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1584795 No.1584795 [Reply] [Original]

Am i the only one who liked the Normal End better?

>> No.1584803

Dont know but i like the scenery.

>> No.1584807

Everyone with good taste did, the true ending was shitty.

>> No.1584808

I liked the one-on-one Saber End even better.

>> No.1584829

Normal End was shit. Very, very sad shit. Also, old Sakura's apparently more attractive than old Rin.

>> No.1584831

Nrmal End was the best for Sakura.

Bitch had to atone for her sins.

>> No.1584836

Reminded me of Akiha True. True End was more like Kohaku's end.

>> No.1584838

I liked it, if just for the thought of Ilya actually surviving one of FSN's endings.

>> No.1584844

"Normal end" = true end.
"True end" = good end.

>> No.1584860

She survived in Fate, yo.

>> No.1584863

Did you miss Fate end? She survived and moved in with Taiga.

>> No.1584862
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But she never has more than one year left to live anyway, so yeah!

>> No.1584882


see >>1584862

>> No.1584884


>> No.1584892

"Senpai.....Senpai.....Oh are playing hide and seek?"

>> No.1584896

How does Sakura explain Shirou's disappearance to Taiga?

>> No.1584902

He fell down the stairs, hes now in a better place.

>> No.1584905

Everyone except terminal patients and Ilya.

>> No.1584906

actually in the final tagia dojo illya says that she would be around shirou in the fate ending to keep him from ending up like archer. and when tagia asks won't you not live long anyways? she says that's a secret.
so we honestly don't know how long she would have lived.

>> No.1584913
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>> No.1584917

I wouldn't know. Explain what happens.

>> No.1584932


No. True ending is true. Because it's the ending used in F/HA

>> No.1584943

No it isn't

>> No.1584948

Shirou uses Excalibur to destroy the Grail.Shirou DIES.
Sakura wakes up in Shiro's home trying to find if he's there.He's not there....he's not coming back.

Sakura then sells the Matou mansion then takes property of Shiro's house. Sakura still believes that Shiro ill come back, so she vows to wait for him until that spring comes while planting cherry tress.

Eventually Sakura grew old, she becomes a teacher and her student invites her to see the cherry blossoms. She even comments how the student reminded her of Shirou.

Shirou never comes back....

>> No.1584949

Not really, because in one of the loops, It's mentioned Lord Melloi II dismantled the grail (which shouldn't happen with the True end where Ilya closes the gate).
Also, Avengers parts spilling mean he was physically destoryed, aka Fate/UBW/HF normal end.

F/HA used an unspecified conclusion and most of the same characters to tell a new story, that is not a direct sequel to specified events.

>> No.1584959



>> No.1584985

Didn't Lord Melloi II turn out to be Waver from Fate/Zero?

>> No.1584986


>> No.1585001


>> No.1585030

Why is the ending where rin kills sakura a bad end? Shirou becomes fucking Kiritsugu.

>> No.1585060

Think of it as a Sudden or Dead end instead of bad.
A sudden conclusion to the story which is one the author did not want to write.

>> No.1585079

It's a Good End, and nobody will convince me otherwise. The only bad part is we didn't get to see the fights.

>> No.1585084

Ilya would probably end up BAD ENDing him for that exact same reason.

>> No.1585092

>which is one the author did not want to write
because he's a faggot

>> No.1585122

Shirou does come back in the end ;_;

You mean Archer?

>> No.1585922

I'm playing through it right now, and it's killing me ;___; Brb once I finish it.

>> No.1585964

HNNNNGH ;___; Now I feel even worse than before.

Well, I'll finish off all of the Tiger Dojos later. (I was usually thorough, but the UBW installer nuked my Fate saves, so I blitzed through it to get to UBW.)

>> No.1585981

I'm completely done with the game. All routes, all endings, all Dojos, all scenes, everything. And now I'm sad.

The Hollow Ataraxia patch can't come soon enough.

>> No.1585994

You know what? Scratch that. I can go without HA for a long while.

F/SN's over. HA would be nice to have, but I don't really need it. I'd rather just end it right here.

>> No.1586003

He does? It thought that was the kid at the vey end.

>> No.1586005
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Well, after finishing HF, I think I've gained a better appreciation for Sakura, and meek domestic girls in general (coming partly at the expense of Rin and tsunderes in general).

... So ronery ;_;

>> No.1586016

He means they're reunited when she dies ;_;

>> No.1586032

I only wanted HA for the Rider h-scene, but it features Sakura too so it will be completely unfappable.

>> No.1586033


Shirou wins the Holy Grail war in that end.

Kotomine said so himself. There is no stopping Shirou at that point, no matter who it is, he will win. He will kill everyone for the greater good.

>> No.1586039

Normal End was depressing as hell because I thought it was the true end, until I checked the Ending List. The True end isn't bad, its just I thought the Normal End had much more of an impact. Although MANLY FISTFIGHT TO THE DEATH was awesome.

>> No.1586068
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Good End = Misae / Tomoyo End
True End = Nagisa End

FUCK YOU KEY! You had to break up such a wonderful story!

