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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 159 KB, 947x1139, ona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21540212 No.21540212 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>21514166

ITT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
It was cleaned up and updated.

- Protip: Ctrl+F "06. Recommendations" in the guide to get a good list of beginner friendly holes -

Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10

>> No.21540306

I'm a lazy fuck and got busy, sorry gents. Update maybe next Monday. Soft hole section is definitely up next!

Again, please advise on fixes, additions and removals.

Amazon JP + DHL strikes again! Friendly Canuck gets violently robbed of his ona and gets returned to the seller for being "a prohibited good".


>> No.21540347

>plastic stands
That's just the packaging, my dude...
I thought you meant a literal stand for displaying purposes.

>> No.21540352

Dammit I missed the extra arrow.

>> No.21540361
File: 51 KB, 498x498, cbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just finished my write up on the techniques I was taught by a sex wellness professional to remove Death Grip Syndrome.

People in the discord seemed to enjoy them so here they are for everyone who hates discord.

Feel free to ask questions as I also happen to be in a relationship with said professional and can dish out some info.

Also, Protip: Use softer onas.

>> No.21540367

Add this one:
>Maki's Pussy
Puni Ana DX that's been repackaged very discreetly and is sold from a US distro.

>> No.21540370 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 326x265, 1560812450507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to say I was reposting from the other thread.

>> No.21540416
File: 731 KB, 1500x643, internals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this. Helped some anons figure it out.

>> No.21540455

I'm 5.5 inches. Would holes designed for bigger dicks still be fine or should I just stick to smaller/medium sized holes.

>> No.21540469

Should be fine. I've found a lot of the 'smaller' ones are just way too shallow, or super tight. Not comfortable at all.

>> No.21540649

Time for spending $300 on rubber vaginas

>> No.21540766

I think I've done it lads, I managed to clog the sink with hair and semen, it's only a free fall from now on.

>> No.21540774

That's pretty much an average size. You'll be fine. Most longer holes don't have anything "crazy" near the end of their tunnels.

>> No.21541043


Glad to hear you love those rockets as much as I do. I'm looking forward to getting out of work to bust them out again!

>> No.21541127

>tfw can only barely tap the entrance to the 17 Bordeaux's uterus chamber
I wish I were 5.5 inches. I really wonder what the difference of using that part is like.

>> No.21541213

stop shilling this chinese bootleg

>> No.21541221
File: 175 KB, 650x400, Billy-Mays1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmaoing at u. Some anons cant afford the real thing. Fuck off. Knock offs have always been a part of the ona culture here.

>> No.21541257

It's the same thing, and they're all made in China.

>> No.21541292

It's a fucking chink garbage bootleg. Go shill your Amazon trash store somewhere else.

Bootlegs are pretty much always shit compared to the real thing. They're made with zero standards or quality control because they know dumb suckers will buy it anyway.

>> No.21541315

It's 'repackaged' in a black heat shrink that conceals the box. For people that would be in legal trouble with the artwork on the Puni this is a great plus. It's also in the USA, so you don't have to wait for it to be shipped from China, or pay the handling fee from some reseller in Japan.
>Bootlegs are pretty much always shit compared to the real thing. They're made with zero standards or quality control because they know dumb suckers will buy it anyway.
Read the reviews and look at the pictures on Amazon from people that bought it. It's the same thing. Also >>21539791

>> No.21541331
File: 454 KB, 680x554, rykryk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. No one wants you here. No one cares. Bootlegs are a part of the culture of onaholes. Get the fuck out.

>> No.21541405
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even comes in the same plastic case inside the box.
t. guy that bought it in the other thread.

>> No.21541531

We need another Nanjing but for real this time.

>> No.21541873

Did anyone here tried to modify his SPDX, for example with coloring her nipples or giving her a tan like in the box art? If not I might be willing to bite the bullet and experiment around but any recommendations on how to best proceed would be welcome. I thought about giving her a womb tattoo as well, first and foremost, so if no anon has tried it out himself I'll start looking into what's the best type of materials and colors to use.

>> No.21541908

There's a doll guy on /b/ that modifies his dolls. Might want to ask him.

>> No.21542094

>It's basically drop shipping from China to Japan

so which companies are still making only in japan?

>> No.21542123

I doubt any of them are. Japan hasn't really produced anything in house since the 90s. Sure, the Japanese companies design products in house, but they don't produce them. It's like how Apple says their products are 'Designed' in Cupertino. They don't make anything in California except software. ToyDemon tells you where the products are designed in their descriptions.

>> No.21542394

pretty ironic that a country who's always been prideful, outsources their onahole products and label it as made in their country
I believe theres actual Made in Japan onaholes out there, but I'm pretty certain that most onaholes in Japan are also Made in PRC as well

>> No.21542436

Japan is capitalist at heart. But yeah its funny because China is biggest reason why Japan is poor and in 30year+ old recession

>> No.21542508 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 1024x599, 1560847370323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like hotpowers is experimenting with customizable tits based on the cave man google translation of their Twitter. Specifically different colors. Kind of interesting..

>> No.21542586
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1560847478009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using my onahole
>dick is pretty solid while sitting or kneeling
>goes soft immediately when lying down

>> No.21542611

Japan moving stuff to China actually helped them ironically. Japan was fucked in the 90s, and no one could afford anything they made, so that forced the domestic companies to move to Taiwan and Korea, and then as those two economies got too expensive, and China advanced, they moved there.

>> No.21542636

Anyone ever bought a onahole off wish or aliexpress?

>> No.21542704

What is this?

>> No.21542868

If they make rockets that color with a nice nipple color I'm buying it immediately.

>> No.21542890

It doesn't look like customizable. It sounds like they're talking about making a tanned variation. There was a good response to their post so they said they're going to continue testing.

>> No.21542938

Anyone try those air pillows you can fit a hlle into? They worth it or do you just prefer grabbing the ona with your hand?

>> No.21542994

I put them in this
and then use a camera mount to attach it to a desk. These work:

>> No.21543158

I much rather just have it like that to be honest, so I can comfortably play hentai games or read doujinshi while using my onahole. 9/10 times I use my regular onahole instead of my torso for that reason.

>> No.21543289

Air pillow seems very susceptible to leaking. Mine is, and I have to use tape to at least slow down the air leaking. It can hold an onahole quite securely, My Julia+ and lolinco fit snuggly into it, but I doubt anything bigger than that will. Most importantly, they don't have any weight, so you have to find something to hold the pillow, otherwise the side with the onahole will keep pointing down. I haven't use it much after buying it.

>> No.21543391

Is it alright if I use gold bond? Or should I run to the store and get corn starch or something else? No time to order online

>> No.21543411

Probably fine. Just don't get any inside. The main reason you're hitting it with powder is to prevent oil stains where you're storing it.

>> No.21543463

>Inactive Ingredients: Talc


>> No.21543523

Yeah I guess one time won't kill me, I'm just gonna go get some corn starch

>> No.21543636

Can somebody help me ?

When I "masturbate" with my hands, without any lube, I can last more than 1 hour before I cum.

But when I "masturbate" with my hands and use lube I can only last 10 minutes.

When using an onahole I last a max. of 5 minutes.

Can somebody give me any tips ?

>> No.21543703

You're circumcised.

>> No.21543785


Yes. Is that an issue ?

>> No.21543787

Keep practicing. As it turns out your body likes being inside something warm and tight.

>> No.21543843

what onahole are you using?

>> No.21543846

You lack the ability to self lubricate as efficiently as someone who is not cut. That's just the way it is. Someone that's uncut is more sensitive, and every time they masturbate, they generate more precum liquids, which get trapped between their member and foreskin, and it acts like a protective barrier with lube between their member and whatever they are using to masturbate, so they overcome the mental barrier of not cumming easier. If you want to delay cumming, then go with the lube and onahole, and only that.
The downside is that you will not get any satisfaction from masturbating without it, because it won't feel good.

>> No.21544076

Anyone from Germany that bought an Onahole can give some advice? Where did you buy it, how was the customs / the packaging?

