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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 190 KB, 800x982, sister_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1700872 No.1700872 [Reply] [Original]

You may enjoy being e-cool for swearing off 3d, but when the girl you spent your last five years of public school in love with tells you she wants to help you get your life back together and, tears in her eyes, asks you to not shut her out of your life like you have everyone else, and you run back to your place so you can watch sister princess and d'awww at Hinako, it can get kinda disheartening when you realize that you're throwing away whatever glim chance you had of ever having children. On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.

>> No.1700879

But I was only in love for half a year, it was a looong time ago, I'll never see her again, and I've never watched Sister Princess.

>> No.1700884

>the girl you spent your last five years of public school in love with

Enjoy your high school, underaged fag

>> No.1700886

That scenario would never happen, so what does it matter?

>> No.1700888
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re pure is definitely worth watching

>> No.1700912

This would work, except for the fact that anon doesn't have a girl he's loved during the whole of the last few years of high school. On the bright side, we've still got Hinako!

>> No.1701065


Some of us do have someone we loved for the last few years of high school (and in my case, most of college.) I confessed, she declined. She plainly stated that she didn't want to risk our friendship and that she was in love with somebody else. It's was rather funny, I didn't get over her until approximately one month before her divorce. And, in all honesty, I was ecstatic that her marriage fell apart and that she became an alcoholic. When I found out that her mother had kicked her out of the apartment she was renting for her, I cried tears of happiness. Now, more than a few years latter, I would be lying if I wrote that I ever was over her. I was merely attempting to bury my pain beneath feelings of revenge. Occasionally, I still try to find what happened with her. Not that I'm planning on trying to become part of her life, but rather that my heart is at unease not knowing her fate.

But at least I still have Rin².

>> No.1701067

Anon will get a real girl soon, don't lose heart!

>> No.1701075

dangit, I've never gotten that flag. What did you do to get it?

>> No.1701080


Wait, is Sister Princess the gay one or am I mixing it up with Princess Princess or Sister Sister or something? I know one of them is about crossdressing which I have no interest in. But if it's heterosexual and incestuous, I'm in.

>> No.1701089

>On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.

What were you saying?

>> No.1701092

I've always been borderline asexual and through all my years in school there were only two girls I that I thought were cute, and they looked much younger then they were. I never even thought to have a relationship with them; nowhere near loving them. It hasn't been but a year or two that I've admitted to myself my love of lolis.

>> No.1701098


Sister Princess: 12 Sisters who love you so much!

Princess Princess: All boys school needs feminine charms.

>> No.1701112


Oh, okay. Definitely going to watch that, then. Figured I was mixing it up.

>> No.1701120

>On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.

>> No.1701127

this thread needs MOAR Hinako

>> No.1701147
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>> No.1701158
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>> No.1701162
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>> No.1701173

I'd be more concerned with how easily she found my contact information.

>> No.1701181
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>On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.

>> No.1701246

I've only ever loved one girl in my life, but I still love her and you're damn right that I would go 3D for her. She's an exception though, I still find the rest of 3D girls unbearable.

>> No.1701270


She went by your parents' house?

>> No.1701279

But I live with my parents.

>> No.1701285

this threads makes me want to watch Sister Princess again and DAWWWWWWW at Hinako's cuteness all over again (I started watching it just for her)

>> No.1701294


See? Find You Easy!

>> No.1701334

What about the people who are gay? Who do they get?

>> No.1701343


Beatings from their profoundly disappointed fathers.

>> No.1701364

You may enjoy being e-cool for swearing off 3d, but when the guy you spent your last five years of public school in love with tells you he wants to help you get your life back together and, manly tears in his eyes, asks you to not shut him out of your life like you have everyone else, and you run back to your place so you can watch boku no pico and fap to Pico, it can get kinda disheartening when you realize that you're throwing away whatever glim chance you had of adopting children as a homosexual couple. On the other hand, you've still got Pico.

>> No.1701380

Even straight guys fap to Pico though. He's basically a loli with a dick, so he might actually be a turnoff for gays.

>> No.1701394

You keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1701401

>Even straight guys

>> No.1701414

How much social interaction does it take to fall in love

>> No.1701418

None. Actually following through, on the other hand...

>> No.1701423


Depends on who you ask. Love isn't quantifiable, yet.

