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2112728 No.2112728 [Reply] [Original]

Third thread

The moon wasn't perfectly round tonight, it's not like what the moon is like in hell. I pointed it out to Kyle but he said he doesn't like the moon. Could it be he doesn't like me either? I asked if he loves me, he said he will always love me, I feel better but his face looks lonely, I'm still uneasy.

>> No.2112736

Kyle better not be getting cold feet.

>> No.2112738

I debated on whether or not to use my tripcode, I worry that you guys naturally hate me already and I also don't want people to yell at why am I not translating Shuffle! but I also wanted people to realize why I'm not translating Shuffle!

Guess I'm just a lonely attention whore either way, Sigh ...

>> No.2112743

You're not bad, bro.

So long as you give me my Shuffle! translation.

>> No.2112809
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Kyle seems strange. He mixed up the salt and sugar while cooking, and during sex he wears a lonely look in his eyes, it hurts to hold him close. What could be wrong? He wears a smile but it seems hollow, it makes me very uneasy. The twins complained that their meals are cold and terrible, Seizh said sex must be melting his brains. I didn't realize they knew. Seizh said a romance between a princess and servant could never last. He says Kyle is just using me to fulfill his sexual desires and the king will never permit our relationship. I can't forgive him for what he says. Leni agreed with his brother saying there's no way it can work because my father will obviously chose for me to marry an aristocrat.

>> No.2112823
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You're a faggot for using your American religion in your name. You should use a name that doesn't invite attack by assholes, or use only a tripcode.

>> No.2112848

When he retires will my father send me away to a foreign country? Surely he'll see the importance of my relationship with Kyle. Will I just be a game piece for my father to use? Is there a gap opening between Kyle and I?

DoW II just finished patching, required break.

>> No.2112874

can someone post a link to the cg? i can only find a yaoi doujin with the name under the moon

>> No.2112890


Because you're translating this instead, right?


>> No.2112990



>> No.2113460

Come back to us soon.

>> No.2113504


>> No.2113616


>> No.2113627


>> No.2113626
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Seizh and Leni both lecture Kyle that he can't go against the wishes of the demon king and obviously he will never get his approval. Leni tells Kyle that it would be best to give up his love for me because he can never make my heart happy.

I can say that Kyle can protect me anywhere
or Kyle will make me happy

>> No.2113631

/r/ doesn't usually deliver for weeaboo requests. It's always yucky 3D porn and occasionally other stuff.

>> No.2113636


>> No.2113633

Under the Moon

>> No.2113638
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>> No.2113639

>Kyle will make me happy

>> No.2113650

Kyle will make me happy! Civilian end!

>> No.2113719
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I told them that without Kyle I won't be happy and I know Kyle can make me happy. Seizh answers that sex with him must be great because Kyle has no backbone. Leni told him to stop teasing me. Kyle chews his lips and tightens his hands into fists but says nothing. Why won't Kyle say something? Why won't he answer back? I yell that I won't be separated from Kyle, that I love him and him alone! I cling to Kyle but he only twitches his ears. I think to myself Kyle, as I hold you tightly won't you kiss me? Kyle finally yells that he loves me and won't tolerate more. I'm happy until he yells out that he won't be with me anymore and turns himself back into his cat form. He says he can't make me happy.

>> No.2113725

What? Does it end there?

>> No.2113821

Kyle says if he should no longer be in human form. Since my feelings are important to him he'll seal himself in this form as tears spill from his eyes. He says he only wanted my happiness but because of his position he should never have thought that way. I tell him that cats can't talk in this world and he needs to hurry and change back. Who cares, he says, Rice cookers and stoves can talk, what's so strange about a talking cat?

I yell that I don't care, I don't care, just change back! but he won't listen, he says those two are right and more and more he knows we'll be separated. He asks Leni and Seizh to take care of me but to please allow him to stay by my side. He says goodbye and runs to his room. (how'd he open the door I wanna know)

>> No.2113941
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I cry myself to sleep. In the morning it's raining, Kyle is gone. I can't stand seeing the way Leni and Seizh glance at me so I run out into the rain. I'm filthy and cold but I can't find Kyle anywhere. Stupid stupid stupid Kyle! I walk to and fro across town until I find myself once again in front of the apartment. Inside Kyle is still gone, Leni and Seizh ask if I'm ready to quit now. Leni offers me a bath because I'll only get them sick if I get sick myself.