>> No.21544169

yeah I just meant the packaging, it's useful for putting onahole in so it won't stain anything with oil

>stands for proudly displaying onaholes
that sounds funny ngl

>> No.21544261

The Mouth of Truth Perorin
Kawaii Oshiri Onahole
2.5 D Black Gal Daughter

Thanks for the help

>> No.21544281

G-project packs breathable plastic bags to their stuff.

>> No.21544304

what's the difference between safe skin, stretch skin etc

>> No.21544412

amount of plastic softener.
/jk I dunno.

>> No.21544670

A version with tanlines would be an instant buy for me.

>> No.21544876

My only concern using these to hold an ona is the plastic lip on the end that's meant to hold their insert in place. I'm afraid of that digging in and damaging the onahole.

>> No.21544925

You're not fucking the outside of it. Most of them fit inside anyway. Stuff a small rag inside first and that will push the ona out a bit. Or, push the ona in with the rag being used like a wrap, and that will protect it from touching the casing.

>> No.21544978

you drill into casing?

>> No.21544985

so does latex react with TPE or even with those mineral oils that leech?

>> No.21544995

It is built in, like on a DSLR camera. You can use any camera mount with that casing.

>> No.21545159

Found a hundred dollar amazon gift card. What should I get?

>> No.21545221
File: 130 KB, 847x1200, C0fZuZYUcAAI5bX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a onahole warmer. Anyone know how long I should leave it in my onahole for keeping it warm for a good session? Usually I leave it in anywhere from 10-20mins but the warmness goes away after like 4-5strokes.

>> No.21545230

Latex should be fine.


Lipstick ends up washing out eventually and has been a popular method to give some life and color to nipples.

>> No.21545246
File: 104 KB, 1200x1077, 61Si3NIWscL._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried one of these? There is a ton of them all over amazon.

>> No.21545316

The novelty is there but it's not really worth it unless you're looking for a hands free experience. And even then you still have to hold the pillow down to use it properly.

>> No.21545333

the fuck is this? dildo power jack?

>> No.21545349

No idea. I usually soak mine in the sink in warm water.
If you're using a warmer, make sure you lube it up, otherwise it will stick the to the insides and deform it when you pull it out.

>> No.21545357

Yeah I always use lube when I use a warmer. Just sucks if it is only good for like 4 or 5 strokes then becomes normal. Maybe warmers are just a meme?

>> No.21545372

>Maybe warmers are just a meme?
All the reviews are hit or miss.
10 mins in the sink with warm water, I never miss.

>> No.21545430

Why do they use XLR plugs? do they play music through the dildos or something?

>> No.21545439

Think it's because some of the attachments have vibrators inside.

>> No.21545451

how long does the warmness usually last if you do that?

>> No.21545481

lol, lurk moar.
Ok, jokes aside, depends on the size ona. Basically, keep the water to a temp that won't harm you, and it won't harm the ona. Leave it in there until it feels warm enough, 10-15 minutes. Should last at least 5 minutes or until your forget you warmed it up, because you're either into it or you won't feel the temp transition.

>> No.21545513

Not germany, but Motsutoys is default. Just bought myself a Sujiman Kupa Cocolo SE after a Lolinco Virgo Big a few months ago. Cannot bloody wait.

I hear lots of things about daikamura pillows, I'm curious - the Magic Eyes onaholes already feel better than a real pussy and I don't want to buy a full size doll, but having 'something' to fuck would be nice.

>> No.21545523

Speaking of warming onaholes, I've been wondering if reusable heat packs/compresses could be used for this. Would it be too hot and damage the hole? I feel like it could be usable with the pillow method.

>> No.21545535

Basically yah. I just don't know how the motor would hold up to attaching your own heavier onahole to it.

>> No.21545690

Did anybody buy a fleshlight Launch or something similar? Worth the buy?

>> No.21545822
File: 346 KB, 500x500, it looked like this, but worse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a very soft ona today, found out that it's very difficult to use without having it flop around, two handing helped a little, but it wasn't very comfortable, will have to find a solution for this, because it does get in the way quite a lot.

>> No.21545881

The reviews on amazon make it out to be pretty shit. Falling apart/motor losing power after a few uses.

>> No.21546007

like a half year back someone posted some pics of his SPDX where he used some sort of marker to make the nipples pinkish. Seemed pretty decent, although it faded over time/usage and had to be reapplied. Not sure if it's findable in the archive.

>> No.21546013

Damn...i really want to try out the interactive mode. Dont want to buy garbage for 200 bucks thought...

>> No.21546045


archive link:

>> No.21546073

Oh yeah, forgot to thank you for that even though it doesn't really apply to me. I don't suppose you'd be able to ask for advice on preventing premature ejaculation, would you? Being able to (choose?) to last longer is always nice.

>> No.21546114

Depends on the warmer and the power source. 10 minutes on PC is usually enough for mine to last maybe a couple minutes, but it will eventually cool to dick temperature and you will adapt to the heat some as well. Warmers are about making initial insertion more pleasant than keeping the hole above body temperature anyway, so YMMV.

I'd definitely be concerned about overheating with those, plus heating from the outside could take quite a while to warm the internals and you'd probably have to rewarm the pack a few times.

>> No.21546140

Are you cut or uncut?

>> No.21546146


>> No.21546151

Get shit cheap is the purpose for both of them

>> No.21546175

>plus heating from the outside could take quite a while to warm the internals and you'd probably have to rewarm the pack a few times.
I was thinking a hot water bath to heat it initially, then the packs to keep it warm after removing it from the water.

>> No.21546207

If you want to last longer and you are cute you could try overstimulating your glans during masturbation. It's rough, but its the quickest way to achieve what you want. Just focus on your glans.

>> No.21546210

I think I'd opt for an electric blanket so you're not faffing about making tips to the microwave with hot packs, then. I've been meaning to grab one myself, as they seem pretty nice.

>> No.21546216


Even though im sure youre cute in some way. Also edge more.

>> No.21546364

Any recommendations for looser toys with little to no stimulation inside for longer sessions?

>> No.21546374

Magic Eyes Kupa Lolinco

>> No.21546456

>Magic Eyes Kupa Lolinco
Something with the word "loli" in it seems light it would be anything but loose.

>> No.21546472

Its loose, and soft as fuck.

>> No.21546753

Puni Virgin Fuwatoro

>> No.21546937

That's really unpleasant and seems like it would lead to desensitization. Kegel work hasn't done a ton to delay ejaculation for me and breathing only helps to an extent though, I suppose I should try something else.

>> No.21547106

Where can I purchase Venus Clone or Venus real. Seems like it's sold out everywhere?

>> No.21547311

Can anyone recommend something like this but 20cm deep? Or any 20cm onahole in general?

>> No.21547444

anyone know how to find the artist of onahole boxart? I'm specifically looking for the artist of the Daisuki Hold hole.

>> No.21547466

Desensitizing yourself is perfectly fine when controlled. My SO is a sex therapist and instructs men with early ejaculation issues to edge etc.

Trust me. Its controlled. You arent giving yourself death grip.

>> No.21547551

damn, the military has everything these days

>> No.21547553


>> No.21547695

SO can be short for Superior Officer, and is something only another mil-fag would pick up on that quickly.

more than likley the anon actually meant Significant Other.

>> No.21547704

This blew my mind. Woah.

>> No.21547705
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, 71gdHMDdxvL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, shopping Ride's stuff on Amazon is dangerous. There's so much and it's so cheap. I'd probably be drowning in onaholes if not for international shipping, and I'm already up to my neck.

>Trust me, my wife's a doctor

>> No.21547707

Oh come on. Thats an unfair punch. I would never post anything to hurt anyone.

>> No.21547729
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, 712GZIPnjEL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would never post anything to hurt anyone.
>I would never
You are Anonymous, and Anonymous absolutely would post something to hurt someone. It's not a personal sleight, but one always needs to take internet advice with a grain of salt. I'm not going to ask you to post your wife's credentials or anything, but I'm naturally skeptic and that's a wee bit sketchy. I can always stop if I notice anything wrong and expect a full reversion though, so I'll probably give it a shot regardless.

