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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 19 KB, 400x363, gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1680829 No.1680829 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe you fucking morons waste your life here. Listen, this is your LIFE. You need to be living with real human beings. You need to go find a girlfriend and spend time with her. You need to find happiness. Happiness is not in your online games or crappy manga books, it is in other people.

Do you really want to be 40 years old and look back to your 18-25 years and realize you pissed them away in fits of loneliness playing RPGs and crying yourself to sleep? I know most, if not all of you, had no real childhood or highschool experiences because you were too busy being antisocial losers. Change that, now. How much greater would your life be now had you worked up the courage to talk to that one girl and go to the prom with her? Wouldn't high school have been amazing if you actually went out with friends on the weekend and saw movies? This is why you people love anime so much, because it portrays these perfect people going through high school living the lives YOU wish you could have lived back then.

Stop wasting your time on the Internet. Look outside and see the trees and the sun. Please. There is a world out there. There are interesting people all over. Why do you want to throw away what is left of your life playing fictional RPGs when real life is one big RPG with real consequences and relationships?

Are you just afraid? I mean, look at me, this is my girlfriend.

>> No.1680835

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.1680837


>> No.1680850


>> No.1680852

Quit talking like your view on life is the only valid one.

Let people live as they please, since it's not your call to make.

>> No.1680853


>> No.1680849
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>> No.1680848

Society sucks. That's probably why.

>> No.1680855
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Seeing it in all caps makes me think of the board game, sorry.

>> No.1680866

Oh, it reminded you of the game.

>> No.1680869

years-old copypasta

>playing fictional RPGs when real life is one big RPG with real consequences and relationships?

I rolled all ones when I rolled my RL character's Charisma stat, so why bother?

>> No.1680871

Is this /jp/'s version of 'shit was so cash' ?

>> No.1680874

I already put my penis in your girlfriend, why do I need to go back outside ?

Remember my dear friend, this is the world wide internet. How do we know that isn't just a random picture you found on the internet, that you hold at night and fap off to. Is it laminatedd ??

>> No.1680875

>interesting people

Stop lying. People are too wrapped up in their own desires (just like we are) to ever be actually interesting.
Those who manage to escape are less tha one in a million.

>> No.1680877

>the game

>> No.1680880

Old copypasta

>> No.1680885

no, but we should get a "shit was so moe" or something

>> No.1680889

If I try to live like I do now when I'm 40, the society will shun me even more.
So, fuck you and your mother

>> No.1680892

Life was a cool board game. I miss my family of pegs.

>> No.1680894


>> No.1680900

>You need to be living with real human beings. You need to go find a girlfriend and spend time with her. You need to find happiness. Happiness is not in your online games or crappy manga books, it is in other people.

lol, opinions.

You're defining happiness by societal conceptions, the refuge of the conformist.

>> No.1680907

Your gf has a nice mouth ..


>> No.1680911
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>> No.1680916

I like it here. Even copypasta threads turns out to be about philosophy.

>> No.1680917

your a faggot

>> No.1680918

>I already put my penis in your girlfriend,

Uh, get to the clinic; bitch gave me genital warts.

>> No.1680928

Heck no.

>> No.1680935
File: 14 KB, 485x421, 1227905061917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, your a fagot

pic related, its you

>> No.1680937

My a fagot?

>> No.1680940

Silly zombie, /jp/ is for hikkikomoris.

>> No.1680942

>refuge of the conformist.

take your non conformity back to Hot Topic.

>> No.1680947


>> No.1680948

Still makes a valid point, though.

>> No.1680951

Why the hell are people actually defending themselves? There's still hope as long as you feel an insecurity about it, when you feel the need to argue against people who oppose your lifestyle. As long as such criticism affects you, you're just a weak normalfag.

>> No.1680962

Just posting to say that 'White Ren' is a terrible poster.

>> No.1680953
File: 32 KB, 563x461, 1227905287259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say that when everyone is trying to kill you?

>> No.1680954

>How much greater would your life be now had you worked up the courage to talk to that one girl and go to the prom with her?

Not by much. I asked her out. She accepted at first.
The prom day, when I went to pick her up, I realized she was already gone. I found her going out with a random jerk.

She got pregnant, and her "boyfriend" left her.

Before that I was having doubts about society, but I tried to force myself to believe otherwise. This only confirmed my fears. I have no hopes left in this current society.

Screw your copypasta.

>> No.1680955

I agree.

>> No.1680976

>Happiness is not in your online games or crappy manga books, it is in other people.
From where, then, do they get their happiness?

>> No.1680980
File: 98 KB, 621x877, 1227905484670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so awesome it hurts.

Why don't you cry some more?

