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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18732174 No.18732174 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.18732178
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JP wikis:

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>> No.18732264
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Akazukin and Cinderella have the best genderbands so far


>> No.18732557

>No staff listed on the site but still lists them in the source code
>Director: ひいろゆきな
>Series compostion: 高橋ナツコ
>Character design: まじろ
>Music: 高田雅史
>Animation studio: project No.9"

>> No.18732776

M-maybe it's not an April's Fool.

>> No.18733116

So Pil/plash's crowdfunding for more Paradise was a big success.

>> No.18733129
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>> No.18733723
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does anyone familar with dame prince know if you get actual romance down the line? Or do they just keep stringing you along

>> No.18733819

There are three types of endings: dame end, normal end and love end. Someone made a guide that explains it better. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FuSOyXw0bcmg9qpBzWhBtCKjgRdHEnkHXpWo0KMUXRc/edit

>> No.18733832 [SPOILER] 
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It does get romantic, but mostly just tagged on at the end. Romance is not really the focus.

>> No.18734052

thanks, that guide is a huge help

>> No.18734096
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Confessing to Tengu-senpai

>> No.18734906
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>> No.18736156

Wow, /blog/ talks about Onmyoji too?

>> No.18736176

Haven't heard anyone mention it before this since it has never been /blog/ related other than having nice boys.

>> No.18736212

I know this is from nearly a year and a half ago, but that one anon, did you ever finish Omerta?

I honestly have nothing to contribute to this conversation except to agree that it does indeed have nice boys

>> No.18736244
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I wouldn't mind a TaiAli game with Yurika as a male and every guys in their genderbend form desu.

>> No.18736401

Only if the VAs stay the same, that'd be hilarious.

>> No.18736537
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That hits my weakness for noona romance, I'm in.

>> No.18736574

Don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.18736831

The April Fools is just relevant.

>> No.18736836

Genderbend Yurika is best boy

>> No.18738016
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The one time EnStars had fun gameplay

>> No.18739155

Why are R18 otome games so universally shit?

>> No.18739602

Maybe because you're playing shit ones.

>> No.18740955

I wonder if this OVA will have BL R-18 scenes or only scenes with the girls.

>> No.18741543
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>> No.18743199
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What the fuck.

>> No.18743261

Good for them but holy shit that overfunding and there' s still 59 days left.

>> No.18743944

They weren't stupid when thinking of the rewards, stuff like
are way too tempting for fans. Honestly, if a game I liked offered stuff like this, I'd be really tempted to not drop a few hundred bucks on it.

>> No.18744018

I hope someone put Cockmongler in there

>> No.18745565
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So, how is the that fandisk going for you anons

>> No.18746792

This is coming out at the end of this month?

>> No.18747822

God, are there lots of mistakes like that?

>> No.18748161

If you're referring to "would that I were" that's not a mistake.

>> No.18748174

Seriously? Fucking hell, it sounds so wrong. English can be so weird, I'll never master it as stupid EOP.
Is it used in normal speech? First time I've ever seen that phrase.

>> No.18748207

>I'll never master it as stupid EOP
I don't think you know what that means.

>> No.18748217
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I'll stop posting.

>> No.18750232 [DELETED] 


>> No.18750244
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>> No.18750653

he better have 15 guns or else

>> No.18750667

Finally, 4 years later I finally get to kiwame him.

>> No.18752717
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This is your pillow for tonight

>> No.18754019

Can't wait for doggo.

>> No.18754271
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Do you love ramen /blog/?

>> No.18754429

God I wish that were me

>> No.18755411
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>delayed indefinitely

It's dead

>> No.18755446

These character designs are so ugly.

>> No.18756606

I love it and Japan's goofy husbando advertising shenanigans. tfw no this or pocky boys either as a filthy gaijin

>> No.18757329

Is there anywhere I would be able to find old scans of Cool-B issues other than otomedream or am I out of luck? I've tried searching around but I haven't turned up anything.

>> No.18757400

i don't know but they went digital

>> No.18761222

So, all of them except maybe one or two.

Multiuniverse Myself looks pretty good, mostly because the heroine looks badass and actually dominant.

