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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1796424 No.1796424 [Reply] [Original]

What MMO is /jp/ currently playing?

I wanted to get back into FFXI, but I really don't want to pay.. Any good free mmos with a good community of /jp/ players?

>> No.1796434

/v/ is that way

>> No.1796445

oh man memories


>> No.1796457

Brb, fighting a boss for 18 hours and still losing

>> No.1796475

>good free mmos
This is obviously a troll post, right?

>> No.1796482
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i doubt /jp/ plays anything exclusively

magibon a while ago, perfect world is new (in NA) and free but might be too chinese for weeaboo tastes.

i could never play FF11 for more than a week or two before cancelling again...3 times

wow is the most dumbed down, easy mode of a game that any mouth breather that can slap his dick on the keyboard will get to lvl 80 and clear all the dungeons within 3 weeks of never playing it before. (yes, bitter wowfag here)

>> No.1796491

Atlantica Online
Shin Megami Tensei

>> No.1796497


>> No.1796507


Downloaded Runes of Magic which looks like a complete WoW clone but haven't touched it yet.

>> No.1796511
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>> No.1796517
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>> No.1796522

World of Awesomecraft - only MMO you need.

>> No.1796523

god the memori...

wait. wat?

>> No.1796525
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and since i feel like helpy helperton today
it's mmo that lets you you make lolis, pretty dated 3d graphics, had a good number of /jp/ers playing in it at one time, and the blacksmiths in the game would eventually break your gear after too many repairs.
a minor meme resulted, lasting until the players got chased off /jp/ to make their own imageboard.
game was from corea, had little to do with any real /jp/ themes

>> No.1796527

Haha I made that mistake a lot a few months ago when Mabinogi came out.

>> No.1796536
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>> No.1796544

Megaten Online was cool until I hit level 16 and got the "please grind to level 25 in order to continue the story" quest.

Then I relalized that 90% of the game is indeed grinding the same random dungeons over and over. Cool idea, game developer bros.

>> No.1796552


>> No.1796560

We've got a small /jp/ guild on Megaten Online if anyone's playing or interested. You can find it in Home III terminal, you can't miss it.

>> No.1796573

Cabal anyone?

>> No.1796575


I got to level 38 before quitting. Finished all the acts, the non-repeatable quests and had the best gear available that wasn't from the cashshop and crafting (both of which are either not in or not working properly - played a gunner).

In a few days. After that (and some time before, actually) there's fuck all to do. So yeah, shit sucks when you realise it is a whole lots of "just keep grinding, sirry gaijin"

>> No.1796580


>> No.1796586

i only play games with mollusks, sorry

>> No.1796590
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>> No.1796591

Except it's called Mabinogi and not magibon.

>> No.1796597
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>> No.1796605
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I love grindan games. Requiem Bloodymare at the moment.

>> No.1796612

Requiem is actually pretty good as grindan goes.

>> No.1796620

Magibon is the Emiry-level YouTube "idol," dude.

>> No.1796643

Agreed. Well It's from Gravity and the only other mmorpg which held my attention for more than a month was Ragnarok Online.

On the other hand, mmorpgs are only fun when you're playing it with somebody else you know.

>> No.1796644

I play ragnarok online

burnrag.net, if anyone wants to know

>> No.1796647


Magibon presumably lacks STDs

>> No.1796661


I've really only enjoyed one MMO, or whatever you like to call it, Guild Wars. Yeah shits not all too great, but I liked it because I did shit with my friends, instead of doing it together with random bullshit groups, and when they whipe it it's all OMG YOU SUK MONK OMG while HELL LETS ALL RUSH IN THIS BATTLE HURRRRR FOR ASCALON

>> No.1796670

I personally play Anarchy Online. Finally, after 4 years, 6 months, and 1 day, decided to ding max level. The learning curve in AO is more of a brick wall, but after you get over that, the game is pretty awesome. Free as well, if you don't mind not having expansions (which, for a free game, is still pretty damn good).

>> No.1796682
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shows how much i care,

>> No.1796742


lol, "Do it faggot"

Who the hell drew this?

>> No.1796781

when will the japanese realize that not all gaijin players are jerkwads? every region has its own collection of good and bad players.

except for BR, that's just terrible.

>> No.1796786
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FFXI doujin maker supreme Jack-O'-Lantern

>> No.1796801

Cabal was fun while it lasted. But the whole world felt too claustrophobic to me. I like vast worlds with tons of shit to explore. Also, grinding quest dungeons over and over again made me lose any interest in the game despite my effort of trying to reach the high level and try out that nation war thingie.

>> No.1796803

Actually not true. I've played on a private RO server for 4 years, and there was this Brazilian guy in our guild, Serenade or what is name was, and SHIT that guy was pretty nice.

>> No.1796809
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I still play FFXI. There's a 14-day trial going on right now, if you wanted to try it without having to pay.

It's a really good game if you can get past the struggling first few levels and get into it. It's also a good way to practice chatting in Japanese sometimes, since servers are international and it pretty much is the only big MMO in Japan.

>> No.1796814

Mabinogi was fun for a while, I might still get back into it later. RO on a few private servers for a couple weeks, and I just started WoW. Somehow though, I feel like I'm making a terrible mistake.

>> No.1796870

Atlantica Online is awesome.

>> No.1796877

Playing Warhammer.
40 IB on Volkmar, rerolled Rune Priest. Played a lot of games mentioned here though over time.

>> No.1796892

WoW - the most popular yet most overrated mmorpg in history.

also, /v/ shit.

>> No.1796896
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Yeah, I love that circle's FFXI doujin. Lots of futa with the occasional yuri/shota/loli/etc thrown in.

>> No.1796894

There's a pretty decently sized /jp/ community in Mabinogi on Mari.

I think there's also a collection of fuckheads who rolled characters on Ruairi, or maybe it was Tarlach. I don't really remember, but they're supposedly out there.

>> No.1796912
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At this rate

We could have monster hunter threads!

>> No.1796971

What's the best KR free shard?

>> No.1797075

I tried FFXI, but couldn't get past the wonky controls. Also, I couldn't get Windower to work right with Vista x64.

>> No.1797129
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The grindan blow. However lvl isn't that important in the game. You just need to know what they are weak to which is just like all the other SMT game. And it is fun making pet/slave with the skills that you want.

>> No.1797144

why hasn't anybody posted the hurr

[ ] good
[ ] free
[ ] online

pick two derp

>> No.1797142

Meganigger Online


>> No.1797150

>community of /jp/ players
pick two

>> No.1797169

WAR is awesome.

>> No.1797178


Cabal here.

>> No.1797201
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Zero No Battletoads

>> No.1797610


>> No.1797638

Once Diablo 3 comes out, I expect to be playing with some of you /jp/ bros.

>> No.1797657

You're expecting Diablo 3 from when Blizzard made Diablo 2, when in fact you'll get a Diablo 3 from a Blizzard that made WoW.

>> No.1797665


I suppose I'll have to play it at least a little, but from what little I've been following it pre-release I'm not terribly enthused. I might stick to just playing D2 on and off like I've been doing.

>> No.1797666


I still have high hopes.
