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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1634128 No.1634128 [Reply] [Original]


They updated it (no art though).

Have some old school splash instead.

>> No.1634136

cool update bro

>> No.1634160

retarded meme aniki.

Whomever came up with it should die in a particularly slow fashion.

>> No.1634240

I think Retard Girls is a great name for a VN.

>> No.1634246

There have been more threads about this than Type-Moon stuff the past couple of days, and there's not even any material on this game yet.

It's begun.

>> No.1634254
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It's not even close to started

>> No.1634256

I think the over-hype might kill it. I only hope anon can stay his wrath and hold on for a while longer.

>> No.1634284

Do you think that since it's now being labeled as a '4chan' project it will be full of RANDUM nonsense or what? I can imagine it being popular enough that most of /jp/ will hate it just because it's a popular /vn/ (get ready for the flood of SO I PLAYED KS RECOMMEND ME OTHER VN threads)

>> No.1634290

This is the least it's been connected to 4chan, ever. Back when it was getting off the ground, it was pretty much set as a LOL SO RANDUM XD collection of memes and faggotry. It's very much not that way now.

>> No.1634292

>I can imagine it being popular enough that most of /jp/ will hate it just because it's a popular /vn/

Stop talking out of your ass. I'm going to hate it because it's shittily written with a horrible premise.

>> No.1634296

Because you've read it amirite?

>> No.1634298

hopefully the hoopla over 4CHON VN OMG is gonna get contained to /a/ and here. If this ends up becoming /b/'s VERY FIRST VISUAL NOVEL then it's over for us.

>> No.1634309

Yeah maybe but regardless people always make posts here like "WHY DON'T YOU NAME SOME GOOD VISUAL NOVELS" ::namedrops the most obscure VNs possible::

The writing probably won't be so great, but the premise doesn't sound too bad. It could be endearing, though the thought of multiple sex routes with disabled girls is kind of stupid.

>> No.1634311

It's like I'm really in January, 2007!

>> No.1634324

The writing I've read has been terrible.

>> No.1634328


It's not Retard Girls; it's more along the line of Cripple Girls.
In that "Katawa" is gruff and offensive to the "physically deficient".
(Cripple usually isn't considered polite. People usually don't care, though.)

"Retard" is just used in an example that it's not the politically correct way to say it, as "Mentally deficient" would be.

>> No.1634333


>Do you think that since it's now being labeled as a '4chan' project it will be full of RANDUM nonsense or what?

No, and I really hope they distance themselves from that 4chan label.

>I can imagine it being popular enough that most of /jp/ will hate it just because it's a popular /vn/

If it ruins the board or it sucks I'll hate it. But I want to like it so I hope they can avoid either of those things. Right now I just hate the people who keep posting shitty threads about it.

>> No.1634335

I am calmly expecting this game with no illusions of inherent greatness or atrocity.

I defy thee, internet.

>> No.1634349

So, they should have just called it "Disability Girls" in English.

>> No.1634358
File: 130 KB, 600x644, 1227083163080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Game Formerly Known as Katawa Shoujo

Does anyone else agree with me that this would make an awesome title?

>> No.1634366



>> No.1634370

I've kept wondering about the 4chan connection too.

The project started on /a/, some of the devs are active 4channers and it took 8 minutes from me writing that blog post to the OP of this thread getting posted, so the connections are clearly there. Even the Sankaku article had huge "4CHAN VISUAL NOVEL" headline. Still, ever since the very first months this really hasn't felt like a "4chan project" because it lacks the characteristics of what makes 4chan 4chan.

I don't think we need to consciously distance ourselves from 4chan though. Yelling "la la la we are not a 4chan project" would feel silly.

>> No.1634383

Especially considering how devs post in EVERY FUCKING THREAD WITHIN MINUTES

>> No.1634389


Don't forget how they hang out on IRC and say LOL WE TROLLED 4CHAN AGAIN LOLOLOLOL

>> No.1634396


But the thing is we all know where the genesis of the project occurred. No one who doesn't already know needs to know. It can't bring anything good.

>> No.1634421

Except, the project really has no connotations to 4chan (besides it's origin) and the devs rarely post on /jp/, especially when KS related.

>> No.1634431

The project has no real connection to its earlier incarnations, either.