>> No.18762014

Playing NTY and just finished my first run with Maki. Who should I do next? Does it matter? Should I be doing who I like most first or last? I'm inclined to go after Pops next

>> No.18762024

That's pretty shit, actually.

>> No.18762044

"Badass" dominant heroines are cringy as fuck. Women just can't pull that off.

>> No.18762078

I would like to see a heroine that is dominant but not a tryhard.

>> No.18762093

>not a tryhard

>> No.18762311

The recommended order is Hiroyuki first and Ryu last, and I'd agree with that because the former gives you the least amount of resolution and the latter the most.
I'd have one of those over a passive doormat any day.

>> No.18762371

sounds like a plan. Hiroyuki seems so boring though ugh

>> No.18762392

Is Code Realize still work a play even if you don't like the theme?

>> No.18762404

>playing things you're not interested in just because they're popular/well-received
Do people seriously fucking do this?

>> No.18762419

bandwaggoning is real, yeah.

>> No.18762513

Gotta feel included somehow.

>> No.18762521

I'd rather have a normal heroine who isn't a trope. But nope. We can only have passive no expression heroine or dominant heroine who's always angry.

>> No.18762633

if the protagonist is that important to you then just play BL shit. otome is for self-inserting.

>> No.18762732

I don't like self inserting

>> No.18762734

Did you play Koezaru wa Akai Hana?

>> No.18762739

This isn't even true.

>> No.18762741

Then don't play games made for that.

>> No.18762868

>We can only have passive no expression heroine or dominant heroine who's always angry
Not true at all. Yurika from TaiAli was great. Lulu from WoF and Futaba from Trigger Kiss were great too. The heroine from Variable Barricade also looks like she's going to be a good one too considering that the people who worked on Trigger Kiss are also working on it.

>> No.18762942

I actually liked him the most. The other guys were either too cold or just not my type physically. It's just unfortunate that his route is kind of a trainwreck as far as plot resolution goes.

>> No.18763379

I'm not an EOP, there's a lot of otome games where the MCs have personalities and I have access to them. If you don't like it then that's your problem, there's also games made for you.

>> No.18763398

what's any of that got to do with my post?

>> No.18763505

You said I shouldn't play games for self-inserting but I already do that. It's ignorance to say every otome game has a heroine made for self-insertion.

>> No.18763541

The overwhelming majority are. Even the ones with "personalities" are ultimately proxies for (You).

>> No.18763601

There are multiple companies making games exclusively with MCs with personality. Sure, those companies are the smaller ones, but there are definitely more than enough games with interesting MCs to satisfy someone only after those.

>> No.18763622

Isn't the general underlying concept of otome to experience the romance vicariously through the protagonist? The idea is you're intended to enjoy the guys' affection through the eyes of the protag, so doesn't make them self-inserts by default? Or does self-insert just refer to blank slate protags?

>> No.18763633

>Isn't the general underlying concept of otome to experience the romance vicariously through the protagonist? The idea is you're intended to enjoy the guys' affection through the eyes of the protag, so doesn't make them self-inserts by default?
Yes. Some people are embarrassed to admit this though.

>> No.18763710

The original post >>18762633 is talking about the importance of the protagonist, so we're obviously talking about whether they're a blank slate or not.

>> No.18763771

I meant importance to the player and it was a response to people being excessively anal about how otome heroines are written, overlooking what the majority of the target audience ultimately wants when they pick up an otome game. If you just want to ship the MC with the love interests and don't in any way self-project whatsoever, you'll honestly be much better off in another genre.

>> No.18764501

>If you just want to ship the MC with the love interests

those players exist too, they are called カプ厨

>> No.18764548

Interested in seeing what games you've played.

>> No.18764598

They're not wrong though.

>> No.18764724

What's the last R18 you've played that you didn't like?

>> No.18764783

Sachi no Tenbin

>> No.18764952

Apparently PrincessBritiania suffers from the same problems as Sanzen.

>> No.18764999

I wish they'd stop wasting money making mediocre otome and just focus on their BL games that have been in development hell for years now. Their Japanese fans are getting annoyed too.

>> No.18765058

What's wrong with them?

