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17504721 No.17504721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Two questions, /jp/:
Why are the new fighting games so shit?
Does anyone still play Soku and if so, what's the current metagame?

>> No.17504768 [DELETED] 

>Why are the new fighting games so shit?
Because you don't play them

>Does anyone still play Soku and if so, what's the current metagame?
Some chileans still circlejerk in a discord room, the current meta is not playing a shit game

>> No.17504918

IaMP is better

>> No.17504949

It's really odd how you decry the recent 2hu fighters being shit (a correct statement) and then ask if anyone still plays the one that started the trend of them all being garbage.

IaMP is the only good 2hu fighter, dudester.

>> No.17505017

All 2hu fightning games suck a dick.

>> No.17505048

Ha ha ha there he is >>17504768 the very first post.
I knew you'd show up. These threads are like a magnet for this fag.

>not playing a shit game
Better to play a shit game than a dead game.
Because even if you wanted to, there's no one to play with!

>> No.17505061

Because you hate anything that isn't a traditional anime fighter, spics, and the meta is occasional shitposting.

>> No.17505064

That's three questions.

>> No.17505100

>IaMP is the only good 2hu fighter, dudester.
This anon knows his shit.

>> No.17505132

Is it shit because of the obvious unbalance (Looking at you Yuyuko and Sakuya) or in gameplay?

t. a /v/ee expat

>> No.17505161

Well, that and an incredibly intrusive weather system.
And an obnoxious, self fellatioing, drama crazy fanbase, but that's not really the game's fault.

>> No.17505175

Soku is the best and the only good Touhou fighting game.

But then you have two camps of contrarian autists who will shitpost every Soku thread to death.
The "oldfag" IaMPfags, who are still crying to this day over their clunky game dying and Soku taking over as the clear improvement.
And the new fighting game fags, who are so pathetic they're not even worth mentioning.
Even worse than IaMP, the game was dead on arrival and they're still mad. I mean at least IaMP had it's time to shine, but this shit?

And this is why we don't have Soku threads on /jp/.

>> No.17505183

>And an obnoxious, self fellatioing, drama crazy fanbase
Case in point.

>> No.17505205

So your point in proving why Soku is good and the best is shitting on the other games without putting forth a single argument.
Try to refute these, the weather system is unneeded extra rng that makes the game worse. The way how spellcards are handled in Soku is another layer of rng, they make balance even worse than it already is.

If anything the only good one you can archive is by using MUGEN and be very careful and tinkering with what 2hu edits you use.

>> No.17505247

Oh please, go fuck yourself.
You faggots are the ones invading Soku threads just to shit on it because your own game is dead.
Why don't you make your own IaMP/ULiL thread? I promise you no Soku player will set foot there. Oh that's right, you won't because no one gives a shit about those games.
So all you have left is crying about it in Soku threads.

>So your point in proving why Soku is good and the best is shitting on the other games without putting forth a single argument.

Arguing about it is a waste of time.
And ultimately whatever you think about the weather system, rng, or any other Soku mechanics you don't like is completely irrelevant, because Soku already won.
It's the only Touhou fighter that's still being played.

>> No.17505256

>And this is why we don't have Soku threads on /jp/
The arguing already begun, oh well.

>> No.17505282

And this is why Hisoutsecondary was a mistake.


>> No.17505416
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Reminder that Soku is actually an anagram for Kuso.

>> No.17505473

Good falseflag shitfling everyone
keep up the good work.

>> No.17505681

Obviously soku-kun is falseflagging, but the sad thing is he's not an entirely inaccurate impersonation of your average soku player. Saying this as someone who interacted a ton with sokufags.

>> No.17505759

Being the most popular of the bunch is more like winning the paralympics, they all aren't great. The real losers are the ones who can't move on to a good fighting game. The only reason soku is the most popular is because it has the largest roster, thats the reason and you know it. You know that touhou fans can be so retarded that they play something only because their favourite is in it and cry whenever that isn't the case. Nobody gives a fuck about the combat system.

>> No.17506983

12.3 is objectively the best fighting game.