Also, this Eternal Pleasure Combo Virgin Eternity is calling to me and I just made a hole order. Fuck.

>> No.21547736
File: 58 KB, 1200x1200, Absorption-Lilith-Tanned-Girl-Onahole_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a tip, those "cervix" gimicks aren't that great. I've had the Absorption Lilith and fuck those cervixes made my dick hurt because of how the entrance was made, the lube will just dribble out to your shaft and into your pubes to dry out.

>> No.21547782

RIDE Japan's onaholes is a hit or miss, usually the pink onaholes they have are shitty quality, it's very sticky, leaks oil like no tomorrow, and way too floppy that you might as well fuck a slime or jello instead
That particular hole looks like another one of those, and I really recommend recommend you get other RIDE products that is the "Hard" version, the ones with translucent TPE since those actually hold up more and you can feel the structure of the hole much better

>> No.21547812

I've got the Dolphin which is boring as all hell, but I wondered if this one might be a bit different due to the more textured internals. I'll have to think on that.

That's Bungee Touch, which one of my favorite holes is made from. I don't fuss too much about the oil and generally enjoy the lower stimulation. I've had a CQ Roll hard and absolutely hated it, so this seems to be one of those "different strokes" situations.

>> No.21547835

Can anyone actually explain how this is supposed to be shit? I want to step up my onahole game but i'm not the guy who wants to spend a ton of money on sex toys (my first and only onahole cost me $20 on sale).

My main concern is that I don't want something cheap that will tear easily

>> No.21547866

That one is Made in PRC, quality and durability is questionable

>> No.21548191

TPE in general tends to last longer than silicone. Really depends on how big you are vs the size of the toy, and how rough you get with it.
All this shit is made in China. You're lying to yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.21548236

Because it's a knockoff of one of the most popular onas that's proven to be highly durable and worth its price tag. Why roll the dice on something that you have no idea will last or feel as good as the original?

>> No.21548524

being average sucks.
its either minis or long canals for holes

>> No.21548536
File: 53 KB, 351x351, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those ridges hurt just by looking at them

>> No.21548589

>dark elf tiddies

>> No.21548774
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, machi confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About softness. That includes internal ridges/bumps right? unless its double layered?
Do you know if someone made comparison of softness between brands? Since they seems to have really different parameters from brand to brand.

>> No.21548788

>The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
>Q: So J-list has...
>A: Don’t even think about it.
What does this mean?

>> No.21548898
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, spoonfeeding.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means J-list is shit, don't order from them when there are better alternatives.

>> No.21548910

But why though? What exactly makes them shit?

>> No.21548916

Weren't they an advertiser here?

>> No.21548933

It's later on in the guide.
>11. http://J-list.com (Japan or USA)

>Based in Japan, advertises to exploit ““““otaku””””. Markups as high as 300%. Plus shipping FROM JAPAN. Almost anything stocked on Jlist is cheaper someplace else.

>> No.21548994

I don't know, senpai, no anatomy book I've ever read mentions muscles inside the penis shaft, it's mostly sponge-like tissue, maybe I'm just misinterpreting the pastebin.

>> No.21549716

Stretching (exercise 1), squeezing (exercise 2), and kegels (exercise 3) are common bro-science penis enhancement strategies.

>> No.21549913
File: 144 KB, 600x400, breadknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fucking weeb NEETs had any imagination at all you could have been selling overpriced Tenga eggs to boomers like this filipino CHAD.

>> No.21550025

I'll sell you mine used

>> No.21550030

Why would I waste 10 mins doing that when I can jelq and get 3 inches of gains?!!! Death grip is easily healed by having sex with girls and not using your hand as much with a death grip hence the name.

>> No.21550048

wrong board

>> No.21550082
File: 146 KB, 1200x900, meiki-plush-dx-doll-1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever tried to cut and sew a face hole into the Meiki plush doll?

>> No.21550088

why waste time with jelq when you can get that chink stretcher thingy?

>> No.21550098

why waste time with any of that when you can break your dick in only 10 seconds by just sticking it in a door jamb and slamming the door shut?

>> No.21550112

fucking noob. its the bee hive for mega girth gains.

>> No.21550119
File: 1.12 MB, 900x884, a41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21550239

>buy what's supposed to be semi-transparent purple jelly onahole
>what arrives is that weird phantom flesh color and not transparent in the slightest
>the inside and outside are covered in physical malformations that make it feel like it's covered in sand or something
Rest in peace my dick. I was looking forward to a fap today too. Fuck.

>> No.21550280
File: 41 KB, 1200x1200, 635039_1000_1_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do onaholes need to be in breathable box? I thought of putting them in plastic closable box. of course each would have separate pouch.

>> No.21550297

Yeah, so long as it's a cool dry place. I keep mine in a drawer, on plastic, so they don't stain the drawer.

>> No.21550321

Uncut only "lubricates" in the sense that the foreskin itself is a moveable sheath that reduces friction on the glans. I don't know where you got the idea that an uncut dude produces more precum, that's just based on personal biology and diet/nutrition.

>> No.21550351

You don't produce more precum but the precum you have sticks between your foreskin and your dick. After jacking off for 15-20 minutes things can get pretty slippery

>> No.21550369

This. Just edging for that long with a slight suction type ona, not even moving it, just letting gravity keep it on my dick, I generate a ton of precum, to the point I don't even need lube.

>> No.21550375

Feelsbad for Dem small dick dudes lol. So small that the ona just flips off.


>> No.21550391

>So small that the ona just flips off

>> No.21550425
File: 25 KB, 700x391, 1_1459314485_1_X1Kxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people cut off teeth from bj holes but did anyone modified internals of ona?
I would like to remove those warts from 17B because they dont feel good for me, but I worry it will fuck up the hole completely by doing so? Any experience with modding?

>> No.21550506

Do these still exist?

>> No.21550758
File: 1.88 MB, 480x264, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do onaholes get fucked up by being turned inside out due to the extreme stretching in the middle of being turned inside out? Or does leaving them inside out continually mess them up?
Got an ona inside out right now I plan on doing some detail cleaning on later and idk if I should turn it right side out again or not

>> No.21550828

>Do onaholes get fucked up by being turned inside out due to the extreme stretching in the middle of being turned inside out?
Of course they do. Depending on the manufacturer and their type of TPE, you're likely going to split the thing in half, or atleast have a huge tear.
The guide says that silicone is stronger, but that hasn't been my experience. TPE is much more durable. That being said, you can't just pull on it forever. Even rubberbands snap at their limit.
>detail cleaning
wut? just use antibacterial hand soap and warm water.

>> No.21550962

anti-bacterial soap is a meme, just use regular soap.

>> No.21550967

Your face and that small dick of yours is a meme.

>> No.21551011

>is a meme
ona is desu

>> No.21551165

yeah, as long as you clean immediately, you dont need to worry about antibacterial soap at all
my Tomax single layer ones have been fine with turning inside out for cleaning, been doing it for years now
dual layers like >>21550425
i wouldnt try it

>> No.21551395
File: 5 KB, 234x215, 1559351188173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, a long time ago I had an incident where one of my onas became infected with this fungus, was not a fun experience
Was ages ago, and since I have so many venus' I cant tell which one it was, I just cleaned all of em and they all look fine, no spots or marks or anything on the inside, and they smell like pure soap now (really good actually)
Is it safe for me to use this one onahole? (its in the best condition physically out of all of em)

>> No.21551464

>mid 90 degrees all week here
>still get horny
>dunno what to do with dolls because i sweat too much moving them around
>get idea
>doll that is stored laying down on some memory foam padding
>slide it out
>roll it on its belly
>frog style prone bone anal
>stick + microfiber cloth
>flip it back over
>slide it back under bed
over and done within a few minutes and hardly any sweat.

