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File: 651 KB, 1280x720, average harem game prequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16574055 No.16574055 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16538441

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16574114
File: 387 KB, 1280x720, aqua_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing Aqua. This mom.

>> No.16575144

>that pic

>What are you playing?
Sakura no uta I'm on rina's route,
I hate Ayumi, rina's fine and pretty adorable. I don't know why people put up with Ayumi the game has NTR but people ignore it because it's a girl.

On another note I didn't realize all the hints in the OP movie for sakura no uta. Like Kei and and Makoto being separated or how the titles for each of the chapters play with each character like picapica for Makoto zypression for Rina.

>What are you looking forward to?
Cute games coming out this year. Also have a huge backlog, I'll probably play the newer ones instead as then I can keep up with discussions and enjoy any shit shows that goes down with newer games.

>> No.16575228

>I'll probably play the newer ones instead as then I can keep up with discussions and enjoy any shit shows that goes down with newer games.
I'm pretty much same, Have more than 100 games at my backlog but still playing the newest games just to enjoy surprises before I read something about it at somewhere else.

Well most of times I'm getting land mines, like Last month's Zannen na Ane to no Love Comedy or Koikake etc, but I'm enjoying discovering those shits as a first hand and sometimes I get really nice surprises like HaruKuru as well so its all okay I guess.

>> No.16575258

Do you think Zannen was bad in general or are you just particularly salty about the blonde's ending/direction in general?

>> No.16575274

Who the fuck is Ayumi? What the fuck is Zypression? Are you playing with Google Translate or something?

>> No.16575296

What else would you expect from someone who misuses the quote function.

>> No.16575320

More than ending I'm pretty salty about the entire Nene route, I mean I'm perfectly okay with trying some interesting things but it didnt fit with the rest of the game for sure, felt like writer wanted to do something big just to get famous so suddenly changed everyone's personality & game's atmosphere and pulled something like that from his ass.

Other parts of the game were pretty much average, not bad but not specially good as well. Average game with Nene's route + False advertisementing made it a big land mine imo.

>> No.16575411
File: 415 KB, 800x600, capture_015_05022017_191634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Yenfei's route in RuiTomo fandisc a good while ago and I still don't have the willpower to push further. For being about a mysterious curse in a contemporary setting, old families that sealed a deal with the devil, super powers, street gangs, corporation wanting to research the curse and its powers for monetary benefits, an even more mysterious Illuminati level organization secretly observing the main characters for unknown purposes et cetera the game sure does know how to explore everything in the blandest, most surface level ways possible for the sake of "does friendship save the day after all" and "how can our beloved trap protagonist find a convenient way to reveal his gender and fuck the girl he likes" drama for the umpteenth time.

I understand it's supposed to be more about the characters, but by now I'm sick of their repeated hijinks and running gags when I'd very much have preferred if the game finally continued its main plot regarding Tomo's sister at some point. God damn it.

>> No.16575436

You should read Megumu's if you want something different.

>> No.16575503

My bad, I'm typing on mobile and it auto corrects to other stuff
I meant Yuumi

Although I though Zypressen was spealt Zypression my bad on that one

>> No.16575605

Was it? The game itself was in Japanese.

>> No.16575694
File: 628 KB, 1280x720, hitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last news on the site seem to be from the release year as well. I suppose we're never seeing おわりのクオリア? I didn't play the second game because I heard it supposedly ends on a similar type of sequel hook.

Also, I still remember the fiasco where they released the games without sprites and since they didn't have that many CGs to compensate you ended up staring at empty background images for very long periods. At least they patched in these small face windows (supposedly made from other art assets) later on, but that must have been a rather massive middle finger to people who got lured in by art.

>> No.16575710

Yeah, the last lines are basically a sequel hook and it ends with the characters saying to look forward to it. I think I remember jment saying that he would say something about it in some stream thing, but I missed it and don't see it ever being made.

Also, I actually liked it without the sprites a little more for whatever reason. I'm more surprised they didn't fix UI elements not actually being displayed in the patch to be completely honest, but I guess it wouldn't be a real jment+fue game if it was completed and had a fully functional system.

>> No.16575836
File: 45 KB, 544x270, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this game a few times, it's so cute and I like the art style.
Have you played this or have you guys played Feng games how are they?

>> No.16575845

AkaSaka is alright.

>> No.16575969
File: 39 KB, 600x337, CQpRZ8JUcAAeR1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's freaking late, but someone want to talk about tokyo necro and complain that the best girl(sabucon) didn't had route?

>> No.16576196


>> No.16576438

What's Moogy reading right now?

>> No.16576441

My death threat letter.

>> No.16576614

Hey guys, I'm hoping you can help me. I'm trying to find a vn and the
main thing I remember about it is that the protagonist's and his osananajimi's mothers are in a lesbian relationship. If that rings any bells, if I could get a name that'd be great

>> No.16576843

Sorry I can't help, but I hope someone else can because that sounds hilarious.

>> No.16576851
File: 214 KB, 400x399, frodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Zakuro just call the cops? She's a fucking idiot.

>> No.16577095

So sick of artificial 'happy endings'.

I'd like to read something with bad / depressing / realistic endings only. Any suggestions?

>> No.16577099


>> No.16577192

You do understand bad/depressing endings are about as realistic as happy ones, right?

>> No.16577197

Both can be realistic or artificial depending on how they're handled.

>> No.16577237
File: 183 KB, 500x1774, v4rzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try nakige

>> No.16577283

Why isn't there more bullyge

>> No.16577349
File: 30 KB, 256x329, 6653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narcissu 2
Gin'iro chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Suika chapter 1
ef latter tale

>> No.16577593

Is there any games that lets me beat up annoying women I'm tried of the whole
'small anime girl manages to beat up tons of people including large men because anime logic despite havingvery little muscle or physical training'
I mean I get if it's fantasy but if its just a normal life setting it ticks me off.

So yeah any suggestions?

>> No.16577638

I don't think I could bring myself to ever choose to do something like that. I have a really hard time being mean or evil in games in general.

>> No.16577671
File: 372 KB, 853x500, 1458724258467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is pretty sick

>> No.16577677
File: 1.44 MB, 1218x1380, pic_unrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what eroge this is from?

>> No.16577680

ignore the filename

>> No.16577723


>> No.16577814

Do you guys prefer top tier writing with a an average story?
Or a top tier story with average writing?

Although I do like when things are well written, I prefer the later.

>> No.16577842

This is a ridiculous post.

>> No.16577872

Not an eroge it seems.

>> No.16577876

They are connected. All the VNs known for top tier scenario also have great writing (C+C, Dies etc). Writing makes up a story and if an author fails at that there's little chance they can put together a coherent plot. Also "good writing" doesn't necessarily mean flowery, see ごぉ.

>> No.16577881

Really? Why's that?

People might be used to stories and might not care if it's good or not any more, as they all seem similar though there may be some better than others, and just want to read something normal but really well written. Or to really appreciate a simple story better or something.

While on the other hand somebody might not care about writing but want to go for something with tons of emotions and twists, even though it might be explained that well the ride was amazing.

>> No.16577884

*even though it might not be explained well

>> No.16577917

If the story is shite, it's bad writing.

>> No.16578004

I mean it could be something like a man from the government inspecting a research facility, for illegal activity involving human experiments. During his visit one of the experiments breaks loose, the game involves them finding a way out.
That would be the basis for the story,
Sure other things like betrayal, another monster coming out or one of the monsters wants to help them. That's all part of the story.

Writing would be how it's executed something like how well they discuss whether or not trust one another in this time, discussing whether or not the good mosnters are still human and deserve to be treated like one, people different views on who should be left behind and their reasoning behind it.

>> No.16578009

Are you like 12

>> No.16578054

A average story could just be nichijou school life and graduating perhaps the Protagonist asking out a girl.

However good writing could make this really decent, like discussing why we humans fall in love, how we live our lives mechanically as the person before us, talk about how life in Japan is all work and how this work brings in money but you have little free time to spend that and you basically live to work.

They could discuss those really well, going into past civilisation, cultures and their view on it, discussing varying ideologies. Etc.

