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1577305 No.1577305 [Reply] [Original]

New Shiki vs Shirou thread because the last one is on autosage and I still think you faggots are wrong.

>> No.1577306

Shiki > Shirou


>> No.1577308

It wasn't supposed to be Shiki vs Shirou.

eriously, you guys are fucking stupid.

The match would probably be a draw because:
1. To use "Unlimited Blade Works" It requires that a spell be chanted. Since the two of them fight at melee distance, it would be very difficult to perform.
2. Since both of them are human, they're (believe it or not) on about on an equal playing field. Considering that Shirou's swords are projections,
they will undoubtedly have flaws which result in the lines of death becoming visible. But, Shirou can recreate as many swords as mana permits while Shiki can only keep his eyes strained for so long.
3. No shikifags, Nanaya mode won't kick in. Shirou is human.
4. Yes Shiroufags, unlimited blade works can be destroyed. UBW is just a reality (environment) contained within a barrier, so Shiki can kill it (Reread Ciel's route).

I can imagine the fight now! Two guys with no real strategy rushing head on at one another. Projecting swords over and over again just to have the lines cut,

>> No.1577309

You know what? Shirou can reinforce his penis .. therefor he wins. /thread

>> No.1577314

This man is a genius.

>> No.1577315
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They both die. Next?

>> No.1577318


>> No.1577322

Shiki cut the lines off premature ejaculation and other penis ailments.

>> No.1577320
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>> No.1577323

lol wut

>> No.1577334

Shiki dots Shirou's dick. Shirou dies.

>> No.1577344

Thats a low blow.

>> No.1577345

>Shiki dots Shirou's dick
If you know what I mean.

>> No.1577348

Shiki is a better protagonist and is in a better VN therefore Shiki>Shirou
BTW Shiki has more (superior)girls.

>> No.1577349

Shiki can kill an orgasm.

>> No.1577350

>>1577348 Shiki has more (worse)girls.

>> No.1577351

Yeah, well thats, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.1577353

Shiki kills Shirou's concept of an erection. Shirou becomes impotent. Everyone leaves him to die alone and sorry.

>> No.1577356


>> No.1577359

But trying to comprehend the idea of Shirou's erection would break Shiki's brain.

>> No.1577366

So it ends in stalemate, eh?

>> No.1577368
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Wow, It's been a long time since I've seen one of these.

>> No.1577373

Unlimited Faggot Works is Unlimited and Faggot.

Shiki can cut you into next freaking Tuesday.


>> No.1577374

Just like Nasu said!

>> No.1577522

I haven't played the games, and I don't get it.
So, Shirou can create any weapon he can imagine, and Shiki can [nearly instantly] kill/destroy anything he can see that gets within arms reach.
Is that about correct?

If that's so, could Shirou create a laser cannon, or, failing that, a really large halogen heater, to roast Shiki where he stands? Or would Shiki just kill the heat rays?

>> No.1577535

He can create mostly blade weapons.
He can't create grenades and just bomb the fuck out of his opponents.

If he could create long-range weapons in a flash, it would not even be a debate.

>> No.1577536

Shirou traces a noble phantasm.

Shiki kills it, then kills Shirou.

Shiki dies of brain exploding.


>> No.1577541

shirou can only make swords

>> No.1577548

Well unless Shirou is some kind of genius of physics I doubt he'd understand the concept behind a gatling laser and project it.

>> No.1577553

Oh. Well, in the anime he was mass producing kerosene lamps, or something, so I thought... okay, how about spring loaded things and crossbows?

>> No.1577554

bows and arrows are long-distance weapons right?

>> No.1577555

His weapon tracing is a result of his reality marble, aka a world that is the expansion of his soul.

Living his life as a sword, his world is one surrounded by such.
Hence. Unlimited Blade Works.

Not Unlimited Weapons in General Works.

>> No.1577559

But he can project things different from blades, even defensive gears, though it'll cost him much more mana.

>> No.1577560


Grabbing a sword and throwing it can be long distance too.
And overloading it with magical Energy makes it a bomb.
You should get the difference between these and guns.

>> No.1577561

Okay, I get it, swords only.

How about these homing thrown swords Archer used against Berserker?

>> No.1577564

Archer has ONLY one Defensive spell.
ONE. And it's not part of his bladeworks.

The other effect of Unlimited Blade Works is that Materials for tracing exist in abundance, hence he could trace a pan or pot, but that's not an existing part of his world.