>> No.21551504

breh, I would immediately toss any that show mold/fungus
but i guess it depends on what you feel about getting a UTI

>> No.21551509


>> No.21551542
File: 570 KB, 953x885, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so japs have new 17?
Do western shops have the same or do they still have stock of older one?

>> No.21551625

Bought R-20 puni as my first onahole and tried it earlier today. Quite good stuff, but it made me realize that my head is god damn sensitive. I had phimosis a couple of years back and read that fapping while only holding the shaft and not touching the head might fix it, and in the end it did, but I kept wanking in that way which makes my head so sensitive. It's almost unbearable when using onahole and I think I spent almost an hour. It was a good hour tho, but do you quickly get used to the sensation and make it feel more bearable the more you use it?

>> No.21551672

hypothetically if i found the fake pussy lips on my ona unsettling is there anway i could just maybe cut straight through it like a roll and take off the very front layer of material?

>> No.21551702

>Mutilating the genitals of your sex toys
Go home, Ahmed. But seriously, there's no reason you couldn't with a large and sharp blade, but getting a clean cut might be hard and you'd loose some length. Why not just carve off the lips with a hobby knife or something?

>> No.21551724

Chink fakes are always crap compared to the real product. It's cheaper for a reason. These are for poor suckers who don't know any better.

They're both made in China, it's just that fakes are made by cutting as many corners as possible. Inferior materials, no real quality control, and zero regard for safety because they have no reason to give a shit.

>> No.21551746

I'm 8 inches and fairly girthy, trying to decide on my first onahole. I'm thinking either the Julia+ or R-20. What do you guys think?

>> No.21551749

i just wasn't sure if that would compromise the integrity of the whole toy or not. the hobby knife thing is a good idea but christ the idea of cutting through just the lips seems so unsettling.

>> No.21551772

I'm guessing the new one is on top? The one on the bottom makes me excited because of how clear it is.

>> No.21551781

Cutting off the full front would probably remove the entrance portion which is usually designed to hold in lube and vacuum. Outside of that, there's really not much to compromise structurally; onaholes are largely just glorified rubber tubes. Don't fret over modifying your rubber tube.

>> No.21551798

Im 7.5x5.5 and the Lilith Venus and Clone are great for me

>> No.21551808

Have considered it, but the risks seemed too high so I didn't. Wouldn't want to ruin it without being absolutely sure I could pull it off.

>> No.21551827

well, if i get one ill have an extra one of the old headless ones, so i figure ill just remove the hole sleeve from that one, and thatll be most of the hard work done, from there its just a matter of cutting a same size hole in the face and sewing it on

>> No.21551924

I was going to look into those but it seems the websites that sell em in the US are down for maintenance

>> No.21551960

it seems like queencats host servers are made of tissue paper, they usually come back in a day or so

>> No.21552340
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I've been waiting for a day or so

>> No.21552347

Pretty sure queencat is dead and TOMAX products have to be shipped internationally to NA right now.

If I'm wrong let me know, because I have been wanting a romanesco for like a year.

>> No.21552389

Guess I should just bite the bullet and get the Julia+ then? Or the R-20?

>> No.21552450

Is it troublesome to ship onas outside the US? I live in mexico, and in my experience shipping has almost always been rather expansive.

>> No.21552500

In AmazonJP, shipping to Mexico varies between 1500 to 2500 yen for most standard (as in size/weight) onas, any purchase you make will have a minimum of roughly 270 pesos shipping. Shopping from AmazonUS may be marginally cheaper, just bear in mind that anything that you save in shipping, you will have to spend on markups.
Bear in mind that DHL packages may be opened for inspection at customs, happened to me yesterday.

>> No.21553251

use a soddering iron and scissors

>> No.21553386

yeah top is new but I havent seens it anywhere on west site. I wonder if people are just using old pictures (happened to me a lot with others shop)

>> No.21553397

So, is Blackship the best forwarder for onaholes? I want to avoid taxes in my country and shit like that. I will be buying from Amazon.jp

I have a big wishlist honestly but my first buying i think it will be some Onatsuyu and
リアルボディ極生腰 二階堂りお
and then i may buy Seventeen Evo and A Witch’s Temptation, are those good picks?

>> No.21553398
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>DHL packages may be opened for inspection at customs, happened to me yesterday.

I am worried about that too much, so I will just pray to shinto gods that they will stock what I want to noncustom shop.

>> No.21553713
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Humans are stupid

>> No.21553867

Get out and never come back

And take your unlovable worm-vagina'd virtual whore with you

>> No.21554042

or i could sell handle aids to weeb NEETs

>> No.21554060

>Can anyone actually explain how this is supposed to be shit?
Been using it daily for over a week. Have not been gentle with it either. No signs of any kind of wear yet.

>> No.21554103

Thanks for the tip, I didn't think of shoping on amazon.jp.
>Bear in mind that DHL packages may be opened for inspection at customs, happened to me yesterday.
I don't really care, I kinda find that funny actually.

>> No.21554178

Can you link the post ?

>> No.21554472

Has anyone else had onahole sex while soaking on a bubble bath?

I'm worried having it immersed in the water with whatever product I use for my bath would harm the toy, or that it's just not pleasant with all the water.

I also wanna try it with an SPDX but maybe the torso is too awkward to use while laying on the bathtub.

>> No.21554515

They're actually microphones. I just recorded a sick grindcore album with a few of them.

>> No.21554691

Should I get the packaging/artwork removed from loli holes when shipping to the UK from The Netherlands? Motsutoys doesn’t seem to have this as an option.

>> No.21554948

onatsuyu a shit get maccos g-lotion
also if this is your first purchase maybe you shouldn't buy a hip in case you don't like it

>> No.21554980
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I can't wait to fill DWU up with my love!

>> No.21555048

But Brexid did not happened yet (and most probably will not) so they should not control packages?

>> No.21555068

what about Pepe

>> No.21555152

Can you really expect much from it at that price?

>> No.21555234

What do you mean? Good holes are always 2000 yen or more.

>> No.21555463

Please tell us how the lube is, I'm trying to compare several brands

>> No.21555609

> you shouldn't buy a hip in case you don't like it
i explicity looked for a hip because i want a good round ass, this one is 1:1 so it's exactly what i was looking for, i think or hope..maybe i could also use some underwear for it
>maccos g-lotion
okay, i will try to order 2-3 different lotions

>> No.21555744



>> No.21555914


>> No.21556521

any reviews of this thing? size, shape, feeling etc?
i read the faq which seems to deal more with soft inserts than the plastic exoskeleton varieties (e.g. tenga flip holes).
am i in the right thread? if not pls point me to the right place thank you.

>> No.21556636

m8... It's 20 bucks on aliexpress... you can do better than that for not too much more money. Read the pastebin, get educated and get something good. If you want something "discreet" and easy I'll personally recommend the kunoichi(any hardness you want).
It'll be amazing on your dick compared to anything from aliexpress and it's super easy to clean.

>> No.21556683

Get the Gina by Zemalia. It's like $20 on Amazon. Two different openings, easy to clean, and it's in a hard plastic case with end caps. This lets you put it in the back of a drawer with clothes in it for quick and easy hiding.

>> No.21556706

thanks i dont care about it being discrete actually. the hole just looked different than all other ona's. note the bumps and lack of entrance.
was looking for best suction...

>> No.21556723

>the hole just looked different than all other ona's. note the bumps and lack of entrance.
Looks like it would murder you dick.
>was looking for best suction...
Get the Zemalia, pull it out of the plastic casing, and stuff it in a large mason jar.
Thank me later.

>> No.21556919

How often do Motsu refresh their stock? I want to buy an SPDX from inside EU. Is there a better option?

>> No.21557168


>mason jar for suction

I always found the jar method tricky to release the air when you first use it. plus you only displace the volume of air by the amount you can insert.
What I use is an old plastic water bottle thats soft enough to squeeze and chopped up an even older fleshlight to fit in the opening.
I still go back to it every now and then even though i've got actual onas now.

