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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 669x1021, nihongobenkyou-tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20875194 No.20875194 [Reply] [Original]

新ガイド https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/
旧ガイド https://djtguide.neocities.org/
前スレ >>20867781

>> No.20875200

I haven't been here since like thread 800 and I am still shit at Japanese.

>> No.20875215
File: 573 KB, 1327x980, セっクス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20875217

What's the best EPWING dictionary viewer for Windows?

>> No.20875227
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>> No.20875232
File: 34 KB, 712x480, turn up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i respect the attempt but u knew it was never gonna happen op

>> No.20875238

what we talkin about

>> No.20875242

oh i thought u were trying to incite something with the op being the way it was maybe i was mistaken nvm

>> No.20875267

what would i be inciting
any mistakes are genuine anything else wouldnt be status quo u know
the end is just a hat tip as it were

>> No.20875281


>> No.20875282

i cant get over you mining 床下

>> No.20875291

I mine a lot of things I don't really have to. There is a good bit of logic behind it.

>> No.20875297

i thought u wanted ppl to use japanese dude

>> No.20875303

oh thatd be somethin
consider the nihongo quota filled no one needs to use nihongo again in this thread

>> No.20875308
File: 459 KB, 640x480, 7QfssEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20875315

yah no1 wants to see that but i felt like u were tryin to set the tone there

>> No.20875320

hiikibiiki is comfy as hell

>> No.20875347

イブニクル2 is out ああああ!

>> No.20875380
File: 10 KB, 372x167, firefox_2019-02-21_14-04-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, time to take my daiippo towards learning Japanese!

>> No.20875382

can't believe I fell for the sentence card meme. it's the equivalent to memorising the answers to calculus problems without fully understanding how the formulae work

>> No.20875383
File: 32 KB, 579x425, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest part is out of the way. Now I should set the max interval to 2 weeks and start reading all the example sentences for each rep for the grammar points with multiple English meanings. I'll also finish vncore soon and start mining which means I'll finally start learning Japanese!

>> No.20875389

so, the easy and effortless way?

>> No.20875391

so? you don't need to know the proofs of shit to use them and get an A in calc lol

>> No.20875394

worst analogy ive seen in some time

>> No.20875400

Forgot it's coming out, thanks

>> No.20875405

calculus is a formally defined system so going examples-first actually makes sense
human language is not and you should not risk memorizing isolated sentences with no context
even in the case of stuff like いらっしゃいませ~ you should see it in different contexts every time you see it or youll get the wrong idea about when and where its used and by who

>> No.20875425


>> No.20875471

Has anyone ever read a toradora page up until now?

>> No.20875517

no. i would learn to read a page with yomichan if the text were posted and not images.

>> No.20875542

Random video for the rap guy(that was jamal right?):

>> No.20875560

Are the nip rappers chicanos? I thought they were crips. Just mistaken I guess.

>> No.20875583



>> No.20875619
File: 11 KB, 639x135, Screenshot from 2019-02-21 21-05-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what words have you learned today?

>> No.20875626


>> No.20875639
File: 7 KB, 654x109, 2019-02-21_23-10-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20875642

Black lilith taught me this one

>> No.20875666

Is this nihon equivalent of badonkadonk?

>> No.20875673

Traditional Japanese music is pretty dull... so everything popular is westernized I guess. But I'm liking the song at 11m here.


>> No.20875686


>> No.20875688

Fuck this is bad I think I need to throw up

>> No.20875729
File: 73 KB, 328x243, Screenshot from 2019-02-21 21-27-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does にあっこる mean?

>> No.20875730

It's not こ

>> No.20875736



>> No.20875738


>> No.20875757

Can someone explain to me what this post means

>> No.20875773

>read through VN, can pick up most of the dialogue from hearing
>game has an omake part with short interviews with the VAs
>everyone is speaking in rapidfire mode, biting off words, I can barely pick up every third word from the same VA that was very easy to understand during the VN
Why can't Japanese speak clearly when talking normally? TV is next to impossible for the same reason.

>> No.20875782

Japanese uses fewer sounds than our languages which means the sounds don't pack as much meaning. So they have to talk faster IRL or else its tedious. Think how annoying it is to speak in English in slow motion.

