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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1855789 No.1855789 [Reply] [Original]

>Right now, much of the developer team's focus is on the demo, of which we're aiming at a first half 2009 release for.

>> No.1855794

I like where this is going.

>> No.1855796

i'd focus on this demo.

>> No.1855798

You really need to be retarded in order to fall under some blind woman's trap.

>> No.1855799

>first half 2009
I'm too tired to even make jokes anymore. This shit is just stupid now.

>> No.1855804

I'll dig that.

also I wish for god that class rep will be tsundere.


>> No.1855809
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I give them props. I mean, they're certainly well beyond what any other OELVN has managed.

>> No.1855819

Lilly's pretty cunning.

>> No.1855822

I wish they hurried up. I'm giddy with anticipation.

>> No.1855823

retarded LIKE A FOX

>> No.1855830

Me on the bottom.

>> No.1855841

Would you really be on your guard around a blind woman?

>> No.1855850

More like: /jp/ on the bottom, KS devs on top.

>> No.1855878

wat is this

>> No.1855887

Katawa Shoujo. You get (next year) to screw some crippled girls.

- Blind elegant lady
- Mute/Deaf meganekko
- No arms aloof artist girl.
- No legs cheerful sportsgirl
- Burn scarred moe moe girl

>> No.1855980


>> No.1856532

Is OP's pic in the game?

>> No.1856583

No, it's fanart.


>> No.1856619

Nothing but hype and more hype. Admit it, the only reason you faggots even pay attention to this in the first place is because it started with a thread in /a/ and it seems to be the only relatively decent looking OELVN so far.

>> No.1856621

Is there a need for other reasons?

>> No.1856633

Even if it didn't start in /a/, the best looking oelvn should still be sufficient, I would think.

>> No.1856663


I don't pay attention to it beyond what I can't help from it constantly getting threads posted here. If it comes out then I will be giving it attention only because I like cripples in a sexual way. And only if it's decent.

>> No.1856667

>- Burn scarred moe moe girl


>> No.1856687


>> No.1856708

While she may be a cunning linguist, does it matter if her partner can't hear?

>> No.1856711
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Oh god i want to lick her burned flesh. And a blind girl in the game too, already fapping. This can't get anymore awesome.

>> No.1856719


>Oh god i want to lick her burned flesh

Hear fucking hear!

>> No.1856721

Sounds tasty

>> No.1856738


Oh god dammit internet.

>> No.1856749


I just want her to know how beautiful the scar is and that it's not a curse etc. etc. I <3 Hanako in an unhealthy way.

>> No.1856751

This stupid shit is going to continue once it comes out. /jp/ is just constantly a bandwagon so instead of wanting a "loli imouto" they will make up fake fantasies about disabled girls.

>> No.1856754

Right, i know you want it too.

>> No.1856761

lol idiots of /jp/ being obsessed with characters that have no material out there yet.

>> No.1856769

Get the fuck back to Gaia or whereever you came from, you obviously don't belong here.

>> No.1856772

I thought I was the only one who wanted to do this, you make me almost feel normal 4chan

>> No.1856776
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Sounds like my kind of game

>> No.1856794


Everyone wants to do that. Burn-tan is the best.

>> No.1856825

Just look at that hair that covers her eye. Hot damnit.

>She is reclusive to the extreme, shunning from all other people to the point of actually panicking from any social contact. Her only trusted friend is Lilly, who has taken Hanako under her wing ever since the two were introduced to each other.

And you even get the blind girl with her too.

>> No.1856834

Lilly/Hanako is OTP.

>> No.1856851

LillyxHanako, MishaxShizune, RinxEmi, HisaoxKenji, MutoxNomiya only.

>> No.1856857

The art style is terrible and I'm sure the writing won't be much better so I won't play it even if it does come out.

>> No.1856865

Internet tough guy.

>> No.1856873


ITT morons throw out memes without having any idea what they mean.

>> No.1856875

seriously, your loss.

>> No.1856878

Keep on playing 4chan's half-finished non-proofread translation of random mediocre VN #27989 of the week then, and don't forget to praise it until more than 3 people like it, then realize it has always been shit.

>> No.1856880


>> No.1856881


Luckily since I actually know Japanese, I can play whatever I want.

>> No.1856883

Oh, you're really cool now! Man, I wish I could be you, alone in a basement, masturbating in time to a guy thrusting into a chick in a game.

>> No.1856884


Whoa there, dev team. You're not usually this hostile. Who pissed in your Cheerios?