>> No.16578101

The story is the product of writing, I understand what you meant but its not the best way to say it.

>> No.16578108

tl;dr add bullshit social commentary that Oscar bait movies always try to shoehorn in.

>> No.16578125

He probably meant prose

>> No.16578239

A story can only get so far by being entertaining and emotional. To be a truly perfect story, it has to succeed on a thematic level as well.
Themes don't have to be social commentary, and they don't have to be morals. A very common theme is "rising from nothing", which you see in all kinds of stories where some random loser ends up doing something big.
Not everyone cares about whether the stories they read have a consistent theme, but I believe most people care more than they think they do.
If in a Superman comic book Superman lost all his superpowers but then got a whole bunch of gadgets that recreated his powers perfectly, I imagine many people on /co/ would be upset. The actual entertainment and emotional power of the comic book wouldn't be affected, but Superman's powers would no longer come from the fact that he was from another planet. If anyone could have Superman's powers with the right gadgets, Superman wouldn't feel special anymore. The theme running the comic books of "Uniqueness" would be gone, and people would miss it.
Of course, you are right. Just as theme is a level stories can succeed on, it's also a level stories can fail on. But that doesn't mean that all stories should avoid trying. I personally think that because VNs are so long, they can introduce a theme slower than a movie can, which makes it feel less forced.

>> No.16578250


There's more to that. You can have a good story but bad execution. Which is also writing. Writing includes pacing, structure, a "complete" experience (not just ending wise, but also taking all important things into account) and keeping things believable.

That said, if the writing is really bad, most people won't consider the story behind it good. Only if you look at the work more in-depth you'd care to really separate this stuff. The best story ideas don't do anything if it's not fun, and bad writing makes things not fun.

Prose makes the sentences flow well, the language "sound nice". You can have the best prose and awful writing at the same time.

>> No.16578263

I said he probably MEANT prose, like "story vs prose", as opposed to "story vs writing". I know they're not the same thing.

>> No.16578507 [DELETED] 

How come Moogy didn't finish Akikuru yet? Iam curious on his thoughts on it.

>> No.16578516 [DELETED] 

Because he hasn't started it. He said he lost his hype over it after all the bad reviews.

>> No.16578570

Writing is the prose. Everything else you said is part of the execution and the narrative. The way you phrase your ideas, which words you use, the metaphors, the punctuation, etc. is the writing.

>> No.16578586


If writing=prose, you'd have no need for the word "writing". Plot should be "what" is presented, writing is "how" it's presented. It includes prose, but it's not only prose.

I suppose you could say that different people have different opinions on this, but.. to me this seems rather clear. "What" and "how" should be separated, even though they are obviously related.

>> No.16578615

All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
All prose is writing, but not all writing is prose.

>> No.16578618
File: 259 KB, 1600x1132, 1487257569246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Japanese female students wear pants during winter?

I've only seen Naoto from persona 4 wear them.
I guess other traps as well.

But is it bad to wear pants?
I think only a few business women in eroge wear them and that detective from that drm eroge game last year wore them as well.

>> No.16578657

Huh I never even noticed. It's really rare to see Japanese girls in pants. Maybe that's why I developed a jeans fetish

>> No.16578864
File: 364 KB, 1280x720, meg_sek_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mostly just casual wear shorts for the more "boyish" girls. And even then. Not like you see it with most sprites being relatively close. Pic related, spot the pants.

>> No.16579062

Do you think Yuumi needed a route in sakura no uta with Naoya? He could help her get over her hate of men becoming a nicer person that doesn't blame others. I was thinking classic tsundere.

As well as Kei not sexual/love one but a friend route. Their relationship as friends and the fact that they're both geniuses really could be expanded on.

>> No.16579070

>her hate of men
She doesn't hate men, her route goes to great lengths to show that she simply likes women, for the exact same reasons men like them.

>> No.16579076

no, i don't want to see some man fucking my waifu

>> No.16579086

>She doesn't hate men

Yeah, that's why she's disgusted by the idea of being with one as she describes at the beginning of かくして私は乙女を愛した.

>> No.16579088

But you are the Mc by proxy.

>> No.16579090

Yes, for the exact same reasons you'd be disgusted to be with a man.

>> No.16579098

Are you done with the game?

>> No.16579099

From what I remember she hated almost everybody. Only liking Rina.
Though she loosens up around rin and the others.

>> No.16579103

It's just her personality, she doesn't hate men.
Heck her best friend is a guy
She simply can't be with one romantically

>> No.16579129

I'm with Rina and Yuumi on a date drawing wolves.

I've never heard of 3 person date before this.

So far this route is better than Makoto's I really liked the whole stage play at the beginning, where their past is shown.
It really felt like I was in a different game.

>> No.16579644


>> No.16579674

I wouldn't necessarily call that good writing either, since that could easily be executed in a shitty, ham-handed way. Good writing could make an unimpressive story good through the aesthetic quality of the prose, it doesn't need some attempt at being deep.

>> No.16579696

Why aren't there more games like this?

>> No.16579734
File: 16 KB, 319x240, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16579760

This game is so retarded. As if a girl as cute as that would ever be the victim of bullying.

>> No.16579799

What the hell Yuzusofts games are all like close to 3MB
How can anyone endure those scenario for longer than 1

>> No.16579810

Cute girls and porn.

>> No.16579870

I can't say for all yuzusoft games but I payed dracu-riot and Elina's route was amazing, it covered it a bunch of different issues compared to a single issue that normally happens in heroine routes.
It's was pretty far above other moege in terms of quality, and story.

It covers a range of issues.

There were rumors at the school she was pregnant
There was the issue of her needing vampire blood
The issue of her not being synthetically made and if she's real of not to tell her friends.
Teaming up and tricking kidnappers
Running away together

My only problem was the sex scenes

>> No.16579888

*first sex scene

Also want to say the jokes are not over done kinda thought out, and are cute which was nice, compared to other moege that suck at jokes or need to really on cuteness to get a laugh

>> No.16580000

While on this topic, what has good porn AND a good story?

I'll start with Black Cyc games (Extravaganza, GSS, Mugen Kairou).

>> No.16580031
File: 345 KB, 1280x720, aqua_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, done with Aqua. I can see why it has a decent EGS score, but still can't really recommend it.

Aqua starts like a normal moege-ish eroge, with a somewhat "foreshadowing" setting. Protag returns to his hometown/island and a girl (childhoodfriend) who died before he moved away is alive and kicking. You get a lot of group of friends dynamics that work rather well, and a little of "something is happening in the background".
This part is mostly alright. The main-girl's route ends on a cliffhanger and is pretty much only fluff, while the other two girls get.. mediocre routes. I could complain, but I think I'll leave it that.

Then comes plot. Not very well done plot. When you finally think the cliff-hanger of the previous part gets continued the game slaps a 4k line flashback about almost nothing in your face and the last part was also nothing worth reading. Nice ideas, bad execution.

The biggest issue is that the author(s) wrote something about themes they probably had no idea of. Though even mentioning what it is is kinda spoiler. It's sci-fi, and certain things get researched, implemented and so on, but most references to computers and whatnot seem.. rather out of it. A lot is just explained with "yeah well, they collected data and then it worked". The core-story lacks the understanding of the author(s) what a computer is, how it works and how it compares to a human. As it is, it feels like they figured "it's like magic" or something. Which is unfortunate. I think Aqua might've worked around its release (2011), where these kind of stories weren't quite that common yet. But today.. it's awkward.
Also doesn't help that they clearly go way beyond a plot where you can completely ignore things like a law and law-enforcement exist. That should've been a thing in the story. It's alright to write it so that the police can't do anything as they lack proof and hopefully sell this idea, but completely forgetting about such an aspect.. seems not right.

In the end it also kinda feels like some of its ideas are just incomplete. Even with simple things. That said though, I liked the system. The scenario-viewer as a fun thing. (pic) Music was also pretty good at times. The omakes were a nice thing as well, kinda weird though that only the loli got one additional h-scene (+cg).

>> No.16580041

I'd love to talk about Tokyo Necro, except I think the routes are fine.

