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File: 21 KB, 110x93, 1504082133016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19158828 No.19158828 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:
http://pastebin.com/vmW2qYkD (embed)

http://pastebin.com/HcTtYVsn (embed)

>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.77 (30/04/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.77.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.19158837

I wanted to request the original map0.bmp file. I made some changes to mine and the game now won't work at all haha..

>> No.19158889
File: 30 KB, 480x384, comf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elona with actual sprites and animation when

>> No.19159141
File: 292 KB, 1344x712, Nouvelle image Bitmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the Ehekatl fight
There was a little scare, but aside from being longer, i was able to shit her up easily.

Cloud beast shit was literal.
Shits of cloud beasts, 85stones each ( normally they're 100stones, but you can't throw 100stones and more no matter your strength it seems )

>> No.19159199

you should've fireproofed your shits.

>> No.19159321

I did i did. Acidproofed too, because i could.
I just forgot for a moment in my panic of a possible 9999999MEWMEWMEW ending my playthrough.

>> No.19159390

when i become successful in my gamedev anon i will. also buy 4ch too

>> No.19159837

Holy shit I am bad at pixel art.
Trying to render visible eyes AND glasses onto a 48x48 sprite as a novice is misery.

>> No.19160739

The problem isn't the size of the sprite, its how zoomed out the game is. I'm lucky that I have a fetish for not being able to see eyes so I had no intention to ever make any.

>> No.19160765

Is there a limit to how a pet stat can grow per level or can you just make a level 20 pet with 100+ Str?

>> No.19160935

Of course

>> No.19161415

you mean with gene engineering? every splice gives 0.5*difference to each attribute capped at +20 for each stat
for normal growth, skill and attribute experience contribute to level growth, so how many levels a pet could gain in strength would depend on her level and her current strength. just let her cook breakfast and give her all your gold to keep her potentials up.

>> No.19161426

+10 I mean

>> No.19161448

Wow that is a not nice sound language

>> No.19161459

My Mia has almost 100 strength at level 28 without being fed anything special, you can easily reach that high at level 20 with proper food investment on top of keeping her potentials high.

>> No.19162802
File: 4 KB, 255x15, Ia! Ia! Cthulu ftahgn!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.19163480


herb food and keeping potentials high

>> No.19163558

Is there any reason I should put off finishing Act III?

>> No.19163794

The only thing i can think off is getting statues of the unique characters in the battle after killing the God of Chaos. Which amount to 3 bioprinters ( there's three others, but you can kill them outside the battle ). One more bioprinter for the special hostile. Can't get their cards, the 3 are allies and so don't drop anything, and the critter is unkillable.

Aside from that, as far as i know, no.

>> No.19163968

So I got all four gifts of Kumiromi and he was my first God. Should I buy a new ranch for God pets let the cute fairy breed another one, send the original to the dojo and then switch to another God until I got all gifts?

>> No.19164014

Get at least Itpaltz sculpture so you don't have to worry about cursed food anymore. It's only 100k.

>> No.19164017

Does beating Act III close down the god furniture store?

>> No.19164025


>> No.19164207

i could code but i couldn't draw for the life of me

>> No.19164247

i could feel the vodka from across the internet

>> No.19165627

i wish we could zoom in

>> No.19166271

Just change the resolution or something.

>> No.19166276

doesn't work, everything is still super tiny.

>> No.19166325

get closer to your monitor
use windows magnifier
use an actual magnifier on your monitor
all of the above

>> No.19166333

None of those work well enough. The game is much less pretty than it could be because its so zoomed out.

>> No.19166382

Have you tried playing on full screen with the lowest resolution?
If that's still tiny to you I am gonna assume you are playing from a mile away from your monitor for ants.

>> No.19166385

I was about to receive Defender when it said my party was full. I didn't choose "decline gift." If I pray again with the appropriate amount of favor, can I still receive Defender?

>> No.19166395

My monitor is fucking huge. The game looked better on my old one, which was for ants. On any setting the sprites are too small to really be appreciated this zoomed out.

>> No.19166412

There is a guide I think in one of pastebins to get a "new" higher resolution, it works perfectly if you've got an AMD card, I couldn't get it to work for the life of me on Nvidia card.

>> No.19166464

It's reserved. Just open a slot then pray again to get your gift. I think you lost favor for doing that though. Make sure you pass the threshold before praying again

>> No.19166482

A huge monitor with the game on fullscreen and it's lowest resolution should show you a very ugly ass "zoomed in" elona. I'm sure you didn't even try it.

>> No.19166502

Yea bro I just decided to say its not zoomed in enough without trying anything bro. Totally bro.

I'm Nvidia too but its worth a shot

>> No.19166626
File: 2.18 MB, 640x360, Zoom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the crap quality of the vid from my phone. What we have here is ... a AutoHotKey script that I found and slightly altered. My desktop is 1920x1080, Elona set to 1000x700 Windowed. Basically you draw a rectangle and this is now your magnifier field. First half of the vid shows me walking around with it up. Second half shows the rectangle border next to my cheat-sheet, I zoom in and out a bit. I can zoom in much more than that.

So, thing is, you'll see a delay on animations because I set the refresh to 30ms. Going higher will most likely cause issues. For example, opening my browser with this up can lock my comp, forcing a hard reset. I assume it's due to what the script is calling on to render things zoomed. Can't use Media Player Classic either. I was successful with running a doujin game zoomed so maybe it has something to do with directX, I dunno. As long as I kill the magnifier before using my browser, I can run the comp for as long as I want. Played Elona for many hours without issue. If I could lower the MS delay I could have Elona go fullspeed zoomed but it's just too much of a risk, comp is quite old also.

It's not a great solution but I'm thankful for what I have, it's enough. Let's me play with a wireless controller on a flat screen in bed and be able to read the damn text. Also, it's not like Elona has jaw-dropping animation and I can see things animated, like Particle Cannon ... but it's delayed slightly.

>> No.19167008


>> No.19167275
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, obsElona1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used the OBS preview option as a zoom on some games before. I don't know if its zoomed in enough, though.
It can be kind of resource-intensive, though.

>> No.19167401

>OBS preview option
I actually have this installed, ha. I need to check this out! Thanks.

>> No.19167414

Or you can, you know, just run the game in fullscreen mode and get it even bigger.

>> No.19167460

When I run Elona in fullscreen it just goes borderless and locks itself to the top-right of the screen without stretching. I might be doing something wrong.

>> No.19167473

What resolution are you using?
Try a few different ones, I had the same issue with some of them.

>> No.19167497
File: 19 KB, 400x317, 1438875270767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was using custom 1200x900, and 800x600 did the same so I just assumed it was fucked.
It seems like half the resolutions work and the other half don't.

>> No.19167588

Or you know, maybe, just maybe, I don't want fullscreen. Shocking I know. People having different wants/needs? Sheer madness!

>> No.19167602

Max is ANY#x867 I believe. Capped at 867 or 887. Makes things a bit troublesome.

>> No.19167618

Yeah, when I set it to 1200x900 the screen settings say 1200x868, but its close enough that I don't mind.

>> No.19167626

Forgot to mention that cap is for window mode. Not sure how fullscreen works.

>> No.19167894

Resource hit is fine for me. Having problems, killing me since this is what I wanted to start with.

Always On Top fails. I click into Elona and see an infinite cascade of the Elona window in OBS. Disabling Always On Top fixes that but now I can't see OBS. Can't seem to resize the viewing area to my liking as well. Yes I disablie the Control Panel to get it out of the way. Other than that it does fine, could work with those issues gone. Damn.

>> No.19167922

Are you using window capture? It sounds like you're using monitor capture.

>> No.19167964

Window cap. Found the issue. OBS can't overlap the game window. Making sure OBS stays away from Elona's borders fixes it. This means I cannot stretch the OBS window for a bigger/better view. Really disappointing, so close but so far. Also tried putting Elona off screen beyond 1920, no dice. OBS will only render Elona's window still within desktop area. Past that is considered dead.

>> No.19168113

I'm not sure whats going on. You do need to have Elona in focus, or else it runs slow/freezes, but I can slide it off screen and it still works. If you get that figured out I can explain how I get the rest set up.
To get the viewing area to the full window you can right click on a source, go to properties and in the pop up click "set base resolution". If you already have the preview up turn it off and back on. Right click on the preview window and click Preview>Scale to fit, and Position/Size>Reset Size. You might have to center it, too. This should put the entire Elona window in the preview.
Once that's set up you can go into the source again and select a sub-region. This puts an overlay on Elona and you can drag the edges of the box and drag it around. If you set up a sub-region and you want it to fill the preview window, right click on the preview and Position/Size>Fit to screen.

I find that I can get this all set up, set the preview to fullscreen, and then alt+tab to Elona, but the fullscreen preview will remain on top and so long as I don't click and use keyboard only it runs smooth.

>> No.19168141
File: 812 KB, 1920x1080, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it to work, sadly it's not what I wanted but it is something. Check the pic. Issues came from Scale to fit mode. Had to set 1:1 mode, make sure OBS respected Elona's window border. So frustrating since OBS was really close to what I had wanted. Has the functions and features, but what I want wasn't what they intended. It came down to luck if I could have it do what I wanted. Seems it won't. I wanted to be able to take a full window and fit inside a magnified window and run at full speed. OBS does all this, but it won't play nice in the process. Really needed Scale to fit and the ability to have Always on Top regardless of whether or not it intersected with the source window. Ah well.

>> No.19168151

its a shame you gotta jump through so many hoops to play see elona like this. it looks so much better in the little box.

>> No.19168154

Hm, well I'll try this in a bit, I'll see where it takes me

>> No.19168188

You never said you didn't want fullscreen, you just complained about things being tiny, I was just trying to help.
Going through OBS is a hassle and there was a better alternative which you seemed to ignore for no reason to me, had you been clear from the start we wouldn't have to act like a pair of whiny faggots right now.

