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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2065779 No.2065779 [Reply] [Original]

This shit made me rage. Seriously. They essentially saying ZUN is a hack, and unoriginal. I think these guys are armchair literary critics. What do you guys think?

>> No.2065790

Do you HONESTLY think ZUN is original?

>> No.2065786

They're telling the truth.

>> No.2065803

What are you talking about?

>Nearly all the games in the series have a plot along these lines: In the land of Gensokyo (a Fantasy Kitchen Sink in Japan which exists halfway inside Another Dimension thanks to a powerful magical barrier), some Big Bad with a lot of Applied Phlebotinum on their hands has gotten bored and decided to mess with the laws of nature. Miko Reimu Hakurei or magician Marisa Kirisame, due to annoyance and greed respectively (occasionally with playable versions of bosses from previous games thrown in for kicks), must go out and fix the problem. They spend the first 2 levels wandering aimlessly, and defeating random monsters/people that have no relation to the Big Bad. The third boss, however, happens to know something about the incident and points them in the right direction. The fifth boss is the Big Bad's Battle Butler, and the sixth boss is the Big Bad herself. After defeating the Big Bad, the main character will have a tea party with the Big Bad and their Battle Butler, and then be asked to perform some task which involves defeating the Big Bad's Rival, which takes the form of the game's ultra-difficult Extra stage.

This is pretty accurate.

>> No.2065804

I don't see a problem with this.

>> No.2065805

I don't see anything inaccurate
Although the way they write out the description sound very troll-like although I'm not sure if that's just how tvtropes people are.

>> No.2065810

oh boy, here we go again... see you guys next month.

>> No.2065812

It made me lol

>> No.2065818

Yeah, welcome to the Internet headquarters of armchair literary criticism.

Also, they're right.

>> No.2065816

Reading this made me lol and is one of the reasons why I decided to give Touhou a try in the first place.

>> No.2065819

"Critics" have as bad of opinions as any normal person, but at least I can't say this was just made up.

>> No.2065820

Inb4 Trolls and shitstorm

>> No.2065828

Touhou really isn't that great. It's just a doujin shooting game series with a lot of fan made shit based on it.

>> No.2065841

TVTropes is a ridiculously shitty site and you shouldn't take it seriously or give it any attention whatsoever.

Touhou is a generic series of games with a rather contrived plot and you shouldn't take it too seriously either.

In other words, this thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.2065834


Hey guys, there's no way that this is just a humoristic website with tongue-in-cheek autoreferential sarcasm and all that jazz. I mean, it's serious shit, rite?

>> No.2065833


Same here.
I do love to peruse tvtropes every now and then. Really brings you back down to earth and stomps on your head a few times, you know?

>> No.2065858

>tea party with the Big Bad and their Battle Butler
>their Battle Butler
AAAAHHHH!!! If the editors are true armchair literary critics, shouldn't they be using "her" instead?

>> No.2065862

It's actually quite a good article

>> No.2065871

That's funny. tvtropes makes _me_ rage because completely slobber over ZUN's cock. Every single gaming entry, particularly regarding difficulty, has at least twenty references to Touhou and how ohmygod hard it is. Does Flandre Scarlet need a vague entry in every single article with 5 other confirmations from other people? That would be yes.

It’s almost as irritating as reading youtube comments for other shmups, a habit I certainly need to stop. An army of touhou-obsessed morons that know precisely shit all about anything come out of the woodwork and try to coax people into the series. Extra rage points for incorrect difficulty comparisons on other games TLB fights.

>> No.2065878

Tvtropes is love.

>> No.2065892

For the vast majority of people games like Touhou are extremely difficult. You can't blame people in the west for not knowing about other shooting games. It's a dead genre here.

>> No.2065899

It's not meant to troll. It's meant to give detail and have reasons to link to other pages.

>> No.2065952
File: 85 KB, 479x360, 1234404418910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But seriously bro you just gotta learn to avoid most of the anime tropes and it becomes the second best time wasting site on the web.

>> No.2065961

No, I think the tvtropes people hate fans and don't have any friends.

>> No.2065987


>> No.2066005

Anime articles are not the only ones that are a complete bullshit. You just notice it there because you actually know something about anime (and, yes, you do know something about it, otherwise you wouldn't be here).

This site is an example of why Wikipedia needs to delete everything that's not followed by a citation. Let teenage idiots write freely and you end up with a pile of self-indulgent crap.

>> No.2066014

age for truths

>> No.2066076

What's the point of this stupid site?

