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2175819 No.2175819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"It's not poison Nitori, ze ."

"Are you sure...?"

Marisa closed her eyes.

The kappa was still hovering over her bento box with a suspicious look on her face, chopsticks upraised like a sword.

'They are a common Lentinula edode..ze," Marisa said, rubbing her temples slowly with her fingertips. "Very common. Called Shiitake in the market, ze."


"Really, ze." Marisa opened her eyes again. "Don't call me again for a week unless you're being dragged out of here kicking and screaming, ze! You've got security guards to bug, and we detectives are always busy! Have you seen the paperwork I've had to fill out, ze? And the filing I've been up all night on? No, you haven't, because you're up here, ze! Being picky about food!"

Marisa stopped to catch her breath and found to her slight surprise that she had been leaning on the kappa's desk with both hands, inches away from Nitori's face. The kappa had shrunk so far back into her chair that she was practically in a fetal curl, her eyes wide as saucers.

"Twenty-two, do you read? Twenty-two, respond."

>> No.2175822

A clear, cool voice resounded in the awkward silence. Marisa took a slow step back, lifting her hands off the desk in a non-threatening way, unclenching her gloved fingers from fists she hadn't even realized she'd been balling, and turned her headset on.

"Twenty-two to county, reading you loud and clear. What's up, ze?"

"A two-seventeen has occured near Misty Lake, on the Waterfront Residences. Officers onsite are requesting your presence ASAP, Twenty-two."

Marisa let out a low whistle. "County, you're sending me over to the rich part of Gensokyo for a change...right on the waterfront, too. I think I'll get some sun and sand while I'm there, work on my complexion a little, ze! This my paid vacation, honey?"

"Unit twenty-two, just find out what the locals want. You can relax afterward."

"Ten four, county. Over and out."

Marisa lifted a hand to her ear and gave her headset a small tap, cutting her mic. "Well, guess I'll see you later, ze! I'll take these if you don't want 'em..."
She intercepted the bento box from Nitori's desk, and scampered out of the kappa's office, snatching her helmet off its chair on her way.

>> No.2175826
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She left the NES head offices as quickly as she could before its CEO could react to having her lunch stolen, heading straight for the parking garage and pulling her black-white helmet on over her blonde locks, tightening the straps under her chin even as she stepped over the saddle of her black Ducati. Warming her engine up, the witch gave her kickstand a gentle push, giving the bike just a little bit of throttle to ease it out of its space and down the ramp. Leaving quietly, without making a lot of noise, was her top priority.

Until she was on the forest parkway. Then, Marisa opened up her throttle and crouched down lower, wind gusting at her helmet, so furiously she could feel it whipping against her black and white jumpsuit. She effortlessly rode the draft of the cars ahead, passing them just as smoothly, even zooming straight between them if neither lane was clear. She soon put the traffic behind her, and allowed herself to coast for a while.

The heavy fog that always hung low over Misty Lake was already settling down over the clear blue skies, darkening the road ahead of her. Marisa left the parkway, heading down one of the residential road, where she could faintly see the flashing lights of police vehicles through the fog. As she got closer, she saw people milling about, some coming out of their own houses to see what was going on. A few officers were studiously trying to put down the infamous yellow tape around the crime scene, obviously hoping to keep the audience from growing any further.

>> No.2175828


>> No.2175831
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She pulled up alongside one of the patrol cars, shoving her kickstand down and stepping off the bike. Loosening her helmet, she lifted it off and gave her head a shake, letting her hair tumble back over her shoulder.


The ghost-girl Youmu was running over, her spiritual half chasing her like a bit of fog gone rogue. As always, she insistently wore her blades with her, even with her sidearm.

"Oh, Youmu. I forgot, you were put on the beat around here. How's your first attempted homicide, ze?"

Youmu shook her head. "Terrible. She was only a little girl, Marisa! Who could have -done- that to her? And the weapon..." She went silent, her lips quivering. "...no human or youkai could've survived that. By all right she should be dead right now. But she lived...she's at the hospital now, critical condition."

Marisa rubbed her chin. "So we've got a perp who tries to kill a defenseless child, sends her to the ICU, and then leaves the weapon in plain sight? It's like they were sending us a message, ze. Think I could have a closer look at the crime scene?"

"Hey, that's why you're here. Follow me..."

>> No.2175837
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She led Marisa closer to the cordoned-off house. Pushing the door open carefully, avoiding holding the door handle, she beckoned the witch in. "Right there, in the living room. Try not to disturb anything."

"I know, okay? I'm the detective here, ze!" Marisa shot back, annoyed. Stepping over the threshold, the first thing she noticed was the bloodstains spattering the wall to her right. She could see handprints, too small to belong to an adult. The floor itself bore a trail of red, in streaks across the polished wood.

But the thing that made Marisa's breath catch in her throat was the weapon itself.

A wooden post lay atop the ruins of a television set and a couch. Such was the weight of it that the television had been crushed flat. Blood was soaking into the wood, staining the white ribboning that adorned it.

"A Faith pillar, ze?"

"I know...couldn't believe it when I saw it either. No one could. That's why we wanted you here. You know all about these kinds of...stuff," Youmu finished, somewhat uncomfortably.

>> No.2175839

"And the witnesses?" Marisa asked.

"None. This Oni says she saw a strange woman enter the house, fits what a few other people said, but the incident happened in here. Housekeeping came in, found her on the floor, and called us up. She's down at the local station right now."

"Good, I might want to talk to her."

