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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1798689 No.1798689 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone got eng patch for Cross†Channel?

>> No.1798692


>> No.1798691

Shit sux

>> No.1798693
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>> No.1798696

Never understood if it is good or not.
From what I've heard it's just overrated, anyone mind sharing his opinion ?

>> No.1798700


>> No.1798703

ITT Overrated Shit?

>> No.1798724

fuck you jp, this is best vn ever.

>> No.1798737

Cross†Channel? What's that?

Whatever, back to playing Nanaca†Crash...

>> No.1798743


>> No.1798773

It has the sexiest protagonist so it's the best game.

>> No.1798781


>> No.1798783 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1798937

Dude, HOW?

>> No.1798943

Looks generic.

>> No.1798946

So what the hell happens in this VN anyways? From the CGs it looks like some kind of Battle Royale situation, and since they are all invariably shit I'm wondering what makes this one different.

>> No.1798950

Don't worry, it's shit too.

>> No.1798954

It's not a battle royal at all.
Think Higurashi.

>> No.1798966

stupid anon, you could just searched for it:

>> No.1798992
File: 526 KB, 640x480, crosschannel_bgcc0023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School for children who are unlikely to be able to adapt to society. Eight of them come back from a trip to find that everyone in the town/world except for themselves has disappeared. They decide to try and get the broadcasting tower up and running to try and make contact with other people.

>> No.1799063

Show me the link to the patch on this page genius.

>> No.1799157

There is no patch.

>> No.1799164

The end is EPIC.


>> No.1799170

This is the next game I'm playing using ATLAS after I finish OtoBoku.

>> No.1799185

Why did you even bothered playing this? Ruitomo is far superior, otoboku is just plain and boring.

>> No.1799189

It's written by Tanaka Romeo, right? If what I heard about Yume Miru Kusuri being one of his lesser works then Cross†Channel and Kazoku Keikaku will probably be mind blowing.

>> No.1799199

Cross Channel>Saihate no Ima>KK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&gt

>> No.1799207

I still have these Saihate CDs sitting in my shelf. I loved Cross Channel and KK and I tried playing a little bit of Saihate a couple of years ago. But it was confusing as fuck so I stopped. Should I give it another shot from the beginning?

>> No.1799208

OtoBoku has the cute and lovely vibe, its very relaxing and it makes me d'awwww. I want to play Ruitomo as well though.

>> No.1799230

What's Saihate about?

>> No.1799245

Yes, you should - it is just awesome.

>> No.1799258

So is it in English?

>> No.1799271

Of course No

>> No.1799306

Yes, go play it now. It's quite good.

>> No.1799320

You must be new here. Most of the games we discuss are not translated and we have to use translation software or the really hardcore among us actually know Japanese.

>> No.1801207


>> No.1801593


and when's the translator going to stop being an elitist prick like his counterpart friends from gamepatch?

>> No.1801634

"elitist prick"? more like "dead" or "lost in Japan"

>> No.1801689

If you're talking about GP, then yes that's why they shut down their site, but they kept trolling for a long time keeping everyone's hopes up for no good fucking reason just like the trl'r for Cross+Channel has done recently. Why don't they just fuck off instead of getting everyone hyped up?

>> No.1801974

I thought one of their waifus was giving birth or something. They promised a December release didn't they? Not like I really care, because it's only Shuffle.

Cross Channel on the other hand... A leak would be awesome, but I have a terrible feeling that the whole 80% status is probably exaggerated. For all we know, we coulda been mega trolled by Freakman.

>> No.1801988
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>> No.1801998

Not as epic as FSN, but it's worth a try.

I'd say it's incredibly overrated.

>> No.1802038


And so it begins...

>> No.1802054

It's really difficult to find a game better than FSN these days, typemoon killed eroge for me;_;

>> No.1802083

Well, it sure didn't kill trolling.

>> No.1802114

Hi /jp/

Is there anything not overrated?

>> No.1802121


>> No.1802135


>> No.1802962

Well then, guess I better start praying extra hard that this somehow gets released.

I mean, it happened with Kanon, it'll happen with this, right guys?



>> No.1803632

Most likely No.