>> No.20875783

Watch more anime

>> No.20875789

watch more live action. Voice actor speech is literally baby mode.

>> No.20875807

it means i am amused

>> No.20875883

Just watched my favorite anime (FLCL) without subs for the first time.... what a transcendental experience. It's moments like these that make trucking along with this language worthwhile.

>> No.20875884

imagine how great will it be when you understand what they say once

>> No.20875885
File: 56 KB, 480x480, DzlLWBnU0AArJQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this got over 50k likes by the nips

>> No.20875894

just came across this word while reading: penis
what the FUCK is a penis

>> No.20875895


>> No.20875896


>> No.20875903

shouldn't it be iindesuka not iidesuka ??

>> No.20875911

やれやれ, you understood what percent?

>> No.20875920
File: 411 KB, 480x480, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20875937

>30k vocab
3k to become comfortable
>trusting djt
i would never lie to you

>> No.20875964

上手です. Sounds fun.

>> No.20875965
File: 6 KB, 201x500, DzqY3jNUwAAa2AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard of TRIPLE negatives?

>> No.20875982

literally gtfo lmfao fuck offfffffff

>> No.20876038

almost done with vncore but I still mess up 置く and 直ぐ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.20876054
File: 64 KB, 700x700, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20876086

After years I still have to pause for like 5 seconds to tell apart 漸く and 暫く.

>> No.20876151

なきゃ is the shortened version of なければ
If you still can't make sense of this sentence I suggest you look up associated grammar.

>> No.20876168
File: 46 KB, 702x558, JLPT Tango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4500 down, 5500 to go.

>> No.20876204


>> No.20876622

>peeps who don't listen to what's been said and who aren't listening just won't understand unless they get bitten!
This was my poor attempt at translating a mostly untranslatable sentence

>> No.20876762
File: 11 KB, 236x266, 0a78270f5965e8fd229e6ff5f41b6c10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does anki show me the most recent card created by yomichan and not the oldest?
that's convenient

>> No.20876792

wait that's even worse, they are showing randomly even if I told him to show in order added

>> No.20876926

The fuck happend? Did you fall into coma?

>> No.20877005
File: 3 KB, 241x30, i am become ankidrone destroyer of immersion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i may have gone too far in a few places

>> No.20877008

I don't understand. Hiragana is such a pain to read by comparison.

>> No.20877058

I can barely keep up with 5 new cards a day I have no fucking idea how you anki niggers can be so autistic

>> No.20877060

Sounds like you're just shit at kanji bruv.

>> No.20877062

回文 means palindrome

>> No.20877070

Sounds like you're just a zako rtkid to me.

>> No.20877103

this one is shit

>> No.20877170

i try the best i can for yall


>> No.20877203

What do you mean?
I know how it works, and how it's supposed to work, I just have annoying bugs with the default recommended way. I was wondering if someone knew good alternatives to fcitx which is an input method framework.

>> No.20877236

Do japanese people hold up sign with kanji when they speak?

Read dantalian no shoka.

>> No.20877245

Thanks for the recommendation, fellow Cyrillic brother.

>> No.20877372

Of course. The Japanese are unaware of the billion chinese right across the pond.

>> No.20877377

island of savages

>> No.20877378

yea how do they rectify that? or is it a "east asian superiority" thing?

>> No.20877441

uve been watching too much matt vs japan (he lost btw)

>> No.20877457

guess what, english only uses 26 letters to effectively communicate


>> No.20877495

>it's another faggot-ass american complaining about kanji
as always no one cares faggot learn kanji if you want to read

>> No.20877516

shut the fuck up jamal

>> No.20877517
File: 7 KB, 450x226, 2019-02-23-063549_450x226_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use uim and mozc

>> No.20877599

Jamal reduced them to 26.

>> No.20877628

> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> 0123456789
> )!@#$%^&*(
> []{}/=\?+|',."<>;:-_`~

Well, my keyboard has 94 apparently. Guess that's close to 100. Some of those characters are really pushing it though.

>> No.20877630

>>English uses nearly 100 characters to communicate.
>>The alphabet alone uses 52 characters.