>> No.18765073

>hikarinoakariost is kill


>> No.18765192

I've only read Sanzen so I can only speak of that, but it's just mediocre and halfassed. You can tell the creators would have rather been doing something else.

It also lacks a charm their BL games have. Beniten for example has its writing flaws but it's obvious they enjoyed working on it, and they still talk about it on twitter all the time despite it being their lesser selling BL game, but they don't even acknowledge their otomeshit exists outside of initial advertising. Sanzen and Beniten are both getting Vita ports soon and Rosa has only been gushing about Beniten. Hell, I just checked her twitter right now and she's giving descriptions of Mebiusline characters motherfucking teeth, yet she won't even acknowledge Sanzen. It's clear where their priorities are so they should stick to them.

Maybe I wouldn't be so hard on it if I wasn't aware they could do better. I'd like to read a review of Sanzen by someone who hasn't read any of their BL games.

>> No.18765256

What happened?

>> No.18765274

I like cold guys so maybe that's why I went with Maki first. Cold and old >>> young and friendly

>> No.18765297

They got their adfly account dmca'd and papal account frozen.

>> No.18766076

Is there a reason why the anime-sharing otome downloads forum requires you to sign up? I've never had that happen with eroge, but I don't use a-s that much.

>> No.18766367

Anyone have any recs for doujin drama CDs?

>> No.18766605

They've always made you sign up. But maybe it's up to the user whether to hide their download links.

I like anything Ichijou Hirame's done.

>> No.18766752

Are you looking for a specific scenario?

>> No.18767101

I'll check it out.
Not in particular, just something soothing to listen to.

>> No.18767110

Pandering to people who self insert has ruined slot of otomes for me. There called visual novels. Not choose your own adventures

>> No.18767114

I'm a filthy eop

>> No.18767122

Is the no face thing in some otome games really for self insertion? Reminds me of faceless old men doujins

>> No.18767917
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Guan Yu from Juuzaengi is pretty much that. She's sly, determined, has a great sense of humor, and is one of the strongest warriors in the cast (and proves it many times), but at the same time she's very loving and considerate.
Unsurprisingly, the best routes are where she gets together with other military commanders, forming a really overpowered husband-wife pair.

>> No.18768017
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So that hiatus is indefinite? Well shit, where am I going to get my obscure trash weeaboo music now?

>> No.18768083

Well, if we're talking about localized games I thought Ichika from CxM is pretty good. And I liked Cardia's overall development in C:R.

>> No.18768132

Have you have Chou no Doku or Yoshiwara Higanbana?

>> No.18768687

What about it?

>> No.18769067

The guy who owned the site wasn't the one who uploaded that stuff, so hopefully those guys find someplace else that isn't some private facebook group. There are other blogs out there.

>> No.18769256
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>> No.18769264

no thanks

>> No.18769270
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>Is the no face thing in some otome games really for self insertion
Yes, though that's not a new thing in the medium in general.

>> No.18769278

15 years too late

>> No.18769290

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.18769345

If you're looking for something soothing, you should heed >>18766605 advice. He also has a YouTube channel where he uploads some of his works.
Other than that, Lotophagos' 夜寝 series is really sweet too.

>> No.18769679
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Fortunately it is not that common in console otome, because everyone wants to be a cute girl. Mobage are retarded

>> No.18771182

Who the one with the Hawks on her shoulder?

>> No.18771236

Above Felicita? That's the Toki no Kizuna protag.

>> No.18772627

HypnoLife's Mimikaki Kareshi is very relaxing. The one featuring zero to be specific.

>> No.18774410

Opening sounds great.

>> No.18774422

>Guan Yu lifts the landwhale with one hand
My sides. 10/10 for the reference.

>> No.18774558
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Do people actually find this attractive?

>> No.18774572

nice armpit though

>> No.18775189

Hirame's put out some good work, I agree. I think I prefer the Inma no Iru Seikatsu CDs more.

>> No.18775261

>the blood packs next to Yui

>> No.18777532
File: 130 KB, 600x338, nilad_0407_07_cs1w1_600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what NilAd was about

>> No.18777956

Did Netflix pick this up or something. I can't find subs

>> No.18778308


I'm in blue sounds sounds so off in Japanese. Of course because I'm used to the other version, but still.

