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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1588571 No.1588571 [Reply] [Original]

I want to ask this seriously.

Why do people in Japan have somekind of hatred towards women who are not virgins?

>> No.1588575


Is dat sum Kohaku?

>> No.1588573

They don't, stop listening to what /a/ tells you.

>> No.1588574

inb4 slut

>> No.1588578

Look at her face, she's probably Hisui pretending to be Kohaku.
She's the sad girl by the window, remember ?

>> No.1588580

I think it might be because if she's not a virgin then she's really just used garbage. I mean, why would you want to touch a female who was used by some other guy? It's disgusting. That's just what I think, though.

>> No.1588581

I don't know about Japan but as far as I know /a/, /jp/ and typemoon fags like Kohaku a lot. They just hate Sakura because of her personality. Fucking jealous bitch.

>> No.1588586


>> No.1588593

Why do you like hymens, Anonymous? You wish you had one?

>> No.1588589

You just made me remember. I tripped balls at Hisui's smile on her route. Turns out, it was Kohaku on disguise.

I shit bricks even now.

>> No.1588590

I would kind of prefer a woman with minimal experience. Not exactly a whore, but someone who wouldn't be totally clueless. I'm also hemophobic.

>> No.1588594

Because filthy, disgusting otaku dislike the idea of a woman being violated by something before they can violate them first.

Most normal people don't mind a woman with experience. It's just when the numbers start reaching large quantities in a short span that you might want to get a STD test.

Kohaku is love, though.

>> No.1588596

Japan hates everything.
So do Greece, France, England, Georgia, Russia, USA, China, Brunei, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, RCA, Brazil, Guinea Bissau, Ethiopia, Mexico, Cambodia, Colombia, Morocco, Canada, Ireland, Macedonia, Sweden, Finland, Mongolia, Chile and Paraguay as well.

>> No.1588598

If I ever get the chance to have sex with a girl I'd turn it down if she wasn't a virgin.

>> No.1588608

The blood is gross. She screams like crazy. All pain and no gain.

Virgins? Thanks, but no thanks

>> No.1588604

Would you buy a used fleshlight? You just have to wash it, right?

>> No.1588611

What about Norway?

>> No.1588612

some people are over their heads in materialism.

>> No.1588619

Otakus are afraid of women with experience.
They want a virgin girlfriend, because that makes it much easier to handle and it is less awkward for the man.

>> No.1588622

Unrealistic expectations.

>> No.1588626


Nah, Norway is a pretty cool guy, eh. Gives out Nobel peace prize and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1588632

Japanese are like goddamn Pandas. No will to reproduce. I'd call it a cultural fault but honestly its more like natural selection, they WANT to go extinct, but the Chinese keep showing them that steamy Panda porn to get them in the mood.

>> No.1588633

But isn't it just more awkward when both are virgins? It'd be much more practical if just one was.

>> No.1588634

Isn't that Sweden?

>> No.1588645

Both Virgins: Fate
Female Virgin: UBW
Male Virgin: HF

>> No.1588647


Norway awards the peace prize, we award the others. Was arranged that way as a sort of lite-peace treaty after fighting over every damn thing we could think of for +500 years.

>> No.1588655

But if both are virgins, then because they're both awkward, it's okay. But if only one is awkward, then he will be under more pressure because his partner has certain expectations that he can't possibly fulfill. When both are virgins, both partners go into it with the knowledge that they will be completely disappointed, so you're on a level playing field.

>> No.1588656

>the Chinese keep showing them that steamy Panda porn to get them in the mood.

This is actually true..

>> No.1588658
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>> No.1588661

>Female Virgin: UBW
i see what you did thar.. although Saber said she knows how to pleasure a man or something like that...

>> No.1588662

showing videos of pandas mating to pandas actually helps them reproduce, it's probably because if they were born in captivity they have no idea wtf to do

>> No.1588667
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Dem Japs hate used goods so much that they went and voted Kohaku into second place in the latest popularity poll.