Fight me.

>> No.17507047

I only ever tried IaMP, Hisountesoku, and HM but IaMP was too hard and HM felt like I was just running around trying to chain the same stupid shit over and over again.

I mean soku was also mostly about getting the same corner combo (unless you're playing the j2A spam character or the degenerate knife okizeme character) but I felt like I could improvise a lot more with cards and card setups.

I forgot why I stopped playing on the IRC and also I never discuss it in /jp/ because it's a shitposting magnet, so there it is.

>> No.17507214 [DELETED] 

You forgot the part where your epic waifu is in it and that's the whole reason you pretend that secondaryfest for Chileans is good.

>> No.17507268

Only good reply itt.

I personally enjoyed ULiL as well, if only because combos felt satisfying to me, but the awful online combined with the FGCfags in the Soku community who refused to try a new game killed it before it had a real chance, which was kind of a shame. It would have been nice to have better options against block as well, if you didn't have an inescapable guard break setup you had no real options against defensive play. Kokoro was also really dumb, and I still have no idea how she managed to get almost no real nerfs. Marisa lost her best approach option/combo extender, while Kokoro got to keep pretty much all of her good tools.

>> No.17508030

I never did figure out the retarded Chilean meme, but I don't have a waifu, and didn't actually care that much for my main before I started playing 12.8.

Come again?

HM was actually one of the last games I played, I'm something like five games behind now. All the color went out of my life.

>> No.17508206

>Being the most popular of the bunch is more like winning the paralympics

And yet here you are in the paralympics winner thread, crying about your game losing those very same paralympics.

>> No.17508751 [DELETED] 

Nobody here is doing that, you're only pretending because if you didn't then you would have no way of defending that pile of Chilean kuso you married with.

>> No.17511258

People talk about the combat system all the time.

This retarded "Chilean" shit is a meme from /v/ you started forcing literally this year. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.17511433

>People talk about the combat system all the time.
Yeah, how fucking bad and luck-based it is. He's exactly right.

>> No.17511554

>Arguing about it is a waste of time.
And yet here you are, trying to start arguments.

>> No.17511600

Who suika main here

>> No.17511671

The vast majority of people I've seen complain about the game were players who had played the game at a very high level and reached the point where randomness simply could not be overcome (most of whom played low-tier characters for some reason). It reminded of the people who whined about random UFO colors. Yeah, if you're actually aiming for the world record this will frustrate you, but for the vast majority of players it's not going to be a deal-breaker.

>> No.17511681

Are you implying that a player doesn't have to aim to maximize their resources when attempting their 1ccs?
Because that's a stupid assertion.

>> No.17511698

I'm somehow not surprised a Soku player is stupid enough to defend RNG in a fucking fighting game of all things.

>> No.17511851

Most people doing their 1ccs are playing by instinct rather than having everything mapped out.

I said it's not a dealbreaker for most people. Argue to the game, not the person. I don't know why just this year it's become entirely impossible to discuss 12.8 without being swamped in personal attacks and shitposting.

>> No.17511872

I'm somehow not surprised a Soku player is stupid enough to not know what installment of the Touhou series they're playing. This is why you get called secondaries, you don't care about Touhou at all, just your waifu.

>> No.17511983
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>I don't know why just this year it's become entirely impossible to discuss 12.8 without being swamped in personal attacks and shitposting.
Nobody is shitting on Fairy Wars anon.

>> No.17512293 [DELETED] 

I haven't played the game in almost three years now. But you literally haven't said anything about the game all game. All you have done this thread (and this entire year) is shit on posters.

>> No.17512298

I haven't played the game in almost three years now. My memory's not great. But you basically haven't said anything about the game all thread. All you have done in this thread, and probably every thread that contrived to mention Hisoutensoku this entire year, is shit on posters with retarded /v/ memes.

>> No.17512303

To be fair to him, sokufags did ruin Touhou threads on /v/.