>> No.16580057

How accurately does the script's filesize represent the length of a VN? It seems like it should be pretty exact, but looking through a list of VNs' script sizes some comparisons surprise me. Is that just my impression of the length being off?

>> No.16580061

Doesn't the script also contain other things, like sound effects, sprite changes, bgm changes, etc? Maybe that could be it?

>> No.16580067

Jokei Kazoku III

>> No.16580177

Where do you find the script files to check the size?

>> No.16580211

Game folder.

>> No.16580259


Pure script (just text you read) is as accurate is it gets. Certain games are really slow and as such draw things out (be it because slow effects and whatnot like Chaos;Child or a very high amount of voice-acting), but that's rare. However, do keep in mind that unvoiced VN are generally over a good amount faster than voiced ones. I played some Umineko with and without voice-acting and the difference was pretty staggering. (like voices added 50% time or something)

>> No.16580268

You know people skip voices, right?

>> No.16580322

I was going by this list, blindly assuming it's accurate: https://tlwiki.org/?title=VN/Eroge_Script_sizes

>> No.16580342


And people have different reading speed as well. I'm talking about averages here. Like if you go to EGS and look at average playtime or even vndb "length".

>> No.16580344

Some of those are right but others are wrong (Taimanin Asagi 3 is half the length stated for example)

>> No.16580439

>(be it because slow effects and whatnot like Chaos;Child
Well the game is also 3MB+ so even without those effects it's pretty darn long.

>> No.16580488

I see what that guy is talking about with yuzusoft games. Wonder if that's actually accurate for them. Will probably drop Dracu-riot after a route or two if so.

>> No.16580510

Okay sorry, I just want to ask two questions about Sakura no uta.

First is I'm probably not gonna go for Yuumi and Rina's route but why does Rina who's always loved Naoya choose Yuumi. It feels so weird she confesses that she always loved him but the goes for Yuumi can you guys tell me why? Is the 1000 year sakura power?
I just don't know why, I feel so weird about it, it's like ntr.

Second does Yuumi wish for Naoya and Rina to end up with each other I might have missed it. I remember her wanting Rina to be into yuri or her to turn into a boy. So did she use her wish to have Naoya end up with Rina or am I just misunderstanding things?

>> No.16580518

Please do Elina's route she really cute and the best girl

>> No.16580529

Yeah I'm planning on reading Miu then Elina and then dropping it unless my taste is shit enough to want to read more of it.

>> No.16580579


Are you sure? I measured common aka "first playthrough" (1.2mb) and 2 routes (maybe 200kb per) so I'd say 3mb is rather unlikely. More like 2mb+?

>> No.16580606

IIRC there was an interview where they said the game was originally 5MB long but they cut it down to 3.

>> No.16580651

Good job missing the entire point of that sakura scene.

>> No.16580687


Well that probably means "all text". Script-size is just what you see in boxes. C;C has a lot of other text as well, most of which people don't read completely or even at all. (tips, or these articles on images or whatever)
They may've also exaggerated a little on top of it.

~2mb seems rather likely, it's also roughly the figure of Steins;Gate, the Chaos;Head re-release and such.

>> No.16580777

>First spoiler
It doesn't make much sense to be honest. Rina has to go way out of character for it to happen, and it doesn't really fit with the route thematically. It's pretty much just an excuse for a yuri h-scene. It's also very short, pretty much just the one h-scene and one scene after that, then it fades back to the title screen. That said, I'm okay with it being there because I liked how the branching was handled, and the final scene was kind of cool. The branch is called "Marchen", which means "fairy tale", so it could be interpreted as being Yuumi's fantasy.

>Second spoiler
Like the other guy said, that was the point of the sakura scene. I'd recommend rereading it.

>> No.16581660

Nicola's route was cute and was pretty short.

>> No.16581712

Dracu-riot is notoriously better than other Yuzusoft moege.

>> No.16581738

Alright thanks

>> No.16581819

I'll give that a shot too then, thanks.

>> No.16581915

Keep in mind that for a lot of games you probably won't read all the text because of choices you don't make, even if you read all the routes. Then there are games without choices or these newer games where there's just a single "pick your girl" choice, where you'll read every last character of text.

>> No.16581947

Do you guys ever worry you'll ever run out of save files?
I hate that some games don't let me have the option of commenting on it. Cause I might forget later on why I ended up saving for that scene.

>> No.16581959

If I'm using a guide and it has a marker for a save point, I usually put those saves on the very last page in a consistent order. Otherwise if it's a really important save I have a text file somewhere else to label the saves if I think I'll need it.

>> No.16581969

That's smart

>> No.16581990

I usually use one save, sometimes two.

>> No.16582031

I wish more games had a suspend function so it reopens where you left off, instead of making you save and reload each time.

>> No.16582411

Heck, I'd be happy if all games at least let you load directly from a quick save, instead of making you open another save file first before you can hit the quick load button. Not having a quick load button on the title screen is still way too common and it annoys the fuck out of me.

>> No.16582473

Fucking this i always have to load a save file then load the quick save.

>> No.16582820
File: 186 KB, 1296x759, 2017-02-17 17_03_26-サクラノ詩.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so cute, I feel like crying
I'm glad I played this.

>> No.16582851
File: 172 KB, 1296x759, 2017-02-17 17_10_32-サクラノ詩.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a problem that they confessed so early without the reader seeing any development.
But this interaction is too cute.

>> No.16582871

I always try to save at good break points. I usually aim for saving every time there's a date change. Usually there I don't run out of space, but if there's less than 100 save slots I start getting paranoid and hope I don't have to overwrite anything.

>> No.16583021

Can someone upload new JQV?

>> No.16583051


>> No.16583070

Do you guys have a discord?

>> No.16583110

I keep reading and I'm way to attached this it's way so cute.
Fuck you scaji for adding a Yuumi and Rina route.
I don't think my heart can take the NTR.

>> No.16583114

Yes but for what?

>> No.16583128

You sound like a mouthbreather

>> No.16583135

To chat?
We can have different discussions.
Like different rooms for different things.

Like posting what you are playing, discussions about upcoming releases, tweets discussion, fan art and theories,
Playing through a game together(some people here want this but other don't, with a discord this problem is resolved), waifu posting, a Japanese learning area(there are occasion posts here about learning Japanese they can ask there), we can have a section for birthdays, off topic but related talks.

>> No.16583141

I don't like the girl I fell for to end up with somebody else.

>> No.16583200

Naoya has too much personality for selfinsert.

>> No.16583218

I don't think I'm a fan of that. This thread is enough for me since I only play few eroge these days (more time spent on other games).

>> No.16583254

Seems like more of Reddit thing. Try there instead.

>> No.16583275

I went there to check it out I think there's only like 5 to maybe 10 people in total that actually play untranslated games.

>> No.16583295


Writing is the aesthetics of text. How pleasant something is to read. The poetry of language. The lack of it it's why people shit on literal VN translations.

Story is the stuff that happens. Stuff that fits into plot summaries. You can have beautifully written prose that's still a chore to read because nothing of interest ever happens, see Mareni.

You need both to make something great.

>> No.16583342


>> No.16583538

*people here

As for EOPs the freshness and 'otherness' of Japanese stuff alone can compensate for anything. Same reason why the Japanese accept the most banal interpretations of Western stuff.

>> No.16583572

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16583596

nice argument

>> No.16583617

Has there been a sex scene where the Protagonist confesses or asks the girl to marry him while having sex.
I mean timing is important but it seems hilarious if that happened or pretty sweet and cute.
Like saying yes to marriage while ejaculating.

Just asking.

>> No.16583704

>Like saying yes to marriage while ejaculating.

Not happening. In Japanese porn the girls moan "no". So you'd only get rejected with this.

>> No.16583777

What about when they say いいよ?

>> No.16584505

I've seen that often enough in H manga so I'd be surprised if it wasn't ever used in a VN.

>> No.16584653

"Will your marry me?"

>> No.16584779



>> No.16584912

Either かからけど or かかるんだけど.

>> No.16585627
File: 80 KB, 620x465, 4426038i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a kankorre eroge?

