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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1514264 No.1514264 [Reply] [Original]

Why Japan hate us lesbians? We are people too.

>> No.1514269
File: 26 KB, 253x327, 1225047213877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /u/ with you, fat-man-pretending-to-be-girl

>> No.1514293
File: 37 KB, 310x390, 1225047506452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE a man.

>> No.1514304
File: 11 KB, 226x246, 1225047590147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet you do.

>> No.1514318
File: 251 KB, 640x1024, 1225047740277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fap at our sex but you won't let us get married...what kind of justice is this?!?!

>> No.1514328
File: 126 KB, 679x800, 1225047853592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best kind.

You dont see us letting farm animals get married. Same principle. Also, you are not a female (even if you were, you are the ugly kind), stop trying to convince us.

>> No.1514370
File: 66.00 MB, 150x300, 1225048528260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls forming close friendships with each other is normal throughout all societies, and is expected in Japan as well. However as the girl matures she is expected to settle down with a man and choosing to be single/lesbian is considered a sign of immaturity.

Japan is also full of misogynistic themes, so the idea of two girls having a happy end together offends them in their media.

Yuri themes have been on the rise lately, but they're usually drowned out in the end by a common interest in a male protagonist or other diversion.

>> No.1514271

Bull dyke

>> No.1514289


No need to be so rude, I'm not one of those feminist lesbians, I go on outings with men too.

>> No.1514295

Homosexuals are calling themselves people now?

>> No.1514297

I don't care unless they are sex outings. Then you're a slut.

>> No.1514324

Post more loli yuri and maybe I'll approve.

>> No.1514870
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Animated ~

>> No.1514736

Also, their lesbian porn is TERRIBLE. When they kiss they are practically eating each other's faces, and literally slobbering on each other, and sometimes spitting into each others mouths. What the fuck, thats fucking disgusting. Have they never seen a fucking kiss before? And they almost never go down, just fingers and groping.

>> No.1514795

Don't worry, I hate both lesbians who just wants to have sex and lesbians who wants to get married.

>> No.1514801

You don't have to be a misogynist to think that a woman is mostly useless if she's not willing to suck cock. Just saying.

>> No.1515134
File: 43 KB, 474x500, 1225058465096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbians are awesome.

shlick shlick shlick

>> No.1515169
File: 395 KB, 600x882, 1225058850493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't generalize.
This Japanese person likes lesbians.

>> No.1515200
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Only if that American was Bush.

>> No.1515231
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>> No.1515232
File: 36 KB, 400x450, 1225059631835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit /jp/.
how low have you fallen.
I can no longer distinguish between trolls and serious people.

>> No.1515257
File: 394 KB, 224x126, 1225059936050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1515110

Yeah, I don't even really qualify it as lesbian porn unless they go down.

>> No.1515417
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>> No.1515141

Aren't you supposed to be a lesbian? If so, that's an idiotic statement. It would be like me saying "pedophiles are awesome."

>> No.1515147


>> No.1515148

Those aren't lesbians. That's one lesbian and an unwilling girl.

>> No.1515149

He can like lesbians if he wants to

>> No.1515165

Aren't you supposed to be American? If so, that's an idiotic statement. It would be like me saying "Americans are awesome."


>> No.1515173


But Americans are awesome.

>> No.1515174

Japan hates all gays, they're just misogynistic too so it looks like they hate lesbians more when they don't really.

>> No.1515175

An American saying "Americans are awesome" would be idiotic.

>> No.1515186


An unwilling girl is just a lesbian who doesn't know it yet.

>> No.1515188

But Americans are awesome, so yeah.

>> No.1515201

Actually yes you do have to be a misogynist to have idiotic thoughts like that.

>> No.1515216

Does Japan approve of gays(the male variety)? By the logic here, it seems they wouldn't care, but I'm still curious.

>> No.1515220

They love HAADO GAY

>> No.1515221

You're actually bisexual, right?

>> No.1515229

All of the emos are "fashionably bisexual" nowadays.

>> No.1515230

Normal gays? Probably not. Traps? Fuck yeah, it's a girl as long as it's wearing a skirt.

>> No.1515237

Samurai used to sleep with their little boy attendents back in the day. Even then, however, men were expected to have children by a wife. You're thought of as not having grown up if you don't.

>> No.1515238

Now you're tsundere <3

>> No.1515241


Nah, he's just a little bitch.

>> No.1515245

Everyone used to sleep with their little boy attendants back in the day, that's nothing special to Japan.

>> No.1515248

Describe "normal gays".

>> No.1515251

Men who like to sleep with men.

>> No.1515255

Gays who look like most men, as opposed to gays who look like girls.

>> No.1515563
File: 223 KB, 640x480, 1225063691561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, isn't it? Men are superior, after all.

Fancy having a go at it?

>> No.1515288

Well, what about men that could look like a girl if they tried, but don't because they prefer to look like a guy?

>> No.1515293

I want to know how a so called "genetic" condition which doesn't allow someone to breed continues to exist in the gene pool

>> No.1515301


At least japan has made a few lesbian anime shows, how many lesbians are in american cartoons?