That night I wonder if Kyle thinks I'll be mad if he comes home. I won't be mad if you'll come home. Kyle, I want you to hold me, I want you to kiss me, will you have sex with me? There is no warmth, there is no answer.

>> No.2113948



>> No.2113955

I fapped to this but the thought that this game focuses more on the guys than the girl somehow kills the boner, but I continue on pumpin' and the girl herself makes me erect.

Its like fapping with a dick alternately becoming erect then limp then erect again.

>> No.2114082
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I call out his name again and again until I hear him say he's right there. I must be more ill than I realize but suddenly I can feel something soft and fuzzy in my hands. I open my eyes ...

I have 2 papers to write by morning, haven't even started yet thank you very much Under the Moon and DoW II. Time to buy some dew and stay up all night. See you sometime tomorrow when whatever the hell I do to myself between now and then wears off.

>> No.2114689

Fuck. I want to know what happens next.

>> No.2114696

>Strangle Kyle
If that stupid bastard won't be with us willingly, we'll force him in death. Just go the murder-suicide route like a good heartbroken princess.

>> No.2114699

But he's with us right now. Why would you do that?

>> No.2114701

Because he'll just try and leave again with another excuse.

>> No.2114705

But look at that smiling face! He's clearly over it so he'll never leave us again.

>> No.2114706

A boyfriend with wings that can turn into an adorable flying talking cat? Is this eroge for twelve year old girls?

>> No.2114711

Go back to your girlfriend with swords that just happens to be the king of knights.

>> No.2114725

That's a smile of betrayal.

>> No.2114735

You're just mean and spiteful, Anon. That's why you're alone.

>> No.2114742

But I'm neither mean nor spiteful, and I'm alone too!

>> No.2114748

Well, you're just a victim of circumstance.

>> No.2114760

Fucking circumstances, always screwing me over...

>> No.2114934

You're not human? If you are, you're by definition mean and spiteful. The normalfags just have this net of artificial beliefs about how they're not.

>> No.2115439
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>> No.2115448

The only reason I have the will to live is that there are too many people I want to kill. I can't imagine that there's any human being who isn't "mean and spiteful."

>> No.2116188

bumping to keep alive

>> No.2116204

Rape Kyle, do it faggot.

>> No.2116730

One of my classes my teacher had me stand up and read my paper in class because he liked it, I wrote it in an hour and a half on two hours of sleep. I'm still awake.

>> No.2116753
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In front of me I can see my favorite golden yellow eyes. Kyle you've come back. He said he worried about me so much it felt like his chest would burst. I cry as I hold Kyle's tiny hands in mine. I tell him to never leave me again and he says ok. I tell him that although I love this form I love his human form so much more because I want to hold him and kiss him and so many other things. He changes back and says he's sorry for making me cry.

>> No.2116767

What was it about?

>> No.2116770

But a cat is fine too!

>> No.2116780
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It doesn't matter because he came back. I kiss him again and again, tens of times, hundreds of times. He says he wants to always be by my side and I say I want him near me forever because I love him so much. He undresses me and traces his hands over my skin. It hurts when he touches my feet so he asks what's wrong. I say I was out all day looking for him. He says he's sorry that it was for his sake so he begins to lick my feet.

>> No.2116810

It doesn't matter since he came back because the pain of him leaving was worse. He says he will never again let me be burdened with pain. I accept his promise. He kisses up and down my leg, up my calf, and to my inner thigh to the soft tender spot between, there he kisses and licks me tenderly.

Hmm, 16+ fanservice

>> No.2116819

After so long my lover has returned, all night long I want to continue to feel Kyle's warmth.

(no scene here, suddenly morning)

>> No.2116830

Foot fetish? Finally, she's acting like a princess.

>> No.2116840

>(no scene here, suddenly morning)
This is unforgivable.

