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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17067668 No.17067668 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17039845

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.17067679 [DELETED] 


So Mamiya Takuji's math is off here. 一垓 is 10^20 but 4^32 is actually in the order of magnitude of 10^19. Could this be a reference to Mamiya thinking 終の空 will happen on July 20, but the last "party" actually happens on July 19? Wow... Subahibi is so deep... Shame EOPs won’t have the level of reading comprehension or education necessary to catch these nuances.

>> No.17068667

What VN is this?
She looks pretty cute.

>> No.17068734

you can't fuck her.

>> No.17068896
File: 45 KB, 256x353, parfait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the recommended route order for Parfait?

>> No.17068903

uninstaller -> actually good game

>> No.17068946

The last two should be Ema then Rikako. But those are also the only good routes and you won't miss out on anything if you skip the others.

>> No.17068980

My autism won't let me play only some of the routes. How about this?


Or would Yui first be better?

>> No.17069073

Like I said, the order of the other routes doesn't matter. I suppose there's some value to playing Rea and Yui back to back, but which you play first doesn't matter.

>> No.17069763

Can you guys help me settle an argument.

Is watching a commentary-less auto-playthrough of a VN any different than playing it myself or am I essentially getting the same exact experience?

>> No.17069785

In my opinion it's different. You can't pace the speed to suit your personal taste so it's not as optimal an experience. The pacing will be worse.

>> No.17069791

>watching a commentary-less auto-playthrough
Only plebians do that.

>> No.17069815

>but which you play first doesn't matter.
Yui's route is, by a really wide margin, better than Rea's, playeing hers before just make it look even worse than it already is.

>> No.17069818

You're going to have to live through some faggot's choices instead of your own. Are you prepared for that experience?

>> No.17069855


Does that really matter if you watch all routes played? You're going to get to one of those decisions eventually.

>> No.17069954

What are some plotge not focused on love/relationships that still have some cute-ass romances? I don't feel like giving up one for the other, but I also don't feel like playing a pure romance/moege.

>> No.17070021

They're both really mediocre imo

>> No.17070033

Not necessarily. Some games have more complex choices than "pick your girl" so even in cases where you might see all the routes you could miss out on some scenes and bad ends. And just the experience itself would be different.

>> No.17070035

Nah, Yui's is great, not as good as Rikako's but probably the second best in the game.

>> No.17070095


>> No.17070104
File: 846 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2017-05-24 00-21-03-266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man thank god I went with the saturn version of yu-no.

I watched the prologue of the remake after beating it and both voices and character designs were absolutely horrendous.

>> No.17070105

>cute romances
I sure love having the exact same horrible drama shit on every single route of the game, fucking Shouko.

>> No.17070115

Can you fags stop doing this?
I see retards typing this kind of shit in the most retarded combinations of english + romanized japanese

Fucking hell niggers. I go to /vr/ and whenever I see retards typing this shit it's obvious he's a lurker of these threads.

>> No.17070122

I think you need to lighten up dude. Certainly there's a point where it gets ridiculous, but a lot of the time its a pretty convenient shorthand to use for "a game which contains or focuses on X." In the instance of the guy you're replying to, everyone knew exactly what he was talking about.

>> No.17070131

Except Japanese people use those shorthands too. Well not "cuckge" but ソーシャルゲー etc is extremely widespread. Maybe you should lurk and familiarize yourself with the culture first before going on sperg rants.

>> No.17070133

Honestly I've always thought that it sounded/looked retarded too but I used it because I've started seeing a lot of people using it. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but oh well.

>> No.17070134
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1493053269083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vndb voter gives 6 to VN you like
>his forum posts are ridden with questions regarding machine translation

can't make this shit up
where is the rope when we need it

>> No.17070146

Why not the patched PC version?

TLWiki released a patch for the PC version that keeps the Japanese language and adds goodness from all the other versions. You can use voice patch with it too.

>> No.17070155

"sosshage" is passable, but still cringy as fuck to read romanized, and you're a weeb piece of shit for typing shit like that.

Go full yamato or fuck off. Also the mix of Japanese and English is also retarded as shit to read, specially outside of this board and it reeks of /jp/ lurker whenever I see it.

I can see the point of "convenience" but when you niggers are going haywire with mixing eigo with nippongo that's when I have to call you out and maybe re-evaluate what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.17070161

Something else that bothers me (unfortunately not exclusive to vndb) is people that seem to think 7-10 are the only numbers in existence. What's the point of having 10 numbers if 7 is going to be used to mean average?

>> No.17070166
File: 544 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2017-05-23 22-41-28-399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No controller support and no ero so I emulated, plus I have the physical version of the game so I just went with it.

Changing discs around was a pain though

>> No.17070169

Something you have to keep in mind is VNs can often be a huge time investment. I only have a few ratings under 5 and way more above 5 because often I either make sure I don't play shitty things in the first place, or I drop them and don't rate them.

>> No.17070170

>controller support
Any program does this.
> and no ero
It does have though.
Objectively, it's the best version of the game.

>> No.17070189

>Any program does this
You mean like joy2key?
I tried that once on another VN, didn't work that good. I am using it right now to bind emulator save keys tho
>It does have ero
Yeah, that's why I didn't want it. I don't like ero in my vns, which is why I usually go for console versions.
>Objectively it's the best version of the game
Yeah I may play that version if I ever get around buying the PC 9800 version of the game and watching the H scenes. Shit's expensive as fuck as of now though

>> No.17070206
File: 3.84 MB, 204x204, 1484982387177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be a remaster of this game by the same company that remastered Eve/desire/doukoku soshite

Why did elf do this?

>> No.17070230

>Yeah, that's why I didn't want it. I don't like ero in my vns, which is why I usually go for console versions.

Very gay.

>> No.17070237

>I don't like ero in my vns
Back a couple months ago I'd totally laugh this off but after playing a couple of games, specially baldr force I wish I had played a non ero version.

Some of the sex scenes were just, fuck man what are you doing, kind of

>> No.17070242

You should have played the non ero version for Force because you missed the game being fully voiced.

>> No.17070252

I swear to you i'd still have gone for the version with ero regardless of voices

...I wouldn't do that now though

>> No.17070262

Stop hitting on me /jp/, my heart belongs to /lit/, and /biz/ on rainy days/

>> No.17070264

I don't think I've ever seen "plotge." Sometimes I see scenarioge.

>> No.17070279
File: 907 KB, 1280x720, 1495613031135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurker here. Someone posted this on DJT. How stupid is it?

>> No.17070285

at the very least plotge was invented by someone in the "read VNs to learn japanese" community, japan doesn't really use it, at least not yet

and "moege" means something completely different from what people over here use it for

>> No.17070288

Mmm it's definitely been a while but is Hoshimemo really more complex than Leyline? I feel like Hoshimemo was pretty simple.

>> No.17070314

It's stupid in the way that there is only 2 levels on this picture, not 5.

>> No.17070318

I don't know what you're talking about, there's clearly only one level here, "ordinary japanese".

>> No.17070319

Lately I've been considering starting to play all-ages versions if they're available. I mean I pretty much just skip/skim the h-scenes already, most scenes don't do anything for me anyway, if I actually want to fap I have to use a nukige or something else. But more importantly, there's been lots of times that an h-scene has somehow negatively affected my impression of the protagonist or rarely the heroine. Don't know why I keep reading them as if there's going to be some super important information revealed.

>> No.17070328

>affected my impression of the protagonist

Happened with me on eve burst error on a lesbian scene that should never have happened

It was "What the fuck were they thinking with this" tier

>> No.17070335
File: 256 KB, 800x600, Dies_irae_-Amantes_amentes-_2016-12-26_03-45-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17070345

I don't understand why people can get so autistic about wanting to know the "level" of a VN, just start reading it and if you find it too hard stop. Even if you want to delete it afterward instead of saving it on your hd, surely not everybody is living in a 3rd world country where a several gb download "wasted" is a big deal.

>> No.17070357
File: 45 KB, 480x607, 1488858234897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people use this image when shitposting plebs?
Just make sure to never tell them that not being able to read 言霊 has 0 impact on their understanding of the story and it should be ok

Also why the f do people overrate muramasa's reading level. It's a bit tricky with how the sentences are formed, with some gimmicks like the way they point direction and machine performance but the flow of the story is very easy to follow

>> No.17070362

mostly because it uses a shitton of words which is a problem if you don't actually know japanese

>> No.17070364

>Also why the f do people overrate muramasa's reading level.
I mean it objectively has a very high vocab and kanji count (with like over 3,100 kanji or so). It objectively discusses a lot of subject in relation to history and philosophy most VNs don't. If you're going to call Muramasa's difficulty underrated, what is the hardest in its place? Mareni and nothing else? I'm sure you have an argument for why Mareni is overrated too. Everything is easy, nothing is hard.

