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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1875331 No.1875331 [Reply] [Original]

When I was 5, my mother aborted a little girl. I didn't find out until I was 16.

You guys, tell me stories about your little sisters and the cute things they do ;_;

>> No.1875332

My little sister's dating a redneck.

>> No.1875338

My redneck dated a little sister

>> No.1875349

You knew the gender and your mother got an abortion? I wasn't aware that you could abort that late.

>> No.1875350

You shouldn't let them breed with humans. They'll start thinking for themselves.

>> No.1875356

My little sister's a redneck.

>> No.1875368

Huh. You know what, that's a good question. I'm gonna ask my mom how she knew the next time she calls me.

>> No.1875369

My mother dumped me in an alley when I was an infant, she told my brother that I was aborted BUT I WAS NOT!

I was raised by hobos and they have taught me invaluable urban survival skills that I make use of in my journey to find my long lost nii-san...

>> No.1875384

When did posting on /jp/ become a survival skill?

>> No.1875390

It's a desert out here.

>> No.1875393
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My sister still gets scared at the T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park. Only when it first breaks out, all it's later scenes, and the sequels don't bother her, but when if breaks through the fence, and then attacks Tim and Lex in the truck, she's always on edge. The fact that my dad a few times hid behind the couch time and tapped her on the shoulder with two fingers probably didn't help.

Similar thing happens later on when Muldoon and Ellie leave the bungalow to turn on the power, when they pass by the raptor enclosure, and you see the hole with the spooky music playing, she grabs my arm and shivers.

>> No.1875394

When I was 11, my sister died a few weeks before she was supposed to be born.

She would be 10 years old by now, if she was still alive. heh...

>> No.1875396

That is so cute <3

>> No.1875395
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My sister still gets scared at the T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park. Only when it first breaks out, all it's later scenes, and the sequels don't bother her, but when if breaks through the fence, and then attacks Tim and Lex in the truck, she's always on edge. The fact that my dad a few times hid behind the couch and tapped her on the shoulder with two fingers probably didn't help.

Similar thing happens later on when Muldoon and Ellie leave the bungalow to turn on the power, when they pass by the raptor enclosure, and you see the hole with the spooky music playing, she grabs my arm and shivers.

>> No.1875397

You gotta know your touhous and VNs man

>> No.1875400

>>1875395 she grabs my arm and shivers

>> No.1875411

My mother was going to have a girl. She died 2 days after she was born... 2 years later she had me.

She told me that if she haven't died propbably I woulnd't have born, since my parent just wanted to have two kids (I have an older sister, 4 years older).

>> No.1875414

How many fucking times did you make her watch Jurassic Park?

>> No.1875416

i guess your parents were unlucky

>> No.1875421

I have a half-sister that my dad made with another woman after he left me and my mom, but I've never seen her.

>> No.1875424

Nice mom you have there. How does knowing that make you feel? Would you have given up being born if it could save your sister?

>> No.1875425

I know that. No need to tell...

at least they won't waste money on expensive clothes and shoes just to realize their daugher is a slut and use drugs. Which is in my kind of view what happen to most of the girls in the economic status my family is.

>> No.1875429

Would your Onee-Chan want a little sister instead of you?

if so i am so sorry.
you should be treated better.

>> No.1875435

My sister is well endowed and cosplays and now I'm a bit edgy thanks to 4chan.

>> No.1875436
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Hell if I know. I've been watching it since before she was born, and I first showed it to her when she was five.

Big mistake on my part, back then, the raptors actually scared her, and my parents were on my back about how it was too scary.

I also showed her Night of the Living Dead when she was nine, and this past New Years Eve we watched Dawn of the Dead with our cousin. The first one scared her, but then again, we were the only two home and all the lights were out. She took the second one better, but still covered her eyes during the eating scenes, and cried when Roger died.

>> No.1875437

protect your big sister.
she is on the road to ruin.

>> No.1875438

Actually I feel kind undifferent. If I haven't been born, well... there not a lot to think about since I wouldn't exist. I have weird existentialism beliefs, so I don't like to think about it that much.

And probably... no. Life is life, I won't give it up just because she died. Actually doctors said she was going to be sick for the rest of her life if she survived.

