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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18805633 No.18805633 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you played a netoge?

>> No.18805759

I played the 14th installment of the Final Fantasy series last summer; I enjoyed the story questline but felt lost after having reached the endgame content since I never made any acquaintances.

>> No.18806147

Is Diablo 2 a netoge?

>> No.18806247
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Ragnarok Online.

>> No.18806261

Played Mabinogi earlier today. Probably going to play Tree of Savior later. Thinking about playing Path of Exile, but the league right now is so shit and the game got boring fast anyway. Probably gonna find another D2 clone or just play D2 again.

In fact, I almost exclusively play online games nowadays. I hate it. I want to play offline games again.

>> No.18809499


>> No.18809550

ToS last 2015 desu, played it for a year. haven't played anything since.

tried the new MU and new Lodoss last year but both didn't last a day.

>> No.18809801

EVE, right now.

>> No.18810883

That term's a winner according to this insult "game" Google's tech staff subjects me to using search results.

It's the biggest thing happening in the online world since late 2015, but few folks have noticed.

See, on PowerThesaurus: a site completely overhauled as classicthesaurus.com to hide the insult war waged using customized ads and search results
they put up these PowerQuotes boxes on almost all major entries in early 2016. One had a quote from a football player sayer,
"[football players aren't a smart bunch] a smart person in our field is someone like Norman Einstein."
This horde knows my name. They slip this shit: girl, panda, Andy Warhol, league of legends, primadonna, Hindi: high in dye, NFL, pool, Thailand, Kannadian leaf, Australian Dreamer, present, gnaw, gibson, alien, a lion, triskelion, visualize visual lies, She's Not There, In Dreams, mus, music, Oneyng's video Music Theory Made Stupidly Easy, FL or IDA, 3 jars of mayonnaise but 1 is 89% fat free, Noel, example, awe, exbcfle, Taylor, Alfa Romeo, cloves, slippery wet dog poop, good form puppers, explore, clean, "I absolutely love Oscar. So classic. So timeless.", miracle, clear claer clar cler, George W. Bush, DaVinci, vincent, Jewish: you wish, Montmorenci, Illinois, legacy, immoral: I'm 50 more, mentor: I'm Einstein Norman + you, CBS, recant: kant-80, real rael ral rel, mary, idea

I posted the Iroha like this on pastebin.com used the same way Greeks used their letters as numerals.

1:i 2:ro 3:ha 4:ni 5:ho 6:he 7:to 8:chi 9: ri
10:nu 20:ru 30:wo 40:wa 50:ka 60:yo 70:ra 80:re 90:so
100:tsu 200:ne 300:na 400:ra 500:mu 600:u 700:wi 800:no 900:o
1000:ku 2000:ya 3000:ma 4000:ke 5000:fu 6000:ko 7000:e 8000:te 9000:a
10000:sa 20000:ki 30000:yu 40000:me 50000:mi 60000:shi 70000:we 80000:hi 90000:mo
100000:se 200000:su

They're constantly in the Zobe chatroom in particular, but not at e-chat.co
This isn't mental because there are tons of sites I can go where this doesn't happen, but maybe as many where it does.

>> No.18814955

XIV until I stopped playing a month ago because there was no content and all of my friends would flake out on me whenever I wanted to do shit

>> No.18815149

tale of toast is really fun

>> No.18817328

Browser multiplayer flash games counts as netoge?

>> No.18819780

Play Ne To Ge with me.

>> No.18820503 [DELETED] 

It would be my pleasure.