>> No.17070378

I found Cross Channel and Taichis insane jokes and references a lot harder to keep up with than Dies/Muramasa but it never comes up in these for some reason. Maybe because it looks like a simple slice of life on the surface whereas the other two look ~epic~.

>> No.17070380

>Muramasa's difficulty underrated
Dude, read a real Japanese novel.
Start with 雪国 and then 千羽鶴 or anything by Kawabata.

Then you'll find out Muramasa never really (or any VNs really) goes anywhere close to it

>> No.17070394

Yes anon, things written over 60 years ago are hard. That's true in every language. That's not because they're advanced, it's because they're like 10% of the way to being a different language.

>> No.17070396

Pretty sure more kanji were standard then. Weren't those written during WW2?

>> No.17070397

in 60 years ago people will look back and see the true genius of dies irae constantly switching back and forth between 口語 and 文語 for no reason

>> No.17070412

I think you should stick to western games white piggu.

>> No.17070415

雪国 was published after writing reform started but before the toyo kanji were officialized. 千羽鶴 was published after the toyo kanji were officialized but before the joyo kanji were officialized.

>> No.17070431
File: 767 KB, 3197x1845, Fortissimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she get any more based?

>> No.17070454

Ah, hello, Mr. Always Perturbed from DJT.

>> No.17070456


>> No.17070461

Guy from DJT who gets always unhappy when someone calls something easy.

>I'm sure you have an argument for why Mareni is overrated too.
Especially this line is 100% distilled him.

>> No.17070464

Are you sure you're thinking about a real guy? Mareni is memed pretty hard at DJT, seems unlikely it would be the same guy.

>> No.17070466

That's Quof.

>> No.17070469

I found his postings pretty consistent across time, but I guess it's possible multiple people are expressing their frustrations in similar ways.

>> No.17070480


I kinda feel plotge came to be as half of a joke. You know, PLOT. Then people started elitism by trying to make certain games "more special and worth reading" or something. This is also probably where moege comes from and why those two are silly. They aren't genre. They are memes or whatever.

The problem is that both are rather established right now and for better or worse they somewhat have their use now. Because traditional genres make it hard to really separate these two.
Think of it like this: Both a plotge and a moege can be mystery. But they will be VERY different in atmosphere and in how important the mystery is as well as what the mystery is about. So when you say Unmei Senjou no Phi is a mystery moege while Shinsou Noise is a mystery plotge you have a pretty good idea what the difference between these two is. Although both involve "detective work" and whatnot. I suppose here is also where something like charage comes into play, but.. yeah.

>> No.17070483



>> No.17070491

>This is also probably where moege

>> No.17070500
File: 74 KB, 640x400, sayless7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patched PC version looked so much better tho. YU-NO was really minimal with the ero. I liked it.

>> No.17070502

There's a very good chance you mixed up some of my posts with his, and I'm kind of an asshole, so.
Moege predates plotge. I was there when someone started pushing plotge, I just don't remember where. Moege was a thing before that.

One of the problems, IMO, is that the japanese genre labels are kind of tied to categorizations that used to make sense but don't really make sense at the moment. I'm not sure why. But if you look at what VNs were coming out in early/mid 2000s, you see a few pretty clear divisions, with games about a small number of cute girls interacting with the protagonist with literally no overarching plot, versus games with a plot where character interactions matter less and character actions matter more.

>> No.17070507

>Moege predates plotge
Not at all. Unless you are talking about the English terms for some reason, in which case who cares. Scenarioge is old.

>> No.17070510

Yes, I am talking about the english terms because that's what this conversation is about. People actually using plotge is a very recent thing and only done in this niche and in english so I'm not sure what you're on about.

>> No.17070513

is Dokoiku plotge or moege?

>> No.17070520

It's just what they use instead of scenario. There is no difference or anything weird about it. The post you're responding to does in fact not talk about the semantics between plot / scenario but about what the difference between that and a moege is. In which case your statement is wrong and out of place.

>> No.17070522

Honestly why are people being so weird about the word plotge? Is an English community using a word that the Japanese doesn't really that groundbreaking? It's just the shorter or less awkward-looking version of scenarioge.

>> No.17070532

>It's just what they use instead of scenario. There is no difference or anything weird about it.
There is one thing different/weird about it: it doesn't mean the same thing as scenarioge. Clannad, Rewrite, and Parfait are all clear scenarioge, but you'd struggle to call all three of them plotge. At least one of them is moege as opposed to plotge, no matter what aspects of them you use to draw the line.

>> No.17070543


Actually, as far as I know these games, none would be called moege. If we go with a strict "only moege or plotge", all of those should be plotge. However, especially for older games, nakige and whatnot is still around.

That said, not every VN is plotge or moege.. probably. For example, what's Kamimaho? Hapymaher? So yeah. Guess you could call them plotge if you really wanted to, but that's still kinda different to what's usually called that.

>> No.17070547

whats the fuck im reading

>> No.17070552

I think we have someone that's lost their grip on reality. I cannot think of a single reasonable way of dividing them up that includes all of them without including like half of the moege. This might surprise you, but the majority of VNs have stories.

It's a canonical example anon. Do you even know japanese or are you just one of those people who pretends and parrots what EOPs say?

>> No.17070555

I'd say all of these fit into either plot or scenario. I don't see what the difference is supposed to be, they're practically synonyms.

>> No.17070581
File: 83 KB, 1025x454, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this happen to you too with the patched PC version - the game maxing out one core?

>> No.17070586

>I'd say all of these fit into either plot or scenario.

>I don't see what the difference is supposed to be, they're practically synonyms.
This is the issue. people who consider them to be synonyms don't actually know how scenarioge is used in japan. Case in point: >>17070547

People just assume that scenarioge and plotge mean the same thing because "scenario" and "plot" are similar words. But plotge is an english term, and scenarioge is a japanese one, and the use patterns are completely different.


There's a very obvious trend for "plotge" to be the term to go to for story heavy games with elaborate plots. scenarioge doesn't have this bias. You might want to go to google, plug in "シナリオゲー", and do some reading, because I'm not going to spend any more than is necessary of my time to explaining cultural differences to someone on the internet.

This is ignoring the fact that there's no way in hell Clannad is a plotge.

>> No.17070640


What we tend to call moege are games with an overall lighthearted mood and a major focus on "cute".
Clannad does not have an overall lighthearted mood. It has comedy, yes, but so does for example Himawari for a good part. Too much of Clannad goes against what we tend to call moege. It's a nakige.
Rewrite is out of question.
And Parfait I don't know, but always assumed it's quite drama heavy in the routes as well.

Yes, the moege definition is weird, people use it in somewhat different ways as well.. but if we don't want it to mean "everything that's not majorly focusing on plot" we need to draw a line somewhere. And to me that is "overall atmosphere".

>> No.17070668
File: 21 KB, 233x501, シナリオゲー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, that's just you or whoever using plotge wrong. Both scenario and plot are English words. There is no implication within the words that it has to be 10 layers deep of intricacy.
And yes, Clannad is definitely part of that.

>> No.17070670

I didn't say Clannad was a moege, I said it wasn't a plotge. Plotge and moege aren't some kind of dichotomy. I would firmly call Clannad and Parfait character games if anyone over here would understand what I meant.

>Rewrite is out of question.
>And Parfait I don't know, but always assumed it's quite drama heavy in the routes as well.
Someone might define plotge in a way that makes Clannad and Parfait plotge, and in that case I would 100% consider rewrite to turn into a chuunige at that point. This is what I was talking about when I said they can't all be plotge, even though they're all scenarioge.

>Yes, the moege definition is weird, people use it in somewhat different ways as well.. but if we don't want it to mean "everything that's not majorly focusing on plot" we need to draw a line somewhere. And to me that is "overall atmosphere".
Moege spontaneously popped into existence in 2009 after someone on otakuism made it up. Unfortunately the internet archive didn't save that, but you can have this as consolidation: >>/jp/thread/S3103832#p3112052

To me a moege is basically a character game with focus on cuteness and/or comedy for like the first half of it. You can even have a plot twist half way through if you want. I think the mental image we westerners have of "moege" is actually becoming increasingly relevant, since it's basically a perfect way to describe the increasingly common VNs with really crappy stories and great character designs.

