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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1563282 No.1563282 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of fujoshi

>> No.1563285


>> No.1563290

Who's fujoshi?

>> No.1563304

I am one, or at least by the textbook definition i am, so i dont have a problem with it

>> No.1563305

a fat yaoi fangirl?

>> No.1563307

Anyway, I don't really like /cgl/.

>> No.1563311

We of all people have no right to criticize them.

>> No.1563313
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What does /jp/ think of lovecraftian horrors

>> No.1563329
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Absofuckinglutely adorable.

>> No.1563332

Wait, what the fuck?
Miku is Saya? Or Saya is MiFFFFFFFUUUU-

>> No.1563345


>> No.1563349

american "fujoshi" are fat scum for the most part.

>> No.1563351

They're girls, we don't need rights to criticize them.

>> No.1563352
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What does /jp/ think of dark saber

>> No.1563353


>> No.1563360

Seriously though, in theory, they're extremely hot, as we can identify with them AND they're female. In reality, I find it somewhat safe to assume that they're outcasts due to being really unattractive, or unbearable to be around, or a combination of these.

>> No.1563363

Well, if a girl is quiet and socially lacks skills, then she is likely to have a significant other regardless. Theoretically speaking owing to the proactive nature of men as opposed to the passive nature of women.

>> No.1563366

is that why you are an outcast?

its rare but there are people that just cant stand social interaction at all.

either way they smell nicer then otakus, i approve.

>> No.1563368

>Miku is Saya? Or Saya is MiFFFFFFFUUUU-

Well, someone just failed their SAN test.

>> No.1563370

American fujoshi: fat yaoi fangirl, lesbian
Japanese fujoshi: beautiful Japanese girl with glasses, large breasts, perfect proportions, beautiful white skin, interested in the same things we are, bisexual, doesn't mind introducing us to her friends

>> No.1563372
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>> No.1563374

I don't know what I think of fujoshi in general.
If they make nice art and not too retarded, I admire them.
If they have a high enough powerlevel to scorn the majority of their fellow fujoshi, I respect them.
I don't think I could hang out for an extended period of time with one though, unless she was artistically talented.

OP pic reminds me of the room of a girl who used to post in room threads on /a/.

I don't identify with most fujoshi, if you're using the definition that incorporates 'yaoi fan'.

I don't know, but I did enjoy the game.

>> No.1563375

SAN test?

>> No.1563379

that's bullshit. girls cant get away with things as much as guys can. if a girl is stubborn enough to become a smelly hikki neet you can be sure she wont settle for whatever hits on her.

>> No.1563380

I'm an outcast out of apathy. The difference usually observed is that men usually have to try to fit in, while it happens automatically to women. Laziness is unforgivable in a man, and I learned that the hard way.

>> No.1563384

Ignore him, seriously. I've tried already.

>> No.1563386
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I like Berserk cuz Guts looks like me

>> No.1563387

Girls aren't particularly stubborn. For better and for worse, it's men who are usually known to demand that things go their way. Though a woman has the ability to object, she rarely uses it.

>> No.1563390

>while it happens automatically to women
oh? 'fit in'? in regards to what peer group?

>> No.1563391

>it happens automatically to women

>> No.1563394

women are pressured to look a certain way and if they let themselves go at a level that is perfectly acceptable for men they are scorned and outcast even worse.
i mean fuck, who wants t waste their time on that shit?!

>> No.1563396

i know but im bored as hell.

>> No.1563397

No, that's not the definition I had in mind. It's more something along the lines of this:
-Complete social outcast
-At least somewhat weeabo
-Has a decent collection of their favorite type of hentai

>> No.1563399

Any. Only fitting in with the less popular groups doesn't make you a social outcast.

>> No.1563400

actually women have their own way of getting their way. their nature is to manipulate, not force things. its because men fail to notice this that it works so beautifully.

>> No.1563403

>>1563380 The difference usually observed is that men usually have to try to fit in, while it happens automatically to women.
Ha, my sister would have loved to hear that when she was in middle school and couldn't make any friends because her interests were slightly atypical. That'd rank right up there with the time the school counselor informed her that "There aren't cliques at this school; there are friendship groups. You're just not in one."

