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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1542844 No.1542844 [Reply] [Original]

I was texting this Japanese girl yesterday and she said something like "I'll show you around Japan" then I replied with "I'll like to attend the cherry blossom viewing party with you". I didn't get a reply since then. Did I offend her? Was there some cultural thing?

>> No.1542849

>cherry blossom viewing party

>> No.1542854


WHAT. What are you saying? Those are supposed to be really beautiful from what I had seen on television

>> No.1542855

He didn't say "hanami" or "sakura," faggot

>> No.1542862


Doesn't hanami mean cherry blossom viewing party though?

>> No.1542867

Yes, the combination of your bad grammar, and also being an in general retarded reply must have been it.

>> No.1542870

Yeah but I mean he could have said something gay like "sakura viewing party"

Well, nevermind that the proper name for the cherry blossom trees that the moon people like so much actually IS "sakura"

>> No.1542875

>Doesn't hanami mean cherry blossom viewing party though
It means Cherry Blossom viewing

basically: 花 = flower 見 = to see

>> No.1542876

no, it's not a cultural thing
she can sense the loser in you, it's completely universal, girls from any country can do it

>> No.1542880


Oh ok, I thought it was some cultural thing. Guess I don't have to worry about it

>> No.1542881


Did you accidentally type nakadashi instead of hanami?
This could explain it.

>> No.1542896

>cherry blossom viewing party with you
she'll probably let you know when it becomes springtime in japan.

>> No.1542900

Probably this, I always get those confused.

>> No.1542902

the keys are, like, right nextsdoufhslfgsdf

>> No.1542904


I typed exactly this "I'll like to attend the cherry blossom viewing party with you". We were conversing in english

>> No.1542907


lol infallable logic

>> No.1542909

is english your first language

>> No.1542910

she'll reply to you in 5months time when they actually bloom

>> No.1542917


If you're talking about the I'll part. Yeah, I know I should have used "I would"

>> No.1542937

Goddamn, you're right

OP must be retarded. Sakura don't bloom for like five-six months

>> No.1542942


I knew that. It's in april. I said in the future because that was what we were talking about before. And she isn't in Japan right now, so I wasn't expecting her to take me there straight away or anything

>> No.1542956

in that case you're just fucking overthinking shit. This early it just sounds like an offhand remark, "oh, it would be neat to see the cherry blossoms"

It's not like you asked to go out with her on a date this weekend retard

>> No.1542968


Jesus christ, don't be so harsh, bro. I'm too used to not having a social life, there's a first time for everything. Well, thanks.

>> No.1542970

How long has it actually been?

>> No.1542981


2 days

>> No.1542984

Arrangements for Japanese like 'I'd like to show you around Japan' are kind of considered polite remarks, it's not indicative of a clear willingness to commit, if you understand my point.

>> No.1542990

And I might as well ask this.
What are some dating etiquette I should know of? Should I hold her hand when crossing roads without a traffic light or when we are walking through a huge crowd or when we are trying to board a train whose doors are about to close?

>> No.1543000

problem with japan

girls that are social in japan have really bad sense of priority, and no sense of loyalty/commitment

girls who are reserved generally commit more/more worthwhile, assuming they don't rip off your balls

>> No.1543001


I know, I was just taking the initiative.


She's of the reserved variety.

>> No.1543007

avoid physical contact dumbass

my god, it's not another freaking planet
if it's not a date, don't hold her hand
and even if it was a date, she probably wouldn't want to hold hands in a public area anyway

if you're in a big crowd/group she'll grap onto the back of your shirt or something, most girls do that

>> No.1543008

Stop this shit. Dating advice goes on /r9k/, not here.

>> No.1543017


Alright, thanks. PS: How do I know whether it's considered a date?

>> No.1543020

Then she has just had better things to do for the past 2 days.

>> No.1543034

...you cannot be serious?

>> No.1543036


What's so wrong about it? Would you rather have another yukkuri or touhou thread instead?

>> No.1543037

ok are you new to girls
or just new to japanese girls
because god damn man, they are not a freaking different species

>> No.1543038


I am... I'm on /jp/, you must have a basic idea of the amount of social interactions I get so I'm not really good at these things

>> No.1543039


What do you like about her OP?

>> No.1543040


new to girls bro

>> No.1543048

Yes, now fuck off. You clearly need to lurk the fuck more if you think this type of thread is well accepted here.