>> No.19168200

brb developing psychic powers to know you don't want fullscreen so you don't throw a hissy fit like a little girl over someone trying to be nice

>> No.19168330
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1521774893901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody UPLOAD map0.bmp please?

>> No.19168359

Timestamp 2 mins apart, hahaha. Ok whatever. The only whiny fag here is you. I'm not >>19166502 I simply responded to him with my solution. My webm shows what I do. I clearly stated my specs and how I go about things.

Another anon mentioned OBS, which I had ... I used it briefly years ago. I streamed The Legend of Heroes 2nd chapter to my girlfriend to show her the silly shit in the game. I had no idea it could be used how he described. that's why I mentioned >OBS preview option

I never complained, I've just been poking away at an interesting option that I didn't know I had. Oh and ...
>My desktop is 1920x1080, Elona set to 1000x700 Windowed
Bit of a hint there.

>> No.19168373


Here ya go

>> No.19168441


>> No.19168936

>Evolved Fire Dragon Child to the third evolution instantly
>Never see her use Boost or Megid Flame
>AI custom doesn't show the skill
Did I fuck up? Do I need to get a new Fire Dragon Child and grind Evolution Items?

>> No.19168959

Try re-initializing actions in the custom ai menu.

>> No.19169103

I disagree. Imagine playing on 1960x1080 fullscreen WITHOUT stretching pixels. How awesome would that be?

>> No.19169748

All I can say is, I really hope ElonaFoobar can offer more than just being a port from HSP to C++. Allow Elona to be brought into a more modern age. Resize-able window and GUI for Window or fullscreen modes. Larger sprites without things becomming awkward. Maybe even allow actual animations. I can hope, right?

Just to be clear, I'm not saying foobar can do these things now or in the future. I'm just saying I'd be nice to see some forward progress since C++ can do many things. Sad to say but Elona isn't a Little Girl anymore yet hasn't grown.

>> No.19169756

speaking of elona but prettier, is ellin good?

>> No.19169895

it's in limbo until dev finds new artist

>> No.19170190

>Reading the comments of the perverts who said they want to drink pee straight from the source gave me an idea. What if there were a special action for suckling? In fact, forced breastfeeding seems like a crazy and excellent idea...

>> No.19170197

I like you.

>> No.19171096

I want to try a caster character next, but I've heard they are a complicated pain compared to fighters

Any tips?

>> No.19171183

Pick warmage.
As a rule of thumb, raw magic > elemental magic for general combat. Though until you get into mage guild you'll have to make do with what you get.
If you're completely eschewing melee either use a pet as a tank or take dimensional move to gtfo without spending precious MP.
They're not really that complicated, you just need to keep an eye on spell stock and MP. Early game you're also going to need something other than magic to kill shit, since you'll probably run out of MP after three darts that will do barely any damage.
On the upside, whatever you're attacking will get hit, period.

>> No.19171198

I might consider branching into guns or bows, or doing dual wielding because battlemage is my fetish

Why not wizard?

>> No.19171332

Flat 5% bonus casting chance. Wizard gives you a 10% MP discount which isn't really that much. Early game you're not going to notice it since again, you can only cast a couple of spells without running out of MP. Later on you're not going to give a flying fuck about costs.
Moreover, if you're planning on DWing you're also getting the -6% cast chance that goes with it. Warmage essentially brings that down to -1%. There's the shield trick, but it has limitations and it stops training DW, so that's not really ideal.

>> No.19171387

>shield trick
What do you mean?

>> No.19171432

I want to create new character but I've read that I should create a gene to save my precious items
however, to create a gene I need to raise the relationship with a pet and I'm having a lot of trouble with that

>> No.19171446

Just had a Euryale crawl out of a well and start screaming in the middle of Venris that she'd give me pocket money. To be fair to her, she did. About 1,000 or so. And she didn't even attack me, she attacked the guy that was behind me. Too bad she scared the shit out of me and I already attacked her once so I couldn't let her live.

>> No.19171450

Dual (or triple, or whatever) wielding while wearing a shield/tonfa/claw results in the game shitting bricks.
The -6% doesn't apply anymore, DW doesn't train, shield starts training. In older versions it also ignored weapon weight for DW purposes and it prevented additional weapons from multi hits, not sure if it's still that way.

>> No.19171451

Let your bet of choice go hog wild in hunting missions or in dungeons killing everything.

>> No.19171459

Don't you get the -% from the shield instead though?

>> No.19171469

that's what I was doing, but its taking a fucking lot of time

>> No.19171474

Like 20 minutes of killdudes in the puppy cave should be enough.

>> No.19171486

Not that anon, I've read having a claw/tonfa in the 3rd hand or beyond triggers the trick.

Taken from http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Claw

When you have 3 or more hands that are not carrying a shield, and wear a claw on one of them, the penalty for wielding a heavy weapon while dual wielding is removed. This exactly the same as using a shield, including the fact that the dual wield skill does not train.

They do not give a shield casting penalty, when worn on a second hand. Additionally, when you have 3 or more hands as described above, and are not carrying a shield, wearing a claw on one of them, the casting penalty while dual wielding is eliminated. Wearing a shield will override the bonus of the claw and give the full shield casting penalty.

>> No.19171530




>> No.19171534

Just checked and yes, as >>19171486 said, actual shields give their natural 5% penalty. Pseudo-shields like tonfas and claws do not.

>> No.19171544

Wizard of Elea with custom AI can settle $ and $$ Hunting quests alone 90% of the time at the start of the game. They bulldoze it in 1 min flat. All for 1100g to the Slave Trader. Want overkill? Buy a second. Keep in mind killing blow nets relationship. Second Wiz is purely contingency. Of course this assumes that you don't care who your waifu is. You simply want a quick bonus via gene.

>> No.19171554

Bear in mind genes will not transfer "Precious" items. The ones that actually have a line saying it's a precious item.

>> No.19171565

>You simply want a quick bonus via gene.
at this point I'm pretty much repeating the hunting quests over and over and letting the little girl smash fucking everything, but its still taking along time

I'll care about proper waifu next play through
I have none of those. Pretty much the only items I want to pass are the happy bed and the seven league boots

>> No.19171593

Go to Puppy Cave level 1.
Let Little Girl go wild on everyhting by holding wait or resting repeatedly on the stairs.
Leave once everything dies(some stuff will keep respawing/entering Floor 1 but it can be above her paygrade)
Re-enter and repeat.

>> No.19171611

I'm already doing that
feels a bit cheap, but I'm regretting too much starting a game in easy modo
at first I was enjoying it, thinking it was just "no grinding mode" but it turned out to break everything, which all my stats being hopeless and whatnot

>> No.19171696
File: 30 KB, 600x287, fo sho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, after spending so much time in the puppy cave I can do a gene

>little girl and you are united in marriage
>here are some gifts
this is why I love this game

>> No.19171734

> which all my stats being hopeless and whatnot
Only the hard core super players don't have their stats hit hopeless, you only get out of that pit when you're way deep into the game.

>> No.19171752

yeah, but the game wasn't balanced for me to be in that state so early

>> No.19171777

Wat? You should make sure to eat breakfast. Sleeping at 9PM sharp has a good chance at waking in time. A pet needs Cooking and Fellow relationship or higher I believe. Rest happens automagically. Your stats stablize somewhat as the pet improves Cooking and you sleep regularly/on time. That's not super high LV gameplay there.

>> No.19171784

i've been massively half-assing my most recent chat; at one point i had over 100 plat unspent because i just plainly did not care to spend it. ive farmed only for food to sell, herbs feel like more effort than i care to put in. ive still not hit hopeless once and can already consistently buy, bless and consume pots of potential to keep up with just that. takes very little effort to keep potentials high.

>> No.19171790
File: 132 KB, 384x179, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roleplay as myself
>roleplay as cute girl

>> No.19171795

just roleplay as urself as a cute catgirl (male)
alternatively roleplay urself but make a PCC for a cat girl that you turn into when you use cores.

>> No.19171797

What to do? Option 3 of course! Choose any gender now then obtain/eat Cursed forbidden meat.

>> No.19171798
File: 301 KB, 2048x1816, e75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catgirl (male)

>> No.19171809

It can be done! Embrace forbidden meat!

>> No.19171830

Is there a way to cheat the limit of items in my home ? beside stairs.

>> No.19171836

>can already consistently buy, bless and consume pots of potential

What do you do to keep them flowing in shops?

>> No.19171865

i just didnt bother recruiting anyone except for a maid and 1 general vendor. then occasionally i check if a mage is up. if there is one, i hire it. i have 2 mages now. sometimes i check if they have the stuff, most of the time i dont bother. still got more pots, rods, and shit than i need. the main thing i run out of is wood chips since remembering to grab those is a hassle.
i did the whole breakfest every day on the dot, pots of potential, eat herbs, keep all potentials super high thing before. the result? i got bored. nothing remotely threatened me ever, unless i jumped into dungeons insanely high above me. and even those were doable with just a little bit of actual effort

>> No.19171957
File: 78 KB, 1188x916, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nani the fuck

>> No.19172251

turn off the Internet in settings

>> No.19172273
File: 319 KB, 655x448, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I've read about the different types of weapons, but nothing in game says directly if an equipment piece of light, medium or heavy
The wiki isn't very clear about this either, i don't know if it depends on the type of armor or the material

>> No.19172278

its weight. a light weapon is literally light.

>> No.19172288

sorry, meant to say armor
the thing is that I don't know the threshold between light, medium and heavy armor

>> No.19172365

it just comes down to what your total weight is, iirc thresholds at 14 and 35 for medium and heavy

>> No.19172366

Light/medium/heavy armor skills go by the sum of all of your equipment's weight combined. The cutoff points are 15s and 35s. The cutoff points for light/medium/heavy weapons are 1.5s and 4s.

>> No.19172413

thank you very much

>> No.19172492

Unfortunately I think it's hard capped. Items forced in beyond the limit cause other items to be lost.
I'd love a way to raise it.

