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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1757813 No.1757813 [Reply] [Original]

I hate Japan. I heard that they do this surgery over there that surgically reconstructs a woman's hymen so she can get married to higher class men and the like. So I'm at my mom's house three nights a week because I go to college an hour and a half away from my home so I talk to my wife via IM a lot. I had just finished my finals, so I was looking into this surgery and found that there are doctors in the US that will do it for couples who didn't get to experience their first times together. So being that I was a virgin when we met I thought the idea was kinda interesting and wrote to her about it. At first she wrote that it was "just sick," and if I wanted her to get it done. I wrote back half jokingly that it might be something to keep in mind for our tenth anniversary or something. So she logged off and wouldn't return my calls for the rest of the day. I finally get home and we haven't talked about it at all, but a half an hour ago she got up and is now sleeping on the couch.

So once again assuming that the Japanese are normal has probably ruined my marriage.

>> No.1757815

kimochi, aniki.

>> No.1757820

Tell her you were joking. Bad communication sinks ridiculous amounts of relationships.

>> No.1757832

Even in Japan, this operation is not "normal". Japan is a country very respectful to women.

>> No.1757830


loose lips sink ships

>> No.1757835
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>respectful to women

>> No.1757836

Why in the hell would you marry a non virgin anyway?

>> No.1757838

same filename as the thread on /a/,

sup samefag.,

>> No.1757839

I'd say it's fair for a guy to get a circumcision in exchange of such operation, if someone suggested it to me.

Then again, you are probably an american with mutilated genitalia already. I've always wondered why USA worships this ancient jew habit.

>> No.1757840

What a fucking stupid bitch. God, I hate women.

>> No.1757844



>> No.1757845

Circumcised penis is more sanitary than uncircumcised one, reducing the risk of infections occurring in that region.

>> No.1757849


Getting your arm amputated makes you immune to Carpal Tunnel, go figure.

>> No.1757850


But a circumcised penis is still 100% functional. Funny, that.

>> No.1757852

Also, good luck getting a girl to suck on your disgusting dog dick. My girlfriend said she turned down a guy once because he was uncut.

>> No.1757854


Because Americans believe in cleanliness you 3rd-world peice of trash.

>> No.1757855

>Circumcised penis is more sanitary
pffffffff. yea, why don't we cut off our earlobes so we don't have to wash in those tight spaces either? "more sanitary" is almost totally bullshit.

>> No.1757858

Yes, back in th 1000 BC that was probably the case, but in the modern world we have this thing called soap.

Also, it appears to me that circumcised penises are way less sensitive. They look like they're somehow dried up and scarred because the skin is not protecting the sensitive area.

>> No.1757862

Wife's can be cunts. If she wants to react that way to a fucking joke, she can get over it. Also, hope you got a pre-nup.

>> No.1757863

enjoy ur cum in 2 minute

>> No.1757860

>dog dick
umm, no. An uncircumcised dick is what a HUMAN dick looks like.

>> No.1757867

Male circumcision is just ritual religious mutilation.

>> No.1757864

Jeesus your butthurt is hilarious to watch.

>> No.1757865


>> No.1757866

My earlobes are connected to my jaw. I get disgusted by people who have earlobes that aren't.

Is that normal?

>> No.1757868

/jp/ - Genital/Mutilation

>> No.1757869

Yes, but it's sanitary. And, masochists will argue, fun.

>> No.1757871


>> No.1757870

Look, I don't have a penis myself. Not that I mind discussing about penises, though.

Anyhow, isn't the real function of circumcision to make the member less sensitive. In the old times people used to think that sexual pleasure is bad and evil, so that is the main reason for the genital mutilation, other than the hygiene.

>> No.1757875

Don't talk about shit if you don't know shit.
Or read up on it first before you start typing.

>> No.1757872

Both type of earlobes are normal.
But your show of disgust is not.

>> No.1757881

and /jp/ gets trolled hard. again. for the second time in a few hours.

>> No.1757882

I don't think there was a reason. I think they just did it for the same reason that Africans put dicks in their lips and women pierce their ears, just because.