>> No.1588675

Where there's a will there's a way. The fact that they have to show pandas hardcore pandaporn to get them going would seem to imply there's not much motivation to succeed otherwise

>> No.1588670
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This probably would have been a more contemporary image for the OP. That said, I don't care how many men the woman has slept with so much as I care about the circumstances under which she slept with them. Kept 5 boyfriends for one year a piece and had sex with them at some point during the relationship only to find out they're jerks/cheated on you? Whatever. Had 5 one-night stands with guys you knew absolutely nothing about and never spoke to again? Do not want.

>> No.1588671


As a certain other famous fictional depiction of King Arthur once said:

"You have to know these things when you're king, you know."

>> No.1588684

Why is Nagi a slut in the first place?

>> No.1588688

Nerds are romantics. They wish for a reality more grand and beautiful than the one presented to them, therefore they escape to other worlds through books, movies, games, roleplaying and animu, worlds where the disgusting sides of humanity don't exist, where all girls are beautiful and pure, and all men are manly and heroic. After having witnessed the beauty of these pure women, who have never been soiled by another man, who have never acted ugly or indecent, who have never proved to have the ugly traits all humans are cursed to possess, real women, the women who will never be only yours to touch, will always seem a little unappealing. Simply hearing about a non-virgin woman is enough to fill them with despair, knowing that they are sentenced to spend a lifetime out of reach of what their innocent hearts desire.

>> No.1588689

Because she's not a virgin.

>> No.1588730

I'm bad in english so that'll be hard to explain
but "I" could only love a pure girl with high standard, not an idiot/bitch/whore/slut who could love randoms guys and give her body easily.

>> No.1588736

>I have a desire to completely control and own another person, because it's not acceptable to be able to have a healthy relationship with anyone else.

>> No.1588744

Me too! Control is the best feeling in life.

>> No.1588746

Are you a female?

>> No.1588754

Because no one likes a slut.

>> No.1588756

Japan has the same morals, values and customs that we had in Europe

In the 16th century

>> No.1588758


>> No.1588764
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Kohaku is a filthy whore who doesn't share any pleasure with her sister
Look how she hogs all of the penis

>> No.1588774

Hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't mind a girl who isn't a virgin as long as she's only been having sex in stable relationships.
Of course, there's a lot of other factors that are a required to trigger my interests.

The drunk slut who's been fucked by everyone in town except me: do not want.

>> No.1588777

Women actually need some control if they are to act decently. They're not made to think completely independently. Ever since it became unacceptable to have control over women, society has just grown shittier by the minute.

>> No.1588780


>> No.1588786

I blame global warming on the extension of females' rights

>> No.1588793

That's how I feel too.
Too bad it's not happening.

>> No.1588803

it's easy to completely control a person but you can't "clean" her past and I don't think you'll find this person attractive after a year

>> No.1588806

I'm not and I'm glad I'm not. But I think these sorts of misogynistic ronery virgin types are very humorous in the sense that they impose unrealistic standards on other people as a justification for why they fail in their interpersonal and reproductive endeavors. And they're so hung up on sex and how it relates to love. They never talk about the platonic aspects of any relationship, the act of finding a kindred soul with an emphatic understanding of you and your motives - which (in my view) is more important than whether I will be (x)'s first time.

>> No.1588817

I love HelenXonpool. Queen of Tripfriends.

This I guess is somewhat true. I don't know any women who have self-control independent of their man. Some I guess, but I've never met them.

Anyway, I draw the line at 4 men for anyone over 21.

>> No.1588819

If you make enough money and live in the right country, it is very possible to have this level of control.

If you focused more on finding a friend and a partner, rather than a slave, this would be less of an issue.

>> No.1588826
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>> No.1588827

What the fuck? FOUR? I thought you said two?! You lowered your standards?!