Was it ZUN?

>> No.1856886


Man I never have the control to fap in time with the screen.

I always go fast and furious straight from the insert.

>> No.1856896


Except I get paid tons of money as a translator. List your accomplishments, oh great and successful irl /jp/er!

>> No.1856898

Dunno if that's one of us posting, but like you said, I doubt it. People wondering about our writing can look at the samples on the forums, by the way.

>> No.1856899

You don't have to be involved with anything to know that /jp/'s taste is horrible any way you look at it. Can't wait for the realization that Saya no Uta isn't all that good (protip: it isn't).

If anything, you original hardcore IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY JAPANESE fellows should drool over Katawa Shoujo, since it's making a huge stir in the Japanese intertubes. That's realy awesome, since now both the nips and their most devoted fanboys can talk about shit they know nothing about.

tl;dr: If you're gonna troll, wait until it's out. maybe you will have some actual reason to troll then. If it ever comes out, that is.

>> No.1856902


>> No.1856905

Fuck year! 2 years in the making and the demo still isnt out yet.


>> No.1856908

They're curious about it, they're not drooling over it.

>> No.1856909

>Saya no Uta isn't all that good

jesus christ, /jp/ is really shit today.

>> No.1856912

16+ people strong team spread all over the globe, most of them interested in /jp/'s subject matter, plus a rather slow-moving board? There will always be someone on IRC to spot any given KS thread, and link it.

>> No.1856915

Do you guys have a bot that monitors the board for certain keywords about Katawa Shoujo and alerts you so you can rush to the boards posting?

>> No.1856914


>You don't have to be involved with anything to know that /jp/'s taste is horrible any way you look at it.

You can say what you will about my taste, but I have standards for trolling.

>> No.1856922

We pretty much cover all timezones, even when you count the devs only, and lots of our work is done over the Internet. Plus there's all the bored people in the IRC channel who'll usually alert us when they notice, etc. etc.

>> No.1856928
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As much of a faggot as you are, this describes /jp/'s opinion of every VN ever pretty well.

>> No.1856929

As I said, /jp/ isn't nearly fast enough that you'd need a bot to check all threads.

Now, picking up KS hreads on /v, THAT'S a challenge.

>> No.1856938

Anonymous is more than a single person. Fuck, is that concept difficult to understand? There will always be someone who hates a VN, someone who loves it and someone who's never played it and is trolling both of them.

>> No.1856954


>> No.1857140

More like "and all three of them will be trolling each other."

>> No.1857328

More of OP's pic.

>> No.1857526


>> No.1857540

Too bad the devs hate diapers.

>> No.1857557

And you wonder why people hate you. Stop whining about your pet fetish in every thread, jesus.

>> No.1857572

Not all of them do.

I think losstarot likes them, and some other dev is for them as well.

>> No.1857573

More than one of us.

>> No.1857587

Dev here. It's only Losstarot. The rest us of find the idea repugnant.

Now please stop bringing up this topic.

>> No.1857595

That's okay, that 'you' wasn't singular either.

>> No.1857596

Yeah, I'm pretty much the only one supportive of the idea...

>> No.1857599

I guess you really need to learn to write and draw instead of reliving your early childhood then.

>> No.1857608



>> No.1857617

Liking diapers doesn't mean you are into infantalisim.

>> No.1857628

Actually, it does. Pretty much by definition. And you know what? I have heard this before. Everytime a furry whines about furry porn having nothing to do with bestiality.

>> No.1857638

Actually it doesn't.

There are some diaper lovers who full want to be babied, some who kind of want to, and some who solely like diapers.

It's like saying all crossdressers are transsexuals.

>> No.1857641

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, but I doubt I could make you understand either.

>> No.1857658

>>team working on a crippal fuckan gaem
>>find the idea repugnant

>> No.1857669

Umm, I'm a diaper lover and even I can see why they find the idea disgusting.

>> No.1857719

Oh come on. Damaged goods is not on the same level of perversion diapers does.

Ok, she is blind. So is love.
She can't hear me or talk, but a hug is all I need.
She was burned, but I appreciate her inner beauty.
She doesn't have hands, but that doesn't mean I can't hold her with mine.
Even if she doesn't have legs, that doesn't mean I can't carry her like the beautiful thing she is.

>> No.1857739

I wear diapers. Please piss and shit on me.

Yeah, doesn't sound right.

>> No.1857759

I look forward to this game because the characters interest and I think it will be fun.

