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2163613 No.2163613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It was a quiet day in The Forest of Magic, just like every other day. The spring air flowed into the room through the open window, bringing with it a cool and refreshing breeze. A young girl was sitting elegantly at her desk, marveling the wondrous object that lay before her.

"I can't believe I let Nitori talk me into testing this thing out for her. It seems so complicated, I can't figure out what goes where and how to set it up. Oh heck, I can't even figure out how to turn it on!...

Oh well, at least it was nice talking to someone, even if it resulted in something troublesome like this."

The young puppeteer sat perplexed on her chair, tinkering with the modern piece of technology. Alice was anxious and determined to get the device to work, and thus she didn't stop until late into the night. The refreshing breeze turned into a stiff wind and darkness flooded the house's insides. Noticing this, Alice stood up, lit a candle, and closed the large glass windows. When she sat back down, she noticed that the device was nearly set up, and all she had left to do was turn it on.

>> No.2163621

"Alright, I believe this button should do it.", she said with anticipation. To her excitement, the machine began to buzz and run, indicating that it was beginning to start up. Less than a couple minutes later, the screen of the strange device lit up with various icons and such. Alice remembered Nitori telling her that this was the "Desktop", whatever that was.

Eager to test out the device per her promise to Nitori, Alice put her hand on the mouse and started clicking frantically, until she realized that she was just clicking into empty space. She moused over an icon that she found quite interesting: a small blue and orange sphere. Below it was text that read "FireRan Browser".

"I wonder what this one will do if I click on it", pondered Alice. To her utmost enjoyment, as soon as she clicked on it her screen almost immediately changed completely. "Ah, this must be the Web Browser Nitori told me about. She said that this was probably the most popular feature of her invention."

>> No.2163622

Alice needs an iVibrator since she's apparently too dumb with technology. Hilarious!

>> No.2163625

>turn it on


>> No.2163623

In time, Alice got used to this new device Nitori called a "Computer", and eventually all the commands and whatnot would just come naturally as if she had been doing this forever. In that time, many other people took liking to this invention, including many people from the human village.

One day, Alice came across a website with lots of texts and images. When she asked Nitori about this, she said it was a Message Board, a place where people would post messages accompanied with images about various subjects. She noticed that one subject was very popular, a game called Uohout, created by a man called NUZ. She later learned that this was what they called a curtain fire shooter, and that it was really popular in the human village. Alice decided to try these out for herself, as many people exclaimed how fun they were.

The first time she decided play, Alice was quite confused. First of all, she couldn't decide which character to chose. There were many, after all. Anon, John, Steve and Ryan were the main ones, with many side characters as well.

>> No.2163628

In the beginning, Alice wasn't very good, however as the days passed she got better and better and was eventually able to move up in the levels. However, one day Alice discovered that these shooting games weren't the only things about of this game called Ouhout. She also found out at the various doujins and fan-made comics existed, each one with great artwork and funny or dramatic story lines. Alice immersed herself in these stories, laughing at the hilarious jokes involving the stereotypes assigned to the characters, and sobbing at the stories of lost love and heartbreak.

Alice started developing a certain liking towards the character named "Anon", which was short for Anonymous. He was a lonely character who was always made fun of by everyone else. Day in and day out he was satirized and ridiculed, even though he tried his best to make friends with the others. As such, he spent almost all of his life inside his small, resolute home, practicing his Danmaku or reading manga. Although you couldn't see his face, you could tell that Anon was fairly attractive, which was a surprise considering his situation.

>> No.2163629

Have you read your SICP today?

>> No.2163633

As time passed, Alice soon became infatuated with this heartfelt yet unbefriended character. She would fantasize being together with him, comforting him in his times of melancholy and going out together as an act of their love. She would lament over the though of being with him forever, enjoying themselves together, having kids, growing old as a couple, etcetera. She wanted to give him the love and appreciation that he desperately deserved, most of all because she knew exactly how he felt. It hurt Alice knowing how woebegone he must feel.

However, one day Alice came to an inconsolable realization. She realized that Anonymous was not real, and never would be real. She realized that both he and herself would be lonely forever, separated by 2dimensional and 3dimensional barriers. She realized that they would never be together, never share the beautiful view of the sunset, never hold hands while walking down a park trail, never have a peaceful picnic on the edge of the forest with a beautiful view of the lake.