>> No.17070671

Scenario and plot are not synonyms. QED

>> No.17070680

>I mean, that's just you or whoever using plotge wrong.
No, anon, this would be you using plotge wrong. The usage is very clearly skewed. And the fact that warosu shows these arguments about the meaning of "plotge" being confined to this thread makes me think you have a very longstanding problem with other people telling you that your definition of plotge is wrong.

>> No.17070688
File: 31 KB, 381x479, 37ffd91c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole debate could be avoided if everyone was just honest to themselves like pic related

>> No.17070691

That's a lot of projection in a single post. Speaking from your own experience?
Anyhow, not an argument, you're wrong etc.

>> No.17070694

Not an argument. Come back when your argument isn't literally "that's just you or whoever using plotge wrong" with a false appeal to prescriptive linguistics.

>> No.17070700

Not an argument. Come back when you're no longer gay.

>> No.17070702

Yu-no's pre epilogue sex scenes are pretty well intergrated into the story, though.

>> No.17070703

clannad is not a plotge. if you think clannad is a plotge, you have no idea how people actually use the word plotge, or you're ignoring it on purpose.

you (apparently) posted an image of someone calling it a シナリオゲー. シナリオゲー is a japanese word. you can't just pretend it's english. シナリオゲー and plotge are not the same word. they aren't even part of the same language.

>> No.17070704

Okay, thanks for confirming that it really is always you starting these arguments in the archive, now I can go back to the key threads.

>> No.17070708

It's times like this I thank god for recursive hiding.

>> No.17070711

Yes, the PC port also runs way faster than it should so a lot of the transition effects (like fade ins) are virtually imperceptible as a result.

>> No.17070712

Thanks for confirming that you're gay.

>> No.17070716

What do you think is the difference?

>> No.17070728

シナリオゲー are allowed to focus on character interactions. plotge are only allowed to focus on the plot.

people use the words completely differently. they are not related.

>> No.17070729

For example, try watching the OP on a PC-98 emulator and compare it to the Windows port. On the 98, every frame fades into the next one smoothly, whereas on PC it just cuts to it instantly. May not be that big of a deal breaker for some, but for me it kinda is.

>> No.17070735


this is the earliest use of "plotge" on /jp/, postdating moege by a lot. (if you thought moege postdated plotge, you were wrong.)

fireden foolz search is dead but basically someone invented the word "plotge" on djt as part of the nukige~moege~plotge meme and it ended up spreading here. it continues to be influenced by this, as seen by people in this thread assuming that moege/plotge is a strict dichotomy (i mean they're mutually exclusive but still). if you think english people use it the same way japanese people use scenarioge you are objectively wrong.

>> No.17070736

That's a very funny definition that you just pulled out of your butt. Thanks for the laugh though.

>> No.17070742

Hmm, I guess I'll try using some program to throttle CPU.

>> No.17070744

"That's a very interesting definition you've derived from how people use the words. Thanks for sharing your perspective with me. I will consider it and reevaluate my understanding of reality, maybe consider accepting that these examples of people using the words in a given way actually say something about what the word means."

>> No.17070747

So this is what a narcissistic breakdown looks like.

>> No.17070748

It sure does suck that there's an archive, huh?

>> No.17070749

so is Yu-no not a plotge because the game sometimes takes a break from the plot to show the interactions between the protag and each of the heroines?

>> No.17070751

Why did you respond to the same post twice?

>> No.17070753

that's called storytelling, you might not know about it if you haven't really read anything though

>> No.17070755

By that definition plotge don't even exist. That guy is silly (and is also apparently starting a samefag spree).

>> No.17070758

Why are you responding to yourself?

>> No.17070761

There's so much wrong with this post it hurts.

>> No.17070764

So this is what a narcissistic breakdown looks like.

>> No.17070773

I have no idea how you read "only allowed to focus on the plot" and assumed "must only contain content about the plot at all times". As >>17070755 said, that would mean basically nothing is actually a plotge. You have serious mental problems if you can only use an unreasonable grammatical interpretation of what someone writes. The meaning is obviously "plotge have to focus on the plot to some extent", the logical inverse of "scenarioge are allowed to never focus on the plot", which is what "allowed to focus on character interactions" implies.

I don't even agree with what he said, you're just an asshole. Quick question, I know 4chan is a safe haven for people with social issues, but have you considered seeing a neuropsychologist? Depending on your actual mental problem you might be able to get a real diagnosis and medication, improving the quality of your life.

And stop samefagging.

>> No.17070779

I like how he ignored this post.

>> No.17070786

And this one.

>> No.17070789

>I have no idea how you read "only allowed to focus on the plot" and assumed "must only contain content about the plot at all times".
What worries me is the idea that Yu-no's character development is somehow not part of the plot.

>> No.17070797

DJT-tier autism doesn't help this thread.

>> No.17070806

I like how you lashed out on a random and quoted my post making it look like you agree with me. That's funny. By the way, do you realize you're literally throwing a fit over being wrong on the definition of a word? Are you sure your internet diagnoses wouldn't fit yourself better?
>scenarioge are allowed to never focus on the plot
Then it wouldn't be a scenarioge now would it.

And stop samefagging! (笑)

>> No.17070810

Wagahigh demo released on Steam in English. Anyone who played in original version... Can you say, how's the translation quality? Is it worth to read? Thanks.

>> No.17070815

I'm not your guy. This is what I'm talking about. You're clearly mentally unwell, and I might be able to push you over the tipping point, make you realize there's a problem. That's a perfectly fine reason to respond to a random post, one that's arguing against something I don't really agree with. If you refuse to believe me, you should think hard about what you are doing to yourself. There is no ego here.

>> No.17070818

Why would anyone who played it in Japanese have any interest towards an EOP release?

>> No.17070825

Said anon as he pushed up his glasses and called for his mother to bring him another bag of potato chips. Your lack of self awareness is at a comical level, mate. You might actually need some serious help yourself, but hey, I'm not a doctor. I'll let your parents decide what to do with you.

>> No.17070830

I'm not your guy.

>> No.17070833

you're being trolled, you fucking idiot.

>> No.17071154
File: 103 KB, 640x480, maple_colors_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Maple Colors by now. Presentation was really nice, which you can probably expect from a good 200 unique CG, sprites for over 50 characters and whatnot. Over a rather short story even. So CG aren't really used in the way you are used to nowadays. For example, the main girl has 2 ero scenes, but like 12 CG are used there, changing several times back and forth as well making things more dynamic. Normal scenes can be a bit like that as well. Unfortunately.. that's about all the good stuff in this.

Gameplay is old school. You have limited days with 4 hours each. Time always runs and you lose fixed amount of time for scenes, area transitions (as in choosing a location on the main-map) and minigames. Characters have unique daily rhythms. Your goal: "recruit" them. Done in all kinds of ways, which usually includes finding them in one of many many locations at a very specfic time or needing an item. Of course, old school, so you can only have 3 items at once, if you pick up another one, you lose the oldest. The game is essentially designed for you to waste time, in all possible ways. For example it loves to have characters run away, only for them to be at a specific spot, perhaps even at specific times only. Have fun searching!
Due to limited days you also will need to restart the game several times if you want to play without a guide. Fun? Nah. There are also minigames, which some are okay-ish, some boring and some frustrating as fuck.
Saving is after a full day only, which means save-scumming is annoying as well if you want to do that.

Story is also extremely thin. Most side-characters don't even have 50 lines. (in case of girls excluding the token ero scene) The main plot was disappointing as well, as it could've been straight from a shounen show for 10 year olds. Insanely black and white in the worst way. The writers forgot the tongue in cheek here.
Main heroine routes feature less content than a side-route in Leyline. Quite a bit less. Only Mirai is an actual character as she is important at all points. Also has the "longest" route with the most conclusive ending and so on. Liking her is pretty important to somewhat enjoy this game I feel.

