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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1669615 No.1669615 [Reply] [Original]

What's your escape plan?

Here's mine (hontou):
- Get back into University + graduate
- Go to Japan
- Get job teaching elementary school
- Get an arubaito at a large company, proofreading and doing a bit of translation
- Save money by living in a shithole with just the bare essentials, put money aside
- Open my own ice-cream parlour in Tokyo Bay area (Odaiba probably)
- Spend the rest of my life relaxing by the sea, feeding lolis ice cream and writing "english learning" books for Japanese children

>> No.1669617

There is no escape from this hell...

>> No.1669620


>> No.1669637

Escape plan as in what to do when the money dries up and I can no longer be a NEET? Suicide. This is my only path.

>> No.1669645
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- Graduate from University
- Go to Japan
- Get a job designing robots
- Get a robot to slap things out of people's hands
- Save money by living in a shithole with just the bare essentials, put money aside
- Move to the Tokyo Bay area with my robots and fuck your ice cream shit up
- Spend the rest of my life relaxing by the sea, plotting your further demise

>> No.1669650

going to sell that sea salt ice cream?

>> No.1669653

You don't even need to do that as starvation is a relatively painless way to die or so I heard.

>> No.1669658


But it takes a long fucking time and I don't want to go blind.

>> No.1669662


Starvation takes weeks on end and is immensely painful.

One of the worst ways to die.
Thankfully you'll typically die of dehydration before starvation.

>> No.1669663

>>- Get a robot to slap things out of people's hands
>>- Move to the Tokyo Bay area with my robots and fuck your ice cream shit up

Sir, that is hilarious.

>> No.1669666

Too bad I'm in University.

>> No.1669680

- Lose like 100 pounds
- Try not to molest my delicious stepsister
- Get a job
- Give my mom some money, and apologise for all the shit I've put her through
- Get my own place
- Try to live a useful life

>> No.1669681
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escape plan? fuck that, Im going to CHALLENGE THE WOOORLD.

>> No.1669694

-debito arudo is my bff

>> No.1669699

-graduate from university
-get a job
-grow old

I'm not really liking this plan but it's the best one I can come up with.

>> No.1669702

-Get a drivers license
-Get a job at an animal shelter
-Grow old
-Die happily

>> No.1669708

a driver's license?

How come you don't have one already? Drunk driving? Drifting?

>> No.1669712

Maybe he lives in a big city

>> No.1669714

-Graduate University
-Drive airplanes
-Die old

>> No.1669717


I wasn't interested in getting one when I was 17 so I never did. I just kept my permit, but now I have to get a job and so a license is necessary. I'm just too chicken shit to get one.

>> No.1669719

- Go to New Hampshire
- Go to South Carolina
- Go to Oklahoma
- Go to Arizona
- Go to North Dakota
- Go to New Mexico
- Go to California
- Go to Texas
- Go to New York
- Go to South Dakota
- Go to Oregon
- Go to Washington
- Go to Michigan
- Go to Washington D.C.
- Take back the White House

>> No.1669721

Driving is fun, but of course, you'll have to talk to people in order to get the license depending on which country you live in.

>> No.1669722

I'll turn out like nerdy slightly obese version of Patsy from the Absolutely Fabulous. Without the good paying job, of course.


>> No.1669728

escape plan? i don't even know what im going to do with my life. just mooching off my parents, wasting their money and living the NEET life

>> No.1669730


Yeah, I know. That's why I'm so hesitant to get one. I'm scared I'll fuck up on something and the driving instructor will laugh at me and shit. (I live in the US btw.) I mean, I'm a good driver, but under stress... I'm liable to fuck up and forget stuff.

>> No.1669736

-Finish University (Computer Science).
-Do Master's Degree (my university has a 4 year Bachelor's/ 1 year Master's degree program for computer science).
-Move to Japan
-Get a good job in something computer/ programming/ (maybe) video game related.
-Marry a nice Japanese girl who's also into otaku stuff.
-Have cute little Japanese children.
-Grow old and die happy.

>> No.1669743

Don't you have some theory lessons, test runs on a track, etc.?

I was nervous at first, but now I can drive around like everybody else (given that I have a car at my disposal).
I'm not much for driving on the German Autobahn, at night, though. Goddamn, you'll have to be one cool motherfucker and get out of the way if there's someone from behind flashing the headlights. It usually means that a Mercedes/BMW/Porsche is approaching with 200+ km/h.

