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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1909513 No.1909513 [Reply] [Original]

"I hate Japan and almost everything it's produced because:

a) their culture is almost all stolen. they can only improve, almost never innovate. their principal religions, writing, etc.. even kurosawa, their greatest achievement, took constantly from the work of white men for his films.

b) what's not stolen is either completely gay groupthink nonsense (bushido, samurai) or completely abused and played out in popular culture to the point of being intolerable (ninjas, jap business models), or devoid of artistic merit (99.7% of anime)

c) they milk the completely justified nuking they got while out of the other side of their mouths failing to acknowledge or apologize for their completely unjustified behaviour toward Korea, China etc.. in WW2.

d) they are given constant passes on being the most racist and xenophobic group of little dicks in the world.

e) nerds obsess over shit from japan when they could have obsessed about it 10 years earlier when whatever is cool there now was cool in whatever western country they are currently copying. nerds are annoying and have terrible taste though, so anything japanese is a perfect fit."

Typed up by a friend of mine, I think this has been on here before, but still: Let's Talk.

>> No.1909515

Welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.1909518

>"I hate Japan and almost everything it's produced
wrong board genius

>> No.1909519
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>> No.1909520

>I think this has been on here before
Yes, too many times.

>Let's Talk.

>> No.1909527
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If you hate them that much go protest about it, if that dosent work become a terrorist and demand change. If it dosent happen chem gas a train for maximum effect.

>> No.1909528

You're on the right board.

>> No.1909534

Jesus fuck you people are dense. the "I" in the text is not me. I disagree with this dude at almost every point.

>> No.1909536

You sure its not your enemy?

>> No.1909537

Irrelevant. Discussing this topic was done to death within a week of /jp/'s existence, and yet people continue to post it like it's something new.

>> No.1909539

And discussing YOUR MOM FUCK YOU

>> No.1909541
File: 73 KB, 561x618, 1231803515365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure it's not YOU but a "friend of yours"?

>> No.1909542

And you post this on /touhou-Meltan/, because...?

>> No.1909544


99.7% of people who say this kind of shit are underage physically or mentally.

>> No.1909545

People who complain about this "theft" are unscientific. Science is all about building on old ideas.

>> No.1909547

a) Every artist, musician, etc. in modern history takes from thousands of others. Improving is the only thing there's left to do.
b) Opinion
c) Opinion
d) exaggeration, but partial truth
e) This seems to be what really bothers you. Might I suggest getting the fuck over other people's hobbies?

Might I suggest not posting trollerific bullshit on the board dedicated to what it's attacking in the future? I hear trolling is discouraged, especially when blatant, not at all clever, and copypasta.

>> No.1909549
File: 92 KB, 588x568, 1231803546255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That rabbit doesn't seem to like where she intends to stick that carrot.

>> No.1909558
File: 110 KB, 834x457, 1231803684495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd let her have the carrot and eat it when shes finished, i just pray to god shes not into anal.

>> No.1909568

>not into anal

get out

>> No.1909569

Daily dose of angry white kid ranting.

>> No.1909576
File: 177 KB, 788x557, 1231803970635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres an example of what the carrot might be covered in.

>> No.1909581

Believe me, if I was this smart I would have said so.

>> No.1909592

From a surveyor's perspective, Japan really is an interesting little microcosm of bizarre and nonsensical modern culture, strange, and often extreme social customs, all in the backdrop of a long and rich cultural tradition. It's like peering into the mind of an autistic savant whose simultaneously a panty-sniffing pedophile and serial killer. Really, what attracts me to the curious ways of the Japanese is merely a deep attraction to their oddities, no more than that., It's quite interesting to ponder how a group of fish-eating savages that stole everything from the Chinese managed to get this far, anyway.

>> No.1909631
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>Let's Talk.
Let's not and pretend we did

>> No.1909712
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>a) their culture is almost all stolen. they can only improve, almost never innovate. their principal religions, writing, etc..
All culture and inventions are created from copying someone. The only reason why Europe was so successful is because Europeans had the most unity. Japan is the ONLY successful Nation on the planet that was able to succeed by itself. If Europeans hated each other in the same way that the east Asians hated each other, Europeans (and perhaps this entire planet) would still be living in the stone age. Subtract Germany or the UK from Europe and Europe's innovations and culture would be equivalent to China or Japan.

>even kurosawa, their greatest achievement, took constantly from the work of white men for his films.
More like "from the hard work of Jewish men."

>b) what's not stolen is either completely gay groupthink nonsense (bushido, samurai
Samurai > [insert any other warrior from the past]

>c) they milk the completely justified nuking
Lolwut? They bombed a *military base in America, so the butthurt American cowboys decided to bomb a Japanese city filled with innocent civilians. Also, the war crimes of Japan are exaggerated. The actions of a handful of soldiers != the policy of Japan.

>d) they are given constant passes on being the most racist and xenophobic group of little dicks in the world.
More exaggerations. Maybe if the Aussies would learn how to hold down their liquor, the Japanese wouldn't hate them so much.

>> No.1909732
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>>Also, the war crimes of Japan are exaggerated. The actions of a handful of soldiers != the policy of Japan.

>> No.1909749

man this board is shit.
You dont need to even bother trying to make comebacks to this kind of crap.
Everyone knows its copypasta so leave it alone. Trying to reply about how awesome Japan is just makes you look like a weaboo freak.

>> No.1909761

>>1909712 Samurai > [insert any other warrior from the past]

funny you should say that; I've just been reading this:

>> No.1909775

why would you save this

>> No.1909780

butthurt faggot detected

>> No.1909781


Try harder, fag.

>> No.1909783

lol knights

>> No.1909785


welcome to 4chan

>> No.1909790

>Why would you NOT save this?