And yet it still feels overall.. okay-ish. For one thing the presentation. Also it actually feeling like a real "eroge". Getting into the girls pants isn't free. And it's pretty much the goal as well, if I want to be a bit mean. It's not so much about telling a big story, or having a major romance or anything silly like that, or even to have great characterization of many characters. Reminded me a bit of something like Rance 01, though that game was overall way better. Maple Colors is simply.. old-school. I kinda hoped for something like School Rumble, which it really isn't, but... it's... okay. Fandisc is supposed to be less "plot" which could help.

>> No.17071449 [DELETED] 

Let's nuke this thread and try again

>> No.17071499

Time for my yearly replay, this game had l the best girls.

>> No.17071507


>> No.17071608
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2017-05-23 22-49-56-689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked so much better

The resolution is just slightly higher than the Saturn's my man

Wouldn't make that much a difference.
I'll check it out whenever the one day comes I buy the pc 98 version though.

>> No.17071632

The voice acting is what really hooked me into many of the characters, for real

That was when I noticed there was no way the remake was going to top the original

>> No.17072089

Should've played Maple Colors 2. Vastly superior.

>> No.17072168

I've seen these gifs of yu-no floating around, do you have more?

>> No.17072208

雪国 only contains 1,593 unique kanji.

>> No.17072260
File: 121 KB, 640x400, AyumiPrincessCarry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give the remake some credit, there were some areas where it actually did pretty good. Some of the new art is actually good enough to stand on its own, and I like what they did with Ayumi's voice, even if it seemed jarring at first.
People who've finished YU-NO probably remember that Ayumi was a third-person person to seem less womanly and sexual to Takuya. Of course, this is actually pretty awkward in the Saturn version because Ayumi's voice is very mature, and that heavily clashes with the way she talks.
The remake tries to fix this by making Ayumi sound child-like when she's putting on her "cutesy" facade, and more mature and appropriate for her age when she's not around Takuya(i.e. when she's on the phone, or talking to Ryuuzouji or Totally Not Nikaido from Eve Bust Error(Toyotomi).


>> No.17072363

It's insane how much my mood for VNs changes after I fap.
Always whack one out before committing to a new, long ass visual novel guys. If you still want to start it afterwards it's probably a safe bet.

>> No.17072438

Our guy Conjueror doesn't fap to anything but the VN he's currently reading, which works wonders. Start a moege, fap to something else during the common route, lose interest? No way. No matter how bad the moege is, lust will see you through.

>> No.17072458

I didn't think that was awkward at all. In fact, Ayumi's voice acting was some of the best in the game in the original imho.

>> No.17072466

It's still awkward to hear a mature woman refer to herself in first person, at least to me and a friend who's playing the game right now..

>> No.17072564

Wtf, I thought her voice was pretty young-ish and befitting tho

I can see the remake sort of trying to push that to make it more obvious but that doesnt point a problem in the original

>> No.17072574

I recorded some gifs from YU-NO, but someone's going to call me names if he figures out I did it from the translated version, so I can't post them here.

But I don't really gaf about the naysayers so here you go:

>> No.17072579

Kikuko Inoue always sounds 17. ALWAYS, especially in the 90s.

>> No.17072667

She sounds really motherly as Ayumi, though.

>> No.17073614

Anyone got a route order for Sayooshi?

>> No.17073615

Does swan song ever stop being boring?

>> No.17073631

When you start it.

>> No.17073713
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot (150).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just come into terms that Nekopara opened the floods of casuals into the medium?

>> No.17073721

There were always Japanese casuals.
VNs get marketed on the streets there. Everyone knows about them.

>> No.17073727

Why does it feel different this time dad?

>> No.17073744

Bias that VNs are sekret club cause you generally have to learn JP for them.
The casuals were always there, son, you just couldn't see them.

>> No.17073746


No sexual content lol

>> No.17073969

What are these "casuals"?

>> No.17074098

Well MC is pretty much a dumbed down version of kojiroh so its ok

>> No.17074416

I wouldn't say dumbed down, more like just dumb kojiroh, or less experienced.

>> No.17074618

One would think someone smart enough to learn japanese wouldn't care about something so juvenile such as secret club mentality equivalent to a "ewww girls".

>> No.17074651

Can someone upload 霞外籠逗留記 on mega, please.

>> No.17074703

Japanese isn't that hard to learn man, if you have an IQ of at least 105 you can make it. The only reason people become proficient in a skill is because they drop it. That's it.

>> No.17074867
File: 318 KB, 1296x768, genki floof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do moonlanders not do the 'smooch someone at new years' countdown' thing?

wasted opportunity to kiss your sister here, man.

>> No.17074980

idk which vn general I should post this in but I think you guys will be more helpful. Everyone knows Dies Irae's translation comes out in like a week, are there any roadmaps or recommended reading orders for the game?

>> No.17074989
File: 159 KB, 500x300, be8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit forgot to post a picture, everyone knows posts with pictures always get better replies

>> No.17074998

You picked wrong, fuck off.

>> No.17074999

>Everyone knows Dies Irae's translation comes out in like a week
It is?

>> No.17075018

story of my life desu

Digital version comes out May 31st

>> No.17075243

There are, and the translated version comes out in two parts with two routes each that you shouldn't play together. It's hilarious.

>> No.17075245

Cross Channel: Reprint (https://vndb.org/r23129)) or Final Complete (https://vndb.org/r35224)?

My instincts tell me Reprint, no cropped CGs and whatnot. But I'd like to hear thoughts from anyone here

>> No.17075251

Let's not lie.

>> No.17075254

Reprint 100%

>> No.17075256

Despite some wonky art additions, some of the side stories in final complete are worth doing.

>> No.17075262

>Digital version comes out May 31st

>> No.17075286

final complete has more cgs

>> No.17075291

Nobody would buy the second part of a game, in which the first part sucked so badly.

>> No.17075303


This is probably just a steam thing. They get released at the same time.. I think. I don't think an actual release-date even exists yet. May 31 sounds so "place holder".

>> No.17075356

>What are your thoughts regarding the future development of Dies irae across various types of media?
>For the anime version, we plan on doing one route from start to finish. I won’t spoil which route we chose so everyone can find out for themselves. While Dies irae is a long game that has 4MB worth of text, we made sure to cover all the important points so even someone new to the series would be able to enjoy and understand the anime without missing a beat.

>> No.17075927

Does Phantom Integration not run on W8.1+?

>> No.17075929

how does hints works in eve remake?

>> No.17075958

Is Subahibi difficult? So far 司 is cute and everyone's easy to understand.

>> No.17075962


>> No.17076304
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, cocorofunction_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, finished the twins route in cocoro@function. Interesting that Pulltop did such a thing in two games in a row. But I feel whoever wrote this one looked at the previous work and didn't quite understand why that one worked so well... or didn't look at it at all. How much you enjoy Konosora's twins route depends on what you want out of your VN anyway.

Still, this was.. not so nice. Konosora did it right. It HEAVILY focused on the relationship between the twins, making very sure to show how much they mean to each other and the writer also made sure to heavily address what it means that both end up liking the same guy and whatnot. It made the ultimate three-way relationship kinda plausible.
Nothing of that sort in cocoro@function. The route starts with pretty much separate chapters for both. Yes these twins are.. kinda.. close, but there's never much attention on it. Their arcs are pretty much as separated as for any other heroine. Once you choose one, the very same continues. In fact, you never even get to see the other twin once the "romance" starts. It's short as hell as well, as technically both share a route. This is then finished with a random "actually both of these arcs happened, but I'll skip how that's actually possible and how and why they both are fine with it" choice you unlock to get a threesome h-scene and what's supposed to be the true ending of the route. Ouch.
It's unfortunate, as both of the girls are likeable and have fun plot attributes. One can have you enjoy lucid dreams, which is barely explored because of the insane shortness, while the other is even worse off. She can use multiple personalities. Why is that something a heroine gets who barely has her own route? From what I know of the other heroines, they have much less interesting abilities as well.

There are other issues the game generally had, but I do like some of the gimmicks and what it enables, although in this route.. it just falls short because there is not time for anything. So because of that I don't even have a good screen of the route. Have a random one instead.

>> No.17076409
File: 127 KB, 886x775, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any greater honor for an eroge writer?

>> No.17076621
File: 779 KB, 1023x768, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading muramasa right now and got a question to those of you who read it, so I might have missed it or it gets explained later but why does kageaki always kill someone close to him at the end of the chapter? I finished chapter two now and it seems odd to me I figured there is some explaination and I just wanted to make sure I didnt miss it.