>Is this the djt experience?

nothing worse than that brainlet who "corrects" people people based on bare minimum kindergarten tier knowledge

capital letters are different characters that must be memorized
english uses a number of other characters like !@#$%^&*()

>> No.20877646

post jap mumble rap or fuck off tyrone

>> No.20877647

btw u guys arent factoring in cursive letters if u really wanna get in the shit

>> No.20877666

i eat @ mcd & my ass was 100% on fyre

wow im really making use of those characters

>> No.20877681

English is a lot easier when you ignore things like basic punctuation and spelling. That seems to be the plan for most of djt.

>> No.20877861

basic english grammar is actually relatively difficult to produce and by that i don't mean using the right articles or idioms (that's a matter of meaning) but rather things like "the unusual verb form is the one used for third-person singular agreement, no the normal-looking one" and "the possessive is not an adjective or a general purpose descriptive tool"

>> No.20877879

every language is hard when you think about useless shit like irregular verb conjugations in the 3rd person

>> No.20877926

this but unironically

>> No.20878103

did you use audio transcription software to produce this

>> No.20878131

It'll ピンとくる when you start watching TV and shit.

>> No.20878176

Just pretend it isn't there.

>> No.20878184

I only knew あまり used in senteces like I'm too tired to work.

>> No.20878205

無理すんなよみんな : )

>> No.20878207

good news i read the tae kim article on "trying to do something" linked here a couple days ago and encountered volitional+とする in the wild and knew what it meant whereas before i'd have glossed over it.

thanks bros you rock.

>> No.20878213

But it wouldn't be contradictory to say someone to

So the speaker assumes that the listener is overdoing it because of fear and tells them not to?

>> No.20878223

>So the speaker assumes that the listener is overdoing it because of fear and tells them not to?
No, the speaker assumes that the listener keeps pushing himself in spite of being afraid and tells them not to.

>> No.20878224

ok it actually makes sense to me then in the context of the romaji movement

"for things like technical academic language, we can avoid translation and use the sounds in the same way we do for Chinese loanwords, and for inventions and products we can avoid pointless translation and use the original names"

>> No.20878229

how do i be a good translator if i suck at writing in english too

>> No.20878245

I suppose I should have said "there is an internal contradiction"

>> No.20878248

u cant plain and simple

its more acceptable to rewrite parts of a work than it is to produce something that sucks to read

>> No.20878261
File: 12 KB, 188x264, 12512616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me struggling with Japanese very clearly contradicts with me spending 10k hours on it.

Ok. Here's another attempt for me to rationalize it:
Maybe I an supposed to separate なよ. from the rest of the sentence?

>(怖いくせに無理する) なよ。
Like this.

>> No.20878263
File: 31 KB, 668x147, 1547630372756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20878289

dude spoilers

>> No.20878323

actually its more like this


>> No.20878372

sounds like he's talking with a 巨根 in his mouth, can't understand half of the words

>> No.20878403

just lmao if u dont have some airplane plamos and a buncha figs of ur waifu and arent actually mentally disabled

>> No.20878422

nice self own?

>> No.20878493

Does the video load for you guys? It's stuck in loading forever for me

>> No.20878494

I started using Yomichan and I wanted to know where can I find the legend of the list of markers it uses for words?
markers like: ichi, P, adj-no, adj-na, and news, P, etc.

I get adj-no, and adj-na, but I don't know the others.

>> No.20878510

Sorry, I don't use botnet services.

>> No.20878515


>> No.20878527

Thank you so much, you guys are awesome!

>> No.20878554

imagine doing literally 5000 flashcards

>> No.20878610

knew it. you legitimately have autism don't you? only an autistic person would do shit like this

>> No.20878642

that'd be easy to finish.

>> No.20878662

behold flashtards lmao

>> No.20878684

So it's not his real schedule and he did it for attention?

>> No.20878685

I used to write down the answers for all my reviews to practice kanji and kana so it would take me like 2 hours to do 150 reviews. I did this for like 2 years without missing a single day

>> No.20878702

and? u fluent?

>> No.20878715

Enjoy spending 600 minutes doing your reps every day for over a year

>> No.20878728

I did 433 in 29 minutes today. You can do this man!