Eventually when I replace my old MoT I plan on modifying it to fit with the water bottle so i can get the same insane suction while also using a MoT and not a shitty FL sleeve.

>> No.21557198

1L Smart Water works well for this.

>> No.21557251
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Will this one work to maintain the hip?

>> No.21557576

Do I just cut the top of the bottle and place the ona inside? How would that provide any suction?

>> No.21557704
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what I meant was one of those reusable plastic bottles with a wide neck on it. I just take the lid off. should work as long as it's soft enough to squeeze with one hand.

It works well with my chopped up FL because the base is wider than the bottle opening, so it makes an airtight seal. I just squeeze the bottle before I go in.

>> No.21557924

Kinda disappointed by virgin age graduation compared to how much I liked admission. It's just ok. I'm gonna use it for fap heroes and other uses likely to kill an ona

>> No.21558273

Anyone have the Puni Ana Miracle DX and mind sharing their experience? Wondering if it's a meme or unironically good.

>> No.21558451
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Is there any just giant ball sack toys?
Very curious

>> No.21558633

theres male torsos with penis/balls. but not realistic balls.
there has to be one for proctologists.
sorry havent seen one .
looks like you have to go look at what the trannies use...
literally, cock magic

>> No.21558649
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Couldn't you take a balloon and fill it with some sand (maybe a pinch of water too) and like 2 rubber bouncy balls or something? Might be the closest you can get.

>> No.21558670

paint this flesh colored

>> No.21559014
File: 50 KB, 656x975, ONA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but I finna find out

fuck I can't believe horny me ordered 2 torsos. I might try and re-sell the spdx in 'murrica without opening it.

>> No.21559025 [DELETED] 

btw I'm the anon who started the chargeback process with his bank for my purchase because I ordered this shit on March 8th and they weren't responding to my E-mails.

I'll call the bank on the 'morrow, Alex, set a reminder for tomorrow to call the bank.

>> No.21559031

>>21559014 (You)
btw I'm the anon who started the chargeback process with his bank for my purchase because I ordered this shit on March 8th and they weren't responding to my E-mails.

I'll call the bank on the 'morrow, Alexa, set a reminder for tomorrow to call the bank.

>> No.21559052

Why do you have these links? Why do you posses this knowledge?

>> No.21559174

Stop blog posting you fucking faggot.

>> No.21559177

Oh come on, don't pretend like you've never wondered what it would be like to convert a full size doll into a hermaphrodite, feeling her balls and stiff cock slap the area above yours with every thrust as you plunge deeper and deeper into her rubber pussy, maybe even tenderly stroking her cock or delicately fondling her balls as you continue thrusting.

We've all been there, r-right fellas?

>> No.21559279

Is there a reason why I seem to just soften inside an onahole? Kinda makes it awkward and tries to bend in less than comfortable ways.

>> No.21559314

>Do I just cut the top of the bottle and place the ona inside?
>How would that provide any suction?
It creates a vacuum.

>> No.21559505
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Alright guys, I have two options for the Chichi Rockets:

1. Order now from otonaJP. They currently have 20% off all hotpowers stuff. Shipped EMS for $331

2. Wait for the 29th and try to race to buy one directly from hotpowers before they go out of stock for ~$350 (slower) EMS.

Im afraid of hotpowers running out before I can order, and not to mention its JP which means nill to none customer service. OtonaJP has good customer service but the major issue is that OtonaJP lists it as shipping in 1-2 months. The restock is happening on the 29th though so I expect otona gets theirs around the same timeframe.

>> No.21559543

Dick grip syndrome

>> No.21559591

I have the same problem and it's because my fetishes are too specific I literally can't masturbate unless I'm watching/reading/playing porn that interests me. If you're used to edging for multiple hours when you use your hand it probably has a part in that too.
Or maybe you just use too much lube, it happens too.

>> No.21559592

Not worth the risk with Otona if it can be helped, given that they have decided to take several anons' money and run recently. I would try to get it from hotpowers and if that falls through, then decide if you want to roll the dice with Otona. That's a lot of money to risk getting nipped.

>> No.21559851

My other issue is that hotpowers has them "marked down" and I fear that the price will go back to $320 before shipping (currently $230 before shipping). I really think they will do this too because of the demand.

>> No.21559954
File: 350 KB, 998x515, fuck me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what the fuck am I supposed to do now? Why the fuck did this get sent back?

>> No.21559963

DHL is fucking nuts about this. If they dont have a safe space or specific instructions from you on where to leave the package, and its big enough, they just return it. Something about liability.

>> No.21559986

Have any of you guys modified older onas? What did you do?
I'm thinking about buying some tongue rings and experimenting with some old kit.

>> No.21560158

Does this mean I have to wait for Amazon to return my money and then order this again? Fucking hell I just want to fuck this thing already, I've been waiting all month

>> No.21560160

No, they attempt delivery 3 times.

>> No.21560169

DHL or Amazon? It hasn't left Japan yet unfortunately

>> No.21560172

Oh, if it hasn't left Japan then it means it's undeliverable. You will get a refund soon.

>> No.21560178

PS: It could be anything from the packaging giving a red flag at customs to your address not being properly formatted. What country are you in?

>> No.21560194

Goddamnit. I wonder why its undeliverable?
I bought some other stuff too, some clothes, more lube etc for it so I wonder if that will get marked as undeliverable as well since I put the same address.

USA. I'm hoping it's not with my address being improperly formatted. I'm feeling like they just saw it in customs and thought there was no way they were letting a 10kg rubber fuck torso through but that sucks if its the case.

>> No.21560202


1. Click Find by Address
2. Type your address in
3. You will then see a box that says "You entered" followed by your address you entered and then another box below with (hopefully) the same address. Use the second boxes address to a T. That means capitalization and everything.

>> No.21560249

Thanks, I'll use that.
I want to reorder this right away though. Should I at least wait until my money is refunded?

>> No.21560253

Yes, wait for a refund or a message. If you dont get one within 48 hours send them a message.

>> No.21560266

Thanks for the advice. This has been a hassle but I want this onahole so I'm willing to put up with it as long as I eventually get it. Hopefully Amazon is speedy with the refund so I can get this ordered again.

>> No.21560270

If at the end of the day youre just out of options, use a forwarding service. Literally have it shipped in Japan to a person. You can even tell them to take the packaging off and turn it inside out. Then have them ship it to you. It will cost more, probably around $50 more.

>> No.21560295

I thought about doing that from the get go because that's how I got my Puni Ana DX all the way back before they were sold by US retailers (I think back in 2014?) but since Amazon Japan ships globally now and you don't need a forwarding service, I thought there wouldn't be any hassle since Amazon is such a big company.

>> No.21560302

Yeah, I feel you. Just try getting your refund first then using a properly formatted address. If it still fails, use a forwarding service.

>> No.21560819

>DWU got shipped yesterday
>DHL just attempted delivery
Was expecting it monday. They didn't send me a message with delivery options this time otherwise I woulda had them hold the package for me to pick up after work. Jap shipping is basically magic.

>> No.21560840

id like to ask what you think about the DWU
im also interested

>> No.21560845

>Jap shipping is basically magic.

not for me. bunch of candies travel 2 months

> probably around $50 more.

it seems with mark up its still worth it compared to ridiculous makr up of retailers.
With forwarders do you pay directly to them and can it appear as gift and somehow bypass customs? and everything gets scanned even if gifts right?

>> No.21560913

That's just DHL I've been using them for years when buying from Amiami and HLJ and I swear that they send their stuff through ICBM because what usually takes 2 weeks for EMS takes them overnight.

>> No.21560933

From Amazon JP? They ship with DHL priority. Maybe if you're buying from a Marketplace seller off of Amazon I could see it taking 2 months. The only time something has ever taken 2 months to get to me is cheap stuff sent from China off of Aliexpress. Normal shipping from Japan has never taken more than a couple of weeks to get to me in the midwest. I've never used Surface shipping from Japan though because lol everything is going be expensive might as well spend a few extra bucks to make sure it actually gets here.

