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21483658 No.21483658 [Reply] [Original]

Touhous need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Touhous enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. They all want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Touhous have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that Touhous who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as Touhous who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Touhous who are raped often have orgasms as well - some have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into them. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without Gensokyoland becoming unbalanced. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss off the villagers and get them to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what the Touhous really want. I say we give it to them.

>> No.21483680

I like the way you think. I'll be sure to rape the sexy oni who looks like a child the next time I see her.

>> No.21483685

Touhous probably don’t even know what sex is

>> No.21483861

Okay let me ask ZUN to confirm if it's true or not

>> No.21483878

this is false, touhous are meant for consensual sex as your wife, to bear you many strong children

>> No.21483938

Nice try Abe.

>> No.21483992

When you sad and crying and nose your runny
Feel down to plow klown. Don't even need money
Stress--out on fairy cunny,
there's a few special but in general many
Chen saw used fairies and asked her mummy
"Who's done it", she asked ,replied then the mom.
"Fairy Whores Wars" and "Charming Domination" i
Known by more and true sport for the nation
"wowowo, mummy even WHOLE Asia??"
"No dear, but here we excell in fairykunny's Necrofantasia"

>> No.21487312
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Especially the ones that use training bras should be raped first and foremost.

>> No.21487345
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>> No.21487365
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Marisa NEEDS to be raped.

>> No.21487681

Go to jail

>> No.21488643
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>> No.21488800

I see three future rape victims. My victims, specifically.

>> No.21488824

do not rape the tohos kudasai

>> No.21489198

Fairies cry
Suika Laughs at you
Yuugi will break your limbs and sit on you until your body gives out
Okuu will kill you just by being in your vicinity
Reimu will decapitate you with her Gohei
Marisa will turn your chest into a pile of blood
Alice will stab you and blow you up
Rumia will bite your dick off
You won't even be able to do anything against the inner circle of the SDM
Eirin will sedate you and give you a mental hell
Reisen doesn't even have to look at you
Tewi is untouchable
You'll never see Kaguya
The moonbitches will never see you in your lifespan
Eiki will send you to hell
Heck wouldn't care about your existence
Clappy is in Gensokyo and would laugh at your petty existence
Kasen will manhandle you and rip you apart limb by limb for even thinking about raping her
Okina will proxykill you
Yukari will just gap you into magma or into the air at such a hight that even landing in water will kill you (Which is a real thing by the way)
Ran and Chen won't ever meet you
Nue can hide her true form
Murasa can just hurl her Anchor and kill you that way
Komachi is too nice and would reap your soul for thinking about doing such a thing to her
Patchouli wouldn't have to say a word to Hex you in such a way that you'll immediately regret your life decisions; Remi wouldn't even eat your flesh or drink your blood
Flan would be totally uninterested with someone as vile as you
Sakuya would dispose of you quickly (read: in literally no time at all with her ability)
Kanako will rod you
Suwako will curse you
The Aki sisters will beat you to a pulp and avoid you
The Getsu sisters will rape YOU instead; Gengetsu would do the unspeakable
Shink is too nice and you'd be dead anyway by the time you got to her.

Dude. Why the retardation?
Literally any Touhou can outdo you, kill you or rape you for even attempting to rape them in the first place.
The only ones you would succeed at are weak humans and arguably Fairies and a 50% less chance if you encounter a docile class Fairy.

>> No.21489214

>Don't even need money
That's Sanae.
Clappy wouldn't even bother with half of you and would look at you funny.

>> No.21489229

Did you forget the part that "you can't beat the dick"?

>> No.21489241

You can't use the cock if you are defeated before you can weild it dumbass. The most you'll do is shock, disgust or surprise them before they react and the above applies.

>> No.21489249

Fairies would only question why you pulled down your pants to begin with or are running around without one.
At most, they'll laugh and mock you like they did Akyuu.

>> No.21489373

>At most, they'll laugh and mock you
That'll only increase my desire to rape those little brats.

>> No.21489499

Would Youmu cut me to pieces and bury the bits of my body in her garden if I tried to rape her, even if I didn't succeed?
Please tell me she would.

