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2179416 No.2179416 [Reply] [Original]

Dear jackass from /x/.

Stop leaking poop over our board. FUCK OFF.

>> No.2179424
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Stop that, like someone is going to leave by making a thread like this. You are a idiot, just delete this thread.

>> No.2179427

Now you have made me go to /x/ to see whats going on.

>> No.2179449

ghosts are :

People who can't move on to the other dimension because they are trapped here by extreme sorrow or sense of duty that needs fulfilled

spirits are :

Parts of peoples personalities that escape them over time (spirit orbs are parts of people's personalities and souls that escape them as time goes on, until all of our soul is escaped as spirit orbs.)

Shadow people are people who cant move on to the other worlds because they cant get into the good dimension or the bad dimension - stuck in lingo.

>> No.2179450

I've been on a bit of a weed binge for a few days, and re-watched Waking Life. In the scene with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, Hawke's character mentions that the mind stays alive for six to twelve minutes after the body dies. Being high at the time, this caused me to completely restructure my belief system. It was one of those “breakthrough” moments.

We’re all well aware that, in some way, the human mind is infinite. Within our minds, we can create fictional people, even worlds. We store, and can recall, everything that we have ever seen, heard, and experienced. While we live, though, we are constantly distracted by our senses, necessary to maintain and protect the our body, which houses and nourishes the mind. Therefore, while we are awake, the inner workings of the mind are sort of pushed into the background.

While we sleep, while our bodies rest, we begin to understand just how real our imaginations really are. When we wake up, we understand that our dreams are not real, but while we are still asleep, they can feel almost as real as real life.

>> No.2179454

Come on now guys.

/x/ was a decent board before the influx of /b/ and I'd sure as hell rather have them here than /a/.

>> No.2179457

However, our senses are still active, the brain is still focused on maintaining bodily functions. The inner mind still isn’t really given center stage. When we die, though, when our body ceases to function, there will be six to twelve minutes in which the brain is still functional. With no distractions whatsoever, the mind can truly run free.

Unfortunately, this means that the Christian notions of heaven and hell are a bit more accurate than many atheists would like to believe, albeit not literally. Your flaws and your sins, the things you’ve done that you can live with by pushing them into the back of your mind and going on with your day-to-day life, will no longer be escapable. You will be really and truly alone with yourself for the very first time. And if you don’t like what you see, it’s not gonna be a whole lot of fun.

For anyone saying “psh I can deal with ten minutes,” understand that time isn’t really valid within the mind. Everyone knows that hours or even years of dream time can pass within seconds of real time. For all we know, those six to twelve minutes could be an eternity. It may vary by person, who knows.

>> No.2179460


Seems like /x/ and /tg/ hooked up

>> No.2179463

Heaven and Hell aren’t really supernatural at all. It’s simply a matter of being forced to really confront yourself and your memories. If you’ve led a good life, if you’re happy on your deathbed, then I would imagine it would be pretty pleasant. However, if you’re plagued by doubt, guilt, regret, or other negative emotions, it’s probably going to feel like hell.

So if you want to enjoy your afterlife, I’d advise either leading a good and virtuous life, or mastering lucid dreaming techniques. Whichever’s easier for you. I just ordered a book on lucid dreaming from Amazon.

>> No.2179474

Hey, I suddenly remembered about that series of clinically detailed containment protocols for various unspeakable horrors, but I forgot the name of the series.
Help a brother out.

>> No.2179476


Fuck man, I'd hate to be stuck in lingo. The terrible abuse the English language cops these days would make it torture.

>> No.2179481

The Parent Trap.

>> No.2179488


"Holder of the X", I believe.

>> No.2179493

What if you've got arachnophobia and see a spider right before you die? Whenever I see a spider I can't stop thinking about it for hours.

>> No.2179498

Thing is, no matter how good the board was (and yes, it was good) ghost-spirits-whatever piss me off. I are serious scientist. Also, I have no sense of humor.

>> No.2179504

I dont think youd care much about it after you die

>> No.2179523

No, that's the Holder Series.
I mean the one that started with containment details of a large moving statue that needed to be in constant eye contact to remain static. If someone blinked, they would teleport and break their neck.
I like the tone of the whole thing, very clean and scientific. Most of it is censored, specific details. Feels as if you've stumbled upon an archive of some disbanded agency that kept the weirdness of the world in check.

>> No.2179554


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I know exactlty what you're talking about. I was browsing it just the other week. Give me a sec and I'll see if I can recall what it was for you.

>> No.2179596

Found it, it's the SCP series.
Here's the compilation wiki

I'm like you, but I found enjoyment out of these. Mostly because most of them follow some sort of scientific rigor when dealing with things that can't be explained. The experimentation protocols and containment are very detailed, which makes it enjoyable.