>> No.1669762

- Finish this batchelor thing I started.
- Do something like adding economy to my schedule.
- Go to Japan for a while if I have money. If not, get money to pay for the trip.
- Try to get a job at an embassy of sorts*. Japanese embassy in Denmark or Danish embassy in Japan, most likely.
- Settle down somewhere with a person I love.

*) I might change this. I don't even know what people do at an embassy. Help tourists and shit? I'll do that.

>> No.1669774

What's an escape plan? What am I supposed to want to escape?

>> No.1669776

Why does everyone want to go to Japan?

... oh wait, we're all weaboos. Nevermind.

>> No.1669777

The fail that is your current "life".

>> No.1669779

Well, I like it, and I'm filthy rich, so yeah.

>> No.1669780

Your escape plans all fucking suck, none of them involves any kind of rape, mayhem, mass murder or suicide. What kind of escape plans are those supposed to be?

>> No.1669789

- Get into some school like the university of applied sciences in my hometown
- Get an education.
- Get some job experience and a solid job
- Get a house, car, maybe married if I find the right kind of girl.
- Live out my life in my homeland, working a cushy job, enjoying my life.
- Maybe take a trip to Japan just to see what it's like.

>> No.1669802


Yeah, I've been "driving" for like 3 years. It's just the actual test that's got me all nervous and shit.

>> No.1669803

-Enter escape pod
-Launch escape pod
-Drop nuclear bomb when I feel like it
-Float in space

>> No.1669806

1. get my bachelors
2. get funding for my blueprints
3. new propulsion system based on electromagnetism that I designed when I was 14 is a massive success
4. move to Japan and marry a junior idol

>> No.1669813

-Get software development job
-Finish uni (one last exam)
-Get games industry job
-Move anywhere in the world to make this as fun and profitable as possible (maybe Montreal)
-Quit and make games independently

>> No.1669816

20 and finally a NEET again, had me finishing university preparation college a week ago.

-Get my ass back into learning the language, enough for 2kyuu jlpt by year end
-Get into Waseda+graduate
-Get into art school specializing in commercial works, not artsy bullshit like fine arts
-Get hired as an illustrator or freelance for some VN company, maybe make doujins on the side
-Marry, grow old, die

>> No.1669819

Finish college
Get job as a software developer
Make monies and buy some stuff I always wanted
Kill someone
Go in jail for manslaughter
Get out of jail as a badass gangsta
Start dealing with drugs n' shit
Live a thug's life

>> No.1669821

-Find tall building
-Jump off

>> No.1669822

- Kill off normalfags who insist on posting on /jp/.

- Who cares.

>> No.1669852

-Wait for a nuclear war
-Come out after said war
-Reveal that I am actually a master of a lethal martial arts style which can make your head explode godamn
-Go around the world kicking ass

>> No.1669876

Starvation is quite possibly the most painful way to die. Your stomach literally eats itself. You will suffer terrible ulcers and die a very painful and slow death.

>> No.1669875

Kill myself

>> No.1669882

Change of plans!
-go to gym
-work out
-go to dojo
-learn some faggoty martial arts style
-go to internet
-totally beat the shit out of >>1669822

>> No.1669884

-stop taking medicine
-off myself in a state of delusion and euphoria

>> No.1669893

Probably the best.

>> No.1669901
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-Get Bachelors ( Information Systems)
-Get a Network type job
-Earn monies, and save save save.
-Retire by Age 40
-Use save up money to travel the world
-Probably die by drinking bad water, or some local disease during my travels.

>> No.1669907
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now post some /jp/ related song

>> No.1669905


>-Wait for a nuclear war

You're like 70 years too late lol, techically WW2 was a nuclear war on account of the first atom bombs being used during it.

>> No.1669923

y#3ty y y5434 3212 1y12 1y1y ty1y
y y#3ty y y5434 3212 1y12 1y12
Also, I don't plan on escaping.

>> No.1669925

so basically you're playing fallout

>> No.1669935

I'm enrolled in my final year of school now and actually looking for work.

Maybe I'll head to Japan on some sort of business something or other for a couple years, come back and be a translator for businesses. Or just find something over here and buy more galge to learn more Japanese on.

>> No.1669946


yeah fuck this thread, post some Keybored songs!

>> No.1669947



>> No.1669948

jj jjjg gj jg wqw
jj jjjg l k j k
kk kkkh l k j h g
glre g glre r t

jj jjjg gj jg wqw
jj jjjg l k j k
kk kkkh l k j h g
glre g glre r t

t ru t r t
r~ t wWwj
jwrt t ru t r t
r~ rwrR R y o

>> No.1669950

- Try to socialize with and get some normalfag skills.
- Receive engineering degree.
- Get a job.
- Save up enough monies for endeavor.
- Embark to Japan.
- (Optional) Find job in Japan.
- Attempt to woo future waifu.
- Marry waifu.