>> No.1563408

>The difference usually observed is that men usually have to try to fit in, while it happens automatically to women.
Are you retarded?

Women have shit going for them easier romantically, but not socially. Fuck, if anything they seem to have a hell of a lot rougher time socially. Women seem to be in this constant fucked up contest with each other.

>> No.1563413

>There aren't cliques at this school; there are friendship groups.
ಠ̯͡ಠ﴿ But... that's the definition.

>> No.1563411

Through school I can remember many girls who acted and dressed like retards, didn't put much effort into being social, and still ended up with more friends than me, who acted pretty normal for the most part.

>> No.1563412

Indeed. Although it is possible to get away with a relatively low level of maintenance and still not send people running in fear. You just won't be able to go on at length about your grooming rituals, which is a common topic of discussion among women.

Well then yes, I like those ones.

I think it depends on the girl, and what she's willing to do to fit in. Depending on her choices, she may or may not have to 'try'.

Ouch. How did things turn out for her?

>Women have shit going for them easier romantically
It depends what you mean by easier.

>> No.1563416

There's one word in that post I want you to read again:

>> No.1563419

You are confused, it's the ones who attempt to refrain from acting like retards that get alienated.

>> No.1563420

But you're fucking wrong? Women are a lot harsher to eachother than men are to eachother.

>> No.1563425

You weren't the one acting normal.

>> No.1563428

But those had even more friends.

>> No.1563436

Outside their cliques, yes, inside their cliques, no.

>> No.1563437

Girls are good at appearing to be friends while really hating each others guts. It's not much better than having no friends. In fact sometimes it is much worse.

>> No.1563440

i can confirm that even the ugliest, dirtiest girls can get laid if they want it bad enough. of course, they would have to relinquish all sense of pride and self respect in the process but the fat sluts i know never had those to begin with.

also if a (young) woman decides to opt out of the competition they usually have to put up with the other women directing their aggression toward them and it does not affect the pressure to get married and spawn little hell fiends from their families in the least.

>> No.1563445


>> No.1563447

>i can confirm that even the ugliest, dirtiest men can get laid if they want it bad enough. of course, they would have to relinquish all sense of pride and self respect in the process

>> No.1563449

As aecurity measure for the fujoshi, since many men would copulate with any woman, Yaoi was created. This in turn means that they would only be attracted to homosexual men, and therefore they would never be able to reproduce.

>> No.1563450

>>1563440 i can confirm that even the ugliest, dirtiest guys can get laid if they want it bad enough. of course, they would have to relinquish all sense of pride and self respect in the process but the fat man-sluts i know never had those to begin with.

>> No.1563453

2D was created by the government to keep people from reproducing?

>> No.1563457

Yes, they can get laid. I would lay at least some of the fault at the feet of the men who are willing to have sex with them though. I mean really, people should have standards.

Also, getting laid is not actually the goal of most girls. So evaluating their social success in terms of their ability to get laid is not particularly productive.

>> No.1563460

i know what you mean. personally i can easily fit in with other fangirls (they look up to me as my bl power level is very high) but i detest most of them because they insist on causing drama and whoring for attention while not giving a fuck about their "friends" and acting like decent human beings.
i have actually witnessed a girl systematically ruin her best friends confidence and self respect just so she can feel better about herself.

i have 3 good friends i cherish because they are different even though they dont share my interests anymore (a couple even became "normal", the whores) because i know i can always rely on them and they will never treat someone like that.

the rest of them can fuck off and die.

>> No.1563461
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Men, make love.

>> No.1563466

yeah but girls wont have to pay for it :P

>> No.1563468


>> No.1563471


>> No.1563473
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>> No.1563477

>>i have actually witnessed a girl systematically ruin her best friends confidence and self respect just so she can feel better about herself
This is what a girl is.

>> No.1563481

I had a girl, as a friend, who did this to me. This is why I'm a weeaboo now.

>> No.1563482

>they would have to relinquish all sense of pride and self respect
A prostitute would mean they still have some sense of pride and/or self respect since they are seeking a professional who may even be slightly above average in appearance.