>> No.17512309

I understand that people might be mad about this, but I don't see why it should affect us. We had a shitton of Hisoutensoku threads back in the day, for discussing and matchmaking both. I don't get how just because the game is old and less popular now that all threads about it have to be shitposting threads.

>> No.17512317

Disenfranchised 2hufags from /v/, losing their place for discussing Touhou, naturally dispersed to other places, including /jp/. It's only natural, and almost inevitable, that some of the people who are still sour about the whole ordeal would settle here.

>> No.17513672

The notion that /jp/ should be forced to abandon discussion of a game it was able to peacefully discuss for seven years because a bunch of shitposters in /v/ couldn't leave well enough alone is incredibly fucking stupid.

>> No.17514269

I'm not saying it's fair, I'm just explaining why it's probably a thing now.

If you want a more justifiable answer, it could be seen as backlash against an exclusive community that did little to foster positive relationships with newcomers and did what they could to drive off more mainline fans, which created an insular FGC derivative community that was ignorant to the hatebase they were slowly accruing over the course of a few years due to their actions.

In short, things change.

>> No.17514623

So because /v/ is a total shitden, that means the rats who infest it have to expand their territory here and ruin things for everyone else?
God I fucking hate /v/ so much, and the shitty janitor on this board who lets this sperg run free.

>> No.17514742

Are you guys seriously defending this >>17505247 shit

>> No.17514748

Though that's not an inaccurate falseflag, it is clearly one none the less.

Nobody actually cares about Soku.

>> No.17518294

>Two questions
That's three questions
>Why are the new fighting games so shit?
That presupposes the new games are shit.
>Does anyone still play Soku
Go to rizon and search.
>what's the current metagame

>Try to refute these
"I don't like '''rng''' so the game is bad" is not an argument. In what ways does '''rng''' make the game bad - that is an argument.
If you take it all the way to the end, any vs game is bad because humans are rng.

You must mean high level compared to /v/. Nobody who's played beyond a superficial level continues to complain about weather because you can outright ignore all but two or three of them, and there are many ways to directly manipulate it. That ends the random argument right there.
You can say you want to fight the player and not the game, but that applies to every mechanic in every game ever.

Hello sibla.

It's an online doujin fighting game. How else could it have possibly turned out? You have hardcore players that don't know when to quit, casuals (in play time, not play skill) that have their fun and move on, and bad players that don't know when to quit. When you're behind a screen and don't have a face to embarrass yourself in front of coupled with a player count in the dozens, this result is inevitable.
I think the most players ever to be online at once was around 150-200, when soku first came out. Even if you wanted to copy the Japanese bbs method of having player tiers, it wouldn't have lasted long because the player count isn't there. The complete lack of any weekly events whatever was a mistake, however.

>> No.17518341

>You must mean high level compared to /v/. Nobody who's played beyond a superficial level continues to complain about weather because you can outright ignore all but two or three of them, and there are many ways to directly manipulate it. That ends the random argument right there.
No, I mean, players much higher level than that, who complain that it it fundamentally isn't a great part of the game. I think both a certain Komachi player and a certain Aya player mentioned it once or twice on Rizon. The fact that you can manipulate weather doesn't change the fact that manipulating weather is a tax on the player trying to manipulate it: all-weather characters can focus on beating the player while everyone else has to fight the game.

>> No.17518791

>You can say you want to fight the player and not the game, but that applies to every mechanic in every game ever.
It doesn't, and you need to go back to /v/ with your defending RNG bullshit.

>> No.17518915

The certain Komachi player and the certain Aya player both don't play anymore, so whatever they said or think about the game is irrelevant at this point.

>manipulating weather is a tax on the player trying to manipulate it
You know what else is a tax on the player?
Pressing buttons fast and trying to play well. That's really taxing as well, wouldn't it be so much easier if you could just lay down and win when you wake up? Why tax yourself with putting in effort?

>all-weather characters can focus on beating the player while everyone else has to fight the game
Guess what? There will always be characters that have advantages over other characters in some fields, with or without the weather system.
Certain characters are just better at certain things and during certain weathers, and this applies to all fighting games, you can never have a perfect balance, unless you're playing a mirror match.

