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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15093809 No.15093809 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most autistic girl in Japan?


>> No.15093861

No less autistic than you, with the additional advantage that she's in TV while you're a nobody.

>> No.15094060

Even if she is, she is pretty dam cute / pretty.

Also what kind of hairstyle is that called?

Its not a himecut...

>> No.15094064

Also its clearly an act.

>> No.15094068

a bob

>> No.15094072

She wears bowls throughout the day and night if she's at home.

>> No.15094241

And what at night at home?

>> No.15094284

Read the post baka

>> No.15094300

I suppose but not used to bobs having a straight hime-style cut at the front.

>> No.15094524

You haven't seen too many bob cuts, then.

>> No.15094566
File: 19 KB, 320x320, miyawaki sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>autistic girl
>considered to be cute by guys

>autistic male
>considered to be anthema to females

girls have it so easy

>> No.15094570



>> No.15094577

Why wasn't I born a girl?

The unfair double standards are real.

>> No.15094581


Added to my lexicon.

>> No.15095792

it's really akward, she is pretending too hard

>> No.15096393

This. I don't know who this girl is, but judging by that video she's either genuinely retarded (low IQ) or she's a really fucking good retard actor.

>> No.15096544


>> No.15096795

She's pretending to be retarded. Jap men like ditzy girls and she takes that to a whole new level.

>> No.15097475

I'd fuck her

>> No.15097514

>be a mentally ill girl
>get bullied by boys throughout primary and middle school for being weird and not knowing how to communicate with people
>watch anime to comfort myself
>come high school, suddenly you are a fetish for some, and a girl watching anime above fujo tier is apparently a gift
>boyfriend is visibly disappointed by me getting better at social interactions and self-care because "you are not unique anymore" and doesn't want me to take meds because "they are taking your personality away"
He got way more understanding with time (seeing me up close on my worst days helped him a lot), and I'm on my way to finally getting hospitalised, so it's gotta be fine. Still, being fucked up in the head is not easy, even if you are female. At least I was intelligent enough to function academically and could control myself most of the time. There was another mentally ill girl in our class, she couldn't. The way they bullied her stands nowhere near the way they treated me, shit was horrifying.

>> No.15097516

Who said these things?

>> No.15097543
File: 120 KB, 600x337, 1428720353Xgy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks Nounen Rena is a little retarded? There are plenty of girls acting ditzy to appear cute, but Rena genuinely seems to be a little slow in the head. They shouldn't have let her appear in variety shows. Her Shabekuri appearances were extremely awkward.

>> No.15097545

>Not Shokotan

>> No.15097546

Shokotan is just kinda odd.

>> No.15097568

The only idols that seem not-creepy to me are the ones that act like retards. I don't know if it's because I'm watch too many cartoons or I've stumbled onto some deep truth here.

>> No.15097734

a cute

>> No.15097807
File: 108 KB, 540x540, tumblr_inline_nuwbut7gbw1qltvdr_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not say mean things about ano, she is my wife and i love her

>> No.15097838

She's considered cute because she's cute. If you were cute you'd be considered cute even if you were autistic. You're simply not cute.

>> No.15097998


>> No.15098047

Its an act. She apparently has a yankii style.

>> No.15098078

In that case, I don't get why anyone thought it was a good idea. Her act isn't the かわいい天然 kind but the 放送事故 kind.

>> No.15098100

Most autistic girl was Konno Asami...
I miss her young years...
KonKon ;.;

>> No.15098136
File: 71 KB, 650x656, 1430872695756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL you niggers don't even know about REAL autism.

>> No.15098186

Falling for the MARKETING PLOY

>> No.15098208

While this person is completely right, I find it somewhat embarrassing that Japan has so many young idols that these ladies have to swoop as low as making their ``character'' completely moronic to receive even a bit of attention.

>> No.15098221
File: 25 KB, 658x658, 12728778_769692643175231_7609044057423307686_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can tell whether it's fake or not by whether or not they let it continue. they aren't going to want to let a person who is at best socially retarded and at worst litrualy retarded take the spotlight and risk them doing or saying something that will spoil their image. they will try to keep them quiet and hide the autism.

only if the girl is perfectly fine and is just putting on an act will they ever get that much attention. because they know that they will keep the autism at the cute level and not at the wow this is cringe worthy level.

>> No.15098295

KonKon wasn't autistic, she was plain normal and a bit smarter than the average idol girl.

>> No.15098769

Pic related?

>> No.15098773

>REAL autism

Pic related?

>> No.15098781

>yankii style

How so?

And I thought this term was exclusively for boys?

>> No.15098784


>> No.15098788

Go to Japan and stop being a fucking armchair faggot

>> No.15098811

How does it feel to have sex with an autistic girl?

>> No.15098815

But I've been to Japan.

>> No.15098817

>How does it feel to have sex with a girl?

>> No.15098836

You obviously left with nothing
Way to spend your parents fuck money

>> No.15098840


>> No.15098846

Any autistic neet girls here who want to be a housewife?

>> No.15099185

It was my own money.

I left with many gifts, good memories and learning many new things.