>> No.1543050


That's not OP. But I like her because she isn't materialistic and is really polite. And it just feels fun when I'm with her although it's a little hard to communicate with her

>> No.1543061

don't be a faget
pay attention to this thread, and maybe you won't die a virgin you stupid flaming cunt

>> No.1543207
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>> No.1543064


And you clearly need to lurk more if you think Anon gives a shit about what's accepted or not.

>> No.1543066

Are you crazy? You are on /jp/

>> No.1543083

i have NO idea who is who anymore


i would suggest you don't get your hopes up, the japanese are taught to be polite, even to people they don't like

that said, if you do succeed in taking her out, its best if you have the mindset of "this isn't a date, just a day to have fun"
only if the day is "successful" (as in, she enjoys herself, don't take her word for it, you gotta sense it out yourself) should you even consider the possibility of a date

the rest is up to your intuiton, you should have an idea of what she likes

only extra advice i can give is don't take her somewhere too far out of her way, and don't take her anywhere that is too crowded and likewise too secluded.

>> No.1543238
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My confession was via note left in locker and was basically "i really like you please please just give me one chance :("

and she showed it to the people around her locked and they were all making fun of it, i was down the hall I COULD HEAR THEM

>> No.1543116


I have been out with her 3 times now, and I'm always the one who asks the question. I wonder whether she enjoy these "dates"

>> No.1543124

You must've done what she needed help with.
Congratulations, you got used.

>> No.1543127


You got it partially right. But I don't feel that I got used. I'm actually glad that she's comfortable enough to ask for my help

>> No.1543138

In other words, you got used. Denying it will only make it worse later. Move on with life.

>> No.1543151

if it's just hanging out it's not really a date
a date means you both understand this is "me and you connecting time" rather than "relax, chill"

>> No.1543154

"People can grow to love their toys"

>> No.1543162


Well, it's hard to explain if you don't know what her personality is like.


But aren't dates used for getting to know each other better and in this case, for her to like me? And the "connecting time" is for the relationship phase?

And what are the aspects of a guy that girls like? inb4penis

I got a haircut, a grey jacket and a silver ring, but I'm sure that's not enough for someone to fall in love with me

>> No.1543163

Not when their pudgy, like I and I'm sure OP are

>> No.1543164

What you see in anime does not correlate to real life. Fucking deal with it, and learn from this so it won't happen again the next time a Japanese girl is within your grasp. If there even IS a next time.

>> No.1543166


I'm actually short and thin like a twig which is pretty bad since she probably won't feel safe with me

>> No.1543167

Could you help me, because I got fucked over by a Korean girl in a similar manner

>> No.1543170

Just say hello to her in Japanese.

>> No.1543172

Yes, dates are for getting to know each other but also for connecting time. Since it's been ~3 times already, according to you OP, then if you don't have her now, then you're FAR into the friend zone already because she didn't see them as actual dates. Rather, she saw them as a HEY LETS BE BUDDIES WITH NO ROMANTIC INTENT type of thing. Sucks.

>> No.1543177

Keep trying until you get it right, no use in moping over a failed attempt.

sage for /jp/ - relationship help

>> No.1543179


How am I supposed to have her? Should I just confess? Or should she make the move?

>> No.1543181

Just wait for her to make the move.

>> No.1543182


"pudgy" is something a number of girls wont mind

"waves of fat" yes, they will certainly mind that

yes dates are "for getting to know each other better" but it's misleading to sum it up as such

if dating was a simple as thT then hanging out with your mates would also be a date

"getting to know each other" can be done while hanging out, much more easy going atmosphere infact

>> No.1543186

I've been hanging around with this girl a lot for about a month now in school but I haven't asked her out yet due to exams coming soon. Will it be too late (i.e. friend zone) by the time they are over in a month from now?

>> No.1543188


I think she got the hint when I asked her whether she has a boyfriend after the second date. And I also asked her whether she likes this guy who came with her and she said no and then asked me why. Should I have confessed then? FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUU-

>> No.1543189

mind you thats a quote from Les Misérables, good book

and i wouldn't quote it if it didn't have a grain of truth

>> No.1543194

Girls hate fickle men
commit motherfucker
but give her space to breathe

and no matter what, only tell her these important things IN PERSON

>> No.1543198


I did. I messed up on my crush in high school, because I confessed on MSN. IT'S HARD BEING A PARTIAL HIKKIKOMORI

>> No.1543210

Hey same thing hi-5

>> No.1543218


i didn't even go out with her on dates before I confessed. I failed really hard then. I hope I don't mess up now

>> No.1543231

Don't you mean:
Hold on loosely
But don't let go
If you cling to tightly
You're gonna lose control

>> No.1543234

You have to hold them so no one else will.

