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19238805 No.19238805 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't watched a video this fun in a while. Let's share some cool MMDs.

>> No.19248424

As I said before, great new MMD content is becoming harder to find because MMDers becoming less and less devoted and motivated to their hobby or interests shifting in general, leading to the decline of content creation (arranges, hand-drawns, MMDs notably). Add to that the legendary reliability of MMDers biting the dust on any missed opportunity to move on, computer crash, attempt on a more ambitious project or copyright strike. It looks like MMDers are the most fragile type of arti... I mean content producers, especially when they do have potential and great ideas. Ironically, the most opportunist part (reproduction MMDs, picture-card shows, yukkuri-voiced let's plays and comedies or heavy yuukuri voice users in general) resists much better.

Also, I already posted many links to recent or ongoing productions before so I won't repeat them here (search warosu.org for MMD threads).

Therefore I suggest to dig into the past to see what great content MMDers had to offer those last 8 years. I begin by Delphi471, not the greatest content but some good ideas. Too bad he somewhat suffered from lack of free time or motivation:

Unexpected surprise from けぜめ for the 19th MMD cup: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31765137

GAMI (have a nice time): http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/49555863/video

Who doesn't know K16? http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/37452766 (also: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYCJ0X5bQVWXIApEkFxQqZg/videos?disable_polymer=1))

This thing also became a milestone: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16945065

Koishi's treasure: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27965464
It has been subbed by Touhousubs, but not reprinted (go to his public folder: https://mega.nz/#F!m401zCSB!CBHbsl2lX-bCckGdGVoRbA!flFGADgR).). This work is typical of MMDers with great potential quickly biting the dust. This was so much of a breath of fresh air compared to the rubbish picture-card-showy, yukkuri-voiced, lack of good writing that constituted the rest of the production at the time (some of them are good nonetheless).

I also like things made by Deco, but he somewhat bit the dust and also deleted his incomplete videos: http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/591288/video

People often talk about Harumao but much less about Sawaya (さわや) and his long Hidden Biosphere MMD horror drama: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/51091691

One of the most mylisted videos with the MikuMikuDance tag is one featuring 2hus: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15356096

That's what I've got for the moment. May post more later.

>> No.19259566
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MMD reclined very hard over the last few years.

>> No.19262749

Note that these are just my impressions. Some might tell you otherwise depending on the type of video they're after. Real quality content has become rarer and rarer, and I feel like the entire scene is constantly pulled to the bottom. But that's how I feel. I'm perhaps a bit jaded after following and watching MMDs for 8 years.

More of what I consider milestones (ironically, a vast majority of them were posted during MMD cups):

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22887980 (MMD band video focusing on instrument playing movement accuracy)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28213597 (another one by the same author)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32725727 (and another one again)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20101046 (dogfight -- MMD Cup 10)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22219887 (PV -- Koware Miku in action)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26074023 (Koware Miku again)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16728341 (one of D-2's early attempts -- the charm of those early dogfight videos that you'll never find again)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9993796 (another one)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15354966 (another one from D-2)

I'll next post aborted promising attempts or series by MMDers who bit the dust (more or less, some are just rarely active, but some have flat-out vanished)

>> No.19262836

I find something deeply weird about the skin textures being used by this line of models. It's like they're made of soft plastic.

>> No.19262892

Some MME shaders offer material presets that you have to assign to each part of a model separately. Well used, it lends to amazing results but badly used it lends to weird effects.

>> No.19265203

Does anyone here have a good DL link to a Mami Tomoe MMD? I can't find a good one with decent shapekeys for the life of me.

inb4 head jokes

>> No.19270687

Post lewd MMDs.

>> No.19278567

Not very hard to find. Just paste that into your address bar and sort by Mylist count: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/R-18%20%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9MMD

As said earlier, some dust biting MMDers. Specimens who gave up or went silent because of either doxxing, computer crash, personal problem, la me choices at some point, missed opportunity to move on, any possible lame excuse or simply carelessness.

One of the most emblematic cases. Siraseuni was the author of an epic MMD series called Red Alert. 9 episodes were planned originally. As of early 2014, she was one of the most prolific and promising MMDer with impressive use of MME effects and After Effects editing. Except, everything changed from early 2015 where she experienced data loss through a computer failure of some kind. Then began the quest for lame plans and ideas for an upcoming reboot called Scarlet Alert. That reboot never came out. The teaser which was posted in 2015 was deleted very recently. She also missed an opportunity to come back for a collab video last year (Touhou Tales of the Unusual). Her Twitter has been locked for more than 3 years now. Most probably one of the most cryptic MMDer to date and the best example of wasting a good series. Being pragmatic being way too hard for an MMDer apparently, starting Act7 part2 all over was the best sikution by far, but no. She decided otherwise.