>> No.2066083

But that's precisely the beauty of it. Like /jp/, it's a place where people can dump their knowledge about the subject matter, except it stays there instead of getting deleted in a day. Certainly not of high academic value, but as people have stated, it's just an entertaining time-waster, and can lead you new series to try out, not because their summaries necessarily sound enticing, but because you got linked there from an example of a quirky trope you were reading.

I do agree that their sense of humor is rather hit and miss miss miss, though.

>> No.2066097

Actually, I think you're an idiot, and thus belong there.
I mean
What the fuck, seriously
>Fujiwara no Mokou !!mGXYMm0qKk/
No need to explain this
And promoting nonsense like that.

>> No.2066103

he's literally from pooshlmer

>> No.2066111

surely you can come up with a better reason than "oh no a tripcode user!" for why you think he's an idiot. his channel is fine, it's basically touhou radio.

>> No.2066112

Well, that explains a lot

>> No.2066118

sup Fujiwara no Mokou !!mGXYMm0qKk/
Also, the channel content is almost alright, the users in it aren't. And tripfags are by default an annoyance, never say they were supposed to be stupid for that.

>> No.2066122

Stop trying to defend tripcode users. Their presence is not wanted.

>> No.2066133

>armchair literary critics
Yeah, basically. So why do you even take any of the shit there seriously? Or even visit the site in the first place?

>> No.2066137

Hey buddy hate to break it to you but they are right.

>> No.2066155

Nobody said they weren't, idiot

>> No.2066160

>it's a place where people can dump their knowledge about the subject matter

Yeah, but it's kinda like letting middle-schoolers make a site about particle physics. The end result may represent all they know, but it's not really knowledge, it's just stuff they made up.

Yeah, I know, entertainment is not particle physics. But still... I wouldn't even mind them making their shit up if it was, you know, consistent and logical. But it's just a few people making up contrived patterns and a few more fans trying to forcefully fit their favourite series into them. It's not like it has something interesting you wouldn't have heard of otherwise. And if it has, it's hidden below all the fanwankery.

>> No.2066276

>And tripfags are by default an annoyance, never say they were supposed to be stupid for that.

Yeah, well read the post that was quoted.

>Actually, I think you're an idiot
>Fujiwara no Mokou !!mGXYMm0qKk/
>No need to explain this

I think the conclusion trying to be drawn there is obvious.

I am sorry to say that I do not share the view that a tripcode user automatically sucks. They should be judged by the quality of their posts, not some arbitrary belief that all tripcode users must be attention whores who corrupt the concept/implementation of anonymous image boards.

>> No.2066294

I've nothing against any other Touhou sites themselves, but I've actually honestly never even heard of it until people here started bashing it for months. Nice derailing of topic on hand, by the way. One thing I like about wikis like TV Tropes and Encyclepedia Dramatica, despite my many gripes with them, is that there's less censorship than Wikipedia. I strongly dislike the thought hating anything, but censorship is something that falls in that category. As a matter of fact, what attracted me to 4chan is not the mindless "Anonymous is legion lol" chant but rather Anonymous' war against censorship, and consider myself a comrade in said GAR battle (despite usually thinking like the rest of the hivemind anyways). I like people being free do do as they please as long as it's reasonable, and also be held responsible for their actions. As a matter of fact, I posted as Anonymous until I saw that thread about how there's only 7 people on /jp/ and thought it sounded too ronery. I wouldn't be using the name "Fujiwara no Mokou" if I actually cared about e-pen, and I would never link to my other actual websites or web-personae that aren't /jp/ related.

I know, and that's precisely why having fun browsing for a while until I couldn't stand the lame jokes anymore I haven't gone back for half a year until I saw this thread. Still, like a webcomic, it makes for a fun quick read now and then until you've finished the articles you care about.

>> No.2066300

>I am sorry to say that I do not share the view that a tripcode user automatically sucks. They should be judged by the quality of their posts, not some arbitrary belief that all tripcode users must be attention whores who corrupt the concept/implementation of anonymous image boards.

The why use a tripcode at all?

>> No.2066315

I do it because I know it pisses guys like you off, it's like free trolling even when I make posts that aren't aimed to do that. :3c

>> No.2066322


>> No.2066325

Do you feel good about it, trolling innocent anons?

>> No.2066339
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But particle physics is fun

>> No.2066341

Fujiwara no Mokou !!mGXYMm0qKk/ is a shit poster that has just fallen into a new low by defending shit sties without any redeeming quality ITT. Happy now?
But you're hilarious, CurryButt. A genuinely funny jester in a court of wannabes.