Marisa turned and left the room, Youmu chasing to keep up. As she went back down the steps, she continued. "So, we've got this mysterious lady clubbing people to death with Faith poles. Real interesting. She can't be human, because no humans can swing those around, ze. Way too heavy. It's got to be a real powerful demon or something, someone with a grudge against the humans around here. But you say this girl survived the beating?"

Youmu nodded. "She's in the ICU, though."

"Perfect. An ordinary human would've been crushed to death by one hit, but all the impact marks around suggests multiple strikes, if you ask me, ze." Marisa drummed her fingers on the dome of her helmet, thinking. "What can you tell me about the victim?"


"Hey! Hey, Marisa! Watcha doing around here?"

>> No.2175844

A tall Oni, head and shoulders above most of the cops, was striding over, red sake-dish balanced in one hand. She had donned sunglasses(much to Marisa's amusement, because she could barely even make out the sun in the cloudy skies)and a red string microkini that looked a size small on her, barely managing to hold in all of her. Given her height, there was quite a lot, and the strings looked woefully stretched already over the Oni's curves.
"Yo, let me get by here. I'm her friend! Get outta the way, cop!" Brushing indignant officers aside like ants, the oni came up to Marisa and started pumping her hand with such eagerness that with witch was quite sure she'd dislocate something.

"Yuugi! How....very corking to meet you here, ze!" Marisa squealed, clutching her paining wrist with her other hand. "Were you about to hit the lake?"

"Yep! How'd ya guess?" Yuugi looked at her curiously, letting go of Marisa's hand and swigging from her dish.

"It was the swimsuit. Kind of an odd place to work on your tan lines, ze!" Marisa waved a hand at the cloudy, misty skies.

Yuugi laughed, patting Marisa(who was almost knocked flat)on her shoulder. "Nah, I'm just going for a swim! I'll do that when I get back up on the mountain. Suika's with me right now, wanna come over and say hi?"

>> No.2175846
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"I'm at a crimescene, Yuugi, Yuyuko would be pissed if she found out I was messing around with you guys, ze," Marisa said, though she sounded wistful. "By the way, didya see somebody break in here?"

"Oh, yeah! The purple-haired lady, right? I saw her around...she looked real sketch, sneaking in through an open window...more like levitating, actually. I think she might've been a fairy, but she didn't have wings. I'm not sure...anyway, I'll tell Suika you said hi! Bye now!"

With that, Yuugi strode off. Marisa turned to Youmu, who was rather red. "You'll get used to her eventually, ze," the witch said conversationally, plucking at Youmu's wrist.

"Is she always so...so..."

"Lewd?" Marisa finished for her. "That's how Oni's are! Start getting used to it if you're gonna work around here. Frankly, I think it's a better change from that ridiculous outfit she used to wear with the sheer dress, but don't tell her I said that, ze. I didn't come down here to talk about Oni's at any rate," she grumbled, slightly annoyed.

Youmu nodded, toying with the braid on her scabbard unconsciously. "I'm not used to even seeing Oni, really. All I ever knew was milady's house, and her garden. I don't venture all around the forest like you do."

>> No.2175847

Sage, Reported for being a fag and plus, it needs more yuri

>> No.2175850
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"What forest?" Marisa asked, pointedly. "After Nitori hit it big with her System, all those trees got mowed down for factories. Sometimes I wish the forest was still there, even with all the meat-eating plants out there. I'd give anything to be nibbled on by one of the vines, ze," she sighed, sounding nostalgic."

Youmu's brows shot up. "Really? And you don't think it's a little safer, a little more quiet now that we've managed to domesticate the forest? I don't see it interfering with the locals one bit! They moved right into the houses and started working like everyone else! I'd say the kappa really cleaned things up around here, and made life better for all the humans who used to live nearby."

"Yeah, well...it's unnatural, that's all I've got to say. And all this tourism..."

"Admit it, you just don't like having a real job," Youmu admonished her, with a light whack on the arm.

"That too, ze," Marisa admitted gloomily. "We've still got people killing each other, though...or trying to. Funny that we're talking about kappa now, because I stopped by the Nitori Energy System's headquarters earlier on. Their CEO gave me a free lunch. And they say you can't get anything in life for free, ze!" She let out a very witch-y cackle.

Youmu looked scandalized. "You stole it, didn't you?"

"No. I -confiscated- it, ze. Big difference. She was afraid that someone might have made an attempt on her life by adding mushrooms to her cucumber salad."

>> No.2175855
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Marisa was already savoring the premise of eating her lunch by the lakeside. She was about to suggest to Youmu that they ditch the crimescene for a few seconds and go see what Suika and Yuugi were up to, but then a tinny little melody came from Youmu's hip pocket. Marisa watched the ghost-girl fumble in her pocket and pull out her cellphone, flicking it open and bringing it to her ear.

"Miss Houraisan! What a surprise! No, really, I mean it! I've never even spoken to you before.....what?" Youmu gasped, so dramatically that Marisa stared. " Yes! Yes, she is. O-okay! Good...goodbye!" She closed her phone, looking thunderstruck.

"That was the quickest phone conversation I've ever seen, ze! You're gonna beat Aya at that rate. So what did the mayor want?" Marisa asked, keen to know what had upset Youmu so much.

"You. She's coming here..."

>> No.2175858

that's all folks

shows over, everyone go home

>> No.2175860
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>So, we've got this mysterious lady clubbing people to death with Faith poles

"Well, Reimu did say that nobody was coming to the shrine..."

>> No.2175864
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"So someone's bringing the shrine... to them!"

>> No.2175866



>> No.2175870


>> No.2175876
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>> No.2175881


>> No.2175886
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Then we'll just have to take them out--by any means necessary

>> No.2175897


And we're gonna do it...RIGHT NOW