Relinquishing all sense of pride and self respect means getting a girl like >>1563440

>> No.1563486

>>1563412 Ouch. How did things turn out for her?
She's still pretty solitary, but high school was a better experience for her, and she has plenty of online internet friends that share her interests, as well as a few real-life friends. She still has problems interacting with others in social situations, but it's hard to tell how much of it is a result of her experiences, versus our hereditary predisposition to certain mental illnesses, versus the culture of self-congratulation on DeviantArt and such.

>> No.1563489

I'm still laughing at "There aren't cliques at this school; there are friendship groups. You're just not in one."

>> No.1563490

>they insist on causing drama and whoring for attention while not giving a fuck about their "friends" and acting like decent human beings.
Oh god, this is so true I just shuddered. I can't say I partake in the bl fandom, but this accurate for far too many groups of girls.

>> No.1563497

oh well. if it wasnt for people like that who would we use to feel better about ourselves?

this is what some girls become, yes. but not all are like that.
the girls i mentioned have been friends for years and they still are because the other girl enables her.
people treat you the way you teach them to treat you.

>> No.1563500

Ugh, DevArt. Good to hear that things went better for her in highschool though.

>> No.1563503

oh gosh, i wrote "and" instead of "instead" >>

>> No.1563508

anyway this is annoyingly true. it can be more obvious with fangirls though as they are usually girls with low self esteem to begin with so they use their "friends".

>> No.1563510
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>> No.1563540

it was relatively easy to mentally correct

I don't think it's just the self-esteem thing; it seems that a lot of girls seem to run around acting on whatever whim strikes them, without thinking of the consequences at all. It's that combination of complete disregard for the impact of their actions on others, and the fickle nature of their desires that drives me up the wall.

You're right that there are a few reasonable ones around though.

>> No.1563557

It's strange, but all the yaoi fangirls at the anime club I go to (who make up 90% of the total membership, easily) seem to get along extremely well. I don't know if it's an age thing, or that they go they go to an all-girls college (despite the disappointing fact that none of them seem to be lesbians), or if it was just luck of the draw.

Of course, maybe they are horrible bitches and just hide it well from outsiders like myself.

>> No.1563562

>Of course, maybe they are horrible bitches and just hide it well from outsiders like myself.


>> No.1563565

I know plenty of guys that act that way, too. It's an issue of temperament, not gender, even if gender may be an influence.

tl:dr; we're not so different, you and I.

>> No.1563583

that can be said for men too though.

i really hope its real. i find that the despicable "friendships" i was talking about are usually gone by the time they hit age 22, like something in their brain clicks and they realize the drama is pointless and there is no reason to put up with any of this shit.

>> No.1563590

my point exactly.
we may do things differently but the drives and results involved are essentially the same

>> No.1563598

Women are better at it.

>> No.1563605

Normally I wouldn't assign traits a gender, but my observations indicated that this was a trait more prevalent in girls. My observations are only based on the people I've managed to meet though, so yeah. I can understand that there are guys out there like that as well. I guess I just happen to have met nicer ones.

>find that the despicable "friendships" i was talking about are usually gone by the time they hit age 22, like something in their brain clicks and they realize the drama is pointless and there is no reason to put up with any of this shit.
Hmm. That explains why I've had more luck making friends with older girls.

>> No.1563606


Let's chat more about this.

>> No.1563607

have you ever had the honor of having a guy you liked and made out with bring his best friend over because he thinks youre easy?
men are not in the position to criticize anyone. not that women are but meh

>> No.1563613

what, exactly?

>> No.1563622

This claim is easily countered with that not all girls are like the ones stated above. Some will not actually become living pieces of self-absorbed shit. I would never do that, then again I am somewhat dense in relationships because of my own low self-esteem, causing me to act extremely polite.

>> No.1563623

I want to know whether you think it is easier for women to get boyfriends if they are passive than it is for men to get girlfriends if they are passive.

>> No.1563624

men have their own faults.

>> No.1563627

>have you ever had the honor of having a guy you liked and made out with bring his best friend over because he thinks youre easy?

