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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 1280x800, kona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1688533 No.1688533 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ make of this?

>> No.1688548


>> No.1688552

Wow thought it was blue text from the thumb.

>> No.1688555

Does anybody remember the episode number this was from? I'm in the mood to watch it.

>> No.1688561

Lucky Star is a horrible piece of pandering garbage and you should feel bad for paying it an iota of attention.

>> No.1688559

It goes the other way too.

>> No.1688562

That's because they're not as wonderful as you, Konata ;_;

>> No.1688571

Lucky Star? I quite enjoyed watching it. Every now and then, I watch a couple of episodes to wind down.

For the text, I don't really care about it. There's more to a relationship than just sharing hobbies.

>> No.1688574

It's true.

But it's because women have more of a choice.

>> No.1688584

Yeah, well will see how they feel when they're pushing thirty and start getting desperate for something they can keep long term and have a family with before it's too late.

>> No.1688588

I make a report of it for /a/ on /jp/.

>> No.1688585

Yeah, I would love to go out with an obese batshit insane women.

>> No.1688586

I was just about to ask /jp/ something similar. I'm not bad looking, acceptable social skills, I'm learning Japanese pretty well, and after finishing my degree I plan to move (permanently) to Japan to get a nice job programming computers (or something similar). Would it be hard for me to marry an otaku girl? Are they rare? Are some of them like Kona-chan?

>> No.1688594

What, you're going to let them use you as a last resort?

Fuck that.

>> No.1688591

It's true, but only because otakus seldom go out at all.

>> No.1688598

Try to imagine a being with the same proportions as Konata in real life.

>> No.1688603

Anonymous plans for the long game

>> No.1688605

Duty calls me to this thread.

>> No.1688612

Already did earlier today and masturbated.

>> No.1688618

I came

>> No.1688620

Desperate women fuck like a cornered tiger. A middle aged one.

>> No.1688626

You should pay a visit in the imouto-thread too. Them bitches need some whipping

>> No.1688622

Somebody answer me!

>> No.1688631

Anonymous is pretty fucking stupid if he'd let a woman use him like that.

Let them wither and die alone, let them see how it feels for a change.

>> No.1688633

A girl otaku dating a guy otaku? Imagine the smell coning off the guy. Eww.

>> No.1688632

You wouldn't want an annoying obese neckbearded woman.

Likewise a girl wouldn't want an annoying obese neckbearded guy.

>> No.1688639

We don't fucking know, shit.

>> No.1688649

I, for one, would love to meet a neckbearded woman.

>> No.1688642

If you seriously think Japan is just like anime then you are in for a big shock.

>> No.1688644

When women are middle-aged (past 30), they see all the men around them going for younger women, or at least women that look younger. They realize that the older they get, the harder it's going to be to find someone to marry, so they become desperate and their standards fall like the American economy. Thus, even otaku can procreate.

>> No.1688651
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>> No.1688654

Link it.

Agreed. They made their bed, they can sleep in it.

Let's see if they are as mentally tough as we are.

>> No.1688658

Hey, I bathe! >_<

>> No.1688663

If I could be found by a /jp/-level girl, who is cute and pure, damn I think I'd be a bit happier.
a) she doesn't exist;
b) (I think) I actually like being alone.
However, something doesn't let me have no hope at all - even though I DO know it's zero percent, something tells me that there's at least a 0.01% chance of ever finding this girl. ;_;

>> No.1688666
File: 422 KB, 1250x1425, 1228022334827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often?

>> No.1688682


For your information I am skinny as fuck and shave everyday.

>> No.1688685

Good for you Jones. Next step is shut the fuck up and get lost from my god damned internet. Fuck.

>> No.1688689

Every morning? I also shave every other day or so and wear deodorant, if it makes any difference

>> No.1688690

I remember a really old /jp/ ronery thread which had some potential femanons. They're probably still lurking around somewhere.

>> No.1688707

How about "opposites attract"?

Find someone so not what you can handle at all but at the same time it some how works.