>> No.19173310

It's a hard cap (going over that would literally corrupt data).

You can buy up/down stairs in Noyel during the festival to add floors to your house. Each floor has its own item limit. They're expensive, though.

>> No.19173372

>beside stairs.
>You can buy up/down stairs

>> No.19173751

Found the odds of your pet making {godly} equipment while you sleep.

if ( sdata(19, 0) + cdata(17, tc) * 2 > rnd(10000) ) {
flt 100, 5
nostack = 1
nooracle = 1
itemcreate -1, p, cdata(1, 0), cdata(2, 0), 0
inv(17, ci) = 1
nooracle = 0

sdata(19,0) is the player's luck, cdata(17,tc) is the impress level of the pet who made the armour.

>> No.19173894
File: 120 KB, 850x880, sNNaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i finally reached my goal.
Killing all the gods by 'T'hrowing shits at them.

Took care of the six others gods, but only Lulwy was killed using only shits, the other i let the Defender help me because killing both Ehekatl and Lulwy is proof enough 'T'hrowing is perfectly viable as a godkiller method.

Lulwy :
Mani :
Kumiromi :
Opatos :
Yacatect :
Jure :

Kinda want to try my hand at Omake, in the future.

>> No.19174140

>finally achieved my goal
>by doing 1/6th of it then going ''eh good enough to count as doing it all''

>> No.19174258

Where can I get lots of Bottles of Antiseptic? I want to pursue necromancy, but I lost my cooler upon death.

>> No.19174285


>> No.19174287

invest a magic shop to ~60-70 and they'll give antiseptic on the regular

>> No.19174305

good thanks

>> No.19174495
File: 19 KB, 599x432, CBylHdWUAAABy5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll give up Elona# now that I've seen how far along ElonaFooBar is
Oh well, I won't feel bad about working on a spiritual successor to Outpost now

>> No.19174700

Nice find, that's pretty crazy. It doesn't depend on the pet's tailoring/carpentry skill at all?

>> No.19174928

More skill means that the base type can be better.

>> No.19175245

Breakfast made by your pet increases luck potential, too. Higher cooking increases the chance of restoring more potential but it seems to be capped at +6 potential, which is added to every attribute.

>> No.19175280

>Breakfast made by your pet increases luck potential,
Why do you need luck potential? A rabbit farm will give you 2k luck before you know since tails give flat 1 luck per each.

>> No.19175281

Will Elona or Elona+ work on a Windows XP laptop with 512mb RAM and 1.7ghz processor?

>> No.19175289

I had it work on a worse PC than that, just be aware of using other programs since it has a kinda janky thing where it spikes in perfomance for like 0.1s and can slow down or freeze for a second or two on weaker PCs every now and then.

>> No.19175321

If you're strip mining for 4 leaf clovers. Anyway, I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share, since I hadn't seen any mention of it before.

>> No.19175475

Even on my old pre-nerf character who had 12 rabbit farms, I'd still only get like maybe 4-6 tails per harvest. That's a very long time for 2k. Now its slower.

>> No.19175511

Might be just me, rabbits still drop tails like crazy even after the nerf to it's drop rate a while ago.

>> No.19176671

so I think I should get a new pet besides my starting loli, what are good slaves to get from the slave master?

Preferable one that doesn't require much management and can be left to its own devices

>> No.19177151

Just get whatever seems cool and role with it, their insane potential gains with little investment, massive exp modifiers on everything, lack of any penalties for casting in armor or with shields, stupid like 2-3 times as many stats per items that just adds stats, ability to learn anything you can learn with like maybe two exceptions, generally higher speed than you until act 2 and a bunch of other shit I can't be assed listing mean that you can make any work.
If you want a mage without teaching magic, just get one with 'mage' in the name and set it so it doesn't cast so much it dies from lack of MP.
If you want a good melee, most pets are good melee.
Its really only if you want a buffer that you have to actually look at specific pets. Or if you want to ride, but the little girl has the flag for being good at that anyways.
The god pets tend to have unique bonses too, so you may want to just get one of those.

>> No.19177195

Where did the OP with all the up to date memes go?

>> No.19177204

Someone said stuff on head anon is a dirty degenerate fetishistic weirdo and made him leave so now we don't get cool ops with things having things on their heads.

>> No.19177213

>Or if you want to ride, but the little girl has the flag for being good at that anyways.
oh jesus, how could i forget the reason why I like this game so much?

>> No.19177218

Because only plebs use little girls. Older Lady pet when

>> No.19177232

For whatever reason, when I craft a Coffin of Necromancy, instead of corpses, it asks for cards or figurines. Is this normal?

>> No.19177232,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hi. I'm the one other developer of ElonaFoobar (the C++ port).

I was planning on adding a bunch of modding capabilities with Lua to the game, including custom magic/maps/quests. A prototype of the Lua system is planned for the next release (0.3.0) which will allow for a small preview of what will be possible - with bugs, of course. I can go into detail on some of the ideas I have if people are interested. Figuring out how mods will interact with each other in undesirable ways will be one of the greatest challenges, but I think it can be worked out.

If anyone knows C++ and wants to contribute, feel free to do so. There's a lot of work to be done.

Bigger resolutions were planned eventually. I can open an issue for it. There may be a performance loss because of the inefficiency of the rendering code (there are no shaders, it's all SDL blitting).

>> No.19177392

That's the recipe for determening the appearence of the thing you summon

>> No.19177442

How do I motivate myself to play this game again? Last time I got my HC guy fucked in the ass at level ~40

>> No.19177485

Plan up a fun character concept. I'm planning on making a Godzilla-like character based on high CON and breath attacks soon, and I've been thinking of whether to have martial arts as the backup style or to have a big ol' hammer.

>> No.19177511

Don't know about the newest version of Godzilla, but the older ones would just smack a bitch, set everything of theirs on fire and return back home for a snooze.

Burn the dungeons.

>> No.19177525

Maybe duel claws, but that's probably not viable.

>> No.19177554

Dual claws would be martial arts, which is viable and the most thematically fitting, but it trains strength and I want to focus on con more for the breath attack. Although now I think about it, claws and tonfas train shield too which is con.
That's the plan.

>> No.19177906
File: 1.35 MB, 360x270, 1501711134506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone went into a thread for a game where you can buy little girls from a slave trader, create a little girl ranch, and milk the little girls so hard that they die... solely to complain about pictures of things with things on their heads.
The priorities of feminists are bizarre and arbitrary.

>> No.19178012

That's not really what happened, he just said he didn't like them.
That anon must be feeling like a huge party pooper ever since, there's like at least one post per thread mourning those ops.
At least collages anon can take it easy now.

What if it was collages anon himself, trying to get a break?

>> No.19178086

He definitely doesn't, he was calling them /vg/-tier shitposts. Sucks that collageanon let the one guy stop him from doing any more.

>> No.19178108

What's with generals and thinking everyone who voices dissent is one guy?

>> No.19178130

This might seem confusing to you, but it isn't impossible to distinguish people who post anonymously from each other. It's especially easy when they say the same things in the same style as before.

>> No.19178131

Nobody else ever complained.
Nobody agreed with him either.

>> No.19178327

I wouldn't trust Elona general on this. There was a guy here absolutely convinced I and two other posters who posted screencaps showing they are different people were all the same person because we typed similarly. He'd just down on any of us because one of the people he thought were all the same game pissed him off at some point.

>> No.19178442

I think it would be fun to imitate other users' posting styles to raise the blood pressure of self-appointed samefag detectives

>> No.19178539

Is there anyway to find out your pets' perso alities/backgrounds?
It appears as kept secret in their profiles when you investigate them at the informer.

>> No.19178677

>Dual claws would be martial arts, which is viable
This seems off. From what's been discussed you need bare hands to really shine. Thing is, you need to look for ways to hit the extra attack caps. This takes time. Due to this, it's up to you if/when you take the claws/tonfa off.

From what I've seen said, whatever+Shield Tonfa stabilizes you until you're able to fight without Shield Tonfa bonus as a crutch

Taken from https://pastebin.com/NeG47CyV [Extra Attack]
Maximum number of extra attacks is 3 for all melee attacks with an exception of bare-handed Martial Arts (hand slots are empty).
Bare handed MA extra attack limit is 7.

This anon's pastebin is worth a read. He's talking about high, end-game stuff. Having these mechanics in mind is never a bad thing though. If, at some point, you wanna go all out in The way of the Fist.

I mention all this since it takes time to grind a character. MA is a tough start, a sub for your breath attacks means effort. Having highlights to aim for becomes goals. I think that's a good thing. Your character may have MA. If it does, you invested time into it. Don't let that time be a waste, maximize it. Of course if you don't care just do whatever.

>> No.19178691
File: 714 KB, 600x525, 1439009633700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painstakingly teach waifu Magic Kiss
>set her AI to use it on me if I'm brainwashed
>bunny ghouls show up and start brainwashing us
Waifu kissed s you.
>still brainwashed
Waifu kissed s you.
>it does nothing

>> No.19178725

Secret just means unassigned.
I believe you can have them (re)assigned by talking to the princess at the Deep Sea Castle in Valm (South Tyris).

>> No.19179562
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1200, 2018-06-07-190223_1920x1200_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. I'm the one other developer of ElonaFoobar (the C++ port).

I was planning on adding a bunch of modding capabilities with Lua to the game, including custom magic/maps/quests. A prototype of the Lua system is planned for the next release (0.3.0) which will allow for a small preview of what will be possible - with bugs, of course. I can go into detail on some of the ideas I have if people are interested. Figuring out how mods will interact with each other in undesirable ways will be one of the greatest challenges, but I think it can be worked out.

If anyone knows C++ and wants to contribute, feel free to do so. There's a lot of work to be done.

Bigger resolutions were planned eventually. On a whim I coded it in today. Now the game should be playable at any supported resolution (including 4K).