>> No.17518952

Not involved in this discussion but you are really good at redirecting and hiding complaints by bringing up completely unrelated things. You should be a politician.

>> No.17519135

Here, let me address the "complaints" without redirecting, hiding or bringing up completely unrelated things.


>waaah! I don't like the weather RNG! waaah!



There you go.

>> No.17519350 [DELETED] 

And this is the kind of people that was being defended earlier.

There's a reason sokufags are not accepted anywhere anymore.

>> No.17519441 [DELETED] 

>The certain Komachi player and the certain Aya player both don't play anymore, so whatever they said or think about the game is irrelevant at this point.
That's fucking stupid. It's like saying that everything that Michael Jordan ever said about football or Zidane ever said about soccer is not true because they are both retired.

>you can never have a perfect balance
Weather completely pisses on some characters. The fact that no game is perfectly balanced does not mean that something that throws the balance further out of whack in way that feels unfair is a great mechanic.

Just because some sokufags are dumb cunts doesn't give you also license to be a dumb cunt as well.

>> No.17519451

>The certain Komachi player and the certain Aya player both don't play anymore, so whatever they said or think about the game is irrelevant at this point.
That's fucking stupid. It's like saying that everything that Michael Jordan ever said about basketball or Zidane ever said about soccer is not true because they are both retired.

>you can never have a perfect balance
Weather completely pisses on some characters. The fact that no game is perfectly balanced does not mean that something that throws the balance further out of whack in way that feels unfair is a great mechanic.

Just because some sokufags are dumb cunts doesn't give you also license to be a dumb cunt as well.

>> No.17519460

Additional RNG isn't good game design in a fighting game. It can be fun casual game but adding additional things that aren't under your control is not appropriate design.

We can have a discussion about fighting games but Soku fans are always the ones that start out with
>Why are the new fighting games so shit?
so they're impossible to talk to, Soku is flawless and every other game is garbage

>> No.17519475
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>Just because some sokufags are dumb cunts doesn't give you also license to be a dumb cunt as well.
The game isn't exceptionally good or bad, just old. The actual reason you can't talk about soku anymore is that the only people who still argue about soku, on either side, are shitposters from /v/ who enable other shitposters from /v/.

>> No.17519503

>Soku is flawless and every other game is garbage

I'm glad we came to an agreement.

>> No.17519520

No, it seems to me that we cannot have a discussion about fighting games. Not as long as Sokushits are still around.

>> No.17519554

The vast majority of the arguments against soku made in this thread have also been retarded.

>> No.17519581
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What are your favorite matches? Any touhou fighter

>> No.17519597

How the fuck does even ULiLfags exist? SWRfags i can understand, but ULiLfags?

>> No.17519852

They don't exist. It's an invention by sokufags to defend their game in that any criticism is by 'ULiLfags' and the only counter argument is how ULiL is bad.

>> No.17519906 [DELETED] 

if ulilfags don't exist why would anyone discuss them at all

>> No.17519919

Nobody in /jp/ does this. The last time anyone mentioned ULiLfags in a remotely derogatory context before today was an entire fucking year ago, in a single throwaway comment in the entire history of /jp/.

Stop manufacturing shit out of nothing, you fucking drama whore.

>> No.17520150

>This retarded "Chilean" shit is a meme from /v/ you started forcing literally this year.
If this is the same guy who shitposts on /v/, he's been forcing for literally several years. Ironically the guy is a south american monkey himself, and used to play Soku before having a meltdown and releasing his full autism powerlevel.

>> No.17520219

He probably is. I don't even understand the chilean meme when only a few players on the soku thread where from SA. Most people always complained about ausfags.

>> No.17520300

The weather and card system are absolute horseshit that add nothing to the game except arbitrary rng.

Not being able to use core game mechanics and supers until I randomly draw the fucking thing out of a deck that you have to customise yourself making playing locals with someone an absolute chore every time is fucking awful.

Don't get me started on the fucking weather.