That does not even make sense but if it can turn out like that it would work.

>> No.1688717


No. Stop.

>> No.1688743

I remember that 2ch translated ronery thread one with the femanons and midway through it all turned out they had boyfriends.

That's when the whole 'women cant be ronery' thing first occurred to me. It was like a spark in the back of my mind, I thought 'why do these women, who schlick to doujinshi, who watch anime series by the boatload, who spend hours on 4chan.... manage to always have boyfriends?'

And thus my theory was born.

>> No.1688747

>How about "opposites attract"?

Research into relationships has indicated that there is a strong link between common attributes and likes of lovers and the length of a relationship. Basically, if you want a long relationship with someone, try to find somebody who is exceptionally similar to yourself.

tl;dr That's bullshit.

>> No.1688748

Ends in tears.

>> No.1688758


so they date jocks basically?

>> No.1688777
File: 76 KB, 560x409, 1228023409608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if she's a cheerful girl who's willing to make me want to do something in life. Picture related ;_;

>> No.1688788

We could all be so lucky as to have Minorin as our friend.

>> No.1688801

knew a few girls like that in high school but never had the guts to tell them my feelings... ;_;

>> No.1688816

Imagine the smell coming off the girl. Eww.
But kind of a turn-on.

>> No.1688848

girl scent is the best and even more so when it's her bed

>> No.1688864

Even if you had, they would have just told you 'Ewww' and walked away laughing. Better that you didn't.

>> No.1688944


i shaved daily back in high school. now it's just bathing daily.

>> No.1688948

Just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't be ronery! You don't know what it's like on days when he forgets to call me!

>> No.1688986


4/10. Made me rage a little.

>> No.1688993

You ungrateful bitch. Just be happy you're lucky enough to have someone to call you.

>> No.1688996


Jesus Christ. WHAT.

>> No.1689006

Ha ha.


>> No.1689002

oh u

>> No.1689005
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Well Done.

>> No.1689021

Nobody remembers the episode this is from?

>> No.1689032

Female otaku tend to be less disgusting than their male counterparts.
No matter how pathetic she may consider herself to be, going for a man who is just as if not more interested in the same things she is will always be settling.

>> No.1689045


>Female otaku tend to be less disgusting than their male counterparts.

Strongly disagree.

>> No.1689049

Are you ronery? You do have me, you know.

>> No.1689058


disagree 乙

>> No.1689062


Keep your gaia dating/relationship threads on /r9k/. How the hell is this topic /jp/ related, dipshit?

Also, another sage for posting lucky shit. Keep your g/a/rbage on /a/. That show is beyond boring and evil.

>> No.1689077

You were one of those people? If so, no offence meant.

>> No.1689069

Female otaku are fucking disgusting pigs. I know, I have to life with one that is related to me.

>> No.1689071

I don't see why anyone on /jp/ complains about ronriness. We ALL know what we are getting out of life by choosing to spend our freetime fapping to lolis, vns, touhous and figures.

>> No.1689085

Ronery only exists because 2D isn't real.

That will all change with virtual reality.

>> No.1689080

Ronry only exists because 2D isn't real.

That will all change with virtual reality.

>> No.1689093

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.


>> No.1689097

>>1689069 Female otaku are fucking disgusting pigs. I know, I have to life with one that is related to me.
They gave you life? Holy shit, what're you in for?

>> No.1689103
File: 59 KB, 600x532, 1228026485161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The men on /jp/ are hypocrites. They complain about being ronery and never finding a girl to date them. Yet they say they only care about fapping to 2D loli.

>> No.1689104


I don't think those of us who are here solely by conscious choice are the ones that complain about being ronery. I know I love my life and that's why I chose it.

>> No.1689111

I knew I was going to have to contend with a moron trying to be funny by noticing a misspelling.

>> No.1689110

I think I see where you're going, but that's not a very good direction for this thread not that this thread is good or anything.

>> No.1689113

Of course every guy here is a hypocrite.