>> No.1586092

True end was happy. Best of all, Shirou lives, so any end where Shirou is happy, I'm happy.

>> No.1586095

Stop posting KEY shit on my Type Moon thread, faggot.

>> No.1586105
File: 62 KB, 1024x576, 1226291979505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called comparing

>> No.1586103

Oh wait, I actually fast-forwarded through the last two sex scenes since my time wasn't right for them. Will have to get back to those sometime.

>> No.1586108

Stop posting Type-Moon shit on my /KEY/, faggot.

>> No.1586120



You mean /Type-Moon/, amirite?

Sorry pal, but you and your Key faggot friends got outnumbered. Easily.

>> No.1586123


I want to see stories of that Shirou. A fucking Juggernaut of Justice.

>> No.1586127
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Urgh, this post-ending funk is debilitating. At any rate, it's probably best if I focus on the True End.

>> No.1586130


I found I liked her MUCH less after HF.

Before I thought she'd be some awesome imouto type, but the things that went on just soured me from her.

Back to Rin it is.

>> No.1586139
File: 41 KB, 328x400, 1226292658390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furukawa Akio !VA0GUP8ZjM
>Sorry pal, but you and your Key faggot friends got outnumbered. Easily.

The confusion.

>> No.1586155

I know how you feel, bruh.

>> No.1586152


Seconding that. I thought all the yandere stuff in doujins were harsh exaggerations.

>> No.1586158


Seconding that. I thought all the yandere stuff in doujins were harsh exaggerations. WAS I EVER WRONG.

>> No.1586165

Same here. I really didn't like her at all before playing HF but now I like her. Of course she has flaws but that just activates your male protective instincts even more.

>> No.1586182


Yeah, I was a little repulsed by it. That's not to say I don't still like her, but she's dropped quite a few ranks on my official listing.

>> No.1586191

Sorry, I overreacted a bit.

But KEY fags makes me angry for no reason, I guess it's the retarded looking girl he posted. I can't take this shit seriously no matter how hard I try. I'm glad /jp/ is pro Type-Moon though.

>> No.1586210

>retarded looking girl

He hasn't posted pics of Nagisa.

>> No.1586215

Don't go there, girlfriend.

>> No.1586214

Sakura is love and she totatlly deserved TRUE END, though I don't like lovey-dovey endings like that.
Rin took responsibilty for Sakura and supported her where she could. However she will probably be ronery for the rest of her life, sure sucks to be like a jpsy, right Tohsaka wwwww next time don't be so tsun tsun or anonymous will come and touch dat ass

>> No.1586247


Sharpen your skill, troll

>> No.1586267

dude, this was truth feel and nothing else.
Rin will stay ronery, deluding in unlimited mahou works, she woildn't dare to cheat sweet Sakura

>> No.1586312
File: 30 KB, 270x270, 1226295990420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread.

>> No.1586472

Meh, i thought good end should have been the true one and vice-versa.

>> No.1586493

Both HF ends are shit.

>> No.1586525

The best ending in HF is Kiritsuga End.

Similarly, the best ending in Tsukihime is mercy-killing Akiha.

Stand by your beliefs, don't let anyone suffer needlessly, and do what needs to be done. These will make you an hero.

>> No.1586548

>Similarly, the best ending in Tsukihime is mercy-killing Akiha.

Mercy killing?

That was just the finale of the fight that Makihisa started with Kiri years before, as carried out by their children.

No mercy, just Kiri's answer.

>> No.1586564

Bullshit. Shiki promised Akiha that he'd kill her if she became a demon. That wasn't his inbred blood telling him to slaughter demons, that was him not wanting to see her suffer.

>> No.1586626

He didn't care about any of that when he moved in for the kill. That was just the sum of everything that Makihisa put into motion when he committed all the atrocities he did.

Tohno Shiki dies in that bad end. Nanaya Shiki was the only thing left.

>> No.1586634

Ah, I see. I thought you were talking about Kohaku's story.

>> No.1586650

You're thinking of the wrong fucking ending, I'm talking about the one where Shiki slides the knife between her ribs while they're hugging in the forest. The one where Ciel's lesson afterwards says, "Um, I guess that wasn't technically the wrong thing since you kept your promise, but are you sure you don't want to try saving her?"

Nanaya end is when he kills her in battle, like at the school.

>> No.1586658

Man, I wish 4chan wasn't being so slow today, then my NERD RAGE would've come first.

>> No.1586672

I forgot, were there any Ciel Lessons where Ciel actually gets angry at you for getting a bad end?

>> No.1586683

Maybe one of the Ciel Route ones where you kill her?

>> No.1586700

I don't think there's an angry sprite for Ciel-sensei, so probably not.

>> No.1586711

She never flips out as badly as Taiga and Ilya do, but I remember her getting pretty damn frowny when you make an obviously wrong choice.

>> No.1586753

Hahaha, Maybe I should check /rs/ and see if theres a set of all the ciel lessons

>> No.1586766

No, no such thing exists.