>> No.1577572

He could probably learn to use them, but the Kid is still inexperianced.
If he can learn to throw these with the Same skill and Precision, it becomes an Archer vs Shiki debate which is not even a contest.

>> No.1577576

Well, I think with enough training and mana he should be able to create bow. Because he was in archery club, he knows how bows work and would be able to use one. Also in anime (and I think it was also in game) he was able to "reinforce" a woden stick into bow and arrow..

>> No.1577587

If T.Shiki's eyes are really like R.Shiki's eyes, he should be able to kill lasers and even danmaku.

>> No.1577590
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Don't mind me...

>> No.1577592

It's more about being fast enough to hit a goddamn lightspeed laser shot, rather than 'killing' it.

>> No.1577593

You're not Shirou, because you are SUPERIOR.

>> No.1577597

What if he learned them, but without this strenght and precission (so he's still only Shirou, just with homing missiles).
Or better yet, something scaled down, like homing ninja throwing knives, and then launched a couple (a couple hundred) so that they'd hit Shiki simultaneously, from different angles?

>> No.1577599


>> No.1577605

Okay, so just a couple of knives, attacking from the front, back, left, right and up, and a couple combinations of these directions.

>> No.1577608

Wouldn't matter, because Shiki would kill Shirou before his attack could land, therefore invalidating it.

>> No.1577613

Shirou is not athletic enough to pull something off so complicated. And Shiki is definitely athletic enough to just dodge them.

>> No.1577614

newfag here, sauce of the doujin?

>> No.1577620

Type Moon Complex X?

>> No.1577622

lets look at it this way

reaction - shiki > shirou
magic - shirou > shiki
atheletic - shiki > shirou
abilities - shirou > shiki
harem - shiki > shirou
long range combat - shirou > shiki
melee - shiki > shirou

so basically, if shiki gets close, shirou's fucked, does depend if its normal shiki or nanaya though, if its normal shiki he'd be a pussy and not fight at all, shirou wont bother fighting as well

if its nanaya vs shirou, thats a different battle

shiki vs shirou - shirou

>> No.1577629

HF Shirou definitely wins.
MUCHO boosted physical abilities and projections of a much higher lever.

>> No.1577630

But Shirou would never start a fight with long-range weapons. And that alone makes it easier for Shiki.

>> No.1577631

Shiki would beat Shirou in a fist fight.

>> No.1577633

Shirou can take his beating though.

>> No.1577637

if it was hf/ubw shirou, he could probably throw weapons/ use as projectiles in someway, just like archer did

>> No.1577638

But HF Shirou is cheating. Archer Arm + massive upgrading of Shirou with magecraft does that.

If you gave Shiki those, even just magecraft, it'd be over for Shirou.

>> No.1577641

Shirou wouldn't start with long-range weapons against a guy with a dinky knife.

>> No.1577645

I don't think Shirou's any tougher than Arihiko, though. I mean if we look at actual toughness, Shiki was able to fight on with a gaping hole in his belly, Shirou... well, not so much.

>> No.1577649

...Have you even played F/SN?

One of the common grounds of Nasu's protagonists it's the fucking pain they have to deal with, the ridiculous wounds they suffer and the curses/sickness outside of battle.

>> No.1577651

thats more like nanaya aint it? the whole atheletic and hyper reaction thing belongs ot nanaya, shiki himself cant do that right?

>> No.1577654

But Shiki suffers more pain than Shirou would on a normal day, even more during a fight, and yet Shiki is able to continue on even with a lethal wound. Shirou dies and is saved by AVALON.

>> No.1577658

No. Nanaya is the mindset to pull off inhuman acts. But that doesn't change how normally tough Shiki is, or how athletic he is. Becoming Nanaya doesn't change Shiki physically at all.

>> No.1577660

...The body belongs to ONE man.
Nanaya is not a separate personality.

Either when he has to defend himself from certain death, or when he simply decides to kill, he uses his instinctual knowledge and well-formed from inbreeding body to do what he does.

Shiki always has GREAT reactions (defending himself during various occasions) and can in theory always move faster then eyes can follow, he just doesn't have to outside of fights.

>> No.1577663

Protip: Having your shoulder fucking cut off, and still trying to continue and fight, while the fucking flesh is till mending SHOULD be painful.

>> No.1577665

Shiki is able to OHKO Arihiko in half-a-flash, even sans Nanaya mode.

>> No.1577666

Yeah, because Shiki wasn't being munched down by beasts before he decided to go batshit.

