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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15384858 No.15384858 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15384963
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>> No.15385556
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>> No.15385650

Let me sing you the song of my people


>> No.15385698
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>> No.15385744
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>> No.15385775


>> No.15389457
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Yesterday on August 15, the three of us, Me (53 years old), the dirty fetish workman (45 years old) who sent me an E-mail the other day, and the usual old bum (60 years old), enjoyed having group sex under the riverbank in the northern part of Okayama.

Because the next day was a holiday, and the it was a quiet place, there was nothing to prevent us from getting high. So we went to a convenience store to buy alcohol and some snacks. After boozing up, we started to suck and fuck each other. While licking our cocks, all of us but Jikatabi took off our clothes, so that Ichijiku could give enemas to each of us (up the ass).

After a while, I felt my anus twitching, and there was shit churning in my stomach in search of exit. Tasting the workman's anus, with my hip on the old bum's head, he suddenly spewed his shit into my mouth. With that start, me and the old man also gushed out. My face was completely covered with shit. Spreading our shit onto our bodies, sucking our shitty dicks, giving enemas with our pee. Ahhhhh...... that really hit the spot!

You know, it felt insanely good to give enemas again after playing around a bit. It felt so good to thrust my cock into the bum's ass, the combination of pee and shit worked very well. The workman was also fucking the old bum. He thrusted his cock into the bum's mouth and shaked his hips skillfully. While scraping-off the old man's shit-covered cock, I ejaculated with all my might. From that, we spread some more shit onto each others' bodies, sucking our shit-covered cocks like mad, and I came twice with macho semen. I want to do it again.

It's true, having group sex while covered by shit is amazing. Why don't you play with me, an old pervert?

AHhhhhh^^~~~ I can't wait to become covered in shit again.

If you are able to contact us in the northern part of Okayama, welcome aboard! Here are our numbers:

>Old bum

Whoever loves to fuck while being covered by shit, send me an E-mail ASAP.
Don't worry about clothes, let's just give enemas together and fuck each other in shit.

>> No.15389505
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>> No.15389717
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Why did Inmu never catch on in the West? Did weeb culture "die" or something?

>> No.15389744

You don't want inmu to catch on in the west, just look at what happened to gachimuchi. It's "forsengasm" now to a bunch of normies because of some twitch streamer that would play it.

>> No.15389821

Greatest thread in months.

Also to janny: inmu is just as otaku culture as /pgg/: Plastic Gook General #474 - Ugly teeth edition

>> No.15389833

Why would you even post this when the thread is obviously doing fine?

>> No.15389953

I'm so happy this translation exists.

>> No.15390217


>> No.15390224

There's a level of lore so intricate you have to translate every NicoNico video or expect everyone to know Japanese. It requires memorizing the character's names, the wannabe plots in every COAT movie and the most memorable lines therein. By contrast, Gachimuchi's humor is mostly physical slapstick.

>> No.15390379
File: 42 KB, 717x399, INMU_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wannabe plots in every COAT movie
I've actually been surprised at the actual seriousness of acting that goes on in those movies.

Its usually somewhere between "a JAV with a sensical/humorous plot" and "an ecchi theater movie which is really just high-production porn."

And the of the original BABYLON series honestly looks like something you would see barfed out on an adult site in Serial Experiments Lain.

Also, the lore, along with the uniquely powerful syncreticism that is shares with almost any source of great shame and taboo (Cookie being the biggest example), is what has kept it fresh for so long.

>> No.15390393

I feel bad for the girls, specially the ones who got doxxed...

>> No.15390394


>> No.15390403

Also, while we are on the topic, what exactly is the culture of the LiveJupiter 2ch board?

>> No.15390413

I take it she didn't take the doxxing well?

>> No.15390463

Marina, like yajuu, despite being the most popular in cookie and inmu has successfully avoided being doxxed
Her mystique is a main reason cookieshi is still plentiful(and waiting for her descent)

>> No.15390775
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>> No.15390784

Those things come pretty much on the fly though

>> No.15390791

I thought the reason uzuki pulled out was all the harassment that took place

>> No.15390824

Well yes, but she still has her private information intact unlike the other voice actresses

>> No.15391649

I enjoy the cookie and inmu videos but I don't like how apparently there's a lot of bullying for the actresses. They are just teenagers voicing shitty videos, they didn't do anything wrong

>> No.15391697
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It's more of stalking and deification of the actresses than actual go-kill-yourself bullying,really. The usual idol shit, but scarier
Hinase (Alice VA from the first-generation video) has fairly recently came back and even did a livestream. She seems pretty fine

>> No.15392204

I thought UDK was doxxed, harassed and suicided.

>> No.15392207

That's pretty damn passive for an action of one's own volition.

>> No.15392308
File: 105 KB, 480x800, iJBpuP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a joke spread around.
So far only the university she went to was dug up, nobody(except for reu,but reu won't talk about her anymore) knows her full name and what she looks like.
Honestly that's amazing, considering how popular she is and the amount of people searching for her information.

>> No.15396380


>> No.15396439

I agree that HZN should die, but If TDN didn't do homo videos, would this heartbreaking thing still happen...?

>> No.15399161

A big part of the appeal of Gachimuchi is soramimi.

>> No.15399246

それは一理ある。The world works in mysterious ways.

>> No.15399256

>While licking our cocks, all of us but Jikatabi took off our clothes, so that Ichijiku could give enemas to each of us (up the ass).
The translation's wrong here. Who should I inform?

>> No.15399263

Anons on LiveJupiter.

Just post a corrected version so that it shows up on warosu for future posterity.

>> No.15399300
File: 70 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah, so that's where this is from

>> No.15399527


>> No.15401078

Inmu is a bullying based meme and /jp/ is a bully free zone. Get out of here.


>> No.15401318

RRM is becoming one of my favorite クッキー girls

>> No.15403068


>> No.15403081

what is this guy's name again

>> No.15404402

Just 野獣先輩 or his character names. His real identity is an enigma.

>> No.15406910

Nico overuses this and Syamu meme too much.

>> No.15407228

no it isn't lol

his name is something like... yamadoro or something, i forgot

>> No.15408479


Please don't spread misinformation. A quick search for 野獣先輩 本名 (and a bit of Google translate, if you need it) will show anyone that his real identity is still unknown.

>> No.15408805


>> No.15409284 [DELETED] 

That's really dark. I thought YJSNPI was full of shits and giggles

>> No.15409293

That's dark. I thought inmu and cookie were full of shits and giggles.

>> No.15411342
File: 135 KB, 512x384, 走るMURの肉BB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are. And dark lots and lots of dark humor

>> No.15412097

