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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 817x667, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1770524 No.1770524 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I have started to translate game called yandere, is /jp/ interested?

OP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnzTsgBHcg

>> No.1770533

Are there any yanderes?

>> No.1770539

duh... 3 of them

>> No.1770541

I wonder what the game is about

>> No.1770542
File: 338 KB, 100x120, yandere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's that girl.

>> No.1770545

>>Okay, I have started to translate game called yandere, is /jp/ interested?

I can't speak for an entire board, but I am.

>> No.1770546

change the font, please...

>> No.1770549

I sure am

>> No.1770550

So there's a bloody battle between the three of them at the end, or do they all just divide you into three pieces?

>> No.1770544

also bit gore at bad ends

>> No.1770554

make a wiki and keep us posted

>> No.1770558

Looks like a machine translation would do better than you.

>> No.1770559

depends on your actions

I sure saw nasty ending with chainsaw... during the sleep....

>> No.1770562

its just test build

>> No.1770564

It could sound right if given the proper context. You're being hasty, Anon.

>> No.1770566

The only thing, you'll meet here is trolling. Give up.

>> No.1770574

good luck

>> No.1770581

"Me" cannot be a subject, except when used like so.

Get an editor.

>> No.1770592

You can use both, I think.
Like Me and my family, or My family and I etc

>> No.1770607

This is an H game, right?

In any case, yes, I'm interested.

>> No.1770616

yeah ero

>> No.1770629

Please keep going. Also get an editor. I can beta test. ;_;

>> No.1770630

need this uncensored

>> No.1770632

No. When incorporating combination subjects or objects, "you" as the subject/object always follows the other noun, and does not precede it. "Me" can also never be a subject.

>> No.1770633


>> No.1770635

Well, maybe the speaker's just retarded, you ever think of that?

>> No.1770637

Yandere are only good when they are surprising.
Since this is the concept of that eroge, it's probably shit.

>> No.1770650

Actually, unlike tsundere's wich can vary, yanderes have a clear pattern.

Fall in love.
Try your best to make the other feel the same.
Mark the territory against rivals.
Destroy anything that threathens your love.

That how they do it and the story setting that makes it amusing to see.

>> No.1770652

why isn't YANDERE TRANSLATIONS working on this!?!

am i the only one who finds that weird?

>> No.1770657


Fall in love.
Protagonist falls in love.
Mark the territory against rivals.
Destroy anything that threathens your love.
Protagonist realizes girl is crazy and flees.
Girl chases protagonist down until plot twist of your choice happens.

>> No.1770659

While a valid possibility, I must abide by Occam's Razor; meaning, incorrect English grammar usage is the more likely answer.

>> No.1770674

Who's to say it isn't? *wink, nudge*
This thread originally had the title Yandere Translations, got deleted and reposted as Anonymous.

>> No.1770676

That's not nearly as fun or quirky.

>> No.1770691

That was Yandere translation, I think....

>> No.1770704

can someone please post screenshots of all the main girls?

>> No.1770716

you wanna fap that badly?

>> No.1770720
File: 541 KB, 800x600, 1229386268870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of them, will post last as next post

>> No.1770723

please do your best...

>> No.1770732
File: 473 KB, 800x600, 1229386506601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1770735

Are there even any translated yandere vns?

>> No.1770736
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1229386630667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere teacher? I'M ALREADY FAPPING

>> No.1770746

I'm interested. Also, if you ever give up on or drop the project, don't just fucking disappear. Say you've dropped it and post what you have done on tlwiki so at least someone else can fucking keep working on it.

>> No.1770750


>> No.1770753

Of course I am no and idiot. :(
I don't plan to drop this either, it's a help on my philology study of Japanese Language which I am doing at present time.

>> No.1770754

torrent for anyone who wants this. only 3 seeders so far, though

>> No.1770760

When I finish it I guess I'll seed it for a while. I've only got 200kb/s up though.

>> No.1770761

Why does every translator ever seem to have only the loosest grasp on the English language?

>> No.1770757

I am interested
Also this:

>> No.1770759

>Me [...] was
Excuse me, what?

>> No.1770764

So they can befriend an editor to share their glory with.

>> No.1770768

OP, is english your first language? You're really probably going to want a editor for this game.

>> No.1770776

That and idiot was reference to /b/ spam meme, though I missed not (not no)

But yes, my English is second language.
I don't mind editor, but I want to finish translating first.

>> No.1770771

Why does it seem like every translator ever has only the loosest grasp on the English language?

Then again, they create a lot of amusing gems.

>> No.1770785

I think it has to do something with elitists English speakers who are unable to learn other language (I know few people like that)

>> No.1770783

Any estimate on how much you've done/how much is left?

>> No.1770786

>(I know few people like that)
Few people indeed.

>> No.1770789

I knew someone will ask...
For how much to be done, that is hard thing to ask, scripts together has around 1MB, but that is UTF16LE (double size) and with all script shit, so I cannot estimate how much text is there.

As for how much I have do, considering that I started real translation today (I firstly asked if there is any interest), I don't have much....

>> No.1770790

Just out of curiosity, what was your first language?

>> No.1770795

Also, since start of this thread, I translated 25% of first file, which is 1600~ lines long (dunno how many actual text, but around 60%?)

