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File: 20 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1875772 No.1875772 [Reply] [Original]


Takajun, along with the rest of Yandere Translations (occationally known as BRO FIST TRANSLATIONS), has officially announced Sengoku Rance as the next game they're going to translate.

Condolences to the anon(s?) that wanted Violent Semen Inferno.

I've played the game myself, and it is addicting as TakaJun claims it to be. In addition, there's much hilarity to be had with the descriptions of Rance's "hyper weapon" and other events. And there's a good 100+ different H scenes to be had, done by the Alice Soft team. I'll be looking forward to the release.

>> No.1875790

Nice. I remember trying to play Rance 3 but ending up just fapping.

>> No.1875794

finally they revealed it!

>> No.1875798

But we all knew what the "secret project" was forever ago anyways, lol.

>> No.1875800

Fuck yes.

>> No.1875804

when do you guys think they finish it?

>> No.1875807

Cool beans. Never played this. Any good?

>> No.1875812

If you're into conquering armies, raping the women, and being a badass, then yes.

>> No.1875814

It's easily the best eroge as far as gameplay is concerned - frighteningly addictive. The game scenario is a great read - Rance himself is hilarious.

>> No.1875817

>>And there's a good 100+ different H scenes to be had, done by the Alice Soft team.

Too bad Alice Soft's cgs tend to be really terrible. While I don't care for Rance, I do appreciate more translations.

>> No.1875818

>And there's a good 100+ different H scenes to be had, done by the Alice Soft team
>100+ different H scenes to be had
>done by the Alice Soft team
could do without that.
at least Tears to Tiara had fappable h-scenes.

>> No.1875825

I've heard this was good. Not exactly looking forward to it very much but no doubt I'll give it a try when its done.

>> No.1875826

Fuck no.

>> No.1875829


>> No.1875830

in b4 endless waves of trolls, hating everything

>> No.1875834

Go Brofist Translations!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1875841

massive game to take on, awesome

>> No.1875859

you do know TakaJun is part of the 'bawwww pirates' people right?

>> No.1875870

I guess they decided the WtK protagonist wasn't quite enough of a superman character, so now they're doing Rance. Next on their list should be School Days.

>> No.1875872

Apart from 'Please do not put pre-patched torrents on the internet', I don't remember anything BAWWWworthy.

>> No.1875878

this isn't muv luv ;_;

>> No.1875883


>> No.1875884

...Why the sudden turn?
Makoto is as pathetic as they come, he is just lucky.

>> No.1875889

...Yes, so bad and annoying, you cannot even enjoy the game you downloaded and applied the patch at.
Find me ONE group that released a translated commercial game PRE-PATCHED.

>> No.1875894

hey Yandere translation butthurt editor/member etc. what's up? shouldn't you be working your ass of on your current game translation instead of bawwing to an anonymous user?

>> No.1875897

I thought school already started, bro.

>> No.1875900


>> No.1875903

This is probably going to take a while, there's not really that much text to translate, the problem is the massive amount of image editing it'll require for the UI.
But the game deserves it, the gameplay is very good for an eroge, actually even better than the average shit I usually play, and it'sfun to see Rance attaccking enemies based on their princesses beauty instead of their tactical value.

>> No.1875911

'Let's conquer the most powerful KINGDOM'
'Cause the princess is a delicious brown little girl!'

>> No.1875912

I'm not a bro and I'm most likely older than you. I'm anonymous and I actually find the bro first to be a stupid forced meme. but still doesn't change that Yandere translation is just a baww-feast like any translation group that baww everytime they see their patch with the game because of 'omg pirate'. stop being retarded, the whole 'omg we gonna be sued by XXX' is bullshit to hide the reality of their baw.

>> No.1875920

You do know that pretty much translates into "I don't care where you get your visual novels, but I do not favor the feeling of lawyer cocks up my ass, so I want it to be clearly established that we have no relation to piracy".

>> No.1875921

You're gonna have a bad surprise. This game has no loli content except for one scene with the main princess shown naked covered in sperm. Nothing else. Enjoy fapping to big boobs. I hope you like those.

>> No.1875922

They realese one game with one single sentence of warning on the site (*Please do not distribute the patch with an illegal copy of the game.) and a FREEWARE game.

Were you molested by fan translators when you were a kid or something?

>> No.1875927

So instead of little girls, we get healthy ones.
It's cool.
If it's hot, I'll fap to it.

>> No.1875929


As a matter of fact, I do like big boobs.

>> No.1875931

you do know that's actually bullshit right? please don't tell me you're too stupid to understand the only reason they do that is to stop piracy a bit. I just had to idle a few hours in any channel about these type of people to see them stating their real reason. keep thinking a japanese company will sue someone even though they don't give a shit.