>> No.20878736
File: 220 KB, 717x754, 2019-02-22_19-47-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I do a thousand new cards every day.
By the way, I already said this was a year ago right? I did this in february 2018. The screenshot has a date. This is last year.

>> No.20878767

I was doing 50 new words per day last month and I'm regretting it this month. I had to drop down to 15 new words per day. I think in the end it's best to stay under 30 or you'll have a diminishing return on what your brain can even do. Ideally just 25 words per day for a year and you'll be gold with over 9k in a year.

>> No.20878792

Meant to say in 5th grade. Like 13 years ago

>> No.20878798

That's when you review forgotten cards and that sort of extra stuff.

>> No.20878831

Do you guys use anki to memorize anything else?

>> No.20878833

This 弱い admittedly but I slowed this song down by 20% to make it easier to understand. Maybe the other kohai will enjoy it.
(should just play like vocaroo)


シフォンケーキにカスタード スコーンにクロテッドクリーム
だけどやっぱこれっておかしいわ どうして私なんだろう

君を好きになっちゃうかなんて分からないけど </wbr></wbr>

>> No.20878850

what ever happened to エレメンタル guy?

>> No.20878859

i use it to remember random shit I want to remember if I'm studying for an exam or something, I also used it briefly to study art history to identify paintings to their painter/period

>> No.20878895

I don't regret it. I use load balancer so reviews evened out over a few weeks.
Do I recommend it? It it gets you out of core and making your own flashcards while consuming Japanese, sure. I realize not everyone is capable of doing that many flashcards though. Think for yourself.

>> No.20878896

there's no way you can actually learn 1k words in a day lol your brain will just give up after the first 50

>> No.20878904

Yeah, these >100 cards people need to explain themselves because as it is they don't make any sense. What do they retain?

>> No.20878923

Ofcourse, the actual learning will come from reviews. I was thinking of raising new cards to 50 during that time. But now that I've read your post it makes me wonder if I should just do 100 a day and be done with core. At current pace I'll be around 4400 cards when the time comes. I think the fact that there is only 400 new kanji to be learned in the last 2k portion of core6k would help a bit with learning

>> No.20878928

Hello, beginners. I know it is hard for you to imagine somebody learning 1000 words, because it is literally double of what you know right now but once you actually know some Japanese learning new words becomes a lot easier. Have you also considered the possibility that you may just not be as smart as you may think?

I learned 1000 cards over 4000 reviews. How many reviews is that per card? I learned them properly.

>> No.20878934

>>20878928 (You)

>> No.20878941

Hello n5kun

>> No.20878950


>> No.20878959

t hasnt ever opened a book

>> No.20878965

You must spend quite some time pressing good on an Anki deck just to get some yous out of people my friend.

>> No.20878971

I have 600k total reviews in anki and I'm sure you're just talking out ur ass lol

>> No.20878980
File: 124 KB, 348x201, 1530427462494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm putting together a team... you in?

>> No.20878984

When someone ask you "how are you?", how do you say "it's been really hard lately."?

>> No.20878986
File: 36 KB, 667x576, 1541042285510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20878990


>> No.20878991

and then there's this guy lol

>> No.20879003

Nothing wrong with fill in the blanks grammar cards.

>> No.20879010

>fill in the blanks
makin it worse

>> No.20879026
File: 46 KB, 853x342, 古拙.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20879041

shut up ding dong

>> No.20879055

Yea it took me months to finish it when it should have taken 1 month. I've been procrastinating like crazy just "reading" stuff I don't understand instead of putting in the work into the DoJG deck. But now that I've done the initial work, learning should be smoother from here on out.

>> No.20879059

dude u slow

>> No.20879072

we all have start somewhere gambatte

>> No.20879078

I was expecting hostility but thanks man.

>> No.20879081

how long till I understand stuff like this?

>> No.20879083
File: 226 KB, 685x751, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had been more consistent, but I've been picking up the slack recently.

>> No.20879092

take this idea and apply it to watchin 10000 hours of eng subbed anime and man will life be great

>> No.20879099

>433 hours
Only 18 days of your life to have 14k words at your disposal. Worth it.

