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File: 18 KB, 128x128, Perfect_Dark_(ソフトウェア)_アイコン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21128533 No.21128533 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody feels like things are going to shit when it comes to piracy both quality and quantity wise? Is it because of some hostile Chinese takover?

Many raws are blurred watermarked garbage or magazine scans compiled into a fake tankoubon. Of course nobody is going to replace it with a better version. Some magazines don't get uploaded at all. Nobody scans shit, everything is digital and low res.

You have like 50% chance of downloading a rip with yellow chinese watermarks and ads. Some uploads are re-encodes which degrades video quality and introduces dropped frames.

Most new uploads are in lossy formats and if you want to download lossless you need to pay real money to some shady chinese TSDM forum or pray someone else is going to do their own rip

A lot of C95 doujin galleries are low res garbage or compressed to hell, 8MB for a 20-page doujin is just so low you can see the giant JPEG compression artifacts. Do they release that shit on purpose?

And the worst part is, there aren't any sites that archive the old content, if you want to find something niche that was released a few years ago you're pretty much screwed. Finishing a download on Japanese P2P is a miracle these days. It looks like only Chinks provide any new content, new stuff on PD is reuploads from torrents and DDL when it used to be the other way around.

>> No.21128536

Private trackers don't have this problem.

>> No.21128590

>Most new uploads are in lossy formats and if you want to download lossless you need to pay real money to some shady chinese TSDM forum or pray someone else is going to do their own rip
Lossless is a meme anyway. Unless you're planning to re-encode to another format, there's no reason not to download a lossy encode with a suitable bitrate (~192kbps for MP3, ~160kbps for OGG or ACC... for OPUS you can get away with as little as ~96kbps and still be pretty confident that you're getting a transparent rip which has no perceptible different from FLAC/ALAC/WAV/whatever).

>> No.21128608

I feel like westerners/internet otaku and gamers have gotten to a point where they feel absolutely entitled not only to have anything that has been released, but to receive it with excellent service, to the point of feeling disdain at those who refuse to share raws of their scans or take down their works, even becoming flaming mad when someone chooses not to release a work on their preferred platform or in a way they can obtain at all.

>> No.21128615

Some people don't use cheap earplugs for headphones

>> No.21128620

>join private tracker
>download something
>try to seed it
>can't because the site is full of cunts with seedboxes
>get b&

>> No.21128635

Go dig up some blind listening tests showing that FLAC is anything but a meme (spoiler: there aren't any).

>> No.21128645

Private trackers get most of their Japanese content from public sites so not really. Their only advantage is better retention. Exceptions are U2, ADC and JPTVTS maybe.

>> No.21128741

>Their only advantage is better retention
I've had lots of things I request on them actually purchased and uploaded for me.
It's a lot more than retention.

>> No.21128745

who quote?

>> No.21129361


>> No.21130566


>> No.21130690

Not really
Today is a blessing compared to the old days, maybe it's declined a bit but it's still far better than it once was, so I appreciate it

>> No.21130697

>take torrents on private tracker
>put them on public tracker
Private tackers have no benefits over public ones. It's just a dick measuring contest fueled by elitism.

>> No.21130752

sour grapes

>> No.21131296

stop being a cheapskate and buy your stuff and support the industries

>> No.21131710

>support the industries
There is no dumber meme bandied around than this one

>> No.21131753

He's partially right you know, its just theres no way for gaijins to support half of the industries they want without paying exorbitant amounts for shipping or being forced to use a VPN and paypal or something due to region locking bullshit. So its not viable for the consumer.

That being said, anyone who pays for porn is functionally retarded.

>> No.21132017

The problem boils down to all these niche forms of Japanese entertainment simply aren't made for foreign markets. So you're really going to struggle as an overseas fan, especially if you're not literate in jp. You can't expect everything to be properly curated specifically to your quality; a lot of times it'll come down to getting it in a subpar quality or not getting it at all.

>> No.21132024


>lossy music
>low res doujinshi
>low res Manga/LNs

Is piracy that damn tight in Japan?

>> No.21132030

>That being said, anyone who pays for porn is functionally retarded
Anyone who has a non-trivial income that refuses to pay for porn they can't find illegally is functionally retarded

>> No.21132088

Look at all the negatives in that post. Brush up on your English, bro.

>> No.21133072

>Many raws are blurred watermarked garbage or magazine scans compiled into a fake tankoubon. Of course nobody is going to replace it with a better version.
I think the problem here is that there now are digital releases of everything, so nobody feels like the workload of scanning it is worth it. Unfortunately the official digital releases are very low quality.