>> No.1875932

>hurr durr you faggots, enjoy your healthy

>> No.1875939

You are much more butthurt than these people, if you had to 'stalk them and pressure them' till they revealed their underlying reason, assuming that EACH GROUP THAT TRANSLATES IS PART OF A HIVE MIND.

>> No.1875940

anything with Alice Soft as maker won't have any loli content. especially Rance related stuff. Rance is known to be a fag that doesn't like loli characters.

>> No.1875947

haha no, I just happened to see them talk about it since I idled there for an hour or so a bit after their game release.

>> No.1875951


>> No.1875952

Hey TakaJun. What's up?

>> No.1875956

Attacking the miko institute was hilarious.
>Rance : Say the troops to be ready, we march on Yamatai.
>3G : Wait what !? That place has no tactical value, it's deep in the mountains so it'll be hard to breach, and it's not even rich on natural resources ! What reason could you possibly have to do that ?
>Rance : I don't care, that woman, Natori, I want to rape her ! Declare war on them.

>> No.1875958

if their games weren't that crappy i think i'd do a torrent of like wanko whatever game along with the patch just for the hell of it

>> No.1875978
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Needs more Beat Blades.

>> No.1875985

You say that as if TakaJun takes the time to keep up with /jp/'s interest in and trolling of his projects.

>> No.1875993

I guess this sorta makes up for TakaJun's Wanko and Men at Work 2 translations.

>> No.1876005
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this thread is everything that's wrong with the vn translation scene, I'm ashamed to be in the same board as you.

>> No.1876035

fuck yes, I always wanted to play Rance.

fuck no /jp/ you are a bunch of faggots for shitstorming.

>> No.1876050


>> No.1876377
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Except Sengoku Rance CG set is faptastic.

>> No.1876389

Nobody cares because Saya no Uta is coming this year.

Saya no Uta >>>>>>> Everything.

>> No.1876397

I dont know this girl looks faptastic.

Also Saya no Uta is now 100% so it's done.

>> No.1876416

Wanko was good, stfu to all the h8ters.

it's a fantastic experience to hear an anthromorphic loli dog desperately scream out in pleasure in japanese after having cock jammed into it, with the presence of a box with an english translation of said japanese scream located conveniently below the focal visual span of which said penis jamming is occuring.

>> No.1876418
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>> No.1876423
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>> No.1876426

Where's this picture from

>> No.1876428

Nobody cares about SnU.
How about you read a real horror.

>> No.1876431


Touko has never liked anything. She's a bottomless fount of unbridled raging hatred and disgustful apathy towards all existance.

>> No.1876432

Let's go read HP Lovecraft! Oh wait, it's all the same;

Guy talks about something scary. He sees it, and it was so scary he's insane now. The end.

>> No.1876434

She lovers her soon-to-be onee-sama.

>> No.1876441
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>> No.1876439


Nah, she just hates everyone else a little more.

>> No.1876459
File: 13 KB, 294x331, 122123431014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, this is the 7th game of the series, you won't understand jack shit if you play this alone. Try this, and if you get interested enough, search about the story of the older Rance games. Either way the gameplay is fun so it's worth the time if you're some crybaby bitch that loves bitching at everything... oh wait, this is /jp/ of course you guys are going to bitch. Moving on...

The soundtrack is awesome:
Beware the shitty mp3 format

The HGC is awesome, see for yourself:

>> No.1876476

On the one hand, although most of us knew it before this official announcement or whatever, I really can't wait for Sengoku Rance.

On the other hand this thread is depressing and makes me really ashamed to be part of this board. I thought winter break was over.

>> No.1876481

>this is the 7th game of the series, you won't understand jack shit if you play this alone.

meh. I'm sure there will be a short introduction of the characters and setting. Good enough. Don't need to know everything.

>> No.1876490
File: 8 KB, 180x271, tim_allen_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought winter break was over.

This is /jp/, It's always winter break here. Enjoy your stay.

>I'm sure there will be a short introduction of the characters and setting

Bad news, son. There's no short introduction whatsoever.

>> No.1876493

violent semen inferno is already translated. if it isnt then i must have some magic ability to see moonrunes as normal english text.

>> No.1876499


Do we really need one though? From my understanding, Rance is some warlord who goes around raping women and now he is visiting Japan. About sums it up, right?

>> No.1876504

>Bad news, son. There's no short introduction whatsoever.

oh well, this doesn't exactly look like some deep story anyway. Just kill and rape for fun. Which is awesome too.

>> No.1876509
File: 75 KB, 800x600, 122886607449cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Synopsis of the first 6 games: Rance goes somewhere with his slave-girl, shit happens and he then fucks a lot of women while leveling up..

>> No.1876541
File: 44 KB, 431x400, bill-murray-431x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not, the story is pretty solid. And the Rance universe is quite vast. You might wanna know where he got his sword from, for example, and since the game has several character cameos you might get curious about their past. You see the characters for the first time, but they look at each other and say "you here? What were doing since blah blah" it feels like you're missing a lot.

