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1558243 No.1558243 [Reply] [Original]

I tried not spoiling myself for so long and it all paid off. The only thing I really gave a shit about was Shirou. I know he's just some fictional character but I'm shitting happiness everywhere knowing he's alright.

>> No.1558266
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Shirou went above and beyond for his women, 1 projection left? Fuck that I'll go ahead and use 3 more.

But yea Ilya is the best sister ever ;_; .. I BAWW'D

>> No.1558275
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Indeed,his character is definitly much more able to be sympathetic towards since he's actually trying to CHANGE and not be naive in this route.

The battles were not that great but the characterazation was top notch.

>> No.1558276
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So these pictures are only from Realta Nua? Nuts. I wanted to see them in the VN.

>> No.1558283
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Yea I wanted to see the KOTOMINE VS SHIROU CG.

>> No.1558286
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Oh god yes,I got such a warm feeling inside when she said this. Why wont someone do this for me?


>> No.1558290
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>> No.1558329

Shirou was finally a badass, saving his girl no matter what.
Rin was even more present and important this route, much better than UBW.
Kotomine was just plain awesome, while he was shallow and boring in the other routes.
Ilya finally had an important role.

I really can't see how some people dislike HF, it was a great end to the game imo.

>> No.1558342

If you don't post this to five rages, then your aren't a rage.

>> No.1558356

the Japanese apparently thought HF was the worst route in Fate/stay Night.

They are so fucking wrong.

>> No.1558362
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>Rin was even more present and important this route

Thats because she's supposed to represent what Shirou is "Supposed to be".

>I really can't see how some people dislike HF, it was a great end to the game imo.

Trolls,really thats it,just trolls aiming for attention. Or hell,maybe they jumped in expecting action but instead got:


>> No.1558370

Spoil it for me.

Damn it, I've been asking this since yesterday, and no results so far.

>> No.1558403

God just go read Wikipedia!

>> No.1558405


Taiga is really your immortal blood-related mother and Ilya is your long-lost sister. The differences in hair color are unexplained.

>> No.1558407

No they aren't.
The end of HF is good, don't get me wrong. I also loved the manly fist fight between Shirou and Kotomine, but it doens't change the fact that most of the route is fucking boring, uneventful, and that Sakura never become a really interesting character.
HF was far too long for its own good, especially since it really felt like it didn't have enough content.

>> No.1558409


Really kind of hard since theres quite a number of things to spoil even with the knowledge of what happens to Shirou,thats hardly even scratching the surface. So i'll just tell you the endings.

In normal end Shirou dies by using Archers Arm too many times which could only manage 4 or 3 Projections in the first place to destroy Avenger before he is born. Then Sakura proceeds to live on by herself in Shirous house in despair growing a Cherry Blossem every Winter waiting fruitlessly till the end of her life for Shirou to return for the rest of her life.

In the good End he gets halted before he can project a weapon to destroy Avenger by Kotomine. Shirou beats Kotomine,Illya shows up and stops Avenger for him then proceeds to use a Sorcery level magic on him that allows him to live on with a new body.

Skip a few years later Shirou and Sakura are living togeather. Now Tohsaka is capable of preforming a Sorcery level magic and Sakura is quite literally now the Holy Grail with all of its powers,which is also a Sorcery level magic I think?

>> No.1558410
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This would have been the best route.

>> No.1558415

>The differences in hair color are unexplained.

Illya is an albino, hence the red eyes and white hair.

>> No.1558419

Ilya is a homunculus, you idiot.

>> No.1558425
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HURRRRR DURRRR Minor Details ...

>> No.1558431
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In my opinion, i think the fist fight between Shirou and Kotomine was a bit LOL RANDOM but it sure was awesome even without the appropriate CGs.

>> No.1558459

Heavens Feel was good, though there's lots of stuff that makes me wonder how much I actually liked it. Would've appreciated more badass fighting at the very least.
Also, 4½ eroscenes that I had to skip is not my idea of a good joke, especially when they throw flashback CGs on my face later. The only real complaint I have of the whole route besides the lack of action.

>> No.1558463

Oh god, yes. For once I just wanted the h-scenes to stop fucking coming, instead of actually wanting them.

>> No.1558466

So, whatever happened to the non-ero option Message said he wanted to get in?

>> No.1558468

If he included it, then we really would have to wait until 2012.

>> No.1558498

the HF ero scenes are the only fappable ones in the game somehow.

But yeah some of the blabbering about the holy grail annoyed me too and I wished the game moved on instead of dwelling on unnecessarily complex explanations which make your head hurt even when you completely understand it. But much, much better than UBW at least.

>> No.1558501

It feels so good that I want to vomit.
A woman's back is before my very eyes.

>> No.1558505

The way she churns her body is like that of a trained prostitute.

>> No.1558508
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>The way she churns her body is like that of a trained prostitute.
Nasu, you horrible troll, you.

>> No.1558519
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I never knew watching TV or getting a snack could be so deadly.

>> No.1558935


Best Ending or Bestest Ending?

>> No.1558957

Fuck this shit.
Thanks to HF I can't no longer make fun of Shirou without feeling like an idiot.

>> No.1558960

Just post Anime Shirou, Velox, or Goki.

>> No.1558962


I liked naive Shiro. More than HF Shiro anyways.

>> No.1558970

needs more Seiba

>> No.1558965
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if only he could see the strong and beautiful women his daughters grew up to be. Now don't start flaming, the tohsaka sisters wouldn't be half as powerful as they are if he didn't pressure the life of a magus on Rin, or gave Sakura to the Matous.
