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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1702166 No.1702166 [Reply] [Original]

"Welcome home" said your girlfriend.

>> No.1702170

Ear piercing cry of the alarm clock.

>> No.1702181
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>> No.1702186

I think you have the wrong thread, this is for girlfriends.

>> No.1702188

You wake up realizing that the soft thing you're burying your face in is not your girlfriend's ass, but your pillow. For a moment, you feel stupid for believing that you had a girlfriend in your dream, as you know perfectly well that no girl will ever love you. The clock is 06:01 am, you are in your bed, and the room is dark. What do you do?

>> No.1702191

I furiously fap before my job at the local wal-mart.
Because they will hire anyone there.

>> No.1702193

[x] Sleep for another hour before I get up and take a shower.
Then I'll go to the hall kitchen and eat my breakfast.

>> No.1702194
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Brag about it on 4chan

>> No.1702207

Suddenly down the hall you see the girl you've liked for a year now. Of course, you do not do anything and go back to 4chan to make a ronery thread.

>> No.1702209

"i vomited on your couch" said your girlfriend.

>> No.1702210

Already having an erection from your dream, you start giving your dick some quite violent treatment. It feels good for a while, but you realize that it's awfully dull to fap in the dark, and you'll need some loli to power up your erection enough to be able to finish. However, you have to be at work at 07:00 am, and the only way to make it is to give up on your fapping. You have to make a choice between two terrible fates. What do you do?

>> No.1702212

I love that girl in the OP. I'd take care of her plants on the bottom left.


>> No.1702215

I don't need a girlfriend, I'm already a girl!

>> No.1702217

Actually, she moved in about a month ago in my case.
I've talked with her a couple of times. Just the general chat and such.

>> No.1702221
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>> No.1702222

You need one. Yuri is moe.

>> No.1702223
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>> No.1702233

haha goddamn, that bitch is like 8 feet long.

>> No.1702235
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>> No.1702239

I go to work.

>> No.1702289

sauce for op

>> No.1702303

I wish my boyfriends would come home and cuddle with me already ;_;

If I had a boyfriend that is. OOPS I FORGOT WOMEN CANT BE LONELY

>> No.1702310

You put your dxxk away and leave your bed and get your clothes on, leaving the house in a hurry. You're certain you will make it on time due to your sacrifice, but as you walk towards your workplace, you suddenly feel unspeakable amounts of pain in your crotch area. You feel that your underpants are soaked with something, and you need to do something fast, so you run to the nearest public bathroom to investigate. You take down your pants, and realize to your horror that your nutbladder has exploded due to being too full. As you stand there in shock, looking at the weird stuff dripping from your crotch, your body starts to feel really strange. You look at your hands and see that they're becoming more slender, more ..feminine. You quickly understand that your man essence is leaking out, and thus you can no longer stay a man, so you're turning into a woman. However, the change isn't complete yet, and if you think quickly there might be a way to halt or reverse it. What do you do?

>> No.1702313

>I wish my boyfriends would come home and cuddle with me already ;_;

I don't like where this is going

>> No.1702320

Grab penis before it goes away. Hold on tight. It'll be okay to change everything else, as long as I keep mah penis ;_;

>> No.1702321

that sir is a lie I've tried 3 times for a job at both local walmarts and to no avail

>> No.1702322

news flash, nobody cares.

>> No.1702336

[x] Genuflect

>> No.1702345
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>> No.1702353

That's right; I care. Keep on bloging, lads.

>> No.1702378

Every girl's biggest fantasy is to get triple penetrated.

>> No.1702381

That would imply that all girls are sluts.

Oh, I see.

>> No.1702383

Get on my computer.
like always ;___;

>> No.1702392


I just started to work at a Wal-Mart here...and I'm rather disappointed. I was really hoping to see some kawaii xD name tags.

Also, reported.

>> No.1702396

am I loli?

>> No.1702399

accept it and find a lesbian girl.

>> No.1702402

In desperation you grasp your penis as your body changes. You stand there in fear and suddenly remember all the good times you and your penis had together, and knowing you could never bear living without it, tears start welling up in your eyes. But then you realize that the transformation is over; the shape of your body has changed to become much more feminine, most of your body hair is gone and you got yourself some cute a-cup breasts, but when you let go of your penis, it's still hanging there as always. However, you have a few problems: You are a girl in the men's room, the floor is covered with what used to be your man essence and body hair, your pants will be likely to fall off as they're meant to fit a male body, if you went to work your boss wouldn't recognize you, and lastly, you have a boner that might be a bit hard to hide. What do you do?


>> No.1702403

How the fuck do you guys get jobs?

>> No.1702414

Yay no periods!

>> No.1702425

Probably any underpaid shitjob will hire you instant as you apply.

>> No.1702433


Apply for at least 5 jobs online/in person/both a day. With the market the way it is, shits tough. I have a interview at 4 for some borderline telemarketing job (not cold calls). Shit sucks but I'm broke, owe parents 500bux and 1800 on my credit card. Don't be picky, apply EVERYWHERE that you think is remotely possible.

>> No.1702435


pls let there be money to buy some nice, functional clothes.

>> No.1702438

/jp/ Sandwich Artists/General

>> No.1702446

Listen to what others bullshit to each other about, and then parrot that in the interview.

>> No.1702461

You pull out each item in the inventory as you examine them. You have:

2 bottlecaps, a bottle of glue, a credit card and a dice.


>> No.1702466

>open window
>enter kitchen

>> No.1702475

i dont get it

>> No.1702476

don't you mean ''an dice''

>> No.1702483

"an dice"?
Is this some kind of meme on /b/?

>> No.1702491


It's fucking >i and >z. POWER LEVEL, DO YOU HAVE IT?

>> No.1702490
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>> No.1702494


>> No.1702504

Maybe. I'm currently playing Anchorhead on DSFrotz. I'm kinda stuck... finding a walkthrough brb.

>> No.1702526
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Fuck you for making me reinstall Gargoyle.

>> No.1702529

You're welcome.
Haven't heard of that interpreter, thanks for that.

>> No.1702557

ok, what is this?

>> No.1702561
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Good times.