>> No.20879102

post 14000 words right now

>> No.20879104

how did your young reviews go down after you almost double new cards some months lol ?? how does this make sense

>> No.20879118

reminder this is the guy who uses English definitions for all his flashcards. he's probably waiting to get 20k vocab before he starts tae Kim and reading yotsubato

>> No.20879123

then its not worth saying something like that because u cant prove it ever in any way at all

>> No.20879124

That's why anime is really poor immersion. They barely talk and they talk slow. Stuff like this has to infinitely better for getting japanese in your blood.

>> No.20879129

They don't. An increase in new cards always has increased young reviews for the same month. Or are you thinking doing new cards should increase the young review count for the next month? You are not very smart are you?

>> No.20879132

I'm not even him. I'm just saying if you know those 14k words you can the very least read like a god.

>> No.20879140

i know ppl who know thousands of words but cant string one compound thought together can u guess where they all hang out

>> No.20879141

this seems like very little time spent on review considering the number of cards added each day, do you have some kind of custom settings?

>> No.20879146

that's not even 早口

this guy is worse https://youtu.be/Kkfw_29nnZM

>> No.20879149

I have additional steps for new cards so it may seem like more new cards than they actually are if you compare it to your own graph.

>> No.20879156

people cant remember and hum back a guitar solo that is a dude just playing a billion notes per second

but they can hum (nose sing) back a coherent melody played by a guitarist

now why do u think that is : )

>> No.20879164

lets kasoku lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBFGfglFiYQ#t=34

>> No.20879165

young cards are those where the interval is less than 21 days. how are you going to get the interval above 21 days in a single month for all those new cards unless you have the default interval extremely high lol

>> No.20879174

There is way faster than both of them out there. It eventually sounds like clicks and chirps, you won't ever get that good unless you were raised there.

>> No.20879175

gonna be honest thats pretty normal level talking dude

>> No.20879176

meant for

>> No.20879230

if u need practice have babys first 早口 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqj397ktEmI

>> No.20879251

and remember if u cant understand this u dont know japanese at all


>> No.20879257

I dont know why but I really like this word 悔しい
sorry for the blog

>> No.20879259

if it was a proper blog ud write more so i dont have to ask u why u like it

>> No.20879268

mine is 桃色遊戯

>> No.20879289

here's your warm up listening

>> No.20879293

>I also used it briefly to study art history to identify paintings to their painter/period
I actually do the exact same thing

I use it for geography too, like identifying the prefectures of Japan and knowing their prefectural capitals

>> No.20879294

this is actually hella sugoi

>> No.20879298

This videos are making me wish I could delete all the japanese knowledge out of my brain.

>> No.20879301


>> No.20879304

this kills the google translate

>> No.20879443

thanks to rtk i can read this
it says
nippongo study naka
ni dashiteiizo

>> No.20879476
File: 8 KB, 125x284, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't find a dictionary definition for ちんまい, any help?

>> No.20879481

Why don't you google it?

>> No.20879493

why would an orc use osaka ben?

>> No.20879500

its like donmai but with chinchin

>> No.20879504
File: 469 KB, 1473x818, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20879505

why would a dwarf have a scottish accent?

>> No.20879519

i don't know, why do you?

>> No.20879528

the worst thing is a girl that thinks shes attractive when shes not

>> No.20879542

I love that you can say the wrong kanji readings of a word into google and it still figures it out for you

>> No.20879596

i love that わたしはゲイ

>> No.20879762

how do you get subs2srs to go through a whole series

>> No.20879766

asterisk after the folder with the episode and the folder with the subtitles

>> No.20879786

Drop subs2srs and do this.

>> No.20879796

delete sys32 or induce a kernel panic for u tech savvy types : )

>> No.20879834


>> No.20879931

good news guys. low-key anki has been fully ported to anki 2.1. enjoy the move. :)

>> No.20879938

good news guys anki 2.1 as well as all legacy and future versions has been ported to the bin enjoy the move : )

>> No.20880122
File: 274 KB, 1470x823, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, you can seduce Japanese girls by flopping your dick out in their face, no need for Japanese skills

>> No.20880141

honestly if u have a large healthy dick this is prolly true ive seen enough hentai comix to know

>> No.20880177

Anyone recommend some comfy Japanese videos of people walking and talking softly, or anything like Steve1989MREinfo. It's just got to be pleasing and in Japanese.