>> No.1770798

Slovakian, doubt you heard about it....

>> No.1770800

I'm an elitist English speaker who is currently learning two languages.

You'll never fully grasp the nuances of another language in their entirety, but that doesn't give you an excuse to stop trying and then complain when someone says you said something wrong.

>> No.1770802

Can I help with the installer?

>> No.1770803
File: 3 KB, 100x100, 1229387917417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.

>> No.1770804

>The Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk, not to be confused with slovenščina), sometimes incorrectly called “Slovakian”

>> No.1770810

So a Slovakian is translating a Japanese game into English...

>> No.1770812

It has yanderes in it, all is forgiven.

>> No.1770813

I did small math... (859 kB in all script files, first file 30 kB) / 4 = 0.8%

>> No.1770818

pretty much, oh and I am currently residing in Czech, lol

>> No.1770820

Slovenský Jazyk = The Slovak Language; Slovenčina = Slovakian
wiki fails

>> No.1770822

Don't complain, were getting a Yandere game translated into english.

>> No.1770826

Ah. Just wondering why it would just randomly blurt "incorrectly" out like that.

>> No.1770837

basically you are free to use any form, we use Slovenčina for most of the time, Slovenský Jazyk is too much formal.

So wiki probably says to use formal version, I guess.

>> No.1770844

While we're on the topic, does anyone know of some good resources for visual novel translation?

I'd really like to translate something, but I guess I'm just not sure where to start. I've got a degree in CS, and I'm fairly confident I could tackle at least the programming aspects something like this. Are there any open forums or websites that could be helpful to someone who is a newbie at this?

>> No.1770847

you mean like hacking the game to get the scripts out/replacing them with the translated ones? You could look at the tools on http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Tools

>> No.1770852


The forum is full of the most egotistical shits the translation scene has to offer (you'll find out soon enough), but their tech help forum is the best there is.

>> No.1770851

I wish you could crack Gore Scream Show engine (NNN).
That was my first thing when I said "I will translate this, no matter what." But I want to tackle smaller project first... like this Yandere game.

>> No.1770856

fuck yeah, someone wants to translated gore screaming show! now we just need the scripts...

>> No.1770862

GSS is my most favorite eroge, ever (with Sengoku Rance on second place)

>> No.1770874

There have been 1-2 translators wanting to do it for a while.

The full-fledged scripts themselves aren't that easy to obtain, unless you're willing to invest a week or two in writing a decompiler/recompiler for the bytecode language. Text dumps however, are very easy to obtain, but most translators don't want to work without having full scripts with where text is guranteed to be in order and with all character names.

>> No.1770912

great grammar there OP, me was

that's not even engrish, it's inexcusable

>> No.1770925
File: 229 KB, 759x1024, 1229390333505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1770965

lol trolls

>> No.1771000

So basically, from what I'm seeing, it seems like the game scripts are usually stored in some sort of custom archive file.

If I'm understanding things correctly, the programmer would basically have to create something to extract the script from the archive, and something to recompile the translated script into this archive format.

Is there anyone here who has been part of a translation and can tell me if I'm understanding this correctly?

>> No.1771018

Yes, you need find way to extract and recompile dcripts (and usually graphics too) from game engine, that hasn't been cracked yet.

>> No.1771056

This is probably a stupid question, but what would need to be changed with the graphics? Is this to translate the Japanese text on the images? (title screen/menus or something?)

>> No.1771108

You both don't seem to understand the concept of decompilation/compilation

When you have an archive, you extract/decrypt the streams which are the scripts/graphics/resources/whatever.
In this case, there is no problem extracting the scripts, like in most games, as this is always a simple task, the problem is transforming COMPILED CODE into USER UNDERSTANDABLE CODE, back and forth, to do this, you need to document a large virtual machine and all it's instructions and make toolsets which disassemble/decompile the custom bytecode for this game engine, thus you transform a compiled binary script into a user readable and editable script. There is already a SDK which can compile them back, as far as I remember.

>> No.1771315

I am in 30% of first file, looks like seks is about to begin

>> No.1771420
File: 894 KB, 814x674, 1229397252528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1771476

You have my approval, anonymous. I am very interested in this.

>> No.1771496

Didn't read the thread after the initial grammar bitching, but...

Do want, OP. Do want very much.

>> No.1771518

Jesus, people rifle through decompiled code to hack these games? I had no idea they put in so much mind-numbing effort.

>> No.1771552

>also bit gore at bad ends

"bad" is a subjective term

>> No.1771652

I agree

>> No.1771680

Running a game through a debugger isn't that bad if you've got a general idea of what to look for. (CreateFileA calls etc.)

>> No.1771695

this is a troll until project is up on TLwiki
if OP is serious put it on there


>> No.1771715

Can you tell me reason?
I can put it when I want to cancel it, or when tl is done, but there is no reason to put it there now.

Oh btw 42% on first (and actually biggest) script there.

>> No.1771722

Is the game itself fairly short?

>> No.1771729

Dunno, lol, it's around 1MiB worth of scripts, so answer is no.
But if I compare sizes I am around 1.3% total.

>> No.1771765


>> No.1772099

bump for deliciousness
