread, so we get one possibly more than once a day, sometimes less.

>> No.21973822

if you check their website the "perfectionist path" has been deleted. he realized how autistic his hypothesis was and that it wasn't even his theoretically most perfect path.

>> No.21973940

Man this video really shows off how weird Matt's face is
And how strange his combover is
Strange dude
No wonder he learned Japanese in a bathroom

>> No.21973943

the perfectionist path was too hard (you only listen for a year, no reading at all)
most people do the balanced path and he didn't want people to feel like they're not doing the optimal thing
also he realized that the "real" perfectionist path would be to listen to the same japanese person for a year or two, so that you have a consistent way of speaking as your "baseline" of speech
because if you only watch anime in the beginning your base will be anime, and even though you can put a layer of "natural japanese" on top of that very easily later on, you will occasionally fall back to your base (in this case anime japanese) when your brain is tired or you're very stressed

>> No.21973965

This implies that an individual has a rigid, set manner of speaking which definitely isn't the case
Lots of people have picked up "Imagine" or "I mean" as verbal tic filler-tier mannerisms in the last couple years, "hella" used to be a thing, groovy, cool, etc etc
Pretty off-base IMO

>> No.21973968

best argument for consuming sol stuff

>> No.21973993

remember that matt deep down thinks you're an immature weirdo loser if you enjoy anime

>> No.21974000

>nobody ever tried it
>wanted to put it out there without a trial
>calling it perfectionist
I mean I'm sure the only people who give up were dekinais but fucking with people's learning like they're guinea pigs is pretty slimy given he takes their money for it

>> No.21974014

slimy? that's a reach. he talks about how a lot of what he says is hypothesis. he should have been more clear that it was experimental though. actually i don't remember if he labelled the perfectionist path as experimental or not. he might have.

>> No.21974018

he says in the video that he did, at least

>> No.21974039

>unironically watching it

>> No.21974053

it was something to keep me occupied while practicing my guitar scales
also i enjoy theorizing about language learning so eh

>> No.21974077

lmaoing imagining matt's manga wall torch instantly the second a spark is within 10 miles of it

>> No.21974105

those mannerisms you're talking about are tiny though
people don't drastically change their way of speaking unless they move to another place or you compare their speech at two points in their life which are very far apart from each other, both in terms of time and stage of development
an adult living in the same place isn't going to drastically alter their way of speaking even over a longer period of time aside from adding or removing small mannerisms

>> No.21974309

Finger exercise and a mental map of notes that work together

>> No.21974310

thanks anon but i've been playing for 15 years, i'll be okay

>> No.21974378

well sure @ the exercise part but the 2nd part is pretty iffy for a lot of guys

i could say play a arpeggiated Am triad in 5th position and could u really do it right away without thinking ?

ive seen lots of intermediate guys struggle w. what im talkin about no need to throw out ur baby length of time like thats gonna impress me whos been doing it twice as long

>> No.21974451

No because I know fuck all about music theory, I play entirely by ear

>> No.21974587

99% of people who knock scales and fast playing are those who couldn't play those things themselves, so they say it's soulless or unmusical
i hate constant up and down shredding that goes on and on but a fast run can be a fantastic culmination to a melodic solo and i believe any player worth their salt should be able to play something like that
that's the last thing i'm going to say on this though because this discussion is so off-topic it's not even funny

>> No.21974605

music is gay shut up

>> No.21974608

I mean I can read tablature and come up with my own music just fine
Anyway we're hella off topic, time for a billion Anki reps because I'm retarded

>> No.21974637

>You do not need vocab for listening comprehension.
>You need listening for listening comprehension.

wtf is he right?

>> No.21974685

when learning kanji should I also be learning the stroke order as well at the same time as the definition or should I go back later and then learn the stroke order?

>> No.21974689

you stop learning kanji and learn to read

>> No.21974696

what is the most optimal place to learn japanese? are japanese bathrooms really that efficient?

>> No.21974697

Stroke order should be effortless after a while. Just learn them right.

>> No.21974709

personally i wouldn't learn kanji and learn vocab instead, you can always learn writing when you're better at japanese at which point it becomes easier anyways

>> No.21974714


>> No.21974720

a japanese 図書館 bonus points if you're wearing a 鉢巻

>> No.21974773

just came back from running for 30 minutes
legs kind of hard

>> No.21974800

> listen to the same japanese person for a year or two
I've been thinking about this kind of stuff recently. I'm about 1 year in but I mostly have been inputting slice of life and isekai anime and getting toxic input (=lots of female speech). But if I'd solely watch Hokuto no Ken from the beginning and never input other stuff, my speech would come up more easily the way I need it to be. There are hundreds of episodes of this show which should be enough to immerse for a long time. But since I didn't do that in the beginning, now every time I speak I need a fraction of a second to ask myself how Kenshirou would say what I try to say. So my plan from now on is to immerse solely with Hokuto no Ken, make sentence cards, and see if my feel for japanese changes.

>> No.21974809

What do you do if you hear all the mora and you recognize the words if you glance at the subtitle but you can't actually hear/process the words themselves when watching the show? Does a lot of listening just fix this over time?

>> No.21974823

You know I actually have no memory of what I did for my first year of learning Japanese
mostly doing Core6k while fucking around with dumb shit like Tae Kim and just being unproductive and busy with other things
think it's most accurate if we say my Japanese study time is like 1.5 years

>> No.21974824

now you're getting exercise? presumably handsome, a university student, smart enough to reach fluency in japanese in 2 years. fuck qm is better than me in every way.

>> No.21974828

as long as you're not a cheater you'll always be one step ahead of him

>> No.21974831
File: 1015 KB, 1428x2150, F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itazurafag is going to kill the library and ruin the op guide once again
what is wrong with this nigger?

>> No.21974846

If we don't count the time we wasted not learning I'm at like two months

>> No.21974855

I reread the same story for an entire year so I'm only going to count the first time I read the story as part of my Japanese learning. The rest was just me dicking around.

>> No.21974863

why not just add a selection at the top that lets people choose between serif and sans-serif

>> No.21974870

Have you finished core6k?
Not sure about berserk but Jojo has been in my ptw for years.

>> No.21974876

you realize itazura anon handed over the site (to this person)?
he is just saying he wants to take off the html versions of the books available otherwise calm down

I've posted before about doing some workouts and exercises
thing is I'm really afraid of just dying to something dumb like heart failure that could have been prevented by exercise so I get shit done
still haven't done any real strength exercises but I might later

it won't become true if you keep repeating it lol

well if you want to count all the time I wasted then I'm probably somewhere between 6 months and a year
sometimes I wish I had the MIA kind of autism but alas

>> No.21974885

i've only done like 3k cards in a year. you did twice as much as me in your failure stage. is there still hope for me if i switch to anime cards?