>> No.1875445

I will ask her next time I see her. You actually make me curious.

>> No.1875448
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how fitting...

>> No.1875450

God damn it, I want to hug some of you anons.

When you talk about your lives, it's almost always something depressing. Why does /jp/ attract so many lonely guys with horrible pasts?

>> No.1875461

Wakes me up if I oversleep, raises the blinds, hands me my glasses
Tells me to shave my face so that it doesn't itch when she kisses me
Asks me all the time to play with her because nobody else in the house will
Likes old adventure games like Monkey Island or Broken Sword, we're playing Grim Fandango now
Asks me to help her read her children books because she can't recognize all the letters yet
Asks me to "download movies from the computer"
Sometimes asks me to unbutton her clothes or zip up her boots because she's too lazy
When my family and I go out for a walk or whatever, she grabs my hand all the time
She asks me to take her to Japan when she's older so we can get her a giant Totoro plush
Yesterday she was extremely proud and happy that she won a match in Soul Calibur IV
Asks for goodnight kisses when she goes to bed
There are too many things to list really, but in short, little sisters are awesome if you treat them well
She's 6, so all of this will probably change drastically when she hits bitchy puberty

>> No.1875463

Because I feel comfortable in 4chan. Other forums wouldn't even touch subjects like this.

>> No.1875470


Similar story for me, actually - though it was more than one occasion if I recall correctly. My mom somewhat neglected to birth like 3 or 4 before me, for one reason or another. And given that she was then in a country with very strict birthing regulations, I guess I really won the lottery by managing to make it out of the womb. Not so lucky for those (who could've been) before me, but... it's fate, I guess.

>> No.1875472


On a side note, spanish girls are cute.

>> No.1875473

Well, good luck with that. Mine's twelve, but still nice. I'll just have to wait and see how her teen years go.

>> No.1875474

I hope you know how lucky you are

>> No.1875475

Shit, how the hell did that happen? I didn't mean to reply to >>1875429.

Specifically from what though? She's in High School now and hasn't done any drugs or anything like that so I think she'll be fine. If it's getting attention from losers then I'm way ahead of you.

>> No.1875476


>> No.1875478

because Anonymous is both anyonmous and ronery.

and remember /jp/ was the board which once held an epic thread about your sister catching you masturbating, possibly intentionlly, and the mods deleted it and handed out bannings

>> No.1875483

>She's 6, so all of this will probably change drastically when she hits bitchy puberty

Yes, yes it will. Why can't they stay like that longer? ;_;

>> No.1875486

because nobody likes growing old

>> No.1875512

Speaking of that, Hook is still one of the best childrens movies ever. Dug out my old toy hook with the two extra blades and a couple plastic swords, and my sister and I had an epic sword fight. Everything went fine until I fell down the stairs.

>> No.1875516

Fuck that shit.

>> No.1875519
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>> No.1875525

I don't have one but sometimes I look out my window and I see schoolgirls walking home
if I see some cute ones I whip out my binoculars for a closer look

>> No.1875530

I usually just sit in a dark room facing the school and street and wait for a cute girl to pass by while slowly masturbating and looking out of the crack of the blinds. Sometimes they'll be wearing skirts or short shorts and I get a really good look at their legs. Somehow though, I prefer their ponytails to any part of their bodies.

>> No.1875533

Do you really want to be a pedophile?

>> No.1875538

Fuck you, do you not know how sad these imouto threads make me? For reasons beyond me i always think i mightve grown up to be an outstanding man if i woulde had brothers and/or sisters. Anyone to play with basically.

>> No.1875541

You have us :3

>> No.1875552

Growing up as an only child usually makes you socially retarded. So it's no wonder you ended up here, I guess.

>> No.1875559


Do you want to be a millionaire?

>> No.1875560

I have and older brother and just ended up ignoring him. It probably wouldn't have turned out any different.

>> No.1875563

Yeah that single child thing was pretty shithouse

If I ever get a waifu i'm making sure we have 3 children

>> No.1875567
File: 25 KB, 826x193, iwannabetheguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to be the guy?

>> No.1875572

One of these days, 4chan is going to be on the news...

>> No.1875576

Didn't it have been already in them several times?