But if you 'made out' with such a person then it shows you have bad judgment of character doesn't it? I mean, why are we ALL to blame for your lack of character judgment?

>> No.1563639

tl;dr Everyone in society is scum regardless of gender.

>> No.1563640

tl;dr >>1563607 doesn't have good virtues.

>> No.1563641

it might sound silly at this point but i hate generalizations. i know there are good people out there and as far as my personal life goes i try not to judge anyone before getting to know them.

that depends on your definition of passive.
it may look like girls attract more attention without trying but they usually put their efforts into their appearance and behavior in order to attract men.

that question is about superficial things, i dont like it.

>> No.1563644

No, misanthropy isn't the way forward, I'm just trying to map out a very small part of the human consciousness here.

>> No.1563655

Well I don't know about that, but if you are attracted to such people it's your own fault, why should everyone else accept the generalization for a lack in character judgment?

>it may look like girls attract more attention without trying but they usually put their efforts into their appearance and behavior in order to attract men.

I think this is true. But still, comparitively it's easier doing that than being proactive in every other sense.

>> No.1563658

buh? this is a standard highschool story i often heard from my friends (i never made out with anyone myself, 3d is pig disgusting). heres a shocker: people dont always present themselves as what they really are.

thats not the point im trying to make anyway.
that post was still in the subject of "guys have faults too".

>> No.1563664

I cringed reading that. I guess men who fail that badly just drop completely off my radar, and therefore I forget that they exist. I had quite forgotten how badly I wanted to punch of some of my best friend's boyfriends. Ugh.

>> No.1563665

>people dont always present themselves as what they really are.

Well this is true, but no offense to you girls, but to us men you appear hopelessly naive some of the time, I mean, hopelessly so. Why is this?

>> No.1563671

You really need a hobby athens.

>> No.1563673

Posting about women is his hobby.

>> No.1563675

well he needs a better one

>> No.1563680

you have no idea what it involves then.
also it might be true for /jp/ dwellers but not everyone is socially awkward.

both genders get pressured to be a certain way. if the few people that manage to deprogram themselves that are worth bothering with.

>> No.1563687


Don't be so cruel, I don't say shit like 'tits or gtfo', or tell you go gb2 the kitchen, I'm just interested in understanding, in mapping out how you collectively think about things. Why there is a sense of female naivety for example.

>> No.1563688

because some women ARE? as are some men.
you are arguing about some peoples character like its a general rule.

>> No.1563689

As if there aren't men who fall for useless women who are ill-suited to them and will cause them nothing but grief?

>> No.1563692

>you have no idea what it involves then.

Indulge my curiosity.

>> No.1563693

Sometimes I think it might be nice to be a woman, but no matter how many times you claim I am one I won't magically turn into and find out.

>> No.1563696


But women do tend to be more naive as a matter of course, I mean, I know it's stereotype. But take 15 year olds girls with protective older siblings, fathers etc. Why do you think they are so protective? It's because they know girls are quite naive and are attracted to dangerous men as a rule. So they try their best to guide them through childhood so that they will pick a decent mate.

>> No.1563698

try becoming a meterosexual for a while.
you wont have the pressure girls grow up with but youll get a general idea about what looking like people do in magazines involves.

>> No.1563699

This is the case for every man who's ever fallen for a woman.

>> No.1563706

But I do tend to keep myself well groomed, get decent aftershave, nice clothes and so on. For me it's more a matter of personal dignity than trying to impress women.

>> No.1563707

Because they're fucking 15 year olds? Everyone is protective of their younger siblings or children, regardless if they're a girl or boy.

>> No.1563711

I'm just interested in hearing the opposing view, why are girls at that age and sometimes older somewhat naive towards men's intentions?

>> No.1563715

you and I have something in common in that way.

>> No.1563720

>Why are teenagers stupid?

>> No.1563722

The same reason why there is always a group of idiot boys vandalizing something in the neighbourhood. Teenagers are stupid and do not have the brain development required to fully consider consequences.

>> No.1563728

I've found that just keeping myself well-groomed takes about an eighth of the time that a 'normal' girl's morning routine takes.

>> No.1563731
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You can never truly fall in love with a woman unless she's useless. Men are cursed to only be able to admire useless things.