>> No.1680986

from the source of the universe, the pwer known as moe~

>> No.1680991

What is the appeal of gf.jpg?

Don't get me wrong, but every other .jpg (except 20071103_komori.jpg) is clearly superior to her. Despite that, she always ends up first page in the /jp/ boards.

>> No.1680995
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>> No.1681007

Then it'd be more efficient for me to go directly to this source, rather than going and taking it in through other people as an intermediary.

>> No.1681008

Wait, there are other /jp/s? Do they suffer from as much normalfaggotry?

>> No.1681015

Holy shit dude.. Your joking ?

*Runs around*

>> No.1681025


Yes. It's inescapable. /b/ already reached critical mass and now there is no corner of the internet, no matter how small and obscure, that remains untainted.

>> No.1681035

I have no interest in a girl who cannot appreciate games/anime/video game music.

>> No.1681036

>I have no interest in girls

fix'd for ya

>> No.1681040

>I have no interest in a girl over 12 years of age.
Fixed again.

>> No.1681042
File: 70 KB, 322x1003, 1227906343232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countering your faggotry.

>> No.1681045


I dunno. I've met some, but they're all either ugly, fat, lesbians, or gaiafags, sometimes a combination of all four.

>> No.1681046

>237 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1681047

>so ronery

Whoops, my future visions started again. Sorry 'bout that.

>> No.1681060

I lol'd

>> No.1681062

wow is this /prog/? every thread will be replied to NO EXCEPTIONS?

>> No.1681066
File: 41 KB, 500x400, 1227906622747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a macrofag.

>> No.1681073

I only like women with guts. Unfortunately, this is a metaphysical idea, there has been no evidence of their existence outside fiction.

>> No.1681076

no sir, this is /jp/ lol

>> No.1681077

The Pleasure of Being Cummed Inside

>> No.1681089

I guess that means you really like huge women.

>> No.1681090
File: 33 KB, 450x323, 1227906901552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1681091

have you ever thought that maybe people dont spend there entire life here.
how could you tell, everythings anonymous?

just gtfo.

your asian tramps ugly anyway.

>> No.1681095

That's not how it goes around here. It's

catch exception jp_thread {

>> No.1681105

No, it's

if (err) goto maki;

>> No.1681111

I just said guts, I didn't make any comments about the size of the guts.

>> No.1681131


I could deal with the ugly and Gaia-friend girls. I'm ugly myself, so I'm not picky there. Also, I'd imagine that my maximum power level would rub-off on to a gaia girl. Thus, her power level can be slowly upgraded.

Fat girls are a different story, though. I am quite absorbed in exercising often and eating right. Obviously, a fat girl has no interest in this.

>> No.1681137

It's interesting to note that the same thing applies to the OP. If he was really so comfortable and content with his normalfag life he wouldn't feel the need to come to /jp/ to post about how big of losers we all are. It seems to me like maybe he's starting to realize that he's trapped in a fake life putting on a facade to appease his shallow friends, slutty women, and society as a whole, so he feels the need to assert his superiority over those of us who have rejected that type of lifestyle.

Of course this is probably just copypasta so I'm not sure why I typed out this shit.

>> No.1681141
File: 118 B, 13x13, 1227907709598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.1681153

>Stop wasting your time on the Internet.
Time enjoyed is not time wasted.

>Look outside and see the trees and the sun.
I have a window in my room, I do that stuff every day.

>Please. There is a world out there.
Yeah, I can see it from my window.

>There are interesting people all over.
You can meet them on the internet. For example, you can find some really interesting people on this site called '4chan', especially at the /jp/ board.

>Why do you want to throw away what is left of your life playing fictional RPGs when real life is one big RPG with real consequences and relationships?
Because real life is one big RPG with real consequences and relationships, and damn is it poorly made.

>> No.1681148

forgot my sage.

>> No.1681149

>You need to be living with real human beings. You need to go find a girlfriend and spend time with her.
Because society tells us to?

>You need to find happiness. Happiness is not in your online games or crappy manga books, it is in other people.
[citation needed]

>Do you really want to be 40 years old and look back to your 18-25 years and realize you pissed them away in fits of loneliness playing RPGs and crying yourself to sleep?
I wouldn't mind.

>I know most, if not all of you, had no real childhood or highschool experiences because you were too busy being antisocial losers.
Experiences are pretty much inevitable. Just because they're different experiences than most people get, they're still experiences.

>Change that, now. How much greater would your life be now had you worked up the courage to talk to that one girl and go to the prom with her?
Pretty much every time so far I worked up the courage to talk to that one girl, I got rejected and my life became more depressing. Also, no proms here.

>> No.1681150
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