I want one so bad

>> No.16585988
File: 1.17 MB, 1296x759, 2017-02-18 08_29_14-サクラノ詩.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Rina's route

It was interesting to see the love triangle, the interactions were so cute when they started dating but didn't last long, Yuumi kinda grew on me which I didn't expect. The sex scenes were horrible

The ending kinda felt rushed after they started having sex, it just could've used a bit more work but at the same time kinda wrapped up ok.

I love the artist but some of her art is really terrible.
Pic related is my favorite cg it felt serene and calming.

Finally onto Shizuku my favorite girl. Unless Yuumi's route has any significance?

>> No.16586060
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, tonakoi_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So best girl. I had expectations, given who voices her, but this is really nice.

>> No.16586073

>best girl

You have top tier taste

>> No.16586098

How is the fan disk for this game? >>16586060

I'm terrified by the subtitle having R-A-P-E in it.

>> No.16586170

Suck it. Ayaka > Ryouka > Nagisa > Rina

>> No.16586177

It's just a joke. It's a normal fandisk, with a bit of focus on the ero.

>> No.16586236

>actually liking nagisa

>> No.16586267

I'm trying to decide between nanatsuiro drops or ef fairy tale as my firstish VN to read. I've read URN, but it was so short that I doubt it really counts. Thoughts?

>> No.16586289

Well those are incredibly different and basically make no sense to be listed together. If you want to know which game is higher quality, then it's ef, but play what you want.

>> No.16586295

They're extremely different types of games. Do you want heavy drama or an adorable mahou syouzyo story?

>> No.16586349


For what it's worth I think Nanatsuiro Drops is the easiest damn thing in the universe. I am not a big moege/typical mahou shoujo person so I didn't care for it but if you are looking for pure easiness, or like that type of material, then go for it.

>> No.16586363

I definitely think I would enjoy EF more, but I'm entirely not sure if I'm up to reading it. I'm doing it more for the practice at reading than investment in the story, but story quality is a nice bonus. I guess my question is mainly if one is a particularly more difficult read than the other.

>> No.16586403


That's not really this thread then. There's another thread for JP learning.

>> No.16586412

Well, it's hard to get much easier than Nanatsuiro Drops. It's basically written like a classical magical girl manga from the '90s. And for what it's worth, it does have a pretty cute story that I found myself really enjoying when I read it.

That said, you're much better off just reading what interests you, because motivation is the biggest killer when you're struggling with the language.

>> No.16586840

Well I do have a piss fetish so yeah.

>> No.16587558

ef isn't particularly hard to read or anything.

>> No.16587687

how's your backlog coming?

>> No.16588102

Pretty well actually since there's nothing interesting last month or this one.

>> No.16588307

I tried being active on the discord but it's soo full of reddit culture and people that can't see past their own opinions and pass them off as facts.

>> No.16588361

>Writing is the aesthetics of text. How pleasant something is to read. The poetry of language.

>The lack of it it's why people shit on literal VN translations.

No, just no. The problem with literal translations is that they result in poor and awkward english. Prose is ALWAYS lost in translation no matter what.

>> No.16588491



>> No.16588515

Slowly, but surely. Just finished Dies irae.

>> No.16588644

Ask me again in 5 years.
Sounds like here and everywhere else to be honest.

>> No.16588837


Holy shit this CG is disgusting.

>> No.16588919

I agree, don't mind the haters. loved how she flirted with MC before they're together and then got banged so hard going full dead fish eyes afterward. best girl.

>> No.16589215 [DELETED] 

How far up the weeab degeneracy ladder are you if you can read these games?

>> No.16589235 [DELETED] 


Wrong thread.

>> No.16589278 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 832x1356, weeb scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the game really

>> No.16589298 [DELETED] 

/v/ was /pol/ all along.

>> No.16589312 [DELETED] 

That reminds me, anyone got that one japanese culture chart that goes from socially unacceptable to socially acceptable and shit taste to good taste?

>> No.16589428

Since you guys have experience in eroge
Do you want to make chart for new comers to Japanese?

I notice some charts they put things like fureraba and subahibi as easy.

I'd put easy as
Kanojou no seiki and other moege/nukige

A bit above I'd put
Kiminotonaraide as it goes into sports a bit more
Fureraba as it covers a bunch of different topics

Hatsuyuki sakura
Dracu riot
Part plotge and the reader might be lost if not paying attnetion

A bit above that Sakura no Uta, Gunjou

Then , kikkougai and hanachirasu

Finally dies Irae, muramasa

>> No.16589440

>Do you want to make chart for new comers to Japanese?
Absolutely not. Go back to /djt/.

>> No.16589442

No just pick what you want to read that isn't memed for its difficulty and stick through it.

>> No.16589480

I was kinda giving examples from what I read...

>> No.16589489

What's a short well written plotge? I really liked drakoi.

>> No.16589497

Hanachirasu, Carnival are both amazing.

>> No.16589506

Check out Sakurai's stuff. Sona-Nyl is pretty short.

>> No.16589538

I feel a strong urge to download Senren Banka solely for the green loli although I already know it's gonna bore me to death especially when other characters come on screen. Someone stop me

>> No.16589543

Finished hanachirasu,
You mean this?
I heard it mentioned her before

I've always wanted to get into liar-soft games before. Is the what a beautiful series related to another? Or can I get into any of them?
Was kinda looking into these

Unless sona-nyl is better

>> No.16589553

I thought I was the only one...
Other than that guy who kept posting her in a bunch of threads when the game came out

>> No.16589559

>1mb = short

I kinda know where you come from, but I'm not really sure I'd call that short. Drakoi is like 130kb. Quite a massive difference.

>> No.16589563

Yes, that's the correct one. It's by Setoguchi who also wrote Swan Song.

And liar soft games are medium length (1+MB). You can play them in whatever order really though some occasional reference pops up. In terms of goodness from best to weakest, imo:
Inganock > Sona Nyl > Gahkthun > Valusia > Sharnoth > Celenaria

>> No.16589580

Haven't played swan song but the carnival looks interesting so I'll try that first.

Also thanks I'll try the series. I'm really curious about ignarock.

>> No.16590084

People usually tell you to play whichever you want, but if you plan on going through the entire series, you may as well do yourself a favor and follow the release order. Valusia is directly affected by the events of Celenaria, and Inganock makes much more sense in the bigger picture with Celenaria, too.

>> No.16590538 [SPOILER] 
File: 344 KB, 919x684, 1487440751795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a fucking second. Did I accidentally start at the fourth chapter of Mushi no Me and spoil myself, or does the trial have its own story? I downloaded this
link from Warosu and the game title screen at least only shows title 蟲の目. No chapter numbers or anything, and there's only はじめから instead of 第一章, 第二章 etc. that the VNDB screenshots seems to have, so I assumed this is a complete edition of the sorts. But the story seemed weird if nothing else and it begins with these two explaining a whole load of shit, so I decided to check the trial and it has a completely different start. And now that I googled "RJ106861" it also leads to fourth chapter only.

God damn it.

>> No.16590542

You did, that's from the last chapter.
Stop reading

>> No.16590592 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 420x415, 1487441276498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell. How badly did I spoil myself with the explanation of the twins' powers and the whole 虹 stuff? I got the point where they decided to go back in time to meet LUCA and saw this girl's flashback showing her supposed birth before I stopped playing.

>> No.16591055 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1604x1254, 1487446315022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone posted this here long long long ago but damn it's hilarious, no voice for the males though. nsfw.

>> No.16591164
File: 251 KB, 664x664, 1429249415379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16591254

I'm looking forward to this even if that opening told me nothing except that there will be girls and they will be cute.

Really like the writer.

>> No.16591768

Haven't played the common route in Sakura no uta in a while but why didn't the art club take credit for 明石's work or if they needed somebody famous why not 圭? Why 直哉 specifically or not a joint colaboration since they all helped. I looked back at the wiki and it doesnt really say. Is it so it would hold more value if it was 直哉?

>> No.16591790

Started reading Silverio Trinity. It's alright so far. I forgot how much I liked the music in Vendetta.

>> No.16591805

Yeah, no shit, only one of them is the son of world-famous painter (世界的な画家) Kusanagi Ken'ichirou.