>> No.18782875


>> No.18783126


What really killed me was how fucking tired she looks.

>> No.18784359

18/03/08 PSV 『ラッキードッグ1』 2,414本
18/03/29 PSV 『GALTIA V Edition』 1,360本

Expected better from Luckydog.

>> No.18785369

What's the frame of reference here?

>> No.18785584

ASCII reported 2,634 for Dmmd re:code, Media Create reported 3,133 (limited edition included), Famitsu 6,102.
Only ASCII data available for the others.

15/09/17 PSV 『東京陰陽師 V Edition』 2,138本
16/01/28 PSV 『大正メビウスライン Vitable』 3,533本
17/08/24 PSV 『大正メビウスライン 帝都備忘録 ハレ』 3,047本
18/03/08 PSV 『ラッキードッグ1』 2,414本
18/03/29 PSV 『GALTIA V Edition』 1,360本

>> No.18785713

Why is Famitsu so much higher than the others?

>> No.18785768

If I'm not mistaken, Famitsu tracks downloads while the other two don't, which likely plays part in a chunk of the data. Just look at ASCII data with that in mind, you'd end up with more or less the same outcome.

>> No.18787225
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>> No.18787746

The anime OP is good but the game OP is still better imo.

>> No.18788093

are you willing to share the second vol?

>> No.18790166

There's a lot of secret club shit in this hobby

I don't mind controlled sharing for niche stuff where every sale matters, but the lengths some people go is more attention whore-y than good intent.

>> No.18790343
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Apparently まつたけ弥太郎 changed his pseudonym to have matching ones with his fellow S.E.M members

>> No.18790561

That's cute.

>> No.18791176

It's sekrit club because they don't want others to know that they all stole from the same Chinese cartel

>> No.18793371

slow down, /jp/

>> No.18793384
File: 918 KB, 853x480, [HorribleSubs] Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love! S3 - 01 [720p].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting the season off gay

>> No.18793402

Aren't barely any of the books referenced in Hashihime translated? Are EOPs even going to give a fuck about parts of the game?

>> No.18793442

well the references don't really go far beyond namedrops so you don't need to have read them. i guess they'll probably pretend to care anyway and start listing them as their favorite books even though they can't and never will read them.

>> No.18793588

wait really? it never even occured me to try for that.

>> No.18793606

I found a lot of obscure japanese shit on there I couldn't find elsewhere 10 or so years ago but I don't how much the userbase changed since. That and Perfect Dark but I don't think anyone uses that anymore.

>> No.18795529

Bungou stray dogs made people care about japanese authors so I don't find it farfetched to think people will google stuff and get interested in it.

>> No.18795610
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Speaking of Chou no Doku, I recently picked this up last week without knowing anything about it and oh boy I've never been so glad about impulse buying something. My first route was Fujita but his route honestly bored the shit out of me to the point that I thought I might've picked up another kusoge until that reveal around Majima which had me at the edge of my seat. In my 2nd route, the game just keeps revealing you more and more about him as if it's getting you closer to the truth. At that point it's mostly the reason why I'm looking forward to the other guys' routes, wondering what he'll do this time. However, I still very much enjoyed the other boys' routes. Hideo was especially adorable and his 白 end made me tear up, Shiba's 後悔 end as well.

I only have Majima's happy end left and my favourite bad end is definitely his おかしなお姫様 end. That monologue when he was telling her about his past, revealing the terrible shit that Yuriko's father did to him which made him thirst for revenge was great. I also like how the game shows you how fucked up their relationship has become when Majima tries hard to treat her like shit but immediately reverts back to his usual, kind attitude. Which shows you that no matter how much he hated her, he still can't still help but love her. Interestingly enough, her parents don't get killed when Yuriko pursues him. Highlighting the fact that his feelings for her are the only thing that's holding him back. It's been a while since I've found the canon boy interesting and loved his route. I also find it great how the game changes your perception to the other characters when you start a route again after being exposed to the truth.

What I got is the port though so no sex scenes. Definitely getting the PC version and I'm just waiting for the repackaged version (Main game+FD) that Aromarie is releasing possibly this year. I can't believe the FD has continuation of some bad ends though. As if those bad ends weren't bad enough.