>> No.21974903

I don't know if there is hope for you man, you make me wonder what the fuck you were doing if you only managed to get to 3k cards in 2 years
there is a lot of stupid people trying to learn Japanese that will simply not make it, I think learning a foreign language requires a certain IQ
either way your learning will definitely improve if you switch to anime cards, merely due to the fact that you will be forced to consume anime to make them and consuming Japanese is ultimately the most important factor so go ahead

then tell him that, why the fuck do you post a screenshot here complaining about an option he is discussing instead of saying you use the html version and that it's useful

>> No.21974906

i didn't post the screenshot you dumb cunt

>> No.21974920

>only managed to get to 3k cards in 2 years
no i meant 1 year, since you said you did 6k cards in 1 year.

>> No.21974928

oh I see sorry I misread your post
either way any time is good so switch to anime cards

>> No.21974929

i'm counting all the hours i spent masturbating to jav as part of my japanese learning. so i have probably been studying japanese for 7 years now, and only 1 of them active

>> No.21975066
File: 129 KB, 734x965, dan_v14_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolut dekinai here, if i started now how long would it take for me to read this LN?
I dont mind having to read with a dictionary in hand and having to decypher it like some kind of archeologist.

>> No.21975086

after a year you could probably decipher it but also wouldn't understand everything
in two years you could do it relatively easily

>> No.21975115

I was expecting 6 months or something to decypher but i guess i just was dreaming lmao, ok better start now, wish me luck anons.

>> No.21975124

i mean you could still do it in 6 months it'll just be so painful that you probably won't feel like actually doing it

>> No.21975130



>> No.21975155


>> No.21975167

I finished my first novel seven months in. But then I did do RTK and C6K before that so I think /djt/ would prefer if I was still drooling at Yotsuba at that point.

>> No.21975180

Honestly Yotsuba is still difficult for me and I've read like 4000 pages worth of LNs

>> No.21975193

Which novel?

>> No.21975195

uhh music owns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_vy4-FF71o

lol tabs well agree with the last part of ur post

didnt read any of this

or this


>> No.21975199

First Hibike novel. Probably a bad idea because all the Kansai-ben confused the shit out of me at first.

>> No.21975203

why can't yomichan and other dictionaries deconjugate kansai-ben are these programmers fuckign STUPID?

>> No.21975212





>> No.21975223




>> No.21975244

>removing the only thing making the site worth keeping
>lmao calm down who cares!?!?!?!?!
itazura anon and his discord sycophants are the worst thing to happen to djt, period
way to deface everything the former maintainer created

>> No.21975255
File: 409 KB, 800x1130, 1475788826547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21975262


>> No.21975277

> go on the discord
You also use discord, don't you?

>> No.21975284


>> No.21975288

what is your point?

>> No.21975301

We as a community shouldn't use shitty zoomer malware apps. Let mia cultists stay there, alone.

>> No.21975308

if you are concerned about malware you can run it in your browser in a pretty isolated environment so the damage it could do is limited
if you are worried about being spied on then it's funny you are posting here, because the messages you post here are visible to everyone in the exact same way
Discord itself is a pretty cool program, personally I'd prefer if people collectively made a move to an open source self hosted program but that doesn't seem likely to happen
and the quality of the chats is obviously dependent on the quality of the users, if you are joining Reddit Japanese learning chats you should know what to expect

>> No.21975349

got my masters degree yesterday, felt nothing. whats the fuckin point man

>> No.21975359

3650th day in a row where i browse the internet all day. whats the fuckin point man

>> No.21975365
File: 50 KB, 1295x438, 1552777790416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it says mine things you read into anki, what does it mean and how do you do that?

>> No.21975372

if u cant figure it out yourself u cant learn japanese and thats a motherfuckin fact

>> No.21975381


>> No.21975384


get anki and anki connect
get yomichan for ur browser
find new things you want to know better
import into a "mining deck"

>> No.21975445
File: 94 KB, 794x670, 5445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you run into a word that you think you want to add to anki, you make a card with the word, reading and its translation.
I just stick everything into a text file and manually add 15 new cards into my mining deck every day.

>> No.21975446

>you can run it in your browser
I don't have an account and I uninstalled the program many years ago. When matrix exists, there's no need to use discord anymore.

>> No.21975451

The same thing happened to me with my high school and my bachelors degree. I don´t understand the hype people make out of graduating from school or uni. If anything, I was a little bit sad because things will change after graduation and I don´t like changes

>> No.21975465

>falling for the school meme

>> No.21975468

After BA it's time to get your masters and PhD. So get back to work.

>> No.21975479

>one week to learn two whole alphabets
who was the NIGGER who wrote that shit.

>> No.21975481

What does 「れんちょーん」mean?

>> No.21975486

if it's just individual words why not do a premade deck

>> No.21975491

is that from non non biyori? I was watching that as that previous anon suggested it to me and I also didn't no what it meant. I am assuming the girls name is ren but I don't know what the chon is supposed to mean

>> No.21975492

the thing is, highly doubt i would have accomplished anything else if i didnt go to uni. im not american so i dont have any debt either. it is what it is i guess

>> No.21975493

you're just supposed to learn them well enough so that you can very slowly read them when you see them
use some kana drill app to practice

>> No.21975494

renge with the most annoying va performance in recent memory. might even be more annoying than yuno from mirai nikki lol

>> No.21975496

if you include context on your card then that makes sense but it you're throwing most unknown words into a text document and then making cards with them with all context stripped then it'd be easier to go with a premade deck. you could even generate a list based off subs from the show you're watching or book you're reading.

>> No.21975506

yeah if anybody used it

>> No.21975508

is the premade deck anon trying to become a new thread personality?

>> No.21975512

you just don't get it

>> No.21975515

not that guy but the context isn't stripped from your brain, i often remember which shows i learned certain words in or sometimes even the exact context

>> No.21975520

no it just seems like the arguments against it are really bad unless you're doing anime cards or sentence cards.

>> No.21975525

imagine thinking 'mining' meaning making a note of the word and after that making a no context card out of it

>> No.21975526

not him either but for me it is stripped. i cant remember where i mined stuff from a lot of the time unless I make anime cards. thats why i switched to those.

>> No.21975530

I know that most djters are either NEETs or CS students, but if you were Medicine or Law students, would you use anki to study?

>> No.21975534


>> No.21975544

>do anki reviews on the plane on my phone
>get home and go to sync
>starts downloading a bunch of fucking files

It always does this fucking shit, why would it be downloading anything when all its doing is synching the reviews i did today

>> No.21975548

i'm an economics student and use it to study
>I know that most djters are either NEETs or CS students
you can study for cs with anki as well, i actually used it in a programming class

>> No.21975560

If you needed Anki to study econ or CS, I don't know, I'd think you're kind of slow.