"This isn't fair! This just isn't fair! Why can't he be real? Why has fate been so cruel, to present me with such a perfect man, only to be rejected by this barrier of woe, this realization of dismay?"

A single tear flowed down Alice's cheek, grazing her soft yet troubled face and shortly falling to the ground.

Alice cried herself to sleep that night, her hopes and emotions dashed, her future bleak and dim. Aside from the resolute sobbing, it was a quiet day in The Forest of Magic. Just like every other day. As such, it would stay that way forever...

>> No.2163638

I'd change this for "Battler".No real reason.

>> No.2163676
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Who are you going to spend Valentines day with?

I hate to say it, but I'm going to be by myself this year. It seems like no one in Gensokyo even remembered to give me any valentines. Isn't that funny? I tried to ask Marisa about it but she said she was too busy and had some stuff to do at the Hakurei shrine. It's alright though, I've got Hourai and Shanghai to keep me company and we're going to make some valentines chocolate maybe just in case some one comes over and wants some chocolate. I'd really like if someone came over, just once. We could drink tea and have chocolate and I could show them my lovely doll collection. I want to show Marisa but she always says she's busy and has to go to the Hakurei shrine. I wonder what she does there? It must be quite an exciting place, but when I try to go there Reimu just tells me to go away and leave her and Marisa alone. It makes me feel a bit sad, but I can always come home and tell Hourai and Shanghai about it. They listen to me. They're good dolls. They never call Alice names like "creepy", "leaks poop" and "freak".

Still, this valentines day I wish I could have found out what it's like to hold someone. I once worked up the nerve to ask Marisa, but she said some horrible things she couldn't possibly have really meant and told me to play with my dolls. It must feel so nice to have someone in your arms. I bet it's really nice. Oh well, maybe next valentines day someone will come here and eat chocolate and we can try holding eachother. It's really curious that no one came this year, isn't it? I guess they were all busy, valentines isn't a holiday or anything. That's probably it. Lots of important stuff can come up on a day like today.

>> No.2163683

It must be wonderful to do small things like eat meals with another person around. It's usually so quiet around here, with no one coming to visit and me being alone all the time. I don't mind it so much, though. I have Hourai and Shanghai and all my dolls to take care of, and they keep me company even if they can't talk. Have I told you how good at listening they are? They'll just sit there and listen for hours to me talking about any little thing. I once tried having a long conversation with Marisa but after a few minutes she told me to shut up. I don't think she meant it though. She said she was busy and going to Hakurei shrine. I probably interrupted her from doing something important and she said some rash words that she didn't really mean.

Getting hugged must be great. I know you'll be surprised by this, but I've never been hugged. It seems like the kind of thing that would make valentines with another person nice. Isn't that funny? Little old me never having been hugged? I think it's kind of funny. I guess I'm just unlucky. I almost got hugged once but Marisa told the person who was going to hug me that I leak poop and then they didn't hug me. I felt a little bit sad but I suppose it's alright since it was just a joke.

>> No.2163696

I really hope I can spend this valentines day with Hourai and Shanghai. For some reason they haven't moved at all, and I'm a little bit sad because they're usually the only ones around besides me and it's hard to find anyone else to listen. It'd be nice to have them up and about because without their help the chocolate I'm going to make will turn out bitter, and that would be just awful if anyone happens to show up. I'm only a little bit sad, because I'm sure Hourai and Shanghai will get up again in time to make chocolate. Just in case anyone drops by. It's funny that no one's ever come by here, isn't it? Not even for valentines chocolates. Can you believe that? I've been here by myself for as long as I can remember. I even made a funny song about it. "The ground is down, the sky is up, and Alice is meant to be alone." Well, actually Marisa made the song about me.

It's a little bit dusty in here, isn't it? All this dust is making my eyes water. I guess I should clean up a little in case anyone comes to have chocolate on valentines day. It would be nice to have someone come. Maybe if they ate my chocolate they might like it enough to even try giving me a hug. It would be my first one. I think that would be really good. Hugging someone must feel so good. I don't leak poop, it's okay to hug me.

I guess I should start getting ingredients for the chocolate. I should get enough for everyone, just in case they all decide to come here and surprise me on valentines. I'll make lots of chocolate. I'm sure everyone will want some.