>> No.19179703

Finding the PC after quest-warps on big maps like Palmia is going to be hell when played on a huge resolution. I can't wait.

>> No.19180122

Awesome! First, thank you for doing this. Elona is a great game. Look at how long it has endured. Projects like this help it's continuation. Thanks for being a part of that.

>I can go into detail on some of the ideas I have if people are interested.
I'd love to know what's on your mind and what's on the horizon.

Personally, my biggest gripe is text boxes. I'm >>19166626 and >>19171486 My solution isn't elegant, but it works. Elona has many containers for text. Log, Quest Board, NPC chat, GUI, Inventory (item name, item description), ... etc. To me, being able to define sizes for all these different places so I can read, is important. Playing at hi-res and or on a tv, for Elona or even newer games, is a chore in that regard. To be fair, back when Noa started Elona these things weren't really issues. Just look at the choice for default res. Your screenshot is great! It does highlight what I'm talking about though. I've found the Log to be generous for text compared to other more cramped places.

Only other thing on my brain right now is ElonaExtender. I've really come to love defining weapon/armor sets. Save/load them with ease. Not sure if it's other features work but gear swapping does! So my question is, since EE launches Elona, would this have any impact on Foobar? Are they compatible? I understand this is a question that may be too early to answer. That's fine.

You mentioned Lua modding, might be possible through that. Ephinea PSOBB has a bit of Lua modding allowed. REALLY helped PSO, I had a blast with my girlfriend using scripts from the forums. Make GUI elements. Lua made real-time party HP bars w/numeric display. Able to create/display a list and filter drops in the current map. This is stuff on the floor AKA you killed for and earned it. Never miss a drop! Don't care Monomate or some 1* weapon dropped? You'll never have it clog your list if you edit to do so. After seeing Lua modding 1st hand, I think it's great for Elona.

>> No.19180338

Do you plan to fix the stretched-out sprites from vanilla Elona, or are you planning to make the port as faithful as possible? Either way, best of luck!

>> No.19181166

I've been noticing this odd "Chain" thing below the enemy sprite on attacks, but I can't figure out what exactly is causing it, and looking through the past update notes isn't exactly helping.

Is it just a matter of weapons with "extra melee attacks" activating? (But then I've seen it go up to 42 chain, which seems like a ridiculous amount for extra melee attacks) Or is it just the enemy somehow getting hit that many times without retaliating? Oddly enough I saw it both while fighting Vesna and Frisia.

>> No.19181598

so all you have to do is to increase your own luck? nice I guess

>> No.19182109
File: 46 KB, 276x336, Younger Sister (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shit at c++

>> No.19182220

are pets a necessary thing? Im new to this game and been trying to gun it solo and im getting my ass kicked

>> No.19182239

They're not necessary, but they do make things WAAAAY easier. Having something to take hits for you, support you with heals or buffs, or just kill stuff faster makes a huge difference.

>> No.19182301

No, but you want a few. Just not to fight with. You want a shopkeeper. You probably want one for sleeping wtih and party time.
My current one uses one as a buffer (well that's the plan; feels like more effort than its worth). My first used them in general. Most of my others used them for party time/sleeping with/shopkeeping.
My fastest growing, strongest, most succesful and most fun character used 1 pet in the shop. Every other in the ranch. 1 slot for little sisters. No breakfest. No team party time. Nothing. But at the same time, no need to worry about the pet being retarded and dying. No need to give it equips. No need to give it money. No having a pet get so strong it solos the game (which is what happened on my first character). I used pots of potential and my practically infinite funds to keep potentials high. I fed all the good shit to myself. I abused the fact I was the only target/doing all the fighting myself to constanltly make use of shift cores.
There are a lot of things you get via pet solo players simply can't compete with; mats on kills, free items when sleeping, free potential when sleeping, combined skills on performing or reading, auto-matic cancelation fo book reading when you fuck it up. You don't need any of this shit. The game was insanely easy solo.
I played a mutant for that run, with many arms, giving me a ton of resistances and damage. Shift core entirely negates the speed loss.
Rush tactics levels to get the sword beam. That'll trivialize every fight until act 2. Get the teleport move via stealth. I'd suggest joining the mage guild so you can spam AoE magic. Alternatively, get the Necromantis and summon the Undead-Queen. She spams an AoE based on her level and spawns about 50 levels above you. She can and will solo content you yourself stand no chance in. You yourself should be fighting things above your level pretty soon because everything at your level simply dies too fast.

>> No.19182713

I think you want 1 pet in party who you'll ride for speed training, party time, and who will cook/knit for you; 1 shopkeeper; and 1 free slot for rescuing little sisters. Everything else is luxury. Ranches are good for slots you won't use otherwise.

>> No.19182949

You can run it completely solo, no shopkeepers, no ranches, et cetera, but it'll take a fair bit longer to get onto the "training track". It's possible to not bother with the training track and still beat out the main game, it just takes a fair while longer because you need to watch almost every step you take.

You end up farming Puppy Cave a lot longer than usual to begin with while doing a no pet run to start off, and even with that it can be fairly risky at first since level 1 Puppy Cave can slaughter you unless you don't give a shit about save reload "hacks".

>> No.19182978

>tfw have never farmed puppy cave even once
I've never understood what the point is. Oracle Scrolls aside you don't really find anything more valuable than quests give.

>> No.19183045

same here. Then again, my first god was Yacatect, so I wouldn't appreciate drop difference.

>> No.19183237

Elona+ 1.76 added a mechanic that reduces damage against a target if it takes a certain number of hits before its next turn. Maybe that?

>> No.19183507

It used to be that with a pet that could solo the first two floors, you could effectively grab all the utility items just by moving through the first two floors repeatedly, all at relatively low risk, and generally while not pushing up your level extensively. You'd be stockpiling things of value like various rods, books, prayer offering items and whatnot at relatively low growth in all other field until the time was "right" to make the leap forward. Outside of map reset scumming with things like Graveyard runs or Putit Runs it was basically one of the viable "low growth" paths, but the player really had to know where the cut off was in order to maximize on the return.

Nowadays there are a lot more viable paths (even without map scumming) and it isn't so constricted into doing one thing, so the utility being puppy cave isn't as good as it used to be.

I honestly can't figure it out. I could probably try running other gear and go by process of elimination to see it what it is, but it just happens so randomly that I don't know if it's a proc or some sort of skill, and it's not like the chain numbers are consistent either. The problem is that things are dying fast enough that I can't really see a damage fall off even going by the log.

I thought it reminded me of FF12's attack chain animation, but then that didn't really have much of a function outside of showing how many consecutive attacks the character chained on a single command input. Not sure what function it has here.

>> No.19183614

Alright I carried over my level slowly shit. I've carried over A FUCK TON of music notes (assuming those work) to trade for life. I'm incarnating as a mutant. Imma do it. Imma get all the slots.
But what do I actually get? I'm thinking accuracy won't matter because all I need is to proc timestop/crit like once to hit everything so mostly hands is good. Not sure what else is worth getting more of.

>> No.19183678

also, where the fuck is the heir trunk? Can't find it anywhere in my shitty cave

>> No.19183686

to the left by the freezer surrounded by straw piles

>> No.19183692
File: 265 KB, 631x404, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED. Didn't realize the thing was so tiny. Usually don't do genes.

>> No.19183697

It's everything in your inventory when you make the gene. You should have read up on it more.

>> No.19183701

? I know that. That's just one page of stuff I had in the inventory. I didn't realize the chest itself was physically so tiny. I walked past it like a dozen times.

>> No.19183713

Oh I see what you meant now.
Is that seriously all you had to carry over?

>> No.19183718

>That's just one page of stuff I had in the inventory

>> No.19183741

I can see in the corner there are 3 pages, and with one page being half junk, and that honestly seems like a low amount of stuff to transfer over.

>> No.19183771

Oh wait you mean because its 3 pages. Then yea. I didn't care enough to see about getting more shit. I got the things I think I'd need to do this (slow leveling, money, music tickets) and some rare stuff like rabbit tails and a few kind of useful items like pots of potential. Music Tickets and rabbit tails are apparently precious though so they deleted themselves. And some artifact equipment.
I figure if that's not enough and I think ''I need X'', I'll simply add X to my inventory on the parents and make a new gene.
The goal is purely to get the many limbed mutant online, anything else I can just go get as it.

>> No.19184049

You might want to be able to equip an aurora ring (with a travel speed boost from Garok's Hammer).

>> No.19184196

As far as potions go: Potions of Potential, Hermes Blood/Speed Upper, A stack of Blessed Water for general purpose. A stack of poisons if you're into carrying them to kill bells. If you don't already have a full set of +15 gear ready, then fireproof/acidproof are nice to have as finding them early on can be awkward. Naturally Cure Corruption is nice, and Blessed Evolution isn't bad either, especially if you're already running Mutant. All of these aren't too difficult to get on a reincarnation prep account. Because you can't inherit small medals, you generally want to burn them before inheriting.

As far as scrolls go, having a stack of oracle is handy because they're at a nice selling price range generally. Flying Scrolls/Enchant Scrolls are generally assumed to be used before you went to reincarnate, but having stacks of the former can still be handy. Growth Scrolls are naturally important, but whether you use your medals for hermes blood or Growth Scrolls is up to you. Gain Attribute can be hard to get, but generally speaking if you can store them they're very beneficial. If you're not against save scumming, gain material scrolls are the easiest way to save scum.

Books are a lot easier since literacy is a pain if you're going mutants, but having a full set of relevant training books can be nice. I don't remember if the full set of Rachel's can be inherited, but I'm pretty sure they can be.