>> No.17076630

Chapter 5 explains in detail.

>> No.17076775

Yes if the actually went through with that.

>> No.17076797 [DELETED] 

To be honest, most people in the western VN community lose themselves to that kind of elitism once they learn enough Japanese

Seriously, every western VN scene twitter e-personality suffers from that shit and every time it's some american in his teens/early 20's getting overly excited about the fact they learned their first foreign language so everything they read in it sounds amazing and untranslatable to them

That and they probably read way too much of moogy's shit

>> No.17076817 [DELETED] 

Moogys & friends always seem very happy when a game they like is being localized and they even start advertising them / retweeting the companies. Are you sure you aren't projecting your own personality here?

>> No.17076828 [DELETED] 

What is "twitter"?

>> No.17076830 [DELETED] 

What are "moogys"?

>> No.17076835 [DELETED] 

Sorry? What is "retweeting"?

>> No.17076951
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 20170428135317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, can anyone tell me what game pic related is? I think i saw it in one of these threads a few weeks ago, but couldn't find it.

>> No.17077017

If you can't figure it out from that picture, you don't deserve it.

>> No.17077065

New cation game

>> No.17077137

Thank you for telling!

>> No.17077144

Alright then thank you.

>> No.17077426

For Baldr Sky, I don't need to read Fist or Force first, right?

>> No.17077444

No but you should read Force because it's good.

>> No.17077553


>> No.17077657

That is sorta true sorta not, I don't really care about the elitism or anything, the problem is sharing space with people who does not care or appreciate the topic as much as you do. It's what people refer to as casuals. So the problem is not the elitism but the drop in quality of posts, and the attitude to keep that at bay

>> No.17078169

can you play 2 without 1?

>> No.17078243

And because Sky copies half its major story beats from Force, only with twice as shitty execution.

>> No.17078990

He's pretty much Kojiroh as a horny teenager and I like that. Still better than Kanno's previous protags. Yuichi and Albert were as bland as they come. Speaking of, Yayoi and Eriko have a lot of similarities: both have masculine speech patters, both are currently dealing with the loss of a loved one, both are best girls of their respective game, etc

>> No.17079390

The version of Alpharom used in older N+ titles just plain doesn't work on newer (or was it 64-bit?) OS.
If you dig around I'm pretty sure work arounds have been posted for it before.

>> No.17079906

Kojiroh was the best thing out of eve desu. I liked Marina but I really just kept pushing her story through so I would go back to based Kojiroh

>> No.17080228

Nekopara is shit but I find the girls really cute and fuckable. Is this wrong?

>> No.17080274
File: 924 KB, 804x604, pretty cheap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17080458

Hey guys. So when is the new Dies irae version being released?

>> No.17080470

Standard Edition or original 18+ version?

>> No.17080479

>only with twice as shitty execution.
At least sky gives actually breathing room for them. Every route in force takes less than two hours and nothning that happens ha any gravity to it, not to mention blatantly ripping off a FF game for its twist.

>> No.17080507

As soon as you kill yourself.

>> No.17080784

I did dig but I didn't really find anything other than suggestions to downgrade / play on a VM.
Baldr Force EXE (PS2 version) is the one you want.

>> No.17080878

I'm serious though.

>> No.17080882

So am I.

>> No.17080909

>Baldr Force EXE (PS2 version) is the one you want.
Ah I see. There are some fairly big names in the PS2 cast. Thanks.

>> No.17081035

Hey guys, Iam looking for all the works that has been drawn by Tony Taka.
I can only find the Ciel Collection box but the size is huge since all the games are crammed into one.
Does anyone know where to find a working link for each game?

>> No.17081074
File: 40 KB, 460x270, DRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17081101


I like the picture. It fits.

I like DRM. Makes sure the game won't be playable anymore soon enough without a crack. Like wanna play Parfait 2 reorder on something like win7? Nope. Not without a little hex editing.

>> No.17081109

Time to wait for a crack.

>> No.17081113
File: 221 KB, 1278x723, Amayui 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is here playing Amayui?

>> No.17081114

I'll get a save and fap to it maybe.

>> No.17081121

I'm in no rush to play it.

>> No.17081130


I'm not sure if it's even worth before all the additional patches are out. Or, heck, worth at all.. but that's only something I can find out by trying.

>> No.17081136

I think this girl is ugly.

>> No.17081137

Do you think they'll actually release something like 2.0 for it?

>> No.17081143

Depends on the popularity, it probabnly will though, the system is revamped kamidori so people know what to expect.

>> No.17081144

Damn, I totally forgot it's new release day today.

>> No.17081164

Marina's route has based Kouno, though.
Fun fact, I was browsing through some Eve fansites and I noticed Kouno always ended up in the top 5 on the character polls there.

>> No.17081169

because pink is and always will be poop

>> No.17081171
File: 505 KB, 640x480, pic related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would there be an interest in a thread like this but for untranslated text heavy HRPG? I'm a newbie in that area myself but got pretty curious after seeing people on EGS list them together with normal VNs. Or maybe it fits here since they're technically エロゲー and we also talk about stuff like that new Eushully game?

>> No.17081173
File: 200 KB, 1150x517, ss+(2017-05-26+at+01.59.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe they fucking changed Shuri's VA into this pure shit.

Oh god this is retarded, the Shuri & Hinari scenes will be never same with this kind of voice.

>> No.17081174

I heard there is already crack, but it's only for members of bbs4.2dj.

>> No.17081181

I hope it gets leaked just to see the meltdown.

>> No.17081215


When was the last time they did NOT do that? Even their last game before this got something like that, even though nobody really liked it.

>> No.17081241

Soujun or other new characters' VAs are really great tho, I guess they couldnt find anyone decent to voice shuri at the last second so had to bear with this kind of voice. I'm still pretty mad though.

>> No.17081322

No rule that says VNs must be pure words with no gameplay whatsoever. As long as they're mostly text, like Rance or Eushully games, they're still VNs.

>> No.17081329

Crack is out, based Russians.

>> No.17081393

>Eushully games

Yes they have a good amount of text, but who plays their games for that? It's all about the gameplay that'll eat away your time.
Heck, Rance actually also depends. The ones I played so far were more gameplay than text as well, by quite a bit.

That said, we indeed generally don't care too much and Alice Soft as well as Eushully are common here. But I'm pretty sure that would change quickly if we'd start to have a ton of random dlsite h-rpgs discussed as well. So if there are actually enough people so it would simply "derail" this thread too much, we'd need a separate one. So far however, that hasn't been the case.

>> No.17081397

What ero-rpg do you want to talk about?

>> No.17081534

Can someone tell me where I can get 月に寄りそう乙女の作法2 append disc?
Not the softmap one but the 2016 one which gives protag voice.

All anime-sharing links are dead.

>> No.17081608

Get torrent on A-S?

>> No.17081657


>> No.17081660

Rutracker comments. That's what he's referring to anyway.

>> No.17081721

the torrent is for the version without the newest patch (the one it has it only for an extra route and not the one that came out in 2016 with protag voice).

>> No.17081731

Are you sure? As far as I remember they were packed together and I'm sure I torrented the voice patch you want.

>> No.17082347

its not. I'm sure because I got that torrent and applied the first append disk.
If you look at vndb you'll see luna append came out in 2015 while voice append came out in 2016.

>> No.17082360

Yes, but Luna append was bundled again with the voice append.

>> No.17082367

yeah sure. the torrent thats on a-s has the old one though.

>> No.17082380
File: 53 KB, 1150x520, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17082398

I might be blind but which page is this from?

The one on the link below which has the same name as your picture doesn't seem to have a torrent.


Can you link it please?

>> No.17082405


>> No.17082409

thanks. No idea why this one didn't show up when I searched for the exact name.

>> No.17082824
File: 69 KB, 720x931, 1481949973756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a dude that unironically goes around sharing VNs pretending he's a girl acting cute and using silly emojis

>> No.17082893
File: 672 KB, 1294x776, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 23 H-scenes? In Eushully game? Something seems off.

>> No.17083088
File: 7 KB, 517x80, y0Wxpe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.17083157


Maybe this means the game is only a 40 hour grindfest instead of a 100 hour one as well?
...will they get their office burned down?

>> No.17083179

>sakuuta higher than subahibi

>> No.17083263

Maybe they'll be paced better this time around without the second half of the game devolving into a nukige?