"I'm lonely"
"All girls are whores"
"Why can't I find someone"
"2D only"

Anyone else having tea and watermelon alone and enjoying it or what.

>> No.1689114

When we talk about a girl to date, we mean a real-life 2D little sister.

>> No.1689118

But not every guy is the same here. We are diverse!

>> No.1689119

>The men on /jp/ are hypocrites.

Yourself included? Or were you speaking extraneously?

>> No.1689123


But I'm only

>"All girls are whores"


>"2D only"

Anonymous is not one single interconnected entity. Not everything said by a given one of us applies to all of us. Why do people fail to understand this?

>> No.1689127

You spelt your name wrong.

It should be kleines gehirn.

>> No.1689128

That's the downside to being anonymous; people assume that you come from the same position as every other anonymous poster.

>> No.1689129
File: 59 KB, 600x748, 1228026889362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ronery. I can't be ronery according to Athens.

>> No.1689131
File: 55 KB, 588x396, 1228026910551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to the anime convention and see plenty of banging hotties running around. Though admittedly, they're probably all young highschool girls...
I mean, with Cartoon Network and crap giving birth to a whole new breed of anime fan, there's a change in the cultural dynamic... it's kind of cool to like anime in some ways, and it's reaching out to a larger audience.
So there's hope.
But also in some ways, I really resent these kids for jumping on the bandwagon but basically neglecting we elder statesmen of the fandom. These girls OWE it to us for carrying the torch and wearing the badge of nerdiness for so many years before them.

>> No.1689130

Well for the sake of /jp/ and "all girls are sluts" etc it stands.

Watermelon and tea and Chopin and snow, what more does one need?

>> No.1689134

talk about irony

>> No.1689138

Well, no offence meant regardless.

I've just polished off a whole bottle of white wine tonight so my thoughts are neither here nor there.

We dont state all girls are whores.

We just disagree with what constitutes a whore. More than 4 men. Etc.

>> No.1689139

Don't feed the troll.

>> No.1689142

>>I really resent these kids for jumping on the bandwagon but basically neglecting we elder statesmen of the fandom. These girls OWE it to us for carrying the torch and wearing the badge of nerdiness for so many years before them.

>> No.1689145

If you're on 4chan, you are a fat white male living out of your mom's basement; no exceptions.

>> No.1689150

You're also a man according to acchan.

>> No.1689153

/jp/ demands boyfriend free.

Also Jones calling someone a troll, hohohoo.

>> No.1689156


I don't understand why you think that's ironic, but you're probably misusing the word anyway.

>> No.1689158

But I'm an skinny Asian male living in my university dormitory... ;_;

>> No.1689163

Yeh, I guess that's part of what is true. It's like somebody stated on /v/. About the reason for antpathy against girl gamers.

He stated that after all these years of being considered losers and so on, suddenly they want to join our ranks. And it's irksome I agree. But I think the whole geek chic thng will wear off.

WoW has a lot of responsibility for it. I think so anyway.

>> No.1689166

I'm a AMS Lab Technician in training, I'm fit and I'm not 100% white, so there!

>> No.1689167

I don't expect my girlfriend to care how many I have had, so similarly I can't expect to care how many she has had.
A relationship is an entity unto itself, more than just who has been with who and how many times. Part of that is that sex can just be sex depending on circumstances. To top it all off, prior relationships are also a part of life (though I can understand being wary of a woman who has had 5+ longterm relationships end terribly).

People can be shitty people but it's not necessarily dependent on how many times they've gotten laid.

>> No.1689170

>And thus my theory was born.

I'm tending to believe this theory now. I mean, not by 4chan, but my witnessing myself.

This chick I know, self-proclaim "otaku," was all hardcore about anime and videogames. There's nothing bad about her, she's nice, cute, and not the "LOL SO RANDUM" type. But, like all cute girls, especially these girls, "otakus," she was fucking taken. By the swarms of douchbags who would love to have a "otaku" girlfriend. (I'm just bitter)

Actually, the only "otaku" girl I know is single, is fat and is the "LOL RANDUM" type.