>> No.21137302

oh fuck off
mp3 is like, 256kbps minimum, opus should be 128kbps or so

>> No.21137324


>> No.21137430

They aren't always, but they are often. I actually buy a lot digitally nowadays. I wish more publishers uploaded good raws. Tangentially related, the raws of ZUN's stuff like SCoOW are huge

>> No.21137504

I fuckin hate that pink chinese bunny, man

>> No.21138309

Lossy audio should be used for encodes. You're supposed to make BDMVs smaller.

>> No.21138313

Is there a list of raw manga with good quality raws? Not H-manga.

>> No.21139203

Where can one find a decent place to download Japanese music?

>> No.21139564

A few big Japanese uploaders got arrested. That sent many others into hiding.
Most uploaders these days are Chinese, Western, and/or SEA.
That's why most contents these days are DDLs and torrents.
Those Japanese P2P programs haven't been maintained for ages. Who knows what kind of vulnerability they might have.

>> No.21139729

Anyone who pays for porn of real people is a degenerate who is supporting the difilement and disgrace of people.

>> No.21139858

Of course not. However, certain publishers tend to release either high or low quality.

>> No.21139864

Why would you pirate? If I were in Japan, I'd buy a shitload of stuff, especially doujin.

>> No.21139941

never said anything about real people specifically, your completely inane statement aside

>> No.21140293

except all the torrents in private trackers are well seeded and there is an incentive for people to upload requested/missing content. also the sites themselves don't look like complete shit like ever public torrent site

>> No.21140307

>Those Japanese P2P programs haven't been maintained for ages. Who knows what kind of vulnerability they might

PD still gets updated tho

>> No.21140488

>start doing own JAV rips to get best HD quality
>upload rips to few DDL-sites, but also IRC bots so files are available for free
>few years later another webmaster starts doing shitty watermarked rips and spread lies how I am stealing his shitty rips
>fuck it, I am not going to feed that jew by uploading files publicly anymore

>> No.21141334

All sites share the same raws. Very rarely someone cares to upload a better version.

I thought PD was updated recently like in 2017 but last update was in 2015. That's reasonably recent compared to the other ones. PD is actually the best when it comes to ease of use and if you're worried about unity shit you can download the cracked version and bypass the 20GB requirement.

Amoeba is the latest p2p although the developer has schizophrenia or something because every major release is incompatible with the previous ones, like Amoeba 2 is a different network from Amoeba 5. He even dropped the Amoeba project and started writing something called Xeus which I bet is also going to be incompatible. Until he releases a stable version without forcing everyone to migrate every time I can't see it becoming the next major p2p.

Is there any tracker where someone will upload a shitload of obscure raw managa and doujin games for me? I always thought the kind of people who buy stuff to fill requests are only on music and movie trackers.

Same reason people in the west pirate? You can't buy everything you want unless you're very picky.

Perhaps DDL sites need to die. Commercialized piracy is always shitty because it brings the worst kind of people like these watermarking faggots. On the other hand old content lasts longer on DDL sites.

>> No.21141369

I would buy digital manga if it weren't for the fact that censorship today compared to even 10 years ago is fucking atrocious.

>> No.21145301


>Is there any tracker where someone will upload a shitload of obscure raw managa and doujin games for me?

I also have this question, I was also looking for some officially released LNs on PD and Mikocon, some stuff seems impossible to find.

>> No.21148553

piracy is wrong don't do it
you're actively destroying my hobbies

>> No.21148586

It would be a lot easier if half of the stuff I'd like to buy wouldn't bring me to the risk of being jailed and if it wouldn't be so damn hard to buy most stuff if you don't live in Japan.

>> No.21149582

So are the people who own them, so what's the big deal?

>> No.21149982

this faggot thinks that Japan is an easy country to import from
what a freak

>> No.21152198

Proxy services can end pretty costly but they do work. Many buying options of Japanese goods for Westerners have flourished those last years. It's not 2007 and Akibado+Paletweb only anymore.

>> No.21152266

make me. oh wait. you can't wwwwwwww

>> No.21155477

More like current state of your vision of PD.

>> No.21155563

Hobby should not be business, Anon.
Your hobby was died when it become only business and nothing more.

>> No.21156789

I will make sure to tell that the customs officer next time they invite me again to their office in person. I'm certain he will just hand over my stuff then.