>> No.1515310


Wasn't Hank Hill's niece a lesbian?

>> No.1515313


...Where's this from? I don't remember this doujin.

>> No.1515315

You won't find them in american cartoons, because american cartoons are, for the most part, directed at children and girls liking girls is HOLY FUCKING SHIT WRONG YOU CAN'T SHOW THAT SHIT IN A KIDS SHOW

I understand they can be found in comics.

>> No.1515321


It's a shop. I can tell from the pixels and from seeing many shops in my time.

>> No.1515326

Maybe not genetic, but biological. When a species starts to be overpopulated, they tend to slow down or stop reproducing. Homosexuality is common in these scenarios among animals. Humans are a special case in that they can have ideals, virtues, and morals, which can direct them against slowing down the growth of the species and to continue reproducing anyway.

>> No.1515324

Did I accidently come into /u/?

>> No.1515330



>> No.1515334


No, but that's where Remilia and his man-hating faggotry belong.

>> No.1515336


It's not a genetic condition, don't let people fool you. Anyone who says it's biological is obviously trying to find a 'scientific' and 'proper' answer.

Sexuality relies on nurture and how one was raised as a child.

>> No.1515337

Altruism, among other things. I read an article about it once but I can't remember all the specific arguments made for it. Either way you have to be pretty stupid to think homosexuality isn't natural when it's found in just about every animal species that has sexual reproduction.

>> No.1515340

more of op artist :(

>> No.1515341

All women are sluts.

>> No.1515359

NOT being homosexual relies on nuture and how you were raised as a child. Nuture can and will overpower nature in psychological issues, and very few children are raised to be homosexuals.

>> No.1515364

All men are sluts too, people just don't care if they are. Haha, double standards!

>> No.1515369

Because being gay means your sperm refuses to enter a female's egg, am i right?

>> No.1515379

It's difficult to prove that a man is a slut because men can't get pregnant.

>> No.1515382

If anything, women are less slutty and more clingy than men. Most gay couples don't care who their partner sleeps with, as long as they come home to them and don't bring AIDS.

Straight couples stereotypically have an "unfaithful" man and a clingy woman that divorces/kills her husband when she catches them.

Have you ever seen a lesbian couple? They worry CONSTANTLY that the other one is cheating whenever they're out of sight of each other. Real life yandere, again out of the reach of men.

>> No.1515387

The cheating housewife is pretty stereotypical, too.

>> No.1515396


Why would they worry so much? Are lesbians so common that you can just find one at work and fuck her without your partner knowing?

>> No.1515402

Not quite what I was getting at.

What I meant is that if a man is sexually active with multiple partners and no commitment, he's "awesome" or a "pimp". A woman in the same situation is a "slut" or "diseased whore". Hell, it's practically encouraged that men go out and fuck every lady they can get, but when a woman does the same she gets put down for it and people treat her like shit.

Thus, a double standard.

>> No.1515397

That's only after he's started fucking his secretary though and their lovelife has gone down the toilet.

>> No.1515398

Not nearly as common as the husband cheating. Feminist propaganda or all straight people are sluts? You decide.

>> No.1515411

A dick is just a dick but a vagina can become a gaping hallway.

>> No.1515413

The people who look down on sluts are the ones who didn't get sex from them.

>> No.1515415

That double standard, while it IS a double standard, is almost self-fulfilling. Because it's considered much more difficult for a man to get to sleep with a woman than it is for a woman to sleep with a man(again, because women are usually very faithful to their own and try to commit before sex) a man that sleeps with many women is considered very awesome to get so much.

Partly because of men that like to be pimps(self-fulfilling) women have an easier time getting to sleep with men. Kind of like how people that play on easy mode get yelled at when they win.

>> No.1515426

All women are sluts. A true /jp/edo has no need for women, sex or not.

>> No.1515424

Yeah but the guy that does get all the ladies IS awesome.


>> No.1515434

Hey females of /jp/, stop being sluts, OK? Thank you.

>> No.1515451

There's nothing wrong with sluts. Just don't go to one expecting a relationship based on anything other than sex, or fidelity of any kind.

/jp/ anon's problem is that he's a hopeless romantic (why else would he enjoy those datan gaems?) and he wants a higher level of relationship than you can get from your average whore.

>> No.1515463

>women are usually very faithful to their own and try to commit before sex

>All women are sluts

Now I don't know what to believe.

>> No.1515465

ITT athens

But yeah,I agree with women being sluts and all.

>> No.1515457

Why would a guy need to get better at it? Women can't enjoy sex.

>> No.1515470


But other men can

>> No.1515474

Believe that generalizations are generally bad.

>> No.1515485

Seriously, you're saying the reason /jp/enises can't have a good relationship is because normal girls have too low moral standards? That's a whole new level of self deception there, bro.

>> No.1515492

I think it's entertaining to watch lesbians try to have sex with each other.

Operative word: try

>> No.1515494


>> No.1515514

I don't think you've ever seen lesbians trying to have sex with each other. Enjoy your porn with straight women trying not to throw up as they touch each other.