Oh wait.

>> No.1577667


>The fight goes on for about five minutes before Shirou is out of mana and Shiki is lying on the ground with his brain pounding in his skull like a piston.
One is incapacitated and one is just out of magichax.

Shirou kicks Shiki's skull in on the ground.
Shirou wins.

>> No.1577669

Jeez, are you seriously trying to compare the pain?
They both go through stuff that would normally kill a normal person just from the shock and shut down his fucking brain.

>> No.1577670

It won't happen that way. Once Shiki is in range, he'll only need to cut several more NPs before he actually cuts off Shirou's hands off while grabbing Shirou's head and twisting it off.

>> No.1577675

Look at the fucking post I replied to. And besides, it was mending itself. Shiki didn't have that luxury and just kept on losing blood, while already being anemic because Roa was still alive then.

>> No.1577679

Do you have ANY fucking idea how painful is to have BONES reset, for example?
Also, with big wounds your nerves are sometimes dumbed, aka you do not feel pain.
Imagine the nerves repairing themselves after a big wound.

>> No.1577681

If you feel pain, it means you're still alive. Shiki was fighting on the verge of death and after being munched on, that should have caused a lot of hurt as well.

>> No.1577684

Of course it would.
Notice that I'm not saying Shiki has it easy .
You just keep saying 'Psaw, SHirou doesn't suffer as much', which is stupid

>> No.1577686

Dude, they're repairing themselves. It shouldn't hurt half as much as ones that don't.

>> No.1577692

No, I'm saying Shiki is half-dead and is still fighting. Shirou, when half-dead, is just dead before he is revived by Avalon.

It's not even a matter of pain but toughness.

>> No.1577693

I think he's talking about toughness, not pain tolerance. That Shiki keeps on fighting even in the verge of death, but Shirou just dies when he gets stabbed hard or gets disemboweled.

>> No.1577703

Yeah, Shirou is the weak one for dying when he's killed.

>> No.1577706


People kill when they are dyed.

>> No.1577715
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Taku enters the fight,creates over 9000 delusions in their brains and kills them with a Seira-Tan figure.

>> No.1577716

ようこそ! この素晴らしき惨殺空間へ!

>> No.1577730
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best self-insert character or bestest self-insert character?

>> No.1577732

Worst self-insert character.
Doesn't feel like that at all.

>> No.1577743

Shiki has spider senses from being a Nanaya.

>> No.1577752



>> No.1577773

Shiki actually gets to bone his loli, so that alone crowns him the winner.

>> No.1577774
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>> No.1577852

A challenger appears.
Taku VS Shirou Vs Tohno.

>> No.1577870
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What would happen if we switched Tohno for Nanaya(Nightmare), and put him against Shirou.

Think that would tip the scale in anyone's favor?

>> No.1577873

In Shirou's, of course, because dream Nanaya Shiki doesn't have the eyes.

>> No.1577896

Dream Nanaya doesn't need the Eyes to kill Shirou. Know why?

Because when Shirou is cooking one day to feed all of the sloths that inhabit his house, he'll reach for a cupboard to get something out of it.

At that moment, Dream Nanaya will spring from that little cupboard and slice him into a dozen pieces, then strike a disinterested pose and crash through a window to escape from the retaliation of killing the Kiritusugu household's chef.

>> No.1577900


Nanaya doesn't need the eyes though. The guy's fast enough to run on walls and shit and can change directions and dodge like a motherfucker.

Shirou would be dead mid-projection. He's actually better off fighting normal Shiki.

>> No.1577907



>> No.1577908
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>> No.1577912

But regular Shiki can do the same damn thing, only plus eyehax. You realize that, right?

>> No.1577913

Nanaya would go kyokushi up his and kill him in a second.

I mean, he kill Shiki Tohno with that skill.

>> No.1577923

Sauce on op

>> No.1577926

rs for Type Moon Complex X. Also, learn to speak coherently.

>> No.1577934


It'd happen sooner though.

>> No.1578667

Shirou is a weakling.

>> No.1578678

No he fucking can't .. every time he has done any of that shit is when the Nanaya persona takes over. I'm sure if he trained he would be able to do it like Satsujinki but the Shiki from Tsukihime .. no.

>> No.1578696

He did crazy things when fighting Satsuki, I don't think Nanaya was in control of him then.

>> No.1578705

no one postet the image of Shiki killing UBW yet?

>> No.1578712

Go check the 200+ post thread before this one I think its there.