>> No.21157072

t. someone who has never been to a doujin event

>> No.21157324

I'd be curious to know what country this is and if goods were of "sensitive" nature or not.
In almost 11 years of using proxies and living in Europe (and carefully packaging my orders for small amounts of money so I can avoid custom fees, as the declared value is always low), I've never experienced that kind of thing. Custom offices within my country never opened a single one of my packages. Some proxies can even cheat on the declared value for the items on the package (but some refuse to do it) and let you specify what you want.

Also, I didn't mention (and that was perhaps worth of notice for some here) that some proxies will not handle what they call "adult or obscene material" (or under certain conditions) or "child pornography".

>> No.21159614

This thread is more about content, not networks. None of these networks are any better than PD/BT content-wise.

>> No.21159816

Oh it's place there are tryhards dozinsi artists every time losing over 10万円?
Not, thank you.

>> No.21159832

A serious statement you have here.
Are you checked it before posting?

>> No.21160288

I live in Germany and customs are hell here. They can refuse to do the customs clearance during the delivery process any time without reason. If they do, the packet will get sent to your nearest customs office where you have to get it in person.
At the office they will normally ask you to open it up and they will make you pay fees. At one occasion I had a very strict officer and he just grabbed some of the doujinshi that were in the package and went through them page by page. Some of those were R-18. He had no complains and I got all of my stuff though.
There doesn't seem to be any preference for the good that are in the packet. Online I even heard stories of other Germans going to the customs office where they were refused to import the figures they ordered because they were missing toy certifications needed by EU law (like CE logo and that stuff).

>> No.21161726

That wasn't even an intelligible statement. Please try again, or don't.

>> No.21163878

So, are you really expecting real answer after posting catchphrase?

>> No.21164742

I'm a musician with lots of audio experience, MP3 absolutely leaves artifacts everywhere at 192kbps, there's really no excuse not to use 320kbps, wherein even I can't tell the difference from FLACs.

I assume you mean AAC, which yeah 160kbps is fine, although I'd prefer a VBR with a higher maximum.

>> No.21165690

Piracy is a positive especially for a niche like the otaku subculture. The reality is internet piracy is what gave international exposure to this culture in the first place. The international audience has been introduced to this culture through piracy. Don't disrespect the freedom the internet provided you with. You should be careful when you say something like ''piracy is wrong'' because of this. The Japanese are especially retarded regarding this topic but I would only expect to hear something like that from a bureaucrat or a corporate rat, not an artist or someone with a genuine interest in the culture.

>> No.21166155

I'm glad the music I listen to is actively bought and re-uploaded by some diehard fan blogs. As for videos, if it's not on the internet, it's probably a waste of time to watch anyway.

>> No.21167169

Piracy is good for people who are outside of Japan and can get into stuff. For example, if it were not for the uploaded music on the internet, I'd have probably never gone twice to the Reitaisai and given money to doujin artists.
BUT pirates in Japan should consider that, as the main buyers themselves, they are the source of support for their entertainment industry and whether hobbies live or die is entirely on them.

>> No.21167801

>Lossless is a meme anyway. Unless you're planning to re-encode to another format

>OPUS you can get away with as little as ~96kbps

OPUS wasn't even around until 2012, so I'd have to re-encode my 2008-2012 music collection to receive that benefit anyway.

I do think that most people wouldn't care too much about that gain from MP3, but:
1. It adds up over time
2. Format support for embedded devices and such becomes questionable as a prerequisite as the years go by

>> No.21167832

At least with some scenes, a gaijin can't really absolve themselves of responsibility to support these days if they have the dosh.

If it's commonly available or supported by Bandcamp, dl-site, Patreon, Fantia, Fanbox, etc, PayPal or Western CCs (or a proxy CC) will almost always work.

If you are a NEET though, しょうがないね

>> No.21167907

Can you explain on proxy CCs?

>> No.21168065

I've never used them personally, but they're third party virtual CCs which are the CC equivalent of burner phones. Their main appeal is protecting your personal CC info, but I've had a friend use one when their bank's integration with Visa fraud protection locked them out of making purchases in Sunrise Land.

Can't remember which one they used, but the one I've heard of is https://privacy.com .
If do your research before using any of them, of course.

>> No.21168097

Articles, faggot. Learn to use them.

>> No.21168140

Does he use it with his credit card now or just given up on the whole thing?