>> No.16591999

I'm not sure how much of a spoiler this is, so please be careful if you haven't finished it yet.

It's been a while, but didn't the school (director) had a hand in deciding who got credit? Akaishi didn't care about the credit in the first place anyway.

>> No.16592012

wouldn't he need it to pass and he kept failing because of not having good enough?

>> No.16592260

Is there a nukige that has had an amazing plot and writing?
Like tons of sex but at the same time expertly written and an amazing story that really immerses you?
To a point the constant sex is a distraction and the story itself would a be a selling point?

I've played a nukige with a pretty decent story and the porn was great but I really wanted to learn more of plot. To a point some of the sex kinda got in the way despite it being hot.

>> No.16592277 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 337x227, IMG_20170219_104942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16592292

無限煉姦 ~恥辱にまみれし不死姫の輪舞~

>> No.16592306

What you're looking for isn't really nukige, but more plotge with a lot of porn. But yes, there are quite a few titles like that. Most notably the Black Cyc ones: Extravaganza, Gore Screaming Show, Mindead Blood. Mugen Kairou too. And most things written by Ban'ya.

>> No.16592318

I talked about play play play 4 before
It has a murderer on the lose, different girls routes tie to another, blackmail, twists and surprises. Its really interesting.
There's also a battle sex royal where people use different techniques to win.

>> No.16592331

>those tits
No thanks

>> No.16592344

Thanks for the blog update.

>> No.16592422

Yeah it can be bad, though the sex is is hot, there a quite a few routes that are well done

A scene that kinda hurt me, emotionally was.

That you make friends a girl with no friends and are her only friend just to rape her, and tell her you never her friend during the rape.

It's not really a spoiler, the Mc is a rapist.

>> No.16592501

>What you're looking for isn't really nukige, but more plotge with a lot of porn.
They're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.16592585

Bishoujo Mangekyou, elf games, Artemis games

>> No.16592635

Are there like script sizes for the different parts of Sakura no Uta? Common, Makoto etc?

>> No.16593020
File: 27 KB, 378x370, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Lilith games' sex scenes need to be so needlessly verbose?

>> No.16594083 [DELETED] 

Not exactly a VN but any of you guys got pc berseria in japanese?

I'm downloading the english torrent now but I'm guessing it doesn't come with the japanese voices.

If not I'll just ask on reddit for someone that bought it on steam to upload the jp voices folder.

>> No.16594111 [DELETED] 

This thread is for untranslated VNs. Your request is neither.

>> No.16594244
File: 186 KB, 209x1163, fHAIYUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this chart applicable to eroge men?

I don't think it applies to moege as much as they seem to resemble regular men sizes like but for things like nukige.

>> No.16594288

Yeah, I remember seeing a pastebin with that info.

>> No.16594313


>> No.16594450
File: 35 KB, 604x283, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16595225

Are any of the Muramasa spin-offs worth looking into? Torrents seem to be hard to find, at any rate.

>> No.16595327

How's Kamaitachi no Yoru remake?

>> No.16595405
File: 39 KB, 492x455, C2X5AVTUcAAqHUO.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think pic related will be any good

>> No.16595434

Like manga and the LNs?

Gare has reviews for them and they seem interesting enough.

>> No.16595678
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, tonakoi_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonakoi done. A moege that falls in pretty much all typical moege pitfalls staying ultimately kinda average. Trying too hard to make the girls seems cute and drama for the sake of drama that is always based on misunderstandings. And is predictable. I still wonder why that is done. Does anyone really like super predictable drama obviously and artificially based on misunderstandings?

Ryouka: The route is alright, though it doesn't really go anywhere with the "plot" behind it. Instead you get crappy daddy-drama.
My biggest problem here was the voice-acting. Ryouka sounds super fake when she's supposed to sound romantic. Can't describe it better, but I feel the voice-acting failed here quite a bit.

Nagisa: Too boring of a girl, this route also has the "drama" for the side-characters. You could say "lucky that all the crap is at one place".. but it doesn't make it especially better.

Rina: My favorite of the bunch. But as any meh moege this one also decided that a cheeky fun girl is not a girl, so she has to be made cute. Back and forth with the MC and have her teasing him? Can't have that, the mighty dick needs to win in the end. Also she's really good at swimming and teaching? Let's just let her become a fucking kindergarten teacher, because that fits. (oh so MOTHERLY!) I found it actually fitting when Rina asks the MC why he loves her when so many "better girls" are around him.. and he actually never answers anything of substance. I don't think the author really understood her charm. Which is pretty crazy.
The upside is, this had no really crappy drama and at least the fun banter didn't actually disappear as much as it usually does in other moege.

In the end nothing special. A typical moege. Rina's voice actress did a great job as always and the art was nice, once I got over how different CG and sprites looked at first.

>> No.16595680

>. and he actually never answers anything of substance.
Still beats eroge female reason #1

>> No.16595732

I honestly like that Rina gets dominated by the cock if only because it's funny as hell. Like she ends up pissing herself while getting pounded from behind minutes after rejecting sex? I mean that's rape nukige stuff, not moege, absolutely hilarious.

>> No.16595761

Orgel has been in the business for a long time and has written a number of different types of games, so it's not surprising that tonally there's some stuff that's out of place for a moege.

>> No.16595855

Reading the first Dies irae side story, the one about Shirou. Makes me wish Masada wrote a mystery game with the the atmosphere of Dies irae's first three chapters.

>> No.16595970

I found it slightly above average.
Mainly the art and jokes, it doesnt try to put too much moe and has cute scenes.

Still nothing that amazing other than the unique sport aspect.

>> No.16596019

>But as any meh moege this one also decided that a cheeky fun girl is not a girl, so she has to be made cute.
See, this is why I stopped liking her. She was actually my favorite first, I like cheeky girls and Akino Hana is also one of my favorite VAs and she got a non-loli role for once, but she ended up being my least favorite, as she just ended up being generic feminine heroine #439.

Ryouka retained her initial charm, and her deredere moments had the gap moe element. Also it's a fucking sin that her sister doesn't get a route. They even hint some 3P/netori in the FD and they never do it, fuck you Orgel.

>> No.16596100

Kinda long but I want to ask you guys a question but it's broken up in 3 smaller ones. I feel the three are kinda necessary to it answer it fully.

If the Mc dates a girl, they end up as a couple. They really love each other.
However the Mc goes through a traumatic experience and loses his memory.

How would you like the girl to react?

I've seen a eroge where the girl forgets and the guy moves on and dates other girls but still loves her and even maturbates to her. Later the option to get back with her appears after she is told what happened, I'm not sure she remembers though...

In another example I've seen the Mc forgets but the girl still accepts him and calls him her bf even though he doesn't remember.

The person who forgot isn't the same person they fell for. They don't have their memories. However they have the same body and personality.
Is getting back together kinda cheating? Would you prefer it if they can get back together but with new memories?

What if when they lost their memories and they become a different person personally wise, but this new person still falls for their lover.
Is getting back together kinda cheating?

If they could somehow split up into two people the new person who fell in love and the old person who already loved how would you like things to end?

>> No.16596256

I though it was above average compare to other stuff I've read, I'm not sure what you read or if I just read bad ones.

The story is kinda typical I guess but they go into details about sport which is kinda rare I haven't seen that for much eroge and kinda surprised me.
The cg and art is amazing. The songs are nice.

Sure it might follow some generic moege tropes like getting forced into a marriage by somebody annoying little sister.

However they touch in friend aspect nicely. The cover up bad misunderstandings kinda well and the love triangle was interesting with Rina and nagisa.
Rina worrying about if she's good enough, Nagisa is worried about what the Mc said as a kid, if he sees her as a friend and ryouka already being in love. It was interesting and strayed from most tropes like falling in love because they saved a cat or caught them from falling.

Though I admit it was weird that Rina ended up as a teacher, she could've gone as a professional swimmer but I guess you need something to fall back on. Her route was about her finding out what she wants to do I the future. I really liked her banter with the Mc and acted like the better childhood friend. I'm not sure what you mean they made her too moe/cute. I found her shy at times but that's okay she didn't go full uguu and stuff.