Whatever, just play and fap.

>> No.1876557

Enough dick waving, faggot.

>> No.1876559


Sounds like a party.

>> No.1876563

less on rance, more on slave-girl

series persistent? or does she disappear at one point.

>> No.1876627
File: 28 KB, 400x508, 16433268213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if my vast eroge knowledge hurts you har har.

It sure is tiresome being above the /jp/ average user.

>> No.1876633

Slave-girl's cuteness is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.1876635


Well, perhaps you could detail/provide links that would explain said history? I always like to know whats going on.

>> No.1876642

>>1876627 It sure is tiresome being above
>secure tripcode

>> No.1876643

Play the game like I did?

>> No.1876648


But I can't read moonrunes, so yeah! C'mon, I'll be your friend.

>> No.1876654

I don't give a shit for you, son. Helping people is a blasphemy against my tripcode.

Use AGTH along with Atlas or something like all the big boys out there.

>> No.1876656
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>> No.1876662

How's this compared to FSN again?

>> No.1876733

Well, for starters it's a strategy game, not a VN

>> No.1876756

Comparing this game to a masterpiece like FSN it's not even fair, dude.

You know very well there are no visual novels out there that can top Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.1876767

Rance is fucking hardcore.
I played this shit back when I didn't understand a single moonrune (I still don't), had a friend help me with some parts.
Game was still fun. Goddamn.

>> No.1876783

Translation of Comic Party Portable or DCE.... or GTFO

>> No.1876789

Learn Japanese yourself... or GTFO.

>> No.1876795


wat it this?

>> No.1876797

>You know very well there are no visual novels out there that can top Fate/Stay Night
Except Rance isn't a VN, and thus has over nine thousand times better gameplay,

>> No.1876800

Violent Semen Inferno was already translated though. That game made me RAGE.

>> No.1876803
File: 154 KB, 636x800, 297a80fd4a58342726d8f33c28a00ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what kind of gay drugs you guys are on. Since when hasn't Alicesoft art been fapworthy?
<- I find myself constantly wasting my time fapping to Haruka when I should be progressing in the game. I can't surpass the mountain of fapping required to complete the game without resorting to skip button, which I don't want to...

Exactly ;_;

>> No.1876809

FSN was good, but seriously, stop putting it on a pedestal every time a VN is bought up, it's the equivalent of radio-killing a song.

>> No.1876820

That's the point.
We all hate FS/N here.

>> No.1876828

don't add fuel to the fire, don't turn the rance thread into a TM argument, for fucks sake you god damn troll.

>> No.1876834
File: 78 KB, 877x843, 122040757699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is wrong with this thread.

>> No.1876838

Don't give a shit, since I took my ass to school and learned japanese over 8 years of pain in the ass teachers.

I fap to text now.

>> No.1876841

OP : A new eroge is getting translated!
/jp/ : rage.jpg

>> No.1876849
File: 46 KB, 800x600, cg20165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck you're telling me. I can't count how many times I've fapped to Narika. Even when I just want to play and stop fapping for a bit, I end up just fapping.

>> No.1876865
File: 297 KB, 2560x1440, snh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there Saru.

>> No.1876875

>don't turn the thread into a TM argument

Welcome to /jp/, everything is typemoon argument here even when it's not typemoon.

>> No.1876878


>> No.1876880

He can kill history itself if he wants to, but then there would be no adventuring and fucking to be made.

>> No.1876887
File: 451 KB, 1212x1754, 無題-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because Rance has no level limit.

>> No.1876889

Rance could beat Shiki's ass anytime, we're talking about a real man against some kid with pedo tendencies that screw cats, yeah CATS.
Hell, Chaos by itself would be enough.

>> No.1876890

>kid with pedo tendencies that screw cats, yeah CATS.
That's where he draws his strength from.

>> No.1876891

Shiki:"A real man is fine too."

>> No.1876977

oh awesome I love 80's anime art style.

where is this from?

>> No.1877056




>> No.1877077

That's early to mid-90's style.

>> No.1877083

Comic Party DCE: Comic Party for Dreamcast re-ported back to PC.

Comic Party Portable is essentially the same as DCE.

>> No.1877089

Fuck yeah. Someone should just translate Comic Party, than sum shitty fantasy gaem that is handeled perfectly with the Total War series.
But transfags are transfags, the only thing you can do is to bash & insult them every fucking day until they brake HURR DURR

>> No.1877093

Comic Party Portable is for PSP, and god knows how many hacked PSP games are out there.

>> No.1877195

Good job trolling the classics.

Your noobism is showing.

>> No.1877203


fuck yes

>> No.1877214

I am surprised they bothered translating this rape-rape-rape game. It just gets old after a while.

