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20354127 No.20354127 [Reply] [Original]

Reimu is kind she has youkai friends so she will be okay with my appearance!

>> No.20354819
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>> No.20354867

why is Reimu so shit at youkai extermination
95% of them just return back to life so what's the point
not even touching the subject of her being wrecked by some mountain kappas.

>> No.20355157
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I just wanted to be your friend!

>> No.20355218

>why is Reimu so shit at youkai extermination
Because touhou is badly written.

>> No.20355346

>shit at youkai extermination
In most cases it's a euphemism. If youkai didn't have human enemies they'd lack a reason to exist, so she usually just beats them up until they promise to stop whatever it is they were doing. And youkai are bound by their word far more than humans are. If the only way to stop an enemy from causing trouble is to solve the enemy's personal problems, then Reimu will grumble a lot but she's willing to do that if it means peace.

The only time she switches tactics is when she thinks her enemy is truly incapable of changing its ways. There's a lot of nonsapient or insane youkai that she's killed or sealed away instead of beating up. Heck, even Marisa killed a youkai in FS and that was before the fortuneteller showed up.

>> No.20358995
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Because she's not a youkai exterminator.
Have you read FS?

>> No.20360022

Said the youkai.

>> No.20361776

She must justify her salary somehow.

>> No.20367049


>> No.20369401

Reimu "If his skin is gray, he's not okay" Hakurei.

>> No.20369428

Reimu would never hurt anyone!

>> No.20369957

Why the heck was FS so fucking edgy with all the politics bullshit? What was ZUN thinking? I thought Gensokyo is a peaceful place where girls play danmaku to solve their conflicts.

>> No.20370141

It is. Going on that though, there's a lot of places that AREN'T Gensokyo, like the various hells and netherworlds and demon realms. ZUN should make something about what happens in them when Reimu isn't around to force everyone into danmaku duels.

>> No.20373220

You know that's a bitter revision I'm sure.

>> No.20373246

sad lads enjoy dubs that are apartheid and discredit anti-disestablishmentarianism of the consumerist pseudo government and slave religions vying for the mcnugget populations forgetting the faces of daddy, and youtube business is "good".
>evil dad

>> No.20374973

You need to expand the lore to keep selling stuff and give fans fanfic materials to work with.

>> No.20375001

Raymoo is literally so powerful all the slowly dying youkai had to make up a more peaceful rule so that their asses wouldn't keep getting assblasted by the shrine maiden.

Don't fuck with Reimu kudasai

>> No.20376576

Only to female youkais

>> No.20377165

If you know what page that's on I can tell you.

>> No.20377185

Hey you,stop already, your word games only betray a lack of constructive ideas, don't quote me on that though.

>> No.20377213

Hey yo stop already, your word games only betray a lack of constructive ideas, don't quote me on that though.

>> No.20377218

Inspector, of these men is an Italian!

>> No.20377573