>> No.1689184

I'm just describing the Anonymous stereotypical demographic. The same thing applies with femanons; if you're on 4chan, you have a penis, no exceptions.

>> No.1689186

I'm really unsure as to how people can rationalize the belief that promiscuity isn't an indicator of someone's self-control or character in general. I mean, I've heard this argument a thousand tmes, but it's pure bullshit in my opinion. You can construct tailored hypotheticals all you want, but I don't think it means anything. Because you are stating something that goes against very discernible general trends (people who sleep around lack self control namely).

>> No.1689193

in ur /jp/, playin' ur meltan

>> No.1689190

Ugh. I'm not particularly fond of girl gamers either. For some reason, every time they introduce themselves, they always use some variant of "I'm a girl gamer! Yeah, they really do exist! I'm a girl and I play games." Surely they have some better quality than just having female genitalia.

>> No.1689192

Hah, people are such losers in general, being so obsessed and dependent on fucking around.

Emotions of the sort are for the weak-willed people, just a way of controlling the flock of cattle for the well-born leaders.

Mind over matter is as knowledge, a source of power to those who can use it.

>> No.1689195

He knows I'm a girl.

>> No.1689211

Though in spite of my resentment, my eyes will turn into big poofy hearts if a girl notices and comments positively on my lil' anime-related pins on my satchel...
In a world that is so cold and unforgiving to we brave folk, the sudden glimmer of acceptance, or even better, the mutual interest in the hobby from the opposite sex, and my defenses go down immediately.
Who has the bad MS paint drawing of the otaku guy turning down the girl because she's into crappy Naruto and Inuyasha... ?

>> No.1689212

What does /jp/ make of this?


>> No.1689214

Why is ronery the state of never having had a relationship?
Why is it less meaningful to actually know what you're missing firsthand?

>> No.1689217

My stereotype of Anonymous is pretty basic:
-Uses the computer too much.
-Not loud and obnoxious (wishful thinking...).

>> No.1689220

I just don't hold things against people very often.
I'm not tailoring hypothetical scenarios, I'm just generalizing my mindset and applying it to this topic.
While I see the logic in your promiscuity argument, I also don't think that having had sex with 5 people is particularly promiscuous. Maybe if you're 21 or some such, but as age increases, so does the likelihood that the remaining singles out there have been around a few times.

>> No.1689222

I don't trust others enough.

>> No.1689234

Because in a purely utilitarian sense you have experienced something others haven't. That's a one up to put it simply. You can't really pretend you know true ronery otherwise.

>> No.1689229

>>1689186 (people who sleep around lack self control namely)
[Citation Needed], do not reference common sense.

>> No.1689230

Awesome. Seung Park awesome.

>> No.1689244

Then this amplifies the feeling when you have no one you dolt. Stop pretending you know everything about women and relationships.

>> No.1689247

Ah, she looks like a fun person. A person that has the Pokemon theme playing as they enter the room can't be bad. I would love to frolic amongst her sea of pikachu plushies, but she'd probably kill me. Reminds me of that Sakura room.

>> No.1689249

I think there's actually a distinction between "ronery" and "lonely" here.

Lonely= "Oh god I miss ____" (everyone else)
Ronery= "Oh god I have no one" (/jp/)

>> No.1689251

Also what >>1689229 said. It could just mean they didn't have any longterm prospects for a while and wanted to have some fun in the mean time. Now that is a hypothetical, and in that situation you can feel free to fault them for that, but you can't expect everyone to agree with you and fault them for that.

>> No.1689267


What a dumb cunt. I love the games and all, but anyone with that many stupid Pikachu plushes has something pathological.

>> No.1689265

Well I have a one strike rule as far as one night stands go.

You obviously hold different standards. Also I find the idea that relationships are an 'entity unto themselves' absurd. Patently absurd. If you go into a relationship based on nothing then you are basing it on shifting sands.

Stupid bullshit basically.