>> No.21168605

Not him but maybe it’s better to use prepaid credit cards. Buy it with cash if you’re paranoid enough

>> No.21175487

The okay.;)

>> No.21175828
File: 48 KB, 500x625, 1534953309283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine complaining about free shit

>> No.21175849

>quality drops significantly once the Chinkoid insects started to provide most of the content

color me yellow and surprised!

>> No.21175871

Must be nice being a lazy Western slug dependent on those Chinkoid insects. The people in the community who don't bother to share their shit are the only ones to blame

>> No.21176017

Shut the fuck up, you retard. I am grateful to Chinese for their rips, and couldn't give less of a fuck if they are not 1440p.

>> No.21176206

Thank god the freedom of the internet has determined that the source of piracy is going to be through chink rips from now on. All hail the great democratic global process.

>> No.21176530

>Muh Article 13

Come on, you know its going to be fucking dead law for the EU. Europoors should not worry. Entire Internet infrastructure in in the US.

>> No.21176871

You probably don't remember 10 years ago when it was the Japanese who uploaded all content on Share EX2 without watermarks, paywalls or other bullshit.

>> No.21177683


They arrested someone who was uploading on Nyaa and was a filthy チョン, probably this guy: https://nyaa.si/user/NAOKIRyRfUXZsyZ
Piracy in Japan is some real shit

>> No.21178070

To be fair: Japanese music has been shit for about a decade now.
Haven't downloaded (or bought) anything outside Anison since about 2010.
Not AKB/Johnny's fault, but it's not like they would help.

Still sad about Utada flopping in the West. Bought her overseas album, and barely stopped short of directly throwing it into the trash. What the hell were they thinking?

>> No.21178356
File: 214 KB, 1200x630, q6SGXJjboMhsRumSxRWV4umD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know if theres a place for pixiv fanbox uploads? I don't really wanna pay up but I may have to.

>> No.21178363


>> No.21178398

nothing on this specific artist. i know theres a site for patreon artists that has a lot of stuff not on sadpanda but I havn't been able to find anything for pixiv.

>> No.21182954
File: 149 KB, 272x340, 1554749255311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21185604
File: 6 KB, 172x301, 1541650266785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem, pic related and exhentai

>> No.21188583

All these trackers have the same shit quality content OP is complaining about. You just don't see the problem.

>> No.21188663

depends what kind of content you are looking for. The only stuff that's really hard to get are old vns and osts. You can probably dig around enough and find whatever you want in 20 different sharing sites. Some old games are pretty hard to find but gazelle is always adding more.

>> No.21188681

Then do something about it. There's people who will scan stuff for you these days.

>> No.21188708

You gotta consider that people like me generally dislike the idea of purchasing virtual stuff. I like to physically own something, which is why I sometimes ask artists if they do physical albums or I'm not buying.
This idea of paying for something intangible is absolutely beyond me and I refuse to give money to the customs/shipping services so I avoid as long as I can.
I really should simply ship myself to Japan.

>> No.21188739

I'm the opposite because I don't care about physical copies and would sacrifice a book for scanning if it meant it's going to preserved. If I knew someone in Japan who could rip discs for me, I'd let them keep whatever I buy after they send the rip to me.

>> No.21190299

If you aren't paying for the price of a single cd + case, then you're paying for intangible things, aren't you?
If you count artist labor as tangible then all digital shit would be tangible.

>> No.21191963

I completely understand him.
A CD or DVD can easily be sold again.
A virtual item, say, a game on Steam, can generally not be sold again.
It's not "your possession" even in the loosest definition of "possession".

You only have a license to consume the content as described in the EULA.
You are a mere user, no owner. Even a pirate "possesses" it more than you do.
Buy physical media, not licenses that can be revoked without notice.

>> No.21193393

Please teach me how to use share ex2.Where can i get the latest plugin and how do i avoid getting files with virus?

>> No.21193596

> how do i avoid getting files with virus?
I use it and PD in a virtual machine that has antivirus installed and I do a manual scan with ClamWin as well. I've never ran in to a virus from Share or PD, but I still do this as an air gap in case since if the VM does get one I can just nuke the VM and call it a day.

>> No.21193706

Open the port, set up the cache, download and upload folders, paste the nodes and you're good to go. Search for files using keydb.telegrip.info. Pasting the exact hash in the trigger tab will auto download the file if it's found on the network. You can also specify triggers that will add all files containing the keyword to your queue.

If you can't open the ports then it's not a Share problem.

To avoid viruses just don't fucking open .zip.exe files.