>> No.1757879

so butthurt

>> No.1757887
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not trolled. derailed.

>> No.1757892

butthurt jew.

>> No.1757893

in b4 "we're discussing penises".jpg

>> No.1757894

Just something about the way they just look fat. My mom has big nasty ones. I always hated them.

>> No.1757896

Well, don't get all worked up. I'm just wondering why US uses this jewish practice. I mean, the are no scientific reason for it. I bet that people just don't have the guts to stop the mutilation because they are cut there themselves.

>> No.1757898

nay. facepalming male.

>> No.1757900

Well now I know how to derail a thread in a single post.

Assuming that there is more than one anon inexplicably militantly opposed to the concept of male circumcision.

>> No.1757901

acctually, circumcision discussions are considered trolling by default on most boards.

>> No.1757902

>scientific reason
there's none because you never bothered to look for it.

>> No.1757905

Americans are just upset because their parents mutilated them without asking.

>> No.1757907

Yeah, I will. Feels good, man.

>> No.1757906

>So I'm at my mom's house three nights a week
>I talk to my wife via IM
>I thought the idea was kinda interesting and wrote to her about it.
>So she logged off and wouldn't return my calls for the rest of the day. I finally get home and we haven't talked about it at all, but a half an hour ago she got up and is now sleeping on the couch.

>Japan ruined my marriage

lol you did it yourself buddy.

>> No.1757908

What's the reason then? That it's sanitary? It's a religious jew thing, after all.

>> No.1757909

It's not a Jewish practice. It's a Christian practice as far as anyone in the US is concerned. I think it's specifically mentioned in the new testament.

Okay, so the Christians took it from the Jews, ORIGINALLY, but it's done in the US because of it's Christian history, not Jewish.

>> No.1757910

it won't feel good for the woman that you will be fucking someday. enjoy getting dumped for having an ugly cock.

>> No.1757912

back to the kitchen, woman. and don't come out until you learn to research.

>> No.1757915

Yes thats it. Circumcised people are brainwashed and are too cowardly to not do it to every infant they see. You've figured it out.

Please sir, save my country from the fear that so grips it. We are paralyzed.

>> No.1757916

"so you don't have to clean there" is not a scientific reason.

>> No.1757920
File: 49 KB, 511x494, 1229152814278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we're jealous of other people's dicks

>> No.1757921

>you will be fucking someday

don't think so tim

>> No.1757922


>> No.1757927

Do you need to justify every action with a "scientific" reason?

>> No.1757925

They're not really "afraid". It's been done so long that now the altered penis shape is thought of as "normal" there. Like the person earlier who referred to the ACTUALLY normal shape as a "dog dick".

>> No.1757926
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>> No.1757932

I just realized I wrote "there" when I, in fact, live in the USA.

>> No.1757929
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>woman that you will be fucking someday

Gross! Why would I want to do that?

>> No.1757930

I thought that it got popular in the states due the jewish doctors back in the day. No other christian countries have such practice and it sure does not have anything to do with the church even in the states.

It's really a bit disturbing to think that this profoundly nonsensical and culturally mixbred practice gets to live on.

>> No.1757933
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>this thread

>> No.1757934

I hope to have a son so I can get his foreskin chopped off.
Actually I don't want a son, I've always wanted a little girl.
But then I don't want her to turn into a slutty teenager.
In my perfect world I'm the father of a cute little lesbian loli like Tomoyo.

>> No.1757935
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>> No.1757943

When it comes to cutting children genitalia, there better be a valid sensible reason, in my opinion.

>> No.1757937

When am I going to be able to fuck 2d women?

>> No.1757941


Yes, I hope scientists find the gay gene some day so that my loli daughter will never have to be tainted by cock.

>> No.1757942


>> No.1757945

It's not practiced in every Christian nation, so there's another reason, and that is because the idea was pushed by Jewish doctors who propogated circumcision for sanitary reasons.

>> No.1757946

All that matters is, will Japanese girls believe I'm an American if I have an intact penis? Japanese women love Americans but I'm not sure if they know what American penises look like since everything is censored in Japan and Japanese people don't break laws.