>> No.20880188

thoughts on this based gentleman?

>> No.20880213

hate the gimmick but his japanese is some of the best posted in these threads

i would suggest every1 watches more john 69

>> No.20880215
File: 410 KB, 1171x652, 1528954552393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mutt got to dolly

>> No.20880226

i'd rather unlearn what little japanese i know than watch a single second more of that disgusting husk of a human

>> No.20880228

*in john 69 voice*

dollyって誰なのでしょうか ??

>> No.20880229

he's half japanese so it doesn't count

>> No.20880241

I'm trying to set up Yomichan to add cards to Anki and I'm going fucking insane.

Yomichan and AnkiConnect is installed, Yomichan shows the definition, has the green checkmark to add it, I press the button, it shows it's working, finishes, and then no card is added to Anki.

>> No.20880248

owned lol. ankidrones stay taking that L

>> No.20880249

does she recommend you cut a hole in your jacket cuff for an earbud

>> No.20880262

you fucked up your settings prolly, post a screenshot of the options page

>> No.20880289

It's a long page, which part specifically?

>> No.20880295
File: 36 KB, 357x499, nijinoisii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will ankitards learn ったく


>> No.20880301

it says anki options above it in the yomichan settings page

>> No.20880302

fwiw they can just think it every time u post

>> No.20880335
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 1546301107968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20880338
File: 8 KB, 284x177, suzumiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey frens how is it being?

What is the best way to move to japan with a bs in comp eng and about 3 years of self learning niponese? I have not taken a test but I think I am around n2 based on the novels I read.

>> No.20880342
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 5834406_3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i want to mention i do not care what i do honestly i could care less about engineering.

>> No.20880347

dancing monkey aka teaching english

>> No.20880352

Fucked around with it instead of just taking a screenshot, it's just something wrong with how I set the fields.

>> No.20880359
File: 90 KB, 589x800, 9c7a6087bb9abb5fe5f17a50679d0c26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds fun, how do you reccomend me to do such. also am i allowed to date students?

>> No.20880365

i recommend you get your lazy ass acquainted with google.com because you'll be movin to nihon in 2045 if you continue like this

>> No.20880382

>What are some grammar structures or conjugations you wish you had learned earlier?
>Definitely the "like" structures, みたい、ように, heck I'd even throw っぽい in the mix. I didn't know how to say "it's like/similar to x" for almost a year.

I first noticed this shit in like the first few days/weeks of reading, and learned this shit in like the first month or two of reading. How the hell do you spend a year not knowing this?

>> No.20880385

flashtards continue to live up to the name

>> No.20880396

>"upgrade" to anki 2.1
>fonts in my vocab deck now look different

what do. did font-related CSS change or something.

>> No.20880399

I can kinda see it, i postponed really learning the te forms for a few weeks because i didn't get it on my first pass through of tae kim and thought it was very hard for some reason. now if you are 50 times more retarded than even that, this is the result

>> No.20880415

just do research about 就職活動 for gaijin. does no1 know how to google anymore

https://nextinjapan.com found this in 10 seconds

>> No.20880417

the rendering changed or something. the fonts definitely look better in 2.1

>> No.20880420
File: 8 KB, 259x195, lum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am quite familiar with google. I just wanted to see what my frens on djt thought. I am aware of english teaching I am more after other things I have never heard of before.


>> No.20880428

i mean the actual font type changed though.

>> No.20880432

by not reading innit

>> No.20880485

Cool stats tomo

>> No.20880497

i can't stay interested in anything i read so i constantly alt tab and do other stuff. otherwise i'd track these stats too.

>> No.20880505

so basically no real progress since day 4

the manga isnt reading guy was right

>> No.20880510

Doing reps with a kaze is the seikaiichi saitei komochi my friends.

>> No.20880518
File: 81 KB, 1366x768, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20880528
File: 50 KB, 540x743, cultural iceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20880534

I thought we told ankitards to btfo.


>> No.20880541

Stop these ijiwarus.