>> No.1875577

Moving residences constantly doesn't help either. Which is what happened to me. Don't know how bad it would be if both happened.

>> No.1875578
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>> No.1875581




>> No.1875582

Yeah, and being from a single parent home that moved atleast once every two years propably helps, too. I propably inherited this shit from my mother, so the only reasonable thing left to do now is to rape her and finally have my imouto!

>> No.1875585

Do you want to be, the very best?

>> No.1875589

like no one ever was?

>> No.1875598

>I propably inherited this shit from my mother, so the only reasonable thing left to do now is to rape her and finally have my daughter!

Name her Antigone for the lols

>> No.1875600

They mentioned 4chan on TV at least 2 times already, silly.

>> No.1875604


>> No.1875605

My mother aborted 3 potential onee-sans before giving birth to me;_;

>> No.1875608

I'm a bit of an ass to my two half sisters. I think they're like 9 or something. I don't see them much anyway, only when I visit my mother every few days.

>> No.1875603
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anon doesn't deserve a little sister

>> No.1875611

My sisters say they hate me and just finished yelling at me when I left my room momentarily to get a drink.

>> No.1875612
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1231230069653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 10 year old little sister is really hyper and always wants to play around. She's basically an asian version of Ilya, except younger and more innocent. Always pokes fun at me, teases me and even makes fun about how I'm 24 and have no girlfriend and still live with the parents, but she does it in an innocent way. Really love her a lot, she was one of the biggest reasons I didn't commit suicide years ago when I realized that I was going to be ronery and alone for the rest of my life.

She's going to grow up one day, unfortunately, and I cringe at the thought of her growing up into another one of those normal, materialism-obsessed whores on TV. And already she's having some really violent mood swings from time to time, which will probably get worse as she becomes a teenager. So I try to enjoy it while it lasts, she wants me to pick her up after school tommorow and loves clinging to my arm like this as we walk home. I want to be as nice to her as possible, hopefully me being a nice bro will dampen any potential teenage-angst rebellion bullshit that usually develops later on.

>> No.1875613

I found out i have an step little sister. She is an 6 years old loli. When i first saw her i was like HHHHHNNNGGGGGG.

>> No.1875617

>My mother aborted 3 potential onee-sans before giving birth to me;_;

You mom is such a slut
Can you introduce me?

>> No.1875616
File: 201 KB, 837x1200, ChokottoS.V01.Ch00.014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I was a good boy back when I wished for one.

>> No.1875624
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1145884041858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 10 year old little sister is really hyper and always wants to play around. She's basically an asian version of Ilya, except younger and more innocent. Always pokes fun at me, teases me and even makes fun about how I'm 24 and have no girlfriend and still live with the parents, but she does it in an innocent way. Really love her a lot, she was one of the biggest reasons I didn't commit suicide years ago when I realized that I was going to be ronery and alone for the rest of my life.

She's going to grow up one day, unfortunately, and I cringe at the thought of her growing up into another one of those normal, materialism-obsessed whores on TV. And already she's having some really violent mood swings from time to time, which will probably get worse as she becomes a teenager. I want to be as nice to her as possible, hopefully me being a nice big bro will dampen any potential teenage-angst rebellion bullshit that usually develops later on. So I try to enjoy it while it lasts, I spoil her a lot and she wants me to pick her up after school tommorow and loves clinging to my arm like this as we walk home. :)

>> No.1875630

My friend's little sister used to really like me
Every time I went over to his house she would be jump all over me (in a platonic manner) and pulling my hair and giggling and stuff

Then she hit puberty.

>> No.1875634

>Then she hit puberty.

Do continue.

>> No.1875636

How can you be 24 and your little sis be 10
Your mom must be like, fertile as the Nile river delta

>> No.1875642

oh yeah, forgot to mention, I found out about this half little sister about 2 days ago. HHHNNNGGGGG

>> No.1875643

Then she hit puberty. That was when she realized that anonymous was nowhere as good looking as most boys, and kind of chubby to boot. Encounters with her from then on consisted of a quick sideways glance, just long enough for her to acknowledge my existence.


>> No.1875657

That's not too weird. I'm 20 and my brother's 8 now.