>> No.1634438

That's true, it's not being advertized as 4chan game or anything like that. Some of the KS threads here turn into a dev circlejerk playground very quickly though.

>> No.1634453

>That's true, it's not being advertized as 4chan game or anything like tha

Not by the devs, at least.

>> No.1634456

>the devs rarely post on /jp/, except when KS related.
Fixed that for you. It's a goddamn joke by now.

>> No.1634460


>That's true, it's not being advertized as 4chan game or anything like that.

Except by every shitty fucking blog that decides to do a "story" on it. I wish the devs would tell them to knock it off but I'm sure they're loving the attention and certainly don't give a fuck what effect it's going to have on /jp/.

>> No.1634479

So they picked a Japanese title that turned out to be kind of inappropriate and shitty. Why didn't they just give it an English title, then? I know, the whole idea of a visual novel is pretty exclusively Japanese, but still.

>> No.1634481

Going around the various blogs and news sites that have done a story about KS and "setting them right" doesn't sound sensible. But what kind of effect does this have on /jp/?

>> No.1634485

Did you read the blog post from the OP? The name was not picked as such, it was in the concept page that sparked this whole thing.

>> No.1634503
File: 236 KB, 921x1394, 1227085205702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, "Katawa Shoujo - Disability Girls".

>> No.1634509


That's fine, but they're still the ones who decided to stick their game with that name. And they admit in that post that it's a little strange to give an English-language game a Japanese game, even considering the Japanese-ness of the whole visual novel thing.

>> No.1634510
File: 114 KB, 750x750, 1227085297280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, but he probably likes to cause melodrama.

>> No.1634566

Didn't they want to name it Zettai Shoujo first?

>> No.1634573


'4chan' has a very negative connotation. It essentially means /b/. That's what everyone on the outside thinks when they see 4chan. The people who would be interested in a '4chan project' are generally those people who are interested in /b/. They'll most likely be redirected to either /a/ and from /a/ to /jp/ or directly to /jp/. I envision a nightmare scenario where we're overrun by /b/tards, half asking how to fuck the hot blind chick without reading all the words and the other half going on their typical witless anti-weeaboo screeds this time with a side of moral outrage over the whole sexualization of cripples thing.

I don't want those kinds of people coming here. Athens is already tapping into some of the /r9k/ crowd and the decline is very palpable.

>> No.1634601

No, that's the name of the artist's group.

>> No.1634603

No, Zettai Shoujo is Raita's doujin circle. You can see "made by Zettai Shoujo" written in that picture.

>> No.1634612


If you haven't already written off all of 4chan you're either too naive or haven't been here very long

>> No.1634638

We still want to know Raita's opinion on this.
We all know that doujins based on commercial products are an accepted practice but is it acceptable when it comes to doujins based on someone's personal works? Considering that afaik no one asked Raita for permission yet.

>> No.1634641

Considering that on the doujin page itself it says he'd love to see it made...

>> No.1634642

Have you heard of Touhou? Zun considers his games doujin games and he is on record for saying he thinks the fanworks of them are awesome.

Of course Raita might think differently, who knows.

>> No.1634661

Seriously? Who gives a fuck about what he thinks

>> No.1634676
File: 189 KB, 700x700, 1227089533540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legend has it that he does know of the project, but does not say anything against it.

Otherwise, we would at least see him bitching in his homepage.

>> No.1634686

I guess it's pretty realistic to say that he knows about it.

>> No.1634690

The Japanese online community is pretty tight-knit. The Itai news post alone caused a MASSIVE flood of Japanese onto the forums, youtube video and website.

>> No.1634705

Wanting to see it made doesn't mean you can make one without permission whatsoever. Who knows, Raita might actually had wished for a professional commercial project based on it. The question is whether had he wanted to see it made by random unknown weeaboos with failart and music.

Touhou is popular and mainstream, fanworks are common and are actually good. Pretty much everything that Raita's single page illustration isn't.

>> No.1634710
File: 69 KB, 800x600, 1227090982294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1634715


I like the art. Especially the happy legless girl. Can't say anything about the writing because I haven't read anything they put out. I'll wait until it's finished.

>> No.1634716

Agreed, though the music does sound pretty old-school.

>> No.1634727

As a decent enough drawfag I'm discriminating enough to consider it halfway between being decent and shit.