>> No.15099479

No, I am

>> No.15099578


holy shit
what a mental case

>> No.15099670

Cute boys are ignored
He'd have to be "hot" and even then his lowered social rank would turn girls away no matter how hot he is. They'd prefer a guy thats hot and a social butterfly.

Being a weird male is a social death sentence, being a weird female is quirky and cute.

>> No.15099696

>Cute boys are ignored

tell that to my cock, dude

>> No.15099823

I don't want to get in a relationship with a mental case attention whore girl either though

>> No.15100491
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 334daf25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this one's brand of insanity



>> No.15100751
File: 83 KB, 498x363, 170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Japan found a way to monetize mental retardation

>> No.15100837


she's not really that cute desu

>> No.15100842 [DELETED] 


even autistic boys who are handsome are not desired by girls. you don't see girls who want cute autistic boyfriends. autism is a turn off for women even if the boy is handsome.

>> No.15100847 [DELETED] 


the only girls who like autistic boys are mothers of autistic boys and that's because of a motherly instinct to like a child even if he's socially and ugly.

>> No.15100851 [DELETED] 

socially retarded and ugly*

>> No.15100970

There is another way.

>Its called welfare.


You have shit taste desu

>> No.15101025

It's an act, but that doesn't make her any less entertaining


>> No.15101265

Is she a virgin?

>> No.15101416


>> No.15101546

Does ano have a speech impediment? She sounds like an underdeveloped 5 year old. Or is this also a part of her "act"? If it is then she's really dedicated to it.

>> No.15101672

Damaged her vocal cords from sucking too much dick.

>> No.15101717


>> No.15102222

Black King Bar?

>> No.15102387

only dota fans will get this XD XD XD
yeah I read it like that too

>> No.15102391
File: 54 KB, 685x960, autism (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did somebody say autism?

>> No.15102969

she was shy and introverted, not autistic

>> No.15104147 [DELETED] 
File: 846 KB, 2504x6000, sg champions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia militarized /pol/'s autism

>> No.15104189 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 358x398, Suicide_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be an autistic Japanese girl

Why live?

>> No.15108515
File: 278 KB, 680x473, sweaty pardo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For being an aspie

Tell me, now. I need it.

>> No.15108654

I'm giving up AKB! This is a real idol!

>> No.15108937

>being this new to japanese entertainment media

>> No.15108992

is she a virg tho

>> No.15109400

now she's my role model

>> No.15110029

I don't know how else to read it!

>> No.15110032

Is she really?

>> No.15110448
File: 3.77 MB, 5312x2988, 20160320_140003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Anons? Why do you have to bully Ano ? Her and the ゆるめるも! girls only seek to heartwarm you through during their lives.

(And yeah, obviously she overdid it for TV. But she can also kick some asses during lives)

>> No.15110467

does she have aspergers

>> No.15110499

Well desu I don't have access to her medical files. But her jobs involve spending hours per week talking/taking photos with wotas so obviously she is less psychotic in "real" life than during her TV apparition.

Nevertheless, her screams and crowd surfing moments are pretry awesome.

>> No.15110553

yeah but is she a sperg?

>> No.15110970

>visibly disappointed by me getting better at social interactions and self-care because "you are not unique anymore"
He's just jealous and afraid that it means you'll be too good for him and leave

>> No.15110976

Extremely cute

Would marry

>> No.15113863

Should have played classic WoW.

That's where I learned both of those words at age 11.

>> No.15113991



>> No.15114249


>> No.15114282

I hate whoever made Ano threads on /pol/

>> No.15114488

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15114853

yeah, but is she a sperglord?

>> No.15114877
File: 48 KB, 600x450, YurumerumoDefenseForceReportingForDuty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started posting Ano's videos on the aig thread, but I feel like I brought Holiness to some unbelievers to weren't ready to accept it. I will never be able to face Ano-chan again ;_;

I failed to my duty as a fan.

>> No.15114916

What i would give to rape her...

>> No.15115879

Mein negger

>> No.15116682
File: 51 KB, 564x752, f89ec55f427a3122a7838734af12fcef[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15116705

become an hero

>> No.15116742

I was on 4chan for years when that meme became popular - and even now an hero can be considered ancient history. How time flies.

>> No.15116757

Not after I'm done with her

>> No.15119061

Can you please stop posting Ano on /pol/? Have some respect for her, bullying people with aspergers is rude.

>> No.15119073

This, please stop.

>> No.15130561

Only second to your big ass.

>> No.15130593

Please do not forget Mitchell and his lost ipod.
I've been here since 2005 and I will never forget.

>> No.15130961

red is my mine

>> No.15130977


fuck off normie

>> No.15131385

Sorry Anon, I've already been noticedd.

>> No.15131426

>tee hee I'm not like the other girls
>soooo socially awkward fml

>is actually exactly like the other girls

>> No.15131436

ITT: fags so far removed from Japan and its idol culture that they believe the fake personalities that idols employ must be real!

>> No.15131465

>Idol shit propaganda
Fuck off.

>> No.15131627

do you prefer shitkaku or rocketjews

>> No.15131657


t. i eat burger with chopsticks

>> No.15131741