Also I agree with nagisa I hate that type of girl, she was pretty boring.

>> No.16596374
File: 366 KB, 1280x720, tonakoi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know about that. This scene was literally "these girls are sooo great, what have I to offer?" and with no answer that's kinda.. something else at that point. Even a shitty attempt would've been better than not even an attempt at all.


For a moege it's probably above average, yes. The genre has a whole lot stuff that's worse than Tonakoi.
That said, the "cute" thing with Rina is just the author tried really hard to make her seem girly, implying she isn't like a girl before. So instead of becoming a swimming coach (while MC becomes a coach for "running" or whatever) she gets the kindergarten role as that's more feminine. There are several more instances of that which made me really wonder. If you like her before, the route becomes meh, if you didn't really like her that much this change won't change either. And yet this stuff is done regularly, though usually way harder. (i.e. Senren Banka with Mako who turns from a playful cheeky girl into kind of a shy "I'm sorry for ever thinking about something lewd!!!!" character.)

>> No.16596425

>removing the 生意気 and 元気 from the resident 生元気 girl
truly there is no greater crime in eroge
like fuck, you're not 'showing us a different side of her', you're doing a complete 180 from all the traits that attracted me to her in the first place. if I wanted a shy demure ~feminine~ gal I would've gone for the six others you offer in the same game goddammit

>> No.16596472

Okay I get what you mean how they break down her character. Though I kinda do like how they make her seem a little girly, with that I admit her first sex scene had no problems with her not acting as girly so it could work really well.

I persinally kinda like changes in personality like the stoic character acting really shy when she touches somebody she likes.
That said they really could've done better.

>> No.16596772

Anyone know if Tenco is working on a new project? (Guys who did Eiyuu Senki and Gold).

I played the originals in Japanese looking up most of the words but my Japanese isn't good enough to go to their site and see what's up. Last I heard they were teasing a new project like a year and a half ago, but nothing since.

>> No.16596819

Dunno, but Ooyari Ashito is crowdfunding a raising sim.

>> No.16596834
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x720, Uso.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way to immerse in すきま桜とうその都会 and any other sakura themed games.

wallpaper engine + 樱花漫天飞舞

>> No.16596835

Oh. I guess that's bad news for Tenco's future prospects considering it's been three years since a release and their artist is crowdfunding a raising sim.

Thanks for the update man.

>> No.16596837

I want you know how you'd want the story to end.
I was thinking that she sees making new memories is just her going through their relationship again.
So she's okay with it and as long as it's him.

>> No.16596856

How'd you make a webm of your desktop?

>> No.16596881

sharex has video function -> webm converter

>> No.16596888

Any alternatives to wallpaper engine?

>> No.16596889

I used OBS Studio to record and converted it myself but >>16596881 is a lot easier.

>> No.16596892



>> No.16596895

I was playing White Album 2 while it was winter and snowing outside, it improves the experience somehow.
Immersion can definitely be improved by external factors, probably even by an animated wallpaper like yours

>> No.16596917

I don't know anything similar but its free on cs.rin.ru but you can't get the community creations without help.<
Someone shared the one I used above there.

Exactly. Even on ero scenes its better if I am in that mood too.
I also have to keep myself from getting distracted so I am also using some fake fullscreen script I have found.

>> No.16596953

Those "daily life" tracks with female gibberish in them are actually engraved into my head, ready to play whenever I see a picturesque town.

Also, here's my recommended route order:
Aya → Mistel → Rain → Grand
It's based on how in-touch he is with his heroic side.

>> No.16596998

How is the game?

>> No.16597100
File: 993 KB, 1024x576, Choco-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the game.
Overall Choco-tan is my favorite. I love sister characters too but somehow couldn't warm up to this one.

>> No.16598226

Has anyone here read Clover Heart's? I noticed some long time eroge readers seem to rate it ridiculously high but it doesn't seem particularly special. Is it actually good / does it hold up or is it just nostalgia?

>> No.16598391

I drop it because of how the artist draw their hands

>> No.16599935

Actually I'd like to ask something about clover Heart as well, is there two protagonist, and how does the route system works? Like 2 heroine for one protag, and other two for the other guy or something? Also do you read two routes at the same time, or when you start a route game suddenly ignores the other protag?

>> No.16600434 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 420x360, 1463307648388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw getting to the point where I can read long sentences faster than the voices speak in VNs

>> No.16600479

Can you play Kiminago without Flyable Heart? It looks more interesting

>> No.16600484

Yep, it does its own common route and all.
My only problem with it was Sho, bland as fuck.

>> No.16600835
File: 1.31 MB, 2439x2232, 1474909378321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are people's favorite <2003 eroge (apart from obvious ones)? And how good is this chart for earlier years?

>> No.16600852

I liked Nijuuei.

>> No.16600875

I don't know what you consider obvious but Hateao is amazing. Sorechiru is very enjoyable. Bokunatsu is a good childhood group inaka story. Teninai, Sekai no Subete, Crescendo all solid reads.

>> No.16600929

Not ero, but My Merry Maybe is easily one of my favorites. Hello World is good too but I'm no entirely sure if I'd call it one of my favorites.

>> No.16600998

Thanks guys, good recs.

>> No.16601076
File: 644 KB, 350x1974, penissize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This applies.

>> No.16601183

For Fate Extra CCC, are you supposed to do multiple playthroughs or how exactly does it work in regards to true route and the different servants etc? Going through that gameplay multiple times seems very 面倒

>> No.16601199

You have to do two playthroughs, with Gilgamesh as your second preferably because he's the meta servant of the game.
Went with Tamamo first, she has a lot in common with the alter egos.

>> No.16601252

I refuse to believe a human penis can reach that big
If anything half the measurements.
15cm should be big enough.
Any more and you hurt her.

>> No.16601765


Dear my Abyss sure is getting some nice reviews, is this the birth of a new Higurashi/Fata Morgana?

>> No.16601776

Hadler didn't like it so no

>> No.16601783

The shills are a little too obvious coming from accounts with only 1 vote.

>> No.16601788

Upload where?

Also that new JQV gaiden too. Pls uploadi.

>> No.16601811

Is there torrent or something?

>> No.16602312

You can but I wouldn't recommend it. It'll spoil Mayuri's route of Flyable Heart for you, whereas reading them the other way round won't.
If you're only going to read one then read Kiminago though, it's amazing.

>> No.16602323

>read Kiminago though, it's amazing

In what way?

>> No.16602354

Emotionally moving writing. Unique and interesting characters. Engaging and in-depth plot. Unexpected and impactful turns of events.

>> No.16602368

Thanks, I'll add it to my list.

>> No.16602548

Well it's not happy, nor it is depressing. Pretty realistic.

>> No.16602601
File: 88 KB, 260x260, both[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if seriously, I prefer story oriented writing, without bloated text. I dislike overly detailed description of nature or someone's very very deep feelings. I don't appreciate when author goes out of his way to make sentence structure sound weird or whatever. Imo, the writing should be the means, and not a decoration.

Someone made a copypaste about Romeo's style or whatever in /vn/. Well fuck that. I don't want to read such abstract writing.

ib4 ADHD, go away.

>> No.16602621

I remember when I was 12 and thought like this.

>> No.16602627

I'm playing Baldr games so yes, always. Baldr heart though had just enough saves for me to beat it.

>> No.16602642

Nice response, brah.

>> No.16602692

And now you're 15 and pretentious as fuck?

>> No.16602780

No need to be offended. It'll pass with age.

>> No.16602882

Why should I be offended? I'm probably at least 10 years older than you. You just sound like a typical kid who is obsessed with "grown up" stuff.

>> No.16602926

Thanks. I'll come back to complain if that order doesn't work out.

>> No.16602929

i'll try and put this in a non condescending way.

sooner or later you will realize that while there are myriads of different stories that have been told and are yet to be told, the vast majority of them will overlap. you'll start seeing the same shit over and over again. you'll start complaining that you saw it coming, that it's ripping off ____, that it's just x + y with a bit of z.

that's where good prose comes in. or even just different writing styles. they can make the same old plot feel new. they can make a tired cliche finally click with you.

it is a shame you feel that way, but maybe some day you won't.

or maybe not, the vn scene isn't exactly the best place to find good prose. the lion's share of it is an unholy combination of story oriented but also with bloated overly detailed descriptions, but in a generic commonplace style. perhaps if you branch out into things like english novels you may get a better appreciation.

