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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 498x435, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1790481 No.1790481 [Reply] [Original]

I chuckled.

Why do women do this?

>> No.1790482

Every culture in the world needs to have loud, obnoxious american sluts, then we will all be truly equal. God forbid anyone insinuate that women and men are fucking different!

>> No.1790484


>> No.1790485

i love the collective cultural narcissism of liberals such as the person in that pic, for them the world is a pure black and white dichotomy between 'progressive' and 'backwards'.

>> No.1790486

B-b-but they like perfume and read shitty novels, and they buy Wiis...

>> No.1790487

Is Japan really that sexist? Or is it just that women are expected to look after the kids and shit like that? Because whatever you want to think, that isn't sexist, that's called biology.

>> No.1790488

You should ask yourself that. And go back to /b/ you dirty slut.

>> No.1790489

Well, japan has pretty misogynist culture. There is no doubt about that.

Anyhow, why not stop this crusade agains female gender already? We are sorry that even the sluts will not put out to you.

>> No.1790492
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1229719889185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1790494

Look into the naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.1790497

It's only a fallacy to people who think they can socially engineer an entire society. What the fuck do people like you have against housewives anyway? Not loud and shrill enough for your tastes?

It's about the only /jp/ relevant thing on the front page if athens intended this to be a debate on sexism (or lack of) in japanese society.

>> No.1790501

Sup athens

>> No.1790505

>Well, japan has pretty misogynist culture. There is no doubt about that.

Go away, they have a shame society, which is a good thing. Those who do shameful things don't like it, such as yourself.

>We are sorry that even the sluts will not put out to you.

If I have ever tried to hook up with a slut, then this would be true. But I've never tried. Because they are worthless.

>> No.1790508


You some kind of new tripfag?

>> No.1790511

Athens, or his impostor, intends only one very obvious thing. You are probably he. I wish you pain.

>> No.1790517

Athens, I heard you got a girlfriend. Is this true?

Also, a society doesn't gain anything by holding back women.

>> No.1790518

I personally use my erect penis to man the spacebar, giving me an edge in bunnyhopping in fps games.

>> No.1790525

No, no. I haven't. Who told you that? Women can do as they please, but I will call a spade a spade still and a slut a slut ipso facto.

>> No.1790522

I went to a strip club with all my buddies the other day, shit was soooo cash.

>> No.1790524
File: 140 KB, 358x500, 1229720450559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to troll about gender roles, do it in /r9k/. Don't misuse this board. We have enough problems as it is.

>> No.1790527

I never said I had anything against housewives, if a woman wants to stay home and raise her kids that is her choice. But saying that someone has to or should fulfill a role because of biology is definitely an example of the naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.1790528

I just guessed from copypasta on /a/ saying a slut is fine too.

>> No.1790530

>jpg for a screenshot with less than 10 unique colors

>> No.1790531

Oh right. I had been drinking then.

>> No.1790532


>> No.1790533

Don't you mean American women?

She's right about globalisation though. That same attitude has spread over here because of it.

Also, I bet that dumb bitch hasn't even been to Japan before.

>> No.1790535

Misogyny vs misogamy?

>> No.1790543
File: 258 KB, 800x985, 1229720767054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really doesn't.

In any case- The only women that stand out are the ones that are promiscuous. Their -goal- is to stand out.

Can't find a woman that isn't like this?
Look harder.

>> No.1790549

This is the only regular /jp/ thread I've seen since yesterday. athens makes it feel like it isn't Christmas.

>> No.1790550

I thought athens died in the riots.

>> No.1790553

Christ, you realise that I'm all in for shame society? I take as emotional natural selection.

Anyhow, the point is that you couldn't hook up with the lowest street trash even if you wanted to. You see, this Victorian thing you try to pull off is all misunderstood with you. The real thing is about personal grace and purity. Not being a loser than shuns people higher in the social hierarchy than himself.

It's such sadness, is it not? The billion year evolutionary process has led us to this shit individual known as "athens". Even the idiotic prehistoric lizard-fish with gills could mate successfully. But this ancient bloodline will end with this loser.

>> No.1790556

Sorry, where can I find a girl such as this?

>> No.1790557
File: 662 KB, 1017x750, 1229720910526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women thread?

>> No.1790559

>Calling attention to gender in a job (other than the sex industry) is wrong.
What? Why is the sex industry special somehow?

>> No.1790561

Reported for off topic thread. How is this /jp/ related?

I don't care about your pathetic virgin point of view. Why do you hate females so much when you've never dated a female. That be like saying you don't like the way apples taste before you even tasted an apple.

>> No.1790566

It's true. What the goal of people like in the pic I posted however isn't to promote women to enter the workplace, it's to meld both genders into one, both justifying transgressions by the tu quoque logical fallacy (oh, this type of man does it too! so it's ok for me to do it).