>> No.1669958

someone post disillusion piano version

>> No.1669961

>>Why does everyone want to go to Japan?

Only the normalfriends and 3D Idol Bros want to go to Japan. All of the cool NEETs don't care about that country; come back during the late night when they are awake.

>> No.1669966

-Finish Education Degree
-Get a teaching job
-work around jailbait all day
-somehow not sex up the students (or at least not get caught)
-summers off to spend on solely /jp/ things

>> No.1670121

- Rape
- Pillage
- Burn

>> No.1670134

- Enter extensive therapy, leave it reborn as a new person
- Find out when faced with the harshness of reality that I'm still pretty much the same, turn back to being a shut-in
- ???
- ???
- Hold the crew hostage and have the ship head towards South American waters

>> No.1670136

-go to doctor
-start popping pills
-get a job and save up
-go to japan
-shopping spree
-go home
-enjoy loot
-sell excess loot to fangirls for rediculous prices
-repeat till boredom

>> No.1670141


Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles, amirite?

>> No.1670158


Translation: I'm too fat to see my dick; thus I cannot leave this shit-stained chair to translocate my enormous body to the country of Japan.

>> No.1670168

I think Germany is a pretty cool guy. eh drives fast and doesn't afraid of anything.

I don't live in Germany, but I live close. As a matter of fact, I'm going to do a little shopping with my dad just across the border to Germany this weekend.
There's a lot of stuff that's cheaper there, and I'm visiting back home, so I might as well stock up on cheap beer now that I've got the chance.

>> No.1670179

>head towards South American waters
If you bring lolis and jewgolds I'd welcome you in Argentina.

>> No.1670189


Way to prove his point for him, bro. You sure showed him.

>> No.1670195

whoops, forgot your tripcode

>> No.1670197

Argentina already has the lolis

>> No.1670203

- Pilot Mecha
- Meet alien waifu
- Save the world

>> No.1670218

One can never have enough.

Also, if you kidnap one, you'll have the cops all over you. If you bring one from overseas no one will know that she is in your basement.

>> No.1670222


ITT: ZUN is anonymous

>> No.1670246

Who told you otherwise?

>> No.1670251

But then you'll have the overseas cops after you!

>> No.1670268
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Grow old and die ;_;

>> No.1670272

I am already on Interpols most wanted, you think I give a shit about Japanese cops?

>> No.1670279

do something else.
there too much off that kind of predation going on.
the japanese will arrest and extradite you
american law holds us citizen for sex crimes committed even in other countries

there are politicians who make it there business to prosecute sex offenders so they can run for re-election with a tough-on-crime policy.

i know you're just joking / trolling but seriously
rescue a japanese porn star in her early 20s from her yakuza boyfriend and live happily ever after in Argentina or something. show some fucking ambition!

>> No.1670287

Might as well ask here.
I'm just out of the GRE general test, I got a 570 verbal and 610 in quantitative. Is that good?

>> No.1670286

>rescue a japanese porn star
Captain Save-A-Ho doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1670289

>escape plan
What the fuck are you saying?
I'm still thinking about how to continue milking the state.

>> No.1670292

>doesn't afraid of anything.

Fuck off with your memes and go back to whichever shithole you came from.

>> No.1670297

- Graduate with my linguistics honours degree in 5 months
- Enroll in the masters program at Hawaii University (I'm already up to my eyeballs in debt, may as well go nuts) and graduate in 12 months
- Get a research position at some Japanese/Canadian/British university
- Grow old
- Pay off my debt
- Die


>> No.1670299

im a girl (in before tits or GTFO) any way i have a real weakness for yakuza, gangster type. they are super hot. what chances do i have of sleeping with one.

>> No.1670301

I hope to meet a Japanese girl being abused by her Japanese parents, I will be her Prince by flying over to Japan and freeing her from her shackles.

>> No.1670306

about as much chance as I have of masturbating before I go to sleep tonight

>> No.1670311


>> No.1670314

so they are easy. like male sluts or something.

>> No.1670315


yea something along those lines too.

>> No.1670331

-start my own show
-hope it actually gets someones attention
-get on real TV
-make enough to live decent
-die at 28 in firy car crash at over 200mph

-start my own show
-spend all my money financing show

>> No.1670716

ok who let Bush on 4chan again? Cheney?

>> No.1670731
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I attend for training as IT-programmer, they have my way over average test results but are insecure about my skills to integrate into a social group.