>> No.1877227

Trolling Sengoku Rance before it's even translated? Really? It seems like the decline makes everything happen faster.

>> No.1877235


>> No.1877244

Besides the (mostly likeable) girls, Rance is a rage inducing game. You must really like despicable characters like Rance in order to play it.

>> No.1877249

Nobody fucking cares about Comic Party Portable, go troll some FSN thread or anything.

>> No.1877260

>Rance is a rage inducing game
>despicable characters like Rance

Athens. is that you?

>> No.1877274

>we're talking about a dude that rapes bitches to get power against some kid with pedo tendencies that screw cats, yeah CATS and can kill shit just for fun.

>> No.1877301

They should translate Daibanchou. MORE ALICESOFT GAMES!

>> No.1877320

>despicable characters like Rance

Apparently Rance routinely won a yearly best H game character award until they made it female only.

He's a sex fiend who wants to fuck everything that has boobs, it's rather appropriate for an eroge player character. Well, except for the bit about not liking lolis, I guess that doesn't match.

>> No.1877326

Between Daibanchou and Sengoku Rance, I'd stay with the latter. But yeah, we need more Alicesoft games around.

Toushin Toshi 3 anyone?

>> No.1877332

>>Toushin Toshi 3
No, just no. It was mediocre all around

>> No.1877334

Toushin Toushi was kind of cruel, if I remember correctly.

But frankly, they should tranlate Kizuato. It is MUCH better.

>> No.1877344

Yeah Kizuato is an awesome classic.
Translate this or Yu-No.

>> No.1877354

I laughed when he refused to sex Kouhime yet she later gets raped.

>> No.1877356

Mediocre all around is still playable.

If you're going for god tier games only, go play Saya no Uta or anything that /jp/ loves to hype.

>> No.1877373

I see nothing wrong with comic party

>> No.1877384

There's plenty of good eroge with great gameplay that are completely overlooked by /jp/ that would better be translated, TT3 is just mediocre and I don't see why anyone would want to see it get a translation.

Unlike you are just a deluded Alicesoft fanboy, making you as annoying as these "god tier game only" lovers.

>> No.1877385

No problem, rape doesn't count for the first time as long as it wasn't by me.

Rance is the man.

>> No.1877418

>There's plenty of good eroge with great gameplay that are completely overlooked by /jp/ that would better be translated

For example? Give me at least 10 names of real good games, I wanna see how sharp you are.

>TT3 is just mediocre and I don't see why anyone would want to see it get a translation.

FSN is just mediocre and got translated, Wanko to Kurasou is just mediocre and got translated, Utawarerumono is just mediocre and got translated, Tears to Tiara is just mediocre and got translated, Chaos;Head is just mediocre and got translated. Since when getting translated equals superiority? You must be delusional.

>> No.1877448

In your mind, everything is mediocre.

You will always be mediocre.

>> No.1877471

The Ikusa Megami series is pretty good as a whole, especially Zero
Eien no Aselia and Seinarukana are both pretty great as well, a little less for Seinarukana but the gameplay more than make up for it.
Genri no Kishougun 1 and 2
Haruka though it has been mentioned in this thread already.
Wizard Climber for something that is recent and pretty good.
Or Littlewitch Romanesque.
And of course Rance 6 really should be translated too.

I consider all of these to be better than TT3, and these aren't the only ones.

>> No.1877473

Not the same guy, but I could give you a few decent enough games.

Doukyuusei 2
December without Angels
To Heart
Kazoku Keikaku

Giniro or Mizuiro were nice too.

>> No.1877492

I think he wanted eroge with "gameplay", at least that what I gave him.

>> No.1877497

I would add BALDR Force then.

>> No.1877521

oh noes type-moon boy is butthurt.

>> No.1877528
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I'm actually surprised that Eien no Aselia hasn't been translated yet despite all the hype it gets.

>> No.1877637

>>But yeah, we need more Alicesoft games around.

Personally, I'd like to see more Liarsoft and LittleWitch games translated.

>> No.1877674

Aselia is awesome

>> No.1877679

Alice Soft sucks - too much rape

>> No.1877681

Who cares about low tier games when you can play Saya no Uta?

>> No.1877688

lol ur a pussy

>> No.1877690

errr what?

>> No.1877692

Is this going to be ramrodded into non-meme status?

>> No.1877703

which Rance game has the most brutal rape scenes?

>> No.1877704

anyone know how to get violent semen inferno to work?

>> No.1877740

install it

>> No.1877761
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fuck you. Alice soft = god tier

>> No.1877774

no option to do that

>> No.1877863

We should create a tl group to translate all these awesome games everyone says they are so vastly superior to whatever-game-going-to-be-translated-by-a-group-that-actually-has-done-something.

>> No.1877953
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>need more Alicesoft

>> No.1878068
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>> No.1878068,1 [INTERNAL] 

i'm here from the future