With forwarders you buy the item yourself and have it shipped to your forwarder's address with your information on it then you pay their fee + shipping and they'll actually send it to you. I imagine they can do requests like box removal. Everything gets scanned by customs but really the US has bigger things to worry about getting through than if a vaguely human shaped piece of rubber is okay.

>> No.21561004

Got mine earlier this month
>holes are both great, not dick bully tiers, but better than most other holes
>the tunnels are also surprisingly easy to clean
>tits are amazing
>weight slamming down on you is instanut
>the skeleton adds so much more to the experience than you would think
>storing it is a nightmare
>cleaning the outside is also a nightmare
>the durability of the skin is a real issue. It's only been a few weeks and it looks like I dried it with sandpaper on one of the hips despite being exceptionally careful
>powdering is required after every use because it gets sticky very quickly
>the ass is more firm than I expected. It's still nice, but I wish it was a bit softer
I made a more detailed post about my first impressions a few threads back if you want to go look for it. I can answer any questions too if you have some.

This happened to me when I ordered mine. Got a refund, plus a couple hundred yen in amazonbucks. Reordered it and it was at my front door a few days later. DHL just seems to pick at random what gets through and what doesn't. Check you shipping info and make sure it's correct. Don't use abbreviations for anything.

>> No.21561478

>This happened to me when I ordered mine. Got a refund, plus a couple hundred yen in amazonbucks. Reordered it and it was at my front door a few days later. DHL just seems to pick at random what gets through and what doesn't

That's great to hear. I'm looking forward to this so hopefully they refund my money quickly so I can reorder it and get this all sorted out.
How would you recommend cleaning it? That is the one thing I've been worried about in terms of maintenance, it seems like itd be fairly hard to finagle it.

>> No.21562073

I bought a simple 30 dollar hotpad at a drugstore (mini electric blanket)

I just turn it on low power and just let it sit on my bed wrapped around my onahole under a blanket. It's more of an "in an hour" kind of solution. If you leave it on high and forget about it, it will definitely start to remold/melt the hole but is fine if I don't forget about it. Usually I just use low settings and it can be warmed pretty much all day without any harm to the hole. Its also possible to wrap the small hotpad around the hole while using it, which is awkward but fuck, winter is hella cold where I live okay?

>> No.21562076


>> No.21562093

>2 months
Except for surface mail it shouldn't take that long, unless you live in a shithole.

>> No.21562188

The holes themselves aren't really that bad. I have a Lolinco Virgo as well and that's way more of a pain in the ass to clean and dry on the inside. Set it down somewhere, wet your hands and put some soap inside, lather it a bit with your finger, then get in the shower and hold it in a standing 69 position until the water comes out clear. Its the outside that sucks because it's so heavy and you really have to be careful with the skin since it's very delicate. I usually clip my nails before using it to avoid digging into it by accident. Once I'm done with the inside, I get out and set it on the counter top to soap the outside before rinsing since I find that easier than trying to do everything in the shower. It gets pretty slippery. My shower is tiny and the shower head isn't adjustable so it's not exactly an ideal setup though. I suppose you could also just do everything in a tub if you have one. Someone mentioned using oral swabs instead, and I tried that, but it just kind of made a mess and took forever. For drying, I set it on one towel and pat dry with a second. Microfiber cloths for the inside, pretty standard. My hands are small and I can still easily reach the back of both holes to check for left over moisture. I've found that for getting any excess in the back, putting a piece or two of gauze in and leaving it there for a couple minutes works really well. It sucks the first few times as you're figuring out the best way to do it, but it does get easier. I can clean and dry in 5-10 minutes no problem now.
Also, be aware that the box is slightly bigger than the listed dimensions on amazon. It seems like what they have listed is the size of the styrofoam and plastic containers, not the actual box. Had to throw the box out because it wouldn't fit where I'm storing it. And it eats lube very quickly too. Usually a drop of onatsuyu near the entrance lasts a whole session, but with the Miracle DX I end up having to cover my entire dick in lube several times.

>> No.21562333
File: 3.50 MB, 1512x2150, PERSONA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nice

>> No.21562453

Please convince me to not spend all my money on Akari's Oppai 2. I really like the look of the nipples, is it really worth the price?

>> No.21562460


>> No.21562628

I can't think of a single reason for you to not spend your money on Akari's Oppai 2. I think I remember reading that they might be too soft though.

>> No.21562681

god i wish dwu would acknowledge my existence by handing me that revolver and telling me to kill myself

>> No.21562709

I seriously recommend these fuckers for drying your onas. I've been trying to stuff a microfiber towel into my onas for months til I got something similar to this in otonaJP's Reiwa grab bag.

I dunno why I didn't think of getting something like this sooner.

>> No.21562958

I'm about to pull the trigger on the Chichifueta. Would you guys recommend Otano or Kanojo toys? I really don't mind the extra $100 on the latter if it means I get my oppai in a timely manner, since I hear you can be sol waiting for upwards of a month with how in demand they are.

>> No.21563054

Completely underestimated the weight of my 30kg Akita doll

Do I basically have to buy a loli doll if I don’t want to ruin my back

>> No.21563071

Start lifting.

>> No.21563130 [DELETED] 

Time to start hitting the gym and lay off the onions.

>> No.21563148

Time to start hitting the gym kiddo

>> No.21563161

i just googled for anon.

>> No.21563177

weeb anon crushed by fuck doll.
all he wanted was to be loved!

>> No.21563203

with all complaints about cleaning onas, why not go tenga flip hole? i had white one for a long time. works , cleans in 20 seconds, lasts...

now i want tenga flip ev but 200 fuck you tenga.

>> No.21563346
File: 125 KB, 1052x663, 2233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im about to pull the trigger in all this, does it look good? I saw the リアルボディ極生腰6.3Kg, it has more reviews but it honestly doesn't look that good is just a bit more heavier and the ass isn't that round, im buying リアルボディ極生腰 二階堂りお .

>> No.21563652

Because of this fucking thread I've gone and spent $170 on plastic vaginas and plastic vagina accessories. I hate you guys

>> No.21563660

Bet you love us on a friday night faggot

>> No.21563662
File: 1.83 MB, 540x437, 1556481517185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit pretending you didn't actually enjoy it and are looking forward to using them.

>> No.21563684
File: 193 KB, 1024x940, _hdn__soft_kitty_by_men_dont_scream-db7vj0l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my first fap hero with an ona after around a month of playing around with onas. I used my VA graduation because it's not super stimulating (still fun though) and I don't really mine if the heavy use of a fap hero kills it.

First attempt I'd already been fapping for around 20 minutes dry before getting the ona+fh idea, so I came on the second round. Felt great though

Took a breather then went all the way to the end and it was very fun. I came so much I could literally hear a "splurge" inside the ona, it was amazing. So yeah I'm gonna use onas with my fap heros now. The only annoying thing is that I felt the need to re-lube a couple of times, since the new ones are up to an hour long.

>> No.21563695

it's all down from there

>> No.21563753

I could be fucking some negro whore from tinder but instead I'm fucking a rubber snatch and playing videogames. Thanks for protecting me from AIDS /ona/
The lolinco virgo already showed up
How much further can I fall?

>> No.21563755

>I could be fucking some negro whore from tinder
You're welcome for helping you dodge that bullet, I guess.

>> No.21563816

These are gonna tear the fuck out of the more fragile parts of your hole. Do not buy these.

>> No.21563832

When your total spent on onaholes reaches over 1000.

>> No.21563870


Pleb: $0-$299
Ona Pleb: $300-$999
Ona Newbie: $1000-$1999
Ona User: $2000-$2999
Ona Guy: $3000+

>> No.21563956

Wait does amazonjp do international shipping now? Is it costly af?

>> No.21564004

im going to use a forwarder, according to my calculations it's going to be much cheaper than ordering from Kanojo

>> No.21564010

I am 100% convinced Kanojo upcharges for shipping. I wanted to order an SPDX from them and they wanted $240 for EMS where AMJP and other sites didnt go over $100. Its always been the case with Kanojo. I avoid them like the plague.