>> No.21975565

Did you make cards for definitions of technical terms, or did you make something like
'ur mom' = 'gay'
print('ur mom')

>> No.21975579


>> No.21975582

that's a silly thing to say, some things you just need to memorize

some definitions, or quizzing myself on certain algorithms that we needed to have ready

>> No.21975599

t.180 IQ anon

>> No.21975633

he never said he needed to use it as in he couldn't accomplish the same thing without it. learn english before trying to insult the intelligence of others lol.

>> No.21975639

nice code stealing that

>> No.21975648

i want to study CS with jamal, but i'll probably just end up studying with some street shitters

>> No.21975679

What’s a decent Japanese news site that has video and text transcripts?

>> No.21975682
File: 204 KB, 1191x1684, 1548758947165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this came out today, any way to get it online?

>> No.21975699

ANNNews and the NHK website both have videos that go along with their news articles which are near identical in terms of what they narrate.

>> No.21975709

How do you study sentence cards?
What i mean by that is the way i'm currently doing it is i just read the sentence and see whether i understand it or not.
The thing is after seeing the same sentence for the 5th time or so i feel like i can't really be sure whether i'm actually understanding the grammar itself or if i'm just remembering what the sentence in isolation translates to on the back of the card.

You guys know what i mean?
Like, how do i know i'm instinctively understanding the sentence instead of intellectually remembering the solution?

Should i retire sentence cards after a couple rounds and replace them with fresh ones?

>> No.21975714

isnt the point of sentence cards to remember the 1 word u dont know from each i+1 sentence? never done them so idk

>> No.21975718

>if i'm just remembering what the sentence in isolation translates to
this is why you are supposed to READ MORE

>> No.21975733

well i'm currently doing the Tae Kim 800 card grammar sentences deck

>> No.21975738

oh ok

*swivels chair and vomits violently into garbage can*

>> No.21975740


>> No.21975746

>when u scratch ur balls or the crease between the base of ur dong and ur pubic bone and take a sniff
hmm maybe its time to fap

>> No.21975760

for me, it's the grundle/gooch/perineum, the most delicious post-scratch-sniff

>tfw you will never achieve a level of japanese where you can instantly think of 3 synonyms for grundle

>> No.21975770

The point of any card should be to remember one key element (be it the connection between one word/phrase and its meaning/reading). If you can understand the entire sentence it appears in, then that means the sentence is right on your level, but the point should be to remember one word which you previously didn't know, not the entire thing.
It's kinda like knowing that 1+3+5+7=16, not because you remember that entire sequence of numbers, but rather because you can deduce that it can be split into (1+3)+(5+7)=4+12=16

>> No.21975799

地味っ子 -- perfect woman (n)

>> No.21975807


>> No.21975813

oh, well
i've been doing sentence cards to remember grammar, not words, as i've previously done the 6k core anki deck before people were like "this is trash"

>> No.21975819

because the sentences are actually fine and only retarded nitpickers take issue with them

>> No.21975826

have you considering learning japanese? i suggest trying to read to accomplish this goal

>> No.21975846

>did 6k vocab
>am now doing retarded tae kim grammar deck

lol ur not gonna make it dumb shit, all u need is some vocab and thne u start consuming haha too late idiot

>> No.21975863

is dr stone any good atm? got through 2 episodes and dropped it

>> No.21975871

i'm 4 episodes in and want to drop it but won't. it's a lot more comedic and absurd than i was hoping.

>> No.21975883

have you considered that one can do anki and immerse on the same day?

>> No.21975889

How much knowledge do i need to start reading?

>> No.21975890

ye but i just assumed you weren't doing that if you're doing something like a tae kim grammar sentence deck LOL
bout tree fiddy

>> No.21975893

>bout tree fiddy

>> No.21975903

i started reading with barely any vocab and having only read a few articles on tae kim. i worked through tae kim and dojg, trying to comprehend all their example sentences, and by the time i had done both it was a lot easier to read. i also did an anki deck for dojg but that's not necessary.

>> No.21975940

skim a grammar guide and know like 1000 words

>> No.21975947


>> No.21975954

Know 3000 words and have done 1000 sentence cards for basic grammar

>> No.21975966

do rtk 1-3 and have at least 10k mature cards.

>> No.21975974

i personally disagree since i am of the opinion that the best way to learn is by trying to understand the language which means a person should try to start reading and listening as soon as possible

>> No.21975975

desu anyone who starts reading should've at least done jouyou lazy kanji

>> No.21975985

you should start reading day 1

>> No.21975989

you should start reading 18 months before you start learning japanese

>> No.21975993

does yomichan add definitions to anki or just words?

>> No.21975997

It's possible to start reading after reading 10 pages off Tae Kim and knowing only 200 words, just as it's possible to start reading after learning 1500 or even 4000 words and going through all of the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar. In either case, it wouldn't be too rare to come across sentences full of unknown words or difficult to decipher meanings. All you may attempt to do in either case is to not freak out for coming across something you can't quite understand.
Therefore, begin whenever you want. No anki deck, grammar guide, or textbook will ever prepare you for the kind of prose you'll find in chuuni eroge or literary fiction.

>> No.21975998

someone make a nursery rhyme about how an a o or u preceding a ru in a verb always makes it an u verb. i keep forgetting

>> No.21976000

Actually, unless you want to permanently cripple yourself, you need to listen to your target language for at least two years before you do anything else.

>> No.21976001

you can set it up the way you want

>> No.21976002


>> No.21976003

*shits in a styrofoam cup and lobs the contents at you*

>> No.21976005

you mean, listen to the same native speaker for two years

>> No.21976006

If you can't understand anything, it shouldn't even be called listening. It's just hearing.
That's why we tell people to read voiced eroge instead of traditional novels.

>> No.21976022

Can someone please translate this one to English?

>> No.21976023

what are some good eroge?
honestly i'd laern using visual novels but i know next to nothing about which ones aren't ass

>> No.21976032

i hate this shit man
i've been using hellotalk (way too fucking early yes)
and everytime i say a few sentences they're like
ur japanese is good!
and I'm like "no it's not good. if it was good i wouldn't be speaking english most of the time"

often times this makes them understand.
but japanese people are super dishonest about this shit

>> No.21976036

sort vndb by rating

>> No.21976044

ware-sama: concha
Nip: Kneehon-go tasty dess ne (that's a kill me baby reference in case you didn't know)

>> No.21976050


>> No.21976053

tfw I bought a kindle paperwhite for reading but i don't even know what to read on this.
any suggestions?

>> No.21976058

grapes of wrath

>> No.21976059

That's why you should spend more time developing your Wizard monk skills contemplating the beauty of 2d women instead of chikazuiteruing lowly women made of kusatta flesh and full of fujun thoughts.

>> No.21976061

Non fiction crime stuff

>> No.21976064

this post gave me aids

>> No.21976069

Something about imouto giving onii-chan a handjob using a pantu-covered hand.