>> No.1857769

>that doesn't mean I can't carry her like the beautiful thing she is.
Or, she could carry you, you know, being the most athletic girl in the school.

>> No.1857772

but can she maintain balance while carrying my massive girth?

>> No.1857779

I don't think her prostetic legs could afford to carry a man much larger than herself.

She is kind of short.

>> No.1857787

Hisao's 172cm tall.

Emi is 140.

>> No.1857790

How does one confess to a deaf girl? Sign language or tracing words on her hand?

>> No.1857798

by J-J-Jamming it in

>> No.1857802


There you see her,
sitting there across the way (ya, ya)

She may not have a lot to say,
but there's one way to ask her.

It don't take a word,
not a single word,
go on and kiss the girl.

>> No.1857803


>> No.1857811

Will the deaf girl have retard moe? The deaf are quite "slow".

>> No.1857812

Oh, sorry, forgot that some Anons are fatasses.

It's a myth that the deaf are communicatively impaired. Sign language is just as much a language as any spoken language, just it relies on a different perceptive sense. If, however, you're suggesting "how does someone who does not know sign language confess to a deaf girl?" - well, deaf people are required to learn to read and write English in school, so you can pass notes. It's actually a relatively common method of communication between a hearing and a deaf person, if the hearing person doesn't know sign.

>> No.1857819

She's the most intelligent of the girls.

>> No.1857825

As a deaf Anon, fuck you. Deaf and mentally retarded rarely go hand-in-hand.

>> No.1857827

We should kill all diaperfags.

>> No.1857835
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>> No.1857840

You realize that good trolls don't come up afterwards and say "LOL I TROLLED YOU, YOU GULLIBLE FUCK!" A troll is best when the other party never even realizes he's been trolled.

>> No.1857847

>As a deaf Anon

Can you do lip reading? I imagine not many people carry pen and paper on them day to day?

>> No.1857849

>Katawa shoujo

Tastes like broken dreams and 2 year old anticipation.

>> No.1857845


Actually, it's best if done in such a way that the target perpetuates the trolling.

So that they become self-trolling.

>> No.1857858

Has it really been 2 years?

>> No.1857864

KS will never get done because it is not a /tg/ project, and as it has been consistently proven, /tg/ is the only board that "gets shit done".

And even they've been slacking lately.

>> No.1857868

This is why you don't announce that you're working on something until you're reasonably sure when you'll be done.

>> No.1857873

/jp/ gets VN translations done

>> No.1857875

Yes, but not extraordinarily well. A lot of people believe that expert lip-readers are as good as a hearing person in recognizing speech, but that's really not the case. Also, it's a lot easier to read lips if you're late-deafened (ie: born and grew up hearing), but you can still be taught to read lips. As I was growing up, society was just coming out of the belief that to be functional, deaf people had to learn to speak and read lips, and to emulate being hearing. I kinda caught some of the tail end of that.

>> No.1857879


As a blind Anon, I agree. Prejudice against the disabled should end!

>> No.1857890

What exactly has /tg/ done?

>> No.1857894

>As a blind Anon
How do you post on /jp/?
How do you fap to doujins?

How do you disabled anon feel about this game?

>> No.1857895


Homebrew tabletop, lots of it.

>> No.1857897

Legally blind, or flat-out CAN'T SEE SHIT CAPTAIN blind?
If the latter, how do you do 4chan?

>> No.1857900
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>> No.1857904

Bullshit. If you were blind, you wouldn't be able to read this. Faker.

>> No.1857905

By getting leaks from pissed off staff members, sure.

>> No.1857909

>How do you disabled anon feel about this game?
I don't give a fuck? I find certain things moe, so should the people that have such things in real life be offended at the fact that I find it attractive? I should think not. I might be annoyed if the devs started coming out of nowhere with stupid things about deaf people, but it takes a lot to offend me. On that note, devs that are reading this thread, are you actually looking up data about the disabilities? For instance, how deaf is Shizune really? Complete, 100% deafness is not very common.

>> No.1857912

>legally blind
Harold, that you?

>> No.1857916
File: 369 KB, 1000x1574, 1230867473612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do prospective girlfriends react to you being deaf? I assume most of them reject you awkwardly? It sucks that you miss all those beautiful sounds bro. The sound of a seductive woman or a person screaming in rage or even the right type of music can elicit such strong emotion. It's even sadder because you have no idea what you are missing out on.

>> No.1857928

I have no legs and arms, my face also has been burned off.