>> No.17083652

Is there a torrent for this game? I found some direct download links but I'd rather torrent it

>> No.17083684

Muramasa - English release confirmed.

>> No.17083697
File: 202 KB, 1282x767, amayui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably getting the most scenes and I'm not complaining, adorable retards are a weak point of mine.

>> No.17083743

Of course.

>> No.17083884
File: 524 KB, 1920x1080, noraneko_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another fang-girl mainheroine. Recently I somehow read a damn lot with that being a thing. Planet Dragon, Natsukoi, Himawari no Kyoukai..

Maybe that's a sign and I should actually play that or something. Fangs are nice.

>> No.17084016

Anything interesting this month?
I've not followed what's new for this month, as I've been playing old releases.

>> No.17084046

Nothing. Chronobox maybe tho

>> No.17084083
File: 9 KB, 498x32, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that Muramasa has received a protection from desacration by EOPs.

>> No.17084358
File: 500 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2017-05-18 17-11-23-346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Yu-no. What a fucking ride my dudes. I've been meaning to play this since 2014 or something but kept pushing it off. Glad I took time off to play this, it was worth it.

I cannot fault anyone when they say this is their favorite adventure game, for sure it's right up there with the best ones.

>> No.17084362

It's always weird to see someone not bitching about the epilogue

>> No.17084372

Do people bitch about it? What is there to bitch about?

>> No.17084376

Also, since you're in the mood for playing Saturn shit, give EVE Burst Error a try. Same writer as YU-NO, btw.

>> No.17084383

People don't like how quickly it ends after you get to the capital and find the ending underwhelming overall. It's not really the writer's fault, though, since his team had to rush the game

>> No.17084396

Never listen to niggers. Honestly I thought it was long enough as it was, the whole scale of it was stunning to me.

>> No.17084434 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 1212x1754, 1495845107284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, I agree with them to a degree. I heard the epilogue was planned to be like the main game, with routes and all that, so it feels kinda sad to know they had to scrap that to get the game out on time. There's a lot of things in the epilogue, and the official artbook that point to it being rushed too. Like pic related, or the fact a lot of the epilogue songs are composed by Ryu Takami and Kazuhiro Kanae, instead of Umemoto, or how Sala has literally no purpose in the story other than to tell the protag he's near Dela Grante. Speaking of Sala, there's a sketch in the artbook where's she's holding a sword and everything, will post after this. {/spoiler]

>> No.17084437 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 1212x1754, 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17084448 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 1212x1754, 1495845373402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to spoiler

>> No.17084470

Well man, honestly there was no way that would make it into the game, and I felt the whole scale was already big as it is for the time. I guess it's a shame that they had to cut a lot of stuff but I understand and I'm quite content with what I got.

As far as Sara telling him he was near the empire capital and warning him not to go to the temple where he was captured, but he ignores that anyway so at least it servers as foreshadowing...sort of

>> No.17084493

I'm still impressed at all the CGs the game had.

>> No.17084508
File: 114 KB, 1016x1022, 1490320288306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Eriko route

>> No.17084524


>> No.17084555

delet this

>> No.17084564
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2017-05-17 10-34-54-597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But lads, what was up with Kanna's ability to send the MC to another dimension?

A lot of stuff around her was left loose, unless I missed it somehow.

Just had a friend connecting the dot for me that she was Amanda's daughter with the MC after they fuck which honestly blew me away.

>> No.17084750

Who likes this isekai shit?

>> No.17084807

Men with taste. Two traits you obviously lack.

>> No.17084854

Truly the game of the month.

お嬢様と憐れな and あなたに恋する恋愛ルセット being close contenders for moe lovers.

I wonder about ニュートンと林檎の樹. Did anyone start playing it?

>> No.17084862
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, ニュートンと林檎の樹_2017-05-26_17-45-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17084876

There are several theories behind her... a lot of which are confusing.
There are two Kannas in the game, one that received the reflector from Koudai in another dimension and the one which you interact with that doesn't know anything

You should dig around about the theories behind her, she's by far the most complex character in the game due to reasons beyond the character itself.

>> No.17084878

Look at those fucking eyebrows.

>> No.17084946
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1490264259977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna sound a little odd, but do you guys ever rush while playing your VNs? I have an habit of always waiting for a voiced line to be completed and never skip over it, but I feel that grossly increases the time I take to finish them.

>> No.17084957

I do the same and I think it's a pretty normal thing to do. Voice acting has a big impact on how you perceive a line.

>> No.17084983
File: 763 KB, 1920x1060, nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace 2015-09-20 23-49-52-510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evens start 下級生
Odds start 同級生

>> No.17085003

Good luck.
Better not use a guide nerd.

>> No.17085021
File: 739 KB, 1920x1060, nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace 2015-09-13 20-06-08-406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes ma'am. How tough is it without a guide though. My patience has limits

>> No.17085034

You may miss events, but no biggie, don't use a guide it will ruin the fun

>> No.17085046

I really need to start the sakura wars series...

>> No.17085050

I'd personally just go through maybe once or twice without a guide and then use one after that if you're still interested.
If I remember correctly a bunch of key later events are locked behind the school nurse's and her sister's event chain though as a heads up.

>> No.17085057
File: 640 KB, 1920x1060, nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace 2016-02-27 03-17-25-137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mates, will do.

they're pretty good

>> No.17085163
File: 147 KB, 960x544, 2017-05-09-232320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, agreed. He's one of the characters whose interactions make you believe those people in the game are real.

>> No.17085225

How's Eushully's new game? Are they announcing bankruptcy soon?

>> No.17085259

Probably spent most of their artist's time on their DMM game.

>> No.17085426

The porn was really well done in this, they are all best girls.

>> No.17085508

Well the people who played just the first few chapters think its decent. At least much better than their last 2 games which of course isn't really an achievement.

>> No.17085517
File: 65 KB, 640x400, 1437528517452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never not be mad.

>> No.17085619 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.72 MB, 1366x768, 1495865526369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading Seabed but eventually dropped it, it was boring. There were clearly some creative ideas and enjoyable scenery in there, but it was mixed in with large amounts of long descriptive scenes containing nothing but inane irrelevant trite, I really wasn't enjoying it. I would've liked to know more about their world and what's actually happening, and I'm sure there's some good payoff at the end, but it's really not worth it.

Instead I read Ryakudatsusha no Inen which was much more fun. The first and third chapters were really enjoyable and satisfying, unfortunately the second chapter was quite a bit weaker. It was a nice revenge tragedy anyway, reminded me of the western novel Waylander a little. No particularly deep themes but at least it was enjoyable.

>> No.17085714
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, %96%E3%81%AE%E6%9E%9C%E3%81%A6%E3%81%A7%E6%81%8B%E3%82%92%E5%94%84%E3%81%86%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%EF%BC%B9%EF%BC%B5%EF%BC%8D%EF%BC%AE%EF%BC%AF_20170316110739[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played the remake?
is it really the crime against humanity it seems to be? I heard there are more voiced lines which sounds nice though.

>> No.17085766
File: 107 KB, 1920x1080, 66n8YCi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't really look that bad imho.

>> No.17085852
File: 851 KB, 1680x1050, Yotsuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The childhood friend reminds me too much of Utaha and with all those calculations she does I'm expecting a twist where she's revealed to be a robot.

>> No.17085966

The MC then proceeds to live the moege life.

>> No.17085979
File: 980 KB, 1280x720, s0230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I love Yayoi so much. And you're right. Hiroyuki Kanno was just really good at writing characters and interactions, in general. I always enjoy going back to either YU-NO or Eve and chuckling at some of the exchanges, like Mio's and Takuya's.
I really don't get what the deal is with the remake. There's some art that looks fucking excellent, and even sports multi-tone shading, and then there's the sprites and some of the other CGs, which look flat and boring.

>> No.17086029 [DELETED] 

Yeah, after the first chapter and its revelations I was also expecting SeaBed to pick the pace. The endless vacation flashbacks were the worst. However, I ended up liking the game as a whole in the end, even though I guessed one of the main late game twists (concerning Narasaki) very early on. While it's touted as a mystery game, much of the enjoyment is going to be depending on how much you like the daily life interactions and stuff. I think it's also notable because, (for the lack of better word) it's the least "anime-y" VN I've played so far.