>> No.1875672

I've recently found out that my little "sis" has AIS. I feel confused.

>> No.1875680
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The tragedy.

>> No.1875682

My little sister is 16 and watches a fuckton of mecha anime. She hates nearly all shojo, and the only shonen she can stand is One Piece. She hates the idea of romance.

>> No.1875689

>>1875682 the only shonen she can stand is One Piece
Me too! Introduce me!

Oh God ;_;

>> No.1875690

>Me too! Introduce me!
Over my dead body.

>> No.1875694

But Anonymous is an affluent, successful young man the likes of which any girl would be lucky to have :\

>> No.1875696

She has an Automatic Identification System?

>> No.1875700
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shit was so cash

seriously you're missing out you guys

>> No.1875705

God damnit.

>> No.1875706


Of course, having a little sister isn't a guarantee you'll be socially adept either.

Why can't I be normal? ;_;

>> No.1875724

I found out that while I was gone, my sister was browsing 4chan. Found this out by noticing that the URL bar when I haven't been on for a week and cleared my cache beforehand references boards like /h/, /d/, /e/, /u/. And she one time I caught her watching Bible Black.

>> No.1875726

I'm an Anonymous and you don't see girls throwing themselves at me.

>> No.1875728

Sons of bitches pig Americans, stop ruining my favorite manga

>> No.1875730

I didn't know titty monster was from a manga xD

>> No.1875732

Of course not, you are too good at being anonymous for me to notice you.

>> No.1875736

Point taken.

But my post still stands. None of you are going anywhere near my mecha animu obsessed little sister if I can help it.

>> No.1875740

I wouldn't let my little sister near any anime-related thing. I would have to slap her too much when she became a disgusting fat yaoi fangirl.

>> No.1875747

My sister's kinda average in weight.

>> No.1875758


>> No.1875761

Is it just me or are the threads not bumping?

>> No.1875765

Not bumping for me either

>> No.1875766

kind of

>> No.1875773

Sometimes I wonder if I am a terrible brother, because my sister doesn't really seem to have many hobbies of her own. They all seem to be "inherited" from me. I got her into old sci-fi and monster movies, I got her into dinosaurs (well, fiction anyway, as far as she cares, the fact that they actually existed doesn't matter), she likes playing Atari and NES games with me, SNES on just has a small assortment of things she likes. Definitely a fan of the old school.

She still keeps a couple of her dolls thanks to being treasured childhood toys, but after she was six, she mostly played with my action figures. She had a really unhealthy obsession with my old 80's WWF figures for a couple years. As far as anime and such goes, she sometimes watches my stuff with me, but otherwise has no active interest in it.

About the only thing she's really been into on her own are Disney movies, but even there, that was thanks to me, and doesn't much care for most of the stuff after The Lion King.

>> No.1875801

It's all fun and games until they become vacuous teenage whores, filling the void in their soul with fashionable consumption and frivolous sex.

>> No.1875832

That's pretty much me and my eight year old sister.

God I don't want to imagine her grown up. Scares the shit out of me.

>> No.1875856

You should just get a loli girlfriend then.

>> No.1875871

I've had a little sister about 3 years younger than me. We've never gotten along once in our lives whatsoever, and now that i've turned into a jobless schoolless terminally ill NEET loser, i'm pretty sure she hates me. Those kind little sister things made me honestly jealous.

>> No.1875898

>terminally ill

I'm sure lots of people have a fetish for this.

>> No.1875899

3 years is too close for a little sister

>> No.1875906

What ails you, fellow anon?

>> No.1875919

My 8 year old sister plays games with my gaming group on game nights. Sometimes she either loses interest or gets too tried to continue playing, and other times the game ends because everyone is more interested in playing with my little sister. However, she is prone to doing things like falling asleep under the table, in my lap, in my wife's lap, her older sister's lap, or my older sisters' lap. Other times she will actually make it back to either her room or my room and fall asleep there.

She also will come in and ask to sleep with me and my wife at least once a week due to not being able to sleep. My older sister does this too, and I have yet to figure out a good way to break either of them of it besides locking our door.