It's fine for women to enter the workplace, compete for jobs with men and so on. But the feminist movement is pretty much just women complaining that they are called sluts for sleeping around whereas men aren't in the 21st century.

>> No.1790563

Wasn't athens permbanned? Why is this happening again? Isn't Christmas break bad enough?

>> No.1790564

I'm pretty sure red liquid is a bad sign.

>> No.1790567

Where are the janitors at?

>> No.1790569
File: 201 KB, 640x480, 1229721060590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1790579

Far to the East, over the horizon, lies a land long forgotten by the world. Gensokyo, as it has come to be called, was once a part of rural Japan. Over a century ago, the youkai-infested area was sealed away by priests. Since then, humans and youkai have coexisted in relative (allowing, of course, for a few danmaku a day) peace, the former shunning the technology of the outer world and learning magic instead. Of course, the seal on Gensokyo isn't perfect... especially when a certain youkai girl doesn't have enough to do.

A cherry-red sleigh tethered to nine reindeer sailed through the skies, a plump old man in red and white seated in its hull among piles of ornate parcels. As the sleigh passed over the snowy caps of some uninhabited mountains in Japan, its occupant, the smell of cookies heavy on his breath, sat back and decided to take a short breather. He had already delivered half the world's children their presents, and there was yet a minute or two until he reached another population (excluding houseboats,) after all.

He didn't even notice that the mountains below him were, suddenly, no longer those he had been flying over moments ago. That is, not until a startled youkai unleashed a barrage of magic blasts upon his sleigh. The old man yanked on the reins in panic, but his sleigh was not built for evasive maneuvers. Down went Dasher and Dancer, then Prancer and Vixen. With the loss of almost half of its team, the sleigh began to spin in air, its pilot desperately struggling to regain control. This only served to anger a number of indigenous fairies, who fired their own magic on the noisy intruders. Down went Cupid, then Comet, then Donner and Blitzen, and the cherry-red sleigh followed suit, barreling to the ground.

>> No.1790572

I wish mods would just set tripcodes to autoban.

>> No.1790575

>Anyhow, the point is that you couldn't hook up with the lowest street trash even if you wanted to.

If I would have ever tried (and failed) then you could say that, but I have never tried. So that point is negligible.

Where did I ever say I hate women? Bouncing around from one ad hom to another isn't conducive to a point of any kind you silly cretin.

>> No.1790577

I mean certain tripcodes.

>> No.1790578

So basically she whored herself for some virtual jewgolds plus a virtual pet AND she is proud of it?

>> No.1790586

“What's this, Sakuya?” asked a young-looking, noticeably short, bat-winged girl in a pink dress.
“I don't know, Lady Remilia,” the maid answered, holding the parcel out for inspection. “I found it outside, lying in a field.”
“Well, it's obviously a package for somebody,” Remilia answered. “Let's take a look inside, shall we?”
“Wait, what about these strange colors?” Sakuya responded.

>> No.1790581
File: 47 KB, 600x556, 1229721189689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, can't help you there.

>> No.1790583


She's ugly too.

>> No.1790584

An attractive woman in a white and purple gown lowered her hand and, after taking a few seconds to survey the results of this exercise of her power, declared “I'm sleepy,” and walked back into her large, old-fashioned manor. Turning to a blonde girl with nine equally blonde fox tails, she asked whether her futon was ready.
“Yes, master Yukari, but you just got up half an hour ago—”
“Good night.” Letting her wavy blonde hair fall down her back, the woman lay on her futon and slept.

Far away from there, beyond a white-specked forest and a frozen lake, stood a blood-red Victorian-style mansion. A cute girl in a blue-and-pink maid outfit and a cheery scarf was approaching this mansion, a sack of groceries in her hands, when she almost tripped on a parcel half-buried in the snow. Setting her groceries aside, she looked down at the offending object, her two long silver braids dangling before her face. It was red and possessed a luster like metal, and it was tied shut with green and gold ribbon. The tag said nothing regarding the box's contents, only that it came from someone or something named “Santa.” Probably some careless youkai, the maid thought as she added the box to the groceries and took them indoors.

>> No.1790585

If you don't care about pathetic, virgin points of view why are you on /jp/? We're all virgins here.

>> No.1790588
File: 197 KB, 600x688, 1229721252416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma posting Tamao in an Athens thread.

>> No.1790589

There could be something dangerous in there, like a bomb.”
“You're right.” Remilia took a pink, poofy cap and set it atop her blue, fluffy, shoulder-length hair. “Let's have someone dispensable open it.”

>> No.1790590

sage for tripfaggots