>> No.1563742

>you were a girl at that age once
I was?

>> No.1563738

Cool. How do you dress? I like blazers, cashmere tops and shirts etc. Just conservative but dignified dress. It sets you apart from the people who have about 15,000 different t-shirts. I like having a nice umbrella too. Oh, and a nice wallet.

But what is it about dangerous men that attracts girls? Tell me, you were a girl at that age once, I'm interested in your opinion.

This is quite true I guess, unless you are out shopping, but I like shopping.

>> No.1563739

Because teenagers of both genders are for the most part irresponsible and naive?

>> No.1563741

well, I don't think I'd fall in love with an utterly useless woman.
She'd have to be pretty good at giving me a feeling of security, for example.

>> No.1563747


>> No.1563743

There's probably some study out there showing that women are biologically attracted to dangerous men. There's probably some study out there showing that the aforementioned study is complete bullshit. There's probably some study out there showing that the latter is also total crap. If you're asking for a flat-out answer, you'll never get one. But you can start observing people and analyze exactly how their own relationships work. If you do this, you'll see there's simply no way to apply one single claim to an entire demographic, especially one that makes up 50% of humanity.

>> No.1563745

Also, are older sisters protective of younger sisters as older brothers are of younger sisters?

>> No.1563746

>do not have the brain development required to fully consider consequences.

I don't know about you, but I've never done stupid shit in my youth. I didn't go around with he other kids and vandalise private property.

Don't undermine teenagers. It's thie "Boys will be boys" attitude that lets them get away with shit like that.

>> No.1563748


Oops. are there any actual girls on to answer this question?

>> No.1563750

>There is simply no way to apply one single claim to an entire demographic, especially one that makes up 50% of humanity.
I'm pretty sure I can say that all women are women. I HAVE DEFEATED YOU!

>> No.1563753

That's quite sweet. I wish I had a protective older sister.

>> No.1563754

We're all girls, aren't we?

>> No.1563757

I usually just wear something with short sleeves (t-shirts, shirts, etc.) and a pair of jeans.
And a jacket when it's cold or windy outside.

My umbrella is one of those tiny ones that fit in my backpack, but my wallet is pretty nice, I think.

>> No.1563758

No boys on the internet.

>> No.1563759

Also jesus christ athens picking out who's a girl or not on /jp/ shouldn't be your MO. It's like a minigame that never ends and only you want to play.

>> No.1563764

You feel a lot more confident when dressed well don't you? You feel like you own the place. Have pride in yourself. Of course, this is the kind of pride that comes with commensurate achievement. It doesn't really help with the kind of confidence women like.

>> No.1563765

Well, I never did stupid shit either, but it's true that your prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until you're about 20. I can't say I can do more than make theories about why some kids succumb to idiocy and others don't.

>> No.1563775

Girls aren't meant for that. It's simple biology, since girls would previously need a man capable of protecting both himself and his partner, they're still attracted to men like that. If a man needs security instead of being able to provide it, they will find it unattractive.

>> No.1563779

yeah, I tend to walk with my back straight, and I do actually feel like I own the place.

I don't really know why I do it. But it feels good, man.

>> No.1563780

you were addressing me, but your question didn't really apply to me so I didn't answer.

>> No.1563781


>> No.1563782

Do you think physical ability to protect overrides financial ability and intelligence?

>> No.1563788

I bet you can remember some stupid shit you thought or did when you were younger that makes you feel embarrassed now. Everyone can. You were and are not perfect.

>> No.1563793

>but your question didn't really apply to me

What do you mean?

>> No.1563804

By strength, I also mean financial and social strength. The type of strength they seek out has changed, but it's still part of the same instinct.

>> No.1563809

I do, but none of it was as "serious" as vandalism. I didn't have many opportunities to do stupid shit like that with other boys because when I turned 13 I became a shut in. /blog

>> No.1563811

well, I don't know how to say it, then.

I don't want someone who requires to constantly be impressed by something about me, because I think I'd hate always having to justify why she's with me and not some loud idiot who drinks and fights.