>> No.1588830

Part of finding a platonic attachment is shared values you fool.

>> No.1588840

>I draw the line at 4 men

is that some sellout?

>> No.1588837

I'm not sure where you live or in pursuit what you're currently employed, but I'm in college and I generally don't see anyone with an acceptable level of moral virtue or self-restraint, male or female. I'd posit that if men tend to remember more debauchery on the part of women, it's probably because it's more conspicuous and that they're watching for it.

>> No.1588855

Any person who demands a virgin is an idealistic fool who needs to be pimped slapped by reality.

>>I draw the line at 4 men for anyone over 21
What ever happened to 2?

>> No.1588858

Someone so close-minded as to place unrealistic standards on others and none on himself is unlikely to ever find anyone like himself, because after all other people like himself will also be withdrawn, mistrustful, insular etc.

>> No.1588866

I don't have to draw any lines; 3D women are inherently corrupt sluts.

For 2D girls I want them unused.

>> No.1588867

Nowhere is that specified.

>> No.1588879

It's sad that some of these people aren't even being tongue in cheek about it.

>> No.1588882

>Why do people in Japan have somekind of hatred towards women who have a vagina?

>> No.1588894

ideally, I'd like to bump in to my own clone, just in a female version.

>> No.1588888

I hope the person I fall in love with is mistrustful. Nothing to trust in ordinary humanity.

I lowered my standards.

I dont think any woman can complain about no more than 4 men.

>> No.1588891


Because then they wouldn't be women.

>> No.1588901

But that means your girlfriend will have said "I love you" to four different people! Doesn't that enrage you, athens-san?

>> No.1588903


Dude, I study Guinea-Bissauan culture - you're wrong, just plain wrong. And no, I'm not trolling.

>> No.1588905

I'll explain it better then.
Choosing a random girl and "controlling"(not making her a slave but making her a bit dependant,truly in love and helping her to be what you'd like her to be) her can't be enough(well if you find the right one...). at first you'll be "happy" with her (and so does she) but after a long time that'll be just wrong.

>> No.1588906


Really, that would be the best thing ever.

>> No.1588912

>>I hope the person I fall in love with is mistrustful.
Don't be stupid. You don't want to be in that type relationship where you constantly have to prove your loyalty. She'll probably stab you in the back thinking you're cheating on her when you aren't.

>> No.1588920

Yes but this is the modern world, we must adapt to it's wicked ways or die alone.

>> No.1588922

not physically of course.

Just mentally would be fine.
185cm, 85 kg, and a hairy chest isn't exactly ideal.

>> No.1588925

now you're just normalfagging

sellout athens is sellout

>> No.1588932

>I went to a strip club, shit was so ca$h.

>> No.1588936

But that's the thing, loyalty and respect should be earnt, not given out ad nauseum. Once I've earnt it i'd expect her to trust me, but not before. Same goes for her.

>> No.1588946

Ideally I only want to have sex with one female, and she would only have sex with me as well. I realize a few mistakes could be made past a certain age, so being a virgin is not completely important. Past a certain point it's not just mistakes though, it's stupidity or promiscuity.

>> No.1588945

Lol, because I'm sure you've had such a hard life in this COLD, UNFORGIVING world that it's impossible to trust anyone because they'll betray you amirite? Notwithstanding the fact that you have the money and leisure to be posting on a weeaboo imageboard, don't you think your position is ridiculous?

I bet you're one of those revisionists who thinks that life in the past wasn't nasty, brutish and short?

>> No.1588950
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Your head is in the clouds ;_;

>> No.1588957

No, it's called being realistic, trust is earnt, not just given out. If people earn my trust, fine, we shall have a mutual understanding. But it's not pragmatic to trust everyone.

As for the past, people had more honour back then, true love, courtly love existed you silly woman.

>> No.1588961

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1588970

>As for the past, people had more honour back then, true love, courtly love existed you silly woman.

