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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 374x354, 35i6jwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
184446 No.184446 [Reply] [Original]

A brutal rape death
Cold hand muffles cries of pain
Quiet spring morning

>> No.184456


>> No.184461

sage sage sage sage sage
get the fuck out weeaboo
sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.184462


>> No.184463

ice cream cake is good
i like to eat ice cream cake
come have some with me

>> No.184464

My cock in your mouth.
Thrust even though it is gay.

>> No.184466

I walk
With the wolf
That is no more

Fuck you guys, its a Haiku dammit

>> No.184467

Same ol thing each day
Black white and red white invade
punishment awaits

>> No.184468

Now shut the fuck up
We are not interested
Please die now faggot

>> No.184470

Death of innocence
Sister's forced penetration
One winter morning.

>> No.184472

The workers can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

>> No.184476

dicks on a cheese
maybe cheese on a dick
om nom nom nom nom

>> No.184479

Niggers niggers
Dirty niggers niggers everywhere.
I hate niggers.

>> No.184481

This is so bad. Why did you post such a bad thing. You're doing it so wrong.

>> No.184482

/jp/ is a toe-hoe bord
why do you people pretend otherwise
in the night, wind blows.

cool huh? ^_^

>> No.184491

alone in my room
the seasons pass undisturbed
i fap all year round

>> No.184493

Another morning
A bed too big for one man
The hum of a PC

>> No.184494

Big brother is dead
And I am not my brother
I am the driller

>> No.184502

Young girls cry of pain
Mingles with the sound of wind
Rape down at the docks

>> No.184503

Time goes by, ever slow
4chan grows and consumes all
My life, still ronery

Ne, kitties are cute
Adorable and cuddly
Cat anime is win

>> No.184508
File: 57.00 MB, 1854x3000, haikus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.184505

Burning hot passion
We would combine our robots
But not since he died.

>> No.184510

Mucus shows up too late,
Ovulation is moot now,
My ovaries suck.

>> No.184511

"A haiku is just like a normal poem, except it doesn't rhyme and is stupid."

>> No.184524

Write that in haiku form plzkthx

>> No.184528

sister wakes in pain
brother watches as she limps
ass raped like thunder

>> No.184529

Perverts abound here.
Is there no place for safety?
SAGE you motherfuckers.

>> No.184531

Weeaboo it is
Making Haiku in English
Staying up all night

>> No.184535

Alone in my room
I cry out for her embrace
My Realdoll is lost

>> No.184536



>> No.184538

This is not bad, really.
Would not sage, but damn, it is
not fun to clap hands

>> No.184542

Burning cherry tree,
Every blossom was aflame,
Crap, here come the cops

>> No.184548

This does say:
>Disgusting and scary
>Hey! Foreigner!

>> No.184549

Burning cherry tree
Every blossom is aflame
Crap, here come the cops

>> No.184550

you have failed it hard
email field is blank like snow
sage is not a herb

>> No.184551

Fap myself to sleep
My pillow is full of tears
Never felt so free

>> No.184557

/jp/ has two things
Touhou and Tsukihime
/jp/ is /th/

>> No.184558

Xbox three sixty
When you see it, turn around
And moonwalk away

>> No.184562

I will fap to this
I will fap to that aswell
I fap all day long

>> No.184568

Sliding down my cock
Oh yea baby, yea baby
Raping a baby

>> No.184576

I just raped a kid
Confess a crime in public
Nobody believes

>> No.184580

sister raped by blacks
cries of pain makes penis hard
secretly i fapped

>> No.184581


>> No.184585

Awesome like Kamen
Rockin out with Hibiki
Rider for the win

>> No.184587

You know, it's more interesting in Japanese, you weeaboo faggots.

>> No.184589

roses are deep red
violets are dark purple
fuck you with a rake

>> No.184596

You know it's more int
eresting in Japanese
You weeaboo faggots

>> No.184600

Haiku useless
little bit of human
but, futile

>> No.184601

Oh god that's amazing. How'd you come up with that? It's so deep.

>> No.184603

this is quite nice but
nothing really good in here
hope for a change

>> No.184604

Raped my sister
Scooped out my best friend's eyes
Still, I genuflect

>> No.184605

learn 2 mora

>> No.184609

Wanted to, but having fun
reading all these thoughts float by
Even though pervy kids post

Also see here: >>184538

>> No.184612

Haiku is easy
You just write down whatever

Seriously though
The Japs take it serious
Like it's a real art

>> No.184621

It's undeniable
weeaboo fags we admit
but please don't tease us

>> No.184623

i prefer rude jokes
in the form of limerick
man from nantucket

>> No.184631

This is /jp/ board
only weeaboo visit
you are in denial

>> No.184633

Red mail goes fasta
Da blue ones get where dey sent
Ork mail iz da worst

>> No.184634


Gaijin and
english are idiot

>> No.184636


>> No.184643
File: 71 KB, 298x370, nm192s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There once was a loli called Maddy
Her mom buried her in a paddy
Raped broken and dead
Extra holes in her head
For a penis, the penis of Daddy

>> No.184644
File: 8 KB, 149x178, dierdrecolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternity lies
Ahead of us, and behind

>> No.184660

Have you drunk your fill?