>> No.1701425


Very little.

>> No.1701434

It doesn't take any interaction to fall in love, but you should probably be prepared for your inevitable failure when you talk to her since no one will ever love you.

>> No.1701443

Too bad I spent hours talking to her

>> No.1701446

Because, who could ever love a beast.

>> No.1701448

Oh you.

>> No.1701453


I'm fucked then. There hasn't been any musical numbers yet.

>> No.1701466

While it's probably true that I'll never see her again, kind of feels good to know that at least I'm not gay!

>> No.1701503


Image board it's an easy posting.
Everyday like the one before.
Image board full of little people, waking up to say.

[Man #1]

[Man #2]

[Woman #1]
Ohayou gozaimasu!

>> No.1701516

Will Hinako love me even if I'm a 350+ lb. disgusting blob of humanity?

>> No.1701523
File: 69 KB, 400x470, 1228209589693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinako will never judge you and has unconditional love for you.

>> No.1701527


Also, that would be the right choice OP.

>> No.1701548

you can say that, but if you were REALLY confronted with the prospect of starting a relationship with her, where she would force you to become a decent human being, where you would have to give up your vague 2d-influenced fantasies for the harsh truths of irl, would you really take that risk?

>> No.1701647

>Hinako will never judge you and has unconditional love for you.
And she will never betray you. She will always love you and will never grow old either.

>> No.1701682
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Hinako would even feed you if necessary. Well if you find this a bit too much you could be the one to feed her!

>> No.1701708

I think so. I already fucked up the chance once because I was a cowardly faggot, so I've learned my lesson and would never pass it up again.

And in truth she's already made me become a better human being. Before I used to be a jaded misanthrope like everyone else here, but now I'm a Shirou-level nice guy (i.e. too nice for my own good). Just being in love will do that to you. It's pretty fucked up.

>> No.1701710

you mean you don't want Hina anymore? What kind of sick person are you for rejecting cute Hina?

>> No.1701716

I still like 2D and loli, I promise. But I would choose this girl over Hinako. Please forgive me.

>> No.1701738

I wonder what it's like to be in love..

>> No.1701996

but what tells you this 3D girl wouldn't betray you later for a cuter guy than you? what tells you she hadn't actually lost to a game or her friends told her to go and try to lure you then make fun of you?
Hinako would never do that to you, because she's pure and love you very much.

>> No.1702045

2D girls never betray you because they never truly love you. It's worth taking the risk for real love. I say this because I didn't take the risk and I've regretted it every day for the last year and a half, and I'll continue to regret it for god knows how long. If you don't take any action you'll end up hurting more than if you get rejected. If and when you really fall in love, not just a passing attraction, you'll understand.

I think the reason people look down on 3D relationships is because they usually aren't established on real love, but rather a simple crush or a physical attraction. Such shallow romantic relationships are definitely disgusting. That's why if you ever have the chance for something more than that you have to take it, because the few good things in the 3D world are rare. I can't say if it'll ever match the romance in a visual novel or manga, but I think it if it's love it can. Either way it's much better than whatever relationship you could have with a 3D whore so it's worth risking for. Even if you hold an impossible ideal it's better to strive for that goal than to simply allow apathy to overtake every aspect of your life.

Sorry, it's 4:30 here and I always start thinking too much when I'm tired. Good night, /blog/.

>> No.1702051

>2D girls never betray you because they never truly love you.
that's what you think!

>> No.1702144
File: 74 KB, 488x650, 1228223273222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confessed to a girl, girl ended up running away. Confessed to another girl, girl ended up running away. Girl confessed to me, ugly as sin. Girl confessed to me, turned out to be psycho. Confessed to another girl, dated for 6 months, girl turned out to be psycho. Confessed to another girl, girl drank antifreeze the next day in an attempt at suicide.

3d sucks shit, will always have Hinako.

>> No.1702189
File: 117 KB, 747x561, 1228224555275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinako will always be there for her "Onii-tama".
Why would we want somebody else when we have Hinako?

>> No.1702201

>On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.
Only thing I care about.

>> No.1702298
File: 87 KB, 600x637, 1228226477432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How serendipitous that I just found a site with Sispri. It's mostly Aria but there's some Hinako too.


There's a lot in there so check all the links.