>> No.2116880
File: 100 KB, 800x600, leni seizh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry analysis we had to share in groups, teacher came around reading samples from different people, judging by what papers I read people don't know what in god's name a Thesis statement is. It was truly embarrassing.

Seizh makes a sarcastic remark about Kyle coming home while Leni glares. Of all things today would have to be a break from school. Kyle endures their looks while he makes me breakfast. Seizh asks how it was last night, did it feel good? I said it was normal, I refuse to blush at his words and continue drinking my tea.

>> No.2116883

These ears STILL bug me.

>> No.2116911

So how far are those Shuffle translations?

>> No.2116928
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Seizh gets bored and moves away. Leni glares with an overbearing cold look. He says to Kyle that though he's returned does he have the confidence that he can protect me and make me happy? Kyle answers that he'll protect me with his whole life. At that moment I can truly see the loneliness in Leni's eyes. He said it, Kyle said he'd make me happy I look up to him and smile, Kyle turns red and returns to the kitchen. I truly love him so much. Though times ahead will be difficult I look out the window and see the rain is gone.

Be back later, sleep, I don't know how much more there is.

>> No.2117524

bump, I wanna see how it ends

>> No.2117761
File: 105 KB, 800x600, leni seizh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl can't even step outside these days.

I step out to the terrace and immediately a bunch of beams of pure white light shoot at me. Leni and Seizh simultaneously put up a barrier, the light shatters before disappearing. For now they've put a barrier around the house. Could it be, these two have protected me? Kyle runs in in a state of panic. He rushes to my side but Seizh stops him. Looks like you're too late, he says to Kyle. Reni asks, what was that you said before about protecting her? But it wasn't his fault! He wasn't by my side! I push Seizh aside and yell that if Kyle had been by my side he would have protected me. Seizh rebukes him saying, you can't even protect your master, are you only good at satisfying your lust each night?

I cling tightly to Kyle, I can't take their words any more.

Even if we're apart Kyle loves me
or It's not Kyle's fault

>> No.2117777

I don't know. You're on your own.

>> No.2117781

Both options suck, but go with the second for now.

>> No.2117813

>people don't know what in god's name a Thesis statement is.
Even though you belong to a crazy cult only a century old, I feel your pain man.

>> No.2117819
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 1235186723742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I yell back that even if we're apart Kyle loves me, his feelings reach me. Kyle's done nothing but love me! Kyle smiles at me, what are you saying? He says, my love will always reach you! He holds me when I ask, he kisses me when I ask, and he doesn't even consider himself when I ask for sex! Kyle, Kyle, Kyle!

>> No.2117824

Oh, sorry didn't see you there. I agreed that both answers were kinda meh, seems going with he loves me when we're apart is a good answer.

>> No.2117920
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 1235188518127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seizh reminds me that when the demon hunting is over they'll turn me over to my father. When they leave I draw my lips to his, We'll always be together, it's a promise, you'll always be by my side. Why is it so hard for us to be together?

The next day Leni calls me over, reluctantly I stand near him. Soon the demon hunting will be over, he says. I hide my shaking hands behind my back.

Of course, Seizh says, the thunder yesterday is an indication that things are changing. Of course, Leni says, as soon as the gate is reopened we're forcing you home. What do you think will happen when your father finds out about you and Kyle? Will it be considered a crime I wonder? Seizh asks. Someone of inferior position kidnapped and imprisoned you, it could be the death penalty.

Are you stupid? I yell. I was never kidnapped or held prisoner!

Will that distinction be made? Seizh asks. I turn around, I can't face his serious look. If you truly love him, Leni says, give up your love.

I understand what they say, I understand but I can't give up Kyle. No, they can't think Kyle is at fault, I can't believe what Seizh says. But if they give him the death sentence, what will I do?

......I know ......
even so, i won't be seperated

>> No.2117945

man, I'm really beginning to hate those fuckers.

>> No.2118040

>even so, i won't be seperated

if you havne't picket yet, go with this.

>> No.2118150

I just had to miss the third thread, dammit

>> No.2118155

Leni asks if I want Kyle to die. He won't die. What will you do? Seizh asks. He usually ridicules Kyle but I can sense that he's serious.

I'll protect him.