But you can only hold them at arms length.
Let them hug you, don't you hug them.

>> No.1543255


my brother! ;_;

>> No.1543444
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i read this variation of pasta in /rk9/

>> No.1543295

You put a sad emoticon on a love note?

>> No.1543301




>> No.1543314

My god
don't BEG
if someone BEGGED you to like them you would be extremely wtf'ing

>> No.1543335

OP again. She's always on my mind. Should I text her again on a new topic? Or should I just act like I don't care?

And someone answer this please

>And what are the aspects of a guy that girls like?

>> No.1543339

depends on the girl
but generally, men with good priorities and a healthy dose of decisiveness

and if she hasn't replied, then leave it until you see her next in person

>> No.1543539
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Oh fuck, this is getting confusing. Serious answers please, bros? How do I get a girl to fall me me?

american densha otoko in the making

>> No.1543343

I thought /jp/ was smart enough to manipulate 3D;PD womens.

>> No.1543354

I thought /jp/ was smart enough to manipulate and despise 3D;PD women.

>> No.1543356

guess not

and no, i think you mean 2d

>> No.1543357

First, clean out your closet. You will need the space. Second, get some chloroform from either your local chemist shop or a biology lab. Third, find some heavy-duty rope - don't be cheap on this step cause it's your pair of nuts. Fourth, ask her to meet you in some secluded place to talk about a rumor you heard about her family. When she comes, knock her out with the chloroform and make sure the knots are tight when you bind her arms and legs. If you can't carry her on your own, be sure to have a vehicle or pushcart ready. Deposit said unconscious girl inside your closet.

>> No.1543360

"cherry blossom viewing party" is a japanese euphemism for unlubricated anal sex, so she probably thinks you're a pig

>> No.1543365

must be breeding season for trolls

>> No.1543370

Wake her up, saying "Happy Halloween!" even if it isn't halloween any more. Be sure to take photos of here tied up and in various states of undress, then post them on several blogs and photoshares. Don't make them publicly available yet, but threaten to do so if she tries anything stupid.

>> No.1543574
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Visual novels, mah boi. They should at least be good for something, right?

And there's a chance an experienced anon may be lurking around here

>> No.1543378


For example, not asking her if that particular restaurant is okay and just go right in?



>> No.1543379

Prepare a porn vid on your PC or dvd player. Be sure it is paused at the most erotic scene. Have her call her family and tell them that she is staying at her friend's house. If she tries to call for help, which she will, grab the phone and put it in front of your speakers/tv. Play the porn scene until climax. If she starts screaming or crying, let her do so in range of the phone. Hang up abruptly once complete.

>> No.1543387

Violate her without mercy. This bitch is a bitch. Don't worry about the cops until you've filled her up with your juice. If possible, make sure she doesn't enjoy the experience. Applying extreme pressure on her eyes or covering both her mouth and nose are adequate methods. She needs to remember this.

>> No.1543389

After you're finished, be sure to take a photo of your handiwork. Now you just need one last step. This part requires a shovel.

>> No.1543415

uh no
there's a difference between being decisive and being selfish and unattentive of other peoples feelings

>> No.1543422


>> No.1543471


>> No.1543550

Why are you asking on /jp/? Did you think we could help you?

>> No.1543563

go seek professional counseling. this place is a ghetto for sick people, not a hospital

>> No.1543577

Anons have a much different kind of "experience", I believe. Though I agree that TWGOK is awesome.

>> No.1543580


It was awesome, until the magical bullshit came out

>> No.1543583

Agreed. You don't need magic, just awesome.

>> No.1544092
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>> No.1544080

bampu pantsu~

>> No.1546352
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How should I confess to her?

Should I be meek and shy like in the animu or should I do it in a manly way like in mah visual novels?

>> No.1546450
File: 296 KB, 797x601, 1225590423444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be yourself, fag. That's how those manly protagonists do it

>> No.1546464


pic unrelated?

>> No.1546494

I was meaning to ask this... what's the difference between 'sakura' and 'ohka'?

Ohka are the actual flowers and sakura are the trees?

>> No.1546510

It's ouka, and yes.