>> No.21564025

It's actually not that bad considering it's priority shipping. Had $9 shipping on a $32 order.

>> No.21564028

I actually thought they weren't that bad, specially with the shipping, OtonaJP is much much worse tho, thing is a forwarder lets you have a custom declaration and in theory it will help me save like $150.

>> No.21564086

>How much further can I fall?

>> No.21564109

I won't be able to afford that for a long while. Probably for the best

>> No.21564527

/ona/ masters
have you seen full size flat chest doll ? yanna.cc/index.php?id=226
have to special order it. good luck in customs lol.

>> No.21564550

>Have fun in customs

If you're paying $3000+ for a doll, you might as well pay for the tax stamp ($400) and have it declared yourself.

>> No.21564699

these dolls are $300 anon...

>> No.21564701
File: 368 KB, 3840x2160, 1560921348982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dick cancer

>> No.21564790

Any recommendations for a hole to use when I'm not home alone? I'm looking for a dick bully with suction that hopefully can get me off in minutes without much noise and isn't also too much of a pain to clean up.

Had my eyes on seduction witch but from a review I believe it's quite noisy
Penor length is 6.5 inches but my girth is on the smaller side.

>> No.21564803

just put some music anon

>> No.21564822
File: 1.08 MB, 1883x1555, 1536285808852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not something I can do when other people I live with are trying to sleep for example.

>> No.21565173

Is queencat gone for good? Do we know?

>> No.21565315

Can make your own for much cheaper. Just buy some superglue, chopsticks, and microfiber towel.

>> No.21565336

They've been doing it for years. Bought books from the jp site back in 2011-2013. Might depend on the seller though. I've had some items 'canceled' because they couldn't be shipped 'to my destination'.

>> No.21565472

Is it just me and my slow internet, or is their English website a shit?

>> No.21565506

fap heroes? 2D or 3D?

>> No.21565518
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>> No.21565521

Anyone tried to make their own ona from silicon by pouring?

>> No.21565538

Name of this hole?

>> No.21565554

Guys is it normal for my dick to get itchy after onahole use? I doubt it's mold though, always dried it with towels on the inside. Still, when I put a finger into it and pull out I still can feel some moisture (no obvious wetness)? It's kinda like a cool sensation.Figured it won't go away no matter how much I tried to dry it, I just kept it back into the drawer. Or is the itch caused by frictions? I go pretty hard when I'm about to nut.

>> No.21565569

>Or is the itch caused by frictions?
More than likely this. Very small cuts or friction burn.

>> No.21565575

Where is the pricing and 'store'?
This one looks good, smaller size.

>> No.21565583

PSA: non pressed length is better suited for onas measuring

>> No.21565586

Anyone got an experience with any real body 3d bone system torso? They are like 100€ cheaper than puni ana miracle dx but they all seem to be single layer

Maybe an allergy

>> No.21565711

to the sillicon or the lube?

>> No.21565715

If it's just friction then its ok I guess. I still used anti fungal cream to stop the itch though

>> No.21565796

oh no. is it common thing? my penis is overly sensitive to this stuff

>> No.21565833

Depends on how rough you are, the design of the ona, and if you're cut or not. I've only had what OP is describing after long sessions with a suction/vacuum type ona.

>> No.21565861

closed ones = suction or am I wrong?

>> No.21565876

Depends on the internal design and how you use it.

>> No.21565968

Curiously, can you use an American Amazon account to order?

>> No.21566039
File: 293 KB, 434x454, 1561091120157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up to 42N, who kindly asked about plasticants in discord.

JP companies usually use PlatSil or TinSil silicone mixes which require special pigments pre mix in order to color them correctly. Now, when you have a cheaper silicone product, you can color it with about anything, which they do. There have even been traces of lead found in certain Chinese silicone products (not onas) which poses the question of how healthy are the things you're sticking your dick in.

Sorry you couldn't understand that to begin with.

>> No.21566052

Oh and PS, TPE is just a fancy phrase for porous silicone based polymers that form at lower ranges.

>> No.21566181

you gotta be proactive about it and be quick. Read their site, make an account, see what delivery options there are, try calling them and getting a person somehow.

90% of the time you can get a delivery window from them, have it shipped to a pickup center quick, or have them leave it at the door.

>> No.21566284 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.55 MB, 4496x3000, 1561211574761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt trust that site, never heard of that vendor and it looks like bootleg quality. you never know what kind of actual material those things are made of for that stupid low price.

just embrace the decent anons

>> No.21566287

I disagree, this is no different than sticking a microfiber towel in to dry, it's actually thinner. Hell I don't see how shoving those chalk sticks in is any better.

>> No.21566294

Why so many bottles of lube?

>> No.21566315
File: 38 KB, 525x600, 1461347649351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Doll.

>> No.21566340


What are you using for lube? Do you wash your dick after or do you just let the fluids dry out on it?

If you're clean and it still irritates your skin I'd say it's either the lube you use or how rough you go at it.
You can also leave your toy on a different part of your skin for a few minutes to see if that part gets itchy too. If it's fine, it's probably not a reaction to the ona material.

>> No.21566526

I always wash my meat with water after I'm done. Tried your methods and I didn't get any reaction. The same goes for lube. I guess it's just friction then?

>> No.21566546

What are some good soft ona options? My first was a Tong-Ggo and even after using it for a while it is still too tight even when I try using a condom. I cum with in seconds. I think the tightness along with it being on the harder side is what is doing it.

I hear the more common entry level soft onas are all sold out or out of business though.

>> No.21566603

2D, 3D ones are weird

>> No.21566665

toydemon says its softness rating is 6. I take it that means it is softer than average? the tong ggo is a 7 but it feels too rough and tight to use

>> No.21567387

i had a nightmare that someone ripped all the pubes out of my doll

but when i woke up none of my dolls ever had pubes

>> No.21567667

Since queen looks gone for good, where do I buy my tomax shit from now?

>> No.21567986


I feel itch even without onahole. In parts where lube/cum converge at base of penis. dont know why but washing does not help

>> No.21567994

bump. I am curious about hotpowers pudding material.

>> No.21567998

Why do you think your dolls don't have pubes.

>> No.21568152

because someone ripped all the pubes out

>> No.21568176

it was me

>> No.21568216

What's the green screen for?

>> No.21568404

Please stop going around and ripping pubes off of anon's dolls.

>> No.21568691

looking through the thread someone suggested Puni Virgin Fuwatoro and after looking it up it seems to be the kind of softness I am looking for. gonna get it next month and hope it is better and a bit looser

>> No.21568914

Seems they've opened up sex toys to at least some countries. Still won't ship porn videos though...

>> No.21568915

its on aliexpress. search there for whatever height doll. not under yanna name its a link i got from seller heh.

>> No.21568933

name of this toy pls

>> No.21569037


>> No.21569049

So I see the recommended stimulating holes in the guide are Kunoichi Black Hard and Chimera Hard. Can anyone tell me the difference between the two and if there's any others not on the list that they enjoyed?

>> No.21569066

Has anyone had trouble ordering from amazonjp with a credit card? The seller I was gonna buy from doesn't ship internationally, so I was going to send it to my forwarder instead. Every time I place the order, it auto-cancels a few minutes later, do certain jp sellers just not accept cards?

>> No.21569184


>> No.21569200


>> No.21569218

The fuwatoro is much softer than a venus real soft. If you want a loose low stim hole I'd highly recommend it.

>> No.21569407

What forwarder are you using?

>> No.21569436

>This one looks good, smaller size.
look at vagina. no vagina hole. only anal hole (and located in wrong spot!)
dont get chink'd out of a hole anon

>> No.21569452

well one picture looks like it has a hole, one does not. hummm.
if you ask seller for better pictures of holes pls post

>> No.21569462

>no vagina hole
You blind?
>wrong spot
Never seen a real woman either.

>> No.21569488

not no dwarf shortstack deformed goblin with big ass tiddies, no.