>> No.1875923


Pretty much ruined my life. It makes me really fucking prone to blood clotting and it completely shot my stamina which made me leave my room a lot less, so i slowly became a social and emotional wreck, and eventually just became a NEET. My sister hates me for it because my parents had to go through a lot of shit for me at the hospital and that was attention she wasn't getting. Hooray.

>> No.1875928

>red urine

Cool, I'd give it to lolis and call it kool-aid.

>> No.1875949

>She also will come in and ask to sleep with me and my wife at least once a week due to not being able to sleep. My older sister does this too
wait what

>> No.1875953

You're married and your OLDER sister wants to sleep with you and your wife..?

and >> the game ends because everyone is more interested in playing with my little sister

>> No.1875957

I think you should speak to your sister about it. You just lay in bed, under the sheets and looking exhausted (I figure you look exhausted all the time anyway), tell her you understand she's angry for you stealing your parents' attention, but that she should understand how you feel, with your illness and all. She should give in and feel bad for hating you.

>> No.1875959

We all used to sleep in the same bed when we were children, she never was able to break herself of the habit.

>> No.1875961

What a fucking whore. You know what? Man the fuck up. What makes you think you should take all that shit just because your 3 years younger sister didnt get the new thongs from Hot Topic back then? Or because she didnt get to eat at Mc Donalds that one night? Fuck snottynosed, spoiled bitches like her. And fuck you too, who lets their fat, yaoi obsessed younger sister run over them like that? Man the fuck up, and shut that bitch down.

>> No.1875965

>She should give in and feel bad for hating you.

Somehow Kaere from Shuffle comes into my mind.

>> No.1875966

That's... that's... just fucked up in a strangely erotic way

>> No.1875967

stick it in one night

>> No.1875968

He won't manage to do anything acting violently.

>> No.1875982

A lot of it is just because i'm a bitter motherfucker. She barely gives me any time of day and when she does she just treats me (and my parents too, a lot of times) like dirt, but I think she understands that somewhere down there. She cried when I said I was leaving high school.

Meh. I barely even see her anymore, seeing as she's always out with friends and boyfriends or whatever. At this point I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.1875983

Who said anything about violence? Besides, hes most likely physically unable to choke a bitch. Im just saying, shes a spoiled brat and should be brought down to earth.

>> No.1875989

Having onee-sans sucks. In the end, there's no way to guide them along a good path. The youngest of them visited just now and I'm realizing more and more how incredibly dull she is. All she does is talk about her job as at some service desk, or her normalfag friends. suddenly got depressed as hell when she came over. The oldest one is a bit less dull, but she's not particularly interesting either.

To the few onee-san fans out there, unless she likes to see boys in female clothes (she doesn't), it will just be a bother.

>> No.1875995

You mean they aren't all into things like sci-fi/fantasy/horror, practice with a rifle, do wood/metal work, and participate in all sorts of /tg/ activities? I hope my youngest sister doesn't change, she's still at that cute stage where they look up to you and want to participate in the same activities and dress in the same clothes you used to dress in.

No, but my wife and I have tried having all kinds of sex while she was there to get her to stop.

>> No.1875998

Get out of here, you unvirgin!

>> No.1875999

>No, but my wife and I have tried having all kinds of sex while she was there to get her to stop.

I would have to request some of that details on exactly what kind she tried.
And your sister's reactions

>> No.1876003

Assuming you're both in your twenties at least, your sister's been sleeping in the same bed as you since you were kids? And still does now that you're wife is in there? What is this I don't even

>> No.1876014

I don't care that much if they're into exactly the same stuff as me, I just wish they could be somewhat interesting. The kind of people you'd enjoy having conversations with even if you didn't have much in common. But it is to be expected, since the average person is boring, and since I had practically no influence over their lives when they were raised, coincidences judged them to a life of averageness.

>> No.1876017

At least you seem close to yours, that's a luxury I never had with mine. We're still friendly toward each other, but I never really got to know her. And there's not much of a chance now, seeing as she's been happily married for years now and will probably soon be focused on a family of her own.

Oh well, maybe I'll luck out and wind up with a niece.

>> No.1876021

Anal, oral, vaginal, mutual masturbation, watching each other masturbate, bondage, and foot sex.

Her reaction is usually to just go to sleep or pretend to.

