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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2106524 No.2106524 [Reply] [Original]

What did you do today?

>> No.2106531
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>> No.2106556

got a wisdom tooth pulled out, so bleeding and surfing 4chan all day

>> No.2106562

You're asking on a neet board, you already know the answer.

>> No.2106574

What are you doing with your feet, girl?

>> No.2106576

i fucked you're mom

>> No.2106571
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wake up, shower, talk to waifu, grindan soon. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2106580

Slept in until about half an hour ago, had some weird dream about a chick puking on me during sex.

>> No.2106585


I'm not Mom!

>> No.2106594

Creepy stalker lady came round to my flat to mention that she had just gotten off with a guy who reminded her of me the night before.

I also got re-acquainted with a local delicacy known as 'the Munchie Box'. Mmmmmm, miscellaneous meat shavings.

>> No.2106591
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>> No.2106604

Woke up one hour ago and have been browsing /jp/ since then.
I'm fucking hungry but I'm too lazy to get something.

>> No.2106607
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Quiet, Mom. Know you're place.

>> No.2106612

Woke up and browsed 4chan for a while real early in the morning before anyone else was up. When I decided it was time to start waking people up, I picked up my wife out of the bed, and carried her over my shoulder and dumped her into the bath tub. I gave her a bath, dried her off, and sent her off to go get dressed. I used her water to take my own bath, and followed her down for brunch after getting dressed. After that I painted minis while she decided to continue reading Les Misérables. Now, I'm back on 4chan, again browsing while I wait for paint to dry.

>> No.2106621

you spelt waifu wrong

>> No.2106630

If I meant waifu I would have typed waifu.

>> No.2106641

I went and picked up my preorder of DQ5 from gamestop at the local mall, shaved, and played RO for a bit.

In about an hour and a half I'm going to attend WoE with my RO guild. Man, why did I sign back up for this mmo? I was going cold turkey for at least 6 months before nostalgia kicked back in again.

>> No.2106648

If you can actually manage to lift your wife, I call bullshit.

>> No.2106649

What does it feel like?

>> No.2106651

Has the sauce of this ever been found?

>> No.2106660

Woke up at 2 AM, did homework and studied for an accounting exam, went back to sleep at 7, woke up at 10, went to class, came home, fapped to some news anchor on TV, fapped to a pic of healthy Patchouli, now going back to school for the test


>> No.2106661

Today i felt like i was half-asleep half of the day and had a throbbing headache. Tried playing PCB to put some stress on my brain, but it didn't help and i played very poorly(had to use a continue playing on normal at stage 4 boss). I might actually be getting a brain infection from my new medicine, but i cant know for sure until later. Well if i do, I'll be famous as the 8-9th person in the world to get it from this medicine. Wish me luck guys!

>> No.2106664

She's about 90 lbs or so. picking her up isn't a problem. Even at twice that, it wouldn't be that bad.

>> No.2106668

No one quits RO, they just take a break. Anyone who says different is a lying cunt.

>> No.2106677

Gonna play videogames for 10 hours straight starting.... now.

Gotta make the most of my final week of NEETdom.

>> No.2106683

Fuck you just made me realize I've been playing it on-off for like 6 years now goddamn.

>> No.2106682

Woke up.
Ate a wife cake for breakfast because I didn't have any better ideas and my brother had just arrived home with goodies from a Chinese bakery.
Browsed /jp/ and halfheartedly read articles concerning an overdue assignment.
Was notified about the arrival of a shipment of books, was pleased to hear that I will be given my portion of them tonight.
Watched brother bail on Yuyuko.
Browsed /jp/.

>> No.2106692

How do you think I came to the realization myself. I started when there was only one town.

>> No.2106722

I woke up and installed the 4chan filter.


Wow, surfing /jp/ will never be the same again. So long tripfucks.

>> No.2106726


People are so easily offended that they have to censor their own internet?

Perhaps it's for the best that you won't be reading this post.

>> No.2106738

Full version of picture is superior.

>> No.2106743
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Child detected.

>> No.2106749

I didn't ban all tripfags. I only banned the bad ones.

The banned tripfags are:

Investment banker
Aya Hirano Fan

I would have banned more tripfags, but I cant remember their names at the moment.

>> No.2106753
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I guess I should come up with some really amazing posts that lots of Anonymous will respond to.

>> No.2106761

I just woke up. It's 2 pm here. Cooking a sausage for lunch then going to class from 3-7.

>> No.2106779

truth, and I always end up meeting people I used to know, whatever the server. I just ended a year long break. Fuck

>> No.2106784

You might as well quit the internet because your heart is made of glass and you don't want other people to hurt your feelings by being a tripfag or whatever.

>> No.2106788
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1234994798824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2106799

/r/ full version of OP or the name of this vn

>> No.2106801

except that the only post in this whole thread that is reportable is your own ...

>> No.2106802

Also, I pushed 2400 kilos today and just noticed that leaning against the wall was more comfortable when I didn't have muscular shoulders.

>> No.2106829

Sup butthurt tripfag. I also word filtered the shitty posters. The following words were banned:

routes; (I'm tired of seeing VN spoilers)

>> No.2106830


Let's do this.

>> No.2106835

Even though I think you're a troll, I wouldn't filter you. It has nothing to do with offense, just aesthetics. Trolls can be entertaining or even informative. I filter only the really retarded posters who've failed to ever do anything but make the most worthless of shitposts. I wish I could do that Anonymous posters as well, but it's not quite as easy then.

>> No.2106841

You might want to add

route (I don't know if adding the plural will block the singular)

>> No.2106849

> I guess the only reason why I come to /jp/ is for Touhou (quite ironic, seeing how much I use to hate the Touhoufags)

Wait, so you're a retarded new Touhou fan who "bans" generic works like "recommend?" Wow.

Why not just go to Pooshlmer.