I want to feel calm when she's around instead of always having to stress myself in order to look acceptable in her eyes.

>> No.1563812

But they still cheat on rich/well off/financially secure men with more physically big men most of the time though... That's what I don't get

>> No.1563828

Because I never allowed my interest in a male to override logic when it came to my safety?

That and I'd mostly lost interest in men by the time I was 15.

>> No.1563832

Why did you lose interest in men?

Also. As a girl, do you think I whine too much about these matters?

>> No.1563836

That's more understandable. You just have a desire for unconditional love, and perhaps a fear for expectations and pressure. I believe this is pretty normal around here, as we might in some extreme situations avoid people and become shut-ins because we're paranoid about their expectations to us, and we play dating sims because in them you can make a girl love you and be sure they'll never betray you, no matter who you are.

>> No.1563844

that probably has more to do with the fact women can get knocked up and men cant.
think about it.

there is a world of difference between trying to have perfect skin, a perfect figure and following all of the latest trends when it comes to clothes and make up than to just do what it takes to look decent. try it.
women are pressured by everything around them to do this for the sake of finding their other half.
i dont think i need to be with someone just to be a person but youd be surprised at the amount of women that believe they are nothing on their own and the amount of things in their lives that keep hammering that message into their heads.

women like dangerous men because people always want what they cant have. or something, i dont know.

>> No.1563846

No idea.

I think you're a bit too immovable when it comes to your theories about women, and you try to make too many generalizations.

>> No.1563847

Woman are only after security and that is why they prefer to mate with men with manifested ego showing that they are able fo enforce their needs.
"Dangerous men" count into that group, but obviously aren't the top tier because too risky for thei female's selfish good.

Though they are women, mostly women who weren't daddy's little girl or aren't that good looking to begin with whose standards have to be set lower. wwwwww poor little girl wwwww

>> No.1563850

Well, the social strength is still a factor, and it might very well be that they feel that their husband/partner is a loser socially, and therefore desire someone they don't see as a loser. Or you can just say that big guys are attractive. Or you can just say that the girls who go after the kind of shallow bigshot you think of when you say "financially successful" are whores.

>> No.1563853

What the hell are you doing, discussing this stuff so early in the morning ?

>> No.1563857

yeah, that might be a good way to put it.

I don't mind being around people, but if I'm going to relax I'd rather do it alone.

I don't really talk much, so if there's just one person in a room except for me, there'll always be that strange silence until the other person starts talking to me.

>> No.1563863

I, for one, have finished my university classes for today.

>> No.1563866

So when you say you lost interest in men, I assume you have interest in women still? What is it about women comparitively that you find attractive?

>> No.1563875

I don't make so many generalizations to be fair.

>> No.1563870

i agree with this anon. this feels like cutting water.

>> No.1563873

-Make every post appear as Anonymous

-Remove posts with certain keywords, or by certain tripfags/namefags

>> No.1563879

and beating a dead horse at the same time.

of course it moves when you hit it, but if you just leave it, it won't do anything.

>> No.1563885

but doesn't that remove a lot of points in discussions and such?

>> No.1563886

When the woman in here is lesbian she doesn't count into the group of women, because she's a genetic defunct (based on the majority of population).
You aren't gay because you want to, you are born gay. Period.

>> No.1563894

>145 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

God what the fuck, this is not what I want to see when I wake up.

>> No.1563888


This discussion has been relatively civil so far to be fair

>> No.1563889

i think that has more to do with women wanting to show off what they have. they usually consider their mates as property and when they find themselves in a loveless marriage they sometimes cheat too.
this is a big stupid generalization again but what the heck.

>> No.1563891

What discussion?

>> No.1563901

Romantically, I'm making a generalization. I fall for people, it just so happens that the two people I've found interesting since I was 15 have been women.

Regarding 2D and people-watching, I like their shapes better.

>> No.1563902

i am not a lesbian. not even bisexual. not even remotely.
it kinda sucks, id make an awesome dyke.

>> No.1563903

>You aren't gay because you want to, you are born gay. Period.

I think it depends more on the environment you grow up in. Expectations from your surroundings, general acceptance, etc.