>> No.2163727 [DELETED] 
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This thread makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

>> No.2163809
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This is the moment I've been waiting for.

With Shiki-like speed, I plunge my knife through her back and out her chest. It's soft. Incredibly soft. How can a girl's body be this soft? Are we really so different?

The knife slides through her flesh and peeks out between her ribs. Red pours out of her breast.

"A... Anonymous...?"

She doesn't even scream. Instead, like one of the dolls on the shelf above her bed, her face becomes neutral, unnatural. Her eyes focus on some far away place.

"Anonymous... I... I love...y--"

She falls to the ground.

You don't feel any better.

>> No.2163829
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you my love and forgiveness?

then STOP RAPING MARISA you cunt!

>> No.2163833
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>> No.2163874

So, I whipped up a large batch of delicious brownies for this wonderous day Anon; I made it using a special Margatroid recipe that's been passed down throughout generation. Feel free to take as many as you wish.

Let's hope you don't eat the one with the razor blade.

So, would you like any brownies? I also have many drinks to go with them. I have some delicious milk, a special Magical Forest blend of coffee, and some relaxing red tea for the hard working Anon.

I wouldn't drink the coffee since I mixed rat poison in it.

So, what is your drink of choice? Also, how would you like to be served? I have some cute paper plates and cups, my nice causal dishes, and some fine china I received from Kourin.

Don't take the china, for it's laced with PCP.

So, what would Anon have?

>> No.2164064
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This is the true image of Anon.

>> No.2164094
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You have got to be kidding me.

>> No.2165908
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>> No.2165923

I look like a girl, even when naked.

>> No.2165929

Ryan is a good boy

>> No.2166539

bump for moar

>> No.2166560


"Shanghai, come help me clean up. Marisa is coming over soon!"

Master is very excited today. Her good friend Marisa-san is coming to visit today. They haven’t seen each other since Master got married.

"Shanghai, clean up those beer cans!" Master calls from the kitchen.

I obediently bag up the cans of Suweiser. Master’s husband is such a slob.

"Master, wouldn’t it be nice if Anonymous-san would clean up after himself every once in a while?"

"Shanghai, don’t talk about my husband like that. It’s a wife’s duty to keep a house clean, you know?" she says, while wiping the grime off the coffee table.

"Marisa said she has an important announcement to make. I wonder if she finally found a nice guy to marry, like me?" Master mused.

>> No.2166574

A knock on the door caught Master off-guard.

"Oh, she’s early! Shit, the cleaning isn’t finished!" Master says, while throwing some dirty socks behind the couch.

"Go answer it while I freshen up," she says, running to the bathroom.

I knew that she was going to put on some makeup to hide her bruises. I flew over to the door and struggled just to turn the knob. Houses really aren’t made for dolls. When I finally pull it open, I see a sight for sore eyes. Marisa Kirisame-san, radiant in a summer dress, stood on the porch.

"Hello, Shanghai. Can I come in?" she says with a beaming smile.

"Of course! Please, have a seat. Master will be out in a second."

Marisa hangs her witch hat on the coat rack, and then sits with her hands in her lap as I begin to pour some tea. It’s really cheap tea, so I make sure to put out lots of honey and sugar. She deliberately leans forward, so she won’t get her hair dirty on the greasy back of the couch.

>> No.2166578

"Marisa! Long time no see!"

Master finally emerges from the bathroom in a clean dress. I didn’t think she even had any clean clothes anymore...
The two girls hug each other like sisters. Master does her best to hide a look of pain when Marisa squeezes her. I know she complained of a bruised rib the other day...

"So what’s your big announcement, Marisa? I’ve been waiting all day to hear it! Oh, but we’ll have to be quick. My husband will get upset if he comes home and sees your broomstick in the driveway again."

Marisa-san said nothing, but simply raised her hand. On her finger was a modest, but beautiful ring.
"Oh my gosh, you really are getting married! I’m so happy for you? So, who’s the lucky guy?"

"Ah, about that..." said Marisa, looking away.

"I’m getting married to Reimu."

Master was speechless, her mouth agape.

>> No.2166585

"Sweetie, by now I thought you would’ve grown out of your girl-crushes," she finally blurts out. Surprisingly, Marisa-san doesn’t look offended.