>> No.21976071

Are you fluent in Japanese?

>> No.21976082

I'm fluent in kouhgo and weeaboo弁.

>> No.21976089


>> No.21976091

what's your reading level, friend?

>> No.21976097

i feel sad and like my life is over already at the age of 23. reading more or RTK didn't help and neither did acquiring japanese. when is the optimal time to kms?

>> No.21976099

Do you think you could pass the N2 with your level?

>> No.21976102

Reading levels are a spook, liek, for maji.

>> No.21976104

is ur only issue being shit at japanese or what? the second sentence you wrote doesnt make much sense lol

>> No.21976116

I'm assuming {dictionary} adds the definition into the field you placed it in but that hasn't added any definitions to the cards I've made

>> No.21976117

find a long-term goal for your life to work towards
where do you want to be in 5-10 years?
if you can't think of anything the perfect time to off yourself is now

>> No.21976118

you giving me (you)s made me feel worse
>is ur only issue
probably not bro, i wanted to leave some mystery in the air

>> No.21976122

glossary adds them, not definition. idek what definition does because the author is a faggot

>> No.21976123

i use nazeka so i'm not sure but i think the definition thing for yomichan was glossary

>> No.21976124
File: 84 KB, 506x608, 1545848350409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts

>> No.21976126

Wakaran. All I know is that when I read h-manga, my penis can pyuu pyuu to the drawings of mankos I see on the panels.
Ever since I failed a translation challenge a month ago or so, I'm not sure if I've actually ever been anything but a mega-dekinai who never gave up.

>> No.21976130

why would you design something like that, it seems counter intuitive

>> No.21976131

What is your problem? I won't tell you to kill yourself because that's not a nice thing to do but why do you go out of your way to tell me how my posts make you feel as if I capable of even trying to give a shit? And that in response to asking about your Japanese in the Japanese learning thread? Get a fucking grip.

>> No.21976136

also thank you for telling me. I was gonna try that anyway but you saved me the hassle

>> No.21976141

why do you keep shilling nazeka? it's vaguely similar to yomichan and rikaitachi but it's worse in every way. if yomichan could be customized a little more, it would be better but aside from its huge white box, it's the best option. why use anything else?

>> No.21976145

1.5 hours of reading, 2.5 hours of listening 0.5 hours of anki EVERY SINGLE DAY

>> No.21976154

i'm not shilling it, i gave the reason for why i'm not sure if i'm telling this guy the right answer
calm your tits lmao

>> No.21976155
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1553486062472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you can't think of anything the perfect time to off yourself is now

>> No.21976156

i do 1-2 hours of reading and 0.20 hours of listening (i give up from boredom after that) and 0.10 hours of anki.

>> No.21976160

dont off yourself ever just in case doing so keeps you from going to heaven or experiencing eternal bliss

>> No.21976164

I just noticed that Matt's AJATT guide matches the Ken-sama copypasta quite well.

>> No.21976166

>literally retard strength

>> No.21976171

>0.20 hours of listening
really, i must have gotten like 45 minutes worth of listening just while walking to class today, but maybe that shouldnt count

>> No.21976175

you've someone managed to be the bigger loser in this exchange than a guy that's contemplating suicide lmao what the fuck how is that even possible

>> No.21976176

i use nazeka because it's faster and looks better, also i can play the audio with a hotkey while the audio in yomichan never worked for me

>> No.21976180

you think now 5 years later anyone in that thread made it ?
i cant feel what hes gettin at here
i mean shitty html conversions aint that good and that isnt the content itself lol
dont u ever say the ln library is more important than the vn library to my face btw
based qm

>> No.21976182

you can customize the size of the popup in yomichan now as well

>> No.21976189

why would u want eternal anything lol

>> No.21976192

>tfw no longer feeling suicidal
wtf /djt/ is literally a life savor

>> No.21976197

why wouldnt you? nothing matters otherwise

>> No.21976203

make anime cards, that might be your only hope. but don't review them like QM does. actually listen to the audio every time.

>> No.21976204


>> No.21976212

take a shower your insecurity reeks so bad i can smell you on the other side of the continent. pissy little ruski manlet lol

>> No.21976216

take a shower longer than 5 minutes.

>> No.21976228


george on the nofap train with calvin??

>> No.21976229

i was in germany the day before yesterday so in theory i could have passed by qm and not even known it

>> No.21976230

u live ur life and then u die
if u cant find meaning in that its ur problem

>> No.21976231

I want to be at home whole day playing video games and watching anime.

>> No.21976235

but i do find meaning it comes from believing the afterlife

>> No.21976242

u would have known it since hed be covered in sweat and squeezing his cancer asshole in pain

>> No.21976246

lets not go down this route of discussion lads

>> No.21976249

i take a stick and put it up your butt

>> No.21976253

I mean I know all the nofap theory, doesn't this man have a wife though? She no longer capable of fucking or something?

>> No.21976255

i mean if ur into it thats ur choice but if u dont care about anything but what might happen after u die ur fUCKED lmfao

>> No.21976256

Holy shit I tried avoiding it the fucking 'I mean'

>> No.21976259

he literally vacations in korea and japan for 3-month stretches and talks about all the "cute girls" he meets so he probably cheats on her a lot.

>> No.21976263
File: 480 KB, 1366x768, DO AMERICANS REEALY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just when i thought the japanese where indirect

>> No.21976264

i mean as the person most fluent in japanese itt you have the right to post however you want

>> No.21976266

you miss the whole point of believing the afterlife

>> No.21976269

@lads here
I feel somewhat irritated that, as an otaku who loves stuff like Gundam and K-On who is learning Japanese, I'm often lumped together with the kind of Japanophiles who are into sushi, sakras, katanas, and fall for the yellow fever meme.
Has anybody got tips on how to cope with this shit?

>> No.21976273

You know watching this idea kind of make me realize how fucked up George is in so many ways
I kind of understand how his entire mentality is that of a 16-year old now and his refusal to actually learn Japanese

>> No.21976276

liberate yourself from the shackles of how people perceive u

alternatively if u cant manage that you could always opt for the noose

>> No.21976277

grow up and stop giving a shit you cuckold.

>> No.21976279

are you underage? lol

>> No.21976280

its fuckin weird to call it a point like u make a choice for some benefit lmfao

>> No.21976281

step 1. don't care.

>> No.21976286

you ltierally masturbate until your prostate explodes shut the fuck up you social media addicted subnigger

>> No.21976287

>[The foreign exchange Japanese girl I'm collaborating with] fell asleep in my room and I took pictures of her
i know he tries to play it off by saying he sent the pic to other people but is he alpha for doing this or a creep.

>> No.21976289

A sense of having emotional satisfaction comes from doing your moral duty, not from expecting some kind of reward for praising the creator of the universe or following religious law.