>> No.1702360
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>> No.1702367

>On the other hand, you've still got Haruka.
Hinako is cute and all, but delicious half-German weeaboo is delicious.

>> No.1702404
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>> No.1702512
File: 44 KB, 299x299, 1228230894388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. I've been going out with this girl (incidentally or not japanese) a few times in the last month. I mean at a restaurant, only us 2, etc., not going out to do the groceries or whatever. We also did homework together nearly every day, shared books and stuff... Then yesterday I ask her to go out together and she says she can't see me as anything but a friend and that she really didn't see it coming. Never mind the fact that most of our friends thought we were already a couple.

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. On the other hand I've still got Hinako alright, but I don't like loli ;_;

>> No.1702540

>On the other hand I've still got Hinako alright, but I don't like loli ;_;
Hahahahaha BAD END

>> No.1702555
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>but when the girl you spent your last five years of public school in love with tells you she wants to help you get your life back together, tears in her eyes, asks you to not shut her out of your life like you have everyone else

>> No.1702667

You got friendzoned. Seriously though i dont get it why girls love to do this shit.

>> No.1702678

why would you want to have a relationship with a disgusting 3D girl when you have Hinako?

>> No.1702695

What is the 3D girl is Hinako?

>> No.1702706
File: 224 KB, 650x907, 1228235096677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the goggle'd girl is superior
Mamoru was her name?

>> No.1702710

>you have Hinako
No, you don't.

>> No.1702714

It's childish and selfish behavior. The desire to hold something close even at the expense of another's feelings. Since they aren't taught to value that kind of thing, naturally they never grow out of it.

>> No.1702720

yes I do. I have her as a hugging pillow.

>> No.1702726

but if its the normal behavior, then the strange one is you

>> No.1702729

I get tons of girls irl B)

>> No.1702733


>> No.1702742

but they'll never the true love feeling that Hinako gives you. She's your sister and she loves you dairly.

>> No.1702759

>I get tons of girls irl B)


>> No.1702792

I'd rather be flat-out denied than be asked to maintain a friendship after having laid out a confession though. There are few and far people between that would stick around and genuinely help seek anothers happiness at their sake of their own.

>> No.1702822

>I'm a Shirou-level nice guy
Dude, she's going to leave you and you're going to be crying back to /jp/ "FUCK, /jp/ I KNEW I NEVER SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED HER, ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES. FUCK LIFE, I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF NOW. FUCK I HATE 3D SO MUCH!" and then I'll go "Hey, isn't this that faggot that said he'd choose this girl over Hinako?" and then everyone will think you deserved it.

PROTIP: Girls say they want a nice guy but if you don't constantly pressure them into sex or act like a complete asshole they'll leave you for some dumb nigger who cheats on them and rapes them because you're not "man enough".
Although the girl kind of sounds like Misaki which has its appeal, but she's probably only like Misaki in the "helping you out" way and not the "Severe depression" way.

>> No.1702844

You'll get over it and get back to your usual misanthropic self soon enough.

>> No.1702861

QFT. Hinako wouldn't deceive you like this at least because she's always wanted to see you

>> No.1702868


This post actually made me angry, people like this don't deserve a full life. Good thing he didn't get it.

>> No.1702873

Sanity is statistical. We are at war with East-Asia. We have always been at war with East-Asia.
Friend-zoning is actually for girls too scared of hurting others feelings. They need to make up excuses and make it sound like there's a positive reason, when there's never really anything positive about unreciprocatedlove. In other words, sugarcoating.

>> No.1702879

>Sanity is statistical.
Aw, but that was what I meant with my post. You are "crazy" if you act differently than the accepted.
Oh, nevermind.

>> No.1702885

>Sanity is statistical.
Aw, but that was what I meant with my post. You are "crazy" if you act differently than the accepted.
The real question is, how do you know you aren't?

>> No.1702899

/jp/, meet alcohol. Alcohol, meet /jp/. I think you'll get along wonderfully.

>> No.1702911

ITT-university bums trying to appear philosophical about life, love and loli. The stuff legends are made of

>> No.1702915

A shame I can't stand the taste of most alcohol. I could really use it.

>> No.1702920


You get used to it.

>> No.1702922

can't drink, on meds, etc

>> No.1702924

It's a bit of an acquired taste. You should drink more often; it helps.