>> No.2066342
File: 7 KB, 300x276, 1234409814861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i trol u feels good mannn

>> No.2066347
File: 11 KB, 460x344, 1234409866613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dawww thanks anon, have my marisa fanart as a gift.

>> No.2066349

You are living shit, you know?

>> No.2066360


>> No.2066359
File: 16 KB, 555x535, 1234409980632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living shit

Did you just realize this?

>> No.2066371

Marisa looks like a bitch in that pic

>> No.2066376

No, just saying

>> No.2066374

/jp/ - Tripfags

>> No.2066433

Fair enough.

>> No.2066448
File: 46 KB, 500x550, 1234410727811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, but to me there's nearly nothing without redeeming qualities (other than goatse), and there's always something appreciate, if not like! As with everything else, I always try to look at both the pros and cons. I defend things overly criticized while pointing out the flaws of things overly praised, regardless of how much I like or dislike them, and I'm quite the determinator. For example, I actually think tripcodes look ugly as sin and should be hidden, and only show along with the email when people put the cursor over it. Or perhaps they can be eliminated altogether as long as there's some other solution to preventing others from masquerading as them. Indeed, it's ugliness is the reason I did not post with them for a good while.
However, because people tend to behave irrationally towards all tripcode users as if it invalidated the actual post, I defend it even though I rather dislike it myself. There's always room for more love and optimism! Peace out!

>> No.2066457

Ah, but to me there's nearly nothing without redeeming qualities (other than goatse), and there's always something appreciate. As with everything else, I always try to look at both the pros and cons. I defend things overly criticized while pointing out the flaws of things overly praised, regardless of how much I like or dislike them, and I'm quite the determinator. For example, I actually think tripcodes look ugly as sin and should be hidden, and only show along with the email when people put the cursor over it. Or perhaps they can be eliminated altogether as long as there's some other solution to preventing others from masquerading as them. Indeed, it's ugliness is the reason I did not post with them for a good while. However, because people tend to behave irrationally towards all tripcode users as if it invalidated the actual post, I defend it even though I rather dislike it myself.

>> No.2066478

The don't use it.
I mean, seriously, WHY do you use a tripcode?

>> No.2066497

Because he feels like it. I think you're more of a faggot because you have a problem with it than he is for using one.

>> No.2066504

I wanna be the board's superstar poster

>> No.2066507
File: 26 KB, 292x466, 1234411370253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you're hilarious, CurryButt. A genuinely funny jester in a court of wannabes.

>genuinely funny

I hope you're being sarcastic.

He's just an idiot seeking for attention.

Ah, the afternoon was so free of tripcodes and their usual lol I'm witty and trolltastic xD bullshit... /jp/ sucks tonight.

>> No.2066511

posting just to get rid of tripcode

>> No.2066524

>/jp/ sucks tonight.
/jp/ always sucks

>> No.2066526

Maybe it's just me, but the triphating wasn't this... vocal before the retarded /a/ and /jp/ switch.

>> No.2066529

>/jp/ sucks tonight
Indeed, I thought nights were always safe

>> No.2066540

Well, we had enough of that nonsense

>> No.2066556


>> No.2066562

You guys weren't so butthurt in the past either.

>> No.2066569

Steer clear of the /b/ spam and leave this thread. It's not so bad.

>> No.2066584

Dunno, I don't feel more butthurt than usual. Of course, I haven't read this thread so I might be missing out on something life-changing.

>> No.2066590

Tripfags just seek attention, why take them seriously.
The best things /jp/ has produced have been anonymous.

>> No.2066597


>> No.2066604

if i got a trip everyone would hate me since 90% of my posts get past the ironymeter

>> No.2066617
File: 546 KB, 2336x3504, 1234412325897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards. There are bad trip users and good trip users and there are bad anons and good anons. Stop lumping people together and posting some retarded /b/ hivemind legun garbage.

>> No.2066628

I expected that

>> No.2066641

I don't mind tripcodes. No, really.

But /jp/ tripcodes are fucking crybabies. You don't give them attention and starting adverting they're being annoying(and this is a fact) and that's what you get:


See what I'm talking about?

>> No.2066646

I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.2068144

I don't care, because tvtropes.org is the best page the internet has ever produced. EVER.

>> No.2068147


Sage for curry.

>> No.2068150

Sorry if this has been posted (skimmed the thread and Ctrl+f'd for nothing so I guess it hasn't)


>> No.2069092

The interface of
fapper ieatbeaver carpeteater gayniggerlol irapeu hate: the fact that he horrific. fear of lighters i. is
tendency to just charge into?

>> No.2069092,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2069092,2 [INTERNAL] 

>I wanna be the board's superstar poster