This is a fantasy of the past. Do you hear propaganda today, about how the rich and powerful are moral and chaste? But no one believes it, because it's obviously bullshit? That's how it was back then. Except gossip was word of mouth instead of through tabloids.

>> No.1588967

Woah woah woah guys, this is getting out of hand.

Why don't we just agree that athens will never find love and the rest of us can have our sluts?

>> No.1588969

I want to bite your neck and suck your blood.

>> No.1588975

Don't you think it's awfully arrogant to believe that you're important enough that your respect is somehow worth something and that it consequently must be conferred rather than given freely? Perhaps you have it backwards - respecting all people except for those who clearly do not deserve it as opposed to respecting no one except for "the chosen few who agree with me"

>> No.1588978

Hey athens could it be that you are muslim?

>> No.1588980

No, men exerted more control over women so women weren't ALLOWED to be as slutty. In the roman empire you could kill your wife if she was cheating on you.

What do you mean?

>> No.1588987

Some faggot once said that men wants to be a woman's first love, while women wants to be a man's last love.


>> No.1588988
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Fuck yeah, sacking Rome and murdering its citizens after they tried to make the tribes less retarded is so honorable. Thanks for your honor, Goths, without you, we wouldn't have had the Dark Ages and boy were those fun.

>> No.1588994

>>As for the past, people had more honour back then, true love, courtly love existed you silly woman.
No, people were just as shitty as they are today.

>> No.1588995

I believe that I'm important enough.

>> No.1588997

Ah yes, true love, back in the days when parents told daughters who to marry based on which boy had higher social standing and men chose their brides based on their dowries.

>> No.1588999


Anyways, I know most of you out there disagreeing with me are women.

Yes actually, in a workplace environment for example you should earn the trust of your peers. Perhaps for you, who sleeps with many men, this isn't advisable.

>> No.1589001

Better than the vile meat market known as nightclubs.

>> No.1589004

How come these threads always go from women in Japan --> women in general?

BTW, athens? Have you ever considered judging a women by her character and not the number of men she's slept with?

>> No.1589008

I'm 23 and my brother is 20. Both of us are virgins. My father lost his virginity when he was 33, to my mother. I wonder if there's some hereditary aspect at work here.

>> No.1589011

>>What do you mean?
You are a hopeless romantic with unrealistic ideals.

>>In the roman empire you could kill your wife if she was cheating on you.
Cheating is a greater crime than murder?

>> No.1589012

shit, that should be woman.

>> No.1589014

But I'm very sure you are muslim.

>> No.1589015

>Have you ever considered judging a women by her character and not the number of men she's slept with?

The two are inexorably intertwined my dear. To pretend otherwise is ridiculous, it's part of self-control, which is part of character.

Not really, my older brother is a womanizer, so is my father.

>> No.1589022

I think I'll have to find a christian girl
(yes i'm serious)

>> No.1589021

Because we know nothing about women in Japan, so we go over to talking to talking about he kind of women we know of (inb4 we know nothing about women in general).

>> No.1589025

>Cheating is a greater crime than murder?

It isn't murder if she was cheating. Augustus didn't like sluts either.


>> No.1589026

If you think that trust is something that's earned represents a pragmatic or realistic position, I have to say you're awfully naive. A pragmatist would say that you can only trust people whose interests coincide with your own because you know that they will act to your benefit because it is also to their own benefit.

And if you think that chivalry, honour or courtly love were the norms of the past and not simply fictions appearing in popular media of the time, you're pretty deluded. It's like believing that Animu is somehow an accurate representation of area 11 in real life.

The wife of the Emperor Claudius was able to defeat the mistress of a brothel in a competition to measure the amount of men she could service in a single night. And while a paterfamilias had absolute power over his spouse and children, this did not necessarily entail that serious crimes would go unpunished.

>> No.1589030

Nature vs. Nurture. Difficult to dissect where one ends and the other begins.

