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1642440 No.1642440 [Reply] [Original]

Hanako quietly sat next to me, tightly grasping a small yet decorative box.

Her eyes sat glazing at the floor as a beautiful white dress covered her fragile body.

She looked as though as she was going to break out into tears at any moment, but she always had this aura of her.

It was truly depressing; I just wanted to to wrap my arms around her and comfort her as best I can.

But I fear that I may scare her and have her lose trust in me.

But then, Hanako let lose a soft whimper and her facial expression become ever more saddened.

I knew I had it do it now.

I leaned in closer to Hanako and held out my arms.

However, Hanako popped out from her seat and faced me.

"I... I..."

Her voice was a little raspy and nervous as she tried to speak.

"I was a little happy last night and made you and Lilly some chocolates."

She unwrapped and opened the box to reveal about a dozen associated chocolates.

"Please, try one."

She held the box out and I stared at the little brown morsels.

I hovered my figures about the sweets for a few seconds and picked what appeared to be a carmel-filled one.

Just then, Hanako's eyes lit up like lightning and looked as though tears of joy would rain from her face.

Poor girl, she became so introverted that something as simple as accepting a gift makes her overjoyed.

I promise that I'll help her.

>> No.1642446

There's something truly beautiful within Hanako and it is my mission to let the world see that beauty.

Just then, something pricked my finger.

I look at the slightly melted chocolate in between my fingers.

Something felt a little strange about it, but I could imagine what it was.

I grasp the cocolate with my fingers and felt a sharp pain on both my thumb and pointer finger.

Using my fingernail, I gently scraped along one of the points.

A very stiff object could be felt as I removed part of the chocolate.

Hanako whimpered as I turn my head to see the result.

>> No.1642449

My foot crushed her face before she could finish her pathetic attempt of wanting forgiveness.

Her face was now covered with the bottom of my shoe and the blood emerging from her mouth.

Spitting some of the vile fluid, her opened her mouth once more.

"Ple... stop... I l... ove"

I couldn't take this anymore and her face meet the sole of my shoes once more.

But that wasn't enough for the fucking cunt that wanted me dead just moments ago.

I did it again, and again, and again.

As I curb-stomped that little shit, blood flew from my shoe and decorated the otherwise dull room that was Hanako's.

>> No.1642450

Ehh, I can't bring myself to care.

At least the diaperfic was disgusting.

>> No.1642462

It was scat (both desperation and sex), not diapers.

>> No.1642470

Not this again.

>> No.1642489

Yeah. Hanako and diapers just wouldn't mix well. There's already a humiliation factor, the burn scars. Introducing another one would be awkward and would end up feeling closer to father and daughter than girlfriend and boyfriend.

>> No.1642478


Hell yeah, beating up women makes you feel like a manly man doesn't it OP ?

>> No.1642480

Nobody cares about your shitty game.

>> No.1642481

So this scene's legit, right?

>> No.1642485

Whatever. As soon as I smelled where it was going, I stopped reading.

It's the same _shit_, literally.

>> No.1642498

This one has yandere Hanako (and Hisao, I guess).

>> No.1642513

I was talking about scat in regards to diapers.

This one's okay... it would have been better if I cared about the character, though, and since KS will never be released that won't really happen. I bet if you changed Hanako to Alice and made similar cosmetic changes, you'd have a rage thread on your hands.

>> No.1642522

Yeh, you diaperfags disgust me.

>> No.1642523

scat!= diapers

>> No.1642529

Diapers are so innocent and the only hate from them is from mere ignorance.

>> No.1642530

Aren't they both poop fetishes? Seems to me like the one is a subset of the other.

>> No.1642544

Diapers and scat are two very different things.

Diaper fetish like diapers and wearing them; some may fetish release themselves into the diaper, but some don't - many hate making a bowel movement in a diaper.

Scat is a fetish for feces (whether the desperation aspect or the actual feces); some scat fetishes may wear diapers to help to extend their fetish, but they usually are not diaper fetishists.

>> No.1642546

Anything relating to shit is disgusting.
I really don't care if it's scat or diapers. It's gross either way.