Going out to get some juice and cigarettes from the shops, be right back to answer your 'progressive' reply.

>> No.1689270

It doesn't matter really, since you can be "ronery" in your definition after having someone. Just because you've been in one relationship doesn't really mean you'll miss that one person from then on. You can still feel like you have -no one-

>> No.1689277


>> No.1689278

It's enough of a difference here.

>> No.1689288

Ok, fine, you gals are more ronery because you haven't had a guy for a few months.

Fair enough?

It's untrue. You could go and get someone tomorrow if you wanted. You have the memories. That is the key point, the experience, the memories.

To not pretend there is a big difference is absurd. Absurd!

>> No.1689290

Who is talking about one night stands? What if you're in a relationship and the person moves away and you have nothing for years and years?

"Oh you actually touched a human being before, guess you're out of the ronery crub"

I'm just saying people can feel anything. Just because you've done x doesn't exclude you from feeling y.

>> No.1689294

By the way, that wasn't necessarily meant to be filled in with a person's name.
I was really thinking of "not being alone" in general.

>> No.1689295

I think it should be more like this:
>Lonely= "Oh god I hate being alone" (everyone else)
>Ronery= "Oh god I'm going to die alone" (/jp/)

>> No.1689296

>Going out to get some juice and cigarettes from the shops, be right back to answer your 'progressive' reply.
You assume more animosity than I truly have. When you said:
>You obviously hold different standards.
I'm pretty much done discussing. I'm content with agreeing to disagree. We're both living how we want to live, so why argue about it?

>> No.1689299

Lord Tennyson would say it is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. I pretty much have to take his word on that one, but it's hard to argue with a poet laureate.

>> No.1689313

This is very much the case.

>> No.1689314

He's wrong, it hurts more if you know what you're missing

also reported, for all the good that does

>> No.1689306

Memories years after the fact (months after, even) are nothing. I can make the claim you can't feel TRUE LONELINESS because you have dreams about being with someone.

>> No.1689312

because you're a faggot.

>> No.1689316


>Just because you've done x doesn't exclude you from feeling y.

It does. I certainly think in at least some cases it's worse to have loved and lost, but if you've ever had sex, if you've ever had someone, you can never understand what it means to be truly and utterly alone. Not in the way of someone who's never had and never will have anyone. It doesn't mean you can't be miserable too, but there's a world of difference.

(I had a girlfriend when I was like 8 so even if I felt lonely I can't join the ronery club.)

>> No.1689318

Girls are fags

>> No.1689320

Yeah can't argue with them. Best you can do is call a poet a fag and probably be right.

>> No.1689327

Lady, just get out.

>> No.1689333

Retarded and so very wrong. It's frustrating to think you can't ever feel something again because you've had a relationship with someone. The problem is some of you are more vocal and can't think for yourself so you need to initiate discussion on a bi-daily basis to try to prove your point.

As if someone who is lonely would go on complaining about it to every person every day, jesus.

>> No.1689338

You're beginning to annoy me. I want to go out and get some shit from the shops.

Who cares what you think anyway? You probably have screwed around with countless men, who are we to believe you?

Also >>1689316

>> No.1689340

Just curious, but why is there even interest in the ronery club? I'm pretty sure that there are no benefits in such a membership.

>> No.1689350

You get to tell everyone how lonely you are.

All the time.

>> No.1689352

It's a pissing contest.

>> No.1689355

Exactly. >>1689333 why do you want to join us? We're basically just losers who have never had sex or a relationship. It's like you want to be part of this informal grouping for the sake of it....

And there is no comparison. Ask yourself this:

You can envisage human intimacy, from experience, from memory, to be hugged, cuddled with and wanted by someone. Picture what it's like to not even be able to imagine that from experience or memory.

>> No.1689356

But that's lonely. I'm asking why certain people are disturbed because they can't use "I'm ronery".

>> No.1689361
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>> No.1689362

That's a naive response. People that are ronery don't go around expressing their roneriness to others unless provoked whereas a lonely person (everyone that's not a 4channer) actually goes around annoying people on how lonely they are and how they're going to kill themselves because of it. Ever notice that all the teen suicides are those in the latter group?