I think KS is the greatest thing ever.

>> No.1857944

>How do prospective girlfriends react to you being deaf?
Hahahahaha, oh man, are you serious? I don't come to /jp/ just because I like VNs. I've heard that being deaf can actually get you girls too, but unless they know sign language, you can't really have a good relationship with someone. Besides, I ignore the people that try to tell me "Oh, you're deaf? I'm so sorry!" because they don't actually care, they're just spouting some bullshit to try not to offend me. If they actually cared, they'd talk to me about it, instead of just saying "I'm so sorry!"

Also, yes, I get the "but how's it feel to not know what music sounds like?" Let me put it this way: how's it feel to have to listen to your family yell at each other? How's it feel to be annoyed by the sound of a dripping faucet? I could go on, but there's a gift in being deaf as well. Just as with any gift, there's a price you pay that comes with it.

You do realize that there are accessibility options for disabled people with windows, right? I figure the guy's spouting bullshit, because it's much harder to operate 4chan when blind than deaf, but he could be telling the truth.

>> No.1857943
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>I have no legs and arms
That's my fetish!

>> No.1857948

That's what born-again Christians tell me about "faith" and "God's love".

>> No.1857951

I still say he is a dirty troll-ze.

>> No.1857953

You know, that's a very good way of putting it. I think I'll use that analogy the next time people ask me about missing out on sounds. Thanks. Now, what to do when they say, "Hey, I'm a born-again Christian too!"...

>> No.1857956

Claim you can sense some sort of para-normal "energy fields" or something. Shit, honestly, I'd just leave. I've met maybe one Born Again Christian I could even stand.

>> No.1857964

>I've heard that being deaf
oh lawl

>> No.1857965


Yet no one ever chooses to deafen themselves. I'll admit there are more negative or neutral sounds than positive ones but even forgetting the requirement of hearing to be productive and social I would still want to hear. Better to hear shitty sounds than no sounds at all. Imagine if someone said there was a gift in being blind? Objectively it's ridiculous. I realize you probably learn and experience valuable things that you would have otherwise not if you could hear but lets not call it a gift. Calling it a gift implies it's different but equal and possibly better when it's definitely not and there's pretty much no way you'd be less happy if you could hear.

>> No.1857979

I read about a blind guy using the internet once and he basically had some text to speech thing that would read things from websites. I'm not sure about general computer navigation and links and stuff, though.

The text to speech thing was nuts, though. I guess his sense of hearing was so honed that it sounded like garbage to be but the example sound clip he posted was just reading so fast that one couldn't normally understand it.

>> No.1857984

In the future, blind people will have special optical cameras that convert pictures into electronic signals that are receivable by their optical nerves and converted into pictures.

Kind of like that black guy on Star Trek

>> No.1857989

Oh, sorry, being deaf means that I can't use cliche phrases that revolve around hearing that everyone and their grandmother uses day in and day out. My bad.

>the requirement of hearing to be productive and social
You have some prejudice there you might want to overlook before trying to tell me about what I'm missing out on.

As for what you're saying, though, yes. It's not a gift, it's a disability. How can I tell you in a way that you'd understand why I'm alright with who I am? This is how I was born, so I can't long for what I don't know. Think of it like other, more mainstream things that are part of a person since birth or early life. Homosexuality, political preference (I'd say being republican is basically being disabled), or, more related to /jp/, pedophilia.

>> No.1857990

You're a pretty irritable deaf guy. Are you insecure because of your disability?

>> No.1857991

Who? I was just saying that there's a difference between 100% blind and the legal definition of 'blind', which is just very bad sight.

>> No.1858000

Fuck that.
I NEED two senses.
Sight and Hearing.
The rest I don't mind, but I'd probably need to be able to feel as well, since I'd want to be able to feel pain so I don't die from a small cut.

>> No.1858004

Don't be anal retentive, Aniki. That was the only genuinely funny thing that I've seen posted here today, ignoring personal tragedy, serious business and all that shit.

>> No.1858005

Sense of touch is pretty important, what with fapping and loving tenderly and all that

>> No.1858009

Are you referring to the first or second part of my post? If it's the first, I don't like being told that I can't say something because I'm deaf, it just doesn't make sense.

If you're referring to the second part, then yes, I'm irritable about people seeming to think that because I can't hear, I can't hold a job, participate in a social life, or (I've even gotten this) have a girlfriend. There are many jobs that I can do (computer programmer stands out, for one), but I'm in school right now so I don't really want/need a job.