>> No.20880550

get ur shit together tomodati
no tabbing until u finish the chapter
unplug ur fuckin modem if u got issues
if its boring read somethin better or quit nihongo

>> No.20880561

its ok to hate reading i also do for the most part and i turned out ok

>> No.20880567

u can call anything something in eigo too dude

>> No.20880568

Japanese people are enlightened in ways we cannot comprehend

>> No.20880572

no i'll always find everything i read boring and there's no escaping it but i have to learn cuz i got nothing better to do

>> No.20880581

Is there a position for つるつる貧乳馬乗り?

>> No.20880584

I guess it belongs to the sunken part of the iceberg.

>> No.20880593

If you don't like reading even if you get anime tier at japanese you will still be a low iq petersonfag no matter what language you speak. look at matt, he hates reading and he is a poster child for modern pseuds.

>> No.20880603

you can tell by matt's articulation that he's minimum 120 IQ but probably 130 so i'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.20880606

reassess ur life homie

>> No.20880623
File: 248 KB, 540x461, 1491776620735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too hungover to do my reps...

>> No.20880631

are you me?

>> No.20880638
File: 39 KB, 378x600, 1_QpE79CKTDKdaYB9JTYUfjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he likes dragon ball z and sao, that has a hard cap of 85iq.

>> No.20880647

dont forget fsn make that 80

>> No.20880650

he's clearly a solid 105 with completely lack of self awareness

>> No.20880665
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 0q67iomqzhhz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would u have japanese sex when u could rock some girls world with ur gaijin流 drilling

>> No.20880667

you probably have reasonably urban or technology-savvy peers who are smarter than average, so you're conception of average is probably much smarter than the actual average. matt is much higher than 105, but i don't wanna derail so this will be my last post on the matter.

>> No.20880674

yea the gaijin huntresses are prolly down anyways

>> No.20880679

fair enough, I pose that nuke is about 83 and matt is 93.

>> No.20880685

why u gotta shit on nuke chan like that i bet hes like a solid 110

>> No.20880688

Have you guys seen a true 80? They're not much better than forest gump. You have to go to special places like ghettos and containment facilities when they get that low.

>> No.20880691

behold "much higher than 105" iq


>> No.20880692

if you can't see how good db is as a whole you havent read enough manga to have an opinion worth hearing dawg thats like walking up to a jrpg fan and going "hurr dragon quest sux" youre just flat out incorrect

>> No.20880693

I mean military service requires no higher than 90 iq, also nuke is def forest gump tier except forest gump actually achieved shit.

>> No.20880696

dq does kinda blow tho

>> No.20880701

i mean the new fsn like the most recent anime relax old nasu boys are safely still in their 105-110 bracket

>> No.20880702

this. obviously if you compare db to something masterful that defeats all other series from all other demographics like hxh it'll look average but compared to most shounen db is great.

>> No.20880711

even bleach is better than hxh come on son

>> No.20880713

I don't read manga because
a. manga is not reading
b. manga is shit

sorry for offending your low iq man child sensibilities.

>> No.20880715

how do i get yomichan to only put the furigana into a field instead of the kanji+furigana?

>> No.20880720
File: 233 KB, 640x360, read manga ftw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20880723

then what makes a good jrpg?

>> No.20880729

Absent mindedness and psychological disorders aren't correlations to an IQ. I'd bet money Nukes 110, Matts 125.

>> No.20880736

dude ive fuckin played them all for longer than uve been alive most likely and i can safely say most of the later (like after 6) dragon quest games are fuckin trash

>> No.20880743

Wow so all this time it was だった, not だつた

That's crazy
tae kim really should have made that clear haha

>> No.20880744

hey nuke do an iq test during your next stream thanks

>> No.20880745

pretty good guesses i'd say. i'd put nuke at 115 though.

>> No.20880754

oh carry on

>> No.20880756

its just gotta be good dude
fwiw i like all jrpgs as long as they have some different to them that stands out im just saying dq is as close to objectively good as the genre can get

Nuke has manners and can interact with other humans so he wins by default

>like after 6
we're pretty much on the same page w that though, 7s aight just too long, 8 is mediocre, 9 is 3 but if 3 wasn't good and i havent touched anything beyond that

>> No.20880758


>> No.20880763

just fuckin look him up hes shaka bose

>> No.20880766