>> No.1589037

>The wife of the Emperor Claudius was able to defeat the mistress of a brothel in a competition to measure the amount of men she could service in a single night.

Also, are you proud of this? Do you think this is something to be proud of as a woman?

>> No.1589034

>The wife of the Emperor Claudius was able to defeat the mistress of a brothel in a competition to measure the amount of men she could service in a single night. And while a paterfamilias had absolute power over his spouse and children, this did not necessarily entail that serious crimes would go unpunished.

And look what happened to Messalina as a result. Should stand as an example to all sluts, poor Claudius... Fucking whores screwed him over all his life.

>> No.1589035

>Not really, my older brother is a womanizer, so is my father.

I bet they're both more successful and happier than you, or at least they aren't as socially retarded.

>> No.1589039

Taking a person's life > cheating ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1589042

And I know you are a woman.

>And if you think that chivalry, honour or courtly love were the norms of the past and not simply fictions appearing in popular media of the time, you're pretty deluded. It's like believing that Animu is somehow an accurate representation of area 11 in real life.

Code of Chivalry certainly did exist my dear woman. Pretending otherwise is bullshit. Countless anecdotes from countless battles of the middle ages attest to it's existence.

>> No.1589045

>I use ad hominem attacks to distract people from the fact that I can't mount any sort of rebuttal.

Post a picture of yourself with proof so that we can see if you're qualified to talk about self-control.

>> No.1589046


>> No.1589048

Well I think adultery should be punishable by death myself.

>> No.1589050


>> No.1589052


>And if you think that chivalry, honour or courtly love were the norms of the past and not simply fictions appearing in popular media of the time, you're pretty deluded.

It existed.
It was just never followed.

>> No.1589058

>>Code of Chivalry
More like Code of Cover My Ass. Code of Chivalry was probably never followed to its full extent by most of its supporters.

>> No.1589059

I blame athens and the fags that answer him.

>> No.1589061

What exactly is your point? Do you think my standards too high or something? No more than 4 men is some kind of godly unassailable bastion of chastity for you maybe, but I'm sure there are those who disagree.

>> No.1589064

I would gladly give my virginity to athens.

I love you, athens !SysNpnp3nU, even if you don't love me.

>> No.1589066

No one says otherwise idiot.
Still, killing a slut feels good.

>> No.1589067

Chivalry -> Cheval -> Cavalry. It had nothing to do with good manners and courtly love in the medieval age, and it was only through the efforts of later people projecting their fantasies onto previous epochs that we get the "Code of Chivalry" of which you imagine.

Look everyone, it's an example of using a logical fallacy to deflect the fact that the past wasn't virtuous at all.

>> No.1589068



>> No.1589070

>other romantically inexperienced yet hopelessly romantic morons that surround him

>> No.1589073

my standards are higher than you but for once I agree with some of your sentences.

>> No.1589075

Messalina is an exception, Patrician classes in Roman times were actually more immoral than the plebeian classes. And even then any pretension that this was somehow an accepted moral standard is bullshit. Messalina was duly punished for what she did, as was Julia. Now, what is your point? Do you consider 4 men a high standard?

You don't need to do that.

>> No.1589084

So, from misogyny in Japan we went to moral sexuality of Ancient Rome? Oh /jp/, how much can you amuse me? It would be cool if you discussed Japan once in a while, though.

>> No.1589080

You know, I feel the same way you do about having high standards for a partner, though I feel that you have them for the wrong reasons and make the rest of the people who can mount a semi-rational defense of virtuous conduct look terrible by proxy. If you're trying to be a straw man for the Epicureans/Bacchanalians, you're doing a great job though.

>> No.1589081

Rome sucked. But got to admit the alphabet is pretty convenient.

>> No.1589082

I would agree with you, but you're such a raging misogynist that it's hard to do.