>> No.1689365


Nobody (except maybe athens) said you can't feel lonely. I think anyone can feel lonely. But you're deluding yourself if you think you can be AS lonely as someone who is utterly alone on a level you can't even comprehend. Leave the whole "my pain is worse than your pain" bullshit to the emos and accept that there is a difference rather than bickering over who hurts more, since no one can prove it either way.


Apparently the card proves you have a penis and prevents athens from annoying the shit out of you. I want membership so he'll stop calling me a woman. It's hurtful.

>> No.1689367

Beat me to it.

>> No.1689373


>> No.1689380
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1228029660750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can report trolls, you know. It's in the site wide rules.

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls

>> No.1689385

>I want membership so he'll stop calling me a woman. It's hurtful.
But that's one of athens's charm points! I can't help but chuckle every time he calls me or someone else a woman. It's quite therapeutic.

>> No.1689381

Now can the ants eat athens?

>> No.1689382


It's like being in NAACP. You get to bitch about your circumstances and how you can't succeed and get people to feel sorry for you.

>> No.1689383


why did I laugh

>> No.1689388

>thebes was here athens is a lo(...)
The suspense!

>> No.1689392

I don't do that anymore except when it's obvious.

For example, >>1689333 is a woman. I'm sure of it.

In fact, I'd put money on it.

>> No.1689400

That's because you want to be a woman so you won't be ronery anymore, you faggot.

>> No.1689401

He never calls me a woman, not even when I post anonymously and say he has a tiny penis. :-(

>> No.1689403
File: 30 KB, 250x310, 1228029960329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1689404

>What does /jp/ make of this?
>141 posts and 7 image replies omitted.
/jp/ makes a ronery thread of this

>> No.1689405

lol idiot

>> No.1689406

Poor baby.

>> No.1689408


>charm points

I want to bludgeon you to death with a wrench right now.

>> No.1689409

That hurts.

>> No.1689411

Also, >>1689333

I reallly _want_ to think you are ronery. That you're not just making this shit up, that we do have kindred spirits among us. But it's true that women generally find it easier and that you could have a boyfriend tomorrow if you wanted it, generaly speaking at least.

Also, I hate to get back to this point, but you've experienced those things.

Think about that for a minute. Let it soak in, would you erase the memory of all your relationships and one nighters if possible?

>> No.1689413

idiot cant read words pic lol

>> No.1689420

It's like I'm missing out on the whole athens experience, man.

>> No.1689431


>would you erase the memory of all your relationships and one nighters if possible?

Hey, I saw that movie, man. I just want to erase the part with the bird and the hammer, okay? That was fucked up.

>> No.1689435
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1228030576813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1689439

I had sex once with a girl I met online, and I'd erase the memory of it if I could. It's the only thing holding me back from abandoning 3D altogether. Sex was enjoyable, but not nearly as good as the hype. And back then 4chan didn't exist, so I had no assistance in resisting the "male virgin = shameful" peer pressure.

I still have chatlogs and pictures of her, and even though I know I should delete them I can't bring myself to do so. This is true weakness, and it disgusts me.

>> No.1689441

Just got some hot wassle. Nice on a cold night.
To conclude my participation in this failtrain of a thread:
Life is about experiences, athens. Go out and get some.

>> No.1689444

Seriously, is any one of you here ever truly alone?

>> No.1689447

> We're basically just losers who have never had sex or a relationship.
> You can envisage human intimacy, from experience, from memory, to be hugged, cuddled with and wanted by someone.
But both of these apply to me. Can I be ronery?

>> No.1689448

Stoned Anonymous was here

Fagging up a thread that athens was in

Supporting my waifu's question >>1688533

>> No.1689458

Also, before anyone asks, I didn't start smoking weed until after my last ex dumped me. It's all I can do to cope with the pain. It makes my transition into 2D easier.