Her series mylist: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/31725954
Other one-shot videos: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/35119067

Another crushed hope of an MMDer. Shin-chan. Was active from 2012 to 2016 I think. Made various collab and dance videos. Author of the "acclaimed" series (depends for who), the Maid Who Leapt through time. Created this series in reaction to lame and low-effort yukkuri-voiced picture-card shows and comedies cluttering Nico Nico at the time. Apparently wrote offensive comments on one of an author of those's Twitter. Retired because of doxxing in 2016.

Remains of his series:

>> No.19278610

Now, typical examples of people's life drastically changing and preventing them to have any kind of freetime again. Yumemakura and Yumu. The first one did drop a note on Twitter but the latter just vanished in a middle of a series with the status on a possible second part forever frozen to "I think it should be possible shortly". Yumemakura made Kioshi's Treasure (see above).

Yumu's mylist: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/49365839

Those example makes you wonder why it's always those kind of works which suffer. It's not the audience or viewers fault as those works clearly have success. It's just the state of the MMD scene. Devoted and caring people are always stroked by those problems whereas people throwing less effort seem to last forever. In the same vein, we also have Tensuke (who abandonned a PV project and preferred doing short Momiji eating videos on Twitter instead): http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/29841333/video

Some people want to take the path of full voice. Nothing wrong with that (as Nagatsuki_chaka showed) except going full voice isn't just a matter of finding voice actors, make them perform and plaster their performance on your video, without any sort of anticipation or foresight. A thing that Yomi will never understand: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/46253127

Result? 2 years of inactivity, no communication whatsoever (what's his Twitter for?), Cookie comments on his videos and his series plunged in quality when it became full voice only (focus on lewd scenes and boobies instead of story). Now he's finding lame excuses justifying his 2-year inactivity. He could have instead continued the subs-only version alongside the full voice one, as he planned originally but no again. Pragmatism is definitely not for an MMDer. Also incapable of predicting completion of a work (puts a date, then delays, then delays again, then delays again and again then... changes his plans... then on next episode finally puts nothing).

To end here, Bebe Siamese going silent in a middle of a promising series again ("personal problems" for the last news given) and In_situ for vanishing some time in 2014 (Studies ? New job ?), also in a middle of really nice series.

Bebe Siamese: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxBvm3Ygi4YgHPbL5jPyZg/videos?disable_polymer=1
In_situ: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/37663452

There are many examples remaining (people melting down on Twitter then coming back, people who block me on Twitter because I quote them but finally ragequiting completely, etc), I won't list them here, as i think it's enough already. It should help to most in understanding how MMDers seem to function and emphasis how particular and "special" (as for "weird") they are as a type of content creators.

Also, not talking about people who make nice PVs only to delete them a year after (after collecting like 400 mylists and screwing up ad tickets viewers may have thrown at them). I know some are because of copyright strikes but some others are because of the typical artist meltdown ragequitting and expecting his viewers to perfectly understand the reasons for ragequitting (as if we were all artists pscychanalists and experts).

Some will cringe at the long post, but there's nowhere I can talk about that. I know most won't care but for the few who care, they may feel comforted in their views by watching the MMD scene over the years and desperetely looking for true quality content.

>> No.19281371

>Cookie comments on his videos
a fate worse than 削除

Some of my last hope is in asa toshi. He hasn't given up yet, it seems, and the burning meiling has gotten better and better.

>> No.19290421

Some hopes remain in people like Zen, LVgatari, Nagatsuki_chaka and Iruchiyaro (イルチヤロ) too. Also, we have to keep an eye at what it may have during the 10th Nico Dousai Festival (even if I suspect lots of the usual questionable and lazy stuff).

My posts made me sound like there's nothing left anymore but it depends on what you're looking for. Unfortunately, it looks like it's an admitted fact that ground-breaking and incredible content is getting rarer everyday. We won't have people like 3.3mm, Clearbitch, Aikuchi, Kani and Daba anymore. We do still have nice and interesting videos from time to time. They're not like what those I mentioned were capable of but it's still a nice consolation.

I wish however we had more action videos, nice PVs and less yukkuri voice, picture-card shows, gags and "tries to be funny" videos. Whatever I write, I still come to the conclusion that the current Touhou MMD scene lacks maturity (and it's not a question of age).

>> No.19292884

How lewd are we talking about?

>> No.19300217

Good post. Will check them later.