>> No.16602994
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Immersion ruined.

>> No.16603000

>the vn scene isn't exactly the best place to find good prose
There's plenty of good writers in the medium. Just because you write on paper doesn't make you suddenly become better.
> if you branch out into things like english novels you may get a better appreciation.
Also funny story, I used to hate "prose" heavy books like that guy, but in English. Then I learned Japanese and for the first time came to appreciate all the different styles. Hell I like Mareni but I still don't like Nabokov or Joyce. But I have a theory it's not because of the prose, but rather content / thinking wise I don't really connect much to Western writers.

>> No.16603067

i'm not really saying there's no good writing in the medium, just that it's harder to find. less examples to choose from.

personally I'm not a huge fan of Nabokov, Joyce, or a lot of the greats either, but there's a whole pile of real good writers with vastly different styles and ways of thinking. though there's a lot I dislike about contemporary western writing, there's enough non-contemporary ones that i've found i love.

i suppose a lot of the dislike comes from how much people go on about "The Classics" when while they're quite good and it would be stupidly contrarian of me to say otherwise, it's not often you find people who really connect with them. it's more often the weird, off-beat stuff people find speaks to them.

not really sure what i'm trying to say here so i should stop rambling.

>> No.16603153

>it's not often you find people who really connect with them.
I think it's more that there's variance which people in any work. There's no one work EVERYONE will enjoy, it's always a coin flip so to speak. It's just that classics are kind of forced as something everyone must enjoy, whereas others aren't so much.

For this reason, I don't think it's right to say "it's not often you'll find people who really connect with them". They're good works a lot of people connect to, that's in part why they endure so long. Rather, it's just that you won't often people who haven't had the (false) distinction between "literature vs genre fiction" pounded into their head which then makes them avoid literature under the assumption they just won't enjoy it. The thing about eroge is that there's no such distinction, no literature vs genre fiction, so people aren't afraid to read say Subahibi or Muramasa under the assumption they'll be boring shit.

>> No.16603179

Oh I've explored outside of the classics / literary fiction too but I didn't really hit anything I "loved". Majority was bad to meh with a few somewhat fun ones but nothing that convinced me to read more of the author.
What I've observed was that old books were either very dated idea wise or I just could not relate to. And the problem with contemporary books is that the ones get popular / win awards are... well, you probably know. Authors write for an audience rather than doing their own thing, random political shit etc. I'm sure there's a good chunk of really good authors but because of the sheer number of things that come out it's hard to find them.

This is the other advantage with eroge, the volume of new releases is very low so you can "know" about everything fairly easily with sites like EGS.

>> No.16603196

no longer human

>> No.16603819
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I loved the final route so this game was totally worth playing.

>> No.16603893
File: 135 KB, 853x475, kGFYX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is Sakuradite down for everybody else, or just me?

I'm trying to add some new titles to Visual Novel Reader after some impulse buys, but everything seems to be down at the moment. ( _ _)

>> No.16603911

I translated Albatross Koukaroiku's prologue and would greatly appreciate some feedback. Thanks! https://constructedheroisms.wordpress.com/2017/02/13/translation-albatross-koukairoku-prologue/

>> No.16604519


I was wondering where the 4chan views were coming from - but it ain't cool to impersonate other people on the internet bro.

Although - I do appreciate feedback.

>> No.16604608

Does Hello Lady have enforced route order?

>> No.16604744

>old plot feel new
Yuk.I think I'll evacuate from the medium before then because I am a plot guy.
But yeah, everyone is here for different reasons. Some comes for the prose, some - for moe SoL, some for a low budget version of anime.
There is probably still a new baldr game every 4-5 years so it's cool.
Too bad Narahara left the medium after writing his magnum opus.

>> No.16604853

Never happened to me, since I usually use less than 10 saves for any game I play.

>> No.16605153

I feel the same way about Japanese prose, I think the language itself just allows for far more liberty in terms of writing style.

>> No.16605172

It sucks when the character you like gets the worst tapestry tokutens.

>> No.16605200

Then just get the one that looks the nicest. Hell, you might like that character more than you think you do when the game comes out.

>> No.16605241

Muramasa and Ningen Shikakku are my two favorite Japanese novels. Is there anything of the same caliber for antiheroes?

>> No.16605254


>> No.16605401

Unless you really want to go off the deep end and read Sosekis later work which is just depressing beyond belief, I'd recommend Botchan. I wouldn't call the protagonist an antihero, but his character arc captures that transition from being a naive young person who's trying to be fair and wanting to believe in people into a cynical adult very well, and shows the bitter-sweetness of life along the way.

>> No.16605696

Virtually every plot has been done before though. This will happen in any narrative medium as you gather experience

>> No.16605768

Well fuck.
Time to go live in the real life.

>> No.16606200

Just finished the Rance remakes for I and III, and I must say that after hearing Chaos voiced, I genuinely would like the series to continue voicing characters

>> No.16606797

Well there's only one game left and it will probably be voiced.

>> No.16607301
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It's a trap!

>> No.16607327

Looks almost like TinkerBell's gaijin block.

>> No.16607328

It won't be, it's been confirmed that X will be too long and have too many characters to voice it.

>> No.16607332


>> No.16607547

I hope for others rance remakes tho, like the fourth or kichickuou(alicesoft plz)

>> No.16607571
File: 567 KB, 706x843, biman-renge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you rank the BiMan games against each other in terms of story and in terms of H?

>> No.16607705


>> No.16607721
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>> No.16608067


Read everything in Sakura no Uta you stupid piece of shit

>> No.16608145

Tsuriotsu - Luna
Otoriro - Resona

What's the good / canon route in Tsuriotsu 2?

>> No.16608224
File: 164 KB, 800x600, acchimuitekoi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I heard that Asa Project common routes are supposedly really funny and all, but couldn't really understand it with their most recent work which I found not really funny, or good at all. But this one here? My god. Now I understand I guess.

Oh and pink best girl.

>> No.16608337

Should I read Chocolat before Parfait? Or it isn't worth it?

>> No.16608346

It's not a requirement, but the game is decent.

>> No.16608371

So I finished Dies irae.

Should I go for KKK right away? Or maybe some smaller title as a change of pace?

>> No.16608609

So I just ate steak.

Do I want to eat more of it? Or do I want to eat something else?

>> No.16608628

You want to eat more steak, of course.

>> No.16608712

Have something sweet for desert.

>> No.16609085

Sadly they've been on a slow decline ever since.

>> No.16609100

I've only played their most recent game due to the Asa love on EGS. That game was painfully mediocre. I did kind of like that the best friend character wasn't shafted too hard as a joke. He was still a shit character though.

>> No.16610347

Well that's what happens if you get baited by new and shiny things. 0kilo and Hitoren are their good titles (still shit in the routes but a few are bearable).

>> No.16611231

I finally finished Chaos;Child completely. Fuck that true ending, this is way too sad.

>> No.16612601

Their most recent game was probably their worst title, or at least for my tastes. Half of the heroines were pretty annoying or shitty to me (Maho is the worst asaproject heroine imo), almost every scene felt very random and forced + didnt laugh almost any of their jokes in it. As a someone who played all of their games I had a very hard time with finishing it, literally forced myself to do so.

But as >>16610347 said 0kilo and Hitoren are pretty nice, try those. Dont expect anything from the heroine routes tho, while some of them are okayish or better than average, most of their heroine routes just suck.

>> No.16612651

Fuck that's so cute

>> No.16612768

What's 家族計画 like if anyone played it? The only thing I know about it is that it's by Romeo. Is it just what it looks like on the box, guy hangs around with girls in a house and solves their problems? Are there any memorable and impression lasting scenes like C+C's finale?

>> No.16612810

it's a story about bunch of "homeless" people living under the same roof, and no it's not about solving girl problems as one of the best characters in game is old man voiced by wakamoto.

