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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 129 KB, 800x600, 719e0cca89526a492263f8c56153a908d1c6f328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1721641 No.1721641 [Reply] [Original]

Was pretty cool. Played some 'hou, talked about Wanko, just some /jp/ stuff. Me on the bottom with my femanon.

>> No.1721654

Next time hold up a sign saying /jp/ oh wait I'm posting in a troll thread.

>> No.1721660

Oh yeah, it was a swell time. Next time I'll bring my Simoun DVDs and Dreamcast, bro.

>> No.1721661

Where's the rest of the set? Also, Diet Coke SUCKS

>> No.1721665

When did this happen?

>> No.1721669

> /jp/
> meetup

>> No.1721670

>Glomp Me
Jesus christ.

>> No.1721680

oh u!

>> No.1721681

Look at all those hideous people. I am reminded of why I prefer staying in my house.

>> No.1721683

This picture is a lot more funny if you open it while simultaneously reading a random angry /jp/ troll post or something.

>> No.1721684

Oh god, why am I jealous of some of these people's looks.

>> No.1721687

Your femanon looks like a jew.

>> No.1721693

That's James aka Jamesu-Sama. He showed us some cool nico videos he had bookmarked and wwwwws were to be had let me tell you.

>> No.1721696

I know right? Its funny on a whole another level, most of those trekkies look better than i do, true story. Fuck im hideous

>> No.1721711

It makes me feel better knowing that I'm prettier than most of the girls on /jp/.
Maybe I should become a trap.

>> No.1721713


>> No.1721714


Cool story broski

Also the dude on the far right actually looks good. He's the only one that does.

>> No.1721718

I'm good looking, but I have agoraphobia. How's that for humor?

>> No.1721720

I too can post a stock photo from Danbooru!

But serious,ly don't do this shit again.

>> No.1721723

So you all banged that chick?

>> No.1721724

is this...for real?

>> No.1721727


Oh, me too!

>> No.1721728

I dress kind of like the fatass to the right of Old Navy Dog. Except I'm handsome.

>> No.1721730

u mad

Also isn't that also a girl beside the guy on the right? She looks ronery......

>> No.1721734
File: 401 KB, 788x1024, 1228547982840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold this image in your mind.

>> No.1721735

I'm going to go post about you in the thread discussing what shit /jp/ has become.

>> No.1721738


I didn't know Dustin Hoffman was into crossdressing.

>> No.1721747

Would everyone talk about how ronery they are at a /jp/ meetup?

Would anyone bring their loli imouto?

>> No.1721750

So you're all hideous trolls. I should have guessed.

>> No.1721754

What the hell, I thought we were pretty.

>> No.1721755

I don't look as MANLY as him, though.

>> No.1721761


I love that picture. He made that trap thread great.

>> No.1721765

The kid in the etnies shirt is trip Remilia Scarlet.

>> No.1721775


You see that bro in the buttoned up plaid shirt? I sorta look like that.

>> No.1721778

suck my dick, faggot nigger

>> No.1721782


How can you be that fat if you work out? Supposedly, anyway.

>> No.1721785

I look way better than any of these losers.
Makes me wonder why I don't go outside.

>> No.1721786

I look like the guy on the far left, but with much more longer and badass hair, and instead of sunglasses I've got a mustache and goatee.

>> No.1721788



>> No.1721790

I only look good inside and whenever I decide to go outside, my hair always frizzes up.

>> No.1721793


You look like a giant toad that somehow learned to stand upright and wear human clothes?

>> No.1721807

>looks good
hur dur hur

>> No.1721813
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1228548701046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking serious? He looks like a dork.
If these are /jp/'s standards, I REALLY need to leave my computer and get a 3D girl.

>> No.1721815

Fat guy in the back left is Dedicated Hirano Aya-Sama Fan

>> No.1721820


The camera adds 30 pounds!

>> No.1721824


>> No.1721828


Looks like I'm not alone here then. Man, where the fuck did I go wrong.

>> No.1721835

wait there are actually girls in this picture, where, someone circle it i'm confused

>> No.1721838

The kid with the lanyard in the back looks eerily like me

it's eerie because we're both horribly ugly

>> No.1721839

>30,000 pounds


>> No.1721840
File: 21 KB, 1024x960, 1228548940862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1721847

Does anyone else on /jp/ not have stupid reflective tape on their shoes?

>> No.1721841

The only good looking guy is the one behind the one with the buttoned shirt.

>> No.1721843

Oh my God. I'm talking to ugly people.

>> No.1721852

Why is the fact girl not posing. I mean it would be cute if she was cute, but I just want to slay her shy ass.

>> No.1721854

I've had the same pair of shoes for the past three and a half years, when I do leave my house it's never for more than 3 hours so they're still in pretty good condition; only a hole or two where the seams came out at the bottom.

>> No.1721855

I don't.

>> No.1721860

OP's cover is up? He's just trolling?