Generally you want to have a Happy Bed that weighs less than 2s, similarly a Barbeque Set that weighs about the same. Once you're in that range the amount of flying scrolls you need to push it down further starts to cost a fair bit. It's also assumed that you'll have a full set of tools for basic crafting. Out of the set, Pot for Mixing is the most important since that's where you'll be getting herbed food once you run out. Things like Craft Repair Kits are assumed to have been used before you inherit, so they aren't as important. A whistle is a very good nice to have item, and a training machine isn't bad either. I like to have the storage items (like bread shelf) as well just so you can throw them down in the house.

Equipment wise it's beneficial to have a fully kitted out seven league boots, vindale cloak isn't exactly as important as it used to be but it's still a nice to have.

I'm assuming you're running solo so there's a whole set of items that you don't need to consider, but are generally good for pet builds.

>> No.19184347

I got the pots of pot. Water and ingrediants. No hermes blood to carry over; they haven't seemed worth bothering with ever since AP ini resetting became a thing. Pots of cure corruption and evo are easy enough to get I'll just get them on my mutant instead of continuing to play a character I'm bored of to get early game bonuses my character simply does not need.
Oracle scrolls I fucked up and forgot :(. Scrolls in general lol. I had thousands of them too. Gain material scrolls for save scumming is a good idea, imma do that. The whole point is to get a 'perfect' mutant so scumming is needed.
I got the bed and crafting stuff too. Forgot my cooking tool though.
And 7 league boots/aurora ring/that kind of crap. Stuff you wish for pretty often since my first wish is going on a shift core. Although thinking on it, could have carried over a shift core.

Biggest issue for me on this little trip is going to be getting life. Since music tickets don't carry over, I can't just buy a ton of hero cheese. I'll prolly just make a new gene with the few things you mentioned I forgot, carry over my swole pet and bully big daddies to get more hero cheese. Also need to see if I can carry over hero cheese thinking on it, forgot to check. If not finding the first hero cheese is gonna be a pain.
Arms are -23 life I think, of 100. So I could get 4 before needing cheese. And each one takes about 8 cheese. That's a lot.

>> No.19184429

Hero Cheese are under the same category as Rabbit's Tail and Magic Apple iirc, hence why they show up in Little Sister Quests. I could be wrong but I dunno. Generally speaking there isn't a quick way to grab it other than Performer iirc, since even high level Nefia Fever only gives so many music tickets.

>> No.19184437


>> No.19184455

how do you handle serialization? especially maps, I never managed to figure those out

>> No.19184696
File: 43 KB, 684x92, YiLrJQd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That moment when you forget that the Little Sisters are all Mutants....

>> No.19184999

The main plan after the next release is:
- Allow people to break the shit out of the modding system, then fix all the bugs before making more additions there (there are some I've already come across)
- Add any mod APIs that are desperately needed
- Add a localization system and start moving all the hardcoded strings into separate files, to allow translation into any language
- Try to add a custom character system with the new configuration syntax
- Perhaps try moving a minor game mechanic like the auto-turn actions into Lua to allow them to be added by modders
- Fix whatever new bugs were introduced/still extant.

For text boxes, we could add an issue to figure out readability on higher DPI screens. The main issue is that Elona wasn't really designed for this, being such an old game, so it might not be feasible in the short term. But having a simple mode where the windows/GUI are displayed at 2x resolution might suffice. The game window is also launched in high DPI mode by default on supported platforms, although there is no smartness in the UI for it beyond that.

ElonaExtender probably hooks into memory of the original Elona executable. As such it is almost certainly not compatible. But if anything EE can do isn't possible in Foobar after the mod API stabilizes, those features could be looked into. The most convenient features like gear sets could be arranged somehow. I'll think about how a hypothetical mod API could implement such a thing, and if not how to deal with it at the lower level so it exists in some form.

A GUI system for the modding API will be a major feature. It will take a lot of refactoring to get to that point, and I'm not quite sure how such a system will look quite yet. I'll see if I can find examples of how other games solved the same problem.

The plan is to just make the sprites replaceable, so people can just use whatever arbitrary sprites they want. Perhaps in the future an animation system could be added too. These things will require quite some work on the renderer to be able to not use the baked in spritesheet, but I think it's doable.

As more parts of the game become properly moddable, the hope is you won't have to touch C++ at all to add nontrivial features. Anything that can be added using a syntax like JSON, like character/item definitions, should be easily implemented at that level of complexity. The things that are more complicated would be doable with Lua. If there is some extension that would be really nice to have but isn't possible without modifying C++, it could be considered. It's just that there's a lot of work to do at the moment, so it will take a while.

Soon there will be a proper translation format also, so people can start translating the game into other languages. It will also be used to add fully localized messages to mods. Such a system should require a minimal amount of effort on the part of translators. I would be happy to help people that get stuck/fix issues when the time arrives for users to create stuff.

Mods will each have their own global data storage to store whatever they want. This data would be serialized into a predictable Lua table format and compressed alongside the base save data. This would include data that is local to the map only, so there will probably have to be two separate storages for the current map and globals. I haven't quite decided how custom properties on items/characters will work yet. Having modders deal with the details of copying/transferring custom attributes when the characters/items are copied/moved would be a pain, so I'm thinking of having a list of properties that can be added to per character, where the saving/restoring of such properties is taken care of automatically. Otherwise a whole serialization system would have to be reimplemented for every mod that adds things on top of characters/items, and that wouldn't be good.

But I'm open to ideas on how to proceed with the trickier parts of modding, so the API doesn't break in catastrophic ways past its official release.

>> No.19185276
File: 614 KB, 858x488, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game.

>> No.19185300
File: 1.33 MB, 1002x777, gobuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-me too

>> No.19185336
File: 1.27 MB, 1601x993, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 eat your burgers

>> No.19185381

Restore your fucking stats.

>> No.19185400

You're so cute.

>> No.19185411

Is this cat a lewd cat?

>> No.19185448
File: 372 KB, 1000x883, Cheshire_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to collect ALL THE CATS, including Ehekatl.

>> No.19185473
File: 219 KB, 600x741, 00b119a964d53ce4a98028b738494143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.19185652
File: 21 KB, 1048x207, localization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resisted learning lua because I thought it was just for games. I was right but I regret not doing it.
I imitated Civilization V for Elona#. There's a sqlite db that gets populated with the selected language on initialization. It would generate a list of language options based on folders that exist inside executingassembly/External/XML/Text/. There is only one table, GameText with fields TextKey and LocalizedText. I made it a static class to encapsulate populating, resolving keys and disposing the connection but it could just as easily be a member of Game with a public accessor since that gets passed around to all the Scene subclasses anyway. I also created a GameData schema that was going to hold tables describing item and npc attributes but work stalled in December when I had a small nervous breakdown after realizing I'm losing my hair to alopecia, then was so ashamed of my lack of progress I stopped coming here all together.
The GameData tables would have been a bit more complex, I need to populate Items before NPCs to stay on the good side of the FK constraint to that NPC's unique loot. I had it hardcoded but you could have a metadata file that describes which order each data file loads. You could really drive yourself crazy trying to find the limit of data externalization. I did :^) Should there be a DamageTypes table? What if somebody really wants to make a Filthy Frank NPC and needs to add a Retardation damage type? Maybe I decide I want to change Meteor to deal half fire and half physical damage without recompiling. Now I need DamageTypes and Spells, and a way to interpret each spell's damage scaling formula.

>> No.19185871

>needs to add a Retardation damage type?
Some anon basically said his Elona life is complete. Why? He literally lugged around/threw 85s giant piles of shit at the gods and their inner forms. I think Retardation damage type is already covered without modding.

>> No.19187189
File: 51 KB, 1136x72, 2 maps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 3 maps in 2 sleeps

>> No.19187874

Earlier I killed 3 bunnies in a row and they all dropped rabbits tails.
The luck goddess smiles upon us.

>> No.19188007

Now you can pet your imouto twice at the same time.

>> No.19188107

Big Daddios need to spawn more. Can get my hero cheese on mutant via trading in rachel books. But duping them is gonna take year

>> No.19188513
File: 8 KB, 843x377, 2018-06-09 10_22_55-emacs@kadode-PC_ End of days..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose a different config language for data definitions, because I found JSON and XML to be too unfriendly as configuration syntax. This syntax also allows for calling certain functions inside string literals, to replace the baked-in string interpolation common in localized text.

A solution for resolving things could be using string IDs, then trying to verify them after everything is loaded. If anything is missing a warning can be shown. The IDs would be unambiguous in declaring where the thing originates from and what it is, like "mymod.chara.mychara". They would also serve as an extensible replacement for the hardcoded integer IDs pervasive in the code. Instead of needing to choose a number and hope nothing else has already taken it, the extensions will be namespaced by location and extension type.

My methodology is that if something is an enumeration, it could be placed into a game data table. Elemental types could have IDs like "core.element.fire" and could be added to. As for changing the behavior of magic, I hadn't thought of that yet. Maybe certain parameters of the spell could be exposed as IDs and overridden later.

Of course, there's so much to externalize that trying to do it all at once is exhausting. I plan on slowly moving things out and testing that they work to gradually build on the things that can be added.

The override system is another important feature I've been thinking of. You could create an "override" definition of something, then whatever you specify would overwrite the original properties of the thing in question. This would allow for modifications like changing the sprites of things by overriding the image path they point to, or the known skills of characters.

>> No.19188570

>an extensible replacement for the hardcoded integer IDs pervasive in the code
Elona with readable source code? That'd be a dramatic improvement. I mean look at this mess:

if ( cc > 16 & cdata(25, cc) > 3 & cdata(50, cc) > cdata(51, cc) / 2 & cdata(182, cc) < 200 ) {

Replacing "cdata(50, cc) > cdata(51, cc)" with something like "caster.stats.hp > caster.stats.maxhp" would be awesome.

>> No.19188673

>The plan is to just make the sprites replaceable, so people can just use whatever arbitrary sprites they want.
First, I get that Foobar is just a Little Girl now. What I'm about to ask would be past the conceptual stage Foobar is now in. Just wondering what your thoughts are.