>> No.1634730

why the hell do you guys even CARE what kind of attention it gets? I mean seriously.

>> No.1634732


why are you so illiterate

>> No.1635222

Going around to every Japanese blog and teling them not to call it a 4chan project is something I will personally not do, because it would accomplish nothing at all. IF I did so I'd go around tlling them to stop comparing it to ONE, because they are nothing alike.

And yeah it says "conceived on 4chan's /a/" in the project history page but that's just how it is.

>> No.1635229



>> No.1635230


Japanese blogs aren't the problem.

>> No.1635250

At least this is updated more often than the TF2 dev blod

>> No.1635253

I have read the 2ch threads, and a lot of people seem as offended/weirded out/lulzy as the English speaking world would have if you had named it "Cripple Girls." You really need to do one of two things. Make a post to this blog and the website, in Japanese, explaining yourselves, or, change the name. Really, I think both. This is a revolutionary game, the first major doujin project to garner great interest in the otaku communities on both sides of the Pacific, and I really think something like this can bring down this accord. PLEASE change the name, or at least explain to the 2ch community. Perhaps a friendly e-mail to Raita?

>> No.1635260

>Make a post to this blog and the website, in Japanese

Sorry, but SUMIMASEN NIHONGO-DOMO is not what we do.

>> No.1635264

Then find someone who does. You had someone translating your blog posts for a while, get him to do it.

>> No.1635267

I like the name Crippled Hearts. I'd steal that.

>> No.1635271

Heck, I'd just go all the way and call it "Broken Hearts"

>> No.1635274

who cares about the moonpeople?

just make fun of them, like we always do.

>> No.1635279

wtf have you been smoking? Please explain your reasoning better so I know whether to lol or to rage.

>> No.1635289

You mean, imply that all the girls in the game have had boyfriends in the past?

>> No.1635293

katawa shoujo is all about competing against nerdy as fuck ex-boyfriends from /jp/ & /b/.

oh yeah it's going to be like staring into a mirror.

>> No.1635301

Don't you want to have good accord with our friends across the sea? Don't you want to show them that we can deliver the epic just as well as them? Its a lot easier to do if you have a less offensive name than something that translates to 'Cripple Girls.'

>> No.1635305


Just post on the dev blog all the offensive Engrishy named of Japanese doujin games ( Battle Raper comes to mind) and just say 'LOL PARODY' I'm sure they'll buy it, you can call it a homage to all those Japanese names that seem ok in Japan but aren't in the English speaking world

>> No.1635307

Ah, a troll. Rage it is, then.

>> No.1635344

I'm not sure exactly why there's even this controversy over the name in this sense. VN's and their entire concept is usually pretty demeaning to women, yet this is exactly what we (and the japs even more so) want.

I think this is justified as well, hell even the KS team admits when they came up with the name they didn't have anyone on hand at that moment who would know that word could be offensive. But even so, no one gave a shit about possibly offensive enrish titled games, in the end they might not as well. There are worse things in the world.

>> No.1635353

Japs are pissed off that people are using their ZOMGAWESOMEFUCKYEAHCULTUREANDLANGUAGE inappropriately and without really understanding it, which has to be one of the most hipocritical things EVER.

>> No.1635357

The problem is that there really isn't enough of the game's content out there to prove that the game isn't going to be offensive.

Of course we trust the guys working on it, but tell anyone else that "People from 4chan are working on a a sex game with handicapped schoolgirls" and immediately alarm bells start to ring. The fact that the game also has a name that could be construed as being offensive only adds fuel to the fire and increases the concern that the game is going to be tasteless.

Besides, worse comes to worse, we can make up a title out of random japanese words. Worked for Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.1635379

I remember they were calling it zettai shojo, in the beginning

>> No.1635386

They aren't pissed, they are bewildered why anyone would name their own game something like that when it's supposed to be sweet and kind.

>> No.1635403

Ok, I saw where you took this from. fuck, I should have known better.

>> No.1635412

Jesus christ, what is so hard to understand why they are bewildered about the name? They aren't insulted by it, the name is just crude. It's like if you found out "Rape! Rape! Rape!" was actually a really tender romance crying game with rape as one of the subjects tackled. It's not insulting them personally, it's just weird and makes you wonder what the fuck was wrong with the creators.