>> No.1876024

The sister in question is 30 and does it at least once or twice a month.

>> No.1876032

>Her reaction is usually to just go to sleep or pretend to

She's masturbating to the sound you and your wife are making.

Also, your wife is jealous of her, which is pretty moe

>> No.1876039

In more ways that one. She's also jealous of the fact that my sister actually has a chest, where as she is pretty flat.

>> No.1876040

Whether knowing them well is a good thing depends on how much you really care about them. I would be happy if they just lived interesting lives, even if I didn't know them that well.

But I think I have a cute cousin-in-law over in Italy. A sweet, young girl raised by a rich Italian family. Fuck yes, I'm just gonna need an excuse to travel there and get involved in that family.

>> No.1876051

My little sister is afraid of the dark, and would often cling to me in dark places.
My little sister loves to enter my room and talk about random things.
My little sister often hugs and kisses me out of the blue, telling me she loves me. She also kisses me good night and good morning.
My little sister parties with me in MMOs.
My little sister watches me play Persona 4 and bugs me to go max all the links already.
My little sister begs me to burn her some DVDs.
My little sister tries to help me cook, but often just does something clumsy.
My little sister always attaches herself to me whenever the family goes somewhere.
My little sister always tries to pass dishwashing duty to me, but I'm too smart for that.
My little sister falls asleep in my arms.
My little sister is almost 13. I wonder how much longer she's going to be my little sister.

>> No.1876076

and how many years separate you two? 11?

>> No.1876084

My sister and I fought as if to the death but then again we were 2 years apart, me being the eldest. Then in the teenage years we generally avoided each other. In adulthood it's been a 180 and she's rather clingy when she's home from college.

I would of liked to have a younger sister separated by close to a decade, but I suppose I got pretty lucky with my sister considering many of the others who just separated permanently.

>> No.1876089


>> No.1876095

What does your sister think of the fact you're a worthless 2D-loving NEET?

>> No.1876140

Is china breeding a race of closet NEETs?

>> No.1876150

She teases me about it every now and then. Her boyfriends used to get 'bonus points' if they could hold a conversation with me. Then she 'got sick' of men and went full lesbian. She found out that was twice the bitch and none of the dong and is leaning towards 'bi' as of late.

>> No.1876151

Mostly spoiled normalfags

>> No.1876388

be my oniichan :o

>> No.1876586

Lesbian older sister who pretends to sleep in your room just to watch you having sex with your flat wife? I don't even need to tell you what to do.

>> No.1876602


There you go making me jealous again.

>> No.1876608

I think you have two people mixed up.

>> No.1876617

>Anonymous of Spain !cE/HDU9md6

I only wish I could be there when she finds out.

>> No.1877004

>I wonder how much longer she's going to be my little sister.
Probably not much longer, be extremely nice to her at this critical point!

>> No.1877044

I would have had twin sisters one year younger than me if they weren't aborted but I'm glad because if they were alive they'd be Mexican

>> No.1877063

My mother dumped me in an alley when I was an infant, she told my brother that I was aborted BUT I WAS NOT!

I was raised by hobos in west Philadelphia and they have taught me invaluable urban survival skills that I make use of in my journey to find my long lost nii-san and then my hobos got scared and sent me to my uncle and aunti in bel air!

>> No.1877074

Then you murdered your parents for abandoning you, which caused your brother to go on a journey of revenge that still continues to this very day.

>> No.1877165

I feel I need to post before this thread dies. Don't know if it's still about this, I haven't had the time to read it all yet.

I was supposed to have a twin sister. She died at birth, and I lived. I constantly try to forget it. I wonder how my life would have been with a twin sister ;_;

>> No.1877172

Forgot to remove my sage.

>> No.1877189

Oh you poor thing. *gives you a hug* There, there...

>> No.1877215

Most of the girls I know are built like a little sister anyway.

Still sucks that they aren't 10 years younger ;_;

>> No.1878279

... Nii-chan! I'm not Mexican! I wasn't aborted, either!

>> No.1878289

I have never raged harder at a thread on 4chan. Ever.

>> No.1878468

1. Get them to wear school uniforms for you.
2. Take pictures.
3. Post pictures here.