>> No.1721857

I don't believe thats you OP or that you have a girlfriend.
Enjoy your hand.

>> No.1721858

some idiots fell for it

>> No.1721866

Shut up, OP.

>> No.1721863

The worst part is that there was a person who thought it was for real right after that post.

>> No.1721876


>> No.1721868

>He's just trolling?

>Played some 'hou, talked about Wanko...Me on the bottom with my femanon.

>> No.1721871

Is there no hope for them? I mean can't they at least try to do something with themselves to look at least decent?

>> No.1721875

I'm not ugly. Wanna make out?

>> No.1721878

I look as bad as them, I just need to do something about my acne and hair then I would look like an average person.

>> No.1721893


why do you care?

>> No.1721903

No. It's too bad that even though we are attractive we still have shit personalities. Or at least I think being a lolicon is auto bad person.

>> No.1721895

It wouldn't surprise me if all of you looked this hideous. It would explain everything.
(inb4 this thread derails into camwhoring)

>> No.1721901

OP could have just have been trying to be funny.

>> No.1721912

This will never happen on /jp/

>> No.1721913

Are you kidding? With the shit they have nowadays they could turn anyone into something average looking at least. It all depends on whether the person wants to do that or not.

>> No.1721918

I doubt that would happen on /jp/.
If it ever doesI'll stay here and complain.

>> No.1721920
File: 68 KB, 1357x900, 1228549705774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1721919


And I suppose you are attractive?

>> No.1721921

Don't word it like that, it'll sound like a challenge...

>> No.1721924

>Glomp me

>> No.1721927

Well, you are not really that hideous, are you not?

I mean, come on, even ugly people can look decent, if they comb their hair.

Why am I even posting in this board?

>> No.1721930

/jp/ life ┐(´ー`)┌

Even if someone tried (re: that one girl) they could get flamed and trolled into oblivion I'd imagine.

>> No.1721932

I just feel so much better looking at this picture.

>> No.1721933

glomp is a cromulent word nerds

>> No.1721939

In b4 shitwassicash guys. Because I know some of you want an easy troll.

>> No.1721941


I'm pretty hideous, but not without potential. I mean, if I took care of myself, I could probably go out in public without a mask. Most of those people are utterly without hope.

Who cares, though? This is /jp/. What does appearance matter?

>> No.1721946


Same. And I was feeling depressed before I saw it, but it's lifted my spirits. Thanks, /jp/.

>> No.1721948
File: 201 KB, 640x480, 1228549928199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...I'll start...be kind Onii-sans...unyuuuu~

>> No.1721949

Don't worry, anons. We're all defective in some way. If that wasn't the case, then why the fuck are you here.

>> No.1721951

I'm a girl, not a guy. And I've had 3 boyfriends before so I'm probably at least somewhat good looking, if they thought so at least.

>> No.1721953
File: 21 KB, 410x402, 1228549964121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how I'd rate compared to them. My face looks alright from front on, however ugly from side on/behind, my features are also starting to look picture related. My clothes are all identical and quite worn as I've been switching between 3 sets of them for the past 2-4 years.

>> No.1721955

I live in Los Angeles and I truly think that if I were ugly that people wouldn't cut me the slack they do.

>> No.1721956

>I've had 3 boyfriends
You crossed the line, whore.

>> No.1721958
File: 51 KB, 367x367, 1228550042239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I've had 3 boyfriends
Oh ho, why not slut ourselves.

>> No.1721962

I may be ugly, but I have a soviet flight helmet and goggles to hide it

They keep me through the day

>> No.1721963

Yes, but they all left you, correct?

>> No.1721972

You know guys will have sex with anything that will let them, troll.

>> No.1721964
File: 313 KB, 1024x768, 1228550106326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, or no. Probably.

Cool story: I got a girl's phone number the other day. It was pretty crazy stuff, and a first for me. I'll let /jp/ know how that goes.

>> No.1721967


Did they enter your vagina with their peni?

What was the senseation like? Was it everything you hoped for or that you were expecting?

What is sex like? Please tell me you benevolent female poster thingy!

>> No.1721968

About time you showed up.

>> No.1721970

That's not Femanon of /jp/, that's a femanon that said she got raped in a pro-cp thread. No one believed she was a girl so she posted that picture.

>> No.1721974

>girl's phone number

>> No.1721975


>> No.1721979

Why are you faggots bumping this thread

>> No.1721983


It's not terribly polite to steal contact information when someone leaves something unattended

>> No.1721984
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1228550257178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1721985

I'm a guy and I wouldn't have sex with a whore like >>1721951. I draw the line at 2.

>> No.1721987


Oh ZUN, how could you? You are not a bro.

>> No.1721989

That sounds great! Really, keep it up.

You will probably mess it up, but hey. At least you can feel shame about it afterwards.

>> No.1721989,1 [INTERNAL] 

No thread on /jp/ ever made me laugh as hard as this one.

>> No.1721989,2 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't you say you were going to leave?