>> No.16612902


Not exactly what you asked for, but if you liked Dazai, please read 女生徒. It's a short story, should take you 30-60 minutes.

>> No.16613162

Opinions on こころリスタ?

>> No.16613208

It was my favorite moege of 2015 if that means anything.

>> No.16613240

... well that doesn't really say anything. Have you played Miagete Goran / Sumire? What did you like about it?

>> No.16613437

To start with, there's just something about the art that I really like, as well the voice cast was pretty much full of some of my favorite VAs.

Story and text wise I really liked how the pacing was generally fairly quick, and it never really felt like any of the scenes were dragging on or staying past their welcome. And there was just something about the prose itself that made it really enjoyable to read for me.

>> No.16614070

Off-topic(ish), didn't know Maeda Jun's apparently been working on some stuff

>> No.16614080

oops https://twitter.com/tora_akiba_c/status/834316098048716800

>> No.16614161

>Are there any memorable and impression lasting scenes like C+C's finale?
Not really and the writing isn't as good. But I liked it more because I couldn't stand the characters in C+C.

Saihate no Ima is Romeo's best work by a long shot imo.

>> No.16614525

eve burst error R on ps+
wtf, i love sony now

>> No.16614653

Pretty cool, too bad I already pirated that game on my Vita.

>> No.16614691

It's a great game but based on your post it's probably not the type of game for you.

>> No.16614911

sheeeit you can do that these days huh

did you keep the vita from updating to do that lad?

>> No.16614939

Yeah, you need 3.60 firmware (if you're below that you can manually update to 3.60, but if you're on 3.61 or higher you're out of luck for now). /vg/ is fucking trash but the homebrew general is useful for this sort of thing, so check it out if you want more info.

>> No.16614981

Where do you get Japanese PS vita roms/vpks?
I seem to find only English roms.

>> No.16615024

I really hope you aren't referring to moege.
I find it really weird unless it's old eroge.

Current moege I find it freaky

>> No.16615034

Not him but turn off automatic updates or just keep the WiFi off.

>> No.16615300

Good question. I don't know how to navigate the Chinese parts of the internet, which is where most of them come from, so I just make do with whatever I can find on nyaa, psvitaiso.com, and /r/vitapiracy.

>> No.16615450

Okay thanks, been wondering for a while

>> No.16615474

Might anyone know where to find the third append patch for Amakano 2?

>> No.16615483


Never mind, I found it with a google search. Shouldn't have posted a question just right after seeing it wasn't on nyaa, my apologies.

>> No.16616251
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>> No.16616430
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Done with Aka (brown) and Yuuyu(pink) in Acchi Muite Koi. Will not do the others.

Like I already wrote, this was definitely way more funny than Asa Project's most recent work. However that was also mostly it, as far as the common route goes. It feels a bit like route beginnings are all kinda in the common route which just makes things awkward.
Yuuyu confesses extremely fast to the protagonist and is seen pursuing that actively until that suddenly gets "forgotten" for most of the relatively long common route, until the end of it where it gets randomly addressed once more. Common is full of that kind of thing, which makes it awkward. The second half of the ~500kb (excluding branches) common route is also significantly less funny, as semi-long arcs of two girls happen that aren't really that strong and should've probably been in their respective routes. They also feel like if they'd be route-stuff as other characters suddenly have no to minor roles.

Apart of that the game is roughly split into two parts, the crossdressing "dorm" part and not crossdressing "school" part. The latter is generally way less funny and less interesting. Especially Aka is just a bitch for a good time there. Now for routes:

Yuuyu: My first one. The girl carried the game pretty hard as far as comedy goes and her route was rather nice as well. Just short. It ended the moment they become a couple, with only 3 really short ero scenes after it. No other main-characters gets to even know they are a couple and generally it feels just like there's something missing. Funny how there's also a support character solely introduced in and for this route. This probably shouldn't just have been ~100kb.

Aka: With twice the length of Yuuyu's route, this one works better. The last part seems a bit weird, but altogether I had my fun here without really that much to complain about. Aside of maybe that they shouldn't have made her so bitchy, but hey, classic tsundere. With a moege fitting reason behind it. (After she confesses her trauma, the protag is even asking her "This is supposed to be a joke, right?") And most of the game is part of the cross-dressing at first anyway, where she isn't too bad.
This route made Yuuyu's route really feel like a sub-character route. Same amount of CG and whatnot though..

Well, had my fun. The first of 26 games on a new backlog of mine, all featuring some kind of blonde twintail character, no games of my "normal" backlog and for the most part EGS>=75. And I didn't even play her route.
Next up ナツメグ, an older work featuring Watanabe Ryouichi and Kio Nachi starting up the Cotton Soft brand, though no EGS>75. Still interesting enough.

>> No.16617707
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, 1486108377331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art looks cute.
The scenario writer has only written two moege, one sits at 82 and the other at 75 on EGS. The game is unlikely to be great but it should be at least decent.

>> No.16617762

Haretaka was a really good game and SukiSuki was pretty decent as well so it should be okay to expect something decent imo. I'm definitely looking forward for it with that art.

>> No.16618665

>Haretaka was a really good game
Was it? I dropped it mid-early cause of the ridiculously unrealistic characters and the contrived-as-ass setting. I was looking forward to something touching like October Sky but what I got was Anime Girls on Famous Rocket Island in Famous Rocket School in One of Many Rocket Clubs do Rocket Things Like Everyone Else. Couldn't ask for a more contrived setting, seriously.
I'll respect that the author knows his shit wrt rockets, but in terms of actual story telling and characterization, a lot is left to be desired from what I read.

>> No.16618685

>I was looking forward to something touching like October Sky but what I got was Anime Girls
Sounds like eroge isn't for you.

>> No.16618699

The important bit was the bit past that my friend, I have no problems with anime girls in general. I do think that having the cast of the game being spastic, moeblobby anime girls did negatively impact the story given its focus on rockets but my issue with the game was and is the contrived setting and basically contrived everything. Doesn't feel like an organic story at all, but rather a forced excuse to talk about rockets, but with moeblob anime girls to still sell well.
Again, based on impressions of the early-mid parts of the game.

>> No.16618732

Not that guy but a lot of Japanese games and VNs for Vita aren't uploaded at all even on the Chinese internet. I'm waiting for Himawari pebble in the sky (no-one has uploaded the PC version) and Chaos Child (it runs really slow on PC and my PC is shit).

>> No.16618738

Cause they don't have porn.
VN piracy is only as healthy as it is because people want porn.

>> No.16618742

Both of those games are uploaded on PC, retard.

>> No.16618757

>no-one has uploaded the PC version

...what? Are you living on the moon? Pun intended.

>> No.16618768

I was talking about Vita games in general, pal.

>> No.16618795

Using "Cause they don't have porn." as a reason, when the very same games and many others without porn are uploaded on PC.

>> No.16618851

That's just a trick, people think it has porn cause it's a PC vn so they ask for it without realizing.

>> No.16619627

The new version Pebble in the Sky hasn't been uploaded

>> No.16619656


... so I take that as a yes, you are indeed living on the moon.

>> No.16619717

I'm pretty sure I've uploaded it and posted it in previous threads.

>> No.16619756

(Himawari spoilers) How realistic was Aqua's moon trip anyway? I imagine the resources required to go to the moon and back are sufficiently large that it's unlikely the company would've had a rescue vessel to save her sitting around ready to launch, right? Especially since they had no plans to return to the moon. So while getting there might be doable, getting back is pretty unrealistic.

>> No.16619809

I've spent 10 minutes searching the archive and I can't find it.

>> No.16619849


Okay, let me give you a hint. For whatever reason all-ages VN get uploaded on the adult nyaa a lot of times. It has been like that for quite a time though and using google should work too, without any issue.
I kinda don't know what to say here. Nyaa and A-S should be super standard, with google as a backbone.

>> No.16619897

Sorry I'm retarted

>> No.16620691

>Famous Rocket Island in Famous Rocket School in One of Many Rocket Clubs do Rocket Things Like Everyone Else
This throw me off too.
I keep reading it for sex with Arisa though, but then drop it.