>> No.18795643
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>> No.18795780
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>3 new swords

>> No.18795816

Good shit

>> No.18796136

The smithing will be a scam, with many rss and money down the gutter.
And I'm still waiting for Kenshin and Azuki's return (not via smithing).

>> No.18798802

Or a brainless slut like Fuuka from Ozmafia.

At this point, I think otome games are more of a guide on how NOT to get a good man.

>> No.18798810

I can't relate to whiny doormats, sorry senpai.

>> No.18798987

Then don't play games with whiny doormats?
What the fuck are you people playing where that's all you ever come across?

>> No.18799025

>It's back
All is well.

>> No.18799030

>What the fuck are you people playing
Given the activity of this general, probably nothing.

>> No.18800089

My boy has arrived.

>> No.18800334

I think they're trying to annoy people into spoon feeding them.

>> No.18803450

Well it worked earlier, so they can start something any time.

>> No.18803664

I prefer MC with an established personnality.
It doesn't mean I don't self insert, but I prefer self inserting as someone with an interesting personnality even if it's different from mine.

That's one of the point that really made me detest Amnesia, with the shitty backgrounds and creepy marfan hands. That little bug boy was there so we couldn't get a glimpse of what the heroine was thinking.
It was disapointing, but I guess it's a smart way to get completelly rid of the heroine's personnality for those who considere it gets in the way of their self inertion.

Are hardcore self insertfags numerous ?

>> No.18803680
File: 54 KB, 540x540, 1464032517839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when the "dominant" girl gets put in her place and tamed by her husbando.

I precise I'm female, before being called misogynist.

>> No.18804218

>waiting FD
Yeah, that one is a doozy. Good to see you've enjoyed the ride of the main game. Hideo was hilariously straightforward once he revealed his dere side.

>> No.18804611

>It doesn't mean I don't self insert, but I prefer self inserting as someone with an interesting personnality even if it's different from mine.

>> No.18807412

It's a fun opening, just very contrast to the rest of the show. There's no uniformity when it comes to the tone and this would have been more fitting if this was the opening to some related side parody of the game. Other than that, the plot itself is pretty contrived.

>> No.18808261

weak. I'd prefer if the "dominant" one just becomes naturally and believably assertive and puts aside her cringy dom role, but I've yet to see it happen.

I came to see a boy melt, not the heroine.

>> No.18808505
File: 567 KB, 3402x2000, DaTyVB5UQAEFvUP.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it /fa/?

>> No.18809344

looks confit and decently cute.

>> No.18809398

Murrikan productions and the trend extremelly agressive and bitchy tsunderes (post Love Hina) coupled with incredibly whiny and submissive male MC in anime have made me warry of the "strong" female archetype.
In Murrikan productions they come off as try hard. and those tsundere are just terrible people.

In one hand you have people who want to write strong females to fit the feminist propaganda, that women are just like men, and in the other hand you have an archetype to appeal extremelly masochistic otakus. In the end, not so great characters.

In the end I prefer the MC in otome even if a lot of them are really passive and maybe a little too nice. It's okay to be nice, but when you have a tsundere in front of you, who is mean to you, it's also okay to be angry and show it.
The passive nature of many heroines I believe it's to appeal to younger girls, who are still dependent on their parents. They have not yet learned to assert themselves.

So far my favorite heroine has been Mikoto from Norn 9.
She had great chemistry with that green haired scientist. TsunderexTsundere is my favorite kind of pairing, but it's pretty rare.

>> No.18809577

>tsundere are terrible people
>tsunderextsundere is my favorite

>> No.18809750

I didn't shit on tsundere as a whole.
I criticized one brand of tsudere.
The one who are extremelly violent to their extremelly wimpy love interest without good reason.
"Classic" tsundere are alright.

>> No.18812271

I like the bags.

>> No.18813042

But wouldn't you say that the opposite is true for most male MCs these days as well? That their indecisiveness and cluelessness about girls is just a way to get the male audience to relate to him?

>> No.18813058


>> No.18816003

But I guess it's also annoying for an older more self confident male audience.

>> No.18816175

I didn't know Haitaka no psychedelica had a manga adaptation.

