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File: 100 KB, 1024x768, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1732524 No.1732524 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking about reading up on some of the legends based on the characters from Fate/stay night, but I'd like to get a TYPE-MOON fan's opinion on some of them.

In particular, how is the "Epic of Gilgamesh"? If I hated FSN's Gilgamesh, will I hate this one? Or will I be pleasantly surprised? Also, does it have an interesting writing style to accompany the story, or am I better off looking elsewhere for some of that? Let's just base this off the assumption that you enjoy Nasu/TakaJun's writing.

>> No.1732532

Gilgamesh is that rowdy, rebellious teenager that always does things to make his parents angry.

Only his parents are gods.

>> No.1732536
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>> No.1732544

The oldest Shounen in existence.

>> No.1732543


Back to /b/

>> No.1732549

The epic of gilgamesh is one of the oldest stories in existence, so don't expect the writing style to be exciting at all.

I read it back in high school, and from what I remember it was a rather boring story.

Honestly, the Arthurian legends would probably be a lot more enjoyable if you're looking for something related to FSN.

>> No.1732566

The man Lancer is based on is more interesting

>> No.1732579

I remember reading Le Morte D'Arthur my senior year. Tristram is GAR and King Mark was an asshole.

>> No.1732581

Aren't stories created to be entertaining? I'm sure if you look at it from a certain perspective, you can have some fun. For example, as dry as Homer's storytelling could get (let's list every single character for about 10 pages), I thought the fights in The Iliad were pretty intense, and liked them. Especially Diomedes.

>> No.1732591

I once discovered it in my school library and decided to read it, but around when I got to the part where Gil and his buddy goes to kick the ass of some wizard, someone spoiled it for me.

>> No.1732594

The Epic of Gilgamesh isn't too bad, but it's old so the writing is really dry. I also hated Gilgamesh in FSN, but the real Gilgamesh is a lot cooler. It's worth checking out.

>> No.1732596

They are told also to teach

>> No.1732600

I think it's really good of you that you didn't spoil that. Glad to see people like you are still around here.

>> No.1732607

They are told also to teach

Anyhoo, for legends the characters are based on:
Lancer > Caster > Saber > Berserker > Gil > Rider

>> No.1732611

The thing about these stories is that they aren't originally written down, and they are often recorded in a way that tries to tie all of the various facts and legends together rather than make a coherent or interesting story overall.

>> No.1732613

Well, art is created to be beautiful, but ancient cave drawings aren't particularly beautiful.

>> No.1732619

guy is king of greatest city,guys best friend gets killed, guy searches for immortality, guy fails miserably and ends up feeding a flower to a snake.

shit sucked...

>> No.1732663

Cuchulain is easily the coolest hero mentioned in F/SN. I wish more nips would use his story.

>> No.1732676

I agree i would like to see it used more often as well

>> No.1732695

I just wish he got more time in the game.

>> No.1732702

I didn't find Cuchulainn to be particularly interesting.


Beowulf is cooler.

lol why are these spoilers?

>> No.1732712

Beowulf wouldn't be. But the other one is a spoiler because its a story element that you have to play through the game to learn about, and as such should be spoilered.

>> No.1732723

Lancer's identity is revealed in the prologue.

>> No.1733038

Isn't Beowulf one of the servants in Fate/Zero?

>> No.1733056

And it's not like anyone knows who the fuck Cuchulainn is until they've played FSN, so it's really not much of a spoiler.

>> No.1733076
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>> No.1733077
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>> No.1733091
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>> No.1733110

Lancer is the sole reason I want a Cu in SMT Imagine.

>> No.1733112
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>> No.1733127

Rin perspective game with Lancer route please.

>> No.1733189
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but bazett and lancer make a better couple

>> No.1733217
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They're good together, but I think he's got chemistry with Tohsaka too.

>> No.1733219
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 1228732173731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, dying for her and all. Even though he pretty well knew it'd turn out this way, it was classy on his part and he deserves better.

I think he and Tohsaka would've done great things, okay.

>> No.1733247

Each time I see this picture, I feel compelled to save it even though I already have several copies.

>> No.1733249


You do if you're from Ireland, or even just the UK and you took any interest in Celtic mythology.


If you're looking to read up on the servants respective legends look for a damn liberal translation. Most of the time they're translated for academic purposes and sacrifice narrative technique as a result.

I was lucky enough to have a mother interested in mythology from Ulster, and as a child I found her stories very entertaining but then again she has a nack for story telling. All the Irish heroic cycles are part of an oral tradition so I guess unless you have a capable story teller they really lose something.

>> No.1733250
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>You know, dying for her and all
if you know what I mean

>> No.1735036

Ha ha, oh wow.

>> No.1735049

Every time I see pictures like these I remember that in the original painting they were siblings and I feel really weird.

>> No.1735076

He's pretty popular up in Scotland as well.

>> No.1735108

Who the hell cares about that

>> No.1735129

more people than care about your ass

>> No.1735144

real Gilgamesh is canon gay

>> No.1735218
File: 52 KB, 329x450, 1228768994668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lancer would have kicked Saber's ass if we were comparing legends.

>> No.1735289


Sauce for that painting

>> No.1735305

In terms of feats in their Legend, Cu-Chulain>Arthur.

But you know what?
Alexander>All of them.

Cause he was not a legend.
He was a real man, who rode first line in all his battles, won and conquered 5 times his kingdom, and only was claimed by sickness.
And the same fucking horse he used died of old age.

That's not just a legend, that's history at it's best.

>> No.1735344

And his teacher was Aristotle himself.

>> No.1735360

Yeah, and he was also well known for being FABULOUS and probably a faggot. Oh well, I guess no one's perfect

>> No.1735418

The hero Lancer is based on is Amazing.
I have two different translations of the stories he is based on.
The men of Ulster arose from their pangs, oh shit son

>> No.1735434
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Cuchulain is still the coolest, sorry.

>> No.1735459
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>> No.1735492

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest story in history.

It's also a story of BROS BEFORE HOS

>> No.1735505

shear fucking manliness

>> No.1735753

>>1732543 Holy shit faggot, you first

>> No.1735815

sauce plz