"But we love each other, Alice," Marisa-san says with a warm smile.
"We’re going to live in the shrine together. We’ve already discussed adopting a child-"

"Oh? And how do you think you’ll pay for all the expenses? You’re a two-bit magician who plays kids shows and she’s a miko with no weekly paycheck. Do you think her donations will put your child through college? Sweetheart, let me find you a nice guy, like my husband."

"Like that husband who beats you?" Marisa-san said, while wiping the makeup off Master’s face, revealing the bruises underneath. Master smacked Marisa-san’s hand away roughly.

"I told you, I tripped on my dress! And I’m pregnant now, so he wouldn’t hit me!" Master says, lifting her dress to show Marisa-san her stomach with its steadily growing bump.

"Honey, I had no idea... Well, if he ever hits you again, I want you to call me, OK?"

By now, Master was visibly upset.

>> No.2166591

"Where do you get off accusing Anonymous of such horrible things?! He’s a great man, he just gets angry sometimes. His job is very stressful."

"Alice, I’m worried that one day he’ll be more than angry. I know what he did at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. He’s capable of killing, you know..."

"What the hell are you talking about? He promised me he’d never go back there after I caught him fooling around with the gate guard."

>> No.2166599

"You know those books he got you as a wedding present? He stole them from Patch’s library, may she rest in peace. I was there when the mansion burned down. After Anon stole the books, he let Flandre out of her room. He pricked his finger and shoved it in her mouth and said his blood was delicious candy. Being a vampire, she wanted more and flew into a furor. He said that she can get more candy from Sakuya. Flandre found Sakuya and began ripping her to shreds. She barely had time to yell for help before Flandre decapitated her and began to drink her blood. Meiling heard Sakuya’s screams, but because of all the abuse she suffered at Sakuya’s hands, she took off into the woods instead of saving her boss. No one has heard from Meiling since. By the time Remilia was roused from her slumber, Flandre had already made it into the library and had impaled a straw into Patchouli’s half-dead body and was drinking her dry. Remilia confronted her sister, and after a fierce battle that wrecked the mansion and set it on fire, Flandre was finally killed. Remilia, vowing to never return to Gensokyo, gathered up Sakuya’s head and flew off into the night. I confronted Anonymous about why he set this chain of events into motion. He said, ‘I did it for the lulz’. Don’t you see, Alice? He’ll hurt you without even blinking!"

Master’s face was bright red at this point. She’d heard enough, even if it was all true.

>> No.2166602
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>> No.2166604

"You’re lying! How would you know all this, anyway? There’s a restraining order against you from going near the mansion ever since you assaulted Patchouli when she didn’t have a book that you wanted to steal!"

"I... I snuck back in to steal some more books. I didn’t want to report Anonymous to the police, since I knew he would be unstable if he thought he would be caught, and I was worried about you. I thought you would come to your senses about him and leave him by now..."

A cracking sound split the tension in the room like a peal of thunder. Master’s anger had finally reached its boiling point, and she slapped her best friend. Marisa-san, stunned at this outburst, gingerly felt the large red mark on her cheek.

"How dare you come into my house and insult my husband like this? Get the fuck out, right now!"

"Alice, please! You’re a victim, we can get you help-" Marisa-san tried to plead with Master. Her golden eyes were full of worry.

Master would have none of it. She yanked Marisa-san up by her arm and shoved her towards the door.

>> No.2166607

"Shanghai, get the door!" Master ordered curtly. Not wanted to disobey, I swung the door open. Master pushed Marisa-san out. She landed roughly on the porch. Master grabbed Marisa-san’s hat and threw it in her face.

"Don’t forget your hat, you dyke! Don’t come around here again!"

Master slammed the door. From the window, I watched Marisa-san board her broom and ride off, after one last glance back at the house. I think I saw tears running down her face. Turning back to Master, I saw her slumped against the door, head in her hands.

"I... I’m better off without her, anyway. I’m fine as long as I have Anon..."

Master trailed off as she noticed the black and white doll on the shelf. It was a perfect likeness of Marisa-san, and making it was a real labor of love. I remember how proud Master was when she completed it. She planned to give it to Marisa-san as a wedding gift. Picking up the doll, Master began to sob.