>> No.1858008

Scenario: Some mutedeaf guy writes on a chalkboard that he has "heard about X subject". Some dude laughs and points at what he wrote. The rest will raise an eyebrow to the idiot and think of him as such.

>> No.1858010

My sexual desires are fulfilled psychologically

>> No.1858011

Having no sense of touch would probably be the worst.

You'd feel like an animated corpse or marionette.

>> No.1858012

deaffags are always so defensive

>> No.1858017

>I can't say something because I'm deaf, it just doesn't make sense.

>> No.1858019
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Well I hope things continue to work out then.

>> No.1858021

Oh, if you're laughing at the irony of it, by all means go ahead. I thought you were trying to insult me because "haha, you can't actually hear, so don't say stupid shit like 'i heard'". You'd be amazed at what kinda stupid insults people get over misinterpretations about disabilities.

That just means you're a normal person. It's traumatic to lose a sense, but to grow up never having it isn't quite so traumatic unless other people make it so.

>> No.1858023

ITT - this guy, probably


>> No.1858024

Hey deaf anon, have there been any moments of "why me?"

>> No.1858029

>That just means you're a normal person. It's traumatic to lose a sense, but to grow up never having it isn't quite so traumatic unless other people make it so.
I already know that.
If normal humans could see ultraviolet and infrared as visible colors I would want to see them as well.

>> No.1858037

God dammit, this has turned into a lack of senses discussion. I'd like to join in, but I don't really have a noticeable 'disability'; just no sense of smell. It's not a big deal at all, especially compared to blindness or deafness, which is why I don't feel I can join in the discussion.

But hey, 4chan has surprised me with it's good will before, and it's not like I'm risking anything.

>> No.1858038


Supposed you were offered the ability to hear fully and speak normally in exchange for certain other important things such as your sight, an arm, both arms, both legs, one eye, one ear, 10 years reduced life span, loss of touch, smell, taste, etc. High much would you be willing to trade in? Interesting because you don't know what you are missing so I'd like to get an idea of how much value you attribute to it.

I personally would trade both smell and taste for sure. Touch is more important and so is sight obviously. I would trade one arm but not both, or maybe even one arm and one leg but not both of either, and I probably wouldn't trade more than two years of life but I would probably end up regretting that.

>> No.1858041

Not in the way of my hearing loss, no. Teasing and such, sure, but mostly when I was younger because I couldn't understand why I should be teased. I've come to realize that "being different" isn't so much because I'm different, it's because people don't understand me and how I interact with the world. So, I just choose to ignore "normal" people and their society (sound familiar, anyone?). I mean, you all might get shit about not being social, but I have an excuse to sit at home on my computer and everyone understands that trying to interact with the hearing world is a pain in the ass compared to interacting with the textual world online.

As I said in >>1858021 - my deafness isn't traumatic, because it's all I've ever known. I know deaf people that lost their hearing, and they really had a tough time struggling with it. It's just who I am, and who I always have been.

>> No.1858046

Not deaf anon, but think of it this way.
Would you trade any of those things to be able to see a color everyone else can't see?

>> No.1858048


That's not the same at all. One color or multiple colors is not going to have a significant impact. Experiencing sounds is a much more major part of being human.

>> No.1858049

If I could trade it in order to perceive all types of electromagnetic radiation? Fuck yeah. I don't use my left leg anyway.

>> No.1858057

Well, lack of hearing has proven itself to be a pain in certain occasions. One such example is danger sense. If you're hearing, there are many noises that signify danger, and I can only hear some of them if they're extremely loud and right next to me (like, fire trucks have to be blazing past me for me to hear the sirens, by which point I'd probably seen it from the flashing lights anyway). For that alone, I'd give up my sense of smell, I guess. I have allergy problems so it's not like I smell much anyway.

Though, odd that you'd mention giving up one ear to gain hearing. That'd still be a net gain.

>> No.1858059

Oh, I thought of something else though, I'd take a disfiguration of some sort, as long as it's purely visual. You know, horrible scarring on the face, wrinkled skin, something weird like that. I don't care if people look down on me, they already do quite often.

>> No.1858062

>I'd give up my sense of smell

So you'd turn into a shorter version of me.

>> No.1858064

Without smell everything would taste like shit.
I'd give up taste

>> No.1858066

I'm seeing a logical fallacy here.

>> No.1858071

Everything doesn't taste like shit! It tastes like food. I think.