I'm not experienced with spriting but I recall something. Some were saying there's a problem with big sprites. The size of the cell that makes up the grid we play on is a limiting factor. This is why large sprites can block the view of things. This can make things awkward. Would changing the size of cells to allow larger sprites be possible? If this was ever visited it'd be far off since it's just vanity. Still, I'm curious.

>- Perhaps try moving a minor game mechanic like the auto-turn actions into Lua to allow them to be added by modders
Can you elaborate on this if I'm off the mark? Would someone be able to ... say alter fishing's auto-turns to be instant (no animation) via Lua? Perhaps change default animations or add some? Maybe switch % of catching junk/fish? How about taking the fishing template and change some things around. Your rod is now a hammer. A new auto-turn mini-game of wack-a-mole is made. Something like that?

>> No.19188709

How i can make my gear acidproof?
Is there any point in mixing blessed water with gear?
Does enhancing rings/necklace do anything at all?

>> No.19188769

Mix Acidproof Liquid with the piece of gear you want protected. Must be normal or blessed. Cursed deals damage to it I believe, desirable if you want a blunt stick to weapon train with.

As for blessing gear, you want to if you want to expand the value of it a bit more before selling it in your shop. Take some rare you know is worth a lot made of paper. Change it's material to something expensive. Bless it for a bit more bonus cash. Sell it. If you're not rolling in blessed pots don't bother.

By enhancing you mean at the blacksmith? I just did the following.

Glass conspicuous decorative amulet untouched - Prot 39%+2d9
Paper trustworthy decorative amulet untouched - Prot 38%+2d9

After taking to plus 3
Glass conspicuous decorative amulet+3 - Prot 41%+2d10
Paper trustworthy decorative amulet+3 - Prot 41%+2d10

I can say this, it does raise your defenses at least.

>> No.19188801

Doesn't blessing boost the offensive/defensive power of equipment?

>> No.19188868

I was more referring to the IDs of spells, like Fishing has the ID 185. But for HP/MP the stats are already present in the character struct. Because stats are the same as skills in the underlying data, something like this would become possible sometime in the future:
if ( chara_is_ally(chara)
&& chara.hp > 30
&& chara.stat("core.stat.strength") > 3
&& chara.state("core.stat.fishing") > 30)

The reason for string IDs is the need for extensibility. Someone could come over and add a bunch of new skills with their own IDs like "mymod.stat.rickrolling", so those would need to be looked up. However those skills won't be used in C++, because they're not part of the core game. They would be used from Lua only. In the end, the stat() function would be temporary until more stuff gets moved into Lua, removing the need for it entirely. Eventually most everywhere that would originally call stat() would just call something like this Lua API function instead.

int Skill::level(character chara, std::string name)
return store::get_skill(name).level;

And in Lua:

function my_func()
local level = Skill.level(chara, "mymod.stat.rickrolling")
if level ~= nil then
-- skill exists

>> No.19188876

Changing the cell size was something KI (the project creator) was interested in. There was also another idea of creating characters that span multiple cells. However such features are probably going to be added far off into the future. It would certainly be possible with enough work, it's just the work would be substantial.

>alter fishing's auto-turns to be instant
This has already been accomplished through C++ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-o436sEq5U).). But yes, when the action system is refactored to all modding, the wait time will be configurable per action in Lua, and all wait times will be modified by a user-set config option, so they can all be bypassed at will.

>Perhaps change default animations or add some
An API for the animation system in Lua would have to be made. I have no idea how this will be done, but given that the project needs a GUI system eventually, a system for drawing stuff on the screen (like animations) will probably become feasable. But note that this will take a while.

>> No.19188883

>Maybe switch % of catching junk/fish?
Doable. The plan is to allow Lua code to expose arbitrary "extension" features, then allow other mods to read them in. Here is the fish data as it currently looks:

fish['36'] = {
rank = 5,
rarity = 400,
difficulty = 0,
weight = 250,
value = 25,
item_id = 619,

In the future this could look like:

fish "my_fish" { // generates my_mod.fish.my_fish
rank = 5
rarity = 400
difficulty = 0
weight = 250
value = 25
item_id = "my_mod.item.my_fish_item"

Then, the code for fishing (implemented in Lua) could look like:

local extensions = Mod.read_extensions("fish")
for i, fish in ipairs(extensions) do

Implementing it in Lua this way is what would allow other users to add their own fish. Now let's say you want to change the values of some existing fish, completely outside of the mod you're writing. You would do this:

override fish "core.fish.carp" {
rarity = 10
value = 25000000

Then the "core.fish.carp" definition will have its values replaced at runtime. If you want to undo this, it's as simple as unloading the mod.

Of course, figuring out what order to load stuff in will be crucial to getting this right. But that's my idea for now.

>> No.19188889

>Your rod is now a hammer.
You'd override hammers to have some property allowing them to be used as fishing rods.

override item "core.item.hammer" {
properties = ["core.prop.fishing_rod", "keep_original"]

Or you could just create a new hammer definition with the property. "keep_original" would indicate not to wipe the original properties of the hammer, whatever they were.

>A new auto-turn mini-game of wack-a-mole is made.
Auto-turn actions could be externalized somehow. The data for them is spread out through the character class and globals, so it needs some kind of refactoring anyway. But auto-turn actions are by definition non-interactive. Here is what an auto-turn action template would look like in Lua:

class "MyAction" (LuaContinuousAction)

function MyAction:MyAction()
self.some_var = "dood"

function MyAction:on_turn()

function MyAction:on_start()

function MyAction:on_finish()

function MyAction:on_interrupt()

Registry.new_action("my_action", MyAction) -- generates mymod.action.my_action

-- later on...

That's what I'm thinking of. I can't make too many promises because this is all prototyping at this point, and it will take a really long time to get all of this hooked up. But I personally believe that something like this could be created using what is available eventually.

>> No.19188903

One way to externalize magic math would be to have one formula combining all the terms of all formulae for each spell and have a table holding the coefficients, exponents and constants of each term. With so many spells with formulae that are so different though, probably better to just have each spell have a column with a formula that is parsed and a reference to the damage type.
You end up with a List containing a number and a type. AFAIK there currently aren't any spells that deal multiple damage types but with physical attacks there are. A shuriken with a fire enchant attribute generates a list of three duples for fire, hit and cut damage for example.

>> No.19189004

A formula system was planned, since cases like wanting to change the amount of platinum gained or skill leveling speed would have to be considered. The formula itself could be changed with some other formula in a Lua script by setting the ID of the formula to that of the script's function.

But since magic can do whatever it wants, externalizing properties is probably the best way to go about it. Or people could take the original magic function and tweak it in whatever way they want. In the end the amount of expressiveness the modding system will allow for will be limited by what kinds of things people expose as properties.

>> No.19189067

I had a glass pistol, gave it a +1 at the smith. I then blessed it. I went from 1d16+5 to 1d16+7, so yeah it does act as a free +1 enhance. Now I have zero clue if this free plus 1 takes the maximum + allowed into account or if it's independent of that. Can't help there. Up to you if that's worth the bottle. Outside of that, the suggestion with boosting value for weapons/armor sale is pretty much it unless someone else knows something. If you got the water to burn on these things go for it.

>> No.19189101

is there a way to quickly bless them when they dont stack. feels like too much effort to be worth it even when drowning in bottles. better off making things that stack and sell for a lot and blessing those

>> No.19189170

Hm, open your menu and start continuous drop mode, ditch all the weapons/armor you don't care about at the moment. Do the same for potions, cept blessed water pots of course. Shift+B now has 1 option, pick the water. Now you have the weapons/armor as the 1st thing in view, and only things you want blessed. Have at it. That'd be as fast as possible.

What you said is true, I simply answered based on what was asked. That is, weap/armor+blessing. If you feel that's no good then that's fine. Go with whatever works for you. There are high value items that can be sold but it's more tricky now due to stardust. It's sort of an option you'd have to have in mind as a decent item comes into your hands, but you don't care to keep it. However, you know it has a crazy base price and will be worth a lot with a material change, etc. Throwing a bless on it would net like 250k gold or something for essentially a few keystrokes. Really, it's up to you.

>> No.19189178

What's the best way to track down the stradivarus? Or whatever the good single dude music instrument is called. I've never seen it on any character and I always kill bards.

>> No.19189191

Hahahaha, I just found that. Scored that puppy at Noyel festival. Those bards/festival tourists/holy beasts come in droves and just keep appearing. Just hang out there and do quest board stuff, pass the time they'll keep comming.

>> No.19189195

Oh, should note I killed anything that didn't net a karma penalty, that might have been a factor.

>> No.19189197

Trade 9000 music tickets for it in Arcbelc. I dunno if it's worth it; I only ever use Ensemble and Fascination Dance, and I have no idea whether or not instruments in your inventory affect those.

>> No.19189205

I'll try this.

Those don't use instruments at all even if you carry them. Ensemble uses yours and pets skill and gives super drops, fasci dance uses just yours and gives crap drops but makes score high so its easier to finish the quests.
May need to buy with tickets but I have plans for those.

>> No.19189215

Why are escape scrolls sending me to jail?

>> No.19189223
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Hitting people with tamer whip. Apparently if I do this enough I get a new move but its not working. They just die and I'm running out of karma.

>> No.19189236
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Oh I had to prevent eating a bunch. Also, they kinky

>> No.19189241

Identify your scrolls.

>> No.19189247

It gets generated on killing bards 1 out of every 150 times.

>> No.19189248

They are cursed, this is why you need to be paranoid when it comes to unidentified stuff. Btw, this allows toilet abuse at the place. Those shitters are full of wishes ...

>> No.19189260

Blame Pain is a pretty good skill.

>> No.19189266

I honestly just wanted it because it fits my character but it's also 1 shotting stuff. I assume it can't miss because that's pretty standard on things that take mp/sp.