I simply hold those I would date (who happen to be women) to a similar standard as myself. You hold women to a different standard than men and think that there's something coded in their DNA that causes them to be slutty if not "controlled."

The result may be similar, but the reasoning is wildly different.

>> No.1589087

But I only want you.
I'll save myself until you are here with me.

>> No.1589089

>If you think that trust is something that's earned represents a pragmatic or realistic position, I have to say you're awfully naive. A pragmatist would say that you can only trust people whose interests coincide with your own because you know that they will act to your benefit because it is also to their own benefit.

The only people you can trust are dishonest men, because you can always trust them to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.

>> No.1589090
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See pic.

>> No.1589092

What is irrational about the assertion that how many people a woman has slept with is indicative of her character to a certain extent? It's not like the two are independent spheres like some people are pretending.

Anyway, Epicureans as a pejorative is a late antiquity thing. Epicurus would have hated promiscuity and didn't consider it a primary aim at all.

>> No.1589094

Let's see:

Yes. This thread has been places.

>> No.1589099


Japan is okay. But they should do something about that writing system.

>> No.1589103

You just mentioned all the things that made this thread bland.

>> No.1589100

athens, what is your opinion on waifus? Personally I think it feels great to have someone to care about, even if it's just a fictional character.

>> No.1589101

Guess which class held virtually all of the significant offices of government? Guess which class was the author of most of the writings we have from the period? Guess which class on which we have the most information today?

Our knowledge on the plebians is quite limited by comparison.

>> No.1589104

What do you think of this whole discussion then?

You know I'm right.

I'm sure you will find somebody better.

>> No.1589105

is the worst part of the list.
I'm actually fine with the rest.

>> No.1589110


Thank you Capt'n for your even insightful commentary to our discussion.

>> No.1589111

No. You are the only one.

I want to be your waifu.

>> No.1589113

>You know I'm right.

but you're not.
social service or fines > death penalty for adultery

>> No.1589115

That's one of the most laughable assertion of amateur historians and it's quite marxist in it's approach too. Just because the majority of our writings come from Patricians (actually a hell of a lot come, perhaps a majority from the odd novus homo and equestrian), it does not mean they exclusively wrote about Patrician life. They wrote about what was relevant, which was namely military encounters, political disputes, social unrest and so on.

And again, what is your point? I never said such exceptions did not occur, I am merely claiming that you claiming these constituted a moral standard is laughable.

>> No.1589116

You might even say it's "been around," if you know what I mean.

>> No.1589117


>> No.1589118

athens, your standards are low

>> No.1589119

Any action taken by a person is tied to his or her character. That's obvious. But you have an unnatural fascination with the act of copulation and you don't bother discussing anything else. And the speed to which you resort to attacks and misrepresentation makes it difficult to do anything other than ignore your posts.

>> No.1589120

I don't have a problem with it at all.

Trust me. You will find somebody much better than a lunatic like me who rants on imageboards.

>> No.1589121
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>> No.1589124
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>a lunatic like me

>> No.1589122

athens with Remi porn? Do want.

>> No.1589123

If a woman has slept with 30 different men, why would she stop with me if she just said 'I love you'? Who would believe such a woman? She has never exercised any self-control before, why would she do so now?

>> No.1589131

>>1589119difficult to do anything other than ignore your posts
Judging by the number of responses in derailment that athens ALWAYS causes, I would say that it's exactly the opposite. It's clearly difficult for people to ignore anything posts.

>> No.1589129
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Don't mind me guys,I just felt like posting in a athens thread.

>> No.1589137

>>1589119difficult to do anything other than ignore your posts
Judging by the number of responses in derailment that athens ALWAYS causes, I would say that it's exactly the opposite. It's clearly difficult for people to ignore anything he posts.

>> No.1589133


>> No.1589135

Protip: A historical interpretation focusing on elites is the exact opposite of a marxist interpretation.