I mean, everybody talks about how much smell affects taste, but I've never noticed. Food is food. Then again, I am significantly more able to enjoy the food from my college's DC than most of the people I know, so there's probably something there. Lower food-taste standards, because I've never known any different?

>> No.1858083

Senses tier list

High tier:
Sight, touch

Mid tier:

Low tier:

Shit tier:

The only thing I would really miss smelling is women (Not that I get to smell them often). At least I would not have to smell myself anymore in that case. My sister can't hear very well. She speaks inadequately and has trouble understanding what people say but it's not that disabling. She still gets scared if there's a scary noise and comments that music sounds really nice when it actually does so I don't feel so bad for her.

>> No.1858078

>but unless they know sign language, you can't really have a good relationship with someone

So do deaf people try to hook up with each other?

>> No.1858087


Can you tell the difference between an apple and a potato? I do not believe a person without smell can appreciate the difference.

>> No.1858089

Are you talking about the smelling like candy thing?

>> No.1858091

There's a slight difference between taste and flavor.

Taste is a part of the flavor, but flavor is not taste.

>> No.1858104

Most of the difference I get out of it is the texture, but potatoes are almost entirely tasteless while apples are sweet. It's like the difference between a cup of water and a cup of water saturated with sugar, but less so.

For some reason I love potatoes, though, and will eat just about anything made from them.

>> No.1858105

Touch is god tier

You can survive the loss of all other senses, possibily combination of them. But without a sense of touch you will end up dead pretty quickly.

>> No.1858111

That or anyone that knows sign. Some hearing people and a lot of hard of hearing people learn sign language.

>> No.1858118

Are you Irish?

>> No.1858132

Fuck that pic is awesome.

>> No.1858136

Irish? Probably. Fuck, I don't even know; last I checked, I had blood from 90% of Europe, some Native American, a bit of Russian, and even god probably doesn't know what else.

>> No.1858139

Wait, woah, I just thought of something.

While I was in japan I noticed that they have much more accessibility stuff for deaf people, like all the news have a person doing the sign language. Sign language is universal isn't it? So if we find you say a deaf people version of a VN you would be able to easily translate it into english?

>> No.1858150

Being a mongrel of Europe is fun. Lower chances of hereditary genetic defect.

>> No.1858154

>deaf people version of a VN

>> No.1858158

>deaf people version of a VN
>deaf version of a VISUAL novel

See where I'm going with this?

>> No.1858159

>Sign language is universal isn't it?

>> No.1858162

I mean, deaf people version of animu

>> No.1858167

No, American Sign Language is American. FSL, CSL, JSL, etc all correspond to their respective countries.

>> No.1858213

You'd think, but I am unhealthily tall and have no sense of smell.

>> No.1858274

>>I'll admit there are more negative or neutral sounds than positive ones

Any sound that isn't negative would be considered positive. There aren't really any sounds opposite to annoying ones (which aren't many and can be avoided) but then all sounds have communicational, musical and other useful reasons for existence. That's pretty much all the argument there is to it. Someone claiming there are equal benefits to loss of sight, hearing and taste would be talking pretty foolishly. But then again, if certain people had a realistic sixth sense it's not like we'd give a damn beyond a varying amount of jealousy.

>> No.1858325

Sure, I don't have to smell farts, can use portable toilets without batting an eye, and would probably be just fine getting sprayed by a skunk (though the people around me would hate it), but I also 'can't truly appreciate food', will never be able to cook for other people, and never know if I smell bad until somebody tells me.

In other words, you're completely right. Losing a sense has far more negative aspects than positive.

>> No.1858376

Hisui posting on 4chan?

>> No.1858381
File: 40 KB, 227x567, 1230876268305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hazuki knows JSL.

>> No.1858404

...Why do people keep mistaking me for somebody I'm not? First somebody thinks I'm 'Harold', and now I'm somebody named Hisui?

>> No.1858472

this thread demonstrates that quite a few people have already forgotten, never heard of, are new to /jp/, or missed the thread with the blind anon. wonder what happened to that guy.

>> No.1858528

Nah, just he was going blind, wasn't blind yet. I remember him lamenting that he'd have to give up /jp/.

>> No.1858566

oh no, i wasn't talking about the guy with glaucoma. i meant the blind anon who had total blindness (as opposed to legal blindness). he used an expensive device that converted text into braille in order to read stuff on the computer.

>> No.1858632

But you still can't have the computer read out a picture to you