They're shocked. How? Leni asks. I don't know but I won't be separated from Kyle. Your desires are irrelevant, Seizh says. I know, I know but I won't be separated from Kyle. Don't regret this, Seizh says. Leni looks sad and alone. They return to reading trying to ignore the awkward atmosphere as I listen to the rhythm of turning pages. Kyle returns, I don't care what the others think, I run up and kiss him. I love you Kyle, I call out to him. This is the first time we've kissed in front of the others but I won't stop. What will I do? What can I do?

>> No.2118194
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Later that night.

Kyle walks in, Oh are you changing for a bath? I sit down on his knee and cover his face in my breasts. Today, don't you want to have sex?

Eh, that is, um, no, it's not that I don't, i was going to sleep beside, I mean uh.

Oh, are you trying to escape? I ask. I kiss him lightly and close my eyes. In the distance I can hear the thunder, the demon hunting will soon end and the gate will reopen. Is there someplace far away we can run? Someplace far away from papa, Leni and the others, someplace where we can live together?

I'm sorry papa, there's something more important I must do. I have no more allegiance for you papa, I'm so sorry but I can't live apart from Kyle.

(Is anyone else thinking they've had so much sex that she's guaranteed to be pregnant at this point? I doubt they'd give the death penalty to the father of her child)

>> No.2118199


And sooo we reach the dramatic conclusion...

>> No.2118201
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Kyle, what do you think of me? I love you ... always, he answers.

Then, can I become your bride?


>> No.2118210



>> No.2118209


>> No.2118211


I Hnngn'd

>> No.2118258



>> No.2118266
File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1235194341681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get married. Ahh, I've proposed. Kyle seems to understand he blushes all the way to the top of his head.

Br, br, bride!? Ma, ma, Marriage!? That's impossible ...!

But we're in love aren't we? C c c c c c c c c certainly, he says, but for the princess to become my bride. You don't want to ....

Never! I can do it, I want you to be my bride!

Then, I can be your bride?


His whole face brightens and he gently strokes my hair, it seems we've made a vow. Will you hold me as we pass through the gate to hell? I ask. Eh? He says. Because, I want everyone on the other side to see us, we'll hold a wedding ceremony when we return.

Princess ...

>> No.2118272


Bloody hell I feel some kind of impending BAD END and its killing my D'awwwing

>> No.2118294
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The sky is empty and cold, I hear a mournful wind blow past. I hold Kyle tightly and place my ear against his chest to hear his heart racing.

Is it the gate? I ask. Wait here, he says, I'll check. The street is bright with moonlight, Kyle heads out toward the harbor. Almost, he says. Please hold on. In the soft light of the moon my eyes freeze, I can see the figure of the gate already.

We're going in! Kyle shouts.

Wait! Leni shouts

>> No.2118293

gay shit

>> No.2118337
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My body is wrapped in light, it's so strong that it pulls Kyle and I apart.



Kyle is trapped in black fumes. You really think to escape? Leni asks. If you run now you'll be caught Seizh says.

Get out of our way! I yell.

I can't let you two go, Seizh says. Why not? I demand. We'll ferry you across, Leni answers. Why are they doing this? I don't understand. Is it for me? I can see in their eyes the love they have for me along with the light of hate. In that moment I understand, these two were in love with me and hated themselves for it.

Black cat, Leni says. I'm sending you across.

Stop! I yell, Kyle!

>> No.2118351



>> No.2118392
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No no no! Something rises up inside me, I scream and the light surrounding me bursts. (FINALLY!) I cry and a ball of light stretches out from my hand.

What? This power! Leni and Seizh exclaim.

Kyle don't leave me, Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!! As in a trance I chase after the ball of black fumes. I can see Kyle on the opposite side through the film. Kyle, I'll get you out! I'll break it open! I shout trying to release the power in my hands but nothing happens.

Hurry, send him home, Seizh says.


>> No.2118404



>> No.2118418
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In desperation I try to cling to the ball, it should be so easy to destroy!! Please, please release this power! It feels as if something huge is spinning inside me but I don't know how to release this power. Kyle, save Kyle!!! At that moment I hear Kyle's voice from the other side of the ball.