>> No.21976290


>> No.21976293

Is there a reason to using all 5 dictionaries on yomichan? they all seem to have the same definitions so is it worth it for the extra clutter

>> No.21976294

temporary emotional satisfaction doesnt matter cause its temporary

>> No.21976297


>> No.21976298

can u explain if how this applies to eroge i mean theres more commitment there u aint changin it up every 5 minutes u know and then when ur on a shit route ur really still thinkin about best girl in the back of ur mind

>> No.21976299

each dictionary corresponds to 1 kami-sama so u will be seen as very disrespectful if u dont use all of them

>> No.21976303

that response suggests that I should just use the one thanks

>> No.21976306

whatever lol

don't know I wouldn't say either just that he is a dopamine addicted retard
if you are a 45 year old man taking pictures of girls sleeping and sending it to people you really got a problem

>> No.21976311

i can see the path this thread is taking and it looks ugly and mean

>> No.21976316

>dopamine addicted retard
you just got btfo to the point that all you can say is "whatever" and you continue to throw stones in your glass house? no fuck that its worse its like playing with matches in your tissue paper castle

>> No.21976317

if u started learning a language to be able to consume porn in it you have no place to criticize anyone for anything ever

>> No.21976325

what if u started learning a language for anime and manga but all u actually consume is porn

>> No.21976330

also im done responding, you guys were arguing with someone trying to convince people not to kill themselves lol maybe think about that

>> No.21976333

more scrolling = burning more calories

>> No.21976348

I mean I got my problems but I do what I can to keep them limited and non interfering with my life
like what dude, I'm a young dude in his early 20s that has a permanent boner when I don't masturbate for a day I'll jack off when I got to get off my dick bitch
a 20 year old posting a bit on social media too much is very different from a 45+ year old in constant need of dopamine hits

>> No.21976350

make sure u got ur scroll wheel up to 2lb resistance

>> No.21976354

delusional dumb fuck

>> No.21976361

I'm not claiming I'm morally superior to anyone else.
What I'm saying is that being mistaken for a weeaboo who wants to live in Japan is just as annoying to me as somebody drawing an oval and calling it a circle, or spotting a salamander and calling it a "lizard".
It's a categorical mistake which reveals its awfulness upon anything beyond surface-level inspection.

>> No.21976368

moe u took your name off?

>> No.21976369

somebody post that page of yotsuba where she can't read the 止まれ on the ground.

>> No.21976377

why even tell people you're learning japanese before you're at least upper intermediate? they'll just ask you boring questions like why, can you say something, is kanji hard, etc.

>> No.21976411
File: 115 KB, 500x440, asdfesdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3/4 through RTK
>author gets sloppy as hell
>missing stroke orders
>incorrect stroke orders
>completely wrong English translations
>start having to check every Kanji in a dictionary
>realize half the Kanji have the wrong stroke order
>realize I now have to unlearn 1500 kanji and relearn them correctly

Which one of you fucking trolls recommended this book?

>> No.21976418

people here have pointed out numerous times why RTK is fucking stupid you dumb fuck.

>> No.21976420

literally only matt recommended it idk what you are talking about lol

>> No.21976423

You know that Japanese stroke orders (middle, left, right, up, down) are not the same as Chinese ones (left->right, up->down), don't you?

>> No.21976453

lmao I had no idea it was that bad. did you enjoy the kazoos?

>> No.21976467

They do that only because they feel they're very bad at foreign languages. They're simply impressed. Anon, learning a language is more than learning words. You must learn a culture. Same goes for 箸の使い方上手ですね. This is how Japanese people compliment another Japanese person who is good at using chopsticks when they're impressed by it. You don't know Japanese until you know these kind of things.

>> No.21976477

i learnt 挟む today

>> No.21976485

What does being upper-intermediate even mean? It's possible to say you can read kinda well once you've gotten through 3 long eroge or so, but it's only possible to be good at speaking to others after several hudreds (maybe thousands) of hours of practice.
Does being upper-intermediate have to do with vocabulary size? Being able to understand fast or unclear speakers? Being able to speak well?

>> No.21976487

imagine learn japanese and then hurricane flodira lol bad

>> No.21976518

>falling for the rtk meme in 2019
you really have to be a special kind of stupid L M A O

>> No.21976545

the numbers mason-san....
what do they mean desu ka.....

>> No.21976573
File: 1 KB, 327x23, 1548581051001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21976580

sorry english is my four language lol

>> No.21976584

That's why it's even more embarrassing. If you were afraid of kanji for whatever reason, you should've been reading visual novels with a texthooker and a pop-up dictionary instead of wasting your time with Heisig's inaccurate English keywords and mnemonics that make references to stories from the Bible.

>> No.21976590

I'm just going to copy this from wikipedia on the topic:

Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialization.

Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.

Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

>> No.21976594

DUDE they make references to the BIBLE???
thats so STUPID lmaooooo fuckin retard christians too dumb to learn chinese characters without the bible lol

>> No.21976596

i never done a NV and i might never do one lol

>> No.21976602 [DELETED] 

It's not because r

>> No.21976606
File: 20 KB, 591x220, 1561285012713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a fine size just click on it stupid

>> No.21976608

you can download the bible app and it has the whole thing in japanese plus japanese audio its really nice

>> No.21976612

yeah thanks i'll make sure to spend 5 minutes trying to click the 1 pixel high thumbnail on my 50000 pixel giga chad monitor

>> No.21976613

>wriitng rtk
lol waste of time
>3/4 through rtk
lol waste of time

just do 1000 or so (nuke's deck is better for that), don't even write them there's no point in the beginning. if you use rtk in a useful way then it's useful.

>> No.21976635

I think the only people on this thread who have reached that level are makopi and qm
It's cringe not because it makes references to the Bible, but rather more like the way Nasu's mentions of seashells in sex scenes in Tsukihime feel out of place and awkward, or like how Gilles Deleuze misusing concepts from high school-level mathematics and physics for the sake of describing process metaphysics feels like an abuse of his authority as a philosopher.
Using explicit references to Western culture in material meant to be used to learn about the Japanese language feels like an attempt to mislead learners, and to form erroneous conceptions of words.

>> No.21976643

>Using explicit references to Western culture in material meant to be used to learn about the Japanese language feels like an attempt to mislead learners, and to form erroneous conceptions of words.
Are you autistic

>> No.21976656

I'm almost certain I am.

>> No.21976750


>> No.21976765
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>> No.21976771
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>> No.21976780 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

>> No.21976793

no but i think he's right

>> No.21976796

let me fix that. i meant that i learned the chink way of writing

>> No.21976809

i don't even want to know the back story

>> No.21976824

minna genki lol

>> No.21976834
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>> No.21976842

How the fuck do people think the JLPT N1 is some kind of cryptic, super-hard exam that even natives think is difficult? I was just browsing some comments about the test out of morbid curiosity and there's tons of people (who failed) complaining about "obscure grammar no one really uses" or "it's full of trick questions" or "even Japanese people think it's confusing." No wonder these people are fucking dekinais if they can only blame the test for the fact that they failed. There's folks who have failed the test 4+ times who still think the problem is the test is "unfair", not that they suck.