>> No.19189299

No idea, this is what the wiki says

Blame Pain - Use Tamer's Whip on NPC until they reach their limit. (Use forbid eating objects on the ground/picking up items on an NPC repeatedly until the skill is granted.)

Deals nether damage dependent on the user's Will + Constitution 4 times, and applies 1 turn of Bind if target is not already bound.
5 Tile Range.
The user's Will + Constitution is also rolled against the target's, and if the user wins the roll, the target's power gauge will also decrease by 15.
The first of the 4 attacks of this special action will work to increase the target's gauge, so the actual net change to the target's gauge will vary.

>dependent on the user's Will + Constitution
Your character must be a real glutton to dish out ... and receive, I guess.

>> No.19189320

its cause im pure melee and no pets. my con is second highest stat, next to str, which always seems to go up faster than anything else (because farming i suppse)

>> No.19189343

Do you do that via Harvest Time? I remember reading something about getting STR due to picking crops up in the quest. Wasn't applied to your own farm though.

>> No.19189345

yea, it raises str, ive seen it level when doing it.

>> No.19189783

When you spam Harvest Time as your main path, generally you'll see Weight Lifting, Farming, Con and whatnot all spike up as long as you keep the potentials up.

>> No.19189788

So if that skill binds enemies... what exactly is bind? Its not on the wiki or CTRL+F can't find it. Its not preventing them from moving. Doesn't seem to be a typo and mean blind either.

>> No.19189892

Bind Will Target will not be able to move from their current location for the duration of the skill. 30 Used by an evolved Cute Fairy and <Amurdad>. Target can still perform actions and teleport.


>> No.19189938
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It's an undocumented status condition. For all its data, the wiki still isn't complete. Several special actions inflict it, like Formless Fetter and Psychic Wave.
It prevents targets from moving, generally for one turn. It doesn't prevent anything other than plain movement; I assume Shadow Step would work normally, for example.

>> No.19189949

Oh I was a silly and looked in status effects. Thank.

Wiki is still really good though.

Doesn't seem to be applying the bind at all. Anything that doesn't die simply moves like normal.

>> No.19190321

Wait, once you marry, you can no longer have sex with your pets?

>> No.19190332

You marry them to fuck them. Make gene is fucking.,

>> No.19190512

skimming the code, I see alot of variable names just like in the hsp source. did you use a C++ decompiler on the executable?

>> No.19190535

Yup. That was the work of KI. I was actually just starting to write an HSP transpiler to convert the code to Rust when I came across KI's notes on transpilation, and joined their project instead.

>> No.19190543

Although it was a transpiler, not a decompiler. Conversion to C++ from the binary made everything unreadable because of the stack-based nature of HSP. Instead KI used the decompiled HSP source of 1.22.

>> No.19191063

Please tell me after it becomes playable as a game. I don't need the promotion of programs.

>> No.19191500

Where did you even get that idea?
Of course you can, you can do everything you could before + gene.

>> No.19191986

i get 'em drunk all the time and the "want some tail" option never appears

>> No.19192307

Are you talking about NPCs or your pets? because you can't prostitute yourself to your pets

>> No.19193169

Just get sleepy, stand over a bed, and ‘G’rab them.
If they’re carrying a sleep sheep they may initiate it sometimes.

>> No.19193590

ElonaFoobar 0.2.5 was released.

It includes the resolution changes and a small implementation of the mod system (docs should be up shortly). Break everything and find bugs.

>> No.19193870

How do I even raise become buddies with <Thalia> when she's a unique NPC with no impress meter?

>> No.19194017

Just give her gifts. Unique NPCs do have impress meters, but they're invisible. The game will still tell you when your relationship with them hits a certain point.

>> No.19194032

get her drunk and fuck her.

>> No.19194086

"Added an NPC to discourage afk grinding."

So with this change being added is there any purpose to the tier 4 Jure gift?

>> No.19194441

Depends, what exactly does this change entail?

>> No.19194634

"If the player character remains on the same tile and physical attacks keep getting used, a warning message will now get displayed.
If the player still does not move, the NPC will then get summoned regardless of where the player is - be it in the pet arena, showroom, or at home.
It will have its stats buffed a lot and also trigger ragnarok.
It won't spawn as long as you don't afk with a key held down. It also doesn't have any special animation effects or anything, so you won't be missing out on anything if you don't see it.
This NPC can also be randomly generated, albeit unbuffed."
Taken from the partial changelog.

>> No.19194658

Interesting. With proper resistances and whatnot, Ragnarok Farming might be a fun past time. Also sounds like a nice way to destroy maps with NPCs you don't care for...

>> No.19194659

God I’m glad I’m still on 1.75

>> No.19194777

What the fuck, I just want my comfy grinding game, but Ano keeps adding all this anti-grinding stuff.

>> No.19194921

You're having fun wrong apparently.

I'm too lazy to start a new fork that disables some of the dumber changes, but I could probably tell you how to disable it when Elona custom updates.

>> No.19195483

You'll have to write a script to move the character every now and then (to attack from a different direction) instead of just putting a weight on the movement key. Seems pretty stupid desu and easy to work around.

>> No.19195524

On the subject of the partial changelog,
>thirst mechanic
This sounds dumb. Was it really that necessary to add something in just to make the stupid juice machine a relevant item? Without any way to just fill up a barrel with water and carry that around I could foresee managing thirst actually being somewhat difficult in the beginning of the game, as the player would be relying on potions and wells for their hydration needs. On the other hand, if the thirst meter goes up a lot from each drink then it will be difficult to mass-consume potions (an easy way to level alchemy/magic device early on).

>> No.19195748

What determines the order of completed quests in the completed quests part of the journal? I have autism so I want to know if there's anything I can do to influence the order or if it's the same for everybody.

>> No.19195760

Probably hardcoded as a series of checks when you open the journal, but I can't be bothered to verify.

>> No.19195896
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>> No.19195905

Oh for fucks sake.

>> No.19195942

>I could foresee managing thirst actually being somewhat difficult in the beginning of the game
Juice mixer is about 4k and appears often in Cyber Dome w/no investment.

>> No.19195955

if theys be a thirst meter ill just not update

>> No.19195991

>Every 50 levels of Armor skill will now decrease the Pierce of the attacker's weapon by 1%.
RIP lightsabers.

>> No.19196022

Why? 1% per 50 armor is still not much.

>> No.19196044

30% off at high void levels, which is where pierce really matters to begin with.

>> No.19196053

Honestly I can understand wanting to make players think more about what their doing, I personally feel like using npcs is a lazy fix, The thirst meter is a bit overkill but shouldn't actually be that bad to play.

>> No.19196065

>but shouldn't actually be that bad to play.
The real question is what does it add? What does this mechanic do besides add an unnecessary annoyance?
If the answer to that question is unclear, it shouldn't be added.

>> No.19196076

I guess I never really went that far in the void. Although checking it out now, stats caps at 2k, so in the really deep void, you will have a 40% reduction.

>> No.19196140
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Well Mai...if things get desperate and I need to quench my thirst I'll look into what you're offering but I don't think we'll need to go that far.

Don't think much will change honestly. If you see the warning just go to the tile next to you and resume grinding with it. Just hope that the span of time before the warning appears is long enough that it's not annoying and truly is just there to trip up afk people. Had no idea afk grinding was a thing in this game though.

Kinda felt the inclusion of the thirst mechanic as meh as well but I can expect some people to argue that it makes the game more immersive or something. For me it's just another resource to manage I guess. Don't really think it's going to be a pain in the ass thing though even for early game. The innkeeper/bartender will now provide an option for bringing something to drink much like the eat option which will quench your thirst. Think early game people will be using that a lot until they're swimming in potions of potential and bottles of water.

Well it's either claymore or lightsaber for number 1 spot now. My gut says the pierce change isn't enough to unseat the lightsaber from number 1 but I guess we'll see.

>> No.19196202

>punishing the player for using the pot of fusion in their own fucking home
wew lad.
Is that pierce chance of the total pierce damage?

>> No.19196263

I'll be honest the only new 'feature' I really see is the ability to pee one's self

>> No.19196284

How about mixing a puddle of your own pee with empty bottle and make a bottle of dirty water?

>> No.19196326

real question is can we collect little girl's pee and drink it?

>> No.19196407

in an upcoming elona+ custom changelog:
added new move, acidic pee, makes you pee acid on the enemies. makes them pregnant.

>> No.19196455

Convince me to upgrade to 1.77

>> No.19196485
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Falls off pretty hard but damn does this break the entirity of act 1.

From what? I went from 1.6 or so to this and honestly I kinda wish I didn't. I used to spend most of my time in the dungeons, easily make enough money doing so, having a lot of fun. Now dungeons are basically worthless. That alone makes the game as a whole far less fun to me. In Nefia time you can get lots of mats, but those don't scale with level or anything, so you get just as much running a level 1 area as a 100+ one for mat gain. And there's no item to force nefia time. The result is it just feels like a waste to ever go into a dungeon out of nefia time. Makes the game a lot more repetitive, slows down the early game massively and is just not a fun change at all. I don't get why dungeons got a permanent lowering of gold but the upside is temporary. Nefia should be a permanent thing. Or removed and gold brought back to how it used to be.
Haven't noticed anything really... noteworthy on the upside. Like, there are some new techniques, like the whip it good thingy and the one that lets you turn enemies into food doll things. But they A: take SP, making them inherently worse than magic and B: Do less damage than existing skills and spells. So I've just used them for a bit for the novelty then went back to the shit that's just better. Which is most shit.

>> No.19196831

Is Ano ruining the game again?

>> No.19196870

After several months of reasonable changes and content additions (disregarding the continuous special action creep/bloat) he's certainly doing something retarded again.

>> No.19196957
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>lua source tarballs hosted on trustworthy lua.org have have md5s
>bins on malware hive sourceforge have no md5s

>> No.19197358

I'm still a little mad about when he doubled potential % drop. The plat -> potential increase made up for it in terms of platinum:potential ratio but it means that you have to go back to the trainer more often to stay above a given threshold, it basically rewards grinding a skill by standing in town (so you can more quickly return to the trainer) instead of moving throughout the world gaining experience and returning to the trainer after long absences.