>> No.1757948

If this harmless practice really does disturb you, well then you need to get a grip on yourself. Most cultural practices occur for "non-scientific" reasons.

>> No.1757953


>> No.1757951

parents do it because they don't want their little boys to feel pleasure while touching their own dicks. at least I always thought this was the reason...

>> No.1757958

They're just going to be disappointed that you're not as big as they expected you to be.

>> No.1757955

Because genitalia are sacred parts of the body. Yes very scientific, I see.

>> No.1757959

here we go. give us your traumatizing story then.

>> No.1757960

i don't have one.

>> No.1757962

why did I lol

>> No.1757961


>> No.1757966

its not Japan's fault its weird, its your dumbass fault for bringing it up to your wife. I hope she divorces you.

>> No.1757967


>> No.1757971

You're late. We're discussing penises in this thread now.

>> No.1757968

Because you need to mutilate human body for no reason at all?

>> No.1757969

I'm seriously scared to death of having a daughter because I don't want to have her whore around. But I want a daughter because little girls are so damn cute and I want to be called "daddy."

But if she comes home pregnant from some nigger, I'm throwing her ass out and putting a bullet in my brain.

>> No.1757973

Shaving your eyebrows is harmless. Let's all do this guys.

>> No.1757976

No reason at all?

It's to protect the children. That's good enough reason.

>> No.1757981

Do Japs really do this? My first time hurt. BADDLY! I threw my ex off me the first time we tried. The second time I just cried the entire time. Its horrible. Why anyone would want to do this to there wife is a monster. So sorry you didn't get her cherry. Stop being a loser and apologize to your wife.

>> No.1757982

if i posted that picture of cracky-chan with drawn on eyebrows, would i be baned?

>> No.1757983

Not really, but people "mutilate" their body for trite reasons every day. Moles, hair, acne, scabs, piercings, warts, nails, and so on. If you're going to establish the genitalia as some sacred part of the body to put on a pedestal, well you're going to face an uphill battle.

>> No.1757986

>Shaving your eyebrows

Don't fucking remind me... A month ago, I accidentally shaved half of my eyebrow off while I was shaving. Then to make it look better I shaved half of the other eyebrow off too, but that didn't help. I stayed at home for a week because of this...

>> No.1757987

Japanese men love to hunch over a bawwwing woman.

>> No.1757991
File: 43 KB, 432x480, 1229154001096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you get banned for posting cracky-chan?


>> No.1757989

Sounds like a cool story, bro.
How the hell did you manage to aim there?

>> No.1757994

that's funny, because "female circumcision" is banned in several countries and seriously frowned on thoughout the civilized world.

>> No.1757997

I shaved mine off on purpose once just because. Of course as a kid I had very light blond hair and nobody noticed it except my mom when it started to grow back the skin got pinkish.

>> No.1757999

Protect the children from what again? From their penis?

>> No.1758001

I don't know. I was just really sleepy.

>> No.1758003

if i was your wife i'd be pretty pissed too

>> No.1758004

Please tell me you see a distinction between the two practices, please.

>> No.1758005

>Because genitalia are sacred parts of the body. Yes very scientific, I see.

>> No.1758009

Both are about causing irreversible bodily harm to control people's sexuality. One hurts a lot more than the other, but that's like saying that Hitler killed more people than Pol Pot.

>> No.1758011

The only thing that separates those two is the volume of harmfulness.

Other than that they are on a par with being retarded religious practices.

>> No.1758013

No, it's like saying Hitler killed more than the kid down the block.

>> No.1758014

What do you mean "hurts more?" anyone remember how badly it hurt when they burned your foreskin off in the hospital? I don't think so. They use lasors to burn it off these days. LASORS.

>> No.1758019

Great, let me know when a male circumcision renders someone infertile, or dead.

>> No.1758025

And female circumcisions usually cause a host of medical complications. I mean, fuck, the movement to ban it doesn't stem from cultural objections.

>> No.1758031

The only thing separating an execution and a hot-stone massage are the levels of harmfulness. Ban both.