>> No.1702928

Why can't people read more books so they can understand my references?

Okay, I'll explain. It's from 1984, where the main character knows that the government is lying to the people and covering up many things, but because of it's illegal to think that, he cannot discuss it with anyone else. He eventually starts questioning himself, since everyone else acts like the government is telling the truth, how can he know that he's not the crazy one?

Didn't try to make a point or anything, just a reference.

>> No.1702929

The hell? Some of you haven't read 1984? Haven't any of you ever taken a basic philosophy course?

>> No.1702934

damn, its been so long since I read that.
I did catch the "We were always at war with East-Asia", but I was slow on seeing how it was related to the previous sentence, lol.

>> No.1702931

We're just like the Ancient-Greeks, just with loli instead of shota.

>> No.1702940

You little punk, thinking your so intelligent and deep for spouting this shit. Live another 20 years or so then try to talk-fucking hell

>> No.1702942

Listen up fuffies.

Listen the fuck up.

To kick shit into a start I'm 22 years old, don't have an education to even start myself in the "career"-field, I love 2D and everything about it, visit "the real world" about three times a week unless I have an injury worthy of a doctors view, don't have any family to fall back upon, don't have any friends in the interenet, nor in this thing you call "life", I'm afraid of people no matter where I go, and generally I hate every single 3D-person to death, sex aside.

I haven't watched Sister Princess, but apparently it would be more than perfect for a failure such as myself.

Thank you and good bye

>> No.1702944
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>> No.1702945
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Both have their own charm.

>> No.1702976

>I hate every single 3D-person to death, sex aside.
>sex aside

>> No.1702992

He hates both genders equally.

>> No.1703023
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Now tell them others how fucking delicously death worthy they are. FUCK YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR DOG, DAWG. PLEASE GET OUT OF MY /jp/

>> No.1703149

Hinako is the only way for us to live a good and healthy life. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE DISGUSTING 3D WOMEN. EVER.

>> No.1703290

>On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.
that's more than enough for me

>> No.1703303
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My favorite sister is and shall always be Karen though it has more to do with incestuous desires to impregnate her. My favorite just to be an imouto or daughter would be Aria. She's just too simple, sweet, and pure.

Though I'd also love Kaho, Shiroiyuki, Rinrin, Chikage, Haruka, and goddamn it, just gimme em all

>> No.1703363

I say that before realizing what she was doing with her dress there.

>> No.1703390
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>> No.1703455

The girl I loved died. She had a heart fail

>> No.1703479

It's hard for her to leave me when we're not even in a relationship and probably never will be. Yes I realize that girls don't want nice guys, I've known it for quite awhile. But I'd rather be a nice guy and get rejected than be some wannabe alph-male asshole just so I can get some pussy.

Even then not all women are that way. Maybe the vast majority are, but there are still some with standards. Just like how not all guys want some dumb slut with big tits. For example my sister hates alpha-male types, and her boyfriend throughout high school was a nicer, meeker guy than even I am. So women who aren't complete whores may be rare, but it's not like they don't exist at all. Like usual /jp/ just likes to think in extremes and overgeneralizations.

>> No.1703481


a what

>> No.1703482

lol fail

>> No.1703497

It's been over a year and a half now.

>> No.1703518

I'm going to continue my weeaboo ways until I've finished college and start earning a lot of money.

When one of those 3D sluts decides that she wants to settle down with a "nice boy" (with the money that comes with it), I'll be waiting there with open arms, rope and ballgag in hand.

>> No.1703643

/jp/ - Relationship9000

Does this thread have anything to do with Japan?

>> No.1704063

But in the end, I love big brother.
Aside from that, I'd want a girl to confess to me just to reject her.
That's one of my dreams, disregard the fact I haven't been friends with a woman in ten years.
I still have Akiha.

>> No.1704108

>chance you had of ever having children

What a bizarre desire, especially for a high schooler.

>> No.1704184
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>tells you she wants to help you get your life back together
>help you
>tears in her eyes, asks you to not shut her out of your life like you have everyone else
>asks you to not shut her out
>not shut her out

>> No.1704205

I've had to do that, it sucks ass.

>> No.1704300


>> No.1704560

hinako does

>> No.1704573

2D wives are /jp/ related.