>> No.18817913

How is it?

>> No.18818760

Art is ok.

>> No.18821454
File: 59 KB, 800x800, DapsRujUMAA5jW6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18821473
File: 70 KB, 1200x450, DaUY3pyU8AAmV95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those clothes look cute and comfy

>> No.18821517

another effeminate makeup wearing faggot? really?

>> No.18821601

at least you will save your resources since he's probably the smithing reward

>> No.18822308

Indeed, those are DMm getaway for getting money.

>> No.18825953


>> No.18826024
File: 64 KB, 376x303, tr711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 11

>> No.18826579
File: 212 KB, 1200x992, sleeping jeej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is asked often here but what are some otome games for beginner level japanese?

>> No.18827474

Most all age ones are easy enough, especially with normal settings. Just pick one that you might like. If you're unsure if the one you picked is too hard, just ask.

>> No.18827556


>> No.18830134
File: 55 KB, 564x816, kanesan armpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Originally wanted to try Moujuutsukai to Ouji-sama for mofu mofu but Hatsukare looks good. Thanks!

>> No.18832810

When will we have a gunny male target pf otome game?
> Shout obscenities and tell female/male to drop and give 20 or more.
> Tells the spineless mc to give their war face.

>> No.18832840
File: 38 KB, 490x244, Daak2UFVAAA9WKa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Otomate finished with the Vita? People are saying that they might makes games for the Switch instead, but phones sound more likely.

>> No.18832873

Please no

>> No.18832891

Kill me. At least I have plenty of backlog.

>> No.18833113

Uh, no. They were still putting out psp games for a long ass time and they will continue to use the vita as long as portability and specs are viable. Switches are more noticeable than vitas.

>> No.18833453

Otome games migrating to a nintendo console sounds icky.

>> No.18833692
File: 255 KB, 1448x2047, Da5NzA6U0AE0ioX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if like

>> No.18833717


>> No.18833725

I will do a few smiths and if I don't see him that's it.

>> No.18833821

Phone can't be that good considering they never made more than 2 or 3 ports of their games to phone. So my hopes stand high that they move somewhere where they can continue making physical copies.

Speaking of announcements, does anyone remember when they announce the date for the next Otomate Party? Should be around now, no?

>> No.18833826

At least it's way better than smartphones.

>> No.18834052

whay are you so against smartphones ?
Is it because you fear they may adopt the shitty microtransaction formula ?

>> No.18834326
File: 145 KB, 427x319, no underwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a slut

>> No.18834545

>you can see the side of his butt

>> No.18835117

Not that anon, but phones are just a bad platform for games. No physical version, limited space so you can't save them all, often slow menus and annoying saving systems and you always have to be online for most of them. And I have an old phone with really small screen.

>> No.18835508

Not only that but apps come and go, you don't get to keep said game forever no matter how much you've spent on it.

>> No.18835771

PS4/Switch would be the best option, but who knows.

>> No.18836306
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x957, 29068888_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo had the best otome games. Too bad Konami sucks now

>> No.18837061

Good I wish they'd make something as good as tmgs again. It was so much fun to play and it's gave me incredible heartwarming feeling without giving complicated plot. Dating simulators is underrated genre for sure.

>> No.18838117

I miss my first innocent plays not knowing what was going on and ending up getting ntr'd halfway through the last year.

>> No.18838144

Why did they never make a Love Plus for girls?

>> No.18838194

because they didn't have to

>> No.18839477

Weird. His body looks massive while his head is tiny.

>> No.18840162

I already have the PC version of Yoshiwara Higanbana but is the port still worth getting? Particularly the new scenes?

>> No.18840706

That's a stupid question. Did you like it?

>> No.18840920

I did. I'm just wondering if the newly added scenes in the port version is enough to make it worth getting. But if there aren't much changes then I'll most likely just pass on it.

>> No.18841796

They stopped releasing games on the PSP after the PSP was discontinued. The PSP lived for a long time alongside the Vita, but now it looks like Vita productions are starting to cease in Europe?


>> No.18844524
File: 766 KB, 1334x750, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks pretty. Sega really going for the Enstars/Idolish Seven audience