>> No.21976851

u got anythin else u wanna get off ur chest? lmfao

>> No.21976854
File: 88 KB, 643x600, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sure want to

>> No.21976860


>> No.21976880

t. larping dekinai

>> No.21976892

Is it true if you read without enough audio input you'll cripple your pronunciation?

>> No.21976905


>> No.21976907

Check out the videos of AJATT/MIA cultists who claim to have listened as much as or more than they read like Chris/Blaze or Britvsjapan and tell me if you think they sound impressive at all. They compare themselves to reddit genki users which are the absolute lowest of the low. If you want a good accent you're gonna have to work on it regardless of how much you've read. If excessive reading hurts it, I haven't seen good evidence of that.

>> No.21976919


>> No.21976924

i believe it, but it's only an issue for native english speakers

>> No.21976925


>> No.21976927

I would say that you rather don't even learn it. I mean there are plenty English words I kind of pronounce incorrectly and if you heard me speak irl, you would know right away that English isn't my native language.

I personally believe that it doesn't mean you can never learn it, it's just that when you spend several years mostly reading, you won't miraculously catch up in a month.

>> No.21976935

weird listening to professors who have been living and teaching here for 20+ years and have permanently crippled english

>> No.21976942

It is weird.

>> No.21976947

>Alex Friedman
I've seen this self-proclaimed "Korean learner" on the comments section of a few
videos about kanji/Japanese writing. Every time I've seen his comments, it's only made me feel triggeed.

>> No.21976948

how does that even happen when they're surrounded by fluent english speakers all the time i just don't get it

>> No.21976951

the wierdest thing is how every1 tries really hard to learn japanese but cant lol

>> No.21976955

I mean I'm not sure if you're joking, but I've definitely heard immigrants who have lived here for 20+ years with terrible fucking English.

>> No.21976956


>> No.21976963

Remember that when AJATTers make speaking videos, most haven't studied pitch accent and have just started outputting so it's expected to not be great. I can't find the clip that was posted a few threads ago of the gaijin being interviewed that had a very bad accent but he's an example of why listening (and imitation) is important.


>> No.21976964
File: 290 KB, 960x720, Ranma ½ - 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already hate this asshole

>> No.21976965



>> No.21976967

n1 isn't "cryptic" but just perusing the n1 grammar book i've never seen most of those constructions in my several years of inputting otaku media. it seems useless to me for that reason

>> No.21976970

no i'm not joking the cripples are everywhere
and they're not like mexican immigrants who live with their mexican families and never learn english. they go out into the world and converse and teach in english all day for years and it never occurred to them to pronounce things correctly

>> No.21976972

because they just don't care. they don't work on it. that's one problem with matt's theory about reading a lot. it's plausible that people who choose to listen more than they read simply care more about their accent so they pay more attention to it. the relative lack of reading doesn't necessarily cause the improvement. if chris had read more than he did would his accent have been worse? who's to say.

>> No.21976978

where are they from? i know nordic hockey players who come out of NHL with almost perfect american accent, there're even cases where they end up saying their own names with american accent

>> No.21976981

retard alert
>because they just don't care. they don't work on it.
yeah its probably this. they figure, shit, if it gets the job done what's the point of trying to change it

>> No.21976984

east asian and arabic countries

>> No.21976985

did someone say they're expected to be great or was it just pointed out that listening more than you read doesn't make your accent great or stop your "model of the language" from being permanently crippled

>> No.21976987

>All these people worried about their accent

It's just like any other skill, you can work on reducing it, and it's possible in everyone to get it to a barely noticeable level, you probably won't ever eliminate it completely, but it's not like listening for 200 years before reading would do that either.

>> No.21976992

it's the low iq

>> No.21976994

watashi wa want to be real nihonjin desu though. accent wa makes me look like dekinai gaijin

>> No.21976997

were u alerting me to urself or ?

>> No.21977001

okay. read all you want, you'll still suck at listening unless you do it.

>> No.21977002

did someone say your listening or accent will be good if you don't listen or

>> No.21977011

no, you are a retard

>> No.21977017

my 142 iq objectively says otherwise so

>> No.21977021
File: 257 KB, 320x450, エルフ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a must-read for fans of the ぽっちゃり

>> No.21977025

all your problems can't be fixed by consuming VOICED EROGE

>> No.21977030


>> No.21977031

my 165 iq says you're retarded

>> No.21977033

The reason people mispronounce words is because of not hearing it enough and being unable to reproduce it. That's why many gaijin say dekita instead of dekta or just generally don't shorten the sounds when they're usually shortened.

>> No.21977034


>> No.21977045

of all the ways u could have dealt with this u chose u chose to try to have a bigger number than me while still posting at a 110 iq level

namaste and plz challenge again in the future : )

>> No.21977051

say you love me

>> No.21977056
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I already got my pocchari needs covered.

>> No.21977061

yea you established you're too low IQ to understand matt's actual argument and the rebuttals here. beyond some threshold it's not about how much you listen but how you pay attention to the sounds and reproduce them. how many hours of listening a day is required to cross that threshold? let's say it's 5 hours of active listening a day, and there's two people who listen 5 hours a day but one reads for 3 hours and the other reads for 1 hour.

whose accent is worse? matt's theory contends that the one who reads more will have a worse accent because his internal model of the language will be skewed through subvocalization. i say that slimy jew needs to provide evidence that damage incurred through reading subvocalization compares to the differences in effort people exert toward acquiring a better accent.

>> No.21977064

lol sorry i don't talk to retards

>> No.21977067

wow id fuck her in a barn or shed or other outdoor structure

me either i just wreck em

>> No.21977092

that's just everyday speech

>> No.21977096

I'm not going with Matt's model though. I'm just saying if you neglect listening then your accent will be worse than if you prioritize it.

>> No.21977099

yea deep insight

>> No.21977103

I think Matt is kinda inconsistent in what he regards as important because, even though he believes in using rtk and srs to get good at identifying words in kanji and to become better and noticing them more easily after making a card for them, and that he encourages people to study pitch accent, he's never told people to study IPA charts, which is why there's people like JapaneseGaryBen who use English pronunciations for Japanese vowels and consonants.

>> No.21977105

That's the point: There is nothing to even argue against.

>> No.21977107

studying ipa would be part of his perfectionist approach but he has retired the perfectionist approach i'm afraid.

>> No.21977120

I don't think about matt at all.

>> No.21977124

MIA is useless.

>> No.21977126

you need to adapt to djt culture because matt is a vital part of it.