>> No.1689460

Konata would never go for a dumb pothead like you.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.1689463

Fucking hell, would you faggots quit the pissing contest already? Nothing funny can come out of it anymore, nada.

PS. Bitches dont know bout my ronery. AKA no family, no friends offline or online and last but not least no ties to anywhere IRL. HOW ABOUT MY MEDAL BITCH?

>> No.1689466


I'm at the sweet spot, any more alone and I'd have to fend for myself and thus die in a gutter. Less would make me kill myself and more would be untenable. This is just right.

>> No.1689472

I hope I die in my sleep, night /jp/!

>> No.1689473


Fuck you. I spent the day alone in my room with only my cat as company. I got so lonely at one point that I just held my cat as I laid down on my bed for 3 hours.

>> No.1689477


My cats don't let me hold them. ;_;

>> No.1689478


She's got pretty much my exact personality though
We're a perfect match ~nya :3

>> No.1689485

I live alone without a cat + no friends whatsoever, I am many times more ronery than you, you should be thankful for what you have.

>> No.1689496

You must've watched Lucky Star high, 'cause Konata is no stoner slut.

>> No.1689488

But it's possible to be in the "nobody" boat even if you've had a relationship before. That doesn't mean you must miss someone in particular after you've been with them, one can still have no one to be with even if one has a history.
But someone who is "lonely" can still die alone...
>you have experienced something others haven't
But that's the point-- you have utterly no concept of what you're missing. Without that, how can you say your desire is stronger?

>> No.1689493

Hey buddy..... A CAT IS FINE TOO. Atleast you got yourself a kawaii neko to fondle.

>> No.1689502

/jp/ - elitist even in our isolation.

>> No.1689500

But that means the girl was a slut.

Not at the expense of my principles, but otherwise, fine, yeh.

>> No.1689501

>>1689411 Let it soak in, would you erase the memory of all your relationships and one nighters if possible?
Oh dear god, you really DON'T have any experience with relationships if you don't understand how many people wish that that were possible. I'm a complete virgin that hasn't had a "girlfriend" since preschool (and at that age is it's just being "friends without benefits"), and even I know that much.

>> No.1689507

Does anyone else find women hassle?

I mean, in the sense you have to remember so much while around them.

'Oh, remember to do such and such, women like that". 'Oh, dont do such and such, it's slightly off puttng', 'oh, remember to strike up such and such a pose, women like it'.


Why do women do these things?

>> No.1689515

God you guys are so fucking pathetic... You don't want to be ronery then go make some fucking friends.

I am 26 years old, I live alone, never had a friend, never had a girlfriend, still a virgin. But guess what? I never felt ronery ever in my life. Do I have trouble talking to strangers? nope. TO be truly honest I am actually happier being alone than with other people.

>> No.1689513

After reading this thread, I've come to the conclusion that either roneriness doesn't come about from lack of human contact, or nobody here is ronery.

>> No.1689514

What do you mean by truly alone?

>> No.1689518

You mean that this whole thread is a dramatic interpretation of pre-Perry Japan? Fuck guys I think we're on topic! Abandon thread, abandon thread!

>> No.1689520


Are you autistic or something? I'm no normalfag but I never had any problems like that. And now I have no problems at all because I live in self-imposed isolation and would never go near a woman that isn't blood-related.

>> No.1689521

Answer my question.

If it's so much worse for you, to have had many boyfriends and lovers. Then would you erase the memory of them if you could?

>> No.1689522

Shut up you.
Shut up.

Yer a faggot.

>> No.1689523

>But someone who is "lonely" can still die alone...
Death is not the issue. It's all about the mindset and what they go through life thinking. Surely you don't call a murdered ten year olds "ronery".

>> No.1689524

This thread is godawful.

Why the fuck do you even want human contact?

>> No.1689532

Men have similar requirements, but yeah, it's a fucking hassle.

>> No.1689541


>Surely you don't call a murdered ten year olds "ronery".

I call them Dylan and Steven. Tyler was starting to stink so he's not invited to the nightly puppet shows anymore.