>> No.1578713

Powerlevel threads the only thing worse than Yukkuri threads.

>> No.1578718

Melty Blood is not canon

>> No.1578723

What about kigurumi, Aya, travel, Japanese help, etc. threads?

>> No.1578734

lol no

>> No.1578736

She was in Tsukihime as well, but pretty easy to miss.

>> No.1578732

So basically /jp/ = 100% shit.

>> No.1578740


>> No.1578739

She was? Wait who are we talking about again?

>> No.1578751

In Arc's path, he was pretty much on his own when he kicked Roa's ass.
Same for SHIKI in Akiha's.

The 'Nanaya' takeover people spout of is what happens with Nero, Roa in Ciel's path, and Akiha in KOHAKU BAD END, aka abandoning all other thoughts and processes just to kill the opponent.

>> No.1578748

He could if he would remember all the training he recieved when he was still a Nanaya.

>> No.1578754
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100 replies of shitposting and trolling and POWERLEVALAN.

And people call us tripfags shitposters. Blind leading the blind...

>> No.1578758

This was the best thread today.

>> No.1578769

Holy ass, you had to create a new thread solely for powerlevel discussion? Weekend /jp/ truly is the worst.

>> No.1578771

I thought Shiki's dad was planning on ending the whole assassin thing with Shiki and never really trained him.

the cool thing about Nanaya's is that they're fucking inbred psychics. Which is probably why Shiki has an ungodly sense of danger.

>> No.1578773

The problem relies on posters who bring up arguments of the like 'He didn't mention THIS could not happen, so unless he specifically mentions it cannot, I'll consider it possible', instead of basing their arguments on what has ACTUALLY been revealed/confirmed.

ANd of course, these threads attract trolls, much more than a Yukkuri thread would.

Try to have a One Piece discussion on /a/, concerning what happened in the latest chapter (simple endeavor, right) and see waht happens.

>> No.1578789

Kiri did train Shiki the basics of Nanaya fighting. The genetics is also the basis why Shiki never trains and is still in tip top shape like a motherfucking pro-athlete.

And in Shiki's mind, he's learned the ultimate move of the Nanaya, but doesn't really remember it well.

>> No.1578790

What training? Shiki's dad didn't do shit with him the only thing that got passed down was the Nanaya personality they all have from their inbreeding shit.
Shiki has never run on walls and shit without the Nanaya persona.

>> No.1578801

It's because Nasu hinted that Shiki can be released from his limits. We just don't know how.

>> No.1578803

OP isnt about killing UBW at all

>> No.1578805
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>> No.1578806

Shiki runs on walls ONCE during the whole fucking game, during a bad end.

Retarded argument.

>> No.1578812


Well, at least the Akiha cosplayer got something right

>> No.1578818


>> No.1578820

Hand pose.

>> No.1578821

>and shit

>> No.1578828

Kiri did train Shiki. For self-defense. But never the hardcore stuff. Shiki did see the ultimate move of the Nanaya but it was just that, a faint memory.

>> No.1578823


Almost there! You can do it, Anon!

>> No.1578834

The nose?

>> No.1578856


>> No.1578870

Trick question. It's all perfect.

>> No.1578882


>> No.1578918
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>> No.1578928
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>> No.1578940

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.1578941


>> No.1579017

holy shit, this is pathetic

>> No.1579475

>>But HF Shirou is cheating. Archer Arm + massive upgrading of Shirou with magecraft does that.

yeah but he could use the archer arm only few times, each use was killing him more. that's why his body dies at the end, and he projected like 5-6 or so weapons at most.

>> No.1579494


jpeg artifacts-tan

>> No.1579550

Tohno Shiki is Nanaya Shiki.
There is no line there separating them really, beyond Tohno Shiki being afraid of Nanaya Shiki.
If T.Shiki accepts himself as being N.Shiki, he can do some serious shit even against normal humans.
T.Shiki wants to be a regular human.
N.Shiki wants to be a crazed killer.

By extension, T.Shiki wants to be a crazed killer.
and N.Shiki wants to be a normal human.

Even Kiri eventually wanted to settle down and stop all the assassin stuff, because he's still a human despite all the inbreeding.
That makes Nanaya Shiki also a human, who thinks with a human mind and works with a human body, albeit at the maximum potential a human could be.

Nanaya's body is Tohno's body, but Nanaya's mind isn't the same as Tohno's. Except it is, because they're the same person, it's just Shiki wanting to separate himself from the idea that he is more than just a normal person.