>> No.21977127

Then there shouldn't be shit about pitch accent either.
IPA isn't exclusive to any one language, nor is it partcularly biased towards anything, and is extremely similar to the Latin alphabet, so it should take even less effort than learning katakana, having the additional benefit of accurately allowing people to compare English and Japanese phonology to that of any other language in the world.

>> No.21977132

kys retard.

>> No.21977133

gtfo matt ignorer

>> No.21977134

ass immersion approach

>> No.21977137

Listening for a million years before reading is dumb anyway, if you're that worried just use VNs with voice, anime, or any other method where they pronounce things outloud, it doesn't have to be one or the other.

>> No.21977139

matts immersion approach (ajatt 2)

>> No.21977140

VNs are lame.

>> No.21977146

i exclusively watch live action shows and read lightnovels ;)

>> No.21977148


matt haters btfo

>> No.21977160


>> No.21977165

yep matto switched to まあー

>> No.21977171

MIA encouraging people to spend literal months hearing (uh, I mean, "passively immersing") mostly incomprehensible stuff before flipping through one page of one manga or reading a single line in any eroge seems absolutely retarded.
If you wanna learn how a word is pronounced, look up an IPA transcription for it or a recording of someone saying it out loud. People SHOULDN'T have to be afraid of reading.

>> No.21977177

lot of woke uppercase posters in here today

>> No.21977178

lol this ipa meme lmaooooo

>> No.21977189

The hardest part about learning this language is knowing that it's sink or swim. Your bros from DJT will not help you. You're on your own.

>> No.21977191

wtf is IPA again?

>> No.21977193

good for you man. input whatever u want

>> No.21977195

It's got to do with shitty breweries that produce beer for hipster ethno-linguists.

>> No.21977198

it's not for americans to understand.

>> No.21977199


you have to be rlly fat or something to just sink lol, like just float on ur back lol.... also just watch anime lol

>> No.21977200

djt is not the life boat, it's the coconut friend you bought along

>> No.21977201

What's wrong with Made in Abyss?!

>> No.21977203

yea he's the ipa autist. i think he even tweeted at matt about it. or it might have been a youtube comment.

>> No.21977206

wikipedia will explain better than i can

>> No.21977215

I think I wrote something about it in a Youtube comment. I don't have a Twitter account, so I could never communicate with him through that.

>> No.21977222


>> No.21977223

fat people float easier, you absolute fucking lowercase posting dunce.

>> No.21977228

not gonna respond to that bait lmao

>> No.21977236

when is it okay to ask a girl to touch your penis?

>> No.21977239

Sometimes Jamal makes me step back and consider just how hilariously autistic and weird Japanese learners are.

>> No.21977240

I just remembered that I use my real name on my Youtube account, so anybody who's ever been through Matt's videos or Minecraft let's plays might have seen it once.

>> No.21977244

lmao a saboteur

>> No.21977246

furfaggotry for transgender zoomers

>> No.21977258

who cares

>> No.21977264

Your just mad and jealous because your taste is bad

>> No.21977266

Good thing my dad did not go gay after getting divorced, so there's nothing embarrassing to be found in regards to that.

>> No.21977276


>> No.21977286

yes i am jealous

>> No.21977289

good point but eroge is for retarded teenagers

>> No.21977291

would anki even be useful if not for learning kanji? like would someone even have a use for it for learning spanish for example?

>> No.21977294


>> No.21977304

not him but good thing i don't play eroge
vns are my diggity

>> No.21977305

yes. I used it for French and for all my law courses. Works great.

>> No.21977309

This looks good, am I going to have to watch anime made after 2010?

>> No.21977310

lol @ him saying that and seriously believing it with the manga on the wall of his room at his dads house behind him lmfao

>> No.21977314

what do your french cards look like? i was making cloze cardsfor another language but it didnt seem worth the time for making the cards and studying them

>> No.21977319

If you're browsing 4chan, there is a 1/0 chance of you not having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old boy, regardless of your IQ.

>> No.21977322

you're saying 2 things so i'm lost. anki is okay for kanji, but worse SRS systems are better since you have smaller spacing. or just change the anki settings to smaller intervals just to get through it faster and retain it through the repetition. for sentences though, normal or slightly modified intervals are fine

>> No.21977330

Anki works just as well for isolated kanji as it works for complete words or short phrases. As a matter of fact, anything you should be able to recall the answer to in less than 10 seconds (like V = d/t) is anki-able.

>> No.21977332

Right now I only use i+1 (with a monolingual definition) and audio cards (I'm trying to get use to the québécois accent)

>> No.21977334

well i learn kanji by reading the sentences that have kanji on anki so thats what i mean in my case

>> No.21977342

so basically since theres no cloze or any type of hard character to read, im guessing you barely ever have to hit "again" for a card

>> No.21977354

Well, since I'm the stage of memorizing academic words (I usually mine papers) it takes a little bit more of work than normal words.

>> No.21977355

If you're doing over 40 cards new cards per day (like I was for a quite a while), and they've all got words you rarely encounter, it does kind of become difficult to perfectly remember the meaning + pronunciation for every single one.

>> No.21977369

This. Pronunciation is the problem. I only hit "good" when Assistant Google recognize correctly what I'm trying to say.

>> No.21977374

It's amazing visually

>> No.21977379

I'm going to kill this stupid fucking Kid next time I'm in Germany.

>> No.21977390
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>> No.21977425

I wonder if anybody else has realized that I, the philosophy tranny, the IPA poster, and the one who was reading Nanatuiro Drops a few months ago are all the same person.
btw i'm not literally a tranny, but i often call annoying people "trannies", and believe that others might think i'm annoying.

>> No.21977441

there's dozens of other nobodies who post on this thread every day that nobody else cares to pay attention to. maybe you should try not sticking your neck out so much.
have nothing good to give? then there will be nothing good for you in return.

>> No.21977465
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, 1567204368670.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this webm is what got me interested in anime

>> No.21977470

but most anime isn't like that

>> No.21977474

That anime ruined Fate/ for me.

>> No.21977475

holy moly

>> No.21977498
File: 9 KB, 207x204, nowneitherofuswillbevirgins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine somebody telling you to "Go f*ck yourself",
and you reacting by literally doing that.

>> No.21977633

that brown girl ruined that show

>> No.21977663

lol for real
whats a coconut friend lmao

>> No.21977697

wtf bros, i love anime now

>> No.21977726

Some reference to an early 2000's film you'd know about if you were a Yoomer just like Jamal https://youtu.be/YdHAJ5Ypw6A

>> No.21977742

what is a yoomer and who is jamal lol

>> No.21977763

i'm a groomer

>> No.21977781

self centered "woke and red pilled" zoomer

>> No.21977783


>> No.21977784

Yoomer = Generation Y = Millennial.
Millennials are people who were old enough to experience shit like 9/11 and seeing Cowboy Bebop getting broadcast on Toonami. They were born somewhere around 1980-1995, and are the kind of people who can't buy a house because they eat avocado toast.
Jamal is a Yoomer who claims to be 69 years old, talks like an African American, and is best known for the "Watch 10k hours of anime & read eroge" method.