>> No.184661

300 virgins
waiting for me in heaven
BRB, Subway

>> No.184662

In America
You write Haikus, in Russia
The Haiku writes you

>> No.184668

laid out on the floor
failed to kill myself again
too fat for noose rope

>> No.184679

Amazing, dear lad
I am thoroughly impressed
Asimov is too

>> No.184685

As I was walking up the stairs,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish I wish he'd go away.

Lizzie Borden took an axe,
and gave her mother 40 whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
she gave her father 41.

>> No.184693

this is the first line
and this is the second line
and this one the third

>> No.184702
File: 53 KB, 360x432, 1175040003636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in deep trouble now
oh snap! that is the wrong disc
gave teacher CP

>> No.184708

Fury said to the mouse that he met in the house, "let us both go to law I will prosecute you! Come I'll take no denial, we must have a trial for really this morning I've nothing to do!" said the mouse to the cur "Such a trial dear sir with no Jury or Judge would be wasting our breath. "I'll be judge, I'll be jury!" said cunning old fury "I'll try the whole court and condemn you to death!"

From memory, forgive any minor errors.

>> No.184712

Dude, Seriously
Fuck Haikus, they're gay as fuck.
/jp/ related?

>> No.184714

Well this is the fourth
And this is the fifth line
Which makes this the sixth

>> No.184722

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

>> No.184725

There was a young man from Peru
Whose limericks stopped at line two.

>> No.184731

Seems you've got it down
Counting really isn't hard
Seems quite childish

>> No.184738

Well that is a shame
Guess no-one's to blame
We'll break and have snacks in a jiff

>> No.184747

There was a young man from japan
who's limericks never would scan
when told this was so
he said yes i know
but i like to fit as many words into the last line as i possibly can

>> No.184758

Hillary loves me
Quiet waterfall O' fun
Bill Clinton penis

>> No.184768

A limerick fan from Australia
Regarded his work as a failure
His verses were fine
Until the fourth line

>> No.184778


>> No.184962


Actually he fucks up the second line too. Now, a kiwi would never fail so hard.

>> No.184974

Bitches don't know about my rhythm structures.

>> No.184975

Haikus are easy to make
but sometimes they don't make sense

>> No.184988

I won't make haiku
Nature is my greatest foe
So I pray FUCK YOU

>> No.185033

Young fool, only at
the end do you understand
Come to the dark side.

>> No.185048

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Counting is fun and easy.
Can you count well too?

>> No.185079

Bump for great justice.
This thread can not ever die.
Deletion coming.

>> No.185087

The kids are happy
They frolic and play outside
Until the blood comes.

>> No.187022

I am having fun
Laughing at weeb faggots
And writing haikus

>> No.187042

This is a new thing
This is a line break, uguu~
Am I du it rite?

>> No.187068

You are huge that means
You have huge guts rip and tear
Rip and tear your guts

>> No.187101

You fucking fail it
Please kill yourself now, or else
Ya gon git raped soon

>> No.187126

Steel needle's sharp jab
Fingers hot with demon blood

>> No.187140

The days are longer
Now it is getting hotter
I love the spring time

>> No.187183

I have always found
poetic structures to be
very fucking stupid

>> No.187184

Swollen pink lips flap
Beneath the tar stained black nose
Running with my bike

>> No.187198
File: 11 KB, 154x217, 1204923099812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuyusama, please!
Eating Myon won't make it bloom.
Spring is needed now.

>> No.187190

Nananannaan Batman Batman Batman!!!!

>> No.187209

doing it wrong, fags
themes of nature, dumbasses
dick in summer lake

>> No.187225

Cherry petals fall
In a dance of bullet hell
Where's my fucking shift?

>> No.187242

My penis
Is a mountain
Full of sperm

>> No.187269
File: 45 KB, 272x368, 1202456107488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the strongest
Back to the cold dark with you
Sad little weaklings

>> No.187276

My penis
Tall as Fuji
Squirts glue

>> No.187304
File: 462 KB, 1065x1513, 156r_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbit ears, why me
It's embarassing, don't laugh
Fuck, enjoy your frog.

>> No.187325
File: 203 KB, 305x318, 0018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Myon, you sure are a poet at heart arent you.

>> No.187335

Fleshy mountain
Speaks its mind
Breath like the anus

>> No.187360

Pale moon
Talks gently
What the fuck?