Princess, the egg! Remember the egg!

Ok, I gotta go back here to something I thought was unimportant, while he was cooking the eggs he was boiling exploded which caused him to burn the bacon which made a huge mess that they needed to clean up. He explained that the yolk cooked faster than the whites had a chance to harden which caused the eggs to explode (I dunno, ask /ck/ I've never heard of that before)

>> No.2118424



>> No.2118456
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Right now there's a shell surrounding the power inside you, you need to break that shell !! I remember the heat of the stove caused the eggs to explode.

Kyle!!! I collect the all the power into my heart. I won't be separated from Kyle!

Oh violins, oh, a choir now too.

There is a wave of light that passes through my body the fumes surrounding him vanish, Kyle is free.

Impossible, Seizh says. The two look completely dumbfounded.

>> No.2118459

Who's your bitch now punk, WHO'S YOUR BITCH NOW!

>> No.2118463

Ashe super saiyan mode.

>> No.2118503
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I put the two out of my mind and leap to Kyle.

Kyle! Kyle!


Come with me back to hell? Forever and forever I won't be separated from you. Of course, he says, I'll be by your side forever. We turn toward the gate before I hear the bewildered voices of Leni and Seizh.

Hey, hey wait! You ..... I slowly turn to them.

Who are you talking to?


Now they understand clearly. I've regained my powers. It's more powerful than both ... no, than anyone in hell. Yes, I'll become the new demon queen, I'll take the title that's mine. I've been born again as the daughter to the king of hell.

>> No.2118512


Bitches sure got told, time for Kyle to enjoy his level 1200 loli demon king

>> No.2118515



Fuck me, its late

>> No.2118520


Fuck yeah! end.

>> No.2118543
File: 59 KB, 800x600, 1235198883357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, shall we hold onto each other while we go through? I ask. Of course, he says.

Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. Surrounded by the starry sky I kiss him again and again and whisper in his ear. Once again we look to the gate.

I want to see them again, my cranky minister, the fat court ladies, but most of all my beloved cat.

(I like how they live in Neuschwanstein)

>> No.2118595
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sorry, the kanji is technically demon king/lord throughout though I should know better than that.

Kyle waits for me, I leap into his arms.

Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!

Ahh, I was lonely!!

I've returned from seeing all the people at my reception as the new demon queen. Though he sits beside me on the throne Kyle is still bound under the familiar contract and wasn't allowed in the formal meeting. From morning I could only thing of how much I wanted sex with Kyle.

Kyle, kiss me again and again.

Our tongues entwine as we fall onto the bed ...

>> No.2118609

Gee, she sure is really horny now, isn't she?

>> No.2118619
File: 51 KB, 801x602, 1235200048565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the time of our wedding approaches I'm learning to cook, of course Kyle is much better than me. Naturally there's a lot of opposition in the demon queen marrying her familiar but I will always protect Kyle with my power.

Hey Kyle?

What is it? he asks.

I just wanted to call to you.

Ahahah, you really are cute.

As promised, after this, we'll always be together. Kyle, I love you!


>> No.2118622

when was she not? She was already having sex with him daily and it wasn't enough for her.

>> No.2118625


>> No.2118653

Click on the thumbnail in the post above me. Apparently she has demon horns now.


>> No.2118677
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 1235201319287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn that's a shitload of endings.

>> No.2118685

Now go for the reverse harem ending!

>> No.2118740

more like CAST OFF modo

I request the blonde guy. Bringing an ordinary (or IS HE) human into this supernatural hugger-mugger should be interesting. The twins are just fail incarnate.

>> No.2118758

Unan is far more 'normal' a character than Sena, and is also blond.

>> No.2118820

>Now they understand clearly. I've regained my powers. It's more powerful than both ... no, than anyone in hell. Yes, I'll become the new demon queen, I'll take the title that's mine. I've been born again as the daughter to the king of hell.
>What do you do before the face of the demon queen? I demand. They drop in terror while I return to cling to Kyle.
Goddamn, there better be an ending where she goes on a fucking rampage.

>> No.2119348

wait, there's fucking six endings with Kyle alone? God Damn

>> No.2120422