>> No.21194556

>actually purchased and uploaded for me
oh sweet summer child, only thing they do is dig the web deeper than you do, extremely are for anyone claiming they buy something to have actually bought it and it's those computer illiterate that don't know how to get good ratios

>> No.21194581

I've had many albums on AB and RED purchased for me.
From digital sources and physical CDs.
Some with scans, and the rest with 100% log files.

And on PTP/ADC, I've had rare japanese BD/DVDs purchased.
Why are you acting like nobody buys things?
Even on OT (meme hentai/jav tracker) I've seen people buy things to upload, and ratio isn't an issue.

Pirates on average spend more on media than the regular person.

>> No.21194637

I'd like someone to scan print-only raw manga for me. I had a few things scanned on sadpanda but I had to post stupidly huge bounties, anything below top 10 won't ever get scanned.

>> No.21194791

>people buy things to upload
you really think "self bought game" by girlcelly and 2.d.g.f.(mikocon) are not stolen from other uploaders and slapped with their own names? you must be new

>> No.21194817

Why, yes, of course.
The uploads with scans and pictures with timestamps of the albums are stolen.
Wow, they sure fooled me.
Guess it's true. Nobody buys anything.
Anything you download on the internet just appeared out of nowhere.

>> No.21194836

Who even said anything about games?

>> No.21195029

Whatever is marked as self bought is in fact bought by 2djgame or anime-sharing staff. The rest of girlcelly uploads not marked as such come from freenet.

>> No.21195044

I want to share my manga raws but my scanner is shit and no matter what photo editing I try the pages are either filled with noise or end up with desroyed textures and screentones.

>> No.21195051

>Who even said anything about games
"self bought" X whatever the fuck x is, be it manga audio cd musical track bgm whatever suits your taste

>> No.21195283

Where do people upload manga raws

>> No.21195322

Go find listening tests with professional music producers. They can tell, but not at all reliably. They only notice the difference around 55% of the time. Now ask yourself if you think your hearing is anywhere near a professional producer.
t. aspiring producer. I can tell sometimes, but only back to back.

>> No.21195334

Dude, half the time is a ridiculous number. People listen to the same songs dozens, if not hundreds of times. If I could tell there was something missing even 10% of the time I would download the lossless because lossless audio is not large and can easily be stored.

>> No.21195348
File: 71 KB, 648x800, Renge shrugh suguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like that's much easier to say for people whose libraries have not reached the lengths that some... other peoples. My library that's almost entirely mp3 320 (some files are 192) is 400 gigs already.
I had to let go of itunes and switch back to Winamp because my library just made it collapse around the 240 mark.

I don't even want to think about storing and backing up that shit in FLAC. But I get it if that's not a concern for you.

On a side-note: I've always wondered why FLAC became the format of Choice for "audiophiles" because that is not the format that any DAW exports to natively. Industry standards are WAV and AIFF but eh, IDK, probably a good reason for it.

>> No.21195365

Doesn't FLAC have higher compression?

>> No.21195371

Most audiophiles aren't producers and are geeks, so they go for the technically superior solution for music storage. WAV and AIFF's only benefits are for not needing to decode the file which matters for production, not consumption. And FLAC provides real, standardized tagging that WAV / AIFF don't provide OOB without some massive clusterfuck that's exclusive to whatever producer software you're using.

>> No.21195461

>Implying this isn't a test run for the US admin to see how to implement the same with without any major blowback

>> No.21195481

>Dude, half the time is a ridiculous number.
You realize that given two choices, giving a random answer will be right half of all times, right? Being half the time right is as good as giving a random answer. And it'd make a pretty good random number generator.

>> No.21196393

Thank you very much !!!

>> No.21196460
File: 442 KB, 444x518, 1536435719852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it because of some hostile Chinese takover?
No, you fucking mongrel, Westerners are killing piracy by using streaming services such as Memeflix, Shitify and Amazoomer Books.

>> No.21198413

There used to be haruka-yumenoato, now I don't think there's any public website for that. There are ddl blogs like 13dl or manga-zone but they don't allow any uploads. Just make a torrent on nyaa or something

>> No.21198779


>> No.21199194

There's also moeshare.com but that's a chinese forum

>> No.21199465

>Memeflix, Shitify and Amazoomer Books.
Reading your attempts at insults hurt me more than any loss of easy accessible piracy ever could

>> No.21201469

pay your money to japan already

>> No.21202520

TurdRoll, Geezer, I could keep going, but fortunately I don't know of any other of these """"services"""".

>> No.21209882

don't pirate kids, you need to support our NEET brothers over at Japan

>> No.21216170