>> No.1670762

I love the part where she handcuffed and chained a patient who then ended up dying and she only got three and a half years.

>> No.1670845



>> No.1670884

-Graduate with Master's Degree on Chemistry
-Help with the creation of Nuclear Fusion plants.
-Adopt little girl
-Raised said girl teach her my philosophies
-Retire and grow old
-Die happy by leaving a person with my legacy

>> No.1671144

- self-treat my depression (can't afford real therapy) by strictly regulating my sleeping habits, exercising 30 minutes a day, and keeping a private journal to see the pattern of my recurring negative thoughts, and seek to correct them with more helpful thoughts

- clean my room, lose 10 pounds, get a nice haircut, get some clothes that I haven't worn since I was in fucking high school

- actually answer the phonecalls of the few friends who're still trying to contact me since I went into recluse mode

- re-enroll in my community college (already finished 50 credits FFFFF why the fuck am I not fucking going)

- finish transferring to a 4-year, get my bachelor's in Japanese

- JET (1 year)

- ??? figure out the rest of my life from there

>> No.1671181

You're better off doing nothing.

That's a horrible plan.

Still, no different from the optimists in this thread.

>> No.1671251

-Water break
-Stalk some bitch from outside Tesco and tackle her into a bush outside the broken streetlights
-Check for rapeX [THIS IS IMPORTANT]
-Give stern lecture about the dangers of walking along dark streets unprotects, invite to krav maga sesh.
-Maybe move to Japan.

>> No.1671271

I lol'd heartily. Thank you, /fit/guy.

>> No.1671272

- Get a GED.
- Get my drivers license.
- Major in Computer Science.
- Attempt to get a girlfriend that shares my hobbies.
- Emulate Bill Gate's success by starting my own billion dollar company.
- Move to Japan
- Use my Bill Gates money to buy a shrine style mansion.
- Dump my girlfriend for a Jr Idol (who noone likes any more because she whored herself by going into the JAV industry).
- Disregard the goal above. Dump my girlfriend and search for Nevada-tan. Fuck yes!
- Get tired of my futile existence. We're all going to die eventually, life is fucking pointless.
- Suicide.
- Be reincarnated into a 12 year old Japanese school girl's body who gets gang raped by her classmates.

>> No.1671296

>- Be reincarnated into a 12 year old Japanese school girl's body who gets gang raped by her classmates.
It says a lot about /jp/ as a collection of individuals that pretty much everyone here would likely enjoy this experience.

>> No.1671314

i'm not a NEET
but my mind feels so numb all of the time i don't feel like i'm doing anything anyway

>> No.1671339

All i can say is i hope im not NEET.
But mabye its just my pesimistic views of myself.

I have a plan [I hope]

>> No.1671368

-Save up $5,000 to stay in Japan for a month($3,000 already, whoo!)
-Learn Japanese in preperation for the trip until I reach a somewhat acceptable level in which I'm able to communicate with Japanese people who don't speak any English at all.
-Lose about 10 pounds or so, or just BRING ON THE MUSCLE in anticipation for the Japan trip
-Go to Japan
-Get Japanese girlfriend, or if incredibly lucky Japanese wife
- Lose virginity to Japanese girl
-Go to a Japanese festival
-If my losing my virginity to Japanese girl plan falls through then I will take a trip to Mt. Fuji
-Get bottle of pain killers and bottle of sake.
-Take bottle of pain killers+sake, and then hang self

>> No.1671380

-get degree in journalism
-intern at <???>
-become international journalist
-get killed while reporting civil war/terrorist activity in some third world shit hole
-never make it to japan
-Bad End

>> No.1671386

lol u fat fuck

>> No.1671596

if you really want to have sex with a japanese girl, buy a whore, the ones they have in japan are really nice looking. they may be a little pricy, but a clean whore is worth it.

>> No.1671602

...am a NEET in japan ATM, been living off savings for several months now. I need to get a job soon but im losing all motivation and dread working another shitty english job here just to get by, the jobs depress the shit out of me with all the fake bullshit.

>> No.1672139

I'm already doing my escape plan fags.

>> No.1672160

Escapism != NEET escape plan

>> No.1672194

-Keep teaching classes.
-Try not to get fired for shitty research.
-Rage at undergrads.
-Wait until suitably attractive female Japanese freshman enrolls in one of my classes.
-Make headlines.

>> No.1672341
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>> No.1673285

Graduate university
Go back to Japan somehow
Meet female I stupidly fell in love with

>> No.1673285,1 [INTERNAL] 

This was a good thread.