I also enjoyed Ryakudatsusha no Inen. Short enough to not drag on and pretty good production values for a quick nukige read, and a large variety of unnamed villager girls. I personally didn't like the drug aspect that much, I very much preferred when the girls were screaming in pain rather than screaming for more dick.

>> No.17086045

Yeah, after the first chapter and its revelations I was also expecting SeaBed to pick the pace. The endless vacation flashbacks were the worst. However, I ended up liking the game as a whole in the end,even though I guessed one of the main late game twists rather early. While it's touted as a mystery game, much of the enjoyment is going to be depending on how much you like the daily life interactions and stuff. I think it's also notable because, (for the lack of better word) it's the least "anime-y" VN I've played so far.

I also enjoyed Ryakudatsusha no Inen. Short enough to not drag on and pretty good production values for a quick nukige read, and a large variety of unnamed villager girls. I personally didn't like the drug aspect that much, I very much preferred when the girls were screaming in pain rather than screaming for more dick.

>> No.17086086

seabed is a hit or miss title for sure.
People who liked it including myself found the descriptive scenes a part of the charm.

>> No.17086148

>I personally didn't like the drug aspect that much, I very much preferred when the girls were screaming in pain rather than screaming for more dick.
I couldn't agree more, the best scene was easily the end of chapter 1. The amazing buildup, subtly hinting at something to come that far outshines the atrocities we've already seen. How everyone, from people used to such cruelty on a daily basis to terrified innocent girls shaking in fear to her precious brother, helpless to save her, is forced to watch. No unnecessary sexual stimulation or anything. And then the sheer, heartless randomness of the torture, so as to remove even the slightest hint of humanity or feeling from the incomparable pain being inflicted. You can see the feelings of injustice and embarrassment and anger and misery and fear and worry and hatred mix together and then disappear overwritten by all-powerful excruciating pain. It was the best.

>> No.17086152
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>> No.17086219


nice list fgt

>> No.17086459
File: 927 KB, 1800x2750, newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the trial enough to pre-order it. It's nothing special but it does keep me entertained. Will report back when I finish a route or two.

>> No.17086462

Anyone played Dei Gratia no Rashinban?
How do you enter the third route?
I don't see any choice, nothing.

>> No.17086839

Why would you even admit that's your name?

>> No.17086888
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, ニュートンと林檎の樹_2017-05-26_23-24-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17087606
File: 151 KB, 960x544, 2017-05-13-165831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, I love Yayoi so much
She's a qt

>> No.17087999

TsuriOtsu 2 FD upload when?

>> No.17088138
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2017-05-17 20-30-01-153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio's and Takuya's
My man. I loved Mio's なによ, it was so endearing for some reason. Like, you could feel sometimes she was afraid of the MC actually end up hating her or something.

>> No.17088372
File: 743 KB, 960x720, 1480339232297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get the PS4 version of 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム?
I'm seeing the resolution of the PC version is 720p.
I'm not interested in ero though, but if there are cuts and weird stuff like in Eustia vita version I'll pass.

>> No.17088401
File: 66 KB, 290x250, understand 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not interested in ero though

>> No.17088562

Not everyone cares about conquering heroines. Ero scenes are pretty much just an ego thing.

>> No.17088806

I can't imagine that if capturing heroines for sex is an ego thing, then the whole adventure of fiction isn't as well.
>Not everyone cares about conquering heroines
Same, same. May I ask, does and if so how does this ego thing factor in to ero from my standpoint as a netorarefag, and from within scope either of the protagonist (i.e., self inserting) or of a third party observer (merely the reader)?

>> No.17089129

I should've specified ero scenes in games where capturing heroines is the main and primary focus, is where it becomes more of an ego thing. Most of these games usually have more than 3 scenes per heroine and take up most of the routes. I mean, you can tell from how most of these scenes are written. They strip most heroines of their personality just so they can be conquered by MC's godly dick and fill their routes with H-scenes just so you can see how much the heroine was really just a cock hungry slut in disguise. Also common dialogue includes, "it hurts but it's okay if it's you", "I love your dick", and so on. It's becoming the standard so people are now furious at anything that's all ages and has several heroines. It's one thing to include H-scenes a couple short H-scenes for the MC and heroine's love to feel more complete and another thing to make it the primary focus in a route to inflate the reader's ego.

Not that it's a bad thing since that what eroge is about primarily, but in my opinion it doesn't make a ADV game bad if it doesn't have these in a game primarily focused on character interaction or plot and it is definitely not necessary.

>> No.17089534

Anyone playing Amayui mind telling me where exactly did they find "青い魔術糸" (used in expanding fortress to Level 2)? Codex entry says "harvest" but none of the nodes have it and no building seems to generate it either.

>> No.17089776
File: 504 KB, 2560x1600, 6963834-susan-coffey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually sums up a lot of my thoughts, but I generally dislike ero scenes also because they're usually badly written and I don't fap to them unless I'm playing to fap to them, if that makes sense.

>> No.17089823
File: 243 KB, 1296x768, qtpa2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been having this thought recently in which I think I'd like sex scenes a lot better if they weren't all made *for the purpose of wanking to*. I mean, there's the whole sex-is-important-in-relationships thing which I unironically subscribe to, there's tons of potential for interesting/comedic/horror/mindfuck/tragic/dramatic things you can do between the sheets. but there's only ever the one mood, and that is 'get yer rocks off'.

in the one I'm reading now the MC is an absolute spaghetti-overloading sperg barely able to put together a coherent sentence and never without stuttering, and in one scene where a girl is in danger and offers to get him off if he saves her, he goes on a big, long, turbovirgin spiel about how girls shouldn't say things like that and should be pure and chaste and shameful of their sexuality.

and then when he gets a gf he's railing her everywhere he can going YEAH TAKE IT YOU DIRTY SLUT with zero fucking irony or self-awareness or anything.

i dunno. I mean the audience that reads these things (myself included) for the most part has such a complicated and neurotic relationship with sexytimes that the actual dynamics behind h-scenes is quantum mechanics levels of complex. I'd just like it if they didn't write them all to be masturbated to. that's what's hamstringing them, I think.

>> No.17089888

Seeing all these old vns makes me realise how cheap current vns are given their prices.
They have less cgs and less h scenes and overall less quality excluding art, it's pretty poor taste.
What happened?
I mean
Has 200.

>> No.17089892

Bubble. Too much supply, not enough demand, can't spend that much money on making CGs.

>> No.17089910

I was personally amazed at the amount of CGs some of the old VNs I played had.

I was like, holy fuck whats the budget on this?

Why is this? Why is it that back then people were willing to take much more chances and risks than they do today?

>> No.17089929

What happens to her fang during blowjobs?

>> No.17089939

The fang will be fine, it's the dick you need to be worried about.

>> No.17089970

I don't agree at all. Older VNs had more CGs but there was infinitely less effort, time and detail poured into them. Just look at that VN you linked and then look at some expensive modern VN CG. It's about quality over quantity.

>> No.17090051

Opinions on Scarlett? It's an old game and was quite well-received I think.

>> No.17090086

Definitely disagree. There are plenty of new games with bad art and old games with good art. I don't think I would make the claim that the overall quality of eroge art has improved. If it has it hasn't by much, things are still very much a mixed bag.

>> No.17090090

I want to destroy you motherfucking ass for saying this.
There are so many ways to crush your argument I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.17090094

What good games have come out so far this year?

>> No.17090103

Dies irae.

>> No.17090107

Persona 5

>> No.17090127

Where's the japanese version of dies irae for vita?
I've been waiting since 2015 for it ffs

>> No.17090198
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1474753581928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about good or bad, that's purely subjective and depends on your personal taste. It's about the amount of time the artist spent drawing each one. I haven't read Maple Colors but looking at the example CGs it's pretty obvious the artist didn't spend the same amount of time on it as your average CG in your average modern game.

>> No.17090199

probably not the thread to ask for this info as i don't exactly recall if this was a vn but i saw a webm of it and would like to play it again. what's the name of that game with all the bubbly short stocky girls with really good animation again?

>> No.17090345

It's a matter of tools my man, and the cost of resources to pull it all off. Artists nowadays have way, way, way, way and I mean way more resources to work with than they had in 90s, of course the CGs will not look as good. The tech wasn't as advanced as today, but it was still high cost for a niche as hell market.

You'd expect the amount of CGs to remain the same or increase a bit since the resources to make them became cheaper and more accessible than before, but it didn't.