>> No.187364

You guys realize?
This thread reveals how we speak
Like, how we say names

To use haiku rules
You must follow syllable
counts, am I correct?

Well, to conform right,
you must say aloud board names
such as /jp/, see?

try "slash jay-pee slash"
doesn't sound so good, does it?
fuck your mother cock

>> No.187380
File: 66 KB, 288x854, myon-hatsuyume.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the spring bears bloom.
I'm often ignored by you.
Ever ronery winter.

>> No.187386


>> No.187410

Best haiku yet.

>> No.187412

That was so deep. You truly have the heart of a poet.

>> No.187423

She smiles at me
Invites me to her home
Surprise butt sex!

>> No.187509


same fucking faget

>> No.187544

There once was a man from McGrass,
Who had two fine balls of brass,
In stormy weather they clanged together,
and sparks shot out of his ass.

Old Miss Hubbard went to her cupboard to fetch her poor dog a bone,
but when she bent over, Rover took over, and
gave her a bone of her own.

These are not haikus
But they are fun all the same
Internet is truck

>> No.187550

Three word poster.

>> No.187583


>> No.187592

apples to apples
fuck yes that rocks so hard

>> No.189327

I shat bricks

>> No.189478

plural of Haiku is Haiku, faggot.

>> No.189658


>> No.189692

Ha! Yeah, I wrote that
It was yesterday, though.
How's this still alive????

>> No.189712

Tripfag gave us patch
Now we can play UBW
Thanks a lot tripfriend

>> No.189735

Subways rumbling deep
Under the city streetscape
Howling down the tubes

>> No.189740

Pedophiles are
Moronic fucktards dreaming
Of cold jail cells

>> No.189749

you dumbass faggot
sage is two syllables
go fuck a bucket

>> No.189754

Jammed into Cirno
Cock is now a cocksicle
It was still worth it

>> No.189758

woah wait, what the hell
someone give me a link please
i need this so bad

>> No.189763

Governor Spitzer
Two-faced lying S.O.B.
Down with him, New York!

>> No.189775

Frauds and thetans glorious
Xenu DC-8

>> No.189782


Letters often count as one syllable: S = "ess"
O= "oh"
B = "bee"
D = "dee"
C = "cee"

>> No.189787

Sci-ent-o-lo-gy is five syllables in my understanding.

>> No.189793


5-7-5 "on" not syllables.

>> No.189800

I must do homework
Sorry about that, haiku fags
Mighty fun, this is :)

>> No.189806

and what's the difference between an "on" and a "syllable"? Other than weeaboos trying to declare the word to be different?

>> No.189819

The anger I feel
Radiates from my PC
Anonymous Rage

>> No.189820


also, lurk moar

>> No.189825


'on', I figure, means each little character bit in Japanese. While it's usually syllabic, it also has things like 'n', which are counted as two separate pieces. Like 'chin-chin', would be four 'on' even if in practice it's pronounced as 2 syllables.

That's my guess anyways.

>> No.189883

Shema Yisrael,
Adonai Eloheinu,
Adonai Echad.

Listen O Israel
Adonai is our God
Adonai is One.

(note, this did NOT originate as a haiku, but as a Jewish prayer or catechism. The syllabic coincidence was noted by someone on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_haiku).).

>> No.189893

Ironically, the (traditionally polytheistic) Japanese often refer to "God" (Kami) when referring to multiple deities - but since the language uses the same form for singular and plural, that permits pretty easily both singular and plural interpretations of "Kami" or "Kami-sama".

>> No.189911

This thread made me rage
Traverse a country of cock
Climb a wall of dicks

>> No.189916

Jews have names for God
Hashem, Adonai, Elyon
Shaddai, Shekhinah

>> No.189918

Allah Akbar Jihad
Durka Durka Muhammad
Jihad Osama

>> No.189921

Sun Goddess of fair Japan
Is soooo not amused

>> No.189948

this thread is fail
I like to wank to women
Not to pedocrap

So perverts posting
In this thread are idiots
So enjoy your v&

That being said, this
Seems to be an amusing thread
Fags, let it roll on

>> No.191131

Hungry zombie runs
Through stale crypt of ancient threads
Necromancy time!

>> No.191180

Blazing as the sun
Dries up your penis

>> No.192202

I luv KFC
Chitlins,grits, and collard greens
Please pass the hot sauce

>> No.192222

I be a nigra
Nappy headed muhfugga
Bixin up yo nood

>> No.192224

Leaked from Mirror Moon
Ravenous fapping to Rin
Unlimited Blade Works

>> No.192244

I've got my new nine
All the bitchez take notice
The new cracker pimp

>> No.192260


>> No.192360


Cirno be a nigga
Psycho bitch in da ghetto
Cold blooded killa