>> No.21489542

What would Yatsuhashi do?

>> No.21489548

alternative question, which touhous would rape you instead?

>> No.21489562
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Challenge accepted

>> No.21489882
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>> No.21489898

Spellcard rules are off if you attempt rape. Just saying.

>> No.21489956

I've been wanting to post that for a long ass time.

>> No.21489968

You're dead on sight.

She seems too strong willed. I don't know how strong Tsukumogami are but she will most likely fight you and win, especially if Benben or some other Youkai or something other accompanies her. Hand to hand isn't the only way to fight. She can probably summon her notes (as of Sumi's book recently with her perspective on danmaku with other guest speakers) and rain hell on you since they're solid.

It's a possibility. At close range she could stab you and cut up your insides before preforming one of her attacks on you.
Being a swordsman, or swordswoman in her case, is not easy. She most possibly knows more than enough to critically injure and kill you with ease given her physical ability. I don't remember her range but she can slash pretty far. Assuming it is through sheer strength, Youmu is not someone to be fucking with whatsoever no matter how chuuni she may act at times. She might be a master at wielding two weapons but it doesn't mean she lacks knowledge in any other area.

Given the nature of a Samurai for comparison and Youmu's encounter in IaMP with Suika, you best be on high alert during the night time because if she's practicing a new form, your ass is dead. You'll be cut up and left out for some Youkai to clean up your remains. She doesn't have to bury you in the garden if it's done elsewhere.

>> No.21489986


>> No.21489990

Reminder that a thread got deleted when Abe was mentioned.

>> No.21490008

What's this?

>> No.21490046

Do one for the fairies. I know Cirno will freeze you and Clownpiece will make you go insane.

>> No.21490081

Literally minutes after that post was made, the thread was kill.

>> No.21490101

>Heck wouldn't care about your existence
is that a setup for emotionless sex?

>> No.21490125

we should teach them what it is then

>> No.21490190

Where to begin.

You'll never see Sunny often enough to do anything and if you grab her, she'll probably yell at you in a similar fashion to Lily to let her go or refract light and slip away from your sweaty panicking hands as you're out in the open without your pants on and who knows how long it'll be that way. All you know is that Sunny got away and you're busy looking around like a schizophrenic to make sure nobody saw you or heard what was going on and either hurrying the fuck home or attempt to do it again like a dumbass with Sunny at high alert for the rest of the day, possibly the next week, and your general existence until you die.

Star is arguably the only one you'd be able to do but you'll never get near her and with her ability, she will probably know you're coming anyway if you aren't moving with a group of animals. Chances are she isn't going to go near a bunch of animals in the middle of the night even if they're harmless to her. The moment she notices is when your so called expedition to capture a fairy is over.

Luna is a night-borne fairy and her senses are top notch at that time and I would assume that is the time you move around with your maxed out Stealth Skills. She might be clumsy but she isn't stupid. If she so much as feels or hears something unnatural, all it'll take is for her to muffle the sound she makes if she hasn't already and hightail it out of there with the only thing you have going for you is the vision of your eyes. She can get out of your sight, sit high in a tree and wait for you to head the other direction before either going to finish what she intended to do, being more cautious of her surroundings or heading directly back to her tree house. The most you can hope for is for her to trip, fall, and accidentally let up her ability before regaining her composure and muffling it again and moving then while making no mistake in your movements.

Catching those three is like catching a running horse. Fucking impossible unless you're autistic enough to prepare every single measure in capturing them like a roaming legendary pokemon.

Lily is a fairy you'll only see at the beginning of spring and the only chance you'll ever have of capturing her is to offer her seeds and have a garden. Now SHE is the only one that any of you would manage.

>> No.21490198

If you don't care about something, you ignore it and if you confront it, you ignore it again and move on.

You're in hell and you gawk at her like anyone else there. You're no different than the last poor soul she laid eyes on.

>> No.21490222

Would you even remember Daiyousei exists?
It's a general rule to avoid contact with Cirno and Daiyousei is bound to be near her at times. It'll be impossible to find her anywhere else.

>> No.21491489