>> No.19197803

Thirst Mechanic doesn't matter because you can just circumvent it entirely with a Magaqua to constantly stay wet. The downside is that you don't train swimming or whatever, but it's not like it really makes that much of a difference when speed is getting increasingly easier to train.

>> No.19197804

Ano seems to have really strange priorities.

>> No.19197811

Almost time to go back to abusing map reload to utterly break the game over the knee.

>> No.19198413

I wouldn't describe that as circumventing it entirely, since you have to get thirsty to drink potions.
You'd also need a weak pet set to use Body Blow on you. That'd let you use Call Familiar to dehydrate at will.

>> No.19199152

finally an excuse to put ryona in elona

>> No.19199197

Wait so if the requirement of recruiting thorugh Astral Light Pen is that you need to raise impress to Soul Mate does that mean that I have to give gifts to hostile NPCs in battle? If that's the case then wouldn't raising to at least Friend would make them no longer hostile towards you?

>> No.19199287

I've been assuming that you use Incognito first so they aren't hostile at all. Haven't actually tried it myself, mind you.
Incidentally, I've been going over the source to learn the Impress values of various items. The wiki seems lacking on the subject, so I'll share my findings with you:
-cheap gift: 10
-so so gift: 20
-exciting gift: 30
-expensive gift: 50
-hot and gorgeous gift: 75
-crazy epic gift: 100
-token of friendship: 30 (requires 100 Impress)
-lovely bouquet: 20 (requires 150 Impress)

Although I'm still on a slightly old version of Elona+, so my info might be outdated. If you want to check the mechanics of giving items yourself, search source.hsp for "if ( invctrl == 10 ) {".

>> No.19199408

They are still hostile even at soulmate but giving gifts and using the astral light pen both count as a free action so it's not a big problem even if your gear is shit and you would die in a few turns.

Speaking of astral light pen, got my Meshera Alpha yesterday and killed the original after. Unison is stupid strong and completely trivializes the fight, i nuked her for 90k damage.

>> No.19199454

>Unison is stupid strong and completely trivializes the entire game
the fuck was they thinking when this was added

>> No.19199463

Those are still correct. There's also valentine's chocolates which give between 30 and 50, depending on impress but can only be given in February.

>> No.19199680

How in the world am I supposed to make a pet drink buffing potions? Getting shafted by a lvl 38 imp that has at least three halloween nightmares who are invisible. The imp keeps spamming magics that make me blind while the stupid invisible pumpkins throw acid and poisons constantly.

>> No.19199752

'G'ive a potion to a pet, and it will drink it.

>> No.19199772

nope, not drinking them even when not in combat. my pet will just mosey about me even when I rest and not drink them. Tried in and out of combat, and neither works

>> No.19199855

Give one at a time.

>> No.19200001

>decide to try one of the packs in pastebin to see how pretty they is
>forget to make backups of the stuff i made myself
rip. thankfully those were the first sprites ive ever made so they sucked

>> No.19201127

Whats the name of that scroll that levels you up when its blessed?

>> No.19201152

Blessed scroll of descent

>> No.19201180
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>> No.19201200

aint that a potion

>> No.19201927
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tfw doing hard drugs

>> No.19202723

Is there a counter anywhere for how many times a pet has died? It hurts me when a good friend dies and I'd hate to think the game is tallying up my failures.

>> No.19203015

Winners don't do drugs.

>> No.19203077

Pretty sure there isn't, but you could just look up the elosnack tables.

>> No.19203812
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nice, good visitors

>> No.19203885
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>> No.19205334

So I smoked a tobacco pipe and now I have the hex Distracted, but whenever it runs out it comes back. Help?

>> No.19205350

This is why you don't do drugs.
The hex is a withdrawal symptom. It's annoying to deal with, but it'll stop entirely after a while.

>> No.19205381

Alrighty, no more drugs for me!

>> No.19205381,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, fairly new to Elona and I was wondering, is there any particular version that should be picked over others? I'm seeing people mention ElonaFootbar, Elona+, etc, and I'm not completely sure if there is a difference in quality or content between them.

Also, gameplay tips for any not particulary obvious gameplay elements that don't spoil the experimentation and exploration would be appreciated!

>> No.19205689

In what language is he talking?

>> No.19205718

does not compute

>> No.19205795

It's French. Casual French mixed with English.

>> No.19205848

About how much do I need to upgrade magic shops for flying scrolls? I know I used to get them super common on my best char but he was pre-everything that gives money nerf so his shops were absurdly high leveled.

>> No.19205855

I've got the magic shop in Vernis at rank 112 and it stocks flying scrolls occasionally.

>> No.19205862

Must just be unlucky then. I've got I think 4 (for some reason not all my vendors are appearing in the menu) at 100+ and I've yet to see one. Need a lot of them too.

>> No.19205864

Also is it possible to prevent my employees from moving at all? Like sandbagging them? Or will they get mad and fuck off.

>> No.19205928

They usually don't move too far from a point where you use the house board to put move them. I have my vendors all set up shop in their own little rooms and they could easily leave, but they stay in them.

>> No.19205932

I gave all mine rooms and they keep teleporting out. Or or two of them also don't appear in the house board list so I can't even move them. Makes tracking them down to check for the like 3 items I care about in their inventory tedious.

>> No.19205933

It's just a catgirl (male). What's so strange about it?

>> No.19206354

You're definitely just unlucky. I've seen more Flying Scrolls and Potions of Potential than Acid Proof Pots. Most of my shops are rank 250+, but even on the ones that are still only 100-160 it still shows up on a somewhat regular basis.

>> No.19206528
File: 24 KB, 123x200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-can't see shit
-can't see shit
-can't see shit
I don't get accuracy. Why is the last one plus 72%? Should it be the lowest? Also looking at accuracy is fucking trash without that one mod an anon made like 10 versions and 2 years ago that let you view accuracy in the equip screen.

>> No.19206610

The weapon type that you're using will factor into accuracy, so without knowing what weapons you're using it's hard to figure out.

>> No.19206615

9 daggers. Only things I got that are light enough. Mica in the last slot, and also half the others.

>> No.19206661

Considering buying stairs for me home and dumping all the shopkeepers of the same type in my basement? Can you do that? Or are they main floor only? Never bothered buying stairs before

>> No.19206703
File: 24 KB, 602x387, ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey thanks bro that worked first try.

>> No.19206814

What about the weapons' natural hit bonus?

>> No.19206823

Its a kitchen knife witha hit bonus of 4.
The wep before it is a coral dagger with a hit bonus of 5.
Second to last wep, with the higher bonus and same wep type, is -144%, knitchen knife is +73.
Moving around my weps and sticking in a chainsickle or kitana light enough for duel wield, the 9th slot is simply always 73. No matter what I put in it, if its light enough. Weird.

>> No.19206950

Maybe, for some reason, DW is only applying its hit bonus to the last hand?

>> No.19206960

Dunno, I tried with another sickle and that one actually had -144. The other sickle, all daggers and my one katana all have 73 though. And my first 3 weps are accurate. My DW skill is only 19 so I think last slot aside its working as intended. Its weird but I'll be growing a few new arms soon enough so I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.19206980

That shouldn't be the case. I have an Asura (4 hands) and the normal mechanic (DW has increasing penalties for each subsequent weapon) applies,

For reference my Asura has around 166 DW, wields an Ether Dagger (+16 hit), Ivy Spine (+30 hit), Living Bardish (-1 hit), and a Nightmare (+30 hit, but is a throwing weapon), and the hit percentages are 281/252/171/200.

I can probably try swapping weapons around and see how that changes once I get back to a town.

>> No.19207388
File: 56 KB, 832x92, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19207430

Making a Kemonomimi Krew I see.

>> No.19207547

Hah, nice~ I wasn't even hunting for it. I needed cash, -30k from downstairs. Sold cooked corpses and whatever else dropped

>> No.19207734

>9 daggers
>10 hit chances
I'm going out on a limb and guess that's your ranged weapon.

>> No.19208086 [DELETED] 

Did the modding for face portraits change? I thought it used to be that all you had to do was change it to face2, face3 etc. and the game would recognize it, but now the game doesn't seem to recognize it.

The weird thing is I can see a u1, but the rest of them are all blank, and u1 definitely isn't pulling from face1 properly.

>> No.19208293

Doesn't seem to match up with this though >>19206960

>> No.19208603

As a point of feedback from a new player, it should be added in the pastebin that enhancing armors should be done.

I was discouraged from doing so because of all the drops and items coming in, but adding +1 to all worn gear has really allowed me to progress a lot better into the game.

>> No.19208608

I know, but if he does have only 9 hands, that 10th hit chance can only come from a ranged weapon.

>> No.19209247

I swear that was already in there.
One of the all time newb survival tips has been “enchant your fucking gear.”

>> No.19209307

I'd assume so. I don't believe I have any ''it adds hits'' gear.

>> No.19209778

>Fighting mino king
>The basic enemies in that area 1 shot me
>He super 1 shots me
>So tanky my strategy of ''spam violent garden'' barely hurts him
>Remember I made a few zombies earlier before losing interest because couldn't find high value body parts
>Summon my 1 upgraded cat, 1 upgraded zombie, 9 cats
>He runs off screen after 1 garden
>Next time I see him, like 5 turns later, he's at maybe 5% hp
damn zombies are strong

>> No.19210395

Also, for some reason, I'm getting 40-59 music tickets from party time when they like me enough to give some. Despite at the same level usually getting about 20-30. And despite this being a solo character just using regular performance while I normally do group performance with a single pet.
Maybe its the stradi boosting them? I'm failing constantly compared to basically always succeeding with pets on a normal char yet when I succeed I get more.