>> No.21569510

There's like an inch of space between a vagina and asshole. The doll is pretty close. You're use to seeing the distance on onaholes, which isn't accurate.

>> No.21569520

so uh when you get a onahole or doll (or torso) whats a good way to make sure there arent any needles or anything in the hole before insertion?
just stick a finger in and hope or something?
i'll try a magnet i guess

>> No.21569533

You should magnet all your food too.

>> No.21569579

thanks fren. good idea.

>> No.21569618


>> No.21569677

Are you sure they ship adult stuff?

>> No.21569711
File: 171 KB, 1440x1291, Screenshot_20190622-195858~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've forwarded adult stuff with them before. The problem is amazonjp keeps sending me an email a few minutes after ordering saying they can't process my order and so they canceled my order. Tried with multiple cards in both Yen and USD.

>> No.21569800

covering up shitty wallpaper and giving me an option for photoshops

>> No.21569810


dont buy dolls from shitty companies or from aliexpress or amazon.

if you do, dont be surprised if you get some stank arse TPE with shitty quality.

>> No.21569846


Too cheap, very suspicious.

>> No.21570216
File: 84 KB, 994x482, coffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you guys have been getting raped on the price of TPE dolls in j-lands.
China has gone full retard on sales of dolls. look at this store, ships FROM major countries no need to worry about customs or middlemen.
aside from getting wrong head with eyes closed it arrived in a week from my own country.

>> No.21570591

okay but show us what she looks like compared to the stock photo

>> No.21570597
File: 478 KB, 1840x3264, S1nDqqk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have more pics of sex dolls being unboxed? I don't know why but I want to see more.

>> No.21570847


probably friction, considering you said you go hard at the end. I wouldnt worry unless it really bothers you or it lasts a long time.

maybe ease up a bit

>> No.21570862
File: 202 KB, 919x1200, D2RGFG8UwAANRvK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good porn accounts that upload vids of them fucking onas? Preferably with big dicks

>> No.21570866

Idk why it was a response to that post lmao

>> No.21570889

ya mine

>> No.21570944

Pls link anon <3

>> No.21570977

That's happening because you are having sex with your onahole, while you are suppose to make love to it...sweet gentle love...like jazz song...to your waifu...yeah good stuff.

>> No.21570991

Ride CQX.

>> No.21570999
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are those onaholes called, you know the ones that look like little fairies

>> No.21571001

compilation and vids all over pornhub just search fucking doll. bing video search is best...

>> No.21571005
File: 237 KB, 1705x886, cens-measure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the body is 1:1 the one in the picture... just they sent wrong head :(

>> No.21571008

now make a video with her

>> No.21571024
File: 350 KB, 4128x2322, whatsinthebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is all i have right now. the doll she sleeps for another day.

>> No.21571033

i bought this thing just so i could have something to fuck while i sleep. didnt want to rape anyone sleeping next to me. sleep raping is a thing :(

>> No.21571039

on the same note, does anyone else sleep with their dolls?

page 10!

>> No.21571057

Dolls creep me out and the'd cover the dick anyway, I just want onas

>> No.21571062

sorry got lost. yeah same search or search fucking love doll fucking fleshlight fucking (insert name of ona here)

>> No.21571089

Yes, but I have a Dekunobo plush doll, oil bleed concerns have kept me away from TPE dolls and good silicone dolls are not cheap.

>> No.21571139

yeah but you can buy new sheets anon.

that site has the same tpe dolls for 3-5x the price on ali.

>> No.21571144

Doll Care
Your TPE doll requires maintenance in order to lengthen the life span and ensure maximum durability while being used for it's intended purposes. Now this is not burdensome in fact it can be quite enjoyable and become second nature once you have been acquainted with your doll as time goes on.

Your care kit should include the following:

Spray bottle
Baby wipes (unscented)
Soft fleece towel
Cornstarch baby powder
Thick makeup brush
Baby oil
Nivea creme
Vaseline (petroleum jelly)

Washing Your Doll

It is completely unnecessary to ever take your doll to the bathroom to wash. I highly discourage this method of washing your doll. To clean your doll simply all you need is the spray bottle, baby wipes, baby powder and makeup brush. Place your doll horizontally on a flat surface such as a bed or soft foam pad. Using the spray bottle add 70% water and 30% laundry detergent (unscented) and mix. We are going to wash the front half of her body now. Spray her front half and wipe using a baby wipe, do this until her torso, arms legs have been cleaned. Dry her with the soft fleece towel and then powder her to remove the tacky feeling to get the smooth skin feeling. I recommend to dispense the baby powder cornstarch into a small container so it is easy access and use the makeup brush to apply all over the parts you just cleaned her at. When you are done, flip her over and repeat the process to her back.

The Orifices

The vagina, anus and mouth if used will require some added care. As the crotch is a high stress area, it is ideal if once a week you apply Nivea creme to the vagina and crotch as this contains mineral oil and quickly will be absorbed by the TPE. Mineral oil is what makes the TPE soft and elastic if it were to dry out then a rip or tear can appear so it is important to provide extra care to the vagina and crotch. Leave the Nivea creme for approximately 6 hours for it to be absorbed onto the skin. For better protection you can apply Nivea every time you use the orifices.

TPE Rehydration

Once a month it is recommended to hydrate the entire doll with mineral oil to keep the doll factory new. Similar to washing your doll you apply baby oil on the front half of the body and wait approx 2 hours for absorption and flip the doll over and repeat. Be sure to remove baby powder first before oiling her body. Vaseline can be used under high stress areas such as the arm pits, crotch and vagina but requires approx. 12 hours for absorption. Vaseline and Nivea creme has a higher mineral oil content than baby oil. For hydrating the entire body, baby oil is the proper choice.

Using Lube

You may find this surprising but it is now unnecessary to use water based lubrication for sexual intercourse with your doll. It is safe to use Vaseline or baby oil for lube alternative.

Fixed Vaginas

If your doll has a built in vagina then it is trickier to clean but you will need an aquarium pump to air the cavity out completely. Life size dolls do weigh more than you think so I highly recommend you always buy a insert model as this is the simple way of cleaning after use. Looking at the exterior of both a fixed and insert vagina there is no difference.

If you follow the simple steps in maintenance of your doll then you will find a long lasting product.

>> No.21571340

time for a page 10 green text
>still hot as fuck
>i still sweat through AC and end up with sweaty crusty hair afterwards
>coming up with ways to use my dolls without expending a lot of effort
>lay doll down
>bend knees and legs up
>the doll is sitting
>spread eagle a bit
>close feet inwards
>create a foot ball clamp
>suddenly hard as a rock
>slide balls in
>most of it goes on the towel i sat it on
>no sweat
>no cleanup
>doll back down into laying position
getting better at this

>> No.21571376

>its so hot anon, let me fan you while giving you a footjob

>> No.21571587

Are you a girl or do you at least pretend to be one

>> No.21571623

do they make something similar in smaller and cheaper edition?

>> No.21571643

I sleep with mine everyday.

>> No.21571645

Go look up videos of people fucking dolls, then look at the videos that get recommended to you on the side. You'll get your answer.

>> No.21571662
File: 135 KB, 332x377, g-p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new op image?

>> No.21571670

maybe crop out the name

>> No.21571714
File: 414 KB, 600x622, __shakeko_choujigen_game_neptune_and_neptune_series_drawn_by_tsunako__5cfb98509bf6055dac9f35d3a13d4f4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm... a hetero guy that likes to imagine he's not a totally failed male by watching real men fuck women and toys...

>> No.21571730

Let me fuck your girlfriend and buy me onaholes

>> No.21571752

>Implying I could get a girlfriend

>> No.21571760

Was worth a shot. Buy me onaholes and I'll fuck them for you

>> No.21571768

imagine a video of a bunch of dudes banging the same onahole, like the miracle DX, sounds gay

>> No.21571810

I'd rather buy myself pantyhose to use when fucking onas

>> No.21571827

talking about pantyhose i wanted to buy a pair for my hip to see how it fits. i would just cut the leg part