>> No.21977793

*materializes from a giant fart cloud*

呼んだ ?

>> No.21977798

haha fucken epic how do you come up with this stuff xD

>> No.21977811

idk im just me dude maybe focus on beign u instead of asking ppl stupid shit

>> No.21977820

i lost myself over the years, i wonder if i find it again later

>> No.21977822

you give yourself too much credit

>> No.21977836

its tough being the only human in a world full of npc but some1s gotta do it

now exec that you.exe for me 1 more time baby

>> No.21977840

i'm a レア銃 and i come here for the same reason watching animals at the zoo is entertaining

>> No.21977842

sure, have your dopamine shot junkie

>> No.21977850

so quick to label ppl this and that

>> No.21977851

*makes ahegao face as brain secretes chemicals* lmao

>> No.21977853

Only low IQ people who have no sense of empathy towards animals or self-awareness go to the zoo to laugh at chimpanzees or gorillas.

>> No.21977862

bro ahegao isn't real

>> No.21977864

imagine going to the zoo to laugh at animals instead of admire and respect them while also feeling some disdain for the zoo itself

>> No.21977866

>Only low IQ people who have no sense of empathy
who said i didn't have empathy? you just ASSumed

>> No.21977874

in case u didnt know this thread subscribes to the ass immersion approach


>> No.21977878

>wanted to live in japan because easy acess to non scanned works
>but working there is a living nightmare
I work with tech(networking) so i could work from distance, avoiding the overworking issues, but is there any way to emmigrate without being invited to work there?

>> No.21977885

maybe i should take all the lonely djters to the zoo on a field trip

>> No.21977890

same but with easy access to manko

>> No.21977892

when i go to the zoo i simultaneously feel entertained by watching them do animal stuff and sad that they're trapped (or that they might be killed by poachers or deforestation or some shit if they weren't trapped)
similar to how i watch people on 4chan except unlike with the zoo animals, the unfortunate circumstances that surround them are of their own making

>> No.21977894

can we quiz the animal names in nihongo?

>> No.21977897

just have a bunch of money and walk in like the pimp u are

sure dude we can talk about all the cool 生き物s at the 動物園 lol

>> No.21977903

I'm 得意 at animal names LET'S GOOO

>> No.21977905

i dont understand how it is possible that one man can be so based

>> No.21977916


>> No.21977932

i wonder if taiwanese manko is better, i have a feeling nip girls are pretty shallow

>> No.21977940


>> No.21977942

you can hit the cervix easier, what's the problem?

>> No.21977947

god if only u wrote hit her cervix easier while making her have a squirt orgasm it woulda been a a+ post

>> No.21977948


>> No.21977958

u mean while making her not orgasm

>> No.21977963

If you're anywhere in Wisconsin I'm down, let's learn all the animal names in jap jap

>> No.21977964

Fate/kaleid liner プリズマイリヤ ツヴァイ! 魔法少女in温泉旅行

>> No.21977965

*rolls by squirting out the back of a crown vic*

>> No.21977966

imagine reading 入 as しお or ら

>> No.21977981

thats one of the worst things ive ever seen u post

>> No.21977995

at least u care enough to tell me whereas in my case i have no real thoughts or feelings about ur posts ever at any time

>> No.21978022

ur tsun tsun shit is komoi lol

>> No.21978054

interesting, u only acknowledge me when im not havin 1 of my good days, interesting. ill keep that in mind when im back ontop

>> No.21978069


>> No.21978070

>squirt orgasm
a piss and vaginal lubricant "orgasm"

>> No.21978072

is that bad

>> No.21978073

nope its a release of passion and ecstasy from her feminine nut bladder

>> No.21978077

not necessarily it's kinda hot that she's willing to fake something like that and defile herself by pissing on herself

>> No.21978094

it must be nice to just fuckin piss everywhere

>> No.21978097

what are the best sol anime?

>> No.21978100

never tried it ?

>> No.21978122

bro, i read on wikipedia that it's not piss

>> No.21978161

not sure, didn't care enough to read it completely. but it said that it shared similarities in alkalinity levels with piss

>> No.21978169

yea then that's probably what it is. not like she's producing some magical unknown substance.

>> No.21978173
File: 44 KB, 1122x384, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21978196

まあ says he only deletes negative comments but he was on record a year or two ago saying he deletes comments that are "wrong" and could be bandwagoned by others. who knows who his official policy is.

>> No.21978201

squirt is pee but women still cum. they have an arousal liquid that gushes out when they cum even if they don't squirt

>> No.21978211

>they have an arousal liquid that gushes out
yea it's called vaginal lubricant and that's all it is

>> No.21978212

also i started watching some of this video and matt was saying that he thinks khatz telling people to listen to the language while they sleep is "crazy"

i wonder why he says that, i followed matt closer in his early days and i thought it was something he recommended as well?? i do it and it takes me at least 15 minutes to fall asleep, so i feel that during that short time at least, i am getting something out of listening while sleeping

>> No.21978229

do they mean beer or the fish?

>> No.21978236

>yea it's called vaginal lubricant and that's all it is
what else is supposed to be in it? sperm? you're retarded

>> No.21978244

the whole mystery behind what squirt is revolves around people thinking it's some special discharge you dope but the reality is that it's just vag lube mixed with piss because she made sure she was well hydrated

>> No.21978253

squirting isnt a real thing

>> No.21978255

you haven't seen enough porn dude those paid actresses squirt all the time

>> No.21978261

haven't been here in ages has nuke chan made it yet

>> No.21978262

but i have seen it in porn lol?? porn is theatre dude lol

>> No.21978264

you are slow

>> No.21978267

not at all

>> No.21978273

i was listening to matt and steve talk in japanese also and it seems like matt's accent is very noticeable??

>> No.21978279

do NOT let matt see this post.......... damn

>> No.21978290
File: 17 KB, 1095x118, goosebumps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then you must have missed this part.

>> No.21978295


>> No.21978307

stfu you just dont know japanese like matto https://streamable.com/0dlsx

>> No.21978341

best post of djt and i've been here since 2017

>> No.21978353


>> No.21978385

i feel like at a point reading manga does nothing. maybe helps u maintain the language i suppose

>> No.21978386

it was a desperate struggle. i'm surprised i did it. but i watched 3 episodes of demon slayer today, spread throughout the day. can't stand more than 1 episode at once of course.

>> No.21978389


>> No.21978415

im proud of you bro :)

demon slayer is one of those few new shows i ger excited for, wonder if its worth watching with eng subs to have the best experience with it