>> No.17090410

Thought you guys might find this funny: https://vnscripts.neocities.org/stats.html

>> No.17090601


>> No.17090602
File: 256 KB, 1280x720, himawari_natsuyasumi_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With the right technique it won't hurt, don't worry. Probably. Well, worst case you need to get fixed up at the hospital, but hey, at least it's cute?

>> No.17090617
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, hit_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know. I mean yeah, not all CG are "super high quality", but that's true for most new games as well. SD is one thing. Something like pic related another.
Not all CG are going to have a highly detailed background or whatever. They don't need it. You see that CG you posted is shown for ONE textbox. So it looks as good as it needs to. That's not really happening anymore either though and nowadays you just have CG that cut corners and some that perhaps don't.

>> No.17090665

why is chronobox still not up

>> No.17090777


>> No.17090783

are u blind or what?

>> No.17091033
File: 403 KB, 1280x720, CG000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the feeling I shouldn't trade the gun right now because maybe someone else will come to pick it up, but no idea.
Wish I knew how it ends.

>> No.17091129

Most of the games nowadays have like 3 poses and 2 angles. Too many is left to our imagination. I would choose more diverse and abundant cg sets over redundant scrutiny any day.

>> No.17091319
File: 325 KB, 800x600, capture_029_08022016_180928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opinions on Scarlett?
It's pretty good. The spy stuff is more about goofy battles of wits and some simple politics thriller rather than flashy shootouts and shit, hell, the better protagonist even says you should leave firefights to experts of violence like SWAT and shit.

Both the first and second chapters are great, but I felt the third chapter wasn't very good: it shifts into slow predictable drama, dragged on endlessly with an easily guessable upcoming twist, and worst of all it isn't even some sort of clever foreshadowing for the last chapter like the new goofier plot elements and events introduced in the third chapter somehow tying into the last chapter for a grand finale. I get what they were going for thematically, but I personally didn't like it that much. The final chapter is also pretty slow.

If you play it, remember to get the additional patch that adds voice acting to many male characters, including the second protagonist.

>> No.17091493
File: 164 KB, 406x445, アマカノ_2016-10-30_09-05-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no comment
>posts comment

>> No.17092381
File: 359 KB, 1280x720, himawari_natsuyasumi_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been the best cat "dating-sim" I've ever read I think. The epilogue could've been a bit shorter, but other than that I quite liked it.

>> No.17093144

I'm feeling edgy jay

What's a VN that I get to destroy everything in my path?

>> No.17093147

Kyojin tachi

>> No.17093157


>> No.17093282
File: 159 KB, 1296x768, 2017-05-28_224111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole discussion was golden.

>> No.17093438

Maggot Baits

>> No.17093527
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>> No.17093540
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>Sanoba Witch ranked along side Ima and Oretsuba
>Sakuuta review: I enjoyed the beginning the most
EGS voters never cease to confuse me.

>> No.17093617

To be fair Oretsuba is pretty much a moege

>> No.17093826

Steins;Gate "remake" and Robotics;Notes sequel announced.
Occultic;Nine coming out in September.
Anonymous;Code coming out on the Switch.
All previous Sci-ADV coming to Steam.

What do you think about all this?
I'm really excited for the Switch becoming the go-to place for console VNs.

>> No.17093834

>Switch becoming the go-to place for console VNs.
Is this a joke?

>> No.17093868

who cares

>> No.17093892

>I'm really excited for the Switch becoming the go-to place for console VNs.
Try saying that when it has actually relevant exclusives announced for it. So far, nothing.

>> No.17093899

Overmilked and overly EOP'd pseudoseries.

>> No.17093952

>not wanting both the comfiness of playing a VN on your TV and the convenience of having it on the go

>> No.17094014

I don't go anywhere, and I don't have a TV.

>> No.17094038

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17094110

fuck off. I'm waiting for the next console

>> No.17094218

What's the diff between baldr heart and heart exe?

>> No.17094235

they're different games

>> No.17094268

you could've just told me it was a fan disk

>> No.17094289

Baldr Heart is the actual full game with story.
Baldr Heart EXE is a standalone expansion with only improved arena mode, new weapons and that type of shit. No story.

>> No.17094563
File: 112 KB, 690x690, 1481580626858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you made Chaos;Child Xbone exclusive
It flopped to all hell, yet you still keep doing this kind of shit.

When will you learn 5pb?

>> No.17094576
File: 352 KB, 480x476, 1490304782727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chaos;Child is getting a western release

Fucking hell. Is this really it? Is nothing else sacred anymore?

When did VNs become viable in the western market to justify all this shit? Like, everything gets brought over now, what the fuck happened.

>> No.17094686
File: 622 KB, 1757x721, 7nm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you care, and what does that have to do with this thread?

besides what makes you think the translations aren't going to be subpar like pic related, i mean jesus

>> No.17094768

I'm just feel my safe space decreasing. In all honesty though, I'm not used to this. It feels weird. Like suddenly I'm in an alternative dimension where Japs are actually caring about western audiences and I'm wondering what happened that caused this change of heart.

>> No.17094776

The japanese VN bubble is deflating because the japanese capital expansion bubble is popping. Same underlying issue as why decreasing birth rates are considered a problem. Basically exports are the only way out of their current economic situation.

>> No.17094797

some guys were mad at the situation of Japanese games, and /jp/ made fun of them for not speaking japanese, so they made their own specialized publishers ala Working Designs to become the change they want to see in the world

>> No.17094802
File: 43 KB, 317x317, 258842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my fault all along.

>> No.17094856

Those sorts of people don't belong on /jp/ in the first place anyway.

>> No.17095011

What's the best tool for pulling text from game so I can search up Kanji I don't know?

>> No.17095020

Learn how to use skip code and never use any of these tools. Now leave and go to DJT for these questions..

>> No.17095060
File: 488 KB, 500x232, 1424570053944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learned moon for a VN that turned out to be shit
>BGM is nice tho
>go to BGM do a nip post about how you learned moon for a game that turned out to be shit
>nips comment in consolation and empathy and tell me to read other stuff and find your favorite VNs

Did you end up liking the VN you learned moon for /jp/?

>> No.17095062

I learned moon for Baldr Sky and Muramasa, so yeah, I liked them.
What VN did you learn moon for?

>> No.17095183

The Japanese economy has been shitting itself nonstop since the 90s. When is Japan finally going to implode?

>> No.17095215
File: 2.77 MB, 1918x1074, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can a game not have borderless window in 2017?

>> No.17095238

Which one was it, out of curiosity? Was it Dies Irae? The first VN I tried to read in Japanese was https://vndb.org/v12942 and it was an absolute success for my dick.

>> No.17095422

That's what you get for liking casual, normie-friendly stuff. My favorites are still untranslated and I have confidence they will stay that way.

>> No.17095427

This is what I'm saying man, if Chaos;Child is considered normie-friendly then IDK what to make of the reality I live at anymore.

>> No.17095481



>> No.17095612


Dude, it got an anime. Everything getting an anime is on a way different level already. And then it's even all-ages. Don't even have to do anything special for the western market. It was never about "if", only about "when" here.

>> No.17095659

S;G is popular and it's from the same series, also most people know chaos head to some degree. (the anime at least), so it's extremely casual.

>> No.17095667


>> No.17095696 [DELETED] 

Hey. When is Dies irae being released?

>> No.17095700 [DELETED] 


>> No.17095702 [DELETED] 

It came out 10 years ago?

>> No.17095723 [DELETED] 

Did it really release on christmas?

>> No.17095895

Anyone has Aka by NekoNekoSoft and is willing to upload it?


>> No.17096187 [DELETED] 

What? Kickstarter didn't exist then.
No, the English version isn't out yet.

>> No.17096195 [DELETED] 

What do you get from playing an idiot? Or being one?

>> No.17096206 [DELETED] 

I don't know, you tell me. I'm not the one who's trying this hard to evade a simple question.

>> No.17096210 [DELETED] 

Try reading the title of the thread, little autist.

>> No.17096241 [DELETED] 

The first part I'm blanking out on right now, but the second part says "Untranslated VN General" (which Dies irae is). So it seems like it's perfectly reasonable to discuss it here.

>> No.17096311
File: 130 KB, 442x357, %t-2015-10-06_22-01-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned for Kangoku Senkan 2 and eventually read it. I liked it, not really worth learning Japanese for, but thankfully there are a lot of games that are better than it.

>> No.17096424


