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1912833 No.1912833 [Reply] [Original]

"Grrr! Me, or Dr. Pepper! Which do you like more!?"

>> No.1912834
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>> No.1912845

Dr Pepper of course

>> No.1912843


i drink tea.

>> No.1912844
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>> No.1912847

I don't like Dr. Pepper much at all.

>> No.1912849

Dr. Pepper tastes just as bad every time I drink it. The answer's obvious.

>> No.1912854

Dr. Pepper tastes like what Raid Bugspray smells like.

>> No.1912855

dark soda is for losers
white soda is also for losers

>> No.1912861

I hate Dr. Pepper but I like it more than you.

>> No.1912864

White soda...? Plenty of them are see-through but I don't know of any white fizzy drinks.

>> No.1912871

I haven't had a soda in over 12 years. Shit ruins your teeth and makes you overweight.
Reimu on the other hand is boring, plain and I've never fapped to her without her raping another Touhou. But she is important to Touhou in general, so I guess I'll take Reimu.

>> No.1912867

Unless of course you make fizzy milk.

>> No.1912876

I never had Dr. Pepper. Eurofags don't get it, I suppose.

No idea Japan also had it, though.

>> No.1912882

Britain has it almost everywhere. Doesn't taste very nice, though.

>> No.1912890

Shit doesn't do anything to your teeth. I can't believe there are people that still believe that. And nothing by itself makes you overweight. It's lifestyle that makes people overweight.

>> No.1912895

>white soda


>> No.1912903
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>Dr Pepper
>Doesn't taste very nice

>> No.1912904
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Quizzically, as bizarre as the idea is, it is not Japanese.

Anyway, Dr. Pepper.

>> No.1912909

don't like Dr.Pepper, so raym00 i guess.

>> No.1912910

Dr Pepper tastes like cough syrup when it's warm. When it's cold it's pretty damn good though. Also I find Diet to be surprisingly acceptable.

>> No.1912914

I haven't had soda in five years. But I don't like Raymoo either.

>> No.1912926

What does Dr. Pepper and Reimu have in common?

>> No.1912941

I suggest you learn how Streptococcus mutans operates. For 20 minutes after every sip of soda, or any high sugar drink, you will have bacteria shitting acid all over your teeth. It causes tooth decay.
You should also check the calories/nutrients of your favorite soda. 3500 calories in a pound, 160 calories in a can of Dr. Pepper. 23 cans of soda to a pound roughly.
Assume the average soda drinker drinks 3 cans of soda a day outside of meals.
Drink water instead and change NOTHING about your lifestyle. You will lose a pound of weight every 7.66 days and halve the rate at which your teeth decay from having 3 square meals + 3 sodas to 3 square meals. Much, much more if you sip your soda or swish it around. Losing almost 48 pounds in a year and reducing tooth decay is nothing at all, right? Even though you change nothing else between the two?

>> No.1912945

Whoah. So all I have to do is drink more soda and I can break 120 pounds?

>> No.1912953

Dear Britain, why do you call 7-Up "lemonade?" That is fucked up. Your little bro, America

>> No.1912957

I don't consume carbonated drinks, I don't like greedy miko either. I guess I'll take that orange background if you don't mind.

>> No.1912967

Dr. Pepper

>> No.1912964

so what is the connection between Reimu and fucking Pepper?

>> No.1912965

Unless you are overeating anyway. Then you will still gain weight.

>> No.1912968

This sounds so brilliant, yet is so blindingly stupid.

>> No.1912969


>> No.1912976

Metabolism does not work that way.

>> No.1912989

Why does a significant portion of /jp/ dislike carbonated drinks? Are you all runners or something?

>> No.1912986

I thought about that, but dismissed because its stupid

>> No.1912987

I'm not sure you'll lose quite that much weight, but I stopped drinking soda (I have some every few months when the occasions calls for it) on a regular basis and it did pretty much everything you described there.

Also, even if the bubbles are stirred out of soda, most of them have phosphoric acid in them, too. So you get a nice dose of enamel-rending chemicals every time you take a sip. It's slow, but drinking soda on a regular basis is frowned upon by most dentists, as well as physicians.

Really, you should just drink water; most people don't get enough of it anyway.

>> No.1912992

Touhou is stupid.

>> No.1912993

I swear I've seen this thread before. Was it June?

>> No.1912999

This thread is posted daily. Maybe every other day.

>> No.1913009

more like its fanbase is stupid

>> No.1913015

They like to pretend they are healthy so when they look into the mirror and see a grossly obese man staring back, they can feel slightly better through their tears that they are doing everything they can think of to fight the fat.

>> No.1913016

They bug my throat.

>> No.1913021

well, I don't know Reimu
c'mere, let me taste you and I'll decide

>> No.1913028


Real men drink tea.

>> No.1913034


I don't know about others, but as a NEET I basically have all the time in the world to exercise and eat right. My abs are pretty much like Cho Marisa's now.

I was quite overweight when I was younger, though.

>> No.1913042


When I'm not on /jp/ laughing at pedos I'm on /fit/ laughing at fatties and /sp/ to laugh at sports fan faggots who never actually go out to play any damn sport.

>> No.1913046

You better be careful, then. You know what they say about staring into the abyss.

>> No.1913056
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>> No.1913065

Wow, it's like I just got transported back in time. This thread is a 80% identical to the previous thread. Welcome to /jp/ where every post is a repost.

If you cant beat em, join em:

Dr Pepper.

>> No.1913084

I think it's funny that so many people want to lose weight, while I can never seem to actually gain any. I've never weighed more than 145 pounds my whole life. I just don't get it.

>> No.1913093


I have a demanding job that means I don't have time to spend all day reading 4chan. If I lost my job I might end up like the rest of you.

Luckily the world economy is so strong I needn't worry about job security.

>> No.1913095

when you stare at /jp/, /jp/ stares right back at your little sister.

>> No.1913104


>> No.1913108

I know right? I'm 22 and I weigh 105 lbs. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1913112

Start taking anti-depressants. Did it for me, I used to be 130 pounds and couldn't gain more than 5 before I lost it all the next couple days. Then, after I started taking Paxil, I went up to 190 in about 5 months. Now I can't lose that weight.

>> No.1913144

How to lose weight: exercise (mainly cardio) and consume less calories.

How to gain weight: exercise (mainly weight lifting) and consume more calories from healthy fats.

This isn't Lunatic mode, bros. But it is slightly time consuming. Good thing we're all NEETs!

>> No.1913152

Dr. Pepper is disgusting. You shouldn't like it.

>> No.1913163

I haven't been on a scale for four years. Is there a way I could accurately judge my weight without one?

>> No.1913162


You seem to be forgetting that we're all lazy, too.

>> No.1913524

Sure, what's your height and waist size?