>> No.1642547



>> No.1642549

In serious need of an editor. It's so hard to enjoy something if it doesn't read smoothly.

>> No.1642552

So what you're saying is there are two types of diaperfags: scatfaggots and guys who just like to wear diapers?

Why, might I ask, would you want to wear a diaper?
Isn't that embarrassing? Isn't it embarrassing to buy Depends when you do your shopping?

Eh, nvm, there's no real way to rationalize fetishes.

>> No.1642553

Diapers and scat are two very different things.

Diaper fetishists like diapers and wearing them; some fetishists may release themselves into a diaper, but some don't - many hate making a bowel movement in a diaper for multiple reasons.

Scat is a fetish for feces (whether the desperation aspect or the actual feces); some scat fetishes may wear diapers to help to support their fetish, but they usually are not diaper fetishists.

>> No.1642569

Think it as this: take a group of diaper fetishists; obviously all of them will like diaper to some extent. Some of those diaper fetishist like urinating in diapers - only a small few of those people like defecating in diapers.

Also, there are many reasons for liking diaper - many of which just amount to form a stress relief.

>> No.1642583

So, the story was awesome.

>> No.1642589

Isn't it disgusting to sit in your own fecal matter?
Mou~, whatever.

>> No.1642585


>> No.1642606

Ask the people to shit in them.

>> No.1642611


Seems there is nothing like crapping your pants to relieve stress and I mean that.

>> No.1642623

And yet more people will lash out to you for liking loli.

A lot more people.

>> No.1642627


You have a toilet in your house, right? Use that.

>> No.1642630

Toliets != diapers

Your argument is flawed.

>> No.1642633


Let them lash out at me for liking loli.

Fact is majority of them will be too busy sitting on their own crap to give at damn

>> No.1642638

Shit goes out and away.
Instant relief, no mess, just add water.

Toilets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diapers

>> No.1642641


More like too busy sitting in their own shit to give a shit?

>> No.1642644

Many of those who defecate in diapers don't "sit" around in them.

Many change (and do whatever) soon after release their bowels.

>> No.1642676

Doesn't that, uh, void the purpose of the diaper?

>> No.1642678


Well for that reason why bother to put a diaper on then ? Just to take it off again when you have..done your business ?

Seems kinda pointless to me.

>> No.1642690

You do know that most diaper fetishist don't wear diapers for necessity (although some do and more have in the past for one reason or another).

They can control when and where to do anything regarding releasing themselves and cleaning up.

>> No.1642695

Many of the scat-types hate being in soiled diapers for long.

>> No.1642697

How can you say you love it if you can't wear your poop?

>> No.1642700
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>> No.1642705

Many of them only defecate on certain occasions and many of those are too aroused to remain in them (plus they usually hate the smell and such).

>> No.1642708
File: 104 KB, 264x400, 1227240495778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Korean not welcome.

>> No.1642717

Geez, people. Can't a guy just like diapers because it's like wearing a really soft pair of boxers?

>> No.1642722

>Geez, people. Can't a guy just like diapers because it's like wearing a really soft and thick pair of briefs?


>> No.1642728

You know, you're probably right. Still softer than normal underwear though.

>> No.1642736

Greatly agree.

Much more comfortable too.

>> No.1642737

Greatly agreed.

Much more comfortable too.

>> No.1642742



>> No.1642798

So, as I said, great story.

>> No.1642828

Poor Hanako. ;_;

>> No.1642869

>There's something truly beautiful within Hanako and it is my mission to let the world see that beauty.
>something truly beautiful within Hanako

>With one last stomp, her skull caved in and gooey insert came rushing out onto the floor.
>gooey insert came rushing out

I was waiting for a "her inner beauty was truly a let down" line, or something like that. Chekhov's gun ffs

>> No.1642877
File: 28 KB, 347x450, 1227242918432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, we welcome and value the Friendship of the Korean nation and all of it's inhabitants.

>> No.1642887

Small yet decorative?

That is implying that small things are not decorative when in reality it's the only purpose of most small things.

>> No.1643504