>> No.1689542

You must know what I mean regardless, the way women are always like 'oh, we like such and such' and it's always really incidental shit. You feel like you have to be on guard constantly around them.

It's like they want to live a lie with another person who is also living a lie.

>> No.1689543

Odd. In my family, it's my father that keeps getting pissed off at my mother for forgetting to do things, not the other way around.

>> No.1689544

Well, to be fair, that can be said about anyone.

>> No.1689535


I did watch it high, but that doesn't mean she is a stoner slut. She's an otaku/gamer/slacker with wit and intelligence, like myself. Our only differences are that she has a vagina and I smoke pot. Also, she's in high school and I'm in college, but since we're almost the same height, it's win.

>> No.1689545


also, autosage

>> No.1689547

But experience doesn't necessarily change that mindset, is what i'm getting at.

>> No.1689553

But.. But.. That makes you a PEDOPHILE!

>> No.1689557


>> No.1689559

Why do you wish to avoid it?

>> No.1689570

Well if you clearly crave what you once had then it obviously DOES my dear.

>> No.1689579

As opposed to craving something you never experienced? The desire remains the same, unchanged.

>> No.1689585

>That doesn't mean you must miss someone in particular after you've been with them, one can still have no one to be with even if one has a history.

Also, what you are alluding to here is basically being a slut.

>> No.1689590

They're general themes describing the two "circles" and like everything in general life, there is a degree of overlap. Nothing is black and white (except black and white). However, for the sake of argument, we talk about everything except for the overlap because to be honest, it'd be boring if everyone went "we are one people".

>> No.1689593

Bullshit, read my next post, you clearly don't know ronery if you've been sleeping around.

>> No.1689605

>As opposed to craving something you never experienced?


That's a far, far worse situation to be in, think about it for a minute.

>> No.1689609

athens, were you raped by a slut as a child? is your mom a slut? sister? other relative?

just curious about the fixation on sluts.

>> No.1689619


But, but, the two circles move away from each other and eventually surpass the speed of light and that's why we'll never get to Gensokyo.

>> No.1689622

Anything short of marriage ending in a lovers suicide falls under the slut category for you, Athens.

>> No.1689628

I hate sluts, they are the most superifical, most stupid, most odious girls generally speaking. I cannot stand them. What's worse is when a slut pretends she is ronery.

>> No.1689640

Aw, I was hoping for some drama. CARRY ON.

>> No.1689642

No my good female chum.

You stated:

>That doesn't mean you must miss someone in particular after you've been with them, one can still have no one to be with even if one has a history.

>someone inparticular
>after you've been with them

This is an allusion to sex with multiple guys on a casual level.

>even if one has a history.

Admission you have a history.

No offence, I'm just proving my claims aren't groundless.

>> No.1689648

Not really, since all isolation is self-imposed. Effectively, it's an internal contradiction; we want it, but at the same time, we want it under highly specific (and likely impossible) circumstances, so we keep ourselves from it.

>> No.1689671

This. There was a monologue in Kagetsu Tohya about this too, if I recall rightly.

>> No.1689677

Everything is an allusion to sex with multiple guys to you, Athens.

I DO have a short history, but I'm the only male in it. I'll spare you a picture of my ugly mug though, since you'll just call it fake or some such.

>> No.1689686

Butthurt much?

>> No.1689696


/b/ much?

>> No.1689703

I'm not sure I agree with you here. I think you are a girl.

Anyway, I think women were more loyal 100 years ago. Adultery should be illegal.

>> No.1689707

Sup slut, it appears you are the butthurt one here. Go and suck a cock.

>> No.1689713

Take it easy.

>> No.1689714


>Anyway, I think women were more loyal 100 years ago.

I don't. Women behaved better in the past because of everything that was in place to encourage and enforce such decorum. But loyalty? Loyalty is felt by men and dogs, women are incapable of it. No matter how far back you go the moral and intellectual character of women was always sorely lacking. Fucking Messalina.