>> No.1589141

No, inferring that because it was written by 'elites' it is by definition tainted by continuous bias is a logical fallacy and it's called poisoning the well.

>> No.1589142

That's a straw man. A woman who's slept with 30 men is as uncommon in real life as a man who's slept with 30 women.

>> No.1589151

It's not as uncommon as you would think.

>> No.1589152

It's a good song

>> No.1589155
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>> No.1589157

You can't blame me for this one, it was over before it began.

>> No.1589164

Produce some proof. The burden is on you.

So are you making the claim that patricians did NOT mostly write about affairs relating to their own class?

>> No.1589166

While I sometimes doubt that love exists, I feel that if it does, it ought be a thing of transcendence and not one of inane, narrow minded restrictions.

But it's not like any of this even matters. We may as well be bums in the gutter discussing the wine best suited to accompany filet mignon. Let the thread die.

>> No.1589168

The history of man is the history of the means of reproduction.

>> No.1589173

This is still sort of on topic, at least.

>> No.1589177

>So are you making the claim that patricians did NOT mostly write about affairs relating to their own class?

No, they wrote about what affected the state, as their class was the dominant one, obviously in political intrigues and so on, it would concentrate on the patrician class. But that's true of macrohistorical approaches in general. There was no concept of 'cultural history' at the time. And I still fail to see how something like Pliny's Naturalis Historia is tainted by such 'bias'.

Now tell me, what is wrong with the standard of 4 men?

>> No.1589176

Oh boy, I love my favourite show Drawing The Line with your host athens, I never miss an episode!

>> No.1589186

Well what do you think? I value your opinion so I want to hear it, is 4 men really such a high standard to hold?

>> No.1589193

but athens moved the line

up next: Cutting The Lines

>> No.1589199

Not really. The original topic was about Japanese attitudes, not our own.

I'll admit that the original question was answered fairly early on though, with the fact that the OP was confusing "people in Japan" with "otaku."

>> No.1589206
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>> No.1589203

That's my point. They did in fact write about things in relation to themselves. And read some of Pliny's other writings if you want to see it.

>Now tell me, what is wrong with the standard of 4 men?

And read >>1589080 again. I have the same views as you, but I feel that you do a very poor job of making a case for those views.

>> No.1589207

I think that while the number of sexual partners someone has (at least in a general sense, like a high number or low number) can say something about them, it's not really a tool I'd use to judge someone by. If it's just a physical act that they get pleasure from and therefor engage in it a lot, then I think that can exist separate from their lives otherwise.

>> No.1589214

I draw the line at 2 men.

>> No.1589209
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Somebody called me?

>> No.1589211

Forgot to add, if you hold such a position, fine. But not everyone needs to hear it if you can't make a good case for it.

>> No.1589212

probably because the general thought of Japan = /jp/ seems to be what most people here think.


>> No.1589219

I draw the line at 2,000.

>> No.1589229

I've read all of Pliny's writings. I fail to see where this so called bias comes into play, it's simply a macrohistorical approach, when the Plebs did play a role, such as in the Gracchian incidents, then they are mentioned and enlarged upon, same with the proletarii under Marius.

But can the two really be divided? I mean, excess is excess whatever category it falls under. There are always going to be negative externalities be them physical or mental, that's why moderation has always been praised.

>> No.1589244


I hate fat people. You should hate fat people, too. Let's hate fat people together.

>> No.1589246

When the plebeians didn't play a large role? They maintained the fucking empire.

>> No.1589253

How did they maintain the Empire?

I _do_ hate fat people for their lack of self-control.

>> No.1589274
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La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento, e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso, è menzognero.

>> No.1589284


Do you agree?

>> No.1589296
File: 577 KB, 996x1191, 1226352751373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I learn the more I loathe. Don't they have any dignity? They ARE NOT 'one of us' at all! They are just like party girls basically.

>> No.1589300

Pur mai non sentesi
Felice appieno
Chi su quel seno, non liba amore!