"Oh god... What have I done..."

She fell to the floor as she clutched the doll to her chest. Master began weeping loudly, tears streaming down her cheeks. All I could so was stroke her hair until she cried herself to sleep. I snuggled up next to her neck and fell asleep, too.

>> No.2166610

The sound of the door slamming woke me up. Oh no, Anonymous-san was home from work, and Master hadn’t cooked dinner yet.

"Honey, I’m home," he said with a belch. He must’ve stopped at the smoked eel stand for a few bottles of sake before he came home... again.

"Where the fuck is dinner? Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?" he said, noticing Master sprawled out on the floor. She was just beginning to wake up when Anonymous-san snatched the doll from her hands.

"You’re still playing with dolls? How pathetic," he said, before throwing the black and white doll to the floor and grinding it to dust under his work boots.

"No! Why did you do that? That was my favorite doll!" Master protested. That was a bad idea.

"For the lulz. Now I’ll teach you what happens when you don’t make dinner on time!"

>> No.2166618

Anonymous-san delivered a fierce backhand to Master’s face. Her nose exploded in a cloud of blood. She was on her back now, whimpering. Anonymous-san began stomping down on Master’s stomach, hard. She screamed in pain, digging her nails into the carpet in agony. I was powerless to do anything. I knew that if I tried to attack Anonymous-san, he’ll just blame Alice and make her suffer even more. I covered my ears until the commotion died down. Anonymous-san retreated to his bedroom. I looked over towards Master, who was coughing up fierce amounts of blood. I was worried for her life, until she rolled over on her side and passed out. It was all I could do to wipe up the blood around her mouth. Her breathing was ragged and irregular. I resolved to stay up all night if I had to, to protect my Master.

Sunlight streaming in through the blinds woke me up. Oh no, I fell asleep! Is Master alright? I can’t see her anywhere.

"Oh, Shanghai, you’re awake. Anon felt so bad about what he did that he must’ve gotten a new doll for me! I don’t know why it was covered in blood, but that’s alright. It’s the perfect size, too. I’ll start knitting some clothes for it right away! I’m so excited!"

Master walked in from the kitchen and placed the doll next to me. It was made of some weird pink material, like rubber.

Oh, god...

I may just be a doll, but even I know that this was no wooden likeness. Alice had a miscarriage during the night.

>> No.2166629

Once upon a time...

In a magical forest, in a far-off land, there lived a dollmaker. The dolls she made were beyond compare- a look would reveal no seam or joint, and a touch would bring the soft feeling of skin. They would move as she willed them, walking, jumping, even dancing around in merriment if she so felt like it. So skilled was she with the puppetry that naught a finger on her own hand need be lifted to care for her cottage.

However, this wasn't enough for her. She so desperately wanted her dolls to move on their own, to think, and feel, and have dreams of their own. Her studies were tireless, her works inspired and grand- but still her dolls stayed just dolls.

Over the years, her wish and her dream sank into the walls, the floor, even the very air of the forest beyond, but it all remained unanswered. Then, one day, all that work, hope, and love came together just so...

A doll that had sat on a shelf, looking over a grassy field beyond the window, was the first to move. It blinked once, then twice, then got up and stretched its little arms high. It took a step, then another, then laughed most merrily. It could move! It could sing, and dance, and skip across the floor as well as any child could! Soon, more dolls got up, some confused, some scared, but the first was joyous and knowing, and did comfort and help her new sisters.

>> No.2166632

Soon, all the dolls were up and about, some getting started on the much needed cleaning, others heading out to deal with the thick weeds that tangled about the cottage, and a few simply standing still to take in the feeling of being alive. The first doll worked open the door to the maker's bedroom, and bounced onto the sheets to give her the good news.

But she didn't get up.

She couldn't get up.

The long years of trying, all the work she had done, had taken from her youth, vitality, and, at long last, finally life. Nothing remained but dust and bones. The little doll fell back, her little heart nearly broken under the sorrow. The dollmaker couldn't hug her, or talk with her, or sing to her. But she was a well made doll, and could do still do one thing for her maker.

So she cried.

>> No.2166641

Now Alice knows how Marisa felt when Alice killed her children

>> No.2166688

>> I did it for the lulz