>> No.1563904

Hey, man. It makes perfect sense to one day wake up and decide you are no longer attracted to women after a life of heterosexuality but want hard cock up your ass.

>> No.1563906

Anon haet fujoshi.

>> No.1563907

>Anon haet
Sentence was needlessly long.

>> No.1563914

I have found a lot of women who are into anime like emo/scene type looking guys or raver kind of guys, has any else seen this?

>> No.1563915

I can relate to the part about relaxing best alone. But the way I see it, you relax best when you're dead, so life isn't for relaxing. Besides, relaxing feels much better when you're actually tired. If you're anything like me, you're not actively acknowledging right now that it feels good to be alone, but you might be able to recall some times when you were around people for a long time and it felt really good to relax on your own again.

>> No.1563916

that has more to do with repressing your sexuality or feeling obligated to be bisexual because its chic.
people are born with their sexual disposition, you cant choose who you are attracted to just like you cant choose to like the taste of melons.

>> No.1563918

I have found you constantly repeat yourself like a broken record, has any else seen this?

>> No.1563919

we don't hate everything

at least there are a few things we don't hate to a point where we want to rip and tear

>> No.1563920

Oh no, you were involved with people prior to your 15th birthday?!

How could you do things like that so young?

>> No.1563922

Newfag here, is fujiosjiwhatevr the same as femanom?

>> No.1563926

Are you having an epileptic fit? Is that why you can't type?

>> No.1563927

>awesome dyke

>> No.1563930
File: 233 KB, 640x1024, 1225892471826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1563938

Not really. Athens just brought it up as an excuse to hate all women.

>> No.1563939

>hate all women.

I never said that.

>> No.1563943

its like saying you noticed geeks like sci-fi.
in this area of the world the goth/emo/whatever scene is pretty small to non-existant and anime fans are all geeks/dorks from lower-upper class families. they are probably the same personality types as the american fans.
its an environmental thing.

>> No.1563944

Oshi a grammernazifag and epilesy doesnt intervene with your ability to spell it just makes you shake

>> No.1563947

well i have to go now

i cant say this was pleasant but it wasted my time like i wanted so thanks anons.


>> No.1563948

But even I am more of a man than those types of guys.

>> No.1563951

You lying little shit, just the other day women were the scum of the earth according to you

>> No.1563955

>feeling obligated to be bisexual because its chic.
Good lord, I vehemently hate this trend.

Did I say anything to indicate that...? Stop jumping to conclusions; I never acted on any of my interests before or since.

>> No.1563952

Stop exagerrating with hyperbole.

I never said that! I just don't like sluts.

>> No.1563953

He said type, not spell. And shaking obviously intervenes with your ability to type.

>> No.1563956

It looked like you were shaking and having trouble hitting the proper keys.

>> No.1563957

yeah, I guess you're right about the point with relaxing after doing something that made you tired, but it's at those times it'd be nice to have another person around who shares my point of view, I think.
Someone who knows what I need when I'm feeling tired, someone who wants to be around me when I'm tired, and someone who knows not to push me when it shouldn't be done.

There's that really fine border between me being nice, and not so nice, I guess.
I don't know if other people can sense when they shouldn't say anything, but it would be cool to have someone around who could do that.

Maybe I have a strange body language, I dunno.

>> No.1563959

I thought you were terrified of speaking with women? How does that make you more of a man?

>> No.1563961

But girls like that don't want men. Isn't that obvious? I actually fear that masculinity will eventually become obsolete, as feminine boys are getting a larger and larger hold on popular culture.

>> No.1563962

Because I don't wear eyeliner and makeup? And I've got a lot better at talking to women, recently I was thinking of asking this girl out, but I gave up bottled up and bailed.

>> No.1563963

A picture of Sei in a "thumbs up" pose was what got me through second year.

>> No.1563964



>> No.1563965

A man who wears eyeliner and makeup but isn't terrified of speaking with women is more of a man than you are. How does this make you feel?

>> No.1563966

But if masculinity becomes obsolete, then this 'violent' kind of brash, obnoxious machismo will take over from the archetype of the traditional gentleman who is both stern and loving.

>> No.1563968

Because I don't wear eyeliner?