>> No.1589305

I agree with you athens

Also I've come to the realization through experience that all women, besides a handful, are sluts with no self control.
I've just given up but I still have hope.
This does not mean that I won't settle for a average girl or won't talk to slut women I just acknowledge my dream will most likely never come true.

In before >through experience

>> No.1589307


que sera, sera

>> No.1589311

Arachne depicted Zeus' promiscuity in a negative light in her weaving, and was punished for it. Humans in general can't stand or get their mind around the idea of their loved one loving another. It's a deceitful trait in a person.
Romantics are fragile people. We can't handle the concept of deceit. I'd get into why she was punished, but that's an unrelated subject.

A woman who has lost her virginity to a man she was sincerely in love with, but could not stay with, is not a deceitful woman. This is not the type of woman you should fear. Not all non-virgins are bad women. I know the idea of purity is appealing, but it simply isn't realistic.

For under 21, 4 men? That seems like a little much. 4 men that she's been in love with and had sex with, up until she turns 21? You know what the time difference between each man would be if she didn't start when she was 14? That's rather disgusting, in my opinion, and it would also mean that it's likely she didn't take them seriously.

>> No.1589313

Well. That's open to debate.

At least we will die with the moral high ground. But I think we are not alone out there, there are women who aren't sluts. That's obvious. Most however, are taken.

>> No.1589314

whatever will be, will be

>> No.1589321

No, over 21.

>> No.1589324


the future's not ours, to see

>> No.1589323

Well like I said, it might say something about them but there's certainly more to judge someone on. Also ones idea of too many or too few sexual partners obviously varies, so the question of judging them for lack of moderation is hard.

>> No.1589325
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My bad, I just caught that.

>> No.1589331
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women who are no virgin anymore are disgusting , whats so wrong with longing for something pure and untouched?

real women are really disgusting , but i dont care anymore , i will die as a virgin anyway even though i am good looking. whatever my 2D-girls love me thats all that counts!

>> No.1589333

athens, you silly control freak.

>> No.1589338

Almost autosaged. Finally!

>> No.1589352

Might as well take it all the way. My favorite tripfag is haurhifan but he never posts. I miss him...

>> No.1589369


are you female?

Well maybe you are right. But I mean, surely you yourself would never think of engaging in things like one night stands?

>> No.1589376

The moral high ground is a position of absolutely no value. It will bring you no joy, and there's no nobleness in looking down on others.

>> No.1589391

Other people deserved to be looked down upon. Prostitutes for example.

>> No.1589394

Males aren't allowed to use the word silly?

>> No.1589396

Hardly a control freak, I agree with him, although any arbitrarily chosen number is a bit silly I can't fault the reason for it.
Unless I misunderstand it's not a question of control but rather looking to past behaviour for clues to future behaviour. Not taking relationships seriously (which a large number of partners would tend to indicate) is something I'd be very wary of in a person I will open up my heart to.

>> No.1589411

Looking down on them only makes you worse than them.

>> No.1589456

No it doesn't.

>> No.1589472

If you were able to admit it, it wouldn't be a problem, now would it.

>> No.1589501

But they are worse than me regardless.

>> No.1589653

I feel I should say, I'm studying this at university, and chivalry certainly did exist. It was fully expected that, if a person surrenders in battle, they are to be taken to a higher member of authority nearby and he will decide what to do with them. They almost always choose to take them alive. This even applied to leaders. There IS more than enough evidence to claim that this was widely followed. It's not a King Arthur type myth.

Knights were much less sympathetic to archers though, they would be generally killed on sight. They felt it was cowardly and dishonourable to fight at the back away from danger, and even more annoyed that their allies fell to such attacks.

Not that it stopped THEM using archers.

>> No.1589762


That's not chivalry. That's pragmatism. A captured prisoner can be ransomed; a dead one is worthless.

>> No.1590068

Yessss, left out.