>> No.1515529

Yes... I will.

>> No.1515541

And yet, two men do not have much trouble having sex at all.

>> No.1515552

No. Misogynist means woman hater. I don't hate women, just lesbians.

Double standards is a silly concepts. Obviously you have different expectations to different kinds of people. If you're attracted to women, you would have some expectations for women to act the way you find most beautiful, but you don't have the same expectations of men. And men find purity more beautiful in women than women find it in men, so it'd be perfectly natural for a man to expect, or at very least hope for a woman to not be a slut.

>> No.1515559

Because men aren't pathetic whores willing to fake their orientation for a little cash.

>> No.1515569

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that /jp/enises (lol) have unrealistically high standards, and that all human beings are flawed, women included.

I mean, do you read some of the shit they spew? "She slept with two men, guys, she's a slut!" The key word in my previous post was "hopeless".

>> No.1515570


Because men have both a plug and a socket. Women have only sockets, with a variety of ways to use them.

>> No.1515571

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen much gay porn of guys that aren't actually gay. Huh. Guess you have a point.

>> No.1515572

Men are manly like that.

>> No.1515588

Now that I think about it, you hear about bathrooms used for soliciting gay sex all of the time, but none used for soliciting lesbian sex.

>> No.1515597

How would you guys know, exactly, whether the actors in gay porn are actually gay, instead of, say, straight but poor eastern european kids with no future?

>> No.1515603

Because they're not wincing. It can actually hurt if you're not enjoying it, if that makes sense.

>> No.1515604

Men can do it standing pretty much all the ways men can do it. But women, they need more laying area so they can service each other properly. They like to use cars more than bathrooms because bathroom floors are kind of dirty.

It's kind of ironic that there's a right tool for the right job

>> No.1515612

Maybe lesbians don't like having sex in a public place that is infrequently cleaned and used mainly to deposit waste from the body with varying accuracy.

>> No.1515615

Lesbians have standards. Men will hump anything that has a hole in it.

>> No.1515618

>They like to use cars
Funny, I just read this yesterday:
(It's a yuri manga by the guy who did Shoujo Sect)

>> No.1515621

I concede to your superior knowledge of gay porn, faggot. "they're not wincing"? How much gay porn have you watched to feel confident in making a general statement like that?

>> No.1515626


>> No.1515627

Almost every male pornstar had to do gay porn at the start of their careers. So either all male pornstars are bisexual or they did the same thing as the fakes in lesbian porn.

>> No.1515634

Quite a bit. Though I usually make sure it's high quality before downloading it, which might skew results... Though I can say it hurts enough to wince if you aren't enjoying it.

>> No.1515637

You're lying to yourself if you think the majority of lesbians would be widely considered to be attractive.

>> No.1515638


You can still see that their soul isn't in shredded remnants over what they're doing.

>> No.1515651

If you think women have no value outside of sexually pleasing males then you're a misogynist.

>> No.1515657

Men are only good for their penis.

>> No.1515659

even my personal hero ron jeremy?

>> No.1515665

To be fair, men have sex drives more suited for doing a quick one at the first available place than women, both because of more spontaneous erections and foreplay being optional. After all, which gender do you more frequently hear is involved in masturbating in a public bathroom?

>> No.1515673

I know he once said in a video "I don't eat dick".

>> No.1515675

I'm guy fag and I would expect fidelity from anyone I dated. I find the emotional connection of sex to be every bit as important if not more so than the physical connection. Sex without love is no different than a fleshlight.

>> No.1515680

I think "have standards" meant actually knowing and liking the person you're having sex with it, not "I only fuck supermodels"

>> No.1515703

This might be the case normally, but if homosexuals and heterosexuals were equal in number it wouldn't seem that way, i'm sure. In fact, the amount of girls who are bi or just go lesbian during college to 'experiment' or whatever seems to say otherwise, that there are more of them who are just in it for sex.

>> No.1515705

If that's so, you should either prove that
1. Misogyny doesn't mean to hate women.
2. To only see a limited number of uses for something is the same as hating it (which would mean that I hate hammers because I don't see any other uses for it than to hit things with).

>> No.1515763

I would say that viewing a group of humans as being inferior to you is a form of hatred.

>> No.1515770

You are my personal hero of this thread.

>> No.1515803

This thread needs more Ninja Lesbians from Venus


>> No.1515804

1. It isn't.
2. Making a distinction between the uses of different things doesn't have to involve branding them as inferior to others. Do I see a hammer as inferior to a saw because a hammer cannot saw things? No, I'm merely acknowledging the different uses of it.

>> No.1515855

1. I have to disagree. Look at racism. That's hatred based on believing that some people are inferior.
2. Viewing a human being as only being useful for sex is degrading no matter how you look at it. Thinking of a human being as a tool (which is what you are doing) does mean you think they're inferior. A human is not an object that you can relegate specific tasks to, a person has the right to choose for themselves what they do.

It really doesn't matter if you think you fit the description of a misogynist or not. It's splitting hairs because either way you're a fucking moron.