>> No.17520388

Arguments already made and dismissed because "muh soku is perfect ur just a buttmad IaMPfag/HMfag/ULiLfag/strawman-of-the-weekfag"

>> No.17520501

>Not being able to use core game mechanics and supers until I randomly draw the fucking thing out of a deck that you have to customise yourself making playing locals with someone an absolute chore every time is fucking awful.
You customize a deck once, maybe four times, and play a few hundred games with it. It's a complete non-issue considering that you customize your skills in the other games too.

There are some characters who are completely crippled by not having a certain card and that's bad balance if they get randomly shafted by not drawing it (or having it snowed out), but for most characters who use a mix of cards the tradeoff between permanent skill upgrades and using supers is an interesting tactical decision. Weather itself is only terrible because of a few truly obnoxious weathers. Very few people cry that Dust Storm or Blue Sky completely shafted them even then Youmu gets a retarded combo on you.

>> No.17520540

There's nothing "tactical" about being denied your damn MOVES for no reason other than the computer not liking the cut of your jib.

You and the other delusional retards from /v/ who defend Soku should really play a real fighting game one of these days. Unless you already did and the reason you stick with Soku is because luck of the draw screwing over your opponent is the only way you can win anything, in which case you're pathetic.

>> No.17520622

>There's nothing "tactical" about being denied your damn MOVES for no reason other than the computer not liking the cut of your jib.
You have moves to use. You might as well say that competitive TCGs are not games because sometimes you don't get the card you want. The fact that some characters need certain cards to even exist is mostly a flaw with some characters.

>You and the other delusional retards from /v/ who defend Soku should really play a real fighting game one of these days.
Practically all of /jp/ played soku back in the day. There was never hatred of the game that you're trying to pretend has always existed. This "real fighting game shit" also comes directly from /v/. Fuck off.

>> No.17520659

>You have moves to use.
When and only when the computer feels like it. Is there a super move you could use in the current situation and get the higher ground? Too fucking bad, unless you prayed to the RNG gods before playing (and sometimes even then) then you can't use it, full stop. Stop trying to deny this fact, you're starting to sound like you haven't even played the game you're defending. Though that wouldn't be very surprising.
Not only does none of that have anything to do with what I said, but being a popular piece of shit doesn't make it not a piece of shit. This isn't 2010 anymore, take that Chilean game back to your mountains where it belongs.

>> No.17520677

>Is there a super move you could use in the current situation and get the higher ground?
What exactly is in your deck that there is actually nothing useful you can convert? Like in TCG games, you are sometimes screwed by the luck of the draw. You're painting this as automatically being a completely shit game.

>but being a popular piece of shit doesn't make it not a piece of shit.
You're acting like liking soku as a game is associated exclusively with /v/ when you and your retarded shit Chilean meme is something that didn't exist until you imported it from /v/ with the rest of your shitposting. Go back to /v/, you fucking pissant.

>> No.17520749

What in the holy shit does that matter? I want to use THIS move, why can't I use THIS move? Do I have not enough meter? Am I at the wrong distance from the opponent? Did I not fulfill some earlier condition like, for example, having to charge the move first? Maybe I'm entering the wrong input for it? None of the above, it's because the game feels like not letting me do it. Meanwhile the opponent gets all the best moves at the most opportune times not because of some "expert play" bonus or strategy or whatever, but because the game felt like that also. It is incredible that people, nay, shitters STILL defend this, so many years after. But I suppose that's shitters for you, why play anything that demands skill when you can win by dice toss instead (and you can do it with your shitty waifu to show off to the IRC kiddies, too!).

Just go back to your board, this is fucking embarrassing and I won't reply to you further.

>> No.17520786

>What in the holy shit does that matter? I want to use THIS move, why can't I use THIS move?
Because you didn't draw it, same as every TCG in existence. It's part of the game. Games of, for example, MtG are genearly not won by dice toss or because someone got screwed by drawing all lands.

>Just go back to your board, this is fucking embarrassing and I won't reply to you further.
I've been posting in /jp/ since long before you imported your inane anti-soku vendetta from /v/.