Oh wow.

Well he isn't, so it doesn't make me feel anything.

>> No.1563969

Why do you fear it? You'll probably have a better chance of getting a woman.

>> No.1563970

1. Get rich.
2. Hire a maid.

>> No.1563971

Women are attracted to men. Women are attracted to him and not you. He is more of a man than you are.

>> No.1563972

same shit different name

>> No.1563973

What kind do you recommend?

>> No.1563975

Who is 'him'? And there is more to being a man than just that, there is education, and wisdom, and financial security, and self-control.

Regardless, most of those relationships consist of the said scenefag being taken up the ass every night by a strapon.

>> No.1563978

Is this intended as an insult? If so, it's kinda silly.

>> No.1563979

shit, that's actually a pretty good idea.

but how difficult will it be to go from "I have a hot maid to come home to" to "I have a hot, loving wife to come home to"?

I'll definitely try it out, if that's how everything plays out.

>> No.1563980

You don't need to be rich to get a part-time maid who does the ironing and so on. Usually they are from eastern europe and quite hot.

>> No.1563984

Men do not change with the views of females. Culture can twist the desires of females into being 100% lesbians, but that doesn't mean females are males (also, in that situation, all females would be males, so you wouldn't be able to use their views to judge what a man is).

>> No.1563985

well, I study at a university and I live in a dorm apartment with a shared kitchen, so right now I'll rather just spend my money on the stuff I want than on a maid.

>> No.1563986

>mexico and quite ugly

fix'd, you've never seen a domestic servant before

>> No.1563992

I live in Denmark, Europe, so even though I'm not in the maid business, I can say for sure that the majority of maids doesn't come from Mexico.

>> No.1563993


Good morning Alpha November.

>> No.1563995

My dad pays an East-European girl to come over and clean once a week. She's not in the same class as Husui obviously, but she's not ugly. But I guess the difference is if you life in Europe or America. Polish people are the Mexicans of Scandinavia.

>> No.1564005

Looks like we hit the auto-sage limit. Well, gentlemen, it's been at least somewhat enjoyable ..I think.

>> No.1564013

yeah, I came in late game, but I enjoyed my stay.

>> No.1564018

It's been a pleasure all.

>> No.1564030

How do you know this? Are you a scenefag or do you watch them have sex? Both of those possibilities make you pathetic.

>> No.1564077

Stop trying to get the last word in. It smacks of butthurt.

>> No.1564077,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ One Year Later

>> No.1564077,2 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man, an athens thread. Was this before he went off the deep end and decided to simply troll? I only recall that he started to become notorious sometime during the fall of '08. He seems relatively reasonable albeit narrow-minded in this thread.

I'm amazed at the lack of replies not making a fuss about an athens thread, but maybe he happened to pick a lucky time, who knows?

Derp. I don't remember this word being used back then.

>> No.1564077,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's been used on /b/ for years (or it was when I went to /b/).

>> No.1564077,4 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ One Year Later
Why are you bumping old threads?

>> No.1564077,5 [INTERNAL] 

Because it's an interesting contrast. /jp/ has changed a lot on the last year, and when you browse it day by day but with one year difference it's really noticeable.
I try to bump not more than two bizarre finds from the past, followed by picked threads of today.

If you want to take a look yourself, one year ago is around the page 4740 more or less. It's mostly FS/N threads because Heaven's Feel patch had been released recently, so everyone were starting threads with a single screenshot.

Plus, it's odd to see that it has already been a full year.

If it bothers anyone else, I'll gladly stop.

>> No.1564077,6 [INTERNAL] 

Hmm. I didn't remember discussions involving women ever being so reasonable... but I was clearly present and posting in this thread. Hmm.

>> No.1564077,7 [INTERNAL] 

>athens !SysNpnp3nU Wed Nov 5 10:52:09 2008 No.1563307
> Anyway, I don't really like /cgl/.

Athens was a trolling /b/tard, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
/cgl/ disgusts me, seriously.

>> No.1564077,8 [INTERNAL] 

Athens is moe, I miss him. ;_;

>> No.1564077,9 [INTERNAL] 